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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Peard K. (2004) Dynamics of Methane and Hydrogen Sulphide in the Water Column and Sediment of the Namibian Shelf
Bruechert V, Currie B, Peard K & Endler R

Pearlstein E. (2021) Beyond Provenance: Interpreting the Pb Isotope Composition of Lead White Pigments found on Andean Ritual Drinking Vessels from the Colonial era
Thibodeau AM, Curley AN, Kaplan E, Howe E, Pearlstein E & Levinson J

Pearse J. (2023) Using Augmented Reality to Engage Audiences in the Understanding of the Carbon Cycle
Huguet C, Pearse J & Lozano-Tarazona A
(2020) Water Quality Alteration Sources along the Lenguazaque River (Colombia): Integrating Chemistry and Pb Isotopes
Widory D, Huguet C, Pearse J & Avila A

Pearson Andrew (2017) High Resolution Speleothem Fluorescence Records: What do They Mean?
Pearson A, Hartland A, Perette Y, Fox B, Hellstrom J, Drysdale R & Vandergoes M

Pearson Ann (2015) Phanerozoic Trends in Seawater Nitrogen Isotope Composition from Geoporphyrins
Henkes G, Shen J, Naafs D, Idiz E, Shen Y, Wankel S & Pearson A
(2015) Physiological and Ecological Constraints on TEX86 and GDGT Provenance Revealed by Pure Culture Experiments and Quinone Biomarkers
Elling FJ, Becker KW, Könneke M, Schröder JM, Hurley SJ, Mußmann M, Pearson A & Hinrichs K-U
(2015) Environmental and Physiological Influences on the TEX86 Proxy
Hurley S, Elling F, Könneke M, Lipp J, Jahn O, Dutkiewicz S, Follows M, Hinrichs K-U & Pearson A
(2015) Refining the Alkenone-Pco2 Method: Nutrient Constraints and the Effect of Growth Rate
Zhang YG, Pearson A & Pagani M
(2015) Impact of Oceanic Anoxia and High pCO2 on the Marine Nitrogen Cycle during the Early Cretaceous
Monteiro F, Naafs D, Pancost R, Pearson A, Ridgwell A & Higgins M
(2015) Organic Geochemical Proxies
Pearson A
(2014) Lipidomics for Geochemistry: The Intersection of Metagenomics, Microbial Genetics, and Environmental Lipid Profiling
Pearson A
(2012) Tetraether Lipids of Archaea in Paleoceanography: Unresolved Questions and New Directions
Pearson A
(2011) Characterization of Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in Lake Kinneret (Israel)
Bar-Or I, Sivan O, Adler M, Kushmaro A, Pearson A & Eckert W
(2011) Molecular Tools for Understanding Biomarker Compounds
Bradley A, Pearson A & Marx C
(2010) Microbial Community Diversity Under Extreme Euxinia: Mahoney Lake, Canada
Pearson A, Klepac-Ceraj V & Hayes C
(2009) Revisiting Mediterranean Sapropel Formation: New Insights from Chlorin Nitrogen Isotope Measurements
Higgins M, Robinson R & Pearson A
(2009) Distribution of Microbial Terpenoid Lipid Cyclases in the Global Ocean Metagenome
Pearson A & Rusch D
(2009) 13C-Enriched Bacterial Lipids in the Modern Ocean: An Analogue to the Proterozoic Record
Close H, Shah S, Brodie E & Pearson A
(2008) Culture-Independent Methods Reveal the Primary Sources of Hopanoid Lipid Biomarkers
Pearson A, Leavitt W, Saenz J & Tam M
(2008) Determining the Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Geoporphyrins by the Denitrifier Method
Higgins M, Robinson R, Casciotti K & Pearson A
(2007) Factors Controlling 14C Contents of Organic Compounds in Oceans and Sediments
Pearson A
(2006) The apparent antiquity and broad environmental diversity of triterpenoid cyclase genes
Pearson A, Flood Page S & Carter S
(2006) Physiological role of a squalene-hopene cyclase homolog in Bacillus subtilis
Bosak T, Pearson A & Losick R
(2006) Geomicrobiology of an Antarctic subglacial brine: a plausible Martian ecosystem
Mikucki J, Priscu J, Lyons WB, Welch K, Tranter M & Pearson A
(2005) Assessing Microbial Metabolisms in Situ: Insights from Carbon Isotopic Analyses at the Molecular Level
Pearson A
(2005) Metabolic Capabilities of Prokaryotes in the Deep Ocean
Hansman R, Aluwihare L, Pearson A, Shah SR & Ingalls A
(2004) Bacterial Incorporation of Relict Carbon in the Hydrothermal Environment of Guaymas Basin
Pearson A, Seewald J & Eglinton T
(2002) Carbon Isotopic Analysis of Selected Nucleic Acids from Environmental Samples
Pearson A, Sessions AL, Delong EF & Hayes JM
(2001) Analysis of Nucleic Acids by Liquid Chromatography Isotope-Ratio Mass Spectrometry: First Steps Toward Merging Molecular Biology and Biogeochemistry
Pearson A, Sessions AL, Hayes JM & Edwards KJ

Pearson Ann

Pearson Ann (2016) Chalenging GDGT Proxies' Assumptions of Archaea Ecology: Compound-Specific δ13C and Genetic Insights from Orca Basin, Gulf of Mexico
Lichtin S, Warren C, Pearson A, Near T & Pagani M
(2016) The alkenone-Pco2 Method over Glacial – Interglacial Cycles
Zhang YG, Benthien A, Dong L, Henderiks J & Pearson A

Pearson Ann (2017) Complex Diversity of Bacteriohopanepolyol Isomers in Marine Sediments Identified by Ultra-High Resolution Liquid Chromatography/Triple-Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
Kusch S, Hemingway J, Shah Walter S & Pearson A
(2017) Influence of Carbon Source on the Distribution of Carbon Isotopes in Bacteria
Pearson A, Tang T, Mohr W & Sattin S
(2017) Factors Controlling the 13C Contents of Archaeal GDGTs in the Water Column and Sediments
Pearson A, Hurley S, Elling F, Shah Walter S, Jasper C & Schubotz F
(2017) Enzymatic Controls on Carbon Isotope Fractionation in Marine Phytoplankton
Wilkes E, Carter S & Pearson A

Pearson Ann (2018) Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation Patterns of Chlorophyll Track Taxonomic Shifts in a Natural Phytoplankton Community
Kharbush JJ, Smith D, Powers M, Vanderploeg HA, Fanslow D, Robinson RL, Dick GJ & Pearson A
(2018) Uncovering Microbial Species-Specific Effects on Organic Matter Transformation Through Novel Isotopic Approaches
Mahmoudi N, Enke T, Beaupre S, Teske A, Cordero O & Pearson A
(2018) Effect of Oscillating Oxidative Environments on Microbial Degradation of Soil Organic Matter
Bao R, Mahmoudi N, Yao L, Balcom P, Sunderland E & Pearson A
(2018) Trophic Relationships in Modern Microbial Mats Determined Using Protein Stable Isotope Fingerprinting
Gonzalez Valdes AC, Mohr W, Tang T, Sattin S, Parenteau MN, Jahnke LL, Grim SL, Dick GJ & Pearson A
(2018) Impacts of Paleoecology on the TEX86 Paleotemperature Proxy
Polik CA, Elling FJ & Pearson A
(2018) Magnitude of the Marine Carbon Isotope Excursion during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum Constrained Through Archaeal Biomarkers
Elling FJ, Doeana K, Kusch S & Pearson A
(2018) Carbon Isotope Fractionation in the 3HP/4HB Pathway
Pearson A, Wilkes E, Hurley S & Elling F
(2018) Calibrating Geostable Lipid Profiles to Archaeal Bioenergetic State
Zhou A, Amenabar M, Elling F, Weber Y, Boyd E, Pearson A & Leavitt W
(2018) Understanding Algal Photosynthetic Carbon Isotope Fractionation
Wilkes E & Pearson A
(2018) Resolving the Physiological Parameter ‘b’ for Alkenone-Based pCO2 Reconstructions
Zhang YG, Pearson A, Henderiks J, Liu X & Dong L

Pearson Ann (2019) Prospects for an Archaeal Lipid Paleobarometer
Pearson A, Hurley S, Elling F & Close H
(2019) Euxinia during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Behrooz L, Naafs D, Monteiro F, Pearson A, Dickson A & Pancost R
(2019) Nitrogen Loss and Carbon Cycle Feedbacks during Past Marine Anoxia
Elling FJ, Hemingway JD, Polik CA & Pearson A

Pearson Ann (2022) Carbon Isotope Signatures of Marine GDGTs Across the Last Deglaciation: Implications for Archaeal Paleobarometry
Calhoun AN, Phelps S & Pearson A
(2022) GDGT Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios Reveal Changes in Organic Carbon Cycling in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghana River Basin due to Modern Land Use Practices
Boehman B, Hein C, French K, Phelps S, Pearson A & Galy V

Pearson Ann (2023) On the Origins of Crenarchaeol: Environmental Factors Controlling Distribution in Hot Springs
Calhoun AN, Blewett J, Colman D, Harris CM, Boyd E, Pearson A & Leavitt W
(2023) Fidelity of High-Resolution Paleoclimate Signals from the Middle Miocene Clarkia Lacustrine Deposit: From Megafossils to Molecular Isotope
Yang H, Leng Q, Hofig DF, Zhang YG, Turner J & Pearson A
(2023) Low and Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide during the Evolution of Aerosols from Land Plants
Bjerrum CJ, Wellman CH, Nelson DM, Pearson A & Beerling DJ

Pearson D Graham (2020) Diamond Formation from the Lithosphere to the Lower Mantle Revealed by Koffiefontein Diamonds
Meyer NA, Stachel T, Pearson DG, Stern RA & Harris JW

Pearson D. G (2015) Deeply Subducted Carbon and Nitrogen within the Earth’s Mantle: A View from SIMS Analysis of Super Deep Diamonds from Monastery and Jagersfontein (RSA)
Palot M, Pearson DG, Stachel T, Stern RA, le Pioufle A & Harris JW

Pearson D. Graham (2022) Mesoproterozoic Diamond Formation in the Root of the Sask Craton: A Link to the MacKenzie Large Igneous Event?
Milne SE, Timmerman S, Read G, Pearson DG, Banas A & Stachel T
(2022) Thermodynamic Models Illustrate How to Generate Extremely Cr-Rich Spinel during Melting of Mantle Peridotites
Wang D, Luth RW & Pearson DG
(2022) Discovery of a Giant Juvenile 3.3–3.1 Ga Terrane in the Rae Craton, Canada
Neil B, Tersmette DB, Chacko T, Heaman LM, Kjarsgaard BA, Martel E, Creaser RA, Pearson DG, Stern RA, Dufrane SA & Luo Y
(2022) Osmium Isotopic Composition of Pre-Late Accretion Mantle from the “World’s Oldest” Peridotites
Waterton P, Hansen Serre S, Morishita T, Woodland S, Dufrane SA, Pearson DG & Szilas K
(2022) Plume-Driven Recratonization of Deep Continental Lithospheric Mantle – 2022 Shen-Su Sun Award
Liu J, Pearson DG, Wang LH, Mather K, Kjarsgaard B, Schaeffer A, Irvine G, Kopylova MG & Armstrong J
(2022) Using Triple Oxygen Isotopes to Distinguish Mantle Metasomatism in Eclogite Xenoliths
Peshek C, Sharp Z, McGunnigle J, Cano E, Aulbach S, Viljoen F, Pearson DG & Hardman MF
(2022) Paleozoic Subduction into the Deeper Mantle Recorded by Superdeep Diamonds
Timmerman S, Pearson DG, Koornneef JM, Harlou R, Nowell GM, Thomson AR, Kohn SC, Davies JHFL, Davies GR, Krebs MY, Zhang Q, Milne SE, Stachel T, Harris JW, Kaminsky F, Bulanova G, Smith CB, Burnham A & Walter MJ
(2022) Volcanic Gases and Diamonds: Tracking Carbon Subduction
Fischer TP & Pearson DG
(2022) Unsupervised and Supervised Machine Learning Methods to Identify Geographical Origin Using LA-ICP-MS Analysis of Emeralds
Alonso-Perez R, Day JMD, Pearson DG, Luo Y, Palacios M, Raju Satyanarayan S & Palke A
(2022) Exploring Earth’s Deep Water Cycle Using Sublithospheric Diamonds
Gardner L, Jacobsen SD, Rivers M, Zhang D, Shirey SB & Pearson DG
(2021) Ultra-Depleted Residual Mantle Peridotites in Ophiolites from Papua New Guinea: Earth’s most Depleted Melting Residues
Barrett N, Jaques AL, Pearson DG, González-Álvarez I & Walter MJ
(2021) Tungsten-182 and Neodymium-142 Evidence for an Ancient Kimberlite Source
Nakanishi N, Carlson RW, Horan MF, Giuliani A, Woodhead J, Pearson DG & Walker RJ
(2021) Sublithospheric Diamonds and Deep Earthquakes Demonstrate an Arc-Avoiding Subduction Pathway for C-O-H-N-S Volatiles
Shirey SB, Wagner LS, Walter MJ, Pearson DG & van Keken PE
(2021) The Search for Preserved Late-Stage Accretionary Components in Terrestrial Materials
Bermingham KR, Walker RJ, Finlayson VA, Tornabene HA, Peters B, Day JMD, Rudnick RL, Nakanishi N, Jackson MG, Pearson DG & Schilling ME
(2021) Cumulate Origin for Isua Dunites Rules out Formation as an Eoarchaean Ophiolite
Waterton P, Guotana JM, Nishio I, Morishita T, Tani K, Woodland S, Legros H, Pearson DG & Szilas K
(2021) Effect of Metamorphic Overprint on Early Earth Isotopic Compositions: The Case Study of Saglek Block (Labrador, Canada)
Vezinet A, Thomassot E & Pearson DG
(2021) Sulphide Inclusions and the Age of Diamond Formation: Does Protogeneity Matter?
Pamato MG, Novella D, Jacob D, Oliveira B, Pearson DG, Greene S, Afonso JC, Favero M, Stachel T, Alvaro M & Nestola F
(2021) Hf Isotopic Evidence for the Gradual Onset of Earth’s Mobile-Lid Tectonic Regime
Bauer A, Reimink JR, Chacko T, Foley B, Shirey SB & Pearson DG
(2021) Genesis and Depth of Formation of Ferropericlase Inclusions within Super-Deep Diamonds
Lorenzon S, Nestola F, Pamato MG, Novella D, Nimis P, Marone F, Anzolini C, Mazzucchelli ML, Alvaro M, Regier M, Stachel T, Pearson DG & Harris J
(2021) No Record of Horizontal Tectonics in the North Atlantic Craton Until after ~2900 Ma
McIntyre T, Szilas K & Pearson DG
(2021) Precious Metal Systematics during Mantle Metasomatism and its Implications for Crustal Ore Forming Processes
Hinde JC, Pearson DG & Legros H
(2020) Eoarchean high-P/T Metamorphism from Isua Ultramafic Rocks: Implications for Elemental Mobilization
Guotana JM, Morishita T, Nishio I, Tamura A, Mizukami T, Tani K, Harigane Y, Szilas K & Pearson DG
(2020) In situ Mineralogical Characterization of Sulphide Inclusions in Diamonds
Pamato MG, Nestola F, Novella D, Pearson DG & Stachel T
(2020) Trace Elements of Rare CH4-bearing Fluids in Zimbabwe Diamonds
Smit KV, Pearson DG, Krebs MY & Woodland S
(2019) In situ Split Stream Sm-Nd Dating and Trace Element Analysis of Scheelite via LA-ICPMS
Palmer M, Scott J, Pearson G, Luo Y, Turnbull R & Reid M
(2019) Gold, Noble & Crucial Metals of the Mantle; A Zealandia Peridotite Study
Junior S, Scott J, Luo Y, Pearson G & Paterson D
(2019) The Application of Sr – Pb Isotopes to Dating and Tracing Ruby Formation: The Aappaluttoq Deposit, SW Greenland
Krebs MY, Pearson DG, Bussweiler Y, Fagan AJ & Sarkar C
(2019) Preservation of Archean Cratonic Mantle Below Grib Kimberlite (NW Russia) Through Proterozoic Rifting and Collision
Smit KV, Pearson DG, Shchukina EV & Woodland S
(2019) Helium Isotope Signatures of the Mantle Transition Zone
Timmerman S, Honda M, Burnham A, Amelin Y, Woodland S, Pearson G, Jaques L, Le Losq C, Bennett V, Bulanova G, Smith C, Harris J & Tohver E
(2019) Hadean Peridotites in Greenland?
Szilas K, Morishita T & Pearson G
(2019) Isotopic Evidence for the Coupled Recycling of Carbon and Boron to Lower Mantle Depths
Regier ME, Chalk TB, Stern RA, Smit K, Smith EM, Stachel T, Foster GL, Bussweiler Y, Harris JW & Pearson DG
(2019) A Diamondiferous Palaeoproterozoic Mantle Root beneath the Sask Craton (Western Canada)
Czas J, Pearson DG, Stachel T, Kjarsgaard BA & Read G
(2019) Destruction and Regeneration of Cratonic Lithosphere Roots: Evidence from the Slave Craton (Canada)
Liu J, Pearson DG, Mather K, Kjarsgaard B & Kopylova M
(2019) Metasomatism and Oxidation State of the Mantle Root beneath the Rae Craton, Canada
Gräf C, Sandner T, Woodland A, Höfer H, Seitz H-M, Pearson G & Kjarsgaard B
(2019) Extinct Radionuclide Signatures from Juvenile Crustal Blocks within the Slave Craton
Reimink J, Pearson DG, Shirey SB, Carlson RW, Mundl-Petermeier A & Walker RJ
(2019) Subducted Serpentinite Water, Superdeep Diamonds, and Deep Focus Earthquakes
Shirey S, Wagner L, Walter M, Pearson G & van Keken P
(2019) Diamonds Isotope Compositions Indicate Altered Igneous Oceanic Crust Dominates Deep Carbon Recycling
Li K, Li L, Pearson G & Stachel T
(2018) Generation of Early Continental Crust: A Billion Year of TTG Evolution from the Eoarchean Saglek Block, Canada
Vezinet A, Pearson DG, Thomassot E, Stern RA, Luo Y & Sarkar C
(2018) The Diverse Origins of Cratonic Nuclei-A Perspective from the Slave Craton
Reimink J, Shirey S, Carlson R & Pearson DG
(2018) Oxygen Isotopes in Kankan Super-Deep Diamond Inclusions Reveal Variable Slab-Mantle Interaction
Regier ME, Pearson DG, Stachel T, Stern RA & Harris JW
(2017) Controls on Komatiite PGE Abundances: Evidence from the ~1.9 Ga Winnipegosis Komatiite
Waterton P, Pearson DG & Mungall JE
(2017) Crustal Evolution of the Archean Slave Craton, NWT, Canada
Reimink J, Carlson R, Shirey S & Pearson DG
(2017) Archaean Crust-Mantle Links: Os Isotopes in Witwatersrand PGM
Dale C, Nowell G, Pearson DG, Oberthür T & Malitch K
(2017) Sulfur Isotope Signature (δ33S, δ34S and δ36S) of Sea-Water Altered Archean Oceanic Crust in Siberian Eclogite
Thomassot E, Pearson DG, Kitayama Y & Deloule E

Pearson David Graham (2014) Ratios of S-Se-Te in Terrestrial Mantle Rocks: Implications for the Formation and Evolution of the Earth
Konig S, Luguet A, Lorand J-P & Pearson DG
(2014) A Hydrous Mantle Transition Zone Indicated by Ringwoodite Included within Diamond
Pearson DG, Brenker F, Nestola F, McNeill J, Nasdala L, Hutchison M, Matveev S, Mather K, Silversmit G, Schmitz S, Vekemans B & Vincze L
(2013) Linking Kimberlite Magmatism, Transition Zone Diamonds, and Subduction Processes
Tappe S, Pearson G, Kjarsgaard B, Nowell G & Dowall D
(2013) Insight on Formation and Evolution of Cratonic Mantle: Re-Os Dating of Single Sulfides from Somerset Mantle Xenoliths (Rae Craton, Canada)
Bragagni A, Luguet A, Pearson DG, Fonseca ROC & Kjarsgaard BA
(2013) Sulfide Re-Os Dating in Modally Metasomatised Peridotites, Insights from Letlhakane (Botswana)
Wainwright AN, Luguet A, Fonseca ROC & Pearson DG
(2013) Evidence for Mantle Heterogeneity from Selenium-Tellurium Systematics in Peridotites
König S, Luguet A, Lorand J-P, Pearson DG & Bragagni A
(2012) Mineralogical Control of Se and Te Signatures in Peridotites: Implications for the Primitive Mantle
Konig S, Lorand J-P, Wombacher F, Luguet A & Pearson DG
(2012) Global Oxygen Isotope Survey of Lithospheric Mantle: Implications for the Evolution of Cratonic Roots
Miskovic A, Ickert RB, Pearson DG, Stern RA, Kopylova M & Kjarsgaard B
(2012) Non-Gem Diamonds from the Diavik Diamond Mine, Canada: Tracers for Cratonic Mantle Metasomatism
Hunt L, Stachel T, Pearson DG, Stern R, Muehlenbachs K, Marcheggiani-Croden V & McLean H
(2012) Nature of Fluids in the Deep Mantle (>300km) Inferred from a Carbon and Nitrogen Micro-Analytical Study of a Single Ultra-Deep Diamond from Kankan, Guinea
Palot M, Pearson DG, Stern R & Stachel T
(2012) Osmium and Oxygen Isotopes in Etendeka Picrites and their Olivines: Mantle Melts and Crustal Interaction
Dale CW, Thompson RN, Pearson DG, Riches AJV & Mattey DP
(2011) Widespread Evidence for Heterogeneous Accretion of the Terrestrial Planets and Planetisimals
Dale CW, Burton KW, Pearson GD & Greenwood R
(2011) Crust-Mantle Links in Cratons
Pearson GD, Tappe S, Smart KA, Mather KA, Dale CW & Kjarsgaard BA
(2011) Trans-Lithospheric Variations in Highly Siderophile Elements beneath the Ontong Java Plateau
Ishikawa A, Maruoka T, Dale CW & Pearson GD
(2011) Fractionation of HSE in the Tonga Arc: Flux Melting of a Depleted Source
Macpherson CG, Dale CW, Pearson GD, Hammond SJ & Arculus RJ
(2011) Re-Os and Lu-Hf Dating in Letlhakane Peridotite Xenoliths (Botswana)
Luguet A, Behrens M, Herwartz D & Pearson G
(2011) Crust-Mantle Links and a Major Mesoproterozoic Melting Event
Nowell GM, Dale CW, Pearson GD, Oberthur T, Dijkstra AH & Parman SW
(2011) Negative Sulfur-Mif Anomalies in Metasomatized Eclogites from Siberia
Thomassot E, Rollion-Bard C, Pearson GD, Assayag N & Fialin M
(2011) Rogue Hafnium Isotopes in Lac de Gras Kimberlites, Canada: Ultradeep vs. Shallow Mantle Processes
Tappe S, Pearson G, Kjarsgaard BA, Nowell G & Dowell D
(2010) The Formation and Evolution of Continental Lithospheric Mantle
Carlson R & Pearson DG
(2010) Relative Roles of Cratonic Lithosphere and Asthenosphere in Controlling Kimberlitic Magma Compositions: Sr-Nd-Hf Isotope Evidence from the Greenland-Labrador Diamond Province
Tappe S, Pearson DG, Heaman L, Nowell G & Milstead P
(2010) Trace Elements in Mantle Olivine and Orthopyroxene from the North Atlantic and Kaapvaal Cratons
Rehfeldt T, Foley SF, Jacob DE & Pearson DG
(2010) Os Isotopes in Witwatersrand Platinum-Group Alloys: Implications for Ancient Mantle Melting Events and the Timing of Gold Formation
Dale CW, Pearson DG, Nowell GM, Parman SW, Oberthür T & Malitch KN
(2010) Orogen-Scale Thermochronologic Trends of the Central Andes
Reiners P, Vernon A, Zattin M, Thomson S, Pearson D & Cavazza W
(2009) Osmium Isotope Insights into High 3He/4He Mantle and Convecting Mantle in the North Atlantic
Dale CW, Pearson DG, Starkey NA, Stuart FM, Ellam RM, Larsen LM, Fitton JG & Macpherson CG
(2009) Caught in the Act! Unravelling Crustal Contamination
McLeod C, Davidson J & Pearson DG
(2009) Complete Sample Digestions for Accurate Isotope Measurements? The Re-Os Isotope System Under Scrutiny
Meisel T, Dale CW, Pearson DG & Sergeev DS
(2009) Geochemical Dissection of a Kimberlite: What Makes up a Whole Rock Analysis?
Malarkey J, Pearson DG, Davidson J, Nowell G, Kjarsgaard B & Ottley C
(2009) Re-Os Isotopes and Platinum-Group Elements in a Peridotite-Pyroxenite Hybrid Mantle
Ishikawa A, Pearson DG & Dale CW
(2009) HSE and 187Os-186Os in Mantle Samples: Key Tools to Constrain Planetary Processes?
Luguet A, Lorand J-P, Pearson DG & Nowell G
(2008) Isotopic Constraints on the Source Regions of Alkaline Volcanics
Pearson DG, Nowell G, Klein BenDavid O, Kjarsgaard B & Irving A
(2008) Laser Ablation Pt-Re-Os Analysis and Chronometry of Mantle-Derived Minerals
Nowell GM, Coggon J, Pearson DG, Parman S, Hanski E & Tuisku P
(2008) Origins of Cr-Diopside in Peridotite Xenoliths
Malarkey J, Pearson DG, Davidson JP & Wittig N
(2008) Magmatic Metasomatism, HSE and 187Os-186Os Isotope Signatures of the Oceanic Mantle
Luguet A, Pearson G, Lorand J-P & Nowell G
(2008) Lithosphere Stabilization Ages beneath SW Greenland
Wittig N, Webb M, Pearson DG, Dale CW, Ottley CJ, Luguet A & Jensen SM
(2008) Petrogenesis of Archaean Sub-Lithospheric Mantle Preserved in the Otrøy Peridotite Massif, Norway
Spengler D, Davies G, Pearson G, Mason P, van Roermund H, Drury M, Vukmanović Z & Wiersma E
(2008) Peridotite Xenoliths from Calatrava (Spain): Insights on the Genesis of Fe-Rich Mantle Domains
Bianchini G, Beccaluva L, Bonadiman C, Pearson G, Siena F & Wilson M
(2008) Origins of Diamond Forming Fluids – Constraints from a Coupled Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope and Trace Element Approach
Klein BenDavid O, Pearson DG, Nowell GM, Ottley C & Cantigny P
(2008) Metasomatic Processes Recorded in Fibrous Diamonds
Tomlinson E, Muller W, Hinton R, Klein BenDavid O, Pearson G & Harris J
(2008) Variable H and O Isotopes in Tongan Basaltic Glasses: Source or Degassing?
Dale CW, Macpherson CG, Boyce AJ, Nowell GM, Pearson DG & Arculus RJ
(2008) Eclogitic Sulfide and Silicate Inclusions in Diamonds and Sub-Continental Geological Processes
Shirey S, Richardson S, Pearson G, Carlson R & Harris J
(2007) Quantification of Stable Strontium Isotope Variability in Nature by MC-ICP-MS
Nowell G, Charlier B, Pearson G & Burton K
(2007) Archetypal Archean Lithosphere from West Greenland Implicates Shallow Melting at >3.0Ga
Wittig N, Webb M, Pearson G, Nowell G, Jensen S & Sand K
(2007) No Evidence of Diffusive Homogenisation of Carbon Isotopes in Yakutian Diamonds
Wiggers de Vries D, Davies G, Bulanova G & Pearson G
(2007) The Origin of Silica-Rich Kaapvaal Lithospheric Mantle
Davies G, Wasch L, van der Zwan F, Morel M, Nebel O, van Westrenen W, Pearson G & Hellebrand E
(2007) Re-Os Evidence for Ancient Mantle beneath the Ontong Java Plateau
Ishikawa A, Pearson G & Dale C
(2007) The Hidden History of Mantle Depletion: Os Isotopes Reveal a Link between Mantle Depletion and Crustal Growth
Parman S, Pearson G & Nowell G
(2007) Sr Isotopic Compositions of Ultra-Deep Inclusions in Diamonds: Implications for Mantle Chemical Structure and Evolution
Pearson DG, Harlou R, Hayman P, Cartigny P & Kopylova M
(2007) Sr Isotopes and Trace Element Patterns in Sub-Calcic Garnets: A Perspective on Diamond-Bearing Fluids?
Klein-BenDavid O & Pearson DG
(2007) Os Isotope and PGE Evidence for Major Disruption and Addition to the Lithospheric Mantle: A Study of Peridotites from the Premier Mine, Kaapvaal Craton, SA
Morel M, Pearson D, Luguet A & Davies G
(2007) Hf, Sr, Nd and Pb Isotopes in Primitive Tongan Lavas: Constraining Mobility in Slab Fluids
Dale C, Macpherson C, Pearson G, Nowell G, Hammond S & Arculus R
(2006) Diamond geochronology -a record of continental lithosphere evolution
Pearson DG & Harris JW
(2006) Quantifying micro-niche behaviour in sediments:- Precise and accurate measurements of DGT gels by laser ablation high resolution laser ablation ICPMS
Nowell GM, Pearson DG, Widerlund A & Davison W
(2006) Source variability and crustal contamination of the Baffin Island picrites – coupled Sr isotope and trace element study of individual melt inclusions
Harlou R, Pearson DG, Davidson JP, Kamenetsky VS & Yaxley GM
(2006) 186Os-187Os signatures of pyroxenites and the core-mantle interaction debate
Luguet A, Nowell GM, Pearson DG & Dreher ST
(2006) Detailed histories of magma transfer and contamination in a flood basalt province – a Sr isotope micro-sampling study of Skye basalts
Font L, Davidson JP, Pearson DG, Nowell G & Ottley C
(2006) Extreme initial Os and PGE fractionation in Philippine Sea Plate basalts: Evidence for recycled crust?
Dale CW, Luguet A, Macpherson CG, Pearson DG & Hickey-Vargas R
(2006) Ugandan kamafugites: Re-melting of a variable enriched veined subcontinental lithospheric mantle
Rosenthal A, Foley SF, Pearson GD, Nowell G & Tappe S
(2006) Modification of cratonic lithosphere: influence of tectono-magmatic events on Kaapvaal craton (South Africa)
Morel M, Simon N, Davies GR & Pearson GD
(2005) Dating Mantle Samples: Examples from the Re-Os System in Eclogites and Diamonds
Shirey S, Schmitz M, Westerlund K, Richardson S, Wiechert U, Pearson G, Carlson R & Harris J
(2005) A Comparison of Mineral and Whole Rock Approaches to Re-Os Dating of the Kaapvaal Lithospheric Mantle
Garden B, Carlson R, Pearson G, Shirey S & Richardson S
(2005) Archean Mantle beneath the Halls Creek Mobile Zone, W. Australia Revealed by Re-Os Isotopes
Luguet A, Pearson DG, Jaques AL, Bulanova GP, Smith CB, Roffey S & Rayner MJ
(2005) Dating Mantle Melting Using the Lu-Hf Isotope System
Pearson DG, Nowell G & Ottley C
(2005) Sr-Nd-Hf Isotope Constraints on Lithospheric Mantle Evolution beneath Olot, NE Spain
Bianchini G, Beccaluva L, Bonadiman C, Nowell G, Pearson G, Siena F & Wilson M
(2005) Sr Isotope Studies of Melt Inclusions by TIMS
Harlou R, Pearson D, Nowell G, Davidson JP & Kent AJR
(2005) Evaluating the Relative Roles of Hydrothermal Alteration and Crustal Contamination at a Single Crystal Scale: Sr Isotope Micro-Sampling Study of Eruptive and Intrusive Magmatic Rocks from Skye
Font L, Pearson G, Davidson J, Macpherson C, Nowell G & Thompson B
(2005) Re-Os and PGE Study of Philippine Sea Plate Ocean Island Basalts: Constraining Mantle Sources
Luguet A, Macpherson CG, Pearson DG & Hickey-Vargas R
(2005) The Metasomatic History of the Lithospheric Mantle beneath NE Spain
Beccaluva L, Bianchini G, Bonadiman C, Nowell G, Pearson G, Siena F & Wilson M
(2004) Coupled Sr-Nd and Os Systematics of the Othris Ophiolite, Greece
Barth M, Davies G, Pearson D, Mason P & Drury M
(2004) Age Constraints for Diamonds from Koffiefontein Mine, S. Africa, a Re-Os Isotope and N-Aggregation Study
Pearson D & Harris J
(2004) Textural and Strontium Isotopic Analysis of Plagioclase Phenocrysts from Stromboli Volcano (Aeolian Islands): Evidence for Open-System Magmatic Proces
Chertkoff D, Morgan D, Francalanci L, Davidson J, Pearson G, Jerram D & Nowell G
(2004) Crystal Inheritance and Mixing in Products of the Campi Flegrei Caldera, Italy
Morgan D, Davidson J, Pearson G, Nowell G & Civetta L
(2004) Re-Os Isotope and PGE Constraints on the Timing and Origin of Gold Mineralisation in the Witwatersrand Basin
Schaefer B, Pearson G, Rogers N & Barnicoat A
(2004) Origin of Extreme 3He/4He Signatures in Icelandic Lavas: Insights from Melt Inclusion Studies
Harlou R, Kent A, Breddam K, Davidson J & Pearson D
(2004) The Southern African Kaapvaal Craton: Formation and Modification of Continental Lithospheric Mantle in Archaean Subduction Zones?
Simon N, Davies G, Pearson D & Carlson R
(2002) Geochemistry of Crustal Samples from the Atlantis Bank Platform, SWIR
Gleeson M, Hunter A, McDermott F, Pearson G, Nowell G & Fallick A
(2002) The Lu-Hf Isotope Composition of Cratonic Lithosphere: Disequilibrium between Garnet and Clinopyroxene in Kimberlite Xenoliths
Simon NSC, Carlson RW, Pearson DG & Davies GR
(2000) Re-Os Isotope and PGE Constraints on the Timing and Origin of Gold Mineralisation in the Witwatersrand Basin: A Hybrid Model
Schaefer B, Pearson G, Rogers N & Barnicoat A
(2000) Variations in Melting Conditions along the Xigaze Ophiolite (Tibet): A Transition from Ridge to Arc Setting?
Griselin M, Davies GR & Pearson DG
(2000) Multistage Metasomatism and Mineral Growth of Cratonic Mantle Recorded by a Glass-Bearing Garnet Lherzolite Xenolith from Letseng-La-Terae, Lesotho
Simon NSC, Davies GR, Pearson DG, Mason PRD & Irvine GJ
(2000) Re-Os Isotope Constraints on the Age of Siberian Diamonds
Pearson DG, Bulanova G, Shirey S, Carlson R, Milledge J & Barashkov Y
(2000) The Nature of Kimberlite Source Regions: A Hf-Nd Isotopic Study of Slave Craton Kimberlites
Dowall D, Nowell G, Pearson DG & Kjarsgaard B
(2000) Li Isotope Evolution of the Mantle from Analyses of Mantle Xenoliths
Bouman C, Elliott TR, Vroon PZ & Pearson DG

Pearson Dean (2018) A High Resolution Carbonate-Clumped Terrestrial Temperature Record from a Cretacous-Paleogene Section in North Dakota, USA
Gray K, Brandon M & Pearson D

Pearson E. (2018) Site-Corrected Leaf Wax Biomarker Records Synthesized to Characterize East African Plio-Pleistocene Climate
Lupien R, Russell J, Campisano C, Fiebel C, Beck C, Deino A, Kingston J, Potts R, Lamb H, Pearson E & Cohen A
(2017) Development of Lacustrine Biomarkers to Reconstruct Lake Temperature and Salinity Changes in the Saskatchewan Great Plains
Cavazzin B, Zwick M, Haig H, Leavitt P, Juggins S, Pearson E, Schouten S & Toney J

Pearson G. (2020) Decoupling of Kimberlite Source and Primitive Melt Compositions
Tovey M, Giuliani A, Phillips D, Sarkar C, Pearson G, Nowicki T & Carlson J
(2018) Deep Carbon Through Time: The Diamond Record
Howell D, Stachel T, Pearson G, Stern R, Nestola F, Shirey S & Harris J
(2018) Episodic Eclogitic Diamond Genesis at Jwaneng Diamond Mine, Botswana
Gress M, Pearson G, Chinn I, Koornneef J, Pals A, van der Valk E & Davies G
(2018) Diamondiferous Proterozoic Mantle Roots beneath Arctic Canada
Liu J, Brin L, Pearson G, Bretschneider L, Luguet A, van Acken D, Kjarsgaard B, Riches A & Mišković A
(2018) Dating Mantle Peridotites: What do Whole-Rock and Mineral Re-Os Isotopic Signatures Tell us?
Luguet A & Pearson G
(2018) Hafnium-Osmium Isotope Systematics of Mantle Peridotites from the Cameroon Volcanic Line: Implications for Dating post-Archean Lithospheric Mantle
Liu J, Pearson G, Shu Q & Sigurdsson H
(2017) Garnet as a Recorder of Metasomatism in the Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle
Goodarzi P, Berry A, Pearson G, Yaxley G & Newville M
(2017) Fluid Induced Transition from Banded Kyanite- to Bimineralic Eclogite and Implications for the Evolution of Cratons
Sommer H, Jacob D, Stern R, Petts D, Mattey D & Pearson G
(2017) Rapid Multielemental Analysis of Garnet with LA-Icp-TOF-MS – Implications for Diamond Exploration Studies
Bussweiler Y, Poitras S, Borovinskaya O, Tanner M & Pearson G
(2016) Continent Formation by Accretion of Sub-Arc Lithosphere
Scott J, Liu J, Pearson G & Czertowicz T
(2016) Making the Complex Mantle Keels beneath Cratons
Pearson G, Wang H, Hunen JV & Szilas K
(2016) Diamond Formation beneath the Sask Craton – Insights from Diamondiferous Microxenoliths
Czas J, Stachel T, Pearson G, Stern R & Read G
(2016) The Longevity of Archean Mantle Residues in the Convecting Upper Mantle and their Role in Young Continent Formation
Liu J, Scott J, Martin C & Pearson G
(2016) Highly Depleted Peridotites within Mesoarchaean Orthogneiss at the Seqi Olivine Mine, SW Greenland – Potential Implications for the Formation of Cratonic Keels
Szilas K, van Hinsberg V, McDonald I, Morishita T & Pearson G
(2016) Petrogenesis of the 4.02 Ga Idiwhaa Tonalitic Gneiss and Implications for Crust Formation on the Early Earth
Reimink J, Chacko T, Davies J, Pearson DG, Stern R, Heaman L, Carlson R & Shirey S
(2016) Tungsten Residence in Silicate Rocks: Implications for Interpreting W Isotopic Compositions
Liu J, Pearson G, Chacko T & Luo Y
(2016) Trace Element and Sr Isotope Characteristics of Ruby
Krebs MY, Pearson DG & Fagan AJ
(2016) Evidence for Water in the Lower Mantle from Ferropericlase Included in Diamond
Palot M, Jacobsen SD, Townsend JP, Nestola F, Marquardt K, Harris JW, Stachel T, McCammon CA & Pearson DG
(2016) Can Komatiite PGE Abundances Trace Mixing of the Late Veneer?
Waterton P, Pearson G & Kjarsgaard B
(2015) Micro-Windows into Earth’s Subduction Flux from Diamonds
Pearson G, Weiss Y & Stachel T
(2015) Corundum Eclogites: Partial Melting Residues of Subducted Troctolites from the Mid-Archean
Shu Q, Brey GP, Höfer H, Zhao Z & Pearson G
(2014) Large 182W Anomalies in Eoarchean Residual Mantle Rocks from Northern Labrador, Canada
Liu J, Touboul M, Ishikawa A, Walker R & Pearson G
(2014) W-Isotope Evolution of the 4.02 to 3.4 Ga-Old Acasta Gneiss Complex
Reimink J, Liu J, Pearson G, Chacko T, Stern R & Heaman L
(2014) Complex Lithosphere Evolution in the Attawapiskat Area, Canada – A Tale of Craton Thinning and Re-growth
Smit K, Pearson G, Stachel T & Seller M
(2014) Performance of Multiple Faraday Collectors with 1012 Ω Amplifiers and Multiple Ion Counters for the Measurement of Isotope Ratios of Picogram Size Pb via TIMS
Sarkar C, Pearson G, Heaman L & Woodland S
(2014) Rapid, Precise and Accurate Os Isotope Ratio Measurements of Nanogram to Sub-Nanogram Amounts Using Multiple Faraday Collectors and Amplifiers Equipped with 10 to 12 Ω Resistors by N-TIMS
Liu J & Pearson G

Pearson J. (2002) The Nagra/PSI Chemical Thermodynamic Data Base
Thoenen T, Berner U, Curti E, Hummel W & Pearson J

Pearson M. (2023) Mining of Nickel Laterites – Towards More Environmentally Responsible Operations
Lacinska AM, Arcila C, Bateman K, Barlow T, Chenery S, Domingo J, Goodenough K, Gowing CB, Hamilton E, Kalra M, Kemp S, Liddy T, Lusty P, Palumbo-Roe B, Pearson M, Perez A, Rushton JC, Saha D, Schroeder SL, Watts M & Wragg J

Pearson Norman (2020) Chromitite in a Tibetan Ophiolite Records Deep Upper-Mantle Circulation and Episodic Subduction
O'Reilly S, Xiong Q, Griffin W, Henry H, Zheng J-P & Pearson N
(2019) Re-Os Dating of Sulfide Inclusions in Cr-Pyropes from the Upper Muna Kimberlites
Malkovets V, Rezvukhin D, Griffin W, Tretiakova I, Pearson N, Gibsher A, Belousova E, Zedgenizov D & O'Reilly S

Pearson Norman J. (2015) Two-Layered Neo-Tethyan Oceanic Lithospheric Mantle in a Tibetan Ophiolite, China
Xiong Q, Griffin WL, O'Reilly SY, Pearson NJ & Zheng J-P
(2015) U-Pb Geochronology of Zircon by Femtosecond Laser Ablation
Pearson N, Powell W, Gréau Y, Murphy R, Payne J, Belousova E, Griffin W & O'Reilly S
(2015) Geochemical Signatures of Spinel Peridotite Xenoliths from the Northernmost Locations of the Pannonian Basin
Liptai N, O'Reilly SY, Griffin WL, Pearson NJ & Szabó C
(2015) New Insights into the Lithospheric and Deeper Mantle
Griffin W, Afonso JC, Satsukawa T, McGowan N, Pearson N & O'Reilly S
(2015) A Cautionary Tale on Zircon Ages from Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks: A Case Example from Ophiolites, SE Australia
Belousova E, González-Jiménez J-M, Graham I, Griffin W, O'Reilly S & Pearson N
(2015) Cratons, Metasomatism and Metallogeny
O'Reilly S, Griffiin W, Pearson N, Begg G & Hronsky J
(2015) Thermodynamic Modelling of the Mobility of Minor and Trace Elements in Metamorphosed Chromites
Colás V, González-Jiménez JM, Fanlo I, Griffin WL, Gervilla F, O'Reilly SY, Pearson NJ & Kerestedjian T
(2015) Crustal Evolution of the Markha Terrane, Siberian Craton: Evidences from U-Pb, Hf- and O-Isotope Data for Zircons from the Nakyn Kimberlites
Tretiakova I, Belousova E, Griffin W, Malkovets V & Pearson N
(2015) Composition of the Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Khamar Daban Ridge, South Russian Siberia: Constraints from Mantle Xenoliths
Wang K-L, D'rill S, O'Reilly SY, Kuzmin M, Griffin WL & Pearson NJ
(2015) Metasomatized Segregates of high-Ca Boninites: Cabo Ortegal Pyroxenites
Tilhac R, Grégoire M, Ceuleneer G, O'Reilly SY, Griffin WL & Pearson NJ
(2015) Mg Isotopes in Roberts Victor Xenolithic Eclogites: no Crustal Origin
Huang J-X, Griffin W, Xiang Y, Xie L, Pearson N & O'Reilly S
(2015) Multidisciplinary Study of a Recent Oceanic Pluton: The Syenitic Complex of Rallier du Baty, Kerguelen(TAAF)
Ponthus L, Guillaume D, SaintBlanquat M, Benoit M, Pearson N, Gregoire M, O'Reilly S & LeRomancer M
(2014) Ru-Os-Ir Alloys and Ru-Os Sulfides from Oceanic Mantle: Evidence for Robustness of Os-Isotope System
Malich K, Badanina I, Belousova E, Lord R, Meisel T, Murzin V & Pearson N
(2014) Tibetan Chromitites: Digging in the Slab Graveyard
McGowan N, Griffin W, González-Jiménez J-M, Belousova E, Afonso JC, Shi R, McCammon C, Pearson N & O'Reilly S
(2014) Proterozoic Mantle Lithosphere beneath the Khanka Massif in Far East Russia: In situ Re-Os Evidence
Wang K-L, Prikhodko V, O’Reilly S, Griffin W, Pearson N, Kovach V, Iizuka Y & Chien Y-H
(2014) Laser Ablation of Zircon and Implications for U-Pb Geochronology
Pearson N, Powell W, Payne J, Murphy R, Belousova E, Griffin W & O'Reilly S
(2014) Taking Fingerprints of Metamorphism in Chromite Using Minor and Trace Elements
Colás V, González-Jiménez JM, Fanlo I, Griffin WL, Gervilla F, O’Reilly SY, Pearson NJ & Kerestedjian T
(2014) PGE Remobilisation during Metamorphism of Chromitites in Central Chile
Gonzalez-Jimenez JM, Barra F, Reich M, Hernandez E, Gervilla F, Griffin WL, O'Reilly SY & Pearson NJ
(2014) Global Magmatism and Changing Tectonics at the Archean-Proterozoic Boundary: Insights from O Isotopes in Zircon
Payne J, Barovich K, Pearson N & Hand M
(2013) A Forward Modelling Approach to Understanding Continental Growth
Payne J, Barovich K, Pearson N & Hand M
(2013) The LA-ICP-MS U-Th-Pb Network: Improving Data Standards in Laser Ablation Geochronology
Horstwood M, Kosler J, Gehrels G, Jackson S, Pearson N & Sylvester P
(2013) Going up or Going Down? Diamonds and Super-Reducing UHP Assemblages in Ophiolitic Mantle
Griffiin W, Yang J, Robinson P, Howell D, Shi R-D, O'Reilly S & Pearson N
(2013) Stabilising a Craton: The 3.1 Ga Mpuluzi Batholith (Swaziland / South Africa)
Murphy R, Griffin B, Pearson N & O'Reilly S
(2013) Unmasking Enigmatic Xenolithic Eclogites: Progressive Metasomatism on a Key Roberts Victor Sample
Huang J-X, Griffin W, Greau Y, Pearson N & O'Reilly S
(2013) Nitrogen Isotope Systematics and Origins of Mixed-Habit Diamonds
Howell D, Stern R, Griffin W, Southworth R, Mikhail S, Stachel T, Verchovsky S, Jones A, O'Reilly S & Pearson N
(2013) Multistage Refertilization of an Archean Peridotite Massif, N. Qaidam Orogen (NE Tibet, China)
Xiong Q, O'Reilly S, Griffin W, Pearson N & Zheng J
(2013) Geochemical Fingerprints in Siberian Mantle Xenoliths Reveal Progressive Erosion of an Archean Lithospheric Root
Wang K-L, Chien Y-H, Kuzmin MI, O’Reilly SY, Griffin WL, Vorontsov A & Pearson NJ
(2013) Zircon U-Pb-Ages, Hf Isotope and Trace Element Composition in the Evolution of the IVAC Complex (Urals, Russia)
Nedosekova I, Belousova E, Belyatsky B & Pearson N
(2013) Trace-Element Fingerprints of Chromites Link Ultramafic Massifs of the Bulgarian Rhodopes
Colás V, González-Jiménez JM, Fanlo I, Griffin WL, Gervilla F, Pearson NJ & Kerestedjian T
(2013) Neo-Archean Domains in the Mediterranean and their Implications
Gonzalez-Jimenez JM, Villaseca C, Griffin WL, Belousova E, Konc Z, Ancochea E, O'Reilly SY, Pearson NJ, Garrido CJ & Gervilla F
(2013) Archean Lithospheric Mantle: The Fount of all Ores?
O'Reilly S, Griffin W, Begg G, Pearson N & Hronsky J
(2013) Mobility of Au in the Mantle
Saunders J, Pearson N, O'Reilly S & Griffin W
(2013) Trace-Element Fingerprints of Chromites and Sulfides from the Archean Nuggihalli Greenstone Belt, Western Dharwar Craton, India
Mukherjee R, Mondal SK, González-Jiménez JM, Griffin WL, Pearson NJ & O’Reilly SY
(2013) On the Origins of Platinum-Group Minerals in Ophiolitic Chromitites
Gervilla F, Griffin WL, González-Jiménez JM, Proenza JA, O'Reilly SY & Pearson NJ
(2013) Li Isotopes in Zircon: Effects of Li Substitution and Kinetic Fractionation
Gao Y-Y, Li X-H, Griffin W, O'Reilly S & Pearson N
(2013) The Hole Story About Laser Ablation ICP-MS
Pearson N, Powell W, Grant K, Payne J, Murphy R, Belousova E, Griffin W & O'Reilly S
(2012) Trace Element Partitioning in Mixed-Habit Diamonds
Howell D, Griffin W, Powell W, Wieland P, Pearson N & O'Reilly S
(2012) The End of the Hadean: The World Turns over
Griffin W, Malkovets V, Belousova E, O'Reilly S & Pearson N
(2012) The Early Formation of the Continental Crust: Constraints from Zircon Hf-Isotope Data
Belousova E, Griffiin W, Kostitsyn Y, Pearson N, Begg G & O'Reilly SY
(2012) Development and Application of LA-ICP-MS in the Geosciences: Past, Present and Future
Pearson N, Griffin W & O'Reilly S
(2011) Matrix Effects and Hf Isotope Analysis of Zircon by Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Pearson N, Payne J & Grant K
(2011) Coupling, Decoupling and Metasomatism: A Saga of Crust-Mantle Relationships beneath NW Spitsbergen (Arctic Norway)
O'Reilly S, Nicolic N, Griffin W & Pearson N
(2011) Primordial Ages of Lithospheric Mantle vs Ancient Relicts in the Asthenospheric Mantle: In situ Os Perspective
Wang K-L, O'Reilly SY, Griffin W, Pearson N, Kovach V & Yarmolyuk V
(2011) Late Metasomatic Addition of Garnet to the SCLM: Os-Isotope Evidence
Malkovets V, Griffin W, Pearson N, Rezvukhin D, O'Reilly S, Pokhilenko N, Garanin V, Spetsius Z & Litasov K
(2011) Mixed-Habit Diamonds: Evidence of a Specific Mantle Fluid Chemistry?
Howell D, Griffin W, O'Reilly SY, O'Neill C, Pearson N, Piazolo S, Stern R, Stachel T & Nasdala L
(2011) Ore Deposits and the SCLM
Griffin W, Begg G, O'Reilly S & Pearson N
(2011) Gold Mobility in the Mantle: Constraints from Sulfides in Pyroxenites and Lherzolites
Saunders J, Pearson N & O'Reilly S
(2011) Os Isotopes in Sulfides from Xenoliths of the Campos de Calatrava Volcanic Field, Central Spain
Villaseca C, Gonzalez-Jimenez JM, Griffin WL, Ancochea E, Gervilla F, O'Reilly SY, Pearson NJ & Belousova E
(2011) Geodynamic Implications of >1 Ga Re-Os Model Ages in PGM from the Dobromirtsi Ultramafic Massif, Central Rhodope, Bulgaria
Gonzalez-Jimenez JM, Griffin WL, Gervilla F, Kerestedjian T, O'Reilly SY & Pearson NJ
(2010) The Development of a Nickel Sulphide Standard for the in situ Analysis of Platinum Group Elements and Gold by Laser Ablation ICP-MS
Gilbert S, Danyushevsky L, Robinson P, Wohlgemuth-Ueberwasser C, Norman M, Hanley J & Pearson N
(2009) In situ Laser Ablation ICP-MS Analysis of Ruthenium in Chromite
Locmelis M, Pearson NJ, Fiorentini ML & Barnes SJ
(2009) Deep Lithosphere Processes Recorded for the West Antarctic Rift System
Coltorti M, Bonadiman C, Faccini B, Melchiorre M, O' Reilly S, Griffin W & Pearson N
(2009) The Accuracy and Precision of in situ Re-Os Isotopic Measurements by Laser Ablation MC-ICPMS
Pearson N, Griffin W, Alard O, O'Reilly S, Schaefer B & Payne J
(2009) Persistence of Mantle Lithospheric Re-Os Signature during Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Interaction: Insights from in situ Isotopic Analysis of Sulfides from the Ronda Peridotite (S. Spain)
Marchesi C, Griffin WL, Garrido CJ, Bodinier J-L, O'Reilly SY & Pearson NJ
(2008) Contrasting Magma Sources in Ultramafic-Mafic Intrusions of the Noril’sk Area (Russia): Hf-Isotope Evidence from Zircon
Malitch K, Belousova E, Griffin W, Badanina I, Petrov O & Pearson N
(2008) Cu Isotopic Anomalies Around Porphyry Cu Deposits
Li W, Jackson S & Pearson N
(2008) Precision of in situ Isotope Ratio Measurements by LAM-MC-ICPMS
Pearson N, Griffin W & O'Reilly S
(2008) An Outline of Juvenile Crust Formation and Recycling History in the Archaean Western Dharwar Craton, from Zircon in situ U-Pb Dating and Hf-Isotopic Compositions
Bhaskar Rao YJ, Griffin WL, Ketchum J, Pearson NJ, Beyer E & O'Reilly SY
(2007) Cu Isotope Signature of Granites
Li W, Jackson S, Chappell B, Alard O & Pearson N
(2007) Source Depletion Versus Extent of Melting in the Tongan Sub-Arc Mantle
Caulfield J, Turner S, Dosseto A & Pearson N
(2007) Mass Bias: A Comparison of Solution and Laser Ablation MC-ICPMS
Pearson N, Griffin W, Kuhn H, Alard O, Grant K, Jackson S & O'Reilly S
(2006) Hf isotopes and zircon recrystallization: A case study
Kinny PD, Love GJ & Pearson NJ
(2006) Trace Element and Isotopic Composition of GJ Red Zircon Standard by Laser Ablation
Elhlou S, Belousova E, Griffin WL, Pearson NJ & O'reilly SY
(2006) In situ Os dating of peridotite xenoliths, Tariat, northern Mongolia
Wang K-L, O'Reilly SY, Griffin WL & Pearson NJ
(2006) Archean to Proterozoic depletion in Cape Verde lithospheric mantle
Bonadiman C, Coltorti M, Siena F, O'Reilly S, Griffin WL & Pearson NJ
(2006) Linking crustal and mantle events using in situ trace-element and isotope analysis
Pearson N, O'Reilly S, Griffin W, Alard O & Belousova E
(2006) Laser Ablation ICP-MS: particle size-dependent isotopic fractionation of copper in laser-generated aerosols
Kuhn H-R, Pearson N & Jackson SE
(2006) Trace element geochemistry of magnetite and pyrite in Fe oxide (±Cu-Au) mineralised systems: insights into the geochemistry of ore-forming fluids
Carew M, Mark G, Oliver N & Pearson N
(2006) Evaluation of a Method for the Separation of Ni in Geological Samples
Wieland P, Beyer E, Jackson S, Pearson N & O'reilly S
(2006) Multiple events in oceanic upper mantle: Ru-Os-Ir alloys in Tibetan ophiolites
Shi R, Zhi X, O'Reilly S, Griffin W, Pearson N, Bai W, Fang Q, Alard O & Zhang M
(2006) Trace-element patterns of diamond: toward a unified genetic model
Griffin W, Rege S, O'Reilly S, Jackson S, Pearson N, Zedgenisov D & Kurat G
(2006) The role of water in Precambrian ultramafic magmatism: Insights from an in-situ microbeam and nanobeam assessment of hydromagmatic amphibole
Fiorentini M, Beresford S, Deloule E, Stone B, Hanski E & Pearson N
(2005) The Eclogite Mantle Reservoir: <+>176<$>Hf/177Hf, Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf of Rutile
Aulbach S, Griffin WL, Pearson NJ & O'Reilly SY
(2005) Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS: Shedding New Light on in situ Isotope Ratio Measurement
Pearson N, Griffin W & O'Reilly S
(2005) Os-Hf-Nd Isotope Constraints on Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle Evolution, Slave Craton (Canada)
Aulbach S, Griffin WL, Pearson NJ, O'Reilly SY & Kivi K
(2005) Proterozoic Mantle Lithosphere beneath the East African Rift (Southern Ethiopia): In situ Re-Os Evidence
Wang K, O'Reilly S, Griffin W, Pearson N, Matsumura R & Shinjo R
(2004) Geochemistry and Origin of Mantle Sulfides in Spinel Peridotite Xenoliths from Penghu Islands, Taiwan
Wang K, O'Reilly S, Griffin W, Pearson N & Zhang M
(2004) The Earliest Stages of Formation of Oceanic Lithosphere in the Central Atlantic Ocean: The Oceanic Plate beneath the Canary Islands
Neumann E, Vannucci R, Tiepolo M, Griffin W & Pearson N
(2004) In situ High Precision Hf Isotope Ratio Measurement Using Laser Ablation MC-ICPMS: Mass Bias and Isobaric Interference Corrections
Pearson N, Griffin W & O'Reilly S
(2004) Os Isotopic Systematic of Magmatic Sulfides in Abyssal Peridotites
Alard O, Luguet A, Lorand J, Pearson N, Griffin W & O'Reilly S
(2003) Proterozoic Mantle Lithosphere beneath the Extended Margin of the South China Block: In situ Re-Os Evidence
Wang K, O’Reilly S, Griffin W, Chung S & Pearson N
(2003) Re-Os Isotopes in Sulfides of Mantle Peridotites from SE China: Age Constraints and Evolution of Lithospheric Mantle
Xu X, Griffin W, O’Reilly S & Pearson N
(2002) In situ Re-Os Dating of Sulfides in Kaapvaal Xenoliths
Griffin WL, O'Reilly SY, Pearson NJ & Graham S
(2002) Archean Mantle Hidden in Proterozoic Crust in SW Norway
Beyer EE, Griffin W, Pearson N & O'Reilly S
(2002) Magnesium Isotopic Composition of the Lithospheric Mantle: An in situ Study of Mantle-Derived Olivine
Pearson N, Griffin W, O'Reilly S & Delpech G
(2002) In situ Cu and Fe Isotope Evidence for Inorganic and Organic Components in the HYC Pb-Zn Ores
Graham S, Griffin W, Jackson S, Walter M, Logan G & Pearson N
(2001) Re-Os Isotopes in Sulfides in Mantle Peridotites: A Record of Melt Depletion and Metasomatism
Pearson NJ, Alard O, Griffin WL & O'Reilly SY
(2000) Platinum Group Elements Geochemistry of Abyssal Peridotites: An Integrated Study in the MARK Area (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 20-24 N) Using ICP-MS, LAM-ICPMS, SEM and Nuclear Microprobe (NMP)
Luguet A, Alard O, Lorand J, Pearson N, Ryan C & O'Reilly S
(2000) Tracking Magma Mixing: In situ Hf-Isotope Analysis of Zircons
Griffin WL, Wang X, Jackson SE, Pearson NJ, O'Reilly SY & Xu X
(2000) LAM-MC-ICPMS Analysis of Mantle-Derived Sulfides: The Key to Re-Os Systematics of Mantle Peridotites
Pearson NJ, Alard O, Griffin WL, Graham S & Jackson SE
(2000) In situ Analysis of Highly Siderophile Elements and Re-Os Isotopes by LAM -ICPMS and LAM-MC-ICPMS Reveals the Residual and Mobile Nature of Mantle Sulfides
Alard O, Griffin WL, Lorand J, Pearson NJ & O'Reilly SY
(2000) Evaluation of Perchloric Versus Nitric Acid Digestion for Precise Determination of Trace and Ultra Trace Elements by ICP-MS
Sharma AL, Alard O, Elhlou S & Pearson NJ
(2000) Os Isotope Systematics of the Massif Central Mantle Lithosphere: In situ and Whole-Rock Studies
Alard O, Pearson NJ, Reisberg L, Lorand J, Griffin WL & O'Reilly SY

Pearson Norman J. (2016) Two Types of Chromitites in a Tibetan Ophiolite Produced by Two-Stage Accretion of Tethyan Arc Lithosphere
Xiong Q, Griffin WL, Zheng J-P, O'Reilly SY & Pearson NJ
(2016) Small-Scale Geochemical Heterogeneity in the Upper Mantle of the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (N-Hungary – S-Slovakia)
Liptai N, O'Reilly SY, Griffin WL, Pearson NJ & Szabo C
(2016) Upwelling of the SE Australian Lithosphere: Thermo-Tectonic Evolution of Garnet Pyroxenite Xenoliths from Western Victoria
Lu J-G, Xiong Q, Griffin WL, Huang J-X, O'Reilly SY, Satsukawa T, Zheng J-P & Pearson N

Pearson Norman J. (2017) Ultrapotassic Rocks and Xenoliths from South Tibet: Contrasting Styles of Interaction between Lithospheric Mantle and Asthenosphere during Continental Collision
Xu B, Griffin W, Xiong Q, Hou Z, O'Reilly S, Guo Z, Pearson N, Gréau Y, Yang Z-M & Zheng Y
(2017) Zircon O-Li Isotopic Constraints on the Origins of the Cretaceous Low-δ18O Nianzishan Granite, NE China
Gao Y-Y, Griffin W, Chu M-F, O'Reilly S, Pearson N, Li Q-L & Li X-H
(2017) Episodic Subduction of Tethyan Slabs Recorded in a Tibetan Ophiolite
Xiong Q, Griffin WL, Zheng J-P, Pearson NJ & O'Reilly SY
(2017) Garnet Pyroxenites in Southeastern Australia: Tracing Deep Lithospheric Events
Lu J-G, Griffin WL, Xiong Q, O'Reilly SY, Zheng J-P & Pearson NJ
(2017) Deformation and Tectonic Evolution of the Upper Mantle in the Northern Pannonian Basin
Liptai N, Hidas K, Patkó L, O'Reilly SY, Griffin WL, Pearson NJ & Szabó C

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