Xaing L.
Spatial Variability in Ocean Redox Conditions during Early Cambrian
Cai C, Xaing L, Yuan Y, Jia L & Wang T
Xanthos S.
New Insights into Environmental Characterization of Bauxite Residues (Red Mud) from Greece
Gamaletsos P, Godelitsas A, Kuzmin A, Lagos M, Xanthos S, Mertzimekis T, Goettlicher J, Steininger R, Zarkadas C, Komelkov A, Pontikes Y & Angelopoulos G
Uraniferous Carbonate Rocks from Mt. Kithaeron, Central Greece
Kafandaris F-C, Godelitsas A, Kostopoulos D, Xanthos S, Chatzitheodoridis E & Baltatzis E
Xavier Ana
Structural Analyses of Bentonite Under High Pressure and High Temperature
Alabarse F, Conceição R, Balzaretti N & Xavier A
Xavier Ana Maria
K- and La- Doped Smectite Under High Pressure and Temperature Conditions: Implication on Mantle Metasomatism
Conceicao RV, Carniel L, Stefani V, Schenato F, Alabarse F, Balzaretti N & Xavier AM
Xavier F.
Spectroscopy of Arctic Ice Samples as Planetary Field Analogues for Astrobiology
Xavier F, Dias R, Cesário R, Gonçalves D, Pedras B, Canário J & Martins Z
Xavier R.
The Carajás IOCG Deposits: A SLIP-Related Mineral System?
Monteiro LV, Moreto C, Xavier R, Juliani C, Melo G, Veloso A, Delinardo M, Previato M, Jesus S, Sousa S & Marques I
Multiple IOCG-Forming Events in the Carajás Province, Brazil
Moreto C, Monteiro L, Xavier R, Melo G, Delinardo da Silva M & Creaser R
Mesoarchean Tectonic Evolution of the Carajás Domain, Carajás Province, PA, Brazil
Delinardo M, Monteiro L, Xavier R, Moreto C, Melo G, Benedetti R & Sousa D
Xenophontos C.
Heterogeneous Mantle Sources of the Alkaline-Tholeiitic Intraplate Basalts from the Aleppo Plateau, NW Syria
Ma G, Malpas J, Suzuki K, Lo C-H, Wang K-L, Iizuku Y & Xenophontos C
Xhixha G.
Radiogenic Heat Production of the Sardinian Variscan Crust
Puccini A, Xhixha G, Cuccuru S, Oggiano G, Kaceli Xhixha M, Mantovani F, Rossi Alvarez C & Casini L
Automated Gamma-Ray Spectrometer for Monitoring Wastes Made by Non-Nuclear Industries
Xhixha G, Bezzon G, Broggini C, Buso G, Caciolli A, Callegari I, Colonna T, Fiorentini G, Guastaldi E, Kaçeli Xhixha M, Mantovani F, Massa G, Menegazzo R, Mou L, Rossi Alvarez C & Strati V
Mapping the Natural Radioactivity of Elba Island by Means of Geostatistical Interpolation of Airborne Gamma-Ray Data
Guastaldi E, Baldoncini M, Bezzon G, Broggini C, Buso GP, Caciolli A, Callegari I, Colonna T, Fiorentini G, Kaçeli Xhixha M, Mantovani F, Massa G, Menegazzo R, Mou L, Rossi Alvarez C, Strati V & Xhixha G
Xi A.
Neo-Tethyan Subduction Slab-Rollback in the Southern Lhasa Terrane, Tibet: Perspective from Zircon U–Pb Geochronology, Geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopes
Fan P, Zhou B, Xi A, Han K, Qiao X & Pan L
Xi B.
Reconstruction of Oil-Filling History by Fluid Inclusion Analysis: A Case Study of Tahe Oil Field, Tarim Basin, NW China
Shi W, Zhang Z, Volkman J, Qin J, Ten G & Xi B
Xi D.
Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of the Late Cretaceous Songliao Paleo-Lake by Molecular Biomarkers
Hu J, Cao H, Tong X, Xi D & Peng P
Xi K.
Chlorite Authigenesis and its Impact on Reservoir Quality in the Triassic Yanchang Formation Tight Sandstone Reservoirs, Southwestern Ordos Basin, China
Li K, Xi K, Cao Y & Wu S
Lithofacies Characteristics and Diagenetic Alteration in Permain Lucaogou Formation, Jimusar Sag, Junggar Basin
Lin M, Xi K & Cao Y
Characteristics and Origin of Carbonate Cements in Eastern Slope of Fukang Sag, Junggar Basin
Lin M, Wang Y, Cao Y & Xi K
Xi M.
Gold Geochemical Anomaly and Prospecting Prediction in the Southern Section of Jiaojia Fault Zone, Jiaodong Gold Province, Eastern China
Xi M, Zhao K & Ma S
Xi P.
Hg Isotope Profiles Against the Dissolved Organic Carbon Remineralization Model for the Ediacaran Carbonate-Carbon Isotope Excursion
Xi P, Liu Y, Chen J & Shen J
Moissanite (SiC) from Carbonatites Xenolith and Carbonatite Intrusion in Neogene Basalts: Evidence of Low Pressure Origin
Xi P, Liu Y, Bozhilov K, Dobrzhinetskaya L & Subramaniyan BA
Xi R-G.
Redefine Bulunkuole Group in Eastern Pamirs Syntaxis and its Signification – From the Evidence of LA-ICP-MS Isotope Dating of Detrital Zircon
Xiao P-X, Gao X-F, Kang L, Dong Z-C, Guo L & Xi R-G
Geochronology and Geochemistry of Hongqilapu Granite in Eastern Pamirs, China
Kang L, Xiao P-X, Gao X-F, Xi R-G, Dong Z-C & Guo L
Xi S.
Laser Alteration on Minerals from Hydrothermal and Cold Seep System by Raman Spectroscopy
Xi S, Zhang X, Luan Z, Du Z, Li L, Liang Z, Lian C & Yan J
Huge Underestimation for the Implication of Hydrothermal Gas Species on Ocean and Atmosphere
Li L, Zhang X, Luan Z, Du Z, Xi S & Yan J
Xi X.
Study on Data Statistic Principles and Methods for Regional Ecogeochemical Assessments
Yu T, Yang Z, Hou Q, Xi X & Feng H
Calculating of Soil Carbon Storage of China Based on Multi-Purpose Geochemical Survey
Xi X, Yang Z, Xia X & Li M
Eco-Geochemistry: A New Direction for Geochemistry in China
Xi X & Li M
Xia Bin
Late Mesoproterozoic Low-P/T–type Metamorphism in the North Wulan Terrane: Implications for the Assembly of Rodinia
Wang L, Johnston ST, Chen N & Xia B
Xia Bin
Zircon U–Pb Geochronology and Sr–Nd–Hf Isotopic Geochemistry of the Yuanzhuding Granitoid Porphyry, Shi-Hang Zone, South China: Implications for Petrogenesis and Cu–Mo Mineralization
Zhong L, Li J, Peng T & Xia B
Xia Bin
Phase Equilibria of MT–UHP Eclogite: A Case Study of Coesite Eclogite at Yangkou, Sulu Belt, China
Xia B, Brown M, Wang L, Wang S & Piccoli P
Xia Bin
Migmatites and Granulites from the Foping Dome (Qinling Belt, East-Central China) and the Sino-Korea – Yangtze Collision
Bader T, Zhang L, Li X & Xia B
Xia F
Lead isotope geochemistry and lead source in black rock series of early Cambrian from southeast Guizhou, China
Xia F, Pan J-Y, Ma D-S, Cao S-L, Chen S-H, Guo F-S & Sun Z-X
Xia Fan
Study on Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Acid Rain in Fuzhou City, China
Xia F, Pan J-Y, Chen S-H, Peng H-M & Liu P
Study on Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Acid Rain in Nanchang City, China
Xia F, Pan J-Y, Chen S-H, Peng H-M & Liu P
Study on Main Sources of the Sulfur in Acid Rain in Jiangxi Province, China
Xia F, Pan J-Y, Xia F, Chen S-H, Peng H-M & Liu P
Study on Main Sources of the Sulfur in Acid Rain in Jiangxi Province, China
Xia F, Pan J-Y, Xia F, Chen S-H, Peng H-M & Liu P
Study on Sulfur Source of Acid Rain Using Sulfur Isotopic Trace in Jiangxi Province, China
Xia F, Pan J-P, Xia F, Le S-K, Chen S-H & Peng H-M
Study on Sulfur Source of Acid Rain Using Sulfur Isotopic Trace in Jiangxi Province, China
Xia F, Pan J-P, Xia F, Le S-K, Chen S-H & Peng H-M
The Rare Earth Element Characteristics of the Silicolite of Early Cambrian Barite Deposits in East Guizhou, China
Xia F, Pan J-Y, Xia F, Mao D-S & Sun Z-X
The Rare Earth Element Characteristics of the Silicolite of Early Cambrian Barite Deposits in East Guizhou, China
Xia F, Pan J-Y, Xia F, Mao D-S & Sun Z-X
The Characteristics of the Selenium-Bearing Minerals in the Tamusu Sandstone-Type Uranium Deposit, Inner Mongolia, China
Pan J, Liu X, Xia F & Guo G
The Origin and Sulphur Characteristics of Early Cambrian Barite Deposits in East Guizhou, China
Xia F, Pan J-Y, Xia F, Ma D-S, Guo F-S & Sun Z-X
The Origin and Sulphur Characteristics of Early Cambrian Barite Deposits in East Guizhou, China
Xia F, Pan J-Y, Xia F, Ma D-S, Guo F-S & Sun Z-X
EMP Study of Early Cambrian Barite Deposits in East Guizhou, China
Xia F, Pan J-Y, Xia F, Ma D-S & Sun Z-X
EMP Study of Early Cambrian Barite Deposits in East Guizhou, China
Xia F, Pan J-Y, Xia F, Ma D-S & Sun Z-X
Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Characteristics of Carbonate Rocks of Carboniferous-Permian in Jiangshan, Zhejiang Province, China
Guo F, Qin X, Pan J & Xia F
Paleoenvironmental Study of Doushantuo Formation: Insights of Trace Element and Carbon Isotope
Pan J, Ma D, Lehmann B, Cao S, Xia F & Chen S
EPMA Study of Polymetallic Ni-Mo Mineralisation in Lower Cambrian Black Shales of South China
Pan J, Cao S, Xia F, Cheng S, Ma D & Lehmann B
Xia Fang
Evidence and Implications of U(VI) Uptake into Natural Rhabdophane
Bamforth T, Xia F, Etschmann B, Brugger J, Becker U, González-Álvarez I, Guagliardo P, Langendam A & Putnis A
Mechanisms, Textures and Element Mobilisation during the Hydrothermal Mineral Replacement of Rhabdophane by Monazite
Bamforth T, Xia F & Putnis A
Experimental Studies on the Evolution of Mineralogy and Microstructure during Fluid-Mediated Mineral Replacement of Calcium Carbonate by Calcium Phosphates
Khairudin KI, Xia F & Putnis A
The Influence of Reaction Conditions on the Generation and Evolution of Mineral Porosity during Dissolution-Precipitation Mineral Replacement Reactions
Xia F, Kartal M & Putnis A
The Preservation of Denticular Dissolution Textures Through Secondary Mineral Overgrowth and Replacement in Intensely Weathered Regolith
Bamforth T, Xia F, González-Álvarez I, Tiddy C, Hu S & Pearce M
Is Solid-State Diffusion Slower Than Dissolution-Reprecipitation during Mineral-Fluid Interactions?
Xia F, Adegoke IA, Deditius AP, Pearce MA & Brugger J
A USANS/SANS Study of Porosity Creation and Evolution in Copper-Iron Sulphides during Hydrothermal Mineral-Fluid Reactions
Adegoke IA, Xia F, Kartal M & Mata JP
The Creation and Evolution of Porosity during Mineral-Fluid Interactions: A Combined USANS/SANS, Microscopy, and Synchrotron PXRD Study
Kartal M, Xia F, Adegoke IA, Ralph D, Mata J & Sokolova A
The Marcasite-Pyrite Transformation: The Roles of Water Vapor, Trace Elements, and Grain Size
Yao X, Xia F, Deditius A, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Pearce M & Pring A
An Experimental Study of the Replacement of Calcite by Siderite
Knorsch M, Xia F, Deditius AP & Pearce MA
Sulfidation and Desulfidation in a Polymetallic orebody—Artemis Prospect, NW Queensland, Australia
Knorsch M, Deditius AP, Xia F, Pearce MA & Uvarova Y
Mineral Synthesis Using the Coupled Dissolution-Reprecipitation Route
Brugger J, Xia F & Pring A
Xia Fei
Evidence of Hot Fluid Flows in the Sandstone-Type Uranium Deposit in the Kailu Basin, Northeast China
Xia F, Nie F, Liu J, Yan Z, Gao B, Wang X, & Feng Z
Characteristics of Geothermal Flow in Jiangxi Province, Southeast China
Liu J, Gao B, Xia F & Wang X
Characteristics of Isotope Hydrogeochemistry for Natural Water in Yumen Area, Gansu Province, P.R. China
Liu J, Sun Z, Li J, Zhou Z, Xia F, Gao B & Wang X
Characteristics of Chlorite from the Nalinggou Uranium Deposit in the Ordos Basin and Its Geological Significance
Xia F, Nie F, Meng H, Yan Z, Zhang C & Li M