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Teasley W. (2016) How Management Practices Influence Fe Plaque Mineral Composition and As Cycling in Rice Paddies
Seyfferth A, Teasley W, Limmer M, Amaral D & Dykes G

Tebes-Cayo C. (2022) Field and Laboratory Experiments to Constrain Biologically Impacted Precipitation of Minerals in Evaporitic Environments, Salar de Llamará, Chile
Cabestrero Ó, Demergasso C, Chong G, Tebes-Cayo C, Suosaari EP, Oehlert AM & Reid RP

Tebo Bradley (2013) Soluble Manganese(III) and a Revised Sedimentary Redox Cycle
Madison A, Mucci A, Sundby B, Tebo B & Luther G
(2013) Characterization of a Novel Multicopper Oxidase that Oxidizes Mn(II)
Butterfield C, Soldatova A, Spiro T & Tebo B
(2012) Understanding Sediment Interfaces with Voltammetric Microelectrodes: Two Decades of Science and fun with Bjorn Sundby
Luther G, Madison A, Mucci A, Tebo B & Sundby B
(2012) Impact of Biological Mn(II) Oxidation on the Fate of Subsurface U(IV)
Plathe K, Lee S-W, Wang Z, Giammar D, Tebo B, Bargar J & Bernier-Latmani R
(2012) Effects of Common Groundwater Constituents on Coupled Mn(II)/U(IV) Oxidation by Bacillus sp. SG-1
Lee S-W, Plathe K, Wang Z, Lezama-Pacheco J, Bargar J, Giammar D, Bernier-Latmani R & Tebo B
(2012) Oxidative Dissolution of Uraninite in the Presence of Manganese Oxide
Wang Z, Lee S-W, Tebo B & Giammar D
(2011) Soluble Mn(III), Mn(II) and Total Mn in Sediment Porewaters: Soluble Mn(III) is Ubiquitous
Madison A, Mucci A, Sundby B, Tebo B & Luther G
(2011) Fate of U(IV) during Microbially-Driven Mn(II) Oxidation in Sediments
Plathe K, Lee S-W, Lezama-Pacheco J, Tebo B, Bargar J & Bernier-Latmani R
(2009) Microbial Fe Cycling at Basalt-Biofilm Interfaces on the Seafloor
Templeton A, Trainor T, Arey B, Dohnalkova A, Staudigel H & Tebo B
(2008) Kinetics of Indirect UO2 Oxidation by Mn(II)-oxidizing Bacillus sp.ores
Chinni S, Anderson C, Ulrich K-U, Veeramani H, Sharp J, Giammar DE, Rizlan B-L & Tebo B
(2007) In situ Redox Chemistry of Hydrothermal Fluids at the Loihi Seamount Microbial Observatory
Glazer B, Briggs R, Nuzzio D, Heshiki Z, Edwards K, Moyer C, Emerson D, Tebo B & Staudigel H
(2006) In-situ insights into microbially-mediated basalt weathering and metal biomineralization at active Seamounts
Templeton A, Trainor T, Eng P, Bailey B, Staudigel H & Tebo B
(2005) Active Bacterial Mn(II) Oxidation Accelerates Cr(III) Oxidation Compared to Abiotic Oxidation by Mn Oxide Minerals
Murray K & Tebo B
(2005) Nanoparticulate Bacteriogenic Manganese Oxides: Environmental Reactivity and Stuctural Chemistry
Bargar J, Fuller C, Webb S & Tebo B
(2005) Distribution and Speciation of Metals and Metalloids at Microbe/mineral Interfaces
Templeton A, Trainor T, Brown G & Tebo B
(2005) Fe(II) and Mn(II) Oxidation and Biomineralization within Basalt-Hosted Lithoautotrophic Biofilms
Templeton A, Tebo B, Staudigel H, Bailey B, Lisa H & Trainor T
(2004) Fe(II) and Mn (II) Oxidizing Bacteria Associated with Weathered Oceanic Basalts
Templeton A, Staudigel H, Bailey B & Tebo B
(2004) FeMO: An Observatory for the Study of Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria
Edwards K, Emerson D, Moyer C, Staudigel H, Tebo B, Bailey B, Rogers D & Templeton A
(2004) The Ocean Crust as a Bioreactor
Staudigel H, Bailey B, Furnes H, Tebo B & Templeton A
(2004) Structural Chemistry and Formation Mechanisms of Bacteriogenic Manganese Oxides
Bargar J, Webb S, Fuller C & Tebo B

Tebo Bradley (2015) Soluble manganese(III) is Ubiquitous in Natural Waters and Sedimentary Pore Waters
Luther G, Oldham V, Tebo B, Jones M, Mucci A & Sundby B

Tebo Bradley (2017) The Temporal Variability of Mn Speciation in the Chesapeake Bay and St. Lawrence Estuaries
Oldham V, Tebo B, Mucci A, Wright M, Jones M & Luther G

Tebo Bradley (2021) Iron and Manganese Cycling Influence on Alkalinity from a Redox Stratified Water Column of the Chesapeake Bay
Thibault de Chanvalon A, Luther G, Tebo B, Estes E, Necker J, Su J & Cai W-J

Tebo Bradley (2023) Influences of Manganese Cycling on Alkalinity in the Redox Stratified Water Column of Chesapeake Bay
Thibault de Chanvalon A, Luther G, Estes ER, Necker J, Tebo B, Su J & Cai W-J

Tebo Bradley M (2019) Dissolved and Solid-Phase Fe and Mn Speciation in Marine Sediments
Oldham V, Hansel C, Wankel S, Karolewski J, Bernhard J, Michel A, Luther G, Tebo B & Mucci A
(2019) Active Microbial Mn(II) Oxidation Mediates Cr(III) Oxidation and Fractionates Cr Stable Isotopes
Miletto M, Wang XL, Planavsky NJ, Luther GW, Lyons TW & Tebo BM

Teboul P-A. (2023) A Neural-Network-Based Hydrothermal Dolomitization Model for Future Coupling with Basin Modeling in the Energy Transition Context
Collard N, Teboul P-A, Faney T, Cacas-Stentz M-C & Gout C
(2022) Fluid/rock Interaction in Extensional Setting: A Complex Contribution from Exhumed Mantle and Crustal Fluids – Case Study of the Aptian “Pre-Salt” Carbonates
Teboul P-A, Lima NM, Gaucher EC & Araujo LM
(2019) Diagenetic Silicification in the Presalt Carbonate Reservoirs of the Kwanza Basin, Offshore Angola: Constrains from Fluid Inclusions, Stable Isotopes and U-Pb Dating
Girard J-P, San Miguel G, Teboul P-A & Godeau N

Tecce F. (2013) Dynamics of Sulfur Degassing in Alkaline Magmas Illustrated with Melt and Fluid Inclusions
Frezzotti ML & Tecce F

Tecchiato V. (2018) Modeling the Crystallization and Emplacement Conditions of a Basaltic Trachyandesitic Sill at Mt. Etna Volcano
Nazzari M, Di Stefano F, Mollo S, Scarlato P, Tecchiato V, Ellis B, Bachmann O & Ferlito C
(2016) The Coarse-Grained, High-Mg Basaltic Enclaves of Capo Marargiu (Sardinia, Italy): Constrains on the Differentiation of Arc Magmas
Tecchiato V, Gaeta M, Mollo S & Scarlato P
(2015) High Porphyritic Calcalkaline Basalts from the Cenozoic Capo Marargiu Volcanic District (Sardinia, Italy)
Tecchiato V, Gaeta M, Mollo S, Perinelli C & Scarlato P

Techer Isabelle (2012) Dating Fluid Flow Events in a Shallow Sedimentary Basin: The Key Contribution of K-Ar Geochronology of Authigenic Illite
Blaise T, Clauer N, Cathelineau M, Boulvais P, Boiron M-C, Techer I, Tarantola A & Landrein P

Techer Isabelle (2015) 87Sr/86Sr Signature of Atmospheric PM for Sources Emissions Monitoring
Janin M, Techer I, Boutonnet F, Fromage-Mariette A, Guinat Y, Roux M & Verdoux P

Techer Isabelle (2016) Geochemistry of Claystone/Cement Paste Interface at 70℃: An in situ Experiment
Lalan P, Dauzères A, De Windt L, Bartier D, Techer I & Detilleux V

Techer Isabelle (2021) Assessment of Oxygen, Oxyanions and Trace Metals Benthic Fluxes by a Novel Non-Invasive Technique in Coastal Areas
Regis J, Meulé S, Verdoux P, Techer I & Rigaud S
(2021) Phytoremediation of Saline Dredged Sediments: The Potential of Arundo Donax for Chloride Phytoextraction
Sordes F, Cothenet S, Sahli S, Regis J & Techer I

Techmer A. (2017) Geochronological (OSL) and Geochemical Investigations of Loess/Palaeosol Sequences in the Mainz Basin (Upper Rhine Area, Germany)
Techmer A, Kühn P, Weidenfeller M, Rolf C & Frechen M

Techtmann S. (2016) Microbial Degradation and Community Changes to Crude Petroleum Oil in in Different Deep Oceans
Liu J, Techtmann S, Julian J, Joyner D & Hazen T

Tecklenburg M. (2005) Ion-Substituted Apatites: Standards for Raman Analysis of Bone
Tecklenburg M, Awonusi A, Dennis S & Sirbescu M

Tedeschi Leonardo (2019) Sedimentary Markers of Ocean Plateau Volcanism during the Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events
Percival L, Tedeschi L, Creaser R, van Helmond N, Snoeck C, Debaille V, Mattielli N, Bottini C, Erba E, Goderis S, Mather T, Jenkyns H & Claeys P

Tedeschi Leonardo Ribeiro (2021) Determining the Style and Provenance of Magmatic Activity during the Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE 1a)
Percival L, Tedeschi LR, Creaser R, Bottini C, Erba E, Giraud F, Svensen H, Savian J, Trindade R, Coccioni R, Frontalini F, Jovane L, Mather TA & Jenkyns H

Tedeschi M. (2022) The Potential Influence of Mountain Belts on Ediacaran-Cambrian Ecosystems of Western Gondwana
Caxito F, Sperling EA, MacDonald F, Uhlein G, Cawood PA, Xiao S, Cui H, Pedrosa Soares A, Novo T, De Grave J, Roncato J, Uhlein A, Lana C, Santos L, Rangel C, Ross S, Halverson G, Tedeschi M, Alkmim F, Okubo J, Warren LV, Scholz R & Queiroga G
(2018) Petrochronological Evolution of Garnet-Free UHT Mafic Granulites in the Guaxupé Nappe (SE Brazil): From Subduction to Collision?
Tedeschi M, Pedrosa-Soares A, Dussin I, Lanari P, Novo T, Piacentini Pinheiro MA, Lana C & Peters D

Tedoldi D. (2023) Analyzing Contaminant Fingerprints in Stormwater Sediments: Insights into their Sources and Dynamics
Gautier M, Tedoldi D & Chatain V
(2021) Is There a Specific Pollution in Sediments of Urban Stormwater Basins?
Couvidat J, Zhan Q, Chatain V, Bacot L, Gautier M, Tedoldi D, Lipeme-Kouyi G, Delolme C & Winiarski T

Tedrow S. (2022) Detection of Fallout in Smoke from Forest Fires along the Pacific Coast: A Study of Actinide and Fission Product Transport
Gartman B, Noyes K, Estrada J, Friese J, Gajos N, Pratt S, Woods V, Eslinger P, Munley W, Tedrow S, Greenwood L, Cantaloub M, Spitler G, Beck C, Arnold E & Metz L
(2019) Dynamic Multicollector LG-Sims Analysis of Mixed U-Pu Materials
Zimmer M, Peres P, Cunningham H, Knight K, Noyes K & Tedrow S

Tedstone A. (2020) Aerosols and Albedo: Links between Airborne Particulate Matter and Melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet
McCutcheon J, McQuaid JB, Williamson C, Cook J, Tedstone A, Lutz S, Rigby R, Mayanna S, Tranter M & Benning LG
(2019) Dining on Dust? Examining the Link between Mineral Dust and Microbial Life in Supraglacial Habitats
McCutcheon J, Williamson C, Cook J, Tedstone A, Lutz S, Wilson S, Stockdale A, Holland A, McQuaid J, Tranter M & Benning LG
(2018) Microbe-Mineral Interactions on the Greenland Ice Sheet: Implications for Albedo and Melting
McCutcheon J, Lutz S, Williamson C, Cook J, Tedstone A, Stockdale A, Vanderstraeten A, Bonneville S, McQuaid JB, Tranter M & Benning LG
(2015) Glaciers as a Missing Source of Silicon to the World's Oceans
Hawkings J, Wadham J, Tranter M, Benning LG, Tedstone A, Nienow P & Hendry K

Teece B. (2022) The Plot Thickens: An Updated View on Stromatolite Biogenicity in the 3.48 Billion-Year-Old Dresser Formation, Australia
Baumgartner R, Van Kranendonk MJ, Campbell KA, Dobson M & Teece B
(2022) Geomolecules in the Late Jurassic Claudia Paleo-Geothermal Field: Evidence of a Complex Geological and Biological Environment
Teece B, Guido D, Campbell KA, Van Kranendonk MJ, Galar A & George S
(2022) Regional to Micron-Scale Controls on Preservation of Biosignatures in Phanerozoic Hot Spring Microbial Sinter
Campbell KA, Guido D, Hamilton A, Rowe M, Lyon B, Teece B, Foucher F, Westall F, Ruff S & Van Kranendonk MJ

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