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Klahr H. (2021) Rapid and Repeated Accretion of Planetesimals in an Outer Region of the Protoplanetary Disc
Ma N, Neumann W, Néri A, Schwarz WH, Ludwig T, Trieloff M, Klahr H & Bouvier A

Klama K. (2006) Episodic versus long term recycling processes within the Archean South African crust
Klama K, Lahaye Y, Weyer S, Gerdes A & Brey G

Klaminder J. (2022) Soil Fauna and the Fate of Soil Organic Carbon in Northern Forests
Wackett AA, Yoo K, Cameron EK, Jelinski NA, Looker N, Olid C, Jonsson H, Rodríguez-Martínez S, Frelich LE & Klaminder J
(2021) Using Soil Ancient DNA for the Reconstruction of Past Environments: Insights in the New Applications of Paleosols on Well-Dated Tephras
Huang DY-T, Rodriguez S, Klaminder J, Dugmore A & Cutler N
(2020) Nonlinear Soil Change by Exotic Earthworms: Organisms as a Soil Forming Factor
Yoo K, Wackett A, Baumann T, Frelich L, Sikes D, Bowser M, Brown S, Ihl C, Zhang M, Riley J & Klaminder J
(2014) Do Iron Oxyhydroxide Surfaces Impact Natural Organic Matter Stability?
Feng W, Klaminder J & Boily J-F
(2011) Irreducible Uncertainty in Estimates of Silicate Mineral Weathering Rates
Futter M, Klaminder J, Lucas R & Köhler S

Klammer D. (2011) Hydrothermal Alteration of Diatomite for the Fixation of Heavy Metal Ions
Höllen D, Grunert P, Klammer D & Dietzel M

Klanova J. (2019) Contrasting the Transport and Fate of PCBs and PFASs Across the Atlantic Ocean
Lohmann R, Markham E, Yanishevsky T, Karaskova P, Becanova J & Klanova J

Klápová H. (2011) Mineral Assemblages and Metamorphic History of Granulites in the Rychleby Mts., Bohemian Massif
Schlöglová K, Faryad SW, Dolejš D & Klápová H

Klar Jessica (2017) Evolution of the Isotopic Composition of Dissolved Iron in Hydrothermal Plumes in the Southern Ocean
Klar J, James R, Gibbs D, Lough A, Parkinson I, Milton J & Hawkes J
(2017) Limited Exchange of Neodymium Isotopes with the NE Atlantic Continental Margin
Stichel T, Klar J, Crocket K, James R, Statham P, Lohan M, Milne A & Mills R
(2017) On the Cr Isotopic Composition of Seawater
Goring-Harford H, James R, Pearce C, Connelly D, Klar J & Parkinson I

Klar Jessica K. (2018) Iron Fuels Vast Phytoplankton Bloom along 40°South in the Atlantic Ocean
Schlosser C, Henderson G, Tagliabue A, Klar JK, Woodward EMS & Achterberg EP
(2018) Sources of Dissolved Iron to Oxygen Minimum Zone Waters on the Senegalese Continental Margin in the Tropical North Atlantic Ocean: Insights from Iron Isotopes
Klar JK, Lacan F, Pradoux C & Artigue L
(2015) Isotopic Composition of Hydrothermal Iron Delivered to the Ocean Interior
Klar J, James R, Gibbs D, Parkinson I, Milton A & Connelly D
(2015) Tracing Hydrothermal Iron Input to the Deep Ocean Using Iron Isotopes
Lough A, Klar J, Gibbs D, Milton J, Parkinson I, Homoky W, Racheal J, Connelly D & Rachel M
(2013) A Low Blank Technique for the Measurement of Iron Isotopes in Seawater and Results from the Tropical Atlantic Ocean
Klar JK, James RH, Parkinson IP, Achterberg EP & Schlosser C

Klas M. (2019) 14C Ages of ‘Hand-Picked’ Foraminifera and More from the AMS Facility at ETH Zurich
Hajdas I, Clark E, Klas M, Trumbore S, Ivy Ochs S, Peteet D, Hemming S, McManus J, Liu T, Severignhaus J, Putnam A & Bonani G

Klasa J. (2011) Atomic Force Microscopy Study of the Dissolution of a Calcite Surface in the Presence of Phosphate Ions
Klasa J, Ruiz-Agudo E, Putnis CV, Putnis A, Schofield P & Valsami-Jones E
(2011) The Importance of the Fluid-Mineral Interface in the Control of Crystal Growth
Putnis CV, Ruiz-Agudo E, Wang L, Klasa J & Putnis A

Klasek S. (2019) A Biogeochemical Curiosity in Sediments of an Active Pockmark (Vestnesa Ridge, Svalbard)
Sauer S, Knies J, Lepland A, Yao H, Klasek S, Hong WL, Eichinger F, Klug M, Panieri G, Himmler T, Steen IH, Dahle H, Vulcano F & Schubert CJ

Klassen R. (2012) Natural Toxicant' is not an Oxymoron. Earth and Health Scientists Need to Meet
Douma S & Klassen R

Klassen S. (2017) Atomic Force Microscopy at Mineral-Water Interfaces: From High-Resolution Imaging to Chemical Identification
Söngen H, Adam H, Klassen S, Seibert S, Nalbach M, Bechstein R & Kühnle A
(2017) Comprehensive Control of Molecular Self-Assembly at the Calcite(10.4)-Water Interface
Nalbach M, Klassen S, Bechstein R & Kühnle A
(2016) In situ Visualization of Molecular Self-Assembly and Surface Restructuring at the Mineral-Water Interface
Nalbach M, Schreiber M, Momper R, Klassen S, Bechstein R & Kühnle A

Klatt A. (2023) Impact of Vegetation Dynamics on Leaf Wax Stable Isotopes Since the Younger Dryas in Central Switzerland
Santos RN, Klatt A, Nelson DB, Ajallooeian F, Schubert CJ, Dubois N, De Jonge C & Ladd SN

Klatt Judith (2017) Response of Chemotrophic Processes to Dynamic Redox Conditions in a Cyanobacterial Mat
Klatt J, Marchant H, de Beer D, Ziebis W, Druschel G, Medina M, Chennu A & Dick G
(2014) A Metabolically Versatile Cyanobacterium and the Low-Oxygen Proterozoic World
Hamilton T, Klatt J, Bird L, Freeman K, de Beer D & Macalady J
(2013) Availability of Light and Chemical Energy Determines the Structure of Natural Sulfide Oxidizing Biofilms
Klatt J, Meyer S, de Beer D & Polerecky L

Klatt Judith M. (2021) The Dark Side of Microphytobenthos: Diel Dynamics of Nitrate Respiration in Microbial Mats and Sediments
Merz E, Dick GJ, de Beer D, Lavik G, Marchant HK & Klatt JM
(2021) Links between Cyanobacterial Activity and Redox Cycling of Sulfur, Iron and Arsenic in a High-Altitude Andean Microbial Mat System
Castillejos Sepúlveda A, Klatt J, Farías ME, de Beer D, Gatti L & Taubner H
(2021) Arsenolipid Characterization in High Altitude Andes Lakes
Doherty D, Schubotz F, Contreras S, Saona L, Farías ME, Planer-Friedrich B, de Beer D & Klatt JM
(2019) 2-D Imaging of Light-Dependent Changes in Arsenic Speciation in Microbial Mat Porewaters
Gatti LM, Castillejos Sepulveda A, Planer-Friedrich B, Farias ME & Klatt JM
(2019) A Secret Forest Under the Salt Crust – High-Altitude Andean Salt Flats as an Analogue to Photosynthetic Microhabitats on Ancient Earth
Merz E, Castillejos Sepulveda A, de Beer D, Chennu A, Farias ME & Klatt JM
(2019) Spinning Down to Oxygen: How did the Moon’s Retreat Cause Microbial Mats to Accumulate Oxygen in the Atmosphere?
Chennu A, Klatt J, Arbic B, Biddanda B, de Beer D & Dick G
(2019) The Moon and Cyanobacteria: Role of day Length and Microbial Mats in Earth’s Oxygenation
Klatt J, Chennu A, Arbic B, Biddanda B, de Beer D & Dick G

Klauck E. (2021) Detecting Microbial Biosignatures in Ice Grains from Europa and Enceladus Using Mass Spectrometry
Klenner F, Napoleoni M, Bönigk J, Pavlista M, Hillier J, Khawaja N, Dannenmann M, Klauck E, Abel B, Olsson-Francis K & Postberg F

Klaudius J. (2015) Magnesium Isotope Fractionation during Carbonatite Petrogenesis at Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania
Li W-Y, Teng F-Z, Halama R, Keller J & Klaudius J
(2007) Geochemistry and Petrogenetic Significance of Natrocarbonatites at Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania
Keller J, Zaitsev A & Klaudius J

Klaue A. (2000) Nd-Sr-Pb Isotopic Variations in Deep-Sea Clays, Kerguelen Drift: A 7 Ma Record of Fluctuations in the Antarctic Ice-Sheet?
Gleason J, Rea D, Joseph L, Owen R, Blum J, Klaue A & Klaue B
(2000) Sr Isotope Markers in Otolith Growth Increments of Atlantic Salmon
Klaue A, Kennedy B, Blum J, Folt C & Lohmann K

Klaue B. (2005) Biological Mercury(Hg) Isotope Fractionation
Kritee K, Klaue B, Blum J & Barkay T
(2002) Mercury in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Klaue B, Lauretta DS & Blum JD
(2000) Nd-Sr-Pb Isotopic Variations in Deep-Sea Clays, Kerguelen Drift: A 7 Ma Record of Fluctuations in the Antarctic Ice-Sheet?
Gleason J, Rea D, Joseph L, Owen R, Blum J, Klaue A & Klaue B
(2000) Mercury Isotopic Analyses by Single- and Multi-Collector Magnetic Sector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Klaue B & Blum JD

Klaus A. (2013) Geochemistry of Fast-Spreading Lower Crust: Results from IODP Expedition 345 at the Hess Deep Rift
Godard M, Meyer R, Saha A, Gillis K, Snow J, Klaus A & Shipboard Scientific Party IE3

Klaus Adam (2014) Hydrothermal Alteration at the Hess Deep Rift
Gillis K, Marks N, Faak K, McCaig A, Nozaka T, Python M, Wintsch R, Snow J & Klaus A
(2010) Microbial Communities and Carbon Cycling within Deep Sea Marine Sediments off Eastern Antarctica
Carr S, Jimenez-Espejo‎ FJ, van de Flierdt T, Dunbar R, Escutia C, Brinkhuis H & Klaus A

Klaus J. (2007) Detecting the Origin of Saline Solutions in Salt Deposits of the German Zechstein Basin
Klaus J, Hansen B & Beer W

Klaus M. (2017) Relics of Pristine Paleoarchean Continental Crust: Granitoids from the Bastar Craton, India
Maltese A, Klaus M & Dewashish U
(2004) Icelandic Magma Chambers: Constraints from Layered Gabbro of the Vesturhorn Igneous Centre
Thomadsen P, Tegner C, Thorarinsson S, Momme P, Jakobsen J & Klausen M
(2004) Icelandic Magma Chambers: Petrology of the Layered Gabbro of the Austurhorn Igneous Centre
Thorarinsson S, Tegner C, Thomadsen P, Jakobsen J, Momme P & Klausen M
(2002) The Influence of Core Formation on Nb-Ta Budgets of Terrestrial Planets
Munker C, Jörg P, Anette B, Stefan W & Klaus M

Klausen M. (2022) An Identity Crisis in Namaqualand: The Tale of the NW-Se Trending Cederberg Dyke Swarm and E-W Dykes North of it, Western and Northern Cape Provinces, South Africa
Kingsbury CG, Altermann W, Kramers JD, Söderlund U, Klausen M & Ernst RE
(2021) Identification of an Equilibrium Component in the Mantle Sources of Carbonatites Using High Precision Ca Stable Isotopes
Amsellem E, Schiller M, Klausen M, Bouyon A, Rojas V & Bizzarro M
(2020) Multiple Sulfur Isotopes of Carbonatites, a Window into their Formation Conditions
Bouyon A, Klausen M, Mata J, Tappe S, Farquhar J & Cartigny P
(2020) Origin of Carbonatites and Associated Silicate Rocks Revealed by Ca Stable Isotopes
Amsellem E, Schiller M, Klausen M & Bizzarro M
(2015) A Geochemical Profile Through the Mesoarchaean Nigerlikasik Tholeiitic to Calc-Alkaline Metavolcanic Sequence, South-West Greenland
Klausen M, Kokfelt T & Szilas K

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