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Gomes J. (2017) Characterization of Soils from North and Central Portugal for Forensic Purposes
Gomes J, Moreira I, Pacheco Â, Ribeiro H, Sant'Ovaia H, Assis A & Guedes A
(2017) Characterization of Soils from Central and South Portugal for Forensic Purposes
Moreira I, Gomes J, Pacheco Â, Ribeiro H, Sant'Ovaia H, Assis A & Guedes A
(2017) Characterization of Soils from the Region of Lisbon (Portugal) for Forensic Purposes
Pacheco Â, Moreira I, Gomes J, Ribeiro H, Sant'Ovaia H, Assis A & Guedes A

Gomes L.B. (2023) Faster Orthopyroxene Versus Olivine Serpentinization Rates during Experimental Peridotite Hydration at 230℃ and 13.4/20.7 MPa: Pressure Effects on Spinel Dissolution and Reaction Kinetics
de Melo Portella Y, Vieira Conceicao R, Siqueira TDA, Gomes LB & Iglesias RS

Gomes M. E. P. (2019) Petrogenesis of Early syn-D3 S-Type Granites from Mondim de Basto, Northern Portugal
Teixeira RJS, Gomes SCC, Gomes MEP & Corfu F

Gomes M.e.p. (2020) A Detrital Zircon LA-Q-ICPMS U-Pb Study of Upper Schists from Vila Nune Unit, Northern Portugal
Teixeira RJS, Gomes SCC, Gomes MEP, Coke C & Pereira AJCM

Gomes Marcia (2014) Evolution of the Auriferous Cachimbo Shear Zone, Transbrasiliano Lineament, Central Brazil: Mineral Chemistry and Microstructures
Mesquita MJ, Hartmann L, Fyfe W, Picanço J & Gomes M

Gomes Márcia Elisa Boscato (2017) Liquid Immiscibility and Platinum Group Element Diffusion in L6-S5 Ordinary Chondrite
Schaan R, Grings D, Gomes MB, Conceição R, Quillfeldt J & Zucolotto ME

Gomes Maria Elisa (2015) Geochemistry and U-Pb Age of Early Ordovician Ash-Fall Tuff Beds from Moncorvo, Northern Portugal
Urbano E, Gomes M, Meireles C, Teixeira R, Sá A, Santos F, Azevedo M & Corfu F
(2014) A Combined Zircon LAM-ICPMS-MC U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotopic Study of Variscan S-Type Granites from Sabugal, Central Portugal
Teixeira R, Neiva A, Silva P, Gomes M & Andersen T
(2014) Natural Radiation and Geochemistry of the Lamas de Olo Biotite Granite, Northern Portugal
Teixeira R, Gomes M, Martins L, Pereira A & Neves L
(2013) U-Pb Geochronology of Detrital Zircons from Metasedimentary Rocks from Formation of Desejosa, Serra do Marão, Portugal
Teixeira R, Coke C, Gomes M, Dias R & Martins L
(2012) The Importance of Electron Microprobe Dating of Monazite from Some Granites of Northern Portugal
Teixeira R, Neiva A & Gomes M
(2011) U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotopic Constraints on the Genesis of a Variscan Two-Mica Granite from Carrazeda de Ansiães
Teixeira R, Neiva A, Gomes M & Andersen T
(2011) Early Ordovician Volcanism in Eucísia and Mateus Areas, Central Iberian Zone, Northern Portugal
Coke C, Teixeira R, Gomes M, Corfu F & Rubio Ordóñez A
(2011) Radon Risk and their Geological Control in the Region of Amarante (Northern Portugal)
Martins L, Gomes M, Neves L & Pereira A
(2011) Bioavailability of Tungsten in Soils and Tailings of Mining Areas with Distinctive Paragenesis (Northern Portugal)
Favas P, Pratas J & Gomes E
(2010) Selective Chemical Extraction of Heavy Metals and Arsenic in Soils Contaminated by Mining Activity (Northern Portugal): Biogeochemical Implications
Favas P, Pratas J & Gomes ME
(2010) Contamination of Waters Related to Abandoned W-Sn Mines (Murçós, NE Portugal)
Antunes IM, Gomes ME, Neiva AM & Teixeira R
(2010) Weathering and Hydrochemistry Associated with the Old Mine Workings at Fonte Santa (NE of Portugal)
Gomes M, Antunes I, Pacheco F, Neiva A & Silva P
(2009) Heavy Metals and Arsenic Contamination in Mining Areas: A Biogeochemical Approach
Favas P, Pratas J & Gomes M
(2009) Geochemistry of Stream Sediments from an Abandoned Sn-W Mine Area, Northeast Portugal
Silva MM, Lopes S & Gomes EM
(2009) Geochemistry of Stream Waters from an Abandoned Sn-W Mine Area, Northeast Portugal
Lopes S, Silva MM & Gomes EM
(2009) Petrogenesis of S-Type Syntectonic Granites from Carrazeda de Ansiães, Northern Portugal
Teixeira R, Neiva A, Gomes M & Corfu F
(2009) Isotopic Markers in Wines from Douro Region, Portugal
Malheiro V, Favas P, Gomes M & Ribeiro S
(2009) New Insights in the Early Ordovician Magmatism from the Marão Anticline, Northern Portugal
Gomes M, Coke C, Teixeira R, Azevedo M & Corfu F
(2009) Magnetic Parameters and Chemical Composition of Nerium oleander Leaves: A Study of Pollution Levels in Coimbra, Central Portugal
Gomes C, Gomes E & Saragoça C
(2008) Radon in Dwellings and Groundwater of the Vila Real Urban Area (Northern Portugal)
Gomes M, Coelho F, Neves L, Carvalho A, Sousa M & Pereira A
(2007) Hydrogeochemistry of Water Resources from Abandoned Freixeda Gold Mine (NE Portugal)
Pereira M, Gomes M & Montes R
(2007) Sr Isotopic Composition in Variscan Granitoids, Silurian Metasediments and Waters from the Boticas Area (Northern Portugal)
Saraiva M, Gomes M & Azevedo M
(2007) Resolving the Emplacement History of Syntectonic Granites from Carrazeda de Ansiães, N Portugal, by U-Pb
Teixeira R, Neiva A, Gomes M & Corfu F
(2007) Relationships between Magnetic Properties and Heavy Metals in Nerium oleander Leaves and Soils (Viseu, Central Portugal)
Gomes C, Dias J, Neves L, Rocha A & Gomes E
(2005) Mineralogical Controls on Mine Drainage, Ervedosa Mine, Northern Portugal
Gomes M & Favas P
(2001) Geochemistry of Tourmaline from Hercynian Granites, Associated Tin, Tungsten and Gold Deposits and Adjacent Metamorphic and Metasomatic Rocks from Northern Portugal
Neiva AMR, Silva MMVG & Gomes MEP

Gomes Maya (2015) Can Oxygen Isotopes in Sulphate be Used to Track the Extent of Euxinia in Ancient Oceans? – Insights from Modern Euxinic Systems
Gomes M & Johnston D
(2013) The Preservation of Sulfur Isotope Signals in Low Sulfate Systems: How Low is Low?
Gomes M & Hurtgen M
(2012) Multi-Proxy Investigation of Paleoredox Indicators in a Permanently Euxinic, Low Sulfate Lake
Gomes M & Hurtgen M

Gomes Maya (2017) Organic Matter Sulfurization during Ocean Anoxic Event 2: Evidence from Pont d’Issole, France
Raven M, Fike D, Gomes M & Webb S
(2017) Linking the Modern to the Ancient with Morphological and Geochemical Signatures in Microbial Mats
Gomes M, Riedman LA, O'Reilly S, Lingappa U, Metcalfe K, Stein N, Orzechowski EA, Strauss JV, Grotzinger H, Quinn DP, Trower L, Fike D, Grotzinger J & Knoll A

Gomes Maya (2018) Environmental Divers of Decoupled Marine Sulfate Oxygen and Sulfur Isotope Trends during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Gomes M, Waldeck A, Gill B & Johnston D

Gomes Maya (2019) Rapid Organic Matter Sulfurization and Enhanced Organic Matter Burial Across Ocean Anoxic Event 2
Raven M, Fike D, Gomes M & Webb S

Gomes Maya (2023) Controls on Estuarine Pyrite Formation and Implications for Paleozoic Earth System Oxygenation
Hantsoo K, Gomes M & Brenner D

Gomes N. (2018) New Insights on the Neoproterozoic Subduction Zones in the Western Gondwana: NE Brazil
Saraiva dos Santos TJ, Gomes N, Vitorio J & Mendes L

Gomes P. (2013) Relation between Diatom Communities and the Degree of AMD Affection in Selected Water Dams in Iberian Pyrite Belt
Valente T, Almeida S, Rivera MJ, Delgado C, Gomes P, de la Torre ML, Santisteban M & Grande Gil JA
(2013) Mineralogical and Geochemical Properties of a Water Dam Receiving Historic AMD Contamination by Sulfide Tailings in the RioTinto Mine SW Spain
Grande Gil JA, Valente T, de la Torre ML, Borrego J, Sequeira Braga MA, Gomes P, Santisteban M & Fernandez JP

Gomes S. C. C. (2019) Petrogenesis of Early syn-D3 S-Type Granites from Mondim de Basto, Northern Portugal
Teixeira RJS, Gomes SCC, Gomes MEP & Corfu F

Gomes S.c.c. (2020) A Detrital Zircon LA-Q-ICPMS U-Pb Study of Upper Schists from Vila Nune Unit, Northern Portugal
Teixeira RJS, Gomes SCC, Gomes MEP, Coke C & Pereira AJCM

Gomes Sónia (2021) Potential of Sr Isotopic Signature for Authenticity and Geographical Origin of Portuguese Wines
Teixeira R, Gomes S, Pereira L, Fernandes R, Mendes-Ferreira A, Preto Gomes ME & Martins-Lopes P

Gómez A. (2019) Acid Mine Drainage Prediction Using a Combined Chemical-Mineralogical and Textural Characterization Approach on Mine Tailings Samples
Martínez P, Yesares L, Caraballo M, Gómez A, Macías F & Nieto JM

Gomez E. (2021) Evaluation of Barcelona Soil Capacity for Sorption and Degradation of Emerging Contaminants
Garcia-Rios M, Duporte G, Gomez E & Luquot L

Gómez Felipe (2023) Provenance and Diagenesis of Martian Sedimentary Rocks in the Jezero Crater Delta Front from Microscale Observations by the Mars 2020 PIXL Instrument
Hurowitz J, Tice MM, Allwood A, Cable M, Bosak T, Broz A, Caravaca G, Clark BC, Dehouck E, Fairen AG, Gomez F, Grotzinger JP, Gupta S, Johnson JR, Kah LC, Kalucha H, Labrie J, Li AY, Mandon L, Núñez J, Pedersen DAK, Poulet F, Randazzo N, Scheller EL, Schmidt M, Shuster DL, Siebach K, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Tosca NJ, Treiman A, VanBommel SJ, Wade LA, Williford KH & Yanchilina A
(2022) Salty Mars, from Perseverance to Viking: Geochemical Themes, Variation, and Habitability
Clark BC, Hurowitz J, Catling DC, Flannery DT, Benison KC, Gasda P, Moore KR, Fairen AG, Gomez F & Allwood A
(2016) Physicochemical Context Synthesis for the MASE Mars Analogue Sites
Monaghan E, Ehrenfreund P, Cockell C, Schwendner P, Rettberg P, Belbo-Vranesevic K, Bohmeier M, Rabbow E, Westall F, Gaboyer F, Walter N, Moissl-Eichinger C, Perras A, Gomez F, Amils R, Garcia L, Marteinsson V & Vannier P
(2008) Precipitation of Subsurface Carbonates Under Acidic Surface Conditions on Mars: A Terrestrial Perspective
Fernández-Remolar D, Amils R, Prieto-Ballesteros O, Gómez-Ortíz D & Gómez F

Gomez Fernando J. (2018) Understanding the Drivers of Extreme Isotopic Enrichment in a Modern Microbialite Forming Environment
Beeler SR, Gomez FJ & Bradley AS

Gomez G. (2023) Carbon Assimilating Fungi from Surface Ocean to Subseafloor Revealed by Coupled Phylogenetic and Stable Isotope Analysis
Orsi W, Vuillemin A, Coskun Ö, Rodriguez P, Oertel Y, Niggemann J, Mohrholz V & Gomez G

Gómez J. J. (2017) Lower Jurassic Organic Matter Preservation Events, an Oceanic Anoxic Event, and Carbon Cycle Perturbations
Silva RL, Duarte LV, Gómez JJ, Mendonça Filho JG, Wach G, Sadki D, Rodrigues B, Carlisle C & Caniço A

Gomez Javier Bernardo (2011) Evaluation of Thermodynamic Data and Activity Coefficient Models for the Geochemical Modeling of CO2 Storage Systems
Gimeno MJ, Acero P, Gutierrez V, Auque LF, Asta MP & Gomez J
(2009) The Alhama-Jaraba System as a Natural Analogue for CO2-Geological Sequestration
Acero P, Auqué LF, Gimeno MJ & Gómez JB

Gomez Jessica Carolina (2023) Corg, N and Hg-Isotopes and Hg Chemostratigraphy in the Late Ordovician–early Silurian Transition, Argentine Precordillera
Sial AN, Chen J, Peralta S, Gaucher C, Korte C, Frei R, Ferreira VP, Lacerda LD, Barbosa JA, Pereira N, Riedel PR & Gomez JC
(2022) Late Ordovician–early Silurian Transition Recorded in the Argentine Precordillera: Insights from C, N, Hg Isotopes and enhanced-Hg Chemostratigraphy
Sial AN, Chen J, Peralta S, Gaucher C, Korte C, Ferreira VP, Lacerda LD, Barbosa JA, Pereira NS, Riedel PR, Gomez JC & Santos NT

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