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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Adams T.J. (2013) Light Absorbing Products from Aqueous Processing of α-Dicarbonyls: Matrix Effects and Atmospheric Implications
Finessi E, Hamilton JF, Baeza-Romero MT, Rickard AR, Healy RM, Peppe S, Adams TJ, Daniels MJS, Ball SM, Goodall ICA, Monks PS, Borras E & Munoz A

Adamson D. (2013) Application of CSIA for Evaluating the Fate of Chlorinated Compounds in Low Permeability Sediments
Aravena R, Parker B, Lima G, Chapman S & Adamson D

Adani F. (2010) Nanoscale Structure of Organic Matter Could Explain Soil Organic Matter Recalcitrance
Papa G & Adani F

Adapa D.P. (2022) Late-Quaternary Biogenic Carbonate Deposits of Kachchh, Western India and Associated Aeolian Dynamics and Sea-Level Changes
Adapa DP & Bhattacharya F

Adar Eilon (2016) Field Degassing as a New Sampling Method for 14C Analyses in Groundwater
Bernier R, Yokochi R, Yechieli Y, Purtschert R, Adar E, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Mueller P, Ram R & Zappala J
(2009) The Use of Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis to Quantify Biodegradation of RDX in Groundwater
Bernstein A, Adar E, Ronen Z, Stichler W & Meckenstock R
(2003) The Fate of Neopentyl-Halides in a Fractured Chalk Aquifer
Ezra S, Feinstein S, Bilkis Y, Adar E & Ganor J

Adar Eilon M (2023) New Insights into Groundwater Dating from Paired 14C, 4He, and High-Precision 40Ar Measurements in the Columbia River Basalt Aquifer System
Tyne RL, Warr O, Cheng A, Kulongoski JT, McIntosh J, Johnson HM, Hudak MR, Ram R, Ben-Nun Levanon H, Reznik IJ, Adar EM, Ng J & Seltzer AM
(2023) A New Mixing Cells Model for the Assessment of Transmissivity and Storage Coefficients in Unsteady Groundwater Flow System Based on Hydrochemistry and Environmental Isotopes
Adar EM
(2023) Unraveling the Paleo-Hydrology of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer Using Dissolved Noble Gases
Ram R, Seltzer AM, Adar EM, Solomon DK, Yokochi R, Purtschert R, Yechieli Y, Burg A, Aeschbach W, Zappala JC, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Mueller P & Reznik IJ
(2022) A Multi-Tracers Mixing-Cells Model Identified and Quantified Active Recharge into a Deep Nubian Sandstone "Fossil" Aquifer
Adar EM, Atencio B, Ram R, Burg A, Yokochi R, Yechieli Y, Purtschert R, Lu Z-T & Jiang W

Adar F. (2012) Applications of Raman XYZ Mapping in the Earth Sciences
Adar F, Tuschel D & Bodnar R

Adatte T. (2023) Clay Mineralogy and Hf-Nd Isotopic Compositions on Clay Fractions: Source-To-Sink Analysis of Signal Propagation in the Cape Basin during the Late Cretaceous
Gaitan CE, Pucéat E, Pellenard P, Adatte T, Robin C, Guillocheau F & Bayon G
(2023) Hf-Nd Isotope Evidence for Enhanced Chemical Weathering on the West African Craton during the Late Cretaceous
Corentin P, Pucéat E, Pellenard P, Guiraud M, Blondet J, Adatte T & Bayon G
(2023) Timing and Tempo of Deccan Volcanism Relative to the KPg Extinction Revealed by Mercury and Tellurium Anomalies
Adatte T, Regelous M, Spangenberg JE, Khozyem H, Keller G, Karabeyoglu U & Khadri S
(2023) Palaeoenvironmental Records Across the Early Toarcian Hyperthermal Event: From Onset to Recovery
Fantasia A, Adatte T, Spangenberg JE, Mattioli E, Regelous M, Millot R, Bodin S, Rogov M & Suan G
(2023) Imprint of Deccan Volcanism and Changes in Pelagic Carbonate Production Across the Cretaceous – Paleogene Boundary Section of Nye Kløv (N. Denmark)
Thibault N, Møller SD, Adatte T, Bjerrum CJ & Spangenberg JE
(2023) Tellurium in Maastrichtian-Danian Sediments: The Main Phase of Deccan Volcanism Spans the K-Pg Boundary and Lasted for 600 kyr
Regelous M, Adatte T, Baumann NB, Khozyem H, Regelous A & Haase KM
(2023) PETM Onset Triggered by Intense Volcanism in the North Atlantic Revealed by Tellurium
Baumann NB, Regelous M, Regelous A, Adatte T, Thibault N, Schultz BP & Haase KM
(2021) Climate, Tectonic and Weathering: New Insights from Combined Hf and Nd Isotopic Composition of Clays
Pucéat E, Freslon N, Corentin P, Marlot L, Pellenard P, Brayard A, Guiraud M, Adatte T & Bayon G
(2021) New Isotopic Evidence for Changes of the Erosion and Weathering on the Northeast South American Margin
Corentin P, Pucéat E, Pellenard P, Guiraud M, Bayon G, Adatte T & Blondet J
(2018) The Late Devonian Mass Extinction: New Geochemical and Geochronological Insights
Percival L, Davies J, Selby D, Schaltegger U, Rakocinski M, Racki G, Bond D, Spangenberg J, Adatte T & Föllmi K
(2018) The Tempo of the Deccan Traps Flood Basalts Relative to the End-Cretaceous Mass Extinction
Schoene B, Eddy M, Samperton K, Keller G, Adatte T & Khadri S
(2013) Oxygen and Hydrogen Stable Isotopes in Alpine Waters and Fine-Grained Soils Near Saas Fee, Switzerland
Bauer K, Adatte T & Vennemann T
(2010) High Cd Concentrations in Bajocian Carbonates in the Swiss Jura Mountains: Evidences for Hydrothermal Input
Efimenko N, Spangenberg J, Schneider J, Chiaradia M, Adatte T, Matera V & Föllmi K
(2009) Paleoceanographic Change Associated with the Valanginian δ13C Excursion in the Western Tethys
Westermann S, Matera V, Adatte T, Schnyder J, Duchamp-Alphonse S, Fiet N, Fleitmann D, Ploch I & Föllmi KB
(2009) Anoxia during the OAE 2: Paleoenvironmental Insights from Tibet and Mexico
Bomou B, Adatte T, Follmi KB, Caron M, Tantawy AA, Fleitmann D, Matera V & Huang Y
(2009) Phosphorus Accumulation during Late Devonian Anoxic Events in Erfoud Morocco
Adatte T, Bomou B, Keller G, Gertsch B, Fleitmann D, Fargo R, Millian C, Kalmbach E, Fleming J & Lavdovski N
(2005) Cadmium Enrichments in Jurassic Carbonates: Causes and Mechanisms
Rambeau C, Föllmi KB, Matera V, Adatte T & Steinmann P
(2004) The Behaviour of U, V, As and Mo in a Carbonate-Rich, Anoxic Lake
Steinmann P, Matera V, Bodin S, Godet A, Adatte T & Föllmi K
(2002) Cadmium Anomalies in Oolitic Carbonates of Bajocian and Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian Age in the Swiss and French Jura Mountains
Rambeau C, Föllmi K, Adatte T, Matera V, Steinmann P & Veuve P
(2000) Phosphorus Geochemistry of Marine Records: Examples from Diverse Oceanographic Settings
Tamburini F, Adatte T, Steinmann P & Föllmi K
(2000) Variations of Detrital Inputs to the South China Sea from 0 to 150 Kyr: A Mirror of Climate Change
Tamburini F, Steinmann P, Gueguen C, Adatte T & Föllmi K

Adcock C. (2012) Interpreting Phosphate Mobility on Mars and the Implications for Habitability
Hausrath E, Adcock C & Tu V

Addad A. (2023) High Resolution Analysis of Carbonaceous Texture within Lenticular Microstructures from Archean Chert (Strelley Pool Formation – Farrel Quartzite) of the Pilbara Craton (Western Australia)
Coutant M, Lepot K, Fadel A, Addad A & Javaux EJ
(2021) In situ Detection of Bound Ni-Tetrapyrrole Moieties in ~1 Gyr-Old Eukaryote Microfossil Suggesting its Phototrophy
Sforna MC, Loron CC, Demoulin CF, François C, Cornet Y, Lara YJ, Grolimund D, Ferreira Sanchez D, Medjoubi K, Somogyi A, Addad A, Fadel A, Compère P, Baudet D, Brocks JJ & Javaux EJ
(2021) Integrative Paleontological and Geochemical Study of the Microfossil Polysphaeroides Filiformis and its Implication for Deep Time Cyanobacterial Evolution
Demoulin CF, Sforna MC, Lara YJ, Loron CC, Cornet Y, Tucoulou Tachoueres R, Grolimund D, Ferreira Sanchez D, Addad A, Fadel A, Compère P & Javaux EJ
(2021) Testing the Cellular Nature of Large (>10 µm) Spheroids in the ~3.4 Ga Strelley Pool Formation
Coutant M, Lepot K, Fadel A, Addad A, Richard E, Troadec D, Ventalon S, Sugitani K & Javaux EJ
(2020) Nickel as Tracer of Oxygenic Phototrophy in the Fossil Record
Sforna MC, Loron CC, Demoulin CF, François C, Cornet Y, Lara YJ, Grolimund D, Sanchez D, Medjoubi K, Somogyi A, Addad A, Fadel A, Compère P & Javaux EJ
(2016) Experimental Protocol for Diffusion of Noble Gas in Polycrystalline Olivine
Burnard P, Demouchy S, Delon R, Arnaud N, Bouhifd MA, Marrocchi Y, Cordier P & Addad A
(2015) Iron-Mineralized Microfossils from the Great Oxygenation Event
Fadel A, Lepot K, Busigny V, Addad A & Van Kranendonk MJ
(2015) Species-Specific Intracellular Iron Biomineralization in a 1.9-Ga Microfossil Assemblage
Lepot K, Addad A, Knoll AH, Béché A & Javaux EJ

Addadi L. (2021) Biomineralization Pathways in Calcifying Dinoflagellates: Uptake, Storage in MgCaP-Rich Bodies and Formation of the Shell
Jantschke A, Schertel A, Pinkas I, Addadi L & Weiner S
(2016) Molecular-Functional Insights into Biomimetic Pathways
Kababya S, Gal A, Kahil K, Weiner S, Addadi L & Schmidt A
(2015) Influence of Additives on Phase Behavior and Crystallization of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate
Zou Z, Bertinetti L, Politi Y, Weiner S, Addadi L, Fratzl P & Habraken WJEM
(2015) Crystal Growth Mechanisms in Biomineralization: Solution Mediated Growth Versus Amorphous Precursor Nanoparticle-Mediated Accretion
Gal A, Weiner S & Addadi L
(2015) Experimental Evidence for a Spinodal Region in the Phase Diagram of Calcium Carbonate
Zou Z, Habraken W, Bertinetti L, Politi Y, Vidavski N, Gal A, Weiner S, Addadi L & Fratzl P
(2015) Organisms Manipulate Light: Guanine Crystal Multilayer Arrays
Gur D, Weiner S & Addadi L

Addassi M. (2023) Geochemistry of Groundwaters from the First Subsurface CO2 Mineral Carbonation Pilot Site in Saudi Arabia
Arkadakskiy S, Oelkers EH, Bjornsson G, Gislason SR, Finkbeiner T, Hoteit H, Afifi A, Addassi M, Fedorik J, Berno D, Ahmed Z & Kunnummal N
(2023) Modelling the Combined Effects of Reaction-Driven Flow Path Modification and Fracture Propagation during Carbon Mineralization in Poroelastic Rock
Addassi M, pena Clavijo S, Hoteit H, Finkbeiner T & Oelkers EH

Addison J. (2022) Using Machine Learning to Better Quantify the Frequency and Distribution of Explosive Volcanism in the Alaska-Aleutian Arc
Lubbers J, Loewen M, Wallace KL, Rosenkrans H, Coombs M, Addison J, Burgess SD & Stelten M
(2014) An X-Ray Analysis of Solid-Phase Bromine in Gulf of Alaska Marine Sediments: Proxy Development and Paleoceanographic Applications
Addison J, Sliwinski M, Hayes S, Routson C & Foster A

Addison S. (2020) Citizen Science in Schools and Colleges in Patna, Bihar, India for Groundwater Contaminant Mapping & Knowledge Transfer
Addison S, Polya D, Richards L, Chakravorty B, Chakraborty R, Ambuehl B, Podgorski J, Kumar A & Ghosh A

Addleman R.S. (2009) Chemosorbents for Natural and Artificial Radionuclides Detection by in situ Gamma Counting in Natural Waters
Johnson BE, Santschi PH, Schwantes JM, Douglas M & Addleman RS

Addy K. (2022) From Free-Flowing and Dynamic to Backed-Up and Stagnant: How do Milldams Alter Denitrification and Nitrogen Processing in Riparian Soils and Terraces?
Peck EK, Inamdar S, Sherman M, Hripto J, Peipoch M, Gold AJ & Addy K

Addy S. (2011) Characterization of Fe(0) Electro-Coagulation Reaction Products Using Synchrotron-Based Techniques
van Genuchten C, Peña J, Addy S, Sposito G & Gadgil A

Adeagbo W.A. (2008) A Complete Thermodynamic Formalism for High-Pressure Aqueous Silicate Solutions in the Model System CaO-SiO2-H2O
Burchard M, Maresch WV, Doltsinis NL, Fockenberg T & Adeagbo WA
(2007) Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Study of Ca2+ in Water: Speciation as a Function of P, T, and pH
Adeagbo WA & Doltsinis NL

Adebayo B.O. (2022) Health Risk Assessment of the Consumption of Geophagy Clay from Mowe and Ikorodu Markets, Southwestern Nigeria
Adebayo BO & Olisa O

Adebayo O.H. (2020) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Quarry Dusts at Some Selected Locations of Southwestern Nigeria
Ajibade OM, Adebayo OH, Oladipupo SD, Balogun MS & Adegoke CB

Adebayo S. (2020) Reaction Path and Reactive Transport Modeling of Rare Earth Elements: Insights into the Evolution of Fractionation Patterns
Johannesson K, White C & Adebayo S
(2020) Metals and Trace Elements Composition of Maize, Wheat, and Teff Grown in Volcanic-Ash Rich Soils of the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley
Nyachoti S, Adebayo S & Godebo T
(2019) Rare Earth Element Cycling Across the Chemocline of the Pettaquamscutt River Estuary, Rhode Island
Adebayo S, Cui M, Kelly R, Akintomide O & Johannesson K

Adebiyi A.A. (2021) Atmospheric Radiative Heating due to Aspherical Coarse Dust
Ito A, Adebiyi AA, Huang Y & Kok JF
(2021) Contribution of the World’s Main Dust Source Regions to the Global Cycle of Desert Dust
Kok JF, Adebiyi AA, Albani S, Balkanski Y, Checa-Garcia R, Chin M, Colarco P, Hamilton D, Huang Y, Ito A, Klose M, Li L, Mahowald N, Miller RL, Obiso V, Perez Garcia-Pando C, Rocha-Lima A & Wan J

Adebowale A. (2007) Geo-Electric Investigation of Igbonla Geothermal Sources, South Western Nigeria
Badmus B, Ayolabi E & Adebowale A

Adeboye O. (2018) Effects of Redox Conditions on Organic Matter Accumulation in the Mississippian Limestone, Anadarko Shelf, Oklahoma
Adeboye O, Riedinger N & Quan T

Adediran Gbotemi (2019) Molecular Speciation of Particulate Macronutrients in Leachates from Agricultural Soils
Adediran G, Simonsson M, Lundberg D & Gustafsson J-P
(2019) Effect of Postglacial Weathering on Phosphorus Speciation in Acid Forest Soils
Tuyishime JRM, Adediran G, Vantelon D, Klysubun W & Gustafsson JP
(2019) Phosphorus-Bearing Particles in Leachates from Agricultural Soils
Simonsson M, Adediran G, Aronsson H, Etana A, Gustafsson JP, Hillier S & Lundberg D
(2016) Mercury Interactions with Thiol Ligands: Implications for Mercury Methylation
Björn E, Van L-N, Adediran G & Skyllberg U
(2015) Bacteria-Induced Changes in Zinc Speciation Counteract its Toxicity Despite Increased Bioavailability to Plants
Ngwenya B, Adediran G, Adele N, Heal K & Mosselmans F

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