All abstracts by Michael O. Garcia in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Melt Flux from the Mantle Regulates the Crustal Processing and δ18O Variations of Kamaʻehuakanaloa MagmasPietruszka AJ, Cunningham MJ, Bindeman IN, Garcia MO, Boro JR, Burns DH & Jiang P
(2024) Origin of ‘enriched Mantle I’ (EM-I) Compositions in Hawai‘i: Insights from Ko‘olau-Makapu‘u
Williamson NMB, Weis D, Harrison LN, Armstrong C, Thistlethwaite E, Scoates JS & Garcia MO
(2023) The Thermal and Chemical Litho-Stratigraphy beneath the Hawaiian Islands
Fujita R, Ishikawa A, Yokoyama T & Garcia MO
(2023) Refractory Element and Titanium Isotope Constraints on Volcanic Parent Material Variability and Elemental Mobility in the Critical Zone
Grant KE, Deng Z, Rigoussen D, Garcia MO, Chadwick O, Moynier F & Derry L
(2022) Can the Slightly Depleted Mantle be a High 3He/4He Reservoir?
Fujita R, Ishikawa A, Sumino H & Garcia MO
(2022) Halogens (F, Cl, Br, I) in Submarine Glasses from Around Hawai‘i
Kendrick MA, Garcia MO, Nebel O, Hanyu T & Williams I
(2022) Extensive Magmatic Heating of the Lithosphere beneath the Hawaiian Islands Inferred from Salt Lake Crater Mantle Xenoliths
Guest I, Ito G, Garcia MO & Hellebrand E
(2022) Mantle vs. Crust: Untangling Influences on Melt Stable O Isotopic Composition via Tandem Olivine-Glass δ18O Analyses at Kama'ehu Volcano, Hawai'i
Cunningham MJ, Pietruszka AJ, Garcia MO & Bindeman IN
(2022) Age and Petrology of Koko Rift Basalts: Hawai‘i's most Recent and Atypical Rejuvenation Stage Eruptive Sequence
Garcia MO, Swanson K, Lormand C, Jicha B & Norman M
(2022) Accumulated Puʻu ʻŌʻō Magma Fed the Voluminous 2018 Rift Eruption of Kīlauea Volcano: Evidence from Lava Chemistry
Pietruszka AJ, Garcia MO & Rhodes JM
(2022) Carbon Isotope Composition of Basalts from Kama‘ehuakanaloa (Loihi Seamount): Primordial vs. Recycled Carbon in the Hawaiian Mantle Plume
Graham DW, Michael PJ, Truong TB & Garcia MO
(2022) Geochemistry of Northwest Hawaiian Ridge Basalts: Insight in the Evolution of the Hawaiian Mantle Plume
Formenti S, Weis D, Garcia MO & Harrison LN
(2022) How Atypical is Kauaʻi’s Loa-Kea Geochemical Trend?
Williamson NMB, Weis D, Scoates JS & Garcia MO
(2022) Constraining Patterns of Northwest Hawaiian Ridge Volcanism Before, during and after the 25 Ma Major Pacific Plate Reorganization
Jicha B & Garcia MO
(2020) Hawaiʻi: A Melting pot for Learning How Volcanoes Work
Garcia M
(2020) Extensive Magmatic Heating of the Lithosphere beneath the Hawaiian Islands Inferred from Salt Lake Crater Mantle Xenoliths
Guest I, Ito G, Garcia MO & Hellebrand E
(2020) Ancient Origin of Hawaiian Xenoliths: Fragments of Mantle Plume?
Fujita R, Ishikawa A, Yokoyama T & Garcia M
(2016) A Finer Structure of the Hawaiian Mantle Plume
Weis D, Harrison L, Garcia MO & Rhodes JM
(2016) Hf-Nd-Sr Isotopes of Northwest Hawaiian Ridge Lavas
Harrison L, Weis D & Garcia M
(2016) Magma Reservoir Assembly at Kilauea Volcano: Insights from Chemical Zoning in Olivine
Lynn K, Garcia M, Shea T, Costa F & Swanson D
(2015) Petrology and Geochemical Evolution of Lavas from the Ongoing and Voluminous Puu Oo Eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
Garcia M, Pietruszka A, Marske J, Norman M, Rhodes JM & Greene A
(2014) The Northwestern Hawaiian Ridge: Geochemical Variations over 40 Myr
Harrison L, Weis D, Tree J & Garcia M
(2014) Olivine Evidence for the Source and Origin of Hawaiian Rejuvenated Volcanism
Garcia M
(2014) Parental Magma Variations at Kilauea Volcano: Reassessing the Role of Ni in Basaltic Systems
Lynn K & Garcia M
(2014) Lead Isotopic Evolution of Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaiʻi
Pietruszka A, Marske J, Heaton D, Burns D & Garcia M
(2013) Investigating the Link between Magmatic Volatiles and Mantle Source Lithology in the Hawaiian Plume: A View from Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions, Glasses, and Osmium Isotopes
Marske J, Hauri E, Garcia M & Pietruszka A
(2012) The Origin of Chemical Heterogeneity in the Hawaiian Mantle Plume
Pietruszka A, Norman M, Garcia M, Marske J & Burns D
(2012) What do Post-Shield and Rejuvenated Lavas Tell us About the Source of the Hawaiian Mantle Plume?
Weis D, Hanano D, Garcia M & Geist D
(2012) Li Isotopes of Hawaiian Lavas: Kea vs Loa Source Variation
Harrison L, Weis D, Garcia M, Barnes E & Hanano D
(2011) Short Magma Residence Times for Kilauea Volcano Based on High-Precision Pb Isotope Ratios
Heaton D, Pietruszka A, Garcia M & Marske J
(2011) Mantle Controls on the Geochemistry of Kīlauea Lavas Erupted over the Last Millennium
Burns D, Pietruszka A, Norman M, Marske J, Garcia M & Rhodes JM
(2011) Slow Mantle Upwelling on the Margin of the Hawaiian Plume Based on 230Th-238U Disequilibria at Loihi Seamount
Pietruszka A, Hauri E, Carlson R & Garcia M
(2011) ULVZ as Repository for the Enriched Component in the Hawaiian Source
Weis D, Garcia MO, Rhodes JM, Jellinek M & Scoates J
(2010) Submarine Tholeiitic Volcanism (ca. 3.6 to 4.9 Ma) West of Ka‘ena Ridge, Hawaiian Islands: Implications of Low Magma Productivity in the Evolution of the Hawaiian Plume
Greene A, Weis D, Garcia M, Kuga M, Ito G & Robinson J
(2010) Hawaiian Plume Source: Isotopic Constraints from Mauna Loa
Weis D, Rhodes JM, Garcia MO & Norman M
(2008) Geochemical, Geological and Geophysical Inferences for the Origin of the South Kauai Swell
Swinnard L, Garcia M, Weis D, Flinders A, Ito G, Appelgate B, Bianco T, Taylor B, Blay C & Yamasaki S
(2007) The Structure of the Hawaiian Plume Conduit from High-Precision Isotopic Studies of Mauna Loa Lavas
Weis D, Rhodes M & Garcia M
(2006) Oxygen Isotope Evidence for Chemical Interaction of Kilauea Magmas with Basement Rocks
Garcia M, Ito E & Eiler J
(2006) Compositions of Hawaiian Basalts Preclude Eclogite Mantle Plumes
Norman M, Rhodes M & Garcia M
(2005) The <+>226<$>Ra Chronology and Magma Residence Time of Young Lavas from Loihi Seamount, Hawaii
Pietruszka A, Hauri E, Carlson R & Garcia M
(2005) Assessing Kilauea Volcano's Historical Parental Magma Compositional Variations
Garcia M, Norman M & Pietruszka A
(2005) Isotopic Study of Mauna Loa‚s Submarine Southwest Rift Mile High Section: Hawaiian Mantle Plume Structure
Weis D, Rhodes JM, Garcia MO & Submarine Mauna Loa Science Team
(2005) Upper Mantle Dynamics Expressed in Hotspot and Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt Chemistry
Ito G, Bianco T, Mahoney J, Becker J & Garcia M
(2004) The Iron Oxidizing Bacterium Leptospirillum ferrooxidans as a Model for Biomarker Search on Mars
Parro V, Moreno-Paz M, Bastolla U, Briones C, García M & Fernández-Remolar D
(2004) Oxygen Isotope Composition of Olivine Phenocrysts from Koolau Scientific Drilling Project (KSDP)
Eiler J & Garcia M
(2002) K-Ar Age Determination on Honolulu Unit, Oahu, Hawaii
Ozawa A, Garcia M & Tagami T
(2001) U-Series Isotope Geochemistry of Young Lavas Collected from Loihi Seamount Using the Alvin and Shinkai 6500 Submersibles
Pietruszka AJ, Hauri EH & Garcia MO