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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

O'Keefe M. (2011) Collection and Measurements of Reservoir Fluids Properties – ‘Today and Tomorrow’
Stankiewicz A, O'Keefe M, Mostowfi F, Ratulowski J, Atkinson M & Sharma S

O'Keeffe T. (2006) Elemental Profiles of New Zealand Pinot Noir and Other Red Wines
Miskelly G, Angus N, O'Keeffe T & Stuart K

O'Leary A. (2012) Fossil Corals as an Archive of Phanerozoic Seawater Chemistry
O'Leary A, Bender M, Stolarski J, Adkins J, Dennis K & Schrag D

O'Leary D. (2008) Chromium Mobilization from the Unsaturated Zone
Izbicki J, Kulp T, Bullen T, Ball J & O'Leary D

O'Leary J. (2011) Post-Entrapment Changes to H2O and CO2 in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
Gaetani G, O'Leary J & Shimizu N
(2008) The Influence of Aluminum on the Partitioning of Water between Clinopyroxene and Basaltic Melt
O'Leary J, Gaetani G & Hauri E
(2007) Hydrogen Isotope Geochemistry of Basalts from Samoa
O'Leary J, Hauri E, Hart S & Staudigel H
(2005) Hydrogen Isotope Geochemistry of Nominally Anhydrous Mantle Minerals
O'Leary J, Eiler J & Rossman G
(2001) Micro-Analysis of D/H Ratios in Mantle Minerals by Carrier-Gas Mass Spectrometry
O'Leary J, Kitchen N & Eiler JM

O'Leary M. (2013) Field Evidence, Modeling Results, and New Investigative Strategies Shed Light on the Timing and Amplitude of Sea Level Change during Past Interglacials
Raymo M, Rovere A, Mitrovica J, O'Leary M, Hearty P & Inglis J
(2010) U-Series Evidence for a Brief but Widespread Interval of Coral Reef Development during MIS 5e, Cape Range, Western Australia
O'Leary M & Thompson W

O'Leary R. (2024) Uranium Isotopic Composition as Novel Biomarker of Chronic Uranium Exposure
Basu A, Lucey C, Pearson BL, DeSantis K, O'Leary R, Zacher T, Halliday AN, Navas-Acien A & Schilling K
(2024) Mapping Uranium (U) Movement in Northern Plains Groundwater Using Isoscapes
Mitra A, Hughes R, Bullbear D, Zacher T, O'Leary R, Stahl M, Red Cloud R, Bostick B, Chillrud SN, Halliday AN, Navas-Acien A, Schilling K & Basu A

O'Loughlin Edward (2022) Microbial Iron Oxidation in Metal-Rich Wetlands: An Integrated Kinetics and Omics Study
Chan CS, Tothero G, Awoyemi O, Hoover RL, Kaplan D, O'Loughlin E & Weisenhorn P
(2021) Speciation and Availability of Trace Metal Micronutrient in Wetland Soils and Stream Sediments
Yan J, Sharma N, Flynn E, Giammar D, Catalano JG, Schwartz G, Brooks SC, Weisenhorn P, Kemner K, O'Loughlin E & Kaplan D
(2020) Consistent Controls on Trace Metal Micronutrient Speciation in Wetland Soils and Stream Sediments
Catalano J, Yan J, Flynn E, Sharma N, Giammar D, Schwartz G, Brooks S, Weisenhorn P, Kemner K, O'Loughlin E & Kaplan D
(2019) Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction and Nitrous Oxide Emissions by Shewanella denitrificans OS217T in Bog and fen Environments
Fan W, Sun K, O'Loughlin E, Xiang W & Yan S
(2019) Hydrobiogeochemical Transformations of Fe and U in Sediment, Stream, and Rhizosphere Environments within Riparian Wetlands
Kemner K, Boyanov M, Weisenhorn P, Kaplan D & O'Loughlin E
(2019) Capturing Seasonal Changes in Microbial Interactions Across Redox Dynamic Environments
Weisenhorn P, Flynn T, Marshall C, O'Loughlin E, Henry C & Kemner K
(2019) Uranium Remobilization from a Wetland 50 Years after Contamination
Kaplan D, Smith R, Ferguson B, Martinez N, Montgomery D, Parker C, Seaman J, Powell B, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K
(2017) Interactions of vanadium(V) with iron(II)/(III)-bearing Minerals
O'Loughlin E, Boyanov M & Kemner K
(2017) Stabilization of a Mixed-Valence U(V)-U(VI) Phase in Systems with Reduced SWy-2 and NAu-1 Clays
Boyanov M, Latta D, Mishra B, Scherer M, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K
(2017) U(IV)-mineral Complexation may Explain U Speciation in Reduced Sediments
Boyanov M, Latta D, Scherer M, Mishra B, Pearce C, Rosso K, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K
(2017) Microbial Community Development Under Iron-Reducing Conditions in Wetland Sediment Microcosms Amended with Electron Shuttles
Flynn T, Sladek M, Jensvold Z, Marshall C, Antonopoulos D, Koval J, Kemner K & O'Loughlin E
(2016) U(VI) Reduction by Biotic and Abiotic Green Rusts
Yan S, Boyanov M, Mishra B, Kemner K & O'Loughlin E

O'Loughlin Edward J (2024) From Molecular- to Field- Scale Investigation of Iron Biogeochemistry in Marine and Freshwater Coastal Environments
Stetten L, Boyanov MI, O'Loughlin EJ, Bittencourt Peixoto R, Day D, Hopple AM, Kovach M, Machado-Silva F, Myers-Pigg AN, Otenburg O, Beilsmith KR, Pushpajom Thomas S, Spanbauer T, Weisenhorn P, Wilson S, Shevchenko E, Mcdowell NG, Ward ND, Megonigal P, Weintraub M, Bailey V & Kemner KM
(2024) The Stabilization of U(V) on the Surface of Reduced Nontronite Depends on Clay to Uranium Ratio
Boyanov MI, Latta DE, Scherer MM, O'Loughlin EJ & Kemner KM
(2024) The Wonders of Green Rust: A not so Random Journey Around the Periodic Table
O'Loughlin EJ, Boyanov MI, Burris D, Johnson C, Kilber A, Kelly S, Latta DE, Mishra B, Pasakarnis T, Scherer MM, Yan S & Kemner KM
(2023) Laboratory and Field Studies of the Redox Dynamics of Fe and U in Fe Flocs in Riparian Wetlands within the Tims Branch Watershed, Savannah River Site, USA
O'Loughlin EJ, Boever A, Boyanov MI, Kaplan DI, Parker C, Powell B, Taillefert M, Weisenhorn P & Kemner KM
(2023) Using X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy to Unravel the Sequestration Mechanisms of Radionuclides and Metalloids in Natural Sediments
Boyanov MI, O'Loughlin EJ, Kwon MJ, Kaplan DI & Kemner KM
(2023) Elevated Antimony Concentration in Soils may Stimulate Microorganisms to Utilize Sb(V) for Anaerobic Respiration
Zhang Y, Boyanov MI, O'Loughlin EJ, Kemner KM, Kim H-S & Kwon MJ
(2023) Iron Redox Dynamics Across Coastal Terrestrial-Aquatic Interfaces: Field Study in The Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay Regions
Stetten L, Boyanov MI, O'Loughlin EJ, Bailey V, Day D, Homolka KK, Hopple AM, Kovach M, Bittencourt Peixoto R, Machado-Silva F, Mcdowell NG, Megonigal P, Wilson S, Myers-Pigg AN, Otenburg O, Ward ND, Weintraub M & Kemner KM

O'Loughlin Edward J. (2015) Reduction and Reoxidation of Uranium: Mechanisms, Species, and Implications for Dispersal
Boyanov M, Latta D, Mishra B, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K
(2015) Reduction of Sb(V) by Coupled Biotic-Abiotic Processes Under Sulfidogenic Conditions
Boyanov M, Johnson C, Antonopoulos D, Flynn T, Koval J, Kemner K & O'Loughlin E
(2015) Biogeochemical Controls on the Molecular Scale Interactions of Mercury with Microbes
Mishra B, O'Loughlin E, Boyanov M & Kemner K
(2014) Reduction of Hg(II) by Mn(II)
Mishra B, O'Loughlin E, Boyanov M & Kemner K
(2014) Microbially Catalyzed Electron Transfer to Iron Oxides: From Atomic to Micron Scale
Kemner K, Boyanov M, O'Loughlin E, Sholto-Douglas D, Skinner K, Lai B, Cook R & Latta D
(2014) Microbial Response to Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Uranium, Iron, Sulfur in Ethanol-Amended Sediments
Flynn T, Boyanov M, Skinner K, Kelly S, Wu W-M, Criddle C, Yan F, Marsh T, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K
(2014) Non-Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering to Analyze Carbon Chemistry in Unaltered Samples
Mishra B, O'Loughlin E, Cooper W, Jastrow J, Gordon R, Balasubramanian M & Kemner K
(2013) Reduction of Aqueous U(VI) by Fe(II): Effect of Ti(IV) on the Speciation of U(IV)
Latta D, Pearce C, Rosso K, O'Loughlin E, Kemner K & Boyanov M
(2013) The Reduction of Elemental Sulfur by Metal-Reducing Bacteria Under Alkaline Conditions
Flynn T, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K
(2013) Geochemical Characteristics and Microbial Community Composition of Toxic Metal-Rich Sediments Contaminated from Mine Tailings
Kwon MJ, Ham B, Hwang Y, Choi J, Boyanov M, Kemner K, O'Loughlin E & Yang J-S
(2012) Reactivity of U(VI) with Pure, Oxidized, and Ti-Substituted Magnetites
Latta D, Pearce C, Gorski C, Rosso K, O'Loughlin E, Kemner K, Scherer M & Boyanov M
(2012) Dissimilatory Iron Reduction and the Redox Cycling of Green Rust
O'Loughlin EJ, Boyanov MI, Gorski CA, McCormick ML, Scherer MM & Kemner KM
(2012) Transformations of Aqueous U(VI) during the Redox Cycling of Fe Phases
Boyanov M, Latta D, Scherer M, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K
(2011) Uranium Dynamics in Biostimulated Field-Site Sediments: Spatial Distribution and Formation of Non-Uraninite U(IV) Phases
Boyanov M, O'Loughlin E, Skinner K, Mishra B, Kelly S, Wu W-M, Criddle C, Mueller M, Melhorn T, Watson D, Brooks S & Kemner K
(2011) Roles of Sulfate and FeIII Reduction on Microbial Community Development
Kwon MJ, Boyanov MI, Antonopoulos D, Brulc J, Kemner K & O'Loughlin EJ
(2011) Reduction of Biogenic Uranyl Phosphate Nanoparticles by Three Metal-Reducing Bacteria
Rui X, Boyanov M, Kwon MJ, O'Loughlin E, Dunham-Cheatham S, Fein J, Bunker B & Kemner K
(2011) Effects of Microbial Activity and Electron Shuttles on the Reduction of U(VI) Under Sulfidogenic Conditions
O'Loughlin EJ, Boyanov MI, Kwon MJ, Long P, Williams K & Kemner KM
(2010) Redox Transformations of Uranium Near the Mineral-Microbe Interface
Kemner K, Boyanov M, O'Loughlin E, Sholto-Douglas D, Skinner K, Lai B, Kelly S, Cook R, Carpenter E & Nealson K
(2010) Molecular Scale Transformations of Hg(II) during Coupled Biotic and Abiotic Processes
Mishra B, Boyanov M, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K
(2010) Mineral Nucleation and Redox Transformations of U(VI) and Fe(II) Species at a Carboxyl Surface
Boyanov M, O'Loughlin E, Kwon M-J, Mishra B, Rui X, Shibata T & Kemner K
(2010) Fe(II)-Fe(III) Electron Transfer in Fe Oxides and Clays: Implications for Contaminant Transformations
Scherer M, Gorski C, Schaefer M, Latta D, O'Loughlin E, Boyanov M & Kemner K
(2010) Effects of Structural Phosphate on the Microbial Reduction of Iron Oxide and Secondary Mineralization Product Formation and Reactivity
O'Loughlin E, Boyanov M, Cook R, Gorski C, Mishra B, Scherer M & Kemner K
(2009) Distinct Uranium(IV) Products Result from Uranyl Reduction in Different Ferrous-Ferric Oxyhydroxide Systems
Boyanov M, Latta D, O'Loughlin E, Gorski C, Scherer M & Kemner K
(2009) Effects of Oxyanions, Natural Organic Matter, and Fe(III) Oxide Mineralogy on the Formation of Fe(II)-bearing Secondary Mineralization Products Resulting from the Bioreduction of Fe(III) Oxides
O'Loughlin E, Gorski C, Latta D, Boyanov M, Cook R, Scherer M & Kemner K
(2008) Interactions of U(VI) with Secondary Mineralization Products from the Bioreduction of Fe(III) Oxides
O'Loughlin E, Kelly S, Boyanov M & Kemner K
(2008) Monitoring Uranium Transformations
Kelly S, Kemner K, O'Loughlin E, Wu W-M, Criddle C & Marsh T
(2005) Reduction of U by Adsorbed vs. Surface-Precipitated Fe(II) at Model Cell Surfaces
Boyanov M, O'Louglin E, Kelly S, Roden E, Fein J & Kemner K

O'Meara T. (2024) Integrating Tide-Driven Wetland Soil Redox and Biogeochemical Interactions into a Land Surface Model
Sulman BN, Wang J, LaFond-Hudson S, O'Meara T, Yuan F, Molins S, Hammond G, Forbrich I, Cardon Z & Giblin A

O'Neal K. (2013) Use of Passive Sampling to Measure Organic Chemicals and Metabolites in Water and Soil: Application to Human Health Risk Assessment in Developing Countries
Shea D, Hong T, Xia X-R, Kong X, O'Neal K & Lazaro P

O'Neil J. (2024) Coeval Stagnant- and Mobile-Lid Tectonic Regimes in the Eoarchean
Mixon E, Bauer AM, Blum TB, Valley JW, Rizo H, O'Neil J & Kitajima K
(2024) Using Earliest Outcrops of Earth’s Crust to Monitor Early Earth Conditions: Triple Oxygen Isotope Perspective Coupled with Detailed Geological Investigation
Bindeman IN, Kutyrev A, Reimink JR, O'Neil J & Rizo H
(2023) Enriched Hadean Reservoir Recorded by Archean Rocks from NE Brazil: Insights from 142Nd Isotopes
Garcia VB, O'Neil J & Dantas EL
(2023) Evidence for Hadean Mafic Rocks Preserved in the NE Superior Craton, Canada
O'Neil J & Sole C
(2023) Evidence for Reworking of Variable Hadean Sources Recorded by the Archean Crust from the Superior Province
Stepner D & O'Neil J
(2023) Archean Crustal Formation and Differentiation – Clues from Ti Stable Isotopes
Albert C, Klaver M, Hoare L, Johnson T, O'Neil J, Rizo H, Smithies H, Willbold M & Millet M-A
(2023) Early Earth’s Hydrosphere: Insights from the Hydrothermally Altered Submarine Lavas of the Eoarchean Saglek-Hebron Complex, Canada
Kutyrev A, Bindeman IN, O'Neil J & Rizo H
(2021) Exotic Mo Isotope Composition in the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt
Touboul M, Fitoussi C & O'Neil J
(2019) Testing the Late Accretion Hypothesis with High-Precision Mo Isotope Measurements by N-TIMS
Touboul M, Fitoussi C & O'Neil J
(2019) Over 1 Byrs of Mantle-Derived Magmatism from the Saglek-Hebron Complex, Northern Labrador
O'Neil J, Rizo H, Wasilewski B, Flageole J & Rouleau A
(2019) New Time Constraints on Mafic Intrusions from the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt, Canada
Sole C, O'Neil J, Rizo H, Davies J, Benn D & Plakholm J
(2019) Coupled Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf, 142Nd and 182W Study of Mt. Ada Basalt, East Pilbara Terrane, Western Australia
Rizo H, Murphy D, O'Neil J, Kemp A & Vervoort J
(2018) Creating Earth's most Ancient Crust
Carlson R, Garcon M, O'Neil J, Reimink J & Rizo H
(2018) 182W and 142,143Nd of Neoarchean Ferropicrites from the Wawa Subprovince (Ontario, Canada)
Landon-Browne A, O'Neil J & Rizo H
(2018) Sm-Nd Isotopic Compositions of the Mantle-Derived Rocks of the Saglek-Hebron Gneiss Complex, Labrador
Flageole J, O'Neil J, Rizo H, Wasilewski B & Sole C
(2018) Probing Early Crustal Reworking
O'Neil J, Wasilewski B, Hanika R & Paquette J-L
(2017) Over One Billion Years of Crustal Evolution Recorded in the Saglek-Hebron Complex (Northern Labrador)
Wasilewski B, O'Neil J, Rizo H, Paquette J-L & Boyet M
(2017) Building Archean Cratons from Hadean Mafic Crust
O'Neil J & Carlson R
(2016) Hadean-Eoarchean Microfossils in Hydrothermal Vent-Related Sediments
Dodd M, Rittner M, Grenne T, Pirajno F, Slack J, O'Neil J & Papineau D
(2016) Pre-, Syn-, and Post Formation Controls on Earth Composition
Carlson R, Boyet M, Qin L, O'Neil J & Rizo H
(2015) Geochemistry and Nd Isotopic Characteristics of Earth’s Primitive Crust and Hadean Mantle
O'Neil J, Rizo H, Boyet M & Carlson R
(2014) Reworking >1.5 Billion-Year-Old Crust to Build Archean Cratons
O'Neil J & Carlson R
(2013) Earth’s Hadean Crust: Insights from the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt
O'Neil J, Carlson R & Boyet M
(2012) Geochemical and Isotopic Characteristics of Earth's Early Mafic Crust: A Comparison between Nuvvuagittuq and Isua Greenstone Belt Metavolcanic Rocks
O'Neil J, Rizo H, Boyet M, Carlson R & Rosing M
(2012) Early Earth Differentiation: Before and after Earth Formation
Carlson R, Boyet M, Jackson M, O'Neil J & Qin L
(2012) Primordial Mantle Heterogeneities Revealed by Coupled 182W and 186, 187Os Investigations
Touboul M, Liu J, O'Neil J, Puchtel I & Walker R
(2012) Zircon U-Pb Geochronology of the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt
Darling J, Moser D, Heaman L, Davis W, Stern R, O'Neil J, Carlson R & Francis D
(2011) The Composition of Earth's Oldest Iron Formations: The Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt (Québec, Canada)
Mloszewska A, Pecoits E, Cates N, Mojzsis S, O'Neil J & Konhauser K
(2011) Age and Origin of the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt
O'Neil J, Carlson R, Moser D, Heaman L & Francis D
(2011) Hadean Greenstones and the Origin of the Earth’s Early Continental Crust
Adam J, Rushmer T, O'Neil J & Francis D
(2010) Geochemical and Isotopic Characteristics of the Nuvvuagittuq Belt: Implications for Earth’s Early Crust Formation
O'Neil J, Carlson R & Francis D
(2009) Multiple S-Isotope Evidence for Environmental Stability throughout the Archean?
Thomassot E, O'Neil J, Francis D, Cartigny P & Wing B
(2008) Eoarchean Mafic Crust in the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt
O'Neil J, Francis D, Carlson R & Stevenson R
(2008) Sulfur Isotopic Survey of 3.8 Ga Supracrustal Rocks of the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt
Wing B, Thomassot E, O'Neil J, Francis D & Cartigny P
(2007) Nd Isotopic Constraints from the 3.8 Ga Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt for the Degree of Depletion of the Early Earth's Mantle
O'Neil J, Francis D & Stevenson R
(2007) Insights on the Enriched Isotopic Nature of Proterozoic Dyke Swarms in the Northeastern Superior Province
Maurice C, David J, O'Neil J & Francis D
(2004) From Particles to Pleiads
O'Neil J

O'Neill B. (2011) Speciation and Thermodynamic Properties of Manganese(II) and Nickel(II) Chloride Complexes in Hydrothermal Fluids: In situ XAS Study
Tian Y, Brugger J, Liu W, Etschmann B, Borg S, Testemale D, O'Neill B & Ngothai Y

O'Neill C. (2020) How has Galactic Chemical Evolution Affected Terrestrial Planet Composition and Tectonics?
O'Neill C
(2015) To Subduct or not to Subduct? that is the Archaean Question…
Debaille V, O'Neill C & Brandon AD
(2015) The Evolution of the Hadean Earth
O'Neill C
(2015) Variations in Intraplate Melting Regimes during Earth’s Evolution
O'Neill C & Zhang S
(2013) What Does Hadean Mantle Mixing Tell us About Hadean Geodynamics?
O'Neill C, Debaille V & Griffin W
(2012) Stagnant-Lid Tectonics in Early Earth Revealed by 142Nd Variations in Late Archean Rocks
Debaille V, O'Neill C, Brandon A, Haenecour P, Yin Q-Z, Mattielli N & Treiman A
(2011) Mixed-Habit Diamonds: Evidence of a Specific Mantle Fluid Chemistry?
Howell D, Griffin W, O'Reilly SY, O'Neill C, Pearson N, Piazolo S, Stern R, Stachel T & Nasdala L
(2011) The Punctuated Evolution of the Earth: Geodynamic Constraints and Model Predictions
O'Neill C, Lenardic A & Condie K
(2009) A New Perspective on the 2.7 Ga Event on Earth
Condie K & O'Neill C
(2008) Insights on Hadean Geodynamics from Diamond Stability Constraints
O'Neill C
(2008) Did Plate Tectonics Shut Down for 200 to 300 My during the Early Proterozoic?
Condie K, O'Neill C & Aster R
(2006) The nature of subduction on the early Earth
O'Neill C, Lenardic A, Moresi L, Torsvik T & Lee C-T
(2006) Remnant iron oxide/sulfide mattes from a Hadean magma ocean at the core-mantle boundary: insights from a small scale post-Archean analog
Lee C-T, Lenardic A, Thiagarajan N, Agranier A, O'Neill C & Yin Q-Z

O'Neill Hugh (2021) Stochastic Accretion of the Earth – F.G. Houtermans Medal Lecture
Sossi PA, Stotz IL, Jacobson SA, Morbidelli A & O'Neill H
(2021) The Effect of Sulfur on the Solubilities of Highly Siderophile Elements (HSEs) in Silicate Melt
Huang Z, Campbell IH & O'Neill H
(2020) In situ Study of Redox Reactions between Fe and Cu in Silicate Melts
Miller L, O'Neill H, Berry A, Wykes J & Scott D
(2020) Elevated 208, 207, 206Pb/204Pb by Volatile Degassing from Impact Melts
Kamber B, Schoenberg R, Murphy D, O'Neill H & Reimink J
(2020) Multi-Modal Imaging of Plant-Microbe Interactions in the Pine Rhizosphere
Tappero R, Liao S, Bhatnagar J, Averill C, Chen K, Zhang K, Nicholas SL, O'Neill H, Bilheux H & Vilgalys R
(2020) Petrogenesis of Basanite-Nephelinite Glasses from Early Kilauea
O'Neill H, Miller L, Berry A & Le Losq C
(2019) Partial Melting Experiments of CMAS-Cr Spinel-Lherzolite at 3 GPa
Frigo C, O'Neill H, Arculus R & Green E
(2019) The Oxidation State of Copper in Silicate Melts
Miller L, O'Neill H, Berry A, Wykes J & Burnham A
(2019) The Sulfate Capacity of Silicate Melts at Atmospheric Pressure
O'Neill H & Mavrogenes J
(2019) The Effect of Pressure on the Structural Environment of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts
Burnham A, Le Losq C, O'Neill H & Wykes J
(2019) The Oxidation State of Iron in Peridotite Liquids and Implications for Planetary Magma Oceans
Sossi P, Burnham A, Badro J, Lanzirotti A, Newville M & O'Neill H
(2018) Divalent Germanium: Stable at Low Oxygen Fugacity and Highly Incompatible in Olivine
Mare E, O'Neill H, Berry A & Glover C
(2016) Aluminium in Olivine: Substitution Mechanisms and Implications for Thermometry
Burnham A & O'Neill H
(2016) Changes in the Coordination and Valence State of Ge in Silicate Melts at Conditions Relevant to Core Formation
Mare E, O'Neill H & Berry A

O'Neill Hugh St. C. (2017) Experimental Constraints on the Evaporation of Moderately Volatile Elements during Planetary Formation
Sossi P, Klemme S, O'Neill H, Berndt J & Moynier F
(2017) Forsterite-Willemite: A New Pressure Standard for Solid Media Experiments
Farmer N & O'Neill H
(2017) Are Dry Primitive Arc Basalts Reduced or Oxidized? Insights from Galunggung Volcano, Indonesia
Mallmann G & O'Neill H
(2017) Partition Coefficients as Sums of Multiple Substitution Mechanisms
Burnham A & O'Neill H
(2017) The Role of Trace Element Chemistry in Controlling Water Incorporation in San Carlos Olivine
Tollan P & O'Neill H
(2017) “Hydroxylation Spectroscopy” may Reveal the History of Olivine Crystals
O'Neill H, Le Losq C, Tollan P & Jollands M
(2017) Diffusion and Partition Coefficients of 36 Elements in Magnetite as a Function of Oxygen Fugacity
Sievwright R, Tolley J, O'Neill H, Berry A & Wilkinson J
(2017) Diffusion in Plagioclase
Schoneveld L & O'Neill H
(2017) The Redox State of Pre-Shield Stage Magmas at Hawaii
Miller L, O'Neill H, Berry A, Newville M & Lanzirotti A
(2017) The Oxidation State of Iron in Basaltic Glasses
Berry A, O'Neill H, Rowe M, Mosselmans F & Rivard C
(2017) Iron Oxidation State and Molecular Structure of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt Glasses: A Raman Spectroscopy Study
Le Losq C, Berry AJ, Neuville DR & O'NEILL HSC

O'Neill Hugh St. Clair (2015) Thermodynamic Controls on Water Incorporation in San Carlos Olivine
Tollan P, O'Neill H & Hermann J
(2015) Coordination Changes of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts with Pressure
Mare E, O'Neill H & Berry A
(2015) Hydrogen Diffusion in Cr-Doped Forsterite Studied by XANES and FTIR
Jollands M, O'Neill H, Hermann J, Berry A & Rivard C
(2015) The Behaviour of Beryllium in Mafic Systems
Burnham A, O'Neill H & Jollands M
(2015) Liquidus Temperatures of Komatiites and the Effect of Cooling Rate on Element Partitioning between Olivine and Komatiitic Melt
Sossi P & O'Neill H
(2015) Effect of Melt Composition on REE Partitioning in Anorthite
Schoneveld L, O'Neill H & Hermann J
(2015) Causes of the Compositional Variability of Ocean Floor Basalts
O'Neill H & Jenner F
(2015) Redox State of Deeply Subducted Altered Oceanic Crust: Experimental Study and Evidence from Natural Samples
Vasilyev P, Yaxley G, O'Neill H, Berry A, Höfer H, Woodland A, Rosenthal A & Korsakov A
(2015) Thermodynamic Controls on the Partitioning of Divalent Cations between Magnetite and Silicate Melts
Sievwright R, Wilkinson J, O'Neill H & Berry A
(2015) A Reassessment of the Oxidation State of Iron in MORB Glasses
Berry A, Stewart G, O'Neill H, Mallman G & Mosselmans F
(2015) Redox-Limited Magmatic Degassing
Rowe M, Berry A, O'Neill H & Myers M
(2014) Redox Controls on the Fractionation of Chalcophile and Siderophile Elements
Mallmann G, Fonseca R & O'Neill H
(2014) Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Oxygen Fugacity on Diamond Versus Carbonate in Carbon-Bearing Eclogites during Deep Subduction
Vasilyev P, Yaxley G, Hermann J, O'Neill H & Berry A
(2014) Veritas in Vanadium? Stable Isotope Signatures from the Marianas, MORB and Magnetite
Prytulak J, Sossi P, O'Neill H, Plank T, Elliott T, Nielsen S & Halliday A
(2013) The Chemical Composition of the Earth
Palme H & O'Neill HSC
(2013) Diffusion of Titanium in Forsterite
Jollands M, O'Neill H, Hermann J & Spandler C
(2013) Insights into Mantle Processes from Water and Trace Elements in Olivine
Tollan P, Hermann J, Arculus R, O'Neill H & Davidson J
(2013) The Effects of Silicate Melt Composition and Sulfur on the Solubilities of PGEs in Silicate Melts
O'Neill H
(2013) The Competing Roles of Sulfide Saturation, Magma Mixing and Degassing during the Petrogenesis of Convergent Margin Magmas
Jenner F, Hauri E, Arculus R, Mavrogenes J, O'Neill H & Whan T
(2013) Phase Relations of Carbonate Eclogite during Subduction and the Effect of Redox Conditions on Diamond–carbonate Reactions
Vasilyev P, Yaxley G, Hermann J, O'Neill H & Berry A
(2013) Hydrogen Diffusion in Ti-Bearing Forsterite
Padrón-Navarta JA, Hermann J & O'Neill HS
(2013) Evidence Against a Chondritic Earth
Campbell I & O’Neill H
(2012) Refertilisation of the Hawaiian Oceanic Lithospheric Mantle
Doull J, Yaxley G, Norman M, O'Neill H, Sossi P & Smith I
(2012) Transition Metal Stable Isotopes in Komatiites
Sossi P, Nebel O, O'Neill H, Eggins S & van Kranendonk M
(2011) Complex Al and P Zoning in Pallasite Olivine: Constraints on High-T History
McKibbin S, O'Neill H, Mallmann G & Halfpenny A
(2011) Differential Changes in Divalent Ni, Co and Fe Coordination in Silicate Melt with Pressure
Jones J, O'Neill H & Berry A
(2011) Redox Variable Trace Elements
O'Neill H, Berry A & Mallmann G
(2011) Systematic Underestimation of the Oxidation State of MORB Glasses
Sossi P & O'Neill H
(2011) Al Diffusion in Olivine: An Experimental Study
Zhukova I, O'Neill H & Campbell I
(2011) XANES Investigation of Selenium Speciation in Silicate Glasses
Wykes J, O'Neill H & Mavrogenes J
(2011) Chalcophile Element Systematics in the North West Lau Backarc Basin
Jenner F, Mavrogenes J, Arculus R & O'Neill H
(2011) A New Methodology to Experimentally Determine Water Incorporation into Upper Mantle Olivine and Pyroxene
Kovacs I, Green D, Rosenthal A, Hermann J, O'Neill H, Hibberson W & Udvardi B
(2011) Petrogenesis of the Oceanic Crust from Trace Elements in Basalt Glasses
O'Neill H & Jenner F
(2011) Evidence of Slab Melt Transfer in the New Caledonian Fore-Arc Ophiolite
Pirard C, Hermann J & O'Neill H
(2010) Trace Elements in Olivines as Probes of Parental Melt Compositions in the Western Rift of East Africa
Foley S, Jacob D & O'Neill H
(2009) The Oxidation State of Uranium in Zircon
Berry A, O'Neill H & Mosselmans F
(2009) Melt Transport in the Mantle: Transition from Dunite Channels to Pyroxenite Dykes in the Upper Mantle Section of New Caledonia
Pirard C, Hermann J & O'Neill HS
(2009) O-H Absorption Coefficients of Four Common Mechanisms for Water Substitution in Olivine
Kovacs I, O'Neill H, Hermann J & Hauri E
(2009) Ir Partitioning between Chromite and Silicate Melt – The Influence of fO2
Laurenz V, Ballhaus C, O'Neill HSC, Wohlgemuth-Ueberwasser CC & Fonseca ROC
(2008) A Preliminary Investigation of Chlorine XANES in Silicate Melts
Evans K, Mavrogenes J, O'Neill H, Keller N & Jang L-Y
(2008) Collisional Erosion and the Non-Chondritic Composition of the Earth
O'Neill H & Palme H
(2008) Clarification of the Influence of Water on Mantle Wedge Melting
Green DH, Hibberson WO & O'Neill HS
(2008) The Solubility of Os and Ir in Sulphide Melts: Implications for Os Heterogeneity in the Earth’s Mantle
Fonseca R, Mallmann G, Campbell I & O'Neill H
(2008) The Oxidation State of Uranium in Mantle Melts
Berry A, O'Neill H & Foran G
(2007) The P/Nd Ratio of Basalt as an Indicator of Pyroxenite in its Source
O'Neill H & Mallmann G
(2007) Survival Times of Anomalous Melt Inclusions; Constraints from REE Diffusion in Olivine and Chromite
Spandler C, O'Neill H & Kamenetsky V
(2007) Fe3+/Fe2+ of Melt Inclusions: Implications for Melt H2O Contents
Danyushevsky L, Berry A, O'Neill H, Newville M & Sutton S
(2007) The Abundances of Nominally Chalcophile Trace Elements in the Main Minerals of Upper Mantle Rocks
Witt-Eickschen G, Palme H, O'Neill HSC & Allen CM
(2006) The effect of H2O on the spinel peridotite solidus
O'Neill H & Liu X
(2006) The Redox Control upon the Rhenium Crystal/Silicate-melt Partitioning
Mallmann G & O'Neill H
(2006) Electron Exchange Between V and Cr in Silicate Glasses
Berry A, O'Neill H & Foran G
(2006) Element re-equilibration of high-T melt inclusions via diffusion through the host crystals
Spandler C & O'Neill H
(2006) Sulphur solubility in hydrous silicic melts at different oxygen fugacities
Ulrich T, O'Neill H & Mavrogenes J
(2006) The Infrared Signature of Water Associated with Trivalent Cations in Olivine
Berry A, O'Neill H, Hermann J & Scott D
(2006) An experimental study of the chalcophile character of Re: the effect of fO2, fS2 and temperature
Fonseca R, Mallmann G, O'Neill H & Campbell I
(2006) Solubility, activity and phase relationships in silicate-H2O systems: insights from new hydrothermal experimental techniques
Tailby N, Mavrogenes J, Hermann J & O'Neill H
(2005) A XANES Study of Sulfur Speciation in Synthetic Glasses and Melt Inclusions
Metrich N, Berry A, O'Neill H & Susini J
(2005) Calibration of XANES for Determination of Fe<+>3+<$>+/?Fe in Garnet
Yaxley G, Berry A, Woodland A & O'Neill H
(2004) The Water Site in Mantle Olivine
Berry A, Hermann J & O'Neill H
(2003) Evidence for Collisional Erosion of the Earth
Palme H, O’Neill H & Benz W
(2003) The Influence of Fluid Components H2O and CO2 on the Partial Melting of Upper Mantle Peridotite
Liu X & O’Neill H
(2002) A Mössbauer and XANES Spectroscopic Study of Fe Oxidation States in Silicate Glasses
Berry A, O'Neill H, Jayasuriya K & Campbell S
(2002) Computational Petrology and Pyroxene Thermodynamics
Sommacal S, Sambridge M & O'Neill H
(2002) An Electrochemical Cell Across the Core-Mantle Boundary
O'Neill HSC & Redfern SAT
(2002) Meteorites and the Composition of the Earth
Palme H & O'Neill H
(2001) Oxidation during Metasomatism: Implications for the Survival of Diamond
McCammon CA, Griffin WL, Shee SR & O'Neill HSC
(2001) The Solubility of Sulfur in Silicate Melts
O'Neill HSC & Mavrogenes JA
(2001) Spectroscopic Evidence for Chromium(II) in Silicate Melts
Berry AJ, O'Neill HSC, Shelley JMG & Foran G
(2000) Cr-Spinels in the Earth's Mantle: Thermodynamics and Phase Relations at High Pressures and High Temperatures
Klemme S & O'Neill H
(2000) In situ Determination of Cation Oxidation States in Silicate Melts at Temperatures to 1750 K
O'Neill H, Berry A, Shelley M & Foran G
(2000) The Oxidation State of Chromium in Silicate Glasses as a Function of Oxygen Fugacity, Composition, Temperature, and Pressure
Berry AJ & O'Neill HS

O'Neill Hugh St.C (2023) Rejuvenated Lavas Resolve Enriched Ponded Melt at the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary
Rogers A, Nebel O, Knight B, Wang X, Capitanio F, Yaxley GM, O'Neill HSC, Nebel-Jacobsen Y, Kendrick MA & Ruttor S
(2023) Sulfur Speciation in Magmatic Silicate Melts from Mantle Sources to Eruptive Degassing
O'Neill HSC, Burnham A & Mavrogenes JA
(2023) Minor Element Effects on the Partitioning of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) between Pargasitic Amphibole and Melt
Gao Y, O'Neill HSC & Mavrogenes JA
(2023) Depletion of Titanium in the Mantle of the Earth
Palme H, O'Neill HSC & Siebert J
(2022) The Geochemical Origin of Australia’s Only Subaerial OIB
Rogers A, Flanigan M, O'Neill HSC, Nebel-Jacobsen Y, Wang X, Arculus R, Mather B & Nebel O
(2022) Distinguishing the Garnet Signatures in a Global Database of Adakites
Gao Y, O'Neill HSC & Mavrogenes JA

O'Neill K. (2023) The Use of Magnetic Nanoparticles for the Recovery of Metals from Anthropogenic and Environmental Waste
O'Neill K, Biswakarma J, Crane R & Byrne JM

O'Neill M. (2020) The Origin and Composition of Carbonatite-Derived Carbonate-Bearing Fluorapatite Deposits
Broom-Fendley S, Siegfried P, Wall F, O'Neill M, Brooker R, Fallon E, Pickles J & Banks D
(2017) Are Carbonate-Fluorapatite Rocks in Carbonatite Complexes the Result of Hydrothermal Processes or Weathering?
Broom-Fendley S, O'Neill M & Wall F

O'Nions K. (2004) Metal-Silicate Fractionation and Chondrule Formation: Fe Isotope Constraints
Zhu X, Guo Y, Tang S, Galy A, Ash R & O'Nions K
(2002) Natural and Experimental Mass Fractionation of Transition Metal Isotopes
O'Nions K & Zhu X-K
(2002) Mg and Ca Isotope Fractionation during CaCO3 Biomineralization
Chang VT-C, Belshaw N, Makishima A, Williams RJP, Zhu X-K & O'Nions RK
(2002) Spatial and Temporal Variations of Transition Metal Isotopes in Oceans
Zhu X-K, Guo Y & O'Nions K
(2002) High Precision Measurement of Ti Isotopes in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Materials
Guo Y, Maxshima A, Zhu X-K, Belshaw N, O'Nions K & Russell S
(2001) High-Precision Measurement of Light Elements Isotopic Ratios by MC-ICPMS: Example of Mg
Galy A, Belshaw NS, Halicz L & O'Nions RK
(2001) Mg Isotopic Composition of Modern Planktonic Foraminifera
Chang VT-C, Galy A & O'Nions RK
(2001) Mass Fractionation of Transition Metal Isotopes
Zhu XK, O’Nions RK, Matthews A, Guo Y & Williams RJP
(2000) Is There a CHUR for Mg?
Galy A & O'Nions RK
(2000) High Precision Iron Isotope Measurements in Meteorites
Zhu X, Guo Y, Galy A, O'Nions K, Young E & Ash R
(2000) Mg Isotope Fractionation during Speleothems Formation
Galy A, Bar-Matthews M, Halicz L & O'Nions RK
(2000) Fractionation of Heavier Stable Isotopes in Planetary Processes
O'Nions RK, Zhu XK, Guo Y & Matthews A
(2000) Experimental Study of Iron Isotope Fractionation
Matthews A, Zhu X & O'Nions K
(2000) Evidence for Stronger Thermohaline Circulation Prior to Northern Hemisphere Glaciation from Nd and Pb Isotopes in Ferromanganese Crusts
Frank M, Whiteley N, Kasten S, Hein JR & O'Nions RK
(2000) A Preliminary Study on Mg Isotopic Compositions of Foraminifera
Chang VT, Galy A & O'Nions RK

O'Regan Matt (2017) Biogeochemical Cycling on the Yermak Plateau during the Last Two Glacial Cycles
Tessin A, Maerz C, Brumsack H-J, Forwick M, Löwemark L, Matthiessen J, O'Regan M & Schnetger B

O'Regan Matthew (2023) The Modern Freshwater Component in Baltic Sea Glacial Clays
Chen N-C, Mörth C-M, Hong W-L, Roth F, Andrén T, O'Regan M, Stranne C, Huang T-H, Gyllencreutz R, Regnell C, Linderholm A, Humborg C & Jakobsson M

O'Reilly S (2006) Ancient lithosphere domains in ocean basins are key geochemical 'reservoirs'
O'Reilly S, Zhang M, Griffin W, Begg G & Hronsky J
(2006) Linking crustal and mantle events using in situ trace-element and isotope analysis
Pearson N, O'Reilly S, Griffin W, Alard O & Belousova E
(2006) Provinciality of Lithospheric Mantle, E. Australia: Source of Enriched Components in the Cenozoic Basalts
Zhang M & O'Reilly S
(2006) The Origin of Fertile Enstatite by Deep-Seated Carbonatite Metasomatism.
Van Achterbergh E, O'Reilly S & Griffin W
(2006) Crust-mantle evolution in NW Spitsbergen: Re-Os, U-Pb and Hf isotope data
Nikolic N, O'Reilly S & Griffin W
(2006) Multiple events in oceanic upper mantle: Ru-Os-Ir alloys in Tibetan ophiolites
Shi R, Zhi X, O'Reilly S, Griffin W, Pearson N, Bai W, Fang Q, Alard O & Zhang M
(2006) Trace-element patterns of diamond: toward a unified genetic model
Griffin W, Rege S, O'Reilly S, Jackson S, Pearson N, Zedgenisov D & Kurat G
(2006) Use of in situ Hf-isotope analyses of zircon to interpret granitoid magma genesis
Murgulov V, Griffin W & O'Reilly S
(2006) Infrared investigation of Timber Creek 01 Kimberlite diamonds
Cooper S, Griffin W & O'Reilly S
(2006) Proterozoic Rejuvenation of the Archean Crust Tracked by U-Pb and Hf-isotopes in Detrital Zircon
Belousova E, Reid A, Griffin W & O'Reilly S
(2006) Archean to Proterozoic depletion in Cape Verde lithospheric mantle
Bonadiman C, Coltorti M, Siena F, O'Reilly S, Griffin WL & Pearson NJ
(2006) Evaluation of a Method for the Separation of Ni in Geological Samples
Wieland P, Beyer E, Jackson S, Pearson N & O'reilly S
(2005) Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS: Shedding New Light on in situ Isotope Ratio Measurement
Pearson N, Griffin W & O'Reilly S
(2005) Proterozoic Mantle Lithosphere beneath the East African Rift (Southern Ethiopia): In situ Re-Os Evidence
Wang K, O'Reilly S, Griffin W, Pearson N, Matsumura R & Shinjo R
(2004) Geochemistry and Origin of Mantle Sulfides in Spinel Peridotite Xenoliths from Penghu Islands, Taiwan
Wang K, O'Reilly S, Griffin W, Pearson N & Zhang M
(2004) In situ High Precision Hf Isotope Ratio Measurement Using Laser Ablation MC-ICPMS: Mass Bias and Isobaric Interference Corrections
Pearson N, Griffin W & O'Reilly S
(2004) Heterogeneous and Metasomatized Mantle Recorded by Mineral Trace Elements in Donghai Garnet Peridotites of the Sulu UHP Terrane, Eastern China
Zheng J, Zhang R, Liou J, Griffin W & O'Reilly S
(2004) Os Isotopic Systematic of Magmatic Sulfides in Abyssal Peridotites
Alard O, Luguet A, Lorand J, Pearson N, Griffin W & O'Reilly S
(2000) Platinum Group Elements Geochemistry of Abyssal Peridotites: An Integrated Study in the MARK Area (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 20-24 N) Using ICP-MS, LAM-ICPMS, SEM and Nuclear Microprobe (NMP)
Luguet A, Alard O, Lorand J, Pearson N, Ryan C & O'Reilly S
(2000) Structure and Composition of the Mantle beneath the Minusa Region SW of the Siberian Craton: A Sr-Nd Isotope and Trace Element Study
Malkovets V, Ionov D, Agashev A, Litasov Y, Orihashi Y, O'Reilly S & Griffin W

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