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(2020) The Origin and Composition of Carbonatite-Derived Carbonate-Bearing Fluorapatite Deposits

Broom-Fendley S, Siegfried P, Wall F, O'Neill M, Brooker R, Fallon E, Pickles J & Banks D


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03i: Room 1, Thursday 25th June 22:27 - 22:30

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by Kathryn Watts on Thursday 25th June 19:21
Interesting talk. How low of a temperature is envisioned for the secondary weathering dissolution-reprecipitation of apatite? Are there any experimental data that exist to support this scenario? Any thermometry available for these samples for the different apatite zones, such as inclusions of other minerals that can yield temperature information, or O isotopes for mineral pairs (e.g. apatite, rutile?).
Thanks Kathryn, in all honesty, temperature isn't a criterion I'd considered as I'd imagine it's 'ambient conditions'. However, I admit that this is pretty broad, and you have started me wondering if we can borrow the apatite O isotope thermometer from the palaeo community and apply it in this scenario, or even clumped isotope thermometry on the carbonate component of the apatite? This would be an interesting avenue to explore.

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