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Maklhoufi Y. (2013) Sedimentary and Diagenetic Features of the Oolithe Blanche Formation (Middle Jurassic): New Contribution from Ca, Sr, C, O Isotopic Compositions
Rad S, Maklhoufi Y, Guerrot C, Flehoc C & Collin P-Y

Makou M. (2023) Using Organic Biomarkers for Paleoclimatic and Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction at Low Latitudes: The NGaoundaba Peat Record
Schaaff V, Grossi V, Makou M, Ansanay-Alex S, Eddhif B, Deschamps P, Hamelin B, Garcin Y, Sebag D, Ngounou Ngatcha B & Ménot G
(2021) BrGDGTs and Isotopic Records for Lake Ayrag: Implications for Climate, Vegetation and Human Impact History of the Mongolian Plateau
Dugerdil L, Ménot G, Peyron O, Jouffroy-Bapicot I, Develle A-L, Antheaume I, Ansanay-Alex S, Vannière B, Boldgiv B, Makou M, Grossi V, Unkelbach J, Behling H, Magail J, Robles M & Joannin S
(2021) Holocene Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic Changes from the Ngaoundaba Peat Deposit (North Cameroon)
Schaaff V, Makou M, Grossi V, Ansanay-Alex S, Antheaume I, Deschamps P, Hamelin B, Garcin Y, Sebag D, Ngounou Ngatcha B & Ménot G
(2019) Upper Holocene Palaeoclimate and Palaeoenvironment from Mongolia: Calibration of GDGTs, Dung Fungal Spore and Pollen Records for Ayrag Lake (Akhanghai, Mongolia)
Dugerdil L, Joannin S, Peyron O, Jouffroy-Bapicot I, Antheaume I, Makou M, Grossi V & Ménot G

Makovchuk I. (2019) Mantle Columns beneath Kosomolskaya and Zarnitsa Kimberlite Pipes: Xenolith Study
Ashchepkov I, Medvedev N, Ntaflos T, Yudin D, Ivanov A, Makovchuk I & Kiseeva K

MakovchukI I. (2014) Evolution of Mantle Column of Pipe Sytykanskaya, Yakutia Kimberlite
Ashchepkov I, Reimirs L, Ntaflos T, Vladykin N, Logvinova A, Travin A, Yudin D, Karpenko K, MakovchukI I, Palessky S & Salikhov R

Makovicky E. (2014) The Activity of an Ancient Biogenic Polysaccharide: A Strong Growth Inhibitor and Morphology Moderator for Calcite
Sand KK, Pedersen CS, Sjöberg S, Nielsen JW, Makovicky E & Stipp SLS
(2013) Hematite Scalenohedra – Ancient Jewelry and a Problem of Sedimentary Mineralogy
Makovicky E, Parisatto M & Højlund F
(2013) Calcite Step Growth Velocities; A Function of Saturation Index and the Ca2+ to CO32- Activity Ratio
Sand KK, Tobler DJ, Larsen KK, Makovicky E & Stipp SLS
(2011) CaCO3 Polymorph Growth and Stabilization in Water-Ethanol Mixtures
Sand K, Rodriguez-Blanco JD, Makovicky E, Benning L & Stipp S
(2009) The Influence of Ethanol Adsorption on the {10¯14} Calcite Surface
Sand K, Cooke D, Hassenkam T, Yang M, Makovicky E, Bechgaard K & Stipp S
(2009) Clay Interaction with Organic Ligands and Siderophores in a CO2 Atmosphere
Hem C, Mitchell A, Bovet N, Stipp S & Makovicky E
(2004) An Investigation of the Crystal Structure of Hematite and Specularite: What is the Role of Composition?
Bjerring M, Stipp S, Makovicky E & Balic-Zunic T
(2004) Packing Schemes of Cavities in Selected Clathrasils and Zeolites and their Analogues in Crystal Structures
Piper Hem C, Makovicky E & Balic-Zunic T
(2004) The Present State of the Fe-Co-ni-as-s System
Hem S & Makovicky E

Makovsky K. (2023) Investigating the Use of MOF-Derived nano-Pies to Improve Thermal Ionization Efficiencies of Actinides
McHugh K, Barpaga D, Seo J-H, Kumar A, Makovsky K, Sinnwell M & Krogstad E
(2022) Towards Improved Sample Utilization: Development of Filament Loading Techniques for Trace Isotopic Analyses by TIMS
McHugh K, Krogstad E, Makovsky K, Barpaga D, Seo J-H & Sinnwell M
(2022) Pygeot: A Tool to Automate Mineral Selection for Multicomponent Geothermometry
Olguín-Martínez MG, Peiffer L, Dobson P, Spycher N, Inguaggiato C, Wanner C, Hoyos AY, Wurl J, Makovsky K & Ruiz-Aguilar D

Makovsky Y. (2022) Insights into the REE Characteristics and Formation Conditions of Southeastern Mediterranean Seep Carbonates
Weidlich R, Bialik OM, Pettke T, Rüggeberg A, Grobéty B, Vennemann T, Makovsky Y & Foubert A

Makowsky D. (2022) Geochemical Factors Influencing Cyclical Precipitation of Sphalerite and Galena in Low Temperature Mississippi Valley Type Ore Deposits
Paul V, Makowsky D, Jimenez A & Varco J
(2021) Uranium Uptake by Apatite at Hydrothermal Conditions
Jimenez A, Gabitov R, Nguyen A, Makowsky D, Navarathna C, Mlsna T, Paul V, Migdisov AA & Roback R

Makseav V. (2007) Potential Utility of Cu Isotopes to Recognize Secondary Cu Mineralization and the Degree of Enrichment
Mathur R, Brantley S, Wall A, Kimball B, Barra F, Titley S, Munizaga F & Makseav V

Maksimovich N. (2019) The Leaching of Chemical Elements from Soils with Biological Agents and Chemicals
Demenev A, Khmurchik V, Maksimovich N, Sedinin A & Kataeva E
(2017) Hydrogeochemistry of the Blue Lake – One of the Deepest Karst Lakes in the World
Maksimovich N, Meshcheriakova O & Demenev A
(2016) Bacterial Sulfate-Reducing Process in Oil-Polluted Karst Rocks
Maksimovich N, Khmurchik V & Meshcheryakova O

Maksyutov S. (2016) Re-evaluation of Carbon Cycle in Biosphere Through Advanced Model
Nakayama T & Maksyutov S

Makuch P. (2022) Submarine Groundwater Discharge in the Arctic Regions: A Multi-Parameter Approach
Saghravani SR, Borecka M, Böttcher ME, Diak M, Hong W-L, Knies JM, Kotwicki L, Kuliński K, Lepland A, Makuch P, Koziorowska-Makuch K, Sen A, Ehlert von Ahn CM, Winogradow A & Szymczycha B

Makus K. (2005) Reduction of Halogenated Groundwater Contaminants by Nano-Sized Magnetite
Makus KE & Vikesland P
(2003) Iron Corrosion Product Identification Using Micro-Raman Spectroscopy
Makus K & Vikesland P

Makutu Kumakele D. (2018) Petrographic and Geochemical Characteristics of the Mesoproterozoic Granitoids (Granite, pegmatite) of Kibara Belt (1600-1000 Myrs) Bearing Sn-Nb-Ta-W and Cu Ore Minerals in Maniema Province /D.R.Congo
Makutu Kumakele D & Insung L

Makvandi S. (2012) Chemistry and Petrography of Detrital Magnetite Applied to Mineral Exploration in Glaciated Terrsins
Makvandi S, Beaudoin G & McClenaghan B
(2010) Biogeochemistry of Manganese: Case Study in Venarch Mine, Iran
Makvandi S, Mohaghegh B & Mashhadi Akbar Boojar M
(2009) Study of Petrology and Magmatic Evolutions in West Part of Shir Kuh Batholite
Makvandi S, Rashidnejad Omran N & Masoudi F

Makwana N. (2022) Reconstructing Late Quaternary Palaeo-Environmental Change from the Dryland Landscape of the Kachchh Mainland, Western India: Revisiting the Optical Chronology
Das A, Makwana N & Solanki T

Mal D.J. (2023) Impact of Heavy-Metals on Selenium Bioreduction and Speciation: Biomineralization and Bioremediation
Mal DJ & Lens PNL

Mal J. (2018) Abiotic and Biotic Oxidation of Chemically Synthesized Se(0) Nanoparticles
Mal J, Yee N, Schilling K, Goff J, Dhillon K & Pallud C

Malainine C.E. (2020) Twihinate-Lamlaga Cretaceous Carbonatites and Related REE, Nb and Apatite Deposits in the Reguibat Shield (Dakhla Province, Morocco)
Malainine CE, Ouabid M, Bodinier J-L, Parat F, Raji O, Dautria J-M, Youbi N, Boumehdi MA & J. Garrido C

Malakhov F. (2018) Genetic Features of the Formation of Gold-Sulphide Mineralizations in the Chore Ore Field
Safari N, Fayziev A, Vazirov K & Malakhov F

Malamoud K. (2011) Recycled Crust in the Source of Deccan Flood Basalts
Malamoud K, Sobolev A, Kuzmin D, Viladkar S & Hofmann A

Malana R. (2020) Applying Stable Isotopes for Source Fingerprinting of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen in Groundwater
Wu X, Joyner DC, Malana R, Hazen T & Chakraborty R

Malandrino M. (2017) Dynamics of Inorganic Components in Lake Waters from Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica
Conca E, Malandrino M, Giacomino A, Buoso S, Berto S & Abollino O

Malapur M.A.

Malard L. (2017) Geochemical and Microbiological Gradients along Arctic Chronosequences
Wojcik R, Donhauser J, Holm S, Malard L, Holland A, Frey B, Wagner D, Pearce D, Anesio A, Hovelmann J & Benning LG

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