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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Wu Qingru (2023) Fingerprints and Fluxes of Lead (Pb) from Coal Fly Ash Disposal in China, India, and the United States
Wang Z, Dai S, Das D, Cowan E, Dietrich M, Schlesinger W, Zhou M, Seramur K, Wu Q & Vengosh A

Wu Qingting (2022) Enhanced Continental Weathering and Organic Carbon Burial Following the End-Permian Mass Extinction
Cui Y, Adloff M, Nsingi M, Wu Q & Planavsky NJ

Wu Qiong (2020) Modeling Assessment of Microbial Kinetics in Controlling Methane Production in Wetlands
Wu Q & Jin Q
(2019) Thermodynamic Efficiency of Microbial Energy Transformation – A Genome-Scale Metabolic Modeling Perspective
Jin Q & Wu Q
(2019) Is Q10 an Intrinsic Parameter of Biogeochemical Processes?
Wu Q & Jin Q
(2018) Study on Resource Allocation of Methanogenesis Using a Metabolic Simulation Model
Wu Q & Jin Q
(2017) Tracing Seasonal Variation of Suspended Sediment Provenances in the South China Sea
Liu Z, Zhao Y, Zhang Y, Colin C, Wu Q, Lin S, Zhao S, Wen K & Zhang X
(2017) Monitoring Sediment Transport in the Deep South China Sea Using 231Pa-230Th Isotopess of Sediment Trap Samples
Zhao Y, Liu Z, Lippold J, Jaccard S, Zhang Y, Eglinton T, Zhang X & Wu Q

Wu Qiqi (2020) Fe Uptake and Translocation Responded to Various Zn Supplies at Tillering Stage: Coupling Study with Stable Metal Isotope and Molecular Biology
Wu Q, Gao T, Liu C, Liu Y, Xia Y, Qi M & Li F

Wu R (2005) Recycling of Juvenile Crust in Neoproterozoic Granodiorite from South Anhui of China: Zircon U-Pb Age, Element and O Isotope Evidence
Wu R, Zheng Y & Wu Y

Wu Rengui (2010) Discussing the Metallogenic Conditions of Sandstone Uranium Ore at Pull-Apart Tectonic Setting
Zhou W, Wu R & Zhu M

Wu Rong-Xin (2011) Melting of Juvenile Lithospheric Mantle: Geochemical Evidence from Neoproterozoic Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks in South China
Zhang S-B, Wu R-X & Zheng Y-F
(2007) Zircon U-Pb Age, Hf and O Isotope Insight into Origin of Neoproterozoic Granitoids in South China
Zheng Y-F, Zhang S-B & Wu R-X
(2006) Geochronological and geochemical evidence from Neoproterozoic granodiorite in South China for reworking of juvenile crust
Wu R-X, Zheng Y-F, Wu Y-B & Zhao Z-F

Wu Ruoyu (2022) Dating Mafic Igneous Rocks Using Anatase U-Pb Geochronometry: An Example from Lamprophyre in Qinling Orogen, Central China
Wu R, Chen S & Li S

Wu Sen-Sen (2022) Explainable Machine Learning in Uncovering H Diffusion Mechanism in Clinopyroxene
Li A-Z, Wu S-S, Chen H, Du Z-H & Xia Q-K
(2021) Machine Learning Models for Identification of Primary Water Concentrations in Mantle Pyroxene
Chen H, Su C, Tang Y-Q, ZhangZhou J, Wu S-S & Xia Q-K

Wu Sensen (2022) Heterogeneous Distribution of Water in Wet Mantle Plume beneath Changbaishan, NE China: Constraints from Machine Learning
Qi Y, Chen H, Wu S, Du Z-H & Xia Q-K

Wu Shein-Fu (2023) Hydrothermal Discharge in Near-Surface Sediments and its Effects on Geochemistry of Pore Fluids and Sediments from the Southernmost Okinawa Trough and the Shallow Margin off Northern Taiwan
Hsu F-H, Su C-C, Wu S-F, Lin Y-S, Lee H-F & Chen S-C
(2020) Geochemical Characteristics of Sediments and Massive Sulfides from Sediment-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems at South Okinawa Trough
Hsu F-H, Su C-C, Wu S-F, Lee H-F, Jiang W-T, Chen S-C, Chen J-E & Wang Y-S
(2019) Study of Ra-226 and Excess Pb-210 in Hydrothermally Altered Sediments in the Southern Okinawa Trough
Hsu F-H, Wang C-C, Su C-C, Wu S-F, Lee H-F, Lan T, Chen S-C, Chen J-E & Wang Y-S

Wu Sheng (2020) Mud Gas Isotopic Logging Using Mid Infrared Laser Spectromtory
Hu J, Zhu D, Wu S, Lu C, Sneddon A & Tang Y
(2018) A Novel Method to Better Predict Production Decline from a Gas Isotope Perspective: Similarity on Barnett and Niu Titang Shale
Hu J, Zhu D, Wu S, Zhang H, Sneddon A, Deev A, Gao L & Tang Y
(2017) Application of Gas Isotope Geochemistry for Exploration, Production and Operations: A Comparsion Study on Tight Oil in Delaware Basin and Bohaibay Basin
Hu J, Wu S, Sneddon A, Ci X, Zhu D, Deev A, Niu Q, Gao L & Tang Y

Wu Shengchun (2010) The Impacts of Mariculture on Mercury Distribution in Sediments and Cultured Fish
Liang P, Shao D, Wang H, Wu S, Shi J & Wong M

Wu Shengyu (2019) Deposition and Mobilization of Pathogenic Virus in Unsaturated Porous Media: Role of Soil−water Interfaces and Air−water Interfaces
Zhang W, Qin Y, Wu S, Zhang Y, Du S, Yang F & Yang Y

Wu Shi-Tou (2019) A Potential New Zircon Reference Material for Micro-Beam Analysis
Huang C, Wang H, Xie L-W, Yang Y-H, Wu S-T & Yang J-H
(2019) High-Precision Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopic Characterization of Chinese Geological Standard Glasses (CGSG-1, 2, 4 and 5) Reference Materials by TIMS and MC-ICP-MS
Yang Y, Xie L, Huang C, Wu S & Yang J
(2019) The Preparation and Preliminary Characterisation of Three Synthetic Andesite Reference Glass (ARM-1, ARM-2, ARM-3) for in situ Microanalysis
Wu S
(2019) Simultaneous Measurement of Sulfur and Iron Isotopes in Pyrite Using a Femtosecond Laser Ablation System Coupled with Two Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometers
Xie L-W, Huang C, Yang Y-H, Wu S-T & Yang J-H

Wu Shi‐Tou (2020) Assessment of the Auxiliary Gas Flow and Torch Position Influence on Measurement of Lu-Hf Isotopic Composition of Zircon by a Direct Identification of 177HfO/177Hf Formation Rates with MC-ICP-MS
Huang C, Yang Y-H, Xie L, Wu S, Wang H & Yang J-H
(2020) Isotope Compositions of Three Synthetic Andesite Reference Glass Materials (ARM-1, ARM-2, ARM-3) for in situ Microanalysis
Wu S, Yang Y, Huang C, Wang H, Xie L & Yang J

Wu Shijun (2019) Heavy Metals Incorporated in Calcite Changed its Dissolution Process
Wu S, Zhang X, Yang Y & Chen F
(2017) The Effect of Impurity Cations in Calcite on its Dissolution: A Case Study of Mn2+, CO2+ and Cd2+
Zhang X, Wu S & Chen F
(2016) Chemistry of Hydrothermal Vent Fluids from the Dragon Flag(Longqi-1) Field, SWIR
Tao C, William E. SJ, Liang J, Li X, Xiao X, Yu H, Ding K, Wu S & Cai W
(2016) Reduction of Tc(VII) by Pyrite: Influence of Substituted Ions
Wu S

Wu Shiliang

Wu Shitao (2019) Spherulitic CaCO3 from Lacustrine Sediments (Bathgate, Scotland) and its Formation Mechanism
Wu S, Blake J, Guo L & Zhou W

Wu Shitou (2023) In situ Lu–Hf Geochronology with LA-ICP-MS/MS Analysis
Wu S, Wang H & Yang Y
(2022) Baddeleyite SKL01–A New Natural Reference Material for Microbeam U-Pb Geochronology and Hf Isotope Ratio
Wu S & Yang Y
(2015) In situ Analysis of Major and Trace Elements of Hydrous Silicate Minerals and Glass by Laser ICP-MS: The Effect of Water
Wu S, Simon K, Schmidt B & Wörner G

Wu Shu-Yao (2009) Archaeal and Bacterial Diversity and Distribution in Methane Seep of Yung-An Ridge, SW Taiwan
Lai M-C, Ding J-Y, Wu S-Y, Hung C-C, Lai S-J, Lin S & Yang TF

Wu Shucheng (2017) Tracing an Intraoceanic Paleozoic Subduction Zone in Western Junggar of China by Geophysical Imaging
Xu Y, Liu Y, Wu S, Yang B, Zhang S, Huang R, Yang Y, Wang Q & Zhu L

Wu Shunling (2022) Characteristics of Hg Concentrations and Isotopes in Terrestrial and Marine Facies Across the End-Permian Mass Extinction
Wang X, Zhao L, Chen Z-Q, Wu S & Huang Y

Wu Shunqing (2021) Prediction of Crystal Structures and Motifs in the Fe-Mg-O System at Earth’s Core Pressures
Sun Y, Wentzcovitch RM, Wang R, Zheng F, Fang Y, Wu S, Lin Z, Wang C-Z & Ho K-M

Wu Shuzhuang (2023) A Multiproxy Reconstruction of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current over the Past Million Years
Wu S, Mazaud A, Michel E, Lamy F & Jaccard SL
(2016) Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Rare Metal Mineral and Related Element in the Surface Sediments from the Continental Shelf of Northwestern South China Sea
Wu S, Wang S, Zheng X & Yan W
(2015) Rare Metal Elements in Surface Sediment from Five Bays on the Northeastern Coast of the South China Sea
Wang S, Wu S & Yan W
(2015) Distribution and Influence Factors of Rare Metal Minerals in Surface Sediments from the Northwestern Continental Shelf of the South China Sea
Yan W, Wu S & Wang S

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