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Tolochko K. (2011) Luminescent Properties of Natural Copper and Silver Iodide
Zyryanova L, Boroznovskaya N & Tolochko K

Tolosa I. (2017) Using Stable Isotope and Lipid Biomarkers to Understand the History of Negombo Lagoon, Sri Lanka
Funkey C, Tolosa I & Waduge V

Tolosana-Delgado R. (2023) Can Compositional Analysis of Plant Biogeochemical Data of Different Plant Tissue Types Reveal Signatures of Lithology?
Dujmović L, Pospiech S, Tolosana-Delgado R, van den Boogaart KG, Matschullat J & Middleton M
(2021) Compositional Modelling of Element Cycling in Soil and Plants – A Case Study from Northern Finland
Pospiech S, van den Boogaart KG, Tolosana-Delgado R, Sarala P, Kinnunen J & Middleton M
(2020) Compositional Modelling of the Impact of Source Lithology on the Plant Ionome
Pospiech S, van den Boogaart G, Tolosana-Delgado R & Middleton M
(2019) Combining Trace Element Measurements with Analytical Uncertainties for a Better Characterization of Plant Geochemistry
Pospiech S, van den Boogaart KG, Tolosana-Delgado R & Fahlbusch W
(2017) Interpretation of Soil-Plant Transfer Factors: A Log-Ratio Approach for Multi-Element Data
Pospiech S & Tolosana-Delgado R
(2016) Trace Element Transfer into the Plant: What can We Learn from Element Ratios?
Pospiech S, Sauer B, Fahlbusch W, Pasold T, Tolosana-Delgado R & Ruppert H
(2011) Composition of Error in LA-ICP-MS U/Pb Geochronology: Lessons from the Processing of Standard Measurement Series Performed in 10 Laboratories
Dunkl I, Tolosana-Delgado R & von Eynatten H

Toloza V. (2019) Unrest at Nevados de Chillán Volcano; High-Resolution Photogrammetry, Tri-Stereo Imaging, Gas Geochemistry and Eruption Forecasting
Moussallam Y, Barnie T, Amigo A, Kelfoun K, Cordova L, Lobos F, Toloza V, Pedreros G, Cardona C, Franco L & Bani P

Tolstikhin I. (2017) Processes, Materials and Time Scales of the Late Earth Accretion
Tolstikhin I
(2015) Formation of Hydrocarbon Accumulations: Noble Gas Chronometry
Tolstikhin I, Ballentine C, Polyak B, Prasolov E & Kikvadze O
(2013) Two Noble Families Display What Happened in their Early Days
Tolstikhin I
(2011) Mantle Degassing Rates and Gas Loss from Atmosphere: A View from Xenology
Tolstikhin I, Marty B & Hofmann A
(2009) N and C Isotopic Compositions in High-3He Kola Plume Rocks
Verchovsky A & Tolstikhin I
(2009) Cradle Dates of 3H – 3He Dating
Tolstikhin I
(2009) Tritium/3He Dating and Fast Changes of Groundwater Quality
Tokarev I, Kamensky I, Tolsrikhin I, Rumynin V & Zubkov A
(2009) Mantle and Crustal Helium in Ancient Mafic Rocks: Components, Sites and Mobilities
Tolstikhin I, Kamensky I, Tarakanov S, Kramers J, Pekala M, Skiba V & Gannibal M
(2007) Helium Isotope Signatures in Rocks, Minerals, and Related Groundwater: Residence Time of He in a Sandstone – Shale Interlayering (Molasse Basin, N. Switzerland)
Tolstikhin I, Waber N, Loosli HH, Kamensky I, Skiba VI & Novokov D
(2006) Terrestrial Xe isotope systematics and the missing Xe problem can be resolved in a model of Giant Impact-related atmosphere loss
Kramers JD & Tolstikhin IN
(2004) Helium in Quartz Crystals and Pore Fluids: Equilibrium – Concentration Concept and Helium Residence Times
Gannibal M, Tolstikhin I, Tarakanov S, Pevzner B & Lehmann B
(2004) Formation of D” Reservoir during Late Stages of Earth`s Accretion: Multi-Isotope-Systematic Geochemical Modelling
Tolstikhin I, Kramers J & Hofmann A
(2002) Generation of a Long-Lived Primitive Mantle Reservoir during Late Stages of Earth Accretion
Tolstikhin I & Hofmann A
(2002) Residence Time of Helium Isotopes in Sediments and Related Groundwaters, Molasse Basin, Northern Switzerland
Tolstikhin I, Kamensky I, Gannibal M, Tarakanov S, Lehmann BE & Waber HN
(2000) Early Earth Evolution: Constraints from Combined Siderophile Element and Noble Gas Modeling
Kramers J & Tolstikhin I

Tolstov Aleksander (2019) REE-Minerals of Tomtor Complex
Lazareva E, Zhmodik S, Dobretsov N, Karmanov N & Tolstov A
(2019) Au, Ag in the Tomtor Complex Rocks
Saryg-ool B-O, Lazareva E, Tolstov A, Baranov L & Zhmodik S

Tolstov Aleksandr (2013) Biomorphic Structure of Rich Ores at the Tomtor REE Deposit
Lazareva E, Zhmodik S, Tolstov A, Sherbov B & Karmanov N

Tolstov Alexander (2016) Relationship between Large Igneous Provinces and Kimberlites of the Siberian Craton
Sobolev N, Sobolev A, Tomilenko A, Kuzmin D, Batanova V, Logvinova A, Kostrovitsky S, Yakovlev D & Tolstov A

Tolstov Alexandr (2018) Deep Mantle Roots of Zarnitsa Pipe
Ashchepkov I, Medvedev N, Ntaflos T, Khmelnikova O, Tolstov A & Smarov G

Tolstykh N (2004) Exogenous Factors of the PGE, Au, Ag Concentrations at the Chineysky Massif Slope Deposits (Transbaikal Region)
Zhitova L, Rakhmenkoulova I, Tolstykh N & Kotelnikova M

Tolstykh Nadezhda (2013) Platinum Deposits in Hardrock of the Konder Massif
Tolstykh N

Tolu Julie (2010) Influence of Vegetation Type and Climate on Native Selenium Distribution and Speciation in Soils
Le Hécho I, Tolu J, Bueno M, Thiry Y & Potin-Gautier M
(2010) A New Methodology to Determine Trace Selenium Speciation in Soils
Tolu J, Le Hécho I, Bueno M, Thiry Y & Potin-Gautier M

Tolu Julie (2014) Sources and Transformations of Organic Biomarkers in a Varved Lake with a New Approach Using Sub-Milligram Sample Size
Tolu J, Boily J-F, Gerber L, Maier D, Bigler C & Bindler R
(2014) Whole-Lake Spatial Distribution of As, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn Revealed by Sediment Geochemistry and Organic Composition
Tolu J, Rydberg J, Gerber L, Meyer-Jacob C & Bindler R

Tolu Julie (2017) Uncovering the Effect of Molecular Organic Matter Composition on Trace Elements Fate in Lake Sediments
Tolu J, Bouchet S, Garcia Bravo A, Rydberg J, Björn E, Bertilsson S, Meyer-Jacob C & Bindler R

Tolu Julie (2019) Insights into the Speciation of Arsenic, Selenium and Mercury in Saline Lakes of the Bolivian Altiplano
Guedron S, Tolu J, Tessier E, Bueno M, Mestrot A, Acha D & Amouroux D
(2019) Intracellular Selenium Speciation in Low-Concentrated Biological Samples
Béziat P, Sauzéat L, Bouchet S, Tolu J & Winkel L
(2019) Insights onto Se Speciation in Soils and the Role of Organic Matter Using SEC-Uv-ICP-MS/MS
Tolu J, Bouchet S, Hausheer O, Chékifi SD, Helfenstein J, Chadwick O, Tamburini F, Frossard E & Winkel LHE

Tolu Julie (2021) Physical Shielding Promotes Long Term Preservation of DNA in Lake Sediments
Han X, Tolu J, Deng L, Fiskal A, Schubert CJ, Winkel L & Lever MA
(2021) Ultratrace Level Speciation of Se, As and S in Atmospheric Deposition at the High Altitude Pic du Midi Observatory
Breuninger ES, Tolu J, Thurnherr I, Aemisegger F, Bouchet S, Sonke JE, Wernli H & Winkel L

Tolu Julie (2022) Insights into the Atmospheric Cycle of Arsenic: Linking Elemental Speciation, Organic Composition with Atmospheric Transport in a 5-Year Time Series of Aerosol Measurements
Breuninger ES, Tolu J, Thurnherr I, Aemisegger F, Bouchet S, Mestrot A, Sonke JE, Wernli H & Winkel LHE

Tolu Julie (2023) Organic Speciation of (Micro)nutrients in Relation to Overall Dissolved Organic Matter Composition in Soil Water Extracts: New Insights from Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Simon C, Tolu J, Bouchet S, Chan M, Mazza A, Julian H, Frossard E, Tamburini F, Chadwick O & Winkel LHE
(2023) Integrating Models and Measurements to Advance the Understanding of Se Cycling Across the Atmosphere-Soil Interface, Session
Winkel LHE, Stenke A, Breuninger ES & Tolu J
(2023) The Impact of Organic Fertilizer Composition on Soil Processes Controlling Zn and Cd Uptake in Wheat Crops
Bachelder J, Tolu J, Winkel LHE, Frossard E & Wiggenhauser M
(2023) Selenium Speciation Across Land Uses in Swiss Soils
Siegenthaler MB, Tolu J, Meuli RG & Winkel LHE
(2023) Tracing Atmospheric Selenium from Sources to Deposition by Combining Chemical Speciation Analyses with Modelling
Breuninger ES, Tolu J, Thurnherr I, Aemisegger F, Feinberg A, Bouchet S, Sonke JE, Wernli H & Winkel LHE
(2023) The Role of Phytoplankton in the Marine Biogeochemical Cycle of Se
Winkel LHE, Béziat P, Le Bras Z, Bouchet S, Tolu J & Alcolombri U

Tom A. (2000) U-Pb Zircon Dating of the Mesoproterozoic Brunkeberg Formation and its Bearing on the Stratigraphy and Tectonic Setting of Telemark Supracrustals, South Norway
Laajoki K, Corfu F & Tom A

Tom L. (2018) Sulfidogenesis and Perchlorate Control: Novel Mesoscale Tank Experiment and Reactive Transport Modeling
Cheng Y, Wu Y, Wen H, Hubbard C, Tom L, Piceno Y, Engelbrektson A, Bill M, Anderson G, Coates J, Conrad M & Ajo-Franklin J
(2011) Isotopic Evidence for Microbial Oxidation of Dissolved Methane in the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Deep Plume
Conrad M, Bill M, Stringfellow W, Borglin S, Mason O, Dubinsky E, Piceno Y, Fortney J, Tom L, Chavarria K, Lamendella R, Joyner D, Wetmore K, Kuehl J, Mackelprang R, Wu C, Lim H, Reid F & Hazen T

Tom M. (2020) Understanding Fluid-Rock Interactions in Hydrothermally Altered Rocks of the Hengill Volcano, Iceland: Implications for Geothermal Energy and CO2 Storage
Catalina SR, Pedram M, Tom M, Sandra Osk S, Bergur S, Phil M, Eric O, Adrian J & Alberto S

Tom N.G. (2016) Constraints on the Evolution of the Mafic-Ultramafic Rock Suites of Selected Mesoarchean Greenstone Belts of Western Dharwar Craton, Southern India
Patra K, Anand R, Balakrishnan S, Dash JK & Tom NG

Toma J. (2023) From Subduction Zone Metamorphism to Element Cycling: Insights from Graphite Re-Os Dating
Toma J & Creaser RA
(2022) Graphite: A New Chapter in Re-Os Geochronology
Toma J, Creaser RA, Card C, Stern RA, Chacko T & Steele-MacInnis M
(2021) Re-Os Pyrite Dating Constrains Fluid Flow History in Wollaston Domain Shear Zones Spatially Associated with Athabasca Basin U Mineralization
Toma J, Creaser R & Card C
(2020) Interlaboratory Calibrations and Methodological Comparisons for the Re-Os Isotope System
Hnatyshin D, Van Acken D, Creaser R, Toma J, Johnson S & Hitzman M
(2020) Temporally Constraining Fluid Flow in Basement Shear Zones of the Athabasca Basin Using Re-Os Sulfide Geochronology
Toma J, Creaser R & Pana D
(2019) High-Precision Re-Os Organic-Rich Shale Geochronology of Early Jurassic Shale Packages of the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin
Toma J, Creaser R & Pana D

Toman M.J. (2010) Indicators of Mercury Reactivity and Bioavailability in a Torrential River System Impacted by Former Mercury Mining
Horvat M, Žižek S, Toman MJ, Ogrinc N, Kanduč T & Kocman D

Tomanicek Stephen J. (2012) Neutron Scattering Reveals Conformations of the Transcriptional Regulator MerR in Complex with its Operator DNA
Johs A, Tomanicek SJ, Guo H-B, Summers AO & Liang L

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