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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Thibodeau Alyson (2017) Shallow-Water Records of Environmental and Ecological Change at the Toarcian OAE
Martindale R, Ettinger N, Bodin S, Košir A, Brame H-M, Thibodeau A & Larson T
(2014) Lead Isotopes as Tracers of Particulate Contamination in Lakes
Cheyne CAL, Thibodeau AM, Slater GF, Desrocher S & Bergquist BA
(2014) Mercury Inventories and Isotopic Signatures in Sediments from the Floodplain of the Connecticut River
Martini A, Thibodeau A, Bergquist B, Woodruff J, Yellen B, Owrang S & Varekamp J
(2012) Sr Isotopes Reveal New Insights About the Source of Turquoise at the Aztec Templo Mayor
Thibodeau A, Lopez Luan L, Killick D & Ruiz J

Thibodeau Alyson M (2021) Beyond Provenance: Interpreting the Pb Isotope Composition of Lead White Pigments found on Andean Ritual Drinking Vessels from the Colonial era
Thibodeau AM, Curley AN, Kaplan E, Howe E, Pearlstein E & Levinson J

Thibodeau Alyson M. (2018) The Timing of Redox Changes, CAMP Volcanism, and the End-Triassic Extinction from the Levanto Section (Northern Peru)
Yager JA, West AJ, Corsetti FA, Berelson WM, Thibodeau AM, Pinedo-González P, Rosas BS, Bergquist BA & Bottjer DJ

Thibodeau B. (2023) Quantifying the Role of Biogeochemical Interaction between Macro- and Micronutrients on Carbon Cycling in Mangroves Soil
Thibodeau B, Rodriguez Moreno MJ, Allais L, Cannicci S, Crowe SA, Hui J, Khan N, Lai D, Luo H, Not C & Tsui M
(2020) Isotopic Investigation of Dry and Wet Nitrogen Deposition in Hong Kong
Yau YY, Baker DM & Thibodeau B
(2020) Oceanographic and Biogeochemical Changes along the Labrador Shelf: Evidence from Nitrogen Isotopes in a Six-Hundred-Year-Old Coralline Alga
Doherty J, Williams B, Kline E, Adey W & Thibodeau B
(2020) The Effect of Global Warming and Ocean Acidification on Nitrogen Uptake and Assimilation in Coralline Algae
Hanson S, Slaymark C, Kamenos N & Thibodeau B
(2020) Isotope of Amino Acids Reveals Multiple Sources of Nitrogen in an Intricate Tropical Mangrove Food Web
Thibodeau B, Agusto LE, Allais L, So WK, Baker DM & Cannicci S
(2017) The Sensitivity of Nordic Seas Upper-Ocean Stratification to Freshwater Input
Thibodeau B, Bauch H, Pedersen T & Schmittner A
(2017) Laurentian Channel Bottom Water Temperature as a Proxy for AMOC Intensity
Not C & Thibodeau B
(2016) Trace Element (Mg, Sr, Ba and U) Incorporation in Culture High Mg-Calcite Benthic Foraminifera Under Controlled pCO2: A Multi-Elemental Perspective
Not C, Thibodeau B & Yokohama Y
(2012) Low Oxygen Events in the Laurentian Channel during the Holocene
Thibodeau B, de Vernal A & Limoges A
(2009) Aerobic Respiration and Hypoxia in the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary: Constraints on Oxygen Sink Partitioning from Stable Isotope Ratios of Dissolved Oxygen
Lehmann MF, Barnett B, Bender ML, Gelinas Y, Gilbert D, Maranger R, Mucci A, Sundby B & Thibodeau B

Thibodeaux S. (2002) Noble Gas Tracing of Coalbed Methane Generation and Biomodification
Zhou Z, Ballentine C, Kipfer R, Schoell M & Thibodeaux S

Thibon F. (2023) Effect of Lithium on Seven Phytoplanktonic Species and their δ7Li
Chen D, Oberhänsli F, Rabouille S, Orani AM, Sdiri K, BEN-Gharbia H, Thibon F, Weppe L, Montanes M, Metian M & Vigier N
(2023) Exploring Cellular Isotopic Fractionation of Essential Elements for Biomedical Purposes in Vitro: Challenges and Limitations
Costas Rodriguez M, Colina L, Lobo L, Aranaz M, Thibon F, Pereiro R & Vanhaecke F
(2022) Impact of Shallow Hydrothermalism on Lithium Content and Lithium Isotope Composition of Marine Plankton
Vigier N, Weppe L, Tilliette C, Chavagnac V, Boulart C, Thibon F, Lombard F, Montanes M, Guieu C & Bonnet S
(2021) Lithium Isotopes in Marine Food Webs
Thibon F, Weppe L, Bustamante P, Oberhänsli F, Metian M, Churlaud C, Montanes M, Lacoue-Labarthe T, Telouk P, Cherel Y & Vigier N
(2021) Lithium Isotopic Composition of Biological Reference Materials and Automated Li Separation Using PrepFAST MCTM
Weppe L, Thibon F, Montanes M, Telouk P, Viscardi A & Vigier N
(2021) Exploring the Role of Environmental and Ecological Parameters on Lithium Isotope Composition of Marine Carbonates
Chen D, Thibon F, Weppe L, Felbacq A & Vigier N
(2021) Biological Fractionations of Lithium Isotopes
Vigier N, Thibon F, Bustamante P, Counillon L, Metian M, Telouk P & Team I
(2020) Novel Application of Lithium and its Isotopes in Marine Ecotoxicology
Thibon F, Weppe L, Bustamante P, Oberhänsli F, Métian M, Churlaud C, Montanes M, Lacoue-Labarthe T, Cherel Y & Vigier N
(2019) Copper in Banded Iron Formations as a Redox Proxy for Precambrian Paleoceanography
Thibon F, Blichert-Toft J, Albarede F, Foden J & Tsikos H
(2018) The Fe Homeostasis of the pre-GOE Ocean
Thibon F, Blichert-Toft J, Tsikos H, Foden J, Albalat E & Albarede F

Thiebault T. (2023) Speciation of Pharmaceutical Products and Trace Metals within the Aqueous/Sediment/Colloidal Fractions in a Suburban Watershed with Both Lab-Experimental and Field Approaches (Egoutier, France)
Humbrecht A, Simonneau A, Bernier-Turpin G, Thiebault T, Ratié G, Freslon N, Le Milbeau C, Boscardin R, Hatton M & Le Forestier L
(2023) Suspended Particulate Matter Geochemical Signature at a Suburban Catchment Scale: Effects of Land Use Artificialization on Erosion Processes and Contaminants Export
Simonneau A, Thiebault T, Bernier-Turpin G, Freslon N, Humbrecht A & Ledieu L
(2023) Monitoring of Organic Contaminants in Raw Wastewater by Targeted and Non-Targeted Screening: An Effective Tool for Assessing Urban Metabolism
Bernier-Turpin G, Thiebault T, Alliot F, Caupos E, Le Roux J, Rocher V, Azimi S & Moilleron R

Thiéblemont D. (2017) Combination of Organic and Inorganic Proxies for Hydroclimate Reconstruction of the Ogooué River Basin (Gabon, Gulf of Guinea) during the Last 25ka
Skonieczny C, Bayon G, Schefuß E, Mollenhauer G, Thiéblemont D, Bouillon S, Toucanne S, Etoubleau J, Chéron S, Nonnotte P, Rouget M-L, Ponzevera E, Germain Y, Dennielou B & Marret F

Thiede Rasmus (2023) Decoupled Radiogenic Nd and Hf Isotopes of Clays Reveal South Asian Monsoon Control of Silicate Weathering Intensity
Hathorne E, Thiede R, Conventz A, Schneider R & Frank M

Thiede Rasmus C. (2009) Chemical Weathering during Rapid Erosion and Subtropical Climate: A Case Study from Taiwan
Thiede RC, Aciego SM, Fellin MG, Bourdon B & Willett SD
(2007) Spatial and Temporal Variations in Exhumation Across the NW-Himalaya
Thiede RC, Ehlers TA & Strecker MR

Thiedig F. (2000) Absolute Chronology of Wet Climate Periods in the Present Arid Parts of Northern and Southern Africa
Oezen D, Geyh MA, Heine K & Thiedig F

Thiel J. (2019) Pyrite Formation from FeS and H2S: A Novel Microbial Energy Metabolism
Thiel J, Byrne J, Kappler A, Schink B & Pester M

Thiel V. (2021) Quantitative Remediation Study to Avoid Orthophosphate Dynamics between Sediment and Water Column at a Shallow Eutrophic Lake
Zeman-Kuhnert S, Thiel V & Heim C
(2020) Molecular Signatures from Kerogens Preserved in 3.42 Ga Microbial Mats (Buck Reef Chert, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa)
Reinhardt M, Thiel V, Drake H, Goetz W & Reitner J
(2019) Steroid Preservation in Hypersaline Microbial Mats
Shen Y, Thiel V, Suarez-Gonzalez P, Rampen S & Reitner J
(2015) Geobiology of an Exceptionally Preserved Archean Microbial Mat Facies (Strelley Pool Formation, Western Australia)
Duda J-P, Thiel V, Ionescu D, Schäfer N, Van Kranendonk M & Reitner J
(2011) Using TOF-SIMS to Study Biomarkers
Thiel V, Blumenberg M, Heim C, Lausmaa J, Leefmann T, Siljeström S, Reitner J & Sjovall P
(2009) TOF-SIMS Analysis of Hopanes and Steranes in Single Oil-Bearing Fluid Inclusions
Siljeström S, Lausmaa J, Sjövall P, Broman C, Thiel V & Hode T
(2009) Biosignatures in Authigenic Carbonates from Hydrate Ridge
Leefmann T, Bauermeister J, Kronz A, Liebetrau V, Reitner J & Thiel V
(2009) Traces of a Fossil Deep Biosphere in Fracture Fillings of the Äspö Diorite (Sweden)
Heim C, Lausmaa J, Sjövall P, Simon K, Reitner J & Thiel V
(2009) Laser Micropyrolysis-GC/MS of Biomarkers in Authigenic Carbonates
Bauermeister J, Volk H, Fuentes D, Gong S, Leefmann T, Hoffmann V-E, Reitner J & Thiel V
(2009) TOF-SIMS Imaging Mass Spectrometry of Microbial Systems
Thiel V, Heim C, Hode T, Lausmaa J, Leefmann T, Siljeström S, Sjövall P & Toporski J
(2007) Detection of Biomarkers in Oils Using TOF-SIMS
Siljeström S, Hode T, Lausmaa J, Toporski J, Thiel V & Sjövall P
(2007) Mineralized Microbial Mats with Extreme Lanthanum Enrichments in the Tunnel of Äspö, Sweden
Heim C, Simon K, Quéric N-V & Thiel V

Thiele Maik (2007) Ca-Sr Fractionation between Margarite, Anorthite, Calcite, and Fluid at 400-500℃ and 3.5-5 kbar
Thiele M, Doersam G, Franz G, Liebscher A & Gottschalk M

Thiele Marco (2017) A Field-Scale Streamline-Based Reactive Transport Simulator for Low-Salinity Flooding
Hingerl F, Batycky R & Thiele M

Thiele-Bruhn S. (2011) Long-Term Dynamics of Differently Stable Soil Organic Matter Fractions as Function of Soil Management
Leinweber P & Thiele-Bruhn S

Thielmann M. (2016) Evolutionary Models of the Earth with a Grain Size-Dependent Rheology: Diffusion vs Dislocation Creep
Rozel AB, Golabek GJ, Thielmann M & Tackley PJ

Thieltges K. (2005) Fishing at the Nanoscale
Suo Z, Arce FT, Avci R, Spangler B, Schweitzer MH, Thieltges K, Wittmeyer J & Boyd R

Thieme Juergen (2023) Mineral Quantification in Mixtures of Synthetic Goethite, Hematite and Ferrihydrite by Table-Top NEXAFS at the O K-Edge
Wild P, Holburg J, Müller M, Totsche KU, Mann K, Thieme J & Eusterhues K
(2022) Imaging Redox-Conditions for Microbial Life in Tar-Oil Contaminated Soils
Thieme J, Ivanov P, Eusterhues K & Totsche KU
(2022) High-Resolution Analysis of Clay Minerals and Amorphous Materials in Martian Analog Sedimentary Environments
Thorpe MT, Rampe EB, Thieme J, Dooryhee E, Lee S & Christoffersen R
(2022) Imaging Distribution and Speciation of P Across Natural Fe Oxides, Clay Minerals, Microorganisms, and Diatoms by Nano-Xrf and Nano-NEXAFS
Eusterhues K, Thieme J, Haidl A, Fröse H, Luehl L, Hönicke P, Wilhein T, Kanngiesser B & Totsche KU
(2020) Natural Mineral-Organic Associations Studied by XRF and P-Edge XANES
Thieme J, Eusterhues K, Luehl L, Haidl A, Wilhein T, Kanngiesser B & Totsche K
(2019) X-Ray Spectromicroscopy on Rocks Relevant to Mars Return Samples
Thieme J, Trewhella C, Hurowitz J & Schoonen M
(2019) Occurrence of Inner-Sphere P-O-Fe Bonds on Natural Iron Oxides
Eusterhues K, Thieme J, Regier T, Araki T, Kazemian M, Kaulich B, Narvekar S, Mansfeldt T & Totsche KU
(2018) Multimodal Imaging of a Banded Iron Formation Sample
Schoonen M, Thieme J, Northrup P, Jaret S, McKeeby B, Glotch T, Young J, Yesiltas M & Ohmoto H
(2017) Composition of Natural Organic Matter Coatings on Fe Oxides
Eusterhues K, Thieme J, Narvekar S, Mansfeldt T & Totsche KU
(2017) Veinlet-Scale Reactive Transport during Serpentinization: Implications for H2 Fluxes from Oceanic Serpentinites
Tutolo B, Tosca N & Thieme J
(2017) Underlying Mechanisms and Control of Oil Reservoir Souring
Coates J, Williamson A, Carlson H & Thieme J
(2017) X-Ray Fluorescence Imaging and Spectroscopy with Sub-µm and Sub-100nm Spatial Resolution for Mineralogy and Geochemistry
Thieme J, Williams G, Chen-Wiegart Y-C, Bowerman B, Hurowitz J, Glotch T, Legett C, Schoonen M & Coates J
(2015) The SRX Beamline at NSLS-Ii: X-Ray Spectroscopy with Very High Spatial Resolution
Thieme J, Chen-Wiegart Y-C & Williams G
(2015) Combining C1s STXM and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) to Study EPS in Biofilms
Eusterhues K, Liu X, Thieme J & Totsche KU
(2013) X-Ray Spectroscopy and Spectromicroscopy Study of Sulfur Speciation in Urban Soils
Thieme J & Mathes M
(2012) Characterization of EPS Fractions Before and after Adsorption to Goethite
Liu X, Eusterhues K, Thieme J, Hoschen C, Muller C, Kogel-Knabner I & Totsche KU
(2011) Raison D’être of X-Ray Spectromicroscopy for Geochemistry
Thieme J, Sedlmair J, Mathes M, Prietzel J & Coates J
(2011) Scanning Transmission X-Ray and Atomic Force Microscopy Mapping of Exopolymer Fractionation in Bacillus subtilis Biofilms on Goethite
Liu X, Eusterhues K, Thieme J, Kuesel K & Totsche K
(2010) X-Ray Microscopy – A Tool to Study the Nanoworld
Thieme J, Sedlmair J, Gleber S-C, Rieger J, Niemeyer J & Coates J
(2009) Surface Passivation Does not Impede Biotransformation of Fe Oxides by Shewanella oneidensis
Eusterhues K, Friedrich MW, Thieme J, Prietzel J, Keller T, Grundmann G, Salomé M & Totsche KU
(2005) Green Rust Formation Under Anaerobic Nitrate-Dependent Fe(II) Oxiding Conditions
Weber K, Thieme J, Larese-Casanova P, Scherer M, Achenbach L & Coates J
(2002) The Study of Geochemical Processes with X-Ray Spectromicroscopy
Thieme J

Thieme Jürgen (2021) XRF and P K-Edge XANES on Natural Mineral-Organic Associations
Thieme J, Eusterhues K, Luehl L, Haidl A, Wilhein T, Kanngiesser B & Totsche KU
(2021) Laboratory-Scale NEXAFS Spectroscopy: The Challenge of Sample Preparation and First Spectra of Fe Oxides and Natural Organic Matter
Wild P, Holburg J, Müller M, Totsche KU, Mann K, Thieme J & Eusterhues K
(2018) Oxic-Anoxic Interfaces in Soils and Sediments: Hotspots of Manganese-Driven Carbon Oxidation
Keiluweit M, Nico P, Tfaily M, Thieme J, Regier T & Jones M

Thieme M. (2017) Stress, Texture and Microstructure Evolution during Plastic Deformation of Olivine at 1000-1200℃
Thieme M, Demouchy S, Mainprice D, Barou F & Cordier P

Thiemens Mark (2020) The Physical Chemical Frontiers of Mass Independent Isotope Effects
Thiemens M
(2020) Isotopic Signatures of Stratospheric Air at the Himalayas and Beyond
Lin M, Wang K, Kang S, Li Y, Fan Z & Thiemens M
(2019) Triple Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Hydrogen Peroxide Produced in Water Radiolysis and Implications for Early Earth and Mars
Lin M, Zhang N, Yi R, Cleaves J, Thiemens M & Yoshida N
(2018) Present Day Atmospheric S-Cycle Provide Clues to the Mystery of Precambrian S-Mif Signal
Shaheen R, Thiemens M & Lin M
(2016) The Past, Present and Future of Mass Independent Isotopic Measurements
Thiemens M
(2014) Mass-Independent Sulfur Isotopic Fractionation at Lyman-Alpha Photodissociation of H2S and Relevance to Meteorites
Chakraborty S, Jackson T, Ahmed M & Thiemens M
(2014) Nano-FTIR Studies of a Cometary Dust Grain and Murchison Meteorite
Dominguez G, McLeod A, Gainsforth Z, Keilmann F, Westphal A, Thiemens M & Basov DN
(2014) Synthesis of 15N Enriched NH3 Through N2 Photolysis: Relevance to N-Enriched Meteoritic Organics
Chakraborty S, Jackson T, Muskatel H, Ahmed M, Rude B, Levine R & Thiemens M

Thiemens Mark H. (2015) Sulfur Isotope Anomalies in Sulfate Aerosols and Solar System Materials: Understanding the Present is a Key to the Past
Shaheen R & Thiemens M
(2015) Isotopic Fractionation during Low Temperature (80 K) VUV Photodissociation of Nitrogen: Connection to Isotopic Heterogenity in the Solar Nebula
Chakraborty S, Jackson T, Rude B, Ahmed M & Thiemens M
(2013) Advances in Mass Independent Isotopic Studies
Thiemens M
(2012) Mass-Independent Sulfur Isotopic Fractionation in VUV Photodissociation of H2S: Implications for Meteorite Data
Chakraborty S, Davis R, Jackson T, Ahmed M & Thiemens M
(2012) Isotopic Composition of Volcanic Sulfate Aerosols
Cole-Dai J, Savarino J, Lanciki A & Thiemens M
(2010) A Fundamental Approach to Isotopic Fractionations Induced By Thermal Gradients in Melts
Dominguez G, Wilkins G & Thiemens M
(2009) Mass Independent Isotopic Fractionations: Discovery and Recent Applications in Nature: Earth and the Early Solar System
Thiemens M
(2008) Ca Isotopes and the Rainfall Limit of Silicate Weathering on Earth
Ewing S, Amundson R, Stewart BW, Thiemens M & DePaolo D
(2007) The Climatic and Biotic Thresholds on Soil Elemental Cycling along an Arid to Hyperarid Rainfall Gradient
Amundson R, Ewing S, Michalski G, Thiemens M, Kendall C, Nishiizumi K, McKay C & Chong G
(2005) A Survey of Mass Independent Isotope Effects in Nature
Thiemens M
(2005) The Onset of Hyper-Aridity in the Atacama Desert: Nitrate D<+>17<$>O as a Tracer of Soil Moisture
Michalski G, Rech J & Thiemens M
(2005) Effect of Precipitation on Anomalous Oxygen in Soil Nitrate and Sulfate
Ewing S, Michalski G, Amundson R & Thiemens M
(2004) Seawater Sulfur Isotope Fluctuations in the Cretaceous
Paytan A, Kastner M & Thiemens M
(2003) UV Induced Mass-Independent Sulfur Composition in Stratospheric Volcanic Eruptions
Savarino J, Romero A, Cole-Dai J & Thiemens M
(2002) Oxygen-17 Anomalies Generated by Thermal Decomposition of Carbonates
Miller MF, Thiemens MH, Jackson TL, Franchi IA & Pillinger CT
(2001) Sulfur and Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Sulfate in the Vostok, Antarctica Core: A New Pyrolysis Technique in a Continuous Flow System
Alexander B, Savarino J, Thiemens MH & Delmas R
(2001) Basal Miocene Volcanic Ashes in Mid-North America: An Isotopic Mystery
Bao H, Thiemens MH, Loope DB & Yuan X-L
(2001) Implications of Mass-Independent Sulfur for the Archean Atmosphere
Farquhar J, Airieau S, Savarino J & Thiemens MH
(2001) Tracing the Atmospheric Source of Desert Nitrates Using ?17O
Michalski GM, Holve M, Feldmeier J, Bao H, Bockheim JG, Reheis M & Thiemens MH
(2000) Multiple-Isotope Insights into the Earth's Earliest Sulfur Cycle
Farquhar J, Bao H & Thiemens MH

Thiemens Maxwell (2020) Solving the Early Earth – Moon Tungsten Riddle
Münker C, Tusch J, Thiemens M & Fischer Gödde M
(2019) New Insights into Lunar Basalt Sources from Ti Isotope Variations
Kommescher S, Fonseca R, Kurzweil F, Müller L, Münker C, Thiemens M & Sprung P
(2018) Lu-Hf Dating of Lunar Gabbro NWA 6950 – A Young Manifestation of KREEP
Thiemens M, Sprung P & Münker C
(2017) The Lunar Hf/W Budget and the Age of the Moon
Thiemens M, Sprung P & Münker C
(2017) 182W Anomalies in Archean Rocks: A Vestige of Variable Late Accretion?
Münker C, Tusch J, van de Löcht J, Thiemens M, Sprung P & Hoffmann E
(2017) Revisiting the Ti Isotope Inventory of the Moon
Kommescher S, Thiemens M, Sprung P & Münker C

Thiemens Maxwell M. (2015) The Lunar Magma Ocean Hypothesis Under Siege
Sprung P, Fonseca ROC, Münker C & Thiemens MM
(2015) Multi-Isotopic Dating of West Eifel Xenoliths
Thiemens M & Sprung P

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