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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Therrien F. (2011) S Isotopes Distinguish Two S Pulses at Terrestrial Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary Sections
Cousineau M, Therrien F, Maruoka T, Wing B & Fortin D

Therrien R. (2018) Quantifying the Contribution of Snowmelt to Groundwater Recharge with Portable Mass Spectrometry-Based Dissolved Gas Analysis
Schilling OS, Brennwald M, Kipfer R & Therrien R
(2016) Groundwater Dynamics and Transport Processes in a Discontinuous Permafrost Environment
Cochand M, Molson J, Barth JAC, van Geldern R, Lemieux J-M, Fortier R & Therrien R

Thery G. (2023) Exchangeability of Cr(III)/Cr(VI) in Ultramafic Systems: Elucidating the Role of Colloidal Carrying Phases to the Mobility of Chromium
Nguyen TT, Groleau A, Thery G, Kessie M, Juillot F, Quantin C & Sivry Y
(2021) Bushfires as a Possible Explanation for the Chromium Impregnation of the Population in New-Caledonia
Thery G, Juillot F, David M, Jourand P, Ducousso M & Fritsch E

Thet Paing K.W.

Theuer S. (2019) Experimental Insights into the Formation of Iron-Rich Clays on Early Earth and Mars
Johnson J, Hinz I, Templeton A, Theuer S & Ellison E

Theulé P. (2015) D/H Equilibrium Fractionation between Water and Methanol Ices
Faure A, Faure M, Quirico E, Theulé P & Schmitt B
(2015) Kinetics of Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchanges in Cometary Ices
Faure M, Quirico E, Faure A, Schmitt B, Theulé P & Marboeuf U

Theune A. (2002) S-Fe-Mn Biogeochemistry of Temperate Intertidal Sediments of the North Sea
Bosselmann K, Boettcher M, Theune A, Hespenheide B & Lilienthal S

Theunissen N. (2023) Mitigation of Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions during Maize Production with Basalt Amendments
Chiaravalloti I, Theunissen N, Zhang S, Wang J, Sun F, Ahmed A, Pihlap E, Reinhard CT & Planavsky NJ

Theveny M. (2015) Geochemical Structuration of the Oman Ophiolite Dunitic Transition Zone
Rospabé M, Benoit M, Theveny M, Claverie M, Abily B & Ceuleneer G

Thevuthasan S. (2001) Dissolution Kinetics of Sodium Borosilicate Glass: Deviations from TST Expectations
Icenhower JP, McGrail BP, Baer DR, Darab JG, Shutthanandan V, Thevuthasan S, Engelhard MH & Shuh DK
(2000) Abiotic Interactions of Aqueous Chromium Ions with Iron Oxide Surfaces
Brown Jr. GE, Chambers SA, Amonette JE, Rustad JR, Kendelewicz T, Doyle CS, Grolimund D, Foster-Mills NS, Joyce SA & Thevuthasan S

Theye T. (2013) Monazite Anamnesis – Providing a Quantitative Timeframe for Metamorphic Petrogenetic Processes
Săbău G, Negulescu E & Theye T
(2007) Occurrence of Sursassite in the Lienne Valley, Stavelot Massif, Belgian Ardennes
Fransolet A-M, Hatert F, Bernhardt H-J, Theye T & Maresch W

Thiagarajan N. (2021) Clumped Methane Isotopes: New Insights into Origin and Formation Mechanisms of Natural Gases and a Potential Geothermometer
Albrecht N, Thiagarajan N, Xie H, Dong G, Kohl IE & Eiler J
(2019) Does Natural Gas Form in Isotopic Equilibrium?
Thiagarajan N, Xie H, Ponton C, Kitchen N, Peterson B, Lawson M, Formolo M, Xiao Y & Eiler J
(2018) Clumped and Stable Isotope Characterization of Methane Seep Environments
Thiagarajan N, Cremiere A, Blattler C, Higgins J, Lepland A & Eiler J
(2018) Integrated Geochemical and Microbiological Study of Wilcox Oils and Gases of Northern Louisiana
Lawson M, Formolo M, Skinner B, Summers Z, Biddle J, Kitchen N, Thiagarajan N, Xie H & Eiler J
(2017) Clumped Isotope Characterization of Authigenic Carbonates and Methane in Cold Seep Environments
Thiagarajan N, Cremiere A, Lepland A, Brunstad H & Eiler J
(2016) Seasonal Variations in Clumped Isotope and ∆17O of Atmospheric CO2 at La Jolla, CA
Thiagarajan N, Passey B, Welp-Smith L, Eiler J & Keeling R
(2012) Clumped and Magnesium Isotopes in Corals: A Comparison with Traditional Paleothermometers
Saenger C, Thiagarajan N, Felis T, Lough J, Holcomb M, Gaetani G, Cohen A, Affek H & Wang Z
(2012) The MAT-253 Ultra -a Novel High-Resolution, Multi-Collector Gas Source Mass Spectrometer
Eiler J, Clog M, Deerberg M, Magyar P, Piasecki A, Schlueter H-J, Schweiters J, Sessions A, Stolper D & Thiagarajan N
(2011) Past Ocean Temperatures and Coupled U/Th and 14C Measurements from Deep-Sea Corals
Thiagarajan N, Adkins J & Eiler J
(2010) Past Ocean Temperature and Radiocarbon Values from Deep-Sea Corals
Adkins J & Thiagarajan N
(2009) Clumped Isotope Calibration of Modern Deep Sea Corals and Implications for Vital Effects
Thiagarajan N, Guo W, Adkins J & Eiler J
(2008) ‘Clumped Isotope’ Thermometery in Foraminifera
Tripati A, Thiagarajan N & Eiler J
(2008) Carbonate 'Clumped Isotope' Thermometry: A Status Report
Eiler J, Affek H, Daeron M, Ferry J, Guo W, Huntington K, Thiagarajan N & Tripati A
(2006) Remnant iron oxide/sulfide mattes from a Hadean magma ocean at the core-mantle boundary: insights from a small scale post-Archean analog
Lee C-T, Lenardic A, Thiagarajan N, Agranier A, O'Neill C & Yin Q-Z

Thiam Aïssata (2023) Scaling Laws in Geochemistry – Insights from Gamma Rays Spectrometry
Baratoux D, Moyen J-F, Fall M, Thiam A & Niang CAB
(2023) Multi-Parameters Statistical Analysis of K, Th and U Concentrations in Eastern Senegal: Implications for the Interpretation of Airborne Radiometric
Thiam A, Baratoux D, Fall M, Faye G & Gbele O

Thiam Alassane (2007) Molybdenum Speciation in Anoxic Aquatic Systems: HPLC-ICPMS Determination of Molybdate and Thiomolybdates
Esnault L, Viollier E, Jézéquel D, Thiam A & Pèpe M
(2007) Seasonal Dynamics of Molybdenum in a Permanently Anoxic Lake
Viollier E, Thiam A, Alberic P, Ciglenecki-Jusic I & Jezequel D

Thiam F. (2016) Biogeochemical Response to Spring Ice Cap Melting in Lake Pavin
Viollier E, Amsellem E, Charbonnier Q, Esselma S, Thiam F, Michel A & Jezequel D

Thiam H.N. (2011) Weathering Fluxes from Time Series Sampling of the Irrawaddy and Salween Rivers
Chapman H, Bickle M, Thaw SH & Thiam HN

Thibault A. (2020) Tracing the Sources of Organic Matter in the Seine Estuary (NW France) Using Bulk and Molecular Analyses
Huguet A, Thibault A, Anquetil C & Derenne S
(2018) Nature and Dynamics of Organic Matter in the Seine Estuary (France) at the Bulk and Molecular Levels
Thibault A, Huguet A, Parlanti E, Micheau C, Sourzac M, Lanos C & Derenne S
(2017) Organic Geochemistry of Anthropocene Sediments in the Sewer Network of Orléans (France)
Thibault A, Jacob J, Simonneau A, Le Milbeau C, Di Giovanni C, Sabatier P, Reyss J-L, Ardito L & Morio C

Thibault C. (2017) Zinc Salts Action to Reduce the Kinetics of Glass Atmospheric Alteration
Alloteau F, Valbi V, Odile M, Isabelle B, Patrice L, Daniel C, Antoine S & Thibault C

Thibault J. (2020) Seasonal Variability of I-129 Concentrations in a Wetland Receiving Contaminated Groundwater
Nichols R, Kaplan D, Thibault J & Boerstler K

Thibault M. (2004) Atomic Scale Determination of the Insertion of Cr3+ in Spinel and Garnets: An EXAFS Study of Site Relaxation and Element Clustering
Thibault M, Galoisy L, Calas G, Hazemann J & Proux O

Thibault Nicolas (2023) Imprint of Deccan Volcanism and Changes in Pelagic Carbonate Production Across the Cretaceous – Paleogene Boundary Section of Nye Kløv (N. Denmark)
Thibault N, Møller SD, Adatte T, Bjerrum CJ & Spangenberg JE
(2023) Severe Changes in the Marine Environment Across the Cretaceous—Paleogene Boundary in the Danish Basin: Constraints from the Combined Cd-Cr Isotope System
Frederiksen JA, Thibault N, Gilleaudeau G, Bjerrum CJ & Frei R
(2023) PETM Onset Triggered by Intense Volcanism in the North Atlantic Revealed by Tellurium
Baumann NB, Regelous M, Regelous A, Adatte T, Thibault N, Schultz BP & Haase KM
(2019) “Cold Climate” Concretions and Early Eocene Warmth: The Glendonites of the Fur Formation, Denmark
Vickers M, Bernasconi S, Thibault N, Schultz BP, Lengger S, Bremer A, Rasmussen JA & Korte C
(2018) A High-Precision Numerical Time Scale for the Toarcian Stage: Implications for Timing of the Marine Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (TOAE) and Karoo-Ferrar Volcanism
Ruhl M, Hesselbo SP, Xu W, Thibault N, Jenkyns HC, Mac Niocaill C, Riding JB & Ullmann CV
(2016) Oceanographic Change in the Late Cretaceous Chalk Sea (Denmark): Clues from Chromium Isotopes
Gilleaudeau G, Voegelin A, Thibault N, Moreau J, Ullmann C, Korte C & Frei R
(2013) Diagenesis Affects Carbonate δ53Cr: Evidence from the K-Pg Boundary Section at Stevns Klint (Denmark)
Voegelin AR, Frei R, Thibault N, Ullmann CV & Korte C

Thibault Nicolas R. (2014) Tectonics Forced the Middle Jurassic Ice Age
Korte C, Hesselbo SP, Ullmann CV, Ruhl M & Thibault NR

Thibault P. (2004) Bacteria are Redox Active Sorbants that do not Template Nucleating Hydrous Ferric Oxide
Rancourt D & Thibault P

Thibault Y. (2021) Low-temperature Fluid-Induced β-Phase Propagation: An Energy-Efficient Pathway for Recovering Li from α-Spodumene
Thibault Y, Gamage McEvoy J & Duguay D
(2017) Promoting Early REE Separation during Ore Leaching: An Investigation Through Controlled Synthetic Crystal Dissolution Experiments
Thibault Y & Gamage McEvoy J
(2012) Mineralogy and Porewater Geochemistry of Processed Kimberlite: Implications for Acid Rock Drainage and Metal Releases
Smith L, Moncur M, Paktunc D & Thibault Y
(2012) Natural Sources of Uranium in Shallow Groundwater in Northeastern Alberta
Welsh B, Moncur M, Paktunc D, Thibault Y, Birks J, Wieser M & McKiernan B
(2008) Evolution of Arsenic Mineralogy Through Sulfide Oxidation at the Ketza River Mine, Yukon, Canada
Thibault Y & Paktunc D

Thibault de Chanvalon A. (2023) Experimental Investigation of Oxygen Kinetic Reduction by Ferrous Iron: The Role of Reactive Oxygen Species
Mousques Soulas L, Thibault de Chanvalon A & Pigot T
(2023) Interconnected Biotic and Abiotic Nitrogen Cycling Pathways in a Sulfate-Rich Lake: Insights from Geochemical and Isotopic Characterization
Margalef Marti R, Sebilo M, Thibault de Chanvalon A & Amouroux D
(2023) Influences of Manganese Cycling on Alkalinity in the Redox Stratified Water Column of Chesapeake Bay
Thibault de Chanvalon A, Luther G, Estes ER, Necker J, Tebo B, Su J & Cai W-J
(2023) Mercury Species Transformations by Natural Microbial Communities in a Sulfidic Hydrothermal Spring, Southwest France
Xue J-P, Margalef Marti R, Tessier E, Guyoneaud R, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Sebilo M, Pedrero Zayas Z & Amouroux D
(2021) Seasonnal Dynamics of Diagenetic Processes in an Intertidal Temperate Mudflat: The Mudsurv Project
Metzger E, Mouret A, Choquel C, Geslin E, Jauffrais T, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Bénéteau E & Jesus B
(2021) Biogeochemical Interactions between Iron and Nutrient Cycling in a Saline Inland Lake
Margalef Marti R, Sebilo M, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Gonzalez Alvarez I, Mazière C, Guibert M, Tessier E, Lauga B & Amouroux D
(2021) Iron and Manganese Cycling Influence on Alkalinity from a Redox Stratified Water Column of the Chesapeake Bay
Thibault de Chanvalon A, Luther G, Tebo B, Estes E, Necker J, Su J & Cai W-J
(2019) Benthic Manganese Cycle Studied with 2D High Spatial Resolution Methods at Contrasted Oxygen Conditions in Gullmar Fjord
Choquel C, Metzger E, Geslin E, Jauffrais T, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Filipsson H, Launeau P, Giraud M, Risgaard-Petersen N & Mouret A
(2017) 2D Image Quantification of Microbial Iron Chelators (Siderophores) Using DET Method
Le Houedec S, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Mouret A, Metzger E, Launeau P, Lebeau T & Gaudin P
(2017) Manganese Speciation in Seawater: Reaching the (Sub)nanomolar Scale
Thibault de chanvalon A, Luther GW, Oldham V & Estes ER
(2017) Manganese, Iron and Phosphorus Cycling in the Loire Estuary: Outcomes from the RS2E-Osuna Project
Metzger E, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Launeau P, Geslin E, Knoery J & Mouret A
(2017) New Developments of Porewater Chemistry Imaging at High Resolution for Redox-Sensitive Elements
Mouret A, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Cesbron F, Barbe A, Le Houedec S, Jézéquel D, Levrard R, Launeau P & Metzger E
(2015) Influence of Hydrology on Manganese and Iron Deposition and Recycling in an Intertidal Mudflat of Loire Estuary
Metzger E, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Mouret A, Geslin E, Bénéteau E, Nardelli MP, Maillet G, Méléder V, Brach-Papa C, Knoery J & Launeau P
(2015) A New View of Iron Cycling in Intertidal Mudflats: Two-Dimensional Mapping of Iron and Phosphorus Release at Submillimeter Scale
Thibault de Chanvalon A, Metzger E, Mouret A, Cesbron F, Knoery J, Launeau P, Geslin E, Van de Velde S & Meysman FJR

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