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Theaker C. (2023) Laboratory (Cave-Analogue) Calcium Isotope Fractionation Factors for Aragonite, and their Application to North African Palaeohydrology
Hollowood S, Theaker C, Couper H & Day CC

Thébaud N (2006) Quantitative fluid inclusion analysis using synchrotron X-ray microfluorescence
Cauzid J, Philippot P, Foriel J & Thebaud N
(2006) Mid-Archaean crustal geodynamics: Solving the Pilbara controversy
Rey P, Thébaud N & Philippot P

Thebaud Nicolas (2023) New Workflow for the Spatial Prediction of Isotopic Data: Example from the Neoarchean Yilgarn Craton
Rossalim A, Aitken A, Fisher CM, Thebaud N, Jessell MW & Schreefel R
(2022) Nanoparticle Suspensions Elucidate High-Grade Gold Mineralisation Processes
Petrella L, Thebaud N, Fougerouse D, Tattitch B, Martin LAJ, Turner S, Suvorova A & Gain S
(2019) Controls on Ultra-High-Grade Gold Vein in Orogenic-Gold Deposit, Learnings from the Callie Deposit
Petrella L, Thebaud N & LaFlamme C
(2013) The Thrym Complex of Southeastern Greenland: Evolution of Ni-Cu-Sulfide Mineralization in the Lower Crust
Owen J, Bagas L, Kolb J, Fiorentini M, Stensgaard B & Thebaud N
(2009) Tectonostratigraphic Controls on the Localization of Archaean Komatiite-Hosted Nickel-Sulphide Deposits and Camps in the Yilgarn Craton
Thebaud N, Fiorentini M, McCuaig C, Miller J, Barnes S, Joly A & Doublier M

Thebault J. (2014) The Impact of Salinity on the Incorporation of Mg, Sr and Ba in the Aragonite Shell of Ruditapes philippinarum
Gillikin D, Poulain C, Thebault J, Munaron J, Bohn M, Robert R, Paulet Y & Lorrain A

Theile M. (2023) LithoSpace – A Unique Cloud-Based Extra-Terrestrial Geochemistry Data Platform
Noble W, Kohlmann F, Azzopardi A, Sayer J, Tomaš KC, Iles GN & Theile M
(2023) LithoPlates: A New Cloud-Based Tool for Deep-Time Reconstruction of Geochemistry Data
Kohlmann F, Noble W, Qin X, Beucher R, Theile M & Müller RD
(2023) AusGeochem: An Open-Access Platform for Geospatial Interrogation of Thermochronology Big Data Through Deep Time
Boone S, Kohlmann F, Noble W, Theile M, Beucher R, Kohn B, Glorie S, Danisik M, Zhou R, McMillan M, Nixon A, Zahirovic S, Müller RD & McInnes BIA
(2023) Developments in AusGeochem: A Platform for Geochemical Data Storage, Dissemination, Visualisation and Analysis
Dalton H, Ware B, Boone S, Gréau Y, Ananuer H, Nixon A, Hodgekiss S-A, Kohlmann F, Theile M, Noble W, Chen B, Dux F, Koutamanis D, Wang X, McMillan M, Stirling JE, Zhou R, Armistead S, McInnes BIA, Prent A & Kohn B
(2022) The AuScope Geochemistry Laboratory Network Project and the Building of the AusGeochem Data Repository
McInnes BIA, Gleadow A, O'Reilly SY, Kohn B, Rawling T, Kohlmann F, Prent AM, Boone S, Greau Y, Noble W, Ware B, Theile M, Dalton H, Hodgekiss S-A, Ananuer H, Alard O & Phillips D
(2022) A Digital End-To-End Solution for FAIR Geochemistry Data, from Field Collection to Publication
Kohlmann F, Noble W, Boone S, Greau Y, Dalton H, Ware B, Beucher R, McMillan M, Kohn B, Prent AM, McInnes BIA, Bedoya Mejia A & Theile M
(2022) Opening the Full Potential of Geochemical Big Data Utilising AusGeochem
Noble W, Kohlmann F, Prent AM, Boone S, Greau Y, Ware B, Dalton H, Beucher R, McMillan M, Kohn B, McInnes BIA, Bedoya Mejia A & Theile M

Theiling B. (2018) Controls on Isotopic Fractionation in Volatiles from Icy Ocean World Brines
Theiling B & Major J
(2015) Complex Microbial Ecosystems Recorded in Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopes of Carbonate Associated Sulfate in the Monterey Formation, California, U.S.A
Theiling B & Coleman M

Thein Z.M.M. (2021) Generation of Quaternary Adakites due to Two-Stage Differentiation of Arc Magma beneath Central Myanmar
Sano T, Tani K, Yoneda S, Min H, Htike T, Thein ZMM, Ishizuka O, Kusuhashi N, Kono R, Takai M & Conway C

Theis K. (2018) Palladium-Silver Chronology of Iron Meteorite Parent Bodies
Hunt A, Theis K & Schönbächler M
(2012) Unlocking the Zinc Isotope Systematics of Iron Meteorites
Bridgestock LJ, Rehkamper M, Larner F, Giscard M, Andreasen R, Coles B, Benedix G, Theis K, Schonbachler M & Smith C
(2012) Pb-Tl Chronology of IIAB and IIIAB Iron Meteorites
Andreasen R, Rehkaemper M, Benedix G, Theis K, Schoenbaechler M & Smith C
(2011) Experimental Constraints on Ag Isotope Fractionation during Planetary Core Formation
Schönbächler M, Theis KJ & Wood BJ

Theisen J. (2014) The Molecular Basis for Selenate Reduction in Citrobacter freundii
Theisen J & Yee N
(2014) Bacterial Tellurate Reduction is Catalyzed by a Molybdenum-Containing Enzyme
Theisen J & Yee N

Thelakkat M. (2021) Sequestration of Se(VI) Using S-Zvi Under Oxic and Anoxic Conditions
Marouane B, Mohanraj J, Thelakkat M & Peiffer S

Thelander I. (2019) Formation and Stability of Amides in Hydrothermal Systems
Yang Z, Fu X, Liao Y & Thelander I

Thelen Michael (2009) The Biochemistry of Unusual Cytochromes Isolated from Acidophilic Fe(II)-Oxidizing Biofilms
Singer S, Erickson B, VerBerkmoes N, Hwang M, Chan C, Jeans C, Banfield J, Hettich R & Thelen M

Thelen Michael (2015) Reuse and Recycling: Resource Allocation by Cyanobacteria in Microbial Mats
Stuart R, Mayali X, Lee J, Everroad RC, Lipton M, Boaro A, Bebout B, Pett-Ridge J, Weber P & Thelen M

Them Theodore (2011) Tropical Hydrologic Cycle Variability in the Florida Straits during Marine Isotope Stages 2 and 3
Them T, Schmidt M & Lynch-Stieglitz J

Them Theodore (2015) Significant Increase in Global Continental Weathering Rates during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Them T, Gill B, Gröcke D & Selby D

Them Theodore (2016) Re and Os Evidence of Widespread Anoxia and Increased Continental Weathering during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Them T, Selby D, Gill B & Gröcke D

Them Theodore R. (2022) Balancing the Redox Budgets of Oceanic Anoxic Events
Newby SM, Young SA, Them TR, Gill B & Owens JD
(2022) Spatiotemporal Redox Variability Enveloping an Oceanic Anoxic Event
Owens JD, Newby SM, Li S, Them TR, Bonacina G & Sanfilippo A
(2018) Toarcian Mercury Anomalies Record Terrestrial Disturbance Rather Than Volcanic Activity
Them T, Jagoe C, Gill B, Caruthers A, Grasby S, Gröcke D, Yin R & Owens J
(2018) Tracking Marine Deoxygenation during the Cambrian SPICE Event Using Thallium Isotopes
LeRoy M, Owens J, Them T & Gill B
(2018) Investigating the Sulphur Cycle during the End-Triassic Mass Extinction from Panthalassa
Marroquín S, Gill B, Them T, Owens J, Gröcke D & Caruthers A
(2018) Novel Isotope Systems to Better Constrain Local to Global Reduced Bottom Water Oxygen Contents
Owens JD, Them TR, Wu F & Nielsen SG
(2018) Thallium Isotopic Evidence for Widespread Oceanic Anoxia Associated with the Late Silurian Lau Extinction Event
Bowman C, Young S, Kaljo D, Eriksson M, Them T, Martma T, Hints O & Owens J

Theodorakopoulos Nicolas (2012) Pyrosequencing Analysis of Bacterial Diversity in Tchernobyl Contaminated Trenches
Theodorakopoulos N, Christen R, Piette L, Fevrier L, Coppin F, Martin-Garin A, Le Marrec C, Sergeant C, Chapon V & Berthomieu C
(2011) Uranium Interactions with Bacterial Communities from Contaminated Soils in Chernobyl
Sergeant C, Theodorakopoulos N, Piette L, Vesvres M-H, Le Marrec C, Christen R, Coppin F, Fevrier L, Martin-Garin A, Berthomieu C & Chapon V

Theodorakopoulos Nicolas (2015) Interaction between Uranium and Four Microbacterium Strains Isolated from Metal and Radionuclide-Rich Environments
Chapon V, Theodorakopoulos N, Piette L, Barakat M, Ortet P, Zirah S, Kish A, Berthomieu C & Fevrier L

Theodorakopoulos Nicolas (2016) Uranium Biomineralization in Environmental Bacteria
Chapon V, Theodorakopoulos N, Piette L, Fevrier L, Coppin F, Gallois N, Armengaud J, Alpha-Bazin B, Barakat M, Ortet P, Carriere M, Vercouter T & Berthomieu C

Theou-Hubert L. (2013) Volcanic Degassing of the Gunbarrel Large Igneous Province and its Environmental Repercussions
Cox G, Halverson G, Hurtgen M, Poirier A, Theou-Hubert L & Wing B

Thern E. (2011) Post-Depositional Thermal History of the 4364–3060Ma Zircon-Bearing Metasandstones of the Illaara and Maynard Hills Granite Greenstone Belts, Western Australia
Thern E, Jourdan F, Evans N, McDonald B, Danisik M, Frew A & Nelson D
(2010) U-Th-Pb-He Double-Dating of Zircon from the Diamondiferous Ellendale Lamproite Pipe, Western Australia
McInnes B, Evans N, McDonald B, Thern E & Corbett D
(2004) Thermal History of the Hadean Earth Inferred from Trace-Element Diffusion within ≥4 Ga Zircons
Thern E, Nelson D & Hitchen G

Theroux S (2005) Unraveling Nutrient, Growth Rate, Calcification, and Diagenesis Effects on the Chemistry of Coccolith Calcite
Stoll H, Arevalos A, Burke A, Shimizu N, Theroux S & Ziveri P

Theroux Susanna (2014) Phylogenetic Control of UK37-temperature Sensitivity: A Unifying Model for the Temperature Dependence of Alkenone Unsaturation
D'Andrea WJ, Theroux S & Bradley RS

Therre S. (2017) Glacial Intensification of the Benguela Current
Frank N, Roesch C, Wefing A-M, Wienberg C, Lausecker M, Förstel J, Schröder-Ritzrau A, Therre S, Friedrich R, Arps J, Hebbeln D, Dullo C & Freiwald A
(2017) Tropical Soil Activity on Socotra Island, Arabian Sea, Since the LGM: Evidence from Speleothem Radiocarbon
Therre S, Fohlmeister J, Fleitmann D, Burns SJ, Arps J, Schröder-Ritzrau A, Friedrich R & Frank N
(2017) Reconstructing Decadal North Atlantic Water Mass Variability Using Cold-Water Corals
Border EC, Montagna P, Ragnarsson SÁ, Valdimarsson H, Reverdin G, McCulloch M, Trotter J, Colin C, Bonneau L, Therre S, Lausecker M & Frank N

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