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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Teng Fang-Zhen (2022) Incomplete Condensation of Volatile Elements as the Cause for Volatile Depletion in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Nie NX, Chen X, Hopp T, Hu J, Zhang ZJ, Teng F-Z, Shahar A & Dauphas N
(2022) Potassium Isotope Evidence for Water Cycle from Stagnant Slab into Mantle Transition Zone
Xing K, Wang F, Xu W & Teng F-Z
(2022) Potassium Isotope Fractionation during Granitic Magmatic Differentiation: Mineral-Pair Perspectives
Huang T-Y, Teng F, Wang Z-Z, He Y & Wu F-Y
(2022) Extensive Crystal Fractionation of High-Silica Magmas Revealed by Potassium Isotopes
Wang Z-Z, Teng F-Z, Wu F-Y, Liu Z-C, Liu X-C, Liu S-A & Huang T-Y
(2022) Silicate Magnesium Isotope Trends (δ26Mgsil) Correlate to Carbon Cycle Disturbances at the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary
Wynn P, Teng F & Yager JA
(2022) Active Silicate Weathering in Antarctic Ice-Rich Permafrost Revealed by Mg Isotopes
Sletten RS, Cuozzo N, Hu Y, Liu L, Teng F, Hagedorn B, Ming DW & Tu V

Teng Fang-Zhen (2023) Forming a Talc-Rich Slow Slipping Subduction Interface: P-T-T-X History of Metasomatic Rocks
Hoover WF, Condit CB, Teng F-Z, Moser A, Mulcahy S, Easthouse G, Pike C, Lindquist PC, Guevara VE & Berg A
(2023) Temporal Evolution of the Upper Continental Crust Revealed by Potassium Isotope Geochemistry of Glacial Diamictites
Teng F-Z, Huang T-Y, Rudnick R & Gaschnig RM

Teng Fangzhen (2022) Potassium Isotope Geochemistry in Island Arc Volcanism
Teng F, Tian H-C, Chen X, Bindeman IN & Ryan J

Teng H. Henry (2020) Crystallization Process of Scorodite at Hydrothermal Conditions
Zhu X, Chang P, Li S & Teng HH
(2016) The Origin of the Inhibitory Effect of Mg to (Ca, Mg)CO3 Crystallization
Teng H & Hong M
(2016) Cellular Dissolution at Hypha- and Spore-Mineral Interface
Li Z, Liu L, Chen J & Teng HH
(2013) CO2 Absorption and Precipitation in MgCl2-NH3•H2O Solutions: Relevance to CO2 Sequestration
Zhao L, Zhu C, Dong S & Teng HH
(2013) Effect of Solution Chemistry on the Kinetics of Step Growth
Teng HH & Hong M
(2012) Thermodynamic and Kinetic Effect of Organic Solvent on the Nucleation of Nesquehonite
Zhao L, Zhu C, Ji J, Chen J & Teng HH
(2012) Effect of Water and Sulfide on Magnesium Carbonate Crystallization
Teng H, Xu H, Zhang F & Xu J
(2011) Kinetic Study of Brucite Carbonation
Zhu C, Zhao L, Gao X, Ji J, Chen J & Teng HH
(2011) Solvent Effect on the Precipitation of Mg-Carbonate
Teng H & Wang J
(2010) Revisit Calcite Dissolution Kinetics: Roles of ΔG, pCO2, and Dislocation
Teng H & Fan C
(2010) Heterogeneous Carbonation in the MgO-H2O-CO2 System
Zhao L, Sang L, Chen J, Ji J & Teng HH
(2010) Chemical Basis of Microbe – Carbonate Interactions
Lian B & Teng H
(2010) The Influence of Muscovite and Orthoclase on the Precipitation of CaCO3 Polymorphs
Hu Q, Zhang J, Teng H, Ewing R & Becker U
(2009) Microbial Weathering of Limestone and Dolomite
Lian B, Ding L, Zhang Z & Teng HH
(2008) Interface Induced Crystallization of Carbonate Polymorphs
Teng H, Lin Y, Ji J & Chen J
(2006) Carbonate Biomineralization Induced by Bacillus megaterium
Teng H, Hu Q, Lian B, Ji J & Chen J
(2006) Molecular Recognition at Organic Acid-Calcite Interface
Teng H, Chen Y & Pauli E
(2005) Controls of Step Length and Direction on Crystal Solubility
Teng H & Fan C
(2002) Controls of Undersaturation on Etch Pit Formation
Teng H
(2001) Determining the Energetics of the Calcite <441> Steps
Teng HH, Dove PM & DeYoreo JJ
(2000) New Evidence of Orthoclase Dissolution Mechanisms by in situ X-Ray Reflectivity and Atomic Force Microscopy
Sturchio NC, Fenter P & Teng HH

Teng Henry (2023) Diatom Extraction of Si from Silicate Minerals and Coupled Si-C Fixation
Teng H, Su J & Zhang J
(2022) Anaerobic Dissolution of Arsenopyrite:a Potential Underestimated Arsenic Pollution Source
Chang P, Zhu X & Teng H
(2021) Linking CaCO3 Dissolution Mechanisms in Seawater vs. Freshwater via Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Implications for CaCO3 Dissolution in Paleo-Ocean
Dong S, Berelson W, Teng H, Naviaux J & Adkins J
(2018) Fungal Cell-Serpentine Mineral Interfacial Recognition & Interaction
Teng H & Li Z

Teng Hui Henry (2021) Gallium Isotopes as an Effective Proxy for Continental Weathering: Insight from the Basaltic Latosol Profile
Yuan W, Chen J, Teng HH & Schott J
(2020) A Potential Pathway of Coupled Si-C Cycling Driven by Soil Diatom Growth Associated with the Weathering of Mg-Bearing Silicate Minerals
Su J, Liu C & Teng HH

Teng X. (2016) Is Vehicular Emission a Significant Contributor to Ammonia in the Urban Atmosphere? – Observationalresults in China
Teng X, Qi J, Zhu Y, Shi J, Gao H & Yao X

Teng Y. (2001) Environmental Impacts of Mining the Giant Panzhihua V-Ti Magnetite Deposit, SW China
Ni S, Zhang C, Teng Y, Ma Y, Zhou M-F, Sun M, Malpas J, Li Y & Wang Z

Teng Yanguo (2021) Heavy Metal Pollution Risk in Soil and Groundwater Around a Copper Concentrator in Inner Mongolia
Zheng N, Teng Y, Yue W, Liu H, Yang J & Zhai Y
(2021) Valuation of Soil-Groundwater Pollution Damage at Site Scale Based on Risk and Economic Theories: Framework, Method and Case Study
Cao X, Zhai Y, Teng Y, Yue W & Yang J
(2018) Explore the Apparent Gap between Field and Lab Dissolution Rate: A Study of the Navajo Sandstone
Hu B, Zhang Y, Wang J, Teng Y, Yuan H, Rimstidt D & Zhu C
(2012) The Leaching of Heavy Metals from Steel Slag in Panzhihua Region
Teng Y, Yang J, Xu Z & Zhao H
(2012) Geochemical Characteristics of Heavy Metals in Water-Sediment Media in Panzhihua V-Ti-Magnetite Zone, China
Xu Z, Ni S, Teng Y & Zhang C
(2011) Geochemical Characteristic Contrast of Heavy Metals between Sulphide Mines and Oxide Mines
Xu Z, Ni S, Teng Y & Zhang C
(2011) Phytoavailability and Bioaccumulation of Vanadium in the Soil in Panzhihua Region, SW China
Teng Y, Yang J & Xu Z
(2011) Technical Methods of Barriers of Near-Surface Disposal of Very Low Level Radioactive Waste
Zuo R, Wang J & Teng Y
(2010) Iron Isotope Fractionations Under Different Digenetic Environments in Lake Sediments
Song L, Liu C-Q, Wang Z-L, Zhu X, Teng Y, Wang J, Liang L & Tang S
(2010) Application of γ Energy Spectrum in the Study of Paleoenvironment
Xu Z, Ni S, Teng Y & Zhang C

Teng YanGuo (2016) Redox Cycling of Heavy Metals Under Different Digenetic Environments in Lake Sediments
Zheng X, Song L, Teng Y, Yue W & Li J

Teng Ying (2018) Response of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) Root Exudates to di (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate Stress by Untargeted Metabolomic Analysis
Ren W, Wang Y & Teng Y

Teng Z. (2020) Passivation of Cadmium in River Sediment Using Phosphate- Solubilizing Bacteria and Nano-Hydroxyapatite Loaded Biochar (HAP@BC)
Zhao X, Teng Z, Zhang K & Li M

Tenhola M. (2007) The Barents Ecogeochemistry Project – Ecogeochemical Mapping of 1, 500, 000 km2 in NE-Europe
Kashulina G, Salminen R, Chekushin V, Bogatyrev I, Tenhola M & Niskavaara H

Tenmoku M. (2003) Source Identification of Aerosols in East Asia by Using Metal Concentrations Measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Equipped with Laser Ablation (LA/ICP-MS)
Okuda T, Kato J, Mori J, Tenmoku M, Tanaka S & He K

Tennant A. (2015) Sampling Atmospheric Mo Content and Isotopic Composition on a Global Scale
Tennant A, Proemse B & Wieser M
(2013) Are Molybdenum Concentrations and Isotopes a Tracer for Anthropogenic Pollution in the Atmosphere?
Tennant A, Lane S, Proemse B & Wieser M

Tennant P. (2017) Geochemical Sources, Forms and Phases of Soil Contamination in an Industrial City
Harvey P, Rouillin M, Dong C, Ettler V, Handley H, Taylor M, Tyson E, Tennant P, Telfer V & Trinh R

Tennent N.H. (2013) Study of Archaeological Glass Based on Elemental Imaging by Laser Ablation ICP-MS
van Elteren JT, Panighello S, Šelih VS, Tennent NH, Orsega EF, Izmer A, Šala M & Vanhaecke F

Tenner Travis (2014) High-Precision Al-Mg Systematics in Forsterite-Bearing Type B CAIs
Bullock E, Nakashima D, Tenner T, Kita N, MacPherson G, Ivanova M, Krot A, Petaev M & Jacobsen S
(2014) Oxygen Isotope Systematics of Chondrules Among Chondrite Groups
Kita NT, Ushikubo T, Tenner TJ & Nakashima D
(2014) Mixing of Solid Precursors during Formation of FeO-Poor Chondrules in CR3 Chondrites
Tenner T, Nakashima D, Ushikubo T, Kita N & Weisberg M
(2010) H2O Storage Capacity of Olivine from 5-13 GPa. Consequences for Dehydration Melting Above the Transition Zone
Tenner T, Ardia P, Hirschmann M & Withers A
(2008) Understanding Dehydration Melting of a Nominally Anhydrous Mantle: The Primacy of Partitioning
Hirschmann M, Tenner T & Aubaud C

Tenner Travis J (2022) Correlation between Mass Independent Oxygen Isotope Fractionation and Mg# Among Type I Chondrules in Pristine CO Chondrite DOM 08006
Kita NT, Fukuda K, Tenner TJ, Zhang M & Kimura M

Tenner Travis J. (2016) Instrumental Biases for SIMS Magnesium Isotope Analyses
Kita NT, Ushikubo T, Tenner TJ, Romaniello SJ & Wadhwa M
(2016) Al-Mg Choronology of Chondrules in the RBT04143 CV3 Chondrite
Nakashima D, Ishida H, Tenner T, Kita N & Nakamura T
(2016) Improved Matrix Correction of δ18O Analysis by SIMS for Pyralspite and Cr-pyrope Garnets
Kitajima K, Strickland A, Spicuzza MJ, Tenner TJ & Valley JW
(2016) The Evolution of the Solar Nebula as Recorded by Hibonite-Rich CAIs
Kööp L, Davis A, Philipp H, Kita N, Nakashima D, Tenner T, Park C, Krot A & Nagashima K

Tenorio M.M.B. (2021) Influence of Transient Processes on Organic Carbon Remineralization Pathways and Rates in the West Gironde Mud Patch (Bay of Biscay, Northeast Atlantic)
Dubosq N, Deflandre B, Rigaud S, Grémare A, Lamarque B, Tenorio MMB, Cordier M-A, Poirier D & Schmidt S

Teo J.H.B. (2023) Investigating Fluorine Incorporation in Nominally Anhydrous Forsterite (Mg2SiO4)
Teo JHB & Redfern S

Teodoro A.C. (2022) Mineral Chemistry and Spectroscopy of Metasedimentary Host Rocks of Aplite-Pegmatite Dykes: One Step Closer to the Detection of Buried Lithium (Li) Pegmatites in the Fregeneda-Almendra Area
Cardoso-Fernandes J, Roda-Robles E, Errandonea-Martin J, Garate-Olave I, Lima A, Ribeiro MDA, De Almeida CR & Teodoro AC
(2021) Vectoring Lithium (Li) Mineralizations: A First Approach to Pegmatite Geochemical Halo Definition in the Fregeneda-Almendra Area
Cardoso-Fernandes J, Lima A, Roda-Robles E, Ribeiro MDA & Teodoro AC

Teodoro M. (2019) Seasonal Development of Zn, Pb, As and Cd Contents in the Biomass of Selected Grass Species Growing on Contaminated Soils: Implications for Phytostabilization
Teodoro M, Komarek M, Hejcman M & Wu S

Teodoru C. (2015) Seasonal Dynamics of Carbon Transport and CO2 Emissions in Alpine Rivers
Teodoru C & Wehrli B

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