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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Templer S.P. (2011) Microbial Cycling of Sulfur in the Aphotic Zone a Meromictic Lake
Bannon D, Ono S, Templer S & Bosak T
(2010) Quantitative and Qualitative Morphological Signatures of Photosynthesis on Early Earth
Bosak T, Petroff A, Sim MS, Liang B, Templer S & Rothman D
(2010) Cyanobacterial Diversity and Activity in Modern Hot Spring Conical Stromatolites
Templer SP, Liang B, Vali H, Wu T-D, Guerquin-Kern J-L, Sim M-S & Bosak T
(2009) The Imprint of Methane Seepage on Geochemical Processes in Cold-Water Coral Mounds on Pen Duick Escarpment, Gulf of Cadiz
Wehrmann LM, Templer SP, Maignien L, Bernasconi S, Brunner B & Ferdelman T
(2009) Dissimilatory Sulfate Reduction: Why is the Oxygen Isotope Equilibrium Value Where it is?
Brunner B, Goldhammer T, Templer S & Bernasconi S

Templeton Alexis (2021) Determining Signals of Early Iron-Cycling Life Through Process-Based Experiments
Johnson JE, Hinz I, Templeton A, Nims C & Zhou A
(2021) Carbonate Polymorphism Controlled by Iron Redox Dynamics at a Natural CO2 Leakage Site (Crystal Geyser, Utah)
Cosmidis J & Templeton A
(2020) Inorganic Carbon Limitation and Diversification of Hydrogenotrophic Methanogens in the Samail Ophiolite, Oman
Fones E, Colman D, Kraus E, Templeton A, Spear J & Boyd E
(2018) S(0) Formation Mechanisms in the Proterozoic Ocean – Potential Signatures in the Rock Record
Cosmidis J, Nims C, Kamermans B, Macalady J & Templeton A
(2018) Microbial Sulfate Reduction Rates in Fluids from Low Temperature Serpentinizing Mantle Rocks
Glombitza C, Kubo M, Rempfert K, Templeton A & Hoehler T
(2018) Mineralogic Signatures of Low Temperature Alteration in Atlantis Massif Serpentinites?
Mayhew L, Ellison E & Templeton A
(2018) Evaluation of S0 as a Biosignature in Laboratory and Field Experiments
Kamermans B, Cosmidis J, Templeton A & Macalady J
(2015) Modern Peridotite Alteration in Oman Hyperalkaline Aquifers and Implications for Microbial Habitability
Miller H, Matter J, Kelemen P, Ellison E, Conrad M & Templeton A
(2015) A Novel Elemental Sulfur Biomineralization Mechanism
Cosmidis J & Templeton A
(2015) Sulfur Oxidation and Biomineralization Processes in Sulfidic Ice Ecosystems
Templeton A, Lau G, Cosmidis J, Trivedi C, Spear J & Grasby S
(2015) High Local Iron Enrichments in Modern Microbialites from Mexico: Speciation and Origin
Zeyen N, Benzerara K, Templeton A, Webb S & Gérard E
(2015) Theme 15: A Perspective on Key Processes and Mechanisms Revealed within Environmental (Bio)Geochemistry
Templeton A
(2014) Isotopic Signatures of H2 and CH4 at the Cedars: Implications for Temperatures and Mechanisms of Serpentinization at the Site
Conrad M, Mayhew L, Christensen J, Bill M & Templeton A
(2014) Quantifying the Flux of Hydrogen from Serpentinzing Ultramafic Rocks
McCollom T, Klein F, Hoehler T & Templeton A
(2013) Elemental Sulfur Biomineralization and Preservation in Glacial Sulfide Springs
Templeton A, Lau G, Wright K, Williamson C, Grasby S & Spear J
(2013) Habitability and Hydrogen Generation in Perditotite Aquifers
Templeton A, Mayhew L, Miller H, Streit L & Kelemen P
(2012) Hydrogen Production from Low Temperature (55-100ºC) Water-Rock Reactions
Mayhew L, Ellison E, McCollom T & Templeton A
(2012) Serpentinization and the Flux of Reduced Volatiles to the Seafloor
McCollom T, Klein F, Bach W, Moskowitz B, Berquo T & Templeton A
(2011) Geochemical Characterization of Biosignatures in Subseafloor Basalts
Knowles E, Staudigel H, McLoughlin N & Templeton A
(2011) A Microbially-Mediated Deep Terrestrial Nitrogen Cycle at Henderson Mine, CO
Swanner E & Templeton A
(2011) The Effect of M. Thermoflexus on the Fe-Bearing Mineral Assemblage Associated with Low Temperature Basalt-Water Reactions
Mayhew L, Webb S & Templeton A
(2011) Serpentinization and Hydrogen Generation
McCollom T, Klein F, Bach W, Jons N & Templeton A
(2011) Olivine and Pyroxene Surface Reactivity during H2-generation
Templeton A, Mayhew L, Trainor T, Eng P & McCollom T
(2010) Investigating Cell-Mineral Interactions and the Geochemistry of Methanogenic Activity in a Low-Temperature Serpentinizing System
Mayhew L, McCollom T & Templeton A
(2010) Ralstonia Species Mediate Fe-Oxidation in the Deep Biosphere of Henderson Mine
Swanner E, Nell R & Templeton A
(2010) Low Temperature S Biomineralization at a Supraglacial Spring System in the Canadian High Arctic
Gleeson D, Williamson C, Wright K, Pappalardo R, Grasby S & Templeton A
(2009) Microbial Fe Cycling at Basalt-Biofilm Interfaces on the Seafloor
Templeton A, Trainor T, Arey B, Dohnalkova A, Staudigel H & Tebo B
(2008) Inferring Mechanisms of Biocorrosion from Trace Fossil Morphology
Staudigel H, Furnes H, McLoughlin N, Banerjee N, Connell L & Templeton A
(2008) Microbially-Mediated Cycling of Metals in Deep Subsurface Fluids at Henderson Mine, Colorado
Swanner E & Templeton A
(2006) In-situ insights into microbially-mediated basalt weathering and metal biomineralization at active Seamounts
Templeton A, Trainor T, Eng P, Bailey B, Staudigel H & Tebo B
(2005) Structure and Reactivity of Hydroxylated Hematite Surfaces: Application of Surface X-Ray Diffraction and Spectroscopy
Trainor T, Eng P, Chaka A, Lo C, Tanwar K, Ghose S, Brown G, Catalano J, Waychunas G & Templeton A
(2005) Distribution and Speciation of Metals and Metalloids at Microbe/mineral Interfaces
Templeton A, Trainor T, Brown G & Tebo B
(2005) Fe(II) and Mn(II) Oxidation and Biomineralization within Basalt-Hosted Lithoautotrophic Biofilms
Templeton A, Tebo B, Staudigel H, Bailey B, Lisa H & Trainor T
(2004) FeMO: An Observatory for the Study of Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria
Edwards K, Emerson D, Moyer C, Staudigel H, Tebo B, Bailey B, Rogers D & Templeton A
(2004) Fe(II) and Mn (II) Oxidizing Bacteria Associated with Weathered Oceanic Basalts
Templeton A, Staudigel H, Bailey B & Tebo B
(2004) The Ocean Crust as a Bioreactor
Staudigel H, Bailey B, Furnes H, Tebo B & Templeton A
(2001) Biotransformation of Pb and Se within Aerobic B. Cepacia and S. oneidensis Biofilms
Templeton AS, Trainor TP, Traina SJ, Spormann AM & Brown Jr. GE
(2001) Structure and Reactivity of ?-Al2O3 (0001) and (1-102) Surfaces
Trainor TP, Eng PJ, Templeton AS & Brown Jr. GE
(2001) Application of Synchrotron Radiation Methods to Chemical Processes at Micro-Scale Interfaces
Brown Jr. GE, Kendelewicz T, Doyle CS, Templeton AS & Trainor TP
(2000) Pb Speciation at Sapphire and Hematite Surfaces Associated with Bacterial Biofilms
Templeton A, Trainor T, Traina S, Spormann A & Brown Jr. G

Templeton Alexis S (2023) Geochemical Challenges to Methanogenesis in Serpentinizing Systems: Implications for the Habitability of Ocean Worlds
Howells A, Price N, Batther H, Kashyap S, Som S, Kopf S, Templeton AS & Hoehler T
(2023) Investigating Controls on H2 Availability in Groundwaters during Active Serpentinization in the Samail Ophiolite
Templeton AS, Ellison ET, Nothaft DB, Boyd E, Colman D, Fones E, Spear J, Hoehler T, Kubo M & Glombitza C
(2023) Amino Acid Synthesis Driven by Ferroan Brucite-Mediated Chemistry
Chimiak LM, Hara E, Ellison ET, Eiler J, Sessions A, VanderVelde D & Templeton AS
(2022) Sulfur Biomineralization of Peridotites Undergoing Low-Temperature Serpentinization
Templeton AS, Ellison ET, Glombitza C, Hoehler T, Rempfert K, Caro T, Kashyap S, Sepulveda J & Boyd E
(2022) Initial Results from the Oman Drilling Project Multi-Borehole Observatory: Petrogenesis and Ongoing Alteration of Mantle Peridotite in the Weathering Horizon
Kelemen P, Leong JA, de Obeso JC, Matter J, Ellison ET, Templeton AS, Nothaft DB, Eslami A, Evans K, Godard M, Malvoisin B, Coggon JA, Warsi N, Pezard P, Cho S, Teagle D, Michibayashi K, Takazawa E & Al Sulaimani Z
(2019) Experimental Insights into the Formation of Iron-Rich Clays on Early Earth and Mars
Johnson J, Hinz I, Templeton A, Theuer S & Ellison E
(2019) Fe-Oxidation, Hydrogen Generation and Microbial Activity in Peridotites Undergoing Serpentinization
Templeton A, Ellison E & Mayhew L
(2019) Fe(II)-bearing Brucite Reactivity during Low-Temperature Serpentinization in Oman
Ellison ET, Mayhew LE, Zeigler SKD & Templeton AS
(2019) Characterization of Intact Polar Lipid Biomarkers from a Site of Active, Low-Temperature Serpentinization
Rempfert K, Kraus E, Nothaft D, Spear J, Sepulveda J & Templeton A
(2017) Speciation of Fe in Modern Mexican Lacustrine Microbialites
Zeyen N, Benzerara K, Morin G, Brest J, Menguy N, Templeton A, Webb S & Gérard E
(2017) Sulfur Organomineralization: Significance and Mechanism
Cosmidis J, Nims C, Lau G, Kane T & Templeton A
(2017) Coupled Fe, S, N, and CH4 Cycling in Subsurface Serpentinizing Systems
Templeton A, Rempfert K, Miller H, Nothaft D, Ellison E & Mayhew L
(2017) Chemistry Versus Biology – “True” and “False” Biosignatures Formed Through Biomineralization and Organomineralization Processes
Cosmidis J, Templeton A, Benzerara K, Skouri-Panet F, Duprat E & Macalady J
(2017) Microscale Spectroscopic Imaging of Interfacial Fe Redox Reactions in “Hard-Rock” Systems
Templeton A, Ellison E, Mayhew L & Trainor T
(2017) Investigating Early Iron Silicate Inclusions in Banded Iron Formations Through Nanoscale Geochemical Characterization and Experimental Constraints
Johnson J, Muhling J, Cosmidis J, Rasmussen B & Templeton A
(2017) Mineralogy and Fe Chemistry in Atlantis Massif Serpentinites
Mayhew LE, Ellison ET & Templeton AS

Templeton J. (2011) Intercalibration of Ar-Ar Standards and Samples at LDEO
Hemming S, Tsukui K, Mesko G, Ali G, Cai Y, Adler A, Campbell S, Crapster-Pregont E, Doherty C, Gombiner J, Russell J, Templeton J, Tremblay M & Vankeuren M

Templier J. (2010) Sources of Colloidal and Dissolved Loads over the Hydrological Cycle in Siberian Rivers
Bagard M-L, Chabaux F, Pokrovsky O, Prokushkin A, Viers J, Derenne S & Templier J
(2009) Origin of Chemical Fluxes Carried by Boreal Rivers: Evidence from Major and Trace Element, U and Sr Isotope Data in Two Siberian Rivers
Bagard M-L, Chabaux F, Pokrovsky OS, Prokushkin AS, Viers J, Derenne S, Templier J & Dupré B

Tems C. (2014) Changes in Thermocline Oxygen Concentrations Occurring over Many Timescales: Eastern subTropical North Pacific
Berelson W, Tems C, Fleming J, Deutsch C, Haskell W & Hammond D

Temur S. (2007) Geochemistry of an Actual Fe-Sulfides Formation from Acisu District, Karsanti, Adana, Turkey
Temur (Ercan) Y & Temur S
(2007) A Geochemical Approach to Formation of the Tinaztepe Cave Soil, Seydisehir, Konya, Turkey
Temur S

Temur (Ercan) Y. (2007) Geochemistry of an Actual Fe-Sulfides Formation from Acisu District, Karsanti, Adana, Turkey
Temur (Ercan) Y & Temur S

Ten G. (2013) Reconstruction of Oil-Filling History by Fluid Inclusion Analysis: A Case Study of Tahe Oil Field, Tarim Basin, NW China
Shi W, Zhang Z, Volkman J, Qin J, Ten G & Xi B

ten Brink U. (2020) The Crustal Structure of the Hawaiian Islands from Marine Multichannel Seismic Reflection Data
Boston B, Shillington DJ, Dunn R, Watts AB, Grevemeyer I, Goméz de la Peña L, Ito G, Wessel P, ten Brink U & Miller N
(2020) Controls on Oceanic Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure by Syn- and Post-Accretion Processes from Multichannel Seismic Data Around and Across the Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount Chain
Shillington DJ, Boston BB, Dunn R, Watts AB, Grevemeyer I, Goméz de la Peña L, Ito G, Wessel P, ten Brink U, Miller N & Cilli P

ten Kate I.L. (2018) Nanoscale, in situ Investigations of Fluoranthene Surfaces
King HE, Giese C-C, Plümper O, ten Kate IL & Tielens X
(2016) Are Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Carbonaceous Chondrites Altered by Aqueous Alteration?
Giese C-C, ten Kate IL, Plümper O, King HE & Tielens AGGM

Tenailleau C. (2015) Preliminary Experimental Investigation of Chromite Dissolution in Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt Melt
Zagrtdenov N, Borisova A, Toplis M, Tenailleau C & Duployer B

TenCate J. (2008) Crystallinity and Grain Contact Mechanics – Neutron TOF Scattering in Sandstones
Darling T, TenCate J, Proffen T & Vogel S

Tender L. (2015) Temperature Dependency of Long Range Electron Transport in Microbial Biofilms
Yates M, Strycharz-Glaven S, El-Naggar M & Tender L

Tenelanda-Osorio L.I. (2023) Iron-Carbon Interactions and Size Distribution in Biogenic Iron Oxides as Potential Biosignature
Tenelanda-Osorio LI, Mansor M & Kappler A

Tenesch A.C. (2008) Silica Deposition on Cells in Environmentally Defined Experimental Solutions
Tenesch AC, Dietrich M, Cady SL, Blank CE & Hinman NW
(2005) Silicon – Aluminum MAS-NMR TRAPDOR of Natural Silica Minerals
Hinman N, Burton S, Cho H, Tenesch A, Kotler J & Strumness L
(2005) Laser and Optical Chemical Imaging of Diagenesis in Iron-Oxide Deposits
Kotler J, Hinman N & Tenesch A

Teng F (2005) Lithium Isotopic Fractionation in Pegmatites
Teng F, McDonough W, Rudnick R & Walker R

Teng Fang-Zhen (2014) Lack of Calcium Isotope Fractionation during Magma Differentiation
Zhang H, Huang S, Teng F-Z, Helz RT & Jacobsen SB
(2014) Mg Isotope Fractionation during Shale Weathering in the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory: Accumulation of Light Mg Isotopes in Soils by Clay Mineral Transformation
Ma L, Teng F, Jin L & Brantley S
(2013) Evaporation of Mg- and Si-Rich Melts: Evolution of Chemical and Isotopic Compositions of FUN CAIs
Mendybaev R, Richter F, Teng F, Georg B & Fedkin A
(2013) Destruction of the North China Craton Induced by Ridge Subductions
Ling M, Sun W, Teng F, Li Y, Ding X, Yang X, Fan W & Xu Y
(2013) Diffusion-Driven Isotopic Fractionations in Olivine in Laboratory and Natural Settings
Sio CKI, Roskosz M, Chaussidon M, Dauphas N, Mendybaev R, Richter F & Teng F-Z
(2013) MC-ICPMS and NRIXS: A Stereo View of Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Silicic Magmas
Dauphas N, Roskosz M, Telus M, Hu M, Alp E, Moynier F, Sio C, Tissot F, Teng F, Neuville D, Nabelek P, Craddock P, Groat L & Zhao J
(2012) LA-MC-ICPMS Iron Isotopic Measurements of Zoned Olivine
Sio CKI, Dauphas N, Teng F-Z, Chaussidon M, Helz R, Roskosz M, Xiao Y & Ireland T
(2012) Magnesium Isotopic Composition of the Lower Continental Crust: A Xenolith Perspective
Teng F-Z, Yang W & Rudnick R
(2012) The Formation of the Giant Bayan Obo REE Deposit: Constraints from Mg Isotopes
Sun W, Ling M, Liu Y, Yang X & Teng F
(2012) Constraints on the Origins of Adakites by Using Magnesium Isotopes
Ling M, Teng F & Sun W
(2012) Tracing Continental Weathering Using Li and Mg Isotopes: Insights from Rivers Draining the Columbia River Basalts
Liu X-M, Rudnick R, McDonough W & Teng F-Z
(2012) Evaluating Pore Fluid Mg Isotopic and Elemental Constraints on Seawater Mg Chemistry in the Cenozoic
Fantle M & Teng F-Z
(2011) In situ Fe-Mg Isotopic Analysis of Zoned Olivines
Sio CK, Dauphas N, Teng F-Z, Helz R & Chaussidon M
(2011) New Insights into Mantle and Crustal Processes from High-Temperature Magnesium Isotope Fractionation
Teng F-Z, Li W-Y & Liu S-A
(2010) The Investigation of Magnesium Isotope Fractionation during Granite Differentiation
Liu S-A, Teng F-Z, Li S-G, He Y-S & Ke S
(2010) Magnesium Isotopic Composition of the Moon
Sedaghatpour F & Teng F-Z
(2010) Mantle-Like Magnesium Isotopic Composition of Orogenic Eclogites from the Dabie-Sulu UHPM Belt, China
Li W-Y, Teng F-Z, Xiao Y & Huang J
(2010) Diffusion-Driven Kinetic Magnesium and Iron Isotope Fractionation in Hawaiian Basalts and Olivines
Teng F-Z, Dauphas N, Huang S & Helz R
(2010) Isotopic Effects from Diffusive Transport in Zoned Metal and Olivine
Dauphas N & Teng F-Z
(2010) Magnesium Isotopic Composition of A-Type Granites from NW India-Asia Collision Zone, Xinjiang, China
Ke S, Teng F-Z, Mo XX & Luo ZH
(2007) The Absence of Magnesium Isotope Fractionation during Basalt Differentiation
Teng F-Z, Wadhwa M, Helz R & Richter F
(2007) Fluid-Rock Interactions Recorded by Kinetic Fractionation of Li Isotopes
Rudnick R, McDonough W, Teng F-Z & Marks M
(2006) Diffusion-driven lithium isotope fractionation: models and implications
Teng F-Z, McDonough W & Rudnick R

Teng Fang-Zhen (2015) Magnesium Isotope Fractionation during Carbonatite Petrogenesis at Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania
Li W-Y, Teng F-Z, Halama R, Keller J & Klaudius J

Teng Fang-Zhen (2016) The Return of Magnesium in the Lesser Antilles Arc
Teng F-Z, Hu Y & Chauvel C
(2016) Magnesium Isotopic Compositions of Abyssal Peridotite
Liu P-P, Teng F-Z, Zhou M-F, Dick H & Chung S-L

Teng Fang-Zhen (2017) Iron Isotopic Composition of the Lower Continental Crust
He Y & Teng F-Z
(2017) Barium Isotopic Composition of the Mantle Constrained by Carbonatites
Li W-Y, Huang F, Yu H-M, Xu J, Halama R & Teng F-Z
(2017) Re-evaluating the Role of Authigenic Marine Sediments in the Oceanic Magnesium and Magnesium Isotope Cycles
Berg R, Solomon E & Teng F-Z

Teng Fang-Zhen (2018) Mg Isotope Compositions of Hawaiian Lavas
DeFelice C, Hu Y, Wang S-J, Huang S & Teng F-Z
(2018) Intense Chemical Weathering during Early Triassic Revealed by Mg Isotopes
Chen X-Y, Teng F-Z, Huang K-J & Algeo T
(2018) Potassium Isotopic Composition of the Upper Continental Crust
Huang T-Y, Teng F-Z, Rudnick R, Chen X-Y, Hu Y, Liu Y-S & Wu F-Y
(2018) Magnesium Isotopic Compositions of Himalayan Leucogranites and the Indian Lower Continental Crust
Li X, Tian S, Teng F, Hou Z & Yang Z
(2018) Potassium Isotope Fractionation during Chemical Weathering of Granite
Teng F-Z, Hu Y, Ma J & Wei G
(2018) Magnesium Isotopic Systematics of the Makran Arc, Iran: Implications for a Hidden high-Delta26Mg Reservoir in the Continental Crust
Pang K-N, Teng F-Z, Sun Y, Chung S-L, Zarrinkoub MH & Chiu H-Y
(2018) Using Magnesium Isotopes to Understand Chemical Weathering in Permafrost Environments
Cuozzo N, Sletten R, Hu Y & Teng F
(2018) Origins of the Leucite Hills Lamproites Constrained by Magnesium Isotopes
Sun Y, Teng F-Z, Kuehner S & Pang K-N
(2018) Late Mesozoic Magmatism in Shiquanhe Area, Southwestern Tibet: Evidence of Slab Break-Off of Bangong-Nujiang Ocean
Yan J, Zhao Z, Teng F-Z & Liu D
(2018) Potassium Isotopic Inputs to Subduction Zones
Hu Y, Teng F-Z & Plank T

Teng Fang-Zhen (2019) Constraints on the Global Mg Cycle from Mg Isotopic Composition of Altered Oceanic Crust
Huang K-J, Teng F-Z, Plank T, Staudigel H, Hu Y & Bao Z-Y

Teng Fang-Zhen (2019) Magnesium Isotopic Compositions of Carbonatites
Li W, Teng F & Halama R
(2019) Calcium Isotope Fractionation during Mantle Melting and Ca Isotope Composition of Earth’s Upper Mantle
Wang Y, He Y, Lu W, Meng X & Teng F
(2019) Titanium Isotope Fractionation in Kilauea Iki Lava Lake is Driven by the Crystallization of Oxides
Johnson A, Aarons S, Dauphas N, Nie N, Zeng H, Teng F, Helz R, Galli G, Romaniello S & Anbar A
(2019) Magnesium Isotopic Constraints on Alkalic Basalt Evolution: A Case Study at Mauna Kea, Hawaii
DeFelice C, Hu Y, Huang S & Teng F-Z

Teng Fang-Zhen (2020) Heterogeneous Magnesium Isotopes of the Cenozoic Mantle-Derived Volcanics on SE Tibetan Plateau: Implication for the Subduction of Indian Plate
Lei H, Zhao Z, Teng F-Z, Ma Q & Zhu D-C
(2020) Mg Isotopic Fractionation Involving Magmatic-Hydrothermal Transition Recorded in the Himalayan Granites
Li D-Y, Teng F-Z, Xiao Y, Liu Z-C, Gu H-O, Li W-Y & Wu F-Y
(2020) Potassium Isotope Fractionation during Plant Uptake in the Island of Hawaii
Li W, Liu X-M, Yan H, Teng F-Z, Hu Y-F & Chadwick OA
(2020) Potassium Isotopic Fractionation during Chemical Weathering: A Hawaiian Example
Liu X-M, Li W, Hu Y, Teng F-Z, Hu Y & Chadwick OA
(2020) Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-Mg Isotopes Tracing Fossil Ridge Subduction: A Case Study in the Easternmost Central Asian Orogenic Belt
Wang F, Xing K-C, Xu W-L & Teng F-Z
(2020) Crystal Fractionation-Induced Isotope Fractionation in Basalts from Mauna Kea, Hawaii
DeFelice C, Hu Y, Wang W, Teng F-Z, Huang S & Frey F
(2020) Tracing Mantle Heterogeneity by Potassium Isotope Geochemistry
Teng F-Z, Hu Y, Wang Z-Z & Tian H-C

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