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Tarique M. (2023) Role of Weathering and Flow Path Length on Elemental and Isotope Composition of Spring Waters from the Melamchi Valley, Nepal
Tarique M, Bickle M, Tipper ET, Atwood A & West AJ

Tarits C. (2004) Evolution of Nitrate and Sulfate in a Fractured Aquifer Related to Pumping
Ayraud V, Aquilina L, Pauwels H, Tarits C, Pierson-Wickmann A & Bour O

Tarits P. (2016) Interpretation of the High Conductive Anomaly of the Society Hotspot
Tada N, Tarits P, Baba K, Utada H & Suetsugu D
(2012) Chemical Interpretation of Mantle Electrical Heterogeneities in MORB Source Regions
Tarits P, Sifre D, Grigne C, Massuyeau M, Hashim L & Gaillard F
(2011) The Deep Carbon Cycle Confronted to Mantle Electrical Conductivities
Hammouda T, Gaillard F, Guillot B, Tarits P, Sator N, Micoulaut M & Hautot S

Tarkian M. (2009) Coexistence of Abyssal and Ultra–depleted SSZ Type Mantle Peridotites from the Muğla Area, SW Turkey
Uysal I, Karsli O, Sadiklar MB, Tarkian M, Meisel T, Ottley CJ & Stutz P
(2007) PGE Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Os-Isotope Signature in the Mantle-Hosted Ophiolitic Chromitites from the Kahramanmaras Area, SE-Turkey
Uysal I, Zaccarini F, Garuti G, Meisel T, Tarkian M & Sadiklar MB

Tarling M.S. (2023) Deciphering the Combined Structural and Mineralogical Record of Serpentinite Fault Rocks
Tarling MS, Rowe CD, Eves E & Smith SAF
(2023) Low-Temperature Plate Boundary Serpentinization Post-Dates Subduction Initiation and Facilitates Obduction of an Appalachian Ophiolite
Kotowski AJ, Smit H, van Broekhoven J, Cooperdock EHG, Tarling MS, Hellebrand E, Kirkpatrick J, King HE & Plümper O

Tarnas Jesse (2020) Abiotic CH4 Production in the Subsurface of Terrestrial Planets
Tarnas J, Mustard J, Sherwood Lollar B, Stamenkovic V & Warr O
(2018) Production of H2 on Mars Through Radiolysis and Implications for Habitability
Tarnas J, Mustard J, Sherwood Lollar B, Bramble M, Cannon K, Plesa A-C & Plumbo A

Tarnas Jesse D (2021) Exploring Relationships between Major Element Cations and Organic Preservation in Silica
Moore KR, Flannery D, Tuite ML, Tarnas JD, Bosak T & Williford KH

Tarnawski S. (2009) Anammox in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Distribution, Diversity and Activity
Zopfi J, Humbert S, Bagnoud A, Tarnawski S, Conen F & Seth B

Tarney J. (2002) Hf-Nd Isotope Systematics of the Gorgona Komatiites, and their Relationship with the Caribbean Plateau
Thompson PME, Kempton PD, White RV, Saunders AD, Kerr AC & Tarney J
(2001) Hf-Nd Systematics of an Arc Sequence Associated with the Cretaceous Caribbean Oceanic Plateau
Thompson PME, Kempton PD, White RV, Tarney J, Saunders AD & Kerr AC
(2000) The Importance of Core-Log Integration in Calculations of Element Budgets; Mariana Subduction Factory, ODP Leg 185, Site 801C
Revillon S, Barr S, Brewer T, Harvey P, Tarney J & Leg 185 Shipboard Scientific Party 
(2000) The Geochemical and Tectonic Origin of Island Arcs Associated with the Caribbean Oceanic Plateau
Thompson PM, Tarney J, White RV, Saunders AD, Kempton PD & Kerr AC

Tarng C. (2020) Magnesium Isotopes in Enamel Hydroxyapatite as Indicators of Trophic Level and Digestive Strategy
Tarng C, Hu L, Mwebi O, Cerling T & Fernandez D

Tarnopolskaia M. (2021) Experimental Study of ZrF62- and HfF62- Stability in Hydrothermal Solutions
Tarnopolskaia M, Nikolaeva I, Bychkov A & Lubkova T
(2019) Experimental Study of Fluoride Complexes of Zirconium and Hafnium in Hydrothermal Solutions
Tarnopolskaia M & Bychkov A
(2015) Experimental Study of Fluoride Complexes of Metals and Metalloids in Hydrothermal Solutions
Tarnopolskaia M & Bychkov A
(2015) The Fate of Phosphorus in Boiling Hydrothermal Systems: A Way of Prebiotic ATP Synthesis
Bychkov A, Tarnopolskaia M & Nikolaeva I

Tarnopolskaya M. (2016) Hydrocarbon Generation in High-Carbon Formations Under Hydrotermal Conditions
Kalmykov A, Bychkov A, Bugaev I, Kalmykov G, Kozlova E, Tarnopolskaya M, Popova Y & Balushkina N

Taroev V. (2007) Feldspars of Composition K[(Al, Fe)Si3O8]: Their Growth and Ordering Behaviour
Taroev V, Göttlicher J, Kroll H, Kashev A, Suvorova L, Pentinghaus H, Bernotat-Wulf H, Breit U, Tauson V & Laskhevich V

Tarr M. (2018) Using Barium Ion Chemistry to Assess the Photoproduction of Carboxylic Acids from Crude Oil-Seawater Systems Under Solar Irradiation
Zito P & Tarr M
(2018) Ketone and Aldehyde Photoproducts from Solar Exposed Crude Oil on Water
Tarr M, Bure T, Cao X & Zito P

Tarragó M. (2021) Leaching and Structural Modifications of Cr-Bearing Glasses
Tarragó M, Le Losq C, van Hullebusch ED & Neuville D
(2020) Raman Spectroscopy Study of Glass Alteration
Tarrago M, Le Losq C, Van Hullebusch E & Neuville DR
(2015) Chemical and Mineralogical Characterization and Rheological Constraints on Deposition and Flux in Glassy, Highly Welded Pyroclastic Alkaline Rhyolites (SW Sardinia, Italy)
Tarragó M, Garcia-Valles M, Martinez S, Gimeno D & Gisbert G

Tarran G.A. (2013) Iron Availability Controls Phytoplankton Ecophysiology in the South Atlantic Subtropical Convergence Zone
Browning TJ, Bouman HA, Henderson GM, Moore CM, Schlosser C, Tarran GA & Woodward EMS

Tarrida M. (2021) Study of Structure and Durability of CaTiO3 Doped with Rare Earth Elements
Jonfal J, Fourdrin C, Bedidi A, Tarrida M & Rossano S
(2017) Incorporation of Rare Earth Elements in Perovskites: The Case of Neodymium Incorporation in CaSnO3
Goethals J, Fourdrin C, Tarrida M, Hatert F, Bedidi A & Rossano S

Tarriela M.I.R. (2017) Geochemical Markers for Copper Mineralization in the Dinkidi Alkali Cu Deposit, Northern Luzon, Philippines
Hermo MI, Codillo E, Rosaroso MB & Tarriela MIR
(2017) Morphology and Mineral Chemistry of Gold-Bearing Pyrites in the Runruno Ore Deposit, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines
Lagata C, Tarriela MIR & Wayan J

Tartakovsky A. (2013) Anomalous Kinetics of Reactive Fronts in Porous Media
de Anna P, Le Borgne T, Dentz M & Tartakovsky A
(2012) Effective Mixing and Reaction Front Kinetics in Porous Media
De Anna P, LeBorgne T, Dentz M & Tartakovsky A
(2007) Controlling and Predicting Subsurface Calcium Carbonate Precipitation for Capture of Inorganic Contaminants
Redden G, Fujita Y, Fang Y-L, Scheibe T, Tartakovsky A, Beig M & Smith R

Tartarello M.C. (2022) Study of the Origin of Soil 222Rn and 220Rn Activities in Taylor Valley, Antarctica
Ruggiero L, Sciarra A, Tuccimei P, Galli G, Mazzini A, Mazzoli C, Tartarello MC, Florindo F, Wilson G, Anderson J, Worthington R, Mattia M, Giagnoni F, Bigi S, Sassi R & Ciotoli G
(2019) Relationships between Geogenic Radon Potential and Gamma ray Maps with Indoor Radon Levels at Ciampino, Caprarola and Celleno Municipalities (Central Italy)
Sciarra A, Ruggiero L, Bigi S, Ciotoli G, Dehandschutter B, Galli G, Giustini F, Lucchetti C, Pizzino L, Tartarello MC & Voltaggio M

Tartarotti P. (2011) Metamorphic Evolution Recorded by Amphiboles in the Metadolerites from the Frido Unit Ophiolites (Southern Apennine, Italy)
Sansone MTC, Prosser G, Rizzo G & Tartarotti P
(2010) Record of Oceanic Metamorphism by Spl in the Serpentinites from the Frido Unit Ophiolites (Southern Apennine- Italy)
Sansone MTC, Prosser G, Rizzo G & Tartarotti P

Tartèse Romain (2013) A Common Origin for Terrestrial and Lunar Indigeneous Water
Anand M, Tartèse R, Barnes J, Franchi I & Starkey N
(2013) NanoSIMS Pb/Pb Dating of Tranquillityite in Lunar Basalts
Tartese R, Anand M & Delhaye T
(2012) Upper Crustal Record of Migmatites Exhumation: The South Armorican Domain
Boulvais P, Tartese R, Boiron M-C, Poujol M & Ruffet G
(2009) Fluid Infiltration along the South Armorican Shear Zone
Boulvais P, Lemarchand J, Gaboriau M, Tartèse R, Boiron M-C, Bonnet S & Jégouzo P
(2009) Differentiation of Peraluminous Granite “en Route” to the Surface
Tartèse R & Boulvais P

Tartèse Romain (2015) Using H and Cl Isotopes to Constrain Lunar Magmatic Processes
Barnes J, Tartèse R, Anand M, Neal C, McCubbin F & Franchi I
(2015) Apatite as a Tool for Understanding the Volatile Contents of Late-Stage Lunar Magmas
Potts NJ, van Westrenen W, Tartese R, Franchi IA, Barnes JJ & Anand M
(2015) O Isotope Analysis of Kerogen by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Tartèse R, Chaussidon M, Gurenko A & Robert F

Tartèse Romain (2016) Fluids in the South Armorican Shear Zone, France
Boulvais P, Tartèse R, Poujol M, Boiron M-C, Branquet Y, Gebelin A & Dusseaux C
(2016) Reconstructing the O Isotope Composition of Precambrian Oceans
Tartese R, Chaussidon M, Gurenko A, Delarue F & Robert F
(2016) Nb-Ta Fractionation in Peraluminous Granites: A Marker of the Magmatic-Hydrothermal Transition
Ballouard C, Poujol M, Boulvais P, Branquet Y, Tartèse R & Vigneresse J-L
(2016) The Magmatic Evolution of the Moon as Recorded by Pb Isotopes
Snape J, Nemchin A, Bellucci J, Whitehouse M, Tartèse R, Barnes J, Anand M, Crawford I & Joy K
(2016) Apatite: A Proxy to Study Ore Deposits?
Poujol M, Branquet Y, Baele J-M, Tartèse R & Kéré I

Tartèse Romain (2017) Xenon and Krypton in Carbon-Rich Lithologies: Isotopic Anomalies, Present and Past Atmospheric Signatures
Avice G, Farley KA & Tartèse R
(2017) Halogens (F, Cl, Br, I) in High Pressure Subduction Zone Minerals from the Western and Central Alps
Hughes L, Burgess R, Pawley A, Chavrit D, Lyon I, Tartese R, Droop G & Ballentine C

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