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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Tacchetto T. (2020) Thermally-Induced Shape Maturation of Quartz in Garnet
Cesare B, Parisatto M, Mancini L, Peruzzo L, Franceschi M, Tacchetto T, Reddy S, Spiess R, Nestola F & Marone F

Tacconi Stefanelli C. (2013) Ten Years of Ground Deformations Monitored by the Ground-Based SAR System on Stromboli Volcano and its Use in Forecasting Intense Volcanic Activity
Nolesini T, Di Traglia F, Intrieri E, Bardi F, Ferrigno F, Frodella W, Tacconi Stefanelli C, Tanteri L, Del Ventisette C & Casagli N

Tachambalath Aswin (2023) Sources of the More Weathered Hemipelagic Sediments in the Bengal Fan
Galy A, France-Lanord C, Tachambalath A & Limonta M
(2023) Source to Sink Approach to Weathering Characterization and Quantification for the Himalayan Erosion System
France-Lanord C, Tachambalath A, Galy A, Limonta M, Huyghe P & Rigaudier T
(2020) The Carbon Budget of the Himalayan Orogeny from Source to Sink
France-Lanord C, Derry LA, Feakins SJ, Galy A, Galy V, Girault F, Lupker M & Tachambalath A

Tachambalath Aswin Pradeep (2022) Neogene Erosion and Weathering Processes Recorded in the Bay of Bengal
Galy A, France-Lanord C, Galy V & Tachambalath AP
(2022) Silicate Weathering Budget of Himalaya from IODP Expedition 354 in the Bengal Fan
Tachambalath AP, France-Lanord C, Galy A, Rigaudier T & Charreau J
(2022) Quantitative Assessment of CO2 Uptake by Silicate Weathering during Continental Erosion. Application to the Himalayan Erosion
France-Lanord C, Tachambalath AP & Galy A
(2021) Bengal fan Record of Silicate Weathering of Himalaya Through Neogene
Tachambalath AP, France-Lanord C, Galy A & Charreau J

Tachera D. (2022) Learning About the Geologic History of the Hawaiian Islands Through Traditional Mo'olelo (Legends, Stories)
Shea T, Greene C, Tonato A, Tachera D, Janiszewski H & Swanson DA
(2022) Connecting Geoscience Knowledge, Traditional Stories,  and the Traditional Practice of Observation (Kilo) to Stimulate a More diversified Geoscience Community
Anderson A, Smith-Konter B, Anderson T, Dulai H, Burkhard L, Engels J, Ishii H, Ito G, Konter JG, Kane H, McDonald K, Okuhata B, Rowland S, Rubin K, Tachera D & Tavares K
(2020) Identifying Water Sources and Reassessing Aquifer Boundaries in West Hawaiʻi, USA
Tachera D, Lautze N, Dulai H, Shuler C & Thomas D
(2018) Mg Diffusion in Labradorite at Hydrous Magmatic Conditions
First E, Hammer J, Shea T, Hellebrand E & Tachera D

Tacheva E. (2010) Zircon and Titanite Geochemical and Age Constraints on Ore-Related Magmas
Peytcheva I, von Quadt A & Tacheva E
(2008) Single-Grain and/Or in situ U-Pb and Hf-Isotope Study to Unravel Long-Lived Calc-Alkaline Magma Complex
Peytcheva I, von Quadt A, Schaltegger U, Tacheva E & Heinrich C

Tachi Y. (2023) Microscopic Pore Structure and Macroscopic Fluid Flow-Chemical Transport in Host Rocks and Barrier Materials
Wang Q, Hu Q, Zhao C, Zhang T, Fukatsu Y & Tachi Y
(2022) Selenium (–II, IV) Interactions with Fe(II) Species and Phases Under Anoxic and Reducing Conditions
Francisco PC, Kikuchi R, Matsumura D, Shiwaku H, Ishidera T & Tachi Y
(2019) Se(-II) Immobilization in Fe(II)-(hydro)oxides: Coprecipitation and Post-Transformation Behavior
Francisco PC, Ishidera T & Tachi Y
(2017) Effects of pH on the Formation and Transformation of Fe(II)-Si Coprecipitates Under Anoxic, Reducing Conditions
Francisco PC, Mitsui S, Ishidera T & Tachi Y
(2009) Ionic Diffusion and Retardation in Horonobe Sedimentary Rock: Clay-Based Model Approach
Tachi Y, Seida Y, Yotsuji K & Yui M
(2009) Influence of Boundary Condition of Diffusion Test Method on Migration Parameter in Compacted Bentonite
Seida Y, Tachi Y, Yoshikawa H & Yui M

Tachibana E. (2018) Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Compositions of Atmospheric Aerosols from Chichijima Island in the Western North Pacific
Deshmukh DK, Kawamura K & Tachibana E
(2017) Changes in Atmospheric Loading, Composition and 13C Isotope Ratios of Organic Aerosols with Biological Activity in Northeast Asia
Pavuluri CM, Kawamura K, Fu P & Tachibana E
(2016) Seasonal and Decadal Variations of Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Oxalic, Malonic and Succinic Acids in Marine Aerosols from the Western North Pacific
Kawamura K & Tachibana E
(2015) Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Low Molecular Weight Dicarboxylic Acids and Oxoacids: Seasonal and Decadal Trends in the Marine Aerosols from the Western North Pacific
Kawamura K & Tachibana E
(2014) Seasonal Changes in Stable Carbon Isotopic Compositions of LMW Dicarboxylic Acids, Ketoacids and α-Dicarbonyls in Aerosols over the Western North Pacific
Kawamura K & Tachibana E
(2009) Long-Term Observation of Organic Aerosols in the Western North Pacific in 2001-2009
Kawamura K, Tachibana E, Watanabe T & Umemoto N

Tachibana Shogo (2016) Aqueous Chemistry of Formaldehyde and Ammonia in the Early Solar System
Kebukawa Y, Misawa S, Kawai J, Mita H, Nanbu K, Ouchi T, Muramatsu Y, Yoda I, Tachibana S & Kobayashi K
(2016) Interactive Evolution of Inorganic and Organic Materials and Water in Comets and Icy Bodies
Nagahara H, Noguchi T, Yabuta H, Itoh S, Sakamoto N, Mitsunari T, Okubo A, Okazaki R, Nakamura T, Tachibana S, Terada K, Ebihara M, Imae N & Kimura M
(2016) Dust Formation Around an Oxygen-Rich AGB Star W Hya: SiO and CO Observation with ALMA
Takigawa A, Kamizuka T, Tachibana S & Yamamura I
(2016) Water Diffusion in Silicate Glasses: The Effect of Glass Viscosity
Kuroda M & Tachibana S
(2016) Cooling Experiments of Fe-Fes Melts: A Cooling Speedometer of Chondrules
Mori M, Tachibana S, Piani L, Marrocchi Y, Schrader DL & Connolly, Jr. HC
(2016) Chemical Evolution of the Solar System: Laboratory Experiments and Small-Body Explorations
Tachibana S
(2016) Crystallization Experiments of Amorphous Enstatite Dust in Protoplanetary Disks
Kobayashi K, Yamamoto D & Tachibana S
(2016) Hydrous Mineral Formation from Amorphous Forsterite in the Protosolar Disk
Yamamoto D & Tachibana S
(2016) The Dynamical Evolution of Asteroids Constrained from Sample Analysis
Connolly Jr. HC, Lauretta DS, Walsh KJ & Tachibana S
(2016) Geology on Small Airless Bodies
Walsh K, Connolly H, Lauretta D, Tachibana S & Bottke W
(2016) Hayabusa2: A Mission to Reveal the Material Evolution on a C-Type Asteroid Ryugu
Watanabe S-I, Tachibana S, Sugita S, Kitazato K & Tanaka S

Tachibana Shogo (2015) Concentration Dependence of Water Diffusion in Silica Glass at 50 Bar H2O Pressure
Kuroda M, Tachibana S, Okumura S, Nakamura M, Sakamoto N & Yurimoto H
(2015) Diverse Organic Compounds Possibly Synthesized in Meteorite Parent Bodies with Formaldehyde, Ammonia and Water
Kebukawa Y, Tachibana S, Cody G, Ishikawa Y, Kaneko T & Kobayashi K
(2015) Curation and Initial Analysis of Hayabusa2 Samples in 2021
Tachibana S, Abe M, Watanabe S-I & Fujimoto M
(2015) Evolution of Organic Molecules in Space: From Ice Deposition to Organic Residues
Piani L, Tachibana S, Hama T, Kimura Y, Endo Y, Fujita K, Nakatsubo S, Fukushi H, Mori S, Chigai T, Yurimoto H & Kouchi A
(2014) Hayabusa-2: Sample Return from a near-Earth C-Type Asteroid, 1999 JU3
Tachibana S, Abe M, Arakawa M, Fujimoto M, Ishiguro M, Kitazato K, Kobayashi N, Namiki N, Okada T, Okazaki R, Sugita S, Takano Y, Tanaka S, Watanabe S-I, Yoshikawa M & Kuninaka H
(2013) Hayabusa-2 – Sample Return from a Near-Earth C-Type Asteroid (2014-2020): Current Status
Watanabe S-I, Abe M, Arakawa M, Fujimoto M, Ishiguro M, Kitazato K, Kobayashi N, Namiki N, Okada T, Sugita S, Tachibana S, Tanaka S, Yoshikawa M & Kuninaka H
(2013) Evaporation Behavior of Forsterite (Mg2SiO4) in a H2O-H2 Gas
Tachibana S & Takigawa A
(2013) Organic Nitrogen Cosmochemistry of Ultracarbonaceous Micrometeorite
Yabuta H, Noguchi T, Itoh S, Tsujimoto S, Sakamoto N, Hashiguchi M, Abe K, Kilcoyne D, Okubo A, Okazaki R, Tachibana S, Terada K, Nakamura T, Ebihara M & Nagahara H
(2012) Possible Source of Iron-60 in the Early Solar System Based on Recent Estimates of its Initial Abundance
Tachibana S
(2011) Viscosity Measurements of FeO-Rich Silicate Melts and Its Implication for the Lunar Crust Formation
Sakai R, Kushiro I, Nagahara H, Ozawa K & Tachibana S
(2008) Injection of Short-Lived and Stable Nuclides from a “Faint” Supernova into the Early Solar System
Tachibana S
(2003) Mg/Si Fractionation of Chondrules: Heating Energy Input Rate and Physical Separation Rate
Tachibana S, Nakamoto T & Kita N
(2002) The 26Al Ages of Chondrules as the Chemical Records of the Active Proto-Planetary Disk
Kita N, Mostefaoui S, Tachibana S & Nagahara H

Tachibana Shogo (2022) Elastic and Thermodynamic Properties of Asteroid Ryugu Return Samples
Hu M, Lavina B, Zhao J, Alp E, Roskosz M, Beck P, Viennet J-C, Nakamura T, Amano K, Kikuiri M, Morita T, Yurimoto H, Noguchi T, Okazaki R, Yabuta H, Naraoka H, Sakamoto K, Tachibana S, Watanabe S-I & Tsuda Y
(2022) Overview of Initial Analysis of Hayabusa2-returned Sample from C-Type near-Earth Asteroid (162713) Ryugu
Tachibana S
(2022) Digging into the Mantle and Flying over the Solar System: Let us Bring Back Samples from Unexplored Worlds
Tachibana S
(2022) Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry of Asteroid Ryugu Samples
Yurimoto H, Nakamura T, Noguchi T, Okazaki R, Yabuta H, Naraoka H, Tachibana S, Watanabe S-I, Tsuda Y & Team TH-I-A
(2022) Hayabusa Exploration of the Solar System
Ireland T & Tachibana S
(2022) Large Scale NanoIR Mapping of Ryugu Samples: First Results and Implications for Ryugu’s Formation
Dominguez G, Gainsforth Z, Amano K, Kagawa E, Matsumoto M, Fujioka Y, Nakamura T, Morita T, Kikuiri M, Yurimoto H, Noguchi T, Okazaki R, Yabuta H, Naraoka H, Sakamoto K, Tachibana S, Watanabe S-I & Tsuda Y
(2022) Initial Analysis of Macromolecular Organic Matter in the Asteroid Ryugu Samples: Overview
Yabuta H, Naraoka H, Yurimoto H, Noguchi T, Okazaki R, Sakamoto K, Tachibana S, Nakamura T, Watanabe S-I & Tsuda Y

Tachibana Shogo (2021) Sample Analysis of Phobos Regolith Returned by JAXA's Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) Mission and its Scientific Objectives
Fujiya W, Furukawa Y, Sugahara H, Koike M, Bajo K-I, Chabot NL, Miura YN, Moynier F, Russell SS, Tachibana S, Takano Y, Usui T & Zolensky ME
(2021) I-Xe Ages of Chondrites and their Relationship to Solar-Wind Derived Noble Gas Concentrations
Arai K, Takenouchi A, Sumino H & Tachibana S

Tachibana Shogo (2023) New Consortium Study to Determine the Solar System Composition Using Ryugu Samples
Yokoyama T, Dauphas N, Fukai R, Usui T, Tachibana S, Schönbächler M, Busemann H, Abe M & Yada T
(2023) A Theoretical and Experimental Study on Kinetic Isotope Fractionation during Evaporation
Inada S, Tachibana S, Nagashima K & Huss G
(2023) Chemical Reactions of Dynamically Moving Dust in a Protoplanetary Disk
Tachibana S, Takigawa A & Yamamoto D

Tachibana Shogo (2018) Fast Diffusion of Water in Silica Glass
Kuroda M, Tachibana S, Sakamoto N & Yurimoto H

Tachibana Shogo (2020) I-Xe Dating of Solar Noble Gas-Rich Meteorites
Arai K, Takenouchi A, Sumino H & Tachibana S
(2020) A Sketch for a Photolytic History of Organic Molecules in the Solar System
Orthous-Daunay F-R, Piani L, Flandinet L, Thissen R, Wolters C, Vuitton V, Poch O, Moynier F, Sugawara I, Naraoka H & Tachibana S
(2020) Hydrothermal Synthesis of Soluble Organic Molecules Starting from the Solar O/C/N Ratio
Nagahisa S, Tachibana S, Shimamura S & Takano Y

Tachibana Shogo (2017) Effect of UV Irradiation on the Soluble Organic Matter Extract from the Murchison Chondrite
Orthous-Daunay F-R, Flandinet L, Thissen R, Vuitton V, Moynier F, Piani L & Tachibana S
(2017) Kinetics of Dust Growth Under Protoplanetary-Disk Conditions: Forsterite (Mg2SiO4)
Tachibana S
(2017) Oxygen Isotopic Exchange between Amorphous Silicates and Water Vapor: Implications for Lifetime of Presolar Silicates in the Solar Nebula
Yamamoto D & Tachibana S

Tachibana Y. (2022) New Geochemical Data Set of 53 Elements in Stream Sediments Classified by the Dominant Lithology in a Drainage Basin –GSJ Medal Lecture–
Ohta A, Imai N, Okai T, Manaka M, Kubota R, Nakamura A & Tachibana Y
(2007) A Combined Terrestrial and Marine Geochemical Mapping Project in Japan
Ohta A, Imai N, Terashima S, Tachibana Y, Okai T, UJiie-Mikoshiba M & Kubota R
(2003) High 3He/4He Detected in Kimberlites from Southern West Greenland
Tachibana Y, Kaneoka I, Gaffney A & Upton B

Tachikawa K. (2023) The Modern Mediterranean Sea Neodymium Isotopic Budget: Insight from Core-Top Sediments and box Model Calculations
Tachikawa K, Beny F, Cornuault M, Guihou A, Deschamps P, Schulz H, Sierro FJ & Boye M
(2023) Subsurface/intermediate and Deep-Water Oxygenation States in Mediterranean Sea during the Holocene Sapropel Deposition Inferred from Planktonic Foraminiferal I/Ca and U/Ca Ratios
Guarinos V, Tachikawa K, Vidal L, Garcia M, Minon N, Sonzogni C, Revel M, Schulz H & Sierro FJ
(2022) Simulating Neodymium Isotopes in a General Circulation Model (FAMOUS): Exploring the Role of Non-Conservative Particle-Seawater Interactions in Governing Marine Distributions
Robinson S, Ivanovic R, Gregoire L, Tindall J, van de Flierdt T, Plancherel Y, Pöppelmeier F, Tachikawa K & Valdes P
(2021) Global Continental and Marine Detrital εNd: An Updated Compilation for Use in Understanding Marine Nd Cycling
Robinson SM, Ivanovic R, van de Flierdt T, Blanchet CL, Tachikawa K, Martin E, Cook (Falco) C, Williams T, Gregoire L, Plancherel Y, Jeandel C & Arsouze T
(2021) REE and Nd Isotopes in Sedimentary Fe Oxides as Proxies for Shale Weathering
Bayon G, Jang K, Vigier N, Tachikawa K, Larkin C, Piotrowski A & Tipper E
(2021) Indian-Atlantic Subsurface- and Deep-Water Mass Exchange over the Past 600 kyrs
Perez-Asensio JN, Tachikawa K, Vidal L, de Garidel-Thoron T, Sonzogni C, Guihou A, Deschamps P, Jorry S & Chen M-T
(2017) Holocene Riverine vs. Eolian Contributions to Central Mediterranean Sediments: A High-Resolution Record
de Lange GJ, Wu J, Böning P, Pahnke K & Tachikawa K
(2016) Circulation Changes in Eastern Mediterranean Sea over the Past 23, 000 Years Inferred from Nd Isotopic Ratios
Cornuaul M, Tachikawa K, Vidal L, Guihou A, Deschamps P & Revel M
(2016) High Resolution Record of Holocene Riverine and Eolian Contributions to Central Mediterranean Sediments
Wu J, De Lange GJ, Boening P, Pahnke K & Tachikawa K
(2015) Comparison between Seawater and Archive Nd Isotope Compositions Using Multi-Scatter Plots: A New Global Data Compilation
Tachikawa K, Arsouze T, Bayon G, Bory A, Colin C, Dutay J-C, Frank N, Gourlan A, Jeandel C, Lacan F, Meynadier L, Montagna P, Puceat E, Roy-Barman M & Waelbroeck C
(2013) Southern Hemisphere Orbital Forcing and its Effects on CO2 and Tropical Pacific Climate
Tachikawa K, Timmermann A, Vidal L, Sonzogni C & Elison Timm O
(2013) A New Database for Nd Isotopes in Marine Environments
Lacan F, Tachikawa K, Arsouze T, Bayon G, Bory A, Colin C, Dutay J-C, Frank N, Gherardi J, Gourlan A, Grousset F, Hillaire-Marcel C, Jeandel C, Meynadier L, Montagna P, Puceat E, Matthieu M & Waelbroeck C
(2013) Evidences for a Persistent Link between Greenland Climate and Northeastern Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone on Millennial Timescales Under Interglacial Conditions
Cartapanis O, Tachikawa K, Romero OE & Bard E
(2012) Distribution of Neodymium in Sedimentary Planktonic Foraminiferal Tests and Associated Mineral Phases Obtained by NanoSIMS
Tachikawa K, Toyofuku T, Basile-Doelsch I & Delhaye T
(2007) Large 14C Age Offsets between Fine Aragonite Fraction and Coexisting Planktonic Foraminifera in Shallow Caribbean Sediments
Sepulcre S, Tachikawa K, Vidal L & Bard E
(2003) Size-Normalised Test Weights, Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca of Planktonic Foraminifera from the Arabian Sea
Tachikawa K, Vidal L, Sepulcre S & Bard E

Tack F.M.G. (2012) Effect of Fertilizing Soil with Selenium on Trace Element Uptake by Kenaf (Hibiscus Cannabinus)
Du Laing G, Srikanth Lavu RV & Tack FMG

Tack L. (2015) Syntectonic Emplacement of an Alkaline Massif in Burundi: Consequences on Fluid-Rock Interaction and Element (REE, HFSE) Mobility
Boulvais P, Cobert C, Baele J-M, Tack L, Nimpagaritse G, Midende G, Gardien V, Demaiffe D & Decrée S
(2014) Magmatism, Hydrothermalism and Complex (REE and HFSE) Mineralized System in the Upper Ruvubu Alkaline Massif, Burundi
Decrée S, Boulvais P, Cobert C, Baele J-M, Gardien V, Tack L & Demaiffe D
(2013) C and O Isotope Compositions of the Matongo Carbonatite (Burundi): New Insights into Alteration and REE Mineralization Processes
Boulvais P, Decrée S, Cobert C, Midende G, Tack L, Gardien V & Demaiffe D

Tack P. (2020) HR 3D Element Distribution by SR-Xrf Tomography of CM2 Material as Analog for Material Returned in Hayabusa2
Tkalcec BJ, Tack P, Brenker FE, De Pauw E, Vekemans B, Vincze L, Nakamura T, Matsumoto M, Amano K, Takahashi M, Fujioka Y, Kagawa E & Falkenberg G

Tacker C. (2014) Analysis and Models for Apatite OH, and a Potential Magmatic P-T Path
Tacker C
(2013) CO3, OH, and Halogen Microanalysis in Apatite Group Minerals
Tacker C
(2010) FTIR Analysis of Irregularly Shaped Apatite Specimens
Tacker C, Lawver D, Douglas K & Vance Z
(2005) Complexity in the Carbonate n3 Domain in Fluorapatite
Tacker C

Tackett L. (2022) Biotic Extinction at the Norian/Rhaetian Boundary (Upper Triassic): Geochemical and Isotope Evidence of a Previously Unrecognised Global Event
Rigo M, Onoue T, Sato H, Tomimatsu Y, Soda K, Godfrey L, Katz M, Campbell HJ, Tackett L, Golding M, Lei J, Husson J, Maron M, Satolli S, Zaffani M, Concheri G, Bertinelli A, Chiari M & Tanner L

Tackley Paul (2020) Thermo-Compositional Evolution of the Primitive Mantle with Magma Oceans
Morison A, Bolrão D, Labrosse S, Agrusta R, Rozel A, Ballmer M, Deguen R, Alboussière T & Tackley P
(2020) The Formation and Preservation of Chemical Heterogeneities in the Lower Mantle
Gülcher A, Yan J, Ballmer M & Tackley P
(2019) Geodynamic Models and Geological Evidence for Non-Subduction Generation of Archean TTG Crust
Tackley P, Jain C, Lourenco D, Rozel A & Gerya T
(2019) Thermo-Compositional Evolution of Solid Mantle in Contact with Magma Oceans: Study with a Phase Change Boundary Condition
Bolrão D, Morison A, Ballmer M, Rozel A, Labrosse S & Tackley P
(2018) Archean Tectonics and the Generation of Continental TTG Crust in Global Mantle Convection Models
Tackley P, Jain C, Lourenco D, Rozel A & Gerya T
(2017) Self-Consistent Generation of Primordial Continental Crust in Global Mantle Convection Models
Jain C, Rozel A & Tackley P
(2017) Mantle Compositional Heterogeneity Arising from Magma Ocean Crystallisation Followed by Long-Term Differentiation: Modelling from a Molten Earth to the Present day
Tackley P & Lourenco D
(2017) Generation of Archean TTG Rocks: Numerical Simulations of Thermo-Compositional Mantle Convection
Rozel A, Golabek G, Gerya T, Jain C & Tackley P
(2015) Importance of Mineralogy and Mineral Properties on the Dynamics, Structure and Evolution of Earth’s Deep Mantle
Tackley P, Nakagawa T, Atkins S & Trampert J
(2015) Early Evolution and Dynamics of Earth from a Molten Initial Stage
Lourenço D & Tackley P

Tackley Paul J. (2021) Stratified Layer in Martian Mantle: Global Thermochemical Convection Models
Cheng KW, Ballmer MD, Rozel A, Golabek GJ & Tackley PJ
(2021) Breakdown of Primordial Layering in the Early Earth: Implications for Tectonic Regime and Ancient Geochemical Signals Through Time
Gülcher AJP, Ballmer MD & Tackley PJ
(2021) Numerical Simulations of Long Term Global Mantle Convection with Crust Production: Advanced Features and Recent Results
Rozel AB, Lourenco DL, Jain C, Tackley PJ & Gerya T
(2016) Evolutionary Models of the Earth with a Grain Size-Dependent Rheology: Diffusion vs Dislocation Creep
Rozel AB, Golabek GJ, Thielmann M & Tackley PJ
(2016) Solid-Liquid Equilibrium in the Earth's Lower Mantle in a Numerical Model of Global-Scale Convection
Fomin I & Tackley P
(2016) Plume Origin for Onset of Early Plate Tectonics and its Influence to Core-Mantle Evolution with High Core Thermal Conductivity
Nakagawa T & Tackley P
(2016) Modelling the Thermo-Chemical Evolution of the Mantle from a Totally Molten State to the Present day
Tackley P & Lourenco D
(2016) Galactic Chemical Evolution Models and the Geophysical Nature of Cosmochemically Earth-Like Planets
Mojzsis S, Meyer B, Harrison TM, Frost D, Rubie D, Golabek G, Tackley P & Hernlund J
(2016) Early Evolution and Dynamics of the Moon from a Molten Initial Stage
Lourenço DL, Tackley PJ, Liebske C, Golabek GJ & Fernandes VA
(2016) Self-Consistent Generation of Continental Crust in Global Mantle Convection Models
Jain C, Rozel AB & Tackley PJ
(2014) Influence of Melting on the Long-Term Thermo-Chemical Evolution of Earth’s Deep Mantle
Tackley P, Lourenco D, Fomin I & Nakagawa T
(2009) The Survival of Reservoirs of Dense Material at in the Lower Mantle and the Source of OIB
Deschamps F, Kaminski E, Tackley P & Nakagawa T
(2009) Infuence of MORB Bulk Composition on 3-D Spherical Models of Thermo-Chemical Mantle Convection with Self-Consistently Calculated Mineral Physics
Nakagawa T, Tackley P, Deschamp F & Connolly J
(2009) The Effect of Toroidal Flow on Mantle Mixing Efficiency in Numerical Simulations of 3D Spherical Convection
van Heck HJ & Tackley PJ
(2009) The Thermochemical Structure of the Upper Mantle as Inferred by Seismic and Gravity Data
Cammarano F, Nakagawa T & Tackley PJ
(2009) Small-Scale Sublithospheric Convection Reconciles Geochemistry and Geochronology of Intraplate Volcanoes in the W- and S-Pacific
Ballmer MD, Ito G, van Hunen J, Bianco TA & Tackley PJ
(2009) Mantle Convection, Stagnant Lids and Plate Tectonics on Super-Earths
Tackley P & van Heck H
(2007) Non-Monotonic Scenarios for the Earth's Thermal History
Grigné C & Tackley P
(2007) The Dynamics of Core Formation in Terrestrial Planets by Negative Diapirism: Timescales, Heat Distribution and Metal-Silicate Equilibration
Samuel H & Tackley P
(2007) Effects of Self-Consistently-Calculated Thermodynamic Properties in Thermo-Chemical Multiphase Mantle Convection in a 3D Spherical Shell
Nakagawa T, Tackley P, Deschamps F & Connolly J
(2007) The Mode of Mantle Convection: Exploring the Model Space and Comparing with Probabilistic Tomography
Deschamps F & Tackley P
(2007) Effect of Self-Consistently Generated Plate Tectonics on Stirring by Mantle Convection in a 3-D Spherical Shell
van Heck H & Tackley P
(2007) Magma Generation and Transport in Subduction Zones: Numerical Simulations of Chemical, Thermal and Mechanical Coupling during Magma Ascent by Porous Flow
Arcay D, Gerya T & Tackley P
(2007) Intraplate Volcanism due to Small-Scale Convection – A 3D-Numerical Study
Ballmer MD, van Hunen J & Tackley PJ
(2005) Modeling Mantle Geochemical (Isotopic) and Geodynamical Evolution
Tackley P & Xie S
(2005) A Comparison between Lower Mantle Models from Probabilistic Tomography and Models of Thermo-Chemical Convection
Deschamps F, Trampert J & Tackley P
(2005) A Comparison of Methods for Modeling Chemical Variability in the Earth's Mantle
Kellogg J & Tackley P
(2002) Isotopic Evolution of the Mantle in Numerical Models of Mantle Convection and Plate Tectonics
Tackley PJ & Xie S
(2001) The Influence of Lithosphere Behavior on Thermo-Chemical Evolution of Planetary Mantles: Plate Tectonics, Rigid Lids, and Episodic Plate Tectonics
Tackley PJ & Xie S

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