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(2020) Hydrothermal Synthesis of Soluble Organic Molecules Starting from the Solar O/C/N Ratio

Nagahisa S, Tachibana S, Shimamura S & Takano Y


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01c: Plenary Hall, Thursday 25th June 05:33 - 05:36

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by My Riebe on Sunday 21st June 07:08
How does this formation pathway for SOM relate to IOM formation?
This will be discussed in our future work. We have a plan to study solid organics formed in this study.

Submitted by My Riebe on Sunday 21st June 07:10
Do you know why Isono et al. (2019) started with a non-solar composition?
Isono et al. synthesized the soluble organic molecules in the same procedure, but with different bulk chemistry, where O is much richer and N is poorer than the solar ratio. They used this composition because which Kubukawa et al synthesized IOM-like material with this composition.

Submitted by My Riebe on Sunday 21st June 07:11
Can these experiments be used to determine the alteration conditions on parent bodes?
The current dataset cannot constrain the alteration condition, but if we were able to find key molecules that are sensitive to alteration conditions, they could be an indicator of parent body alteration condition.

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