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Tranvik L. (2023) Adsorption Controls on the Composition and Biological Reactivity of Organic Matter in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments
Abbasi M, Groeneveld M, Heffernan L, Kellerman A, Gogoll A, Tranvik L & Kothawala D

Tranzer O. (2013) Division by Fluid Incision: Biofilm Patch Development in Porous Media
Durham WM, Tranzer O, Leombruni A, Coyte KZ & Stocker R

Traoré A. (2007) A Thermodynamic Model of Uranium Reduction by Organic Matter in the Proterozoic Hydrothermal Systems of Oklo (Gabon)
Richard L & Traoré A

Traoré D. (2011) Uranium-Series Mobility during Spheroidal Weathering of 300 kyrs Old Basalt (La Réunion Island)
Claude C, Meunier J-D, Traoré D, Chabaux F, Hamelin B & Colin F

Trap P. (2021) Protracted Crustal and Mantle Melting during the Late Stages of the Variscan Orogeny: A Case Study in the Paleozoic Basement of the External Western Alps
Jacob J-B, Fréville K, Janots E, Poujol M, Guillot S, Trap P, Melleton J & Faure M
(2017) Recorded Microstructures and Mechanical Behavior in a Quartz-Garnet Aggregate in Ultra-High Temperature Migmatites
Lobjoie C, Trap P, Oliot E, Lin W, Goncalves P & Marquer D
(2015) Rate and Scale of Anatectic Processes during Gneiss Dome Formation: Example from the Montagne Noire (French Massif Central)
Cenki-Tok B, Trap P, Roger F & Paquette J-L

Trapananti A. (2017) Analysis of the Structure of Compressed Liquid Ni and Co by EXAFS
Boccato S, Torchio R, D'Angelo P, Trapananti A, Kantor I, Recoules V & Pascarelli S

Trapp E. (2004) The Numerical Age of the Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary Based on U-Pb Ages of Single Zircons
Trapp E, Kaufmann B, Mezger K, Korn D & Weyer D

Trappitsch R. (2019) Spent Nuclear Fuel Analysis by Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Savina M, Isselhardt B & Trappitsch R
(2019) Method Optimization to Extract 1, 000, 000 Pu Atoms from Lunar Soil
Harrison LN, Rolison J, Trappitsch R & Savina M
(2018) Cosmochemistry with CHILI
Davis A, Stephan T, Boehnke P, Pellin M, Trappitsch R & Liu N
(2018) Lifetimes of Interstellar Dust from New Exposure Ages of Large Presolar SiC Grains
Heck P, Greer J, Koeoep L, Trappitsch R, Gyngard F, Davis A, Avila J, Busemann H, Colin M & Wieler R
(2017) CHILI: Isotopic Compositions at the Sub-Micrometer Scale Without Isobaric Interferences
Davis A, Stephan T, Trappitsch R, Boehnke P & Pellin M
(2017) Stellar Origins of Type AB Grains
Liu N, Stephan T, Boehnke P, Nittler L, Alexander C, Wang J, Trappitsch R, Pellin M & Davis A
(2017) High-Silica Hadean Crust
Boehnke P, Bell E, Stephan T, Trappitsch R, Keller B, Pardo O, Davis A & Harrison M
(2015) Isotopic Compositions of Presolar SiC: First Measurements with CHILI
Davis A, Stephan T, Pellin M, Rost D, Trappitsch R & Savina M
(2014) CHILI: Is it Ready Yet?
Davis A, Stephan T, Pellin M, Rost D, Savina M, Trappitsch R & Liu N
(2013) The Chicago Instrument for Laser Ionization: Progress and Promise
Davis A, Stephan T, Pellin M, Rost D, Savina M, Trappitsch R & Liu N
(2011) Approaching the Final Frontier in Lateral Resolution for Isotopic and Chemical Analysis with CHILI
Davis A, Stephan T, Savina M, Pellin M, Veryovkin I, Yokochi R, Trappitsch R, Liu N & King A
(2009) Noble Gases in the Ureilites Kenna and RaS 247
Cosarinsky M, Trappitsch R, Hofmann B & Leya I

Trashin S. (2019) Altruistic Electrical Cooperation in Multicellular Cable Bacteria
Geerlings N, Karman C, Polerecky L, Trashin S, As K, Kienhuis M, Hidalgo-Martinez S, Vasquez-Cardenas D, Boschker H, de Wael K, Middelburg J & Meysman F
(2019) Electrical Interactions between Cable Bacteria and Other Microbes in Marine Sediments
Geelhoed J, Trashin S, Hidalgo-Martinez S, van de Velde S, de Wael K & Meysman F

Tratnyek Paul (2013) Technetium Reduction and Permanent Sequestration by Formation of Low-Solubility Sulfide Mineral Phases
Tratnyek P & Fan D
(2010) Adsorbate Effects on Aqueous Aging of Nano-Sized Zerovalent Iron (nZVI) Particles
Amonette J, Nachimuthu P, Russell C, Baer D, Tratnyek P, Dohnalkova A, Wang C & Nurmi J
(2010) Kinetic Aspects of the Transformation of Nanoparticles in the Environment
Tratnyek P
(2005) Consilience Among Disciplines on the (Bio)geochemistry of Zero-Valent Metals
Tratnyek PG, Nurmi JT, Johnson RL & Bandstra JZ
(2005) Chemistry of Metallic Iron Nanoparticles
Amonette J, Sarathy V, Linehan J, Matson D, Wang C, Nurmi J, Pecher K, Penn L, Tratnyek P & Baer D
(2005) Understanding the Redox Properties of Georgetown NOM
Nurmi JT, Bae B & Tratnyek PG

Tratnyek Paul G (2018) Characterizing in situ Redox Conditions by Electrochemical and Geophysical Methods
Bradley MJ, Placencia-Gomez E, Szecsody JE & Tratnyek PG

Traub H. (2023) Developing Matrix-Matched Standards for LA-MC-ICPMS Analysis of Cu Isotopes in Biological Material
Schannor M, Traub H, Oelze M, Vogl J & Meermann B

Träumner K. (2006) An automatic mass spectrometric system for determining noble gas concentrations in large and small water samples
Palcsu L, Friedrich R, Kluge T, Zimmek G, Träumner K & Aeschbach-Hertig W

Traun M.K. (2023) Geochemistry of the Arc-Adjacent Loicas Trough Plumbing System, Argentina
Traun MK, Waterton P, Waight T & Søager N
(2022) Origin of Silicic Volcanism in the North Patagonian Rear Arc
Traun MK, Søager N, Waterton P, Waight T, Münker C, Andreasen R, Iannelli S, Litvak V & Folguera A
(2021) Thallium Isotope Constraints on Subduction Recycling in the Southern Andes Arc
Traun MK, Pope EC, van der Meer Q, Nielsen SG, Søager N & Waight TE

Trautmann C. (2020) Minerals Under Extreme Conditions: Heavy Ion Irradiations Under High Pressure and in situ Raman Spectroscopy
Tzifas I, Voss K-O, Boehler R, Lang M, Merk B, Toimil-Morales M-E, Severin D & Trautmann C

Trautz R. (2013) Numerical Interpretation of Laboratory and Field Data Showing CO2-induced Groundwater Changes
Zheng L, Tinnacher R, Varadharajan C, Spycher N, Bianchi M, Nico P, Birkholzer J, Trautz R & Pugh J

Travé A. (2023) Microplastics in Table Salts: From University Research to School Activities
Cantarero I, Playà E, Baqués V, Lería M, Gaya C & Travé A
(2019) Fluid Flow Evolution of the Southern Pyrenees Inferred from Clumped Isotopes Thermometry and U-Pb Geochronology
Cruset D, Vergés J, Albert R, Gerdes A, John C, Benedicto A, Cantarero I & Travé A
(2013) Diagenesis, Deformation Mechanisms and Architecture of the Fault Zones in the Extensional Neogene Basins of the Northeast Iberian Peninsula
Travé A, Baqués V, Cantarero I, Playà E, Alías G, Moragas M, Martínez C, Pacheco F, Zafra C & Plata A

Traver A.G. (2022) The Role of Volcanism as a Source of Trace-Elements to the Environment: The Case of Deception Island, Antartica
Canário J, Traver AG, Hintelmann H, Figueiredo D, Cabrita T & dos Santos MC

Traversari M. (2017) Strontium Isotope MC-ICP-MS Analysis of Hair Strands from Human Mummies: Transhumance Pastoralism of Early-Modern Individuals between Northern and Central Italy
Lugli F, Cipriani A, Tavaglione V, Traversari M & Benazzi S

Travert C. (2022) Lake Pavin is a Microbial Mineralization Oasis
Lefevre CT, Menguy N, Benzerara K, Busigny V, Mangin CC, Mehta N, Travert C, Bolzoni R, Bidaud CC, Mathon FP, Jézéquel D, Viollier E, Skouri-Panet F, Duprat E & Monteil CL
(2022) Intracellular Formation of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate by Bacteria: From Molecular Actors to Environmental Impacts
Benzerara K, Gaëtan J, Mehta N, Millet M, Duprat E, Skouri-Panet F, Travert C, Leloup J, Halary S, Moreira D & Callebaut I

Travi Y. (2010) River/Groundwater Mixing Study Using Major and Trace Elements
Potot C, Féraud G, Barats A, Durrieu G, Le Poupon C, Travi Y & Simler R
(2010) A Multi Tracer Study of Groundwater Origin and Transit-Time in the Fore Deep Basin of the Southern Alps
Mayer A, Sueltenfuss J, Travi Y, Rebeix R, Conchetto E, Le Gal La Salle C, Miche H, Purtschert R & Claude C

Travin Aleksey (2014) Geochronology (U/Pb, 40Ar/39Ar) of Sinkinematic Granites from Collision Orogens: Constraints from Caledonides of Western Cisbaikalia
Vladimirov A, Travin A, Mikheev E, Vladimirov V & Tishin P
(2014) Granitoid Batholithes Thermochronology and Dynamics of their Formation in Orogens
Travin A, Vladimirov A, Gertner I, Khromykh S & Pavel K
(2014) Evolution of Mantle Column of Pipe Sytykanskaya, Yakutia Kimberlite
Ashchepkov I, Reimirs L, Ntaflos T, Vladykin N, Logvinova A, Travin A, Yudin D, Karpenko K, MakovchukI I, Palessky S & Salikhov R
(2013) U-Pb, Ar-Ar Isotopic Dating of Kalba-Narym Polychronic Batholith (East Kazakhstan)
Kotler P, Vladimirov A, Khromykh S, Travin A & Navozov O
(2013) Ar-Ar and U-Pb Isotopic Ages of Early Caledonian Granulites from the Svyatoy Nos Peninsula (Transbaikalia)
Mikheev E, Vladimirov A, Travin A, Bayanova T & Volkova N
(2010) The Siberian Traps: What’s New?
Travin A, Ryabov V & Ponomarchuk V
(2010) Metasomatism in Peridotites beneath the Daldyn-Alakite Region Yakutia
Ashchepkov I, Travin A, Ntaflos T, Logviniva A, Vladykin N & Palessky S
(2009) Thermochronological Models for the Cooling History of Neoproterozoic Post-Collisional Granites
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Polyansky O & Travin A
(2009) Stages of the Mesozoic Ore Formation in the East Asia
Ponomarchuk V, Sorokin A, Travin A & Sorokin A
(2008) Thermochronologic “Hearing” of the Roots of Caledonian Mountains of the Central Asian Fold Belt: Are They Parts of a Single Orogen?
Travin A, Yudin D, Vladimirov A, Volkova N, Khromykh S, Mekhonoshin A & Kolotilina T
Yudin D, Travin A, Khromyh S, Vladimirov A, Mekhonoshin A & Volkova N
(2002) A Reconstruction of the Thermal History of the UHP Maksyutov Complex (South Urals) Using 40Ar/39Ar-Dating Results
Prostyakov K, Travin A, Lepezin G, Volkova N & Yudin D
(2002) Age Spectra of Biotite as Indicator of Deformation Rate: Evidence from Microchemical, Structural, Step-Heating and Laser 40Ar/39Ar Analyses
Udin D, Travin A, Vladimirov V, Prostyakov K & Barabash N
(2002) Laser and Stepwise-Heating 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Kimberlite-Like Rocks from Sayan Foothills and Peripheral Part of the Siberian Platform
Travin A, Aschepkov I, Udin D & Prostyakov K
(2000) Argon-Argon Dating of Camptonite Dikes of the Sangilen, Southeastern Tuva, Russia
Izokh A, Gibsher N, Malkovets V & Travin A
(2000) Argon-Argon Dating of Basanites from Volcanic Pipes of the Minusa Region SW of the Siberian Craton
Malkovets V, Travin A, Reutsky V, Shevchenko D & Litasov K

Travin Alexey (2020) Stages of Tectonothermal History of the Taimyr – Severnaya Zemlya Orogen during Oblique Collision in the Carboniferous-Permian
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Proskurnin V, Polyansky O, Laevsky Y & Travin A
(2019) Ediacaran Magmatism in the Evolution of the Transform Active Continental Margin of the Siberian Craton: Geochemistry, Geochronology and Geodynamics
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Kadil'nikov P, Li Z-X, Wilde S, Romanova I & Travin A

Traving S.J. (2021) Prophage-Encoded Chitinase Activity Supports Growth of a Pseudomonas sp Isolated from Kermadec Trench
Traving SJ, Castillo D, Glud RN & Middelboe M

Travis B.J. (2011) B-Bearing Fluids: Caught in the Act
Dutrow B, Henry D, Gable C, Travis B & Foster T
(2010) Time-Dependent 3-D Modeling of Contact-Regional Metamorphism Suggests Reactions Occur in &lt; 1 Ma
Dutrow B, Foster CT, Gable CW & Travis BJ
(2005) Heat and Mass Transport Modeling and Rates of Metamorphic Processes
Dutrow B, Foster CT, Gable CW & Travis BJ
(2004) Heating Rates and Mineral Textures as Indicators of Fluid Flow during Metamorphism
Dutrow B, Foster C, Gable C & Travis B

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