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Struck Ulrich (2009) δ15N Chemostratigraphy of Ediacaran-Cambrian Sections of South China
Cremonese L, Struck U, Shields G, Ling H, Guo Q & Och L
(2007) Phosphoric Acid Fractionation Factors for Aragonite between 25 and 72℃ with Implications on Aragonite-Calcite Oxygen Isotope Fractionation
Gilg A, Taubald H & Struck U

Struck Ulrich (2015) Marine Nitrogen Cycle and Redox Variations during the Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition of Yangtze Sea in South China
Wang D, Struck U & Ling H
(2013) A Multi-Isotope (H, O, C, S, B, Mg, Ca, Ba) Approach to Study Diagenesis in Black Sea-Type Sediments
Böttcher ME, Lapham L, Gussone N, Struck U, Buhl D, Immenhauser A, Möller K, Petret C, Nägler T, Dellwig O, Schnetger B, Huckriede H, Halas S & Samankassou E
(2013) Late Devonian “Kellwasser-Event” a Global Mass-Extinction Eqivalent to the Precambrian-Cambrian Boundary Interval?
Steinmann Y, Struck U & Gamper A
(2013) Tracking Down the Ediacaran Isotope Anomalies in a Sedimentary Section from Kazakhstan
Gamper A, Struck U & Ergaliev G
(2013) Biogeochemistry of Acidic Lakes in the Iberian Pyritic Belt
Omoregie E, Santofimia E, López-Pamo E, Wegener G, Böttcher M, Escher P, Struck U, Aguilera Á & Amils R

Struck Ulrich (2022) Submarine Groundwater Discharge Impacts the Biogeochemistry of Coastal Systems, Southern Baltic Sea
Ehlert von Ahn CM, Szymczycha B, Escher P, Schmiedinger I, Struck U, Rooze J, Vogler S & Böttcher ME
(2022) Stable Isotope and Trace Element Discrimination, and Barite Formation in Modern Carbonate Sinters of the Temperate Climate Zone
Böttcher ME, Winde V, Buenning J, Dellwig O, Roeser P, Escher P & Struck U

Struck Ulrich (2021) Isotope Hydrobiochemical Characterization of Solutions in Permeable Coastal Sediments Affected by Submarine Groundwater Discharge, Southern Baltic Sea
Ehlert von Ahn CM, Escher P, Szymczycha B, Schmiedinger I, Struck U, Liu B, Vogler S & Böttcher ME

Struik L. (2000) Paleozoic-Triassic Plume-Derived Magmas in the Canadian Cordillera Play a Key Role in Continent Growth
Lapierre H, Bosch D, Tardy M & Struik L

Struik Q. (2023) Nitrate-Dependent Anaerobic Methane Oxidation (N-Damo) as a Bioremediation Strategy for Waters Affected by Agricultural Runoff
Glodowska M, Legierse A, Struik Q, Smith G, Echeveste Medrano MJ, Jetten M, Veraart AJ & Welte C

Strumness L. (2005) Silicon – Aluminum MAS-NMR TRAPDOR of Natural Silica Minerals
Hinman N, Burton S, Cho H, Tenesch A, Kotler J & Strumness L

Strunga V. (2011) Study of Candidate Matrix-Matched Calibration Standards for Geological Applications by Nuclear and Laser Ablation Based Methods
Strunga V, Havránek V, Kučera J, Kanický V, Vaculovič T, Hrdlička A, Moravec Z, Všianský D, Pinkas J, Klíma M & Kynicky J

Strupi Suput J. (2002) The Alkali Silica Reaction of Different Natural Aggregates in Cement Mortars
Mladenovic A, Sturm S, Mirtic B & Strupi Suput J

Struthers H. (2015) The Climate Response of Regional Air Pollution Changes
Ekman AML, Acosta Navarro J-C, Varma V, Riipinen I, Seland O, Kirkevåg A, Struthers H, Iversten T & Hansson H-C

Strutton P. (2019) Iron Biogeochemistry Differs within and Outside of a Southern Ocean Eddy
Ellwood M, Strzepek R, Strutton P, Trull T, Fourquez M & Boyd P

Struve T. (2023) Circulation Changes in the Abyssal South Pacific during the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition
Struve T, Zander M, Illemann S, Brand G, Lembke-Jene L, Lamy F & Pahnke K
(2022) Behaviour of Dissolved Neodymium Concentrations and Isotopes in the Deep South Pacific Ocean
Waltemathe H, Struve T, Ferdelman T & Pahnke K
(2017) The Response of the Subantarctic Pacific to Climate Change: Reconstructing Dust Flux and Biological Productivity during the Last Glacial Cycle
Winckler G, Anderson RF, Park J, Schwarz R, Lamp J, Shoenfelt E, Pahnke K, Struve T, Kuhn G, Wengler M & Lamy F
(2017) Deglacial Water Mass Mixing in the Drake Passage on Millennial to Centennial Timescales
Wilson D, Struve T, van de Flierdt T, Chen T, Burke A & Robinson L
(2017) Sources of Glacial South Pacific Dust
Struve T, Wengler M, Lamy F, Winckler G & Pahnke K
(2016) Exploring the Controls on Authigenic Nd and Pb Isotope Tracers in the Indian and Southern Oceans
Wilson D, van de Flierdt T, Struve T, Piotrowski A, Galy A & Adkins J
(2013) Water Mass Mixing in the Drake Passage during the Last 40 kyrs
Struve T, van de Flierdt T, Robinson LF, Burke A, Crocket KC, Lambelet M & Auro M

Struyf Eric (2015) Enhanced Weathering & The Role of Plants: Results from the Antwerp Experiment
Hartmann J, Struyf E, Amann T, Schoelynck J, Meire P & Fischer E

Struyf Eric (2016) Effects of Erosion and Land Use Change on the Reactive Silica Pool
Unzué Belmonte D, Struyf E & Meire P

Struyf Eric (2013) Opal-Ct Precipitation in a Clayey Soil Explained by Geochemical Transport Model of Dissolved Si (Blégny, Belgium)
Ronchi B, Barao AL, Vandevenne F, Van Gaelen N, Verheyen D, Adriaens R, Batelaan O, Dassargues A, Struyf E, Diels J & Govers G
(2013) Emerging Understanding of Anthropogenic Interferences in the Ecosystem Silica Filter
Struyf E & Conley D
(2013) Tracing Weathering and Reverse Weathering in Floodplains Using Si Isotopes and Ge/Si Ratios
Frings P, Struyf E, Gray W, de la Rocha C, Mormul R, Urrutia P, Ekström S & Conley DJ
(2012) Tracing Land Use Controls on Silica Dynamics in the Soil-Vegetation Continuum
Clymans W, Govers G, Frot E, Ronchi B, Van Wesemael B, Struyf E & Conley DJ
(2012) Reverse Weathering in the Okavango Delta, Northern Botswana
Frings P, Conley D, Struyf E & Murray-Hudson M
(2010) Interactions between Climate Change, Land Use and the Biological Silica Buffer in Wetlands and Forests
Struyf E, Kokfelt U, Smis A, Conley D, Humborg C, Mörth C-M, Vandevenne F & Meire P

Struyf Eric (2018) Soil Weathering Degree Controls Silicon Bioavailability by Increased pH after Biochar Application
Li Z, Unzué-Belmonte D, Jean-Thomas C, Vander Linden C, Struyf E, Ronsse F & Delvaux B

Struzhkin V. (2011) Pressure-Induced Phase Transitions and Electron Spin State Changes of Iron Bearing Spinels
Yamanaka T, Kyono A, Kharlamova S, Struzhkin V, Mao H-K & Hemley R

Strycharz-Glaven S. (2015) Temperature Dependency of Long Range Electron Transport in Microbial Biofilms
Yates M, Strycharz-Glaven S, El-Naggar M & Tender L

Stryhanyuk H. (2015) Investigation of the Microbial Community and Associated Element Cycles Involved in Chlorobenzene Biotransformation in a Model Wetland System
Wolfram D, Kuntze K, Bombach P, Birkigt J, Starke R, Jehmlich N, Stryhanyuk H, Schmidt M, Richnow HH & Nijenhuis I

Strzelec M. (2019) Quantifying Anthropogenic and Natural Iron Deposition Across Australia
Strzelec M, Proemse B, Gault-Ringold M, Boyd P, Perron M & Bowie A

Strzelecki Andrew (2020) Thermodynamics of CeSiO₄
Strzelecki A, Kreigsman K, Bourgeois C, Estevenon P, Goncharov V, Wei N, Szenknect S, Mesbah A, Wu D, Ewing R, Dacheux N & Guo X
(2020) Anomalous Stability of U(IV) Species in Sulfate-Bearing Hydrothermal Solutions
Migdisov A, Van Hartesveldt N, Kalintsev A, Nisbet H, Alcorn C, Strzelecki A, Ram R, Boukhalfa H, Xu H, Gabitov R, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Jove-Colon C, Matteo E, Caporuscio F, Roback R & White J
(2020) Solubility of Rare Earth Chlorides (La, Nd, Er) in HCl Bearing Water Vapour from 350 – 425℃
Alcorn C, Strzelecki A, Nisbet H, Currier R, Roback R & Migdisov A

Strzelecki Andrew C (2023) Thermodynamics of Materials and Minerals Under Confinement: From Ionic and Organic Solids to Refractory Ceramics
Hawkins MR, Zhang X, Cockreham C, Strzelecki AC, Reece ME, Goncharov VG, Sun H, Qi J, Guo X, Saunders SR, Ha S, Wang Y, Xu H & Wu D
(2023) Review of Crystal Chemistry and Thermodynamic Properties of Zircon Structure-Type Materials
Guo X, Strzelecki AC, Zhao X, Estevenon P, Xu H, Dacheux N & Ewing R
(2023) Formation of CeSiO4 and AnSiO4 (An = Th, U, Pu): Insights Coming from Hydrothermal Synthesis and Thermodynamic Issues
Dacheux N, Estevenon P, Strzelecki AC, Szenknect S, Moisy P, Ewing R, Guo X & Navrotsky A

Strzelecki Andrew C. (2023) Experimental Modeling of Complex Rare Earth Element Phosphate Solid Solutions
Reece ME, Carlsen E, Strzelecki AC, Yaw N, Hurtig NC, King G, Benmore CJ, Gysi AP, Migdisov AA & Guo X
(2023) The Solubility of Nd-Fluorbastnäsite in Carbonate-Bearing Hydrothermal Solutions
Reece ME, Nisbet H, Strzelecki AC, Gysi AP, Guo X & Migdisov AA
(2022) Crystal Chemistry and Thermodynamics of HREE (Er, Yb) Mixing in Xenotime Solid Solution
Strzelecki AC, Reece M, Zhao X, Yu W, Benmore CJ, Ren Y, Alcorn C, Migdisov AA, Xu H & Guo X
(2022) The Non-Ideal Mixing Thermodynamic Effects on REE Formation and Fractionation in Natural Hydrothermal Systems
Guo X, Strzelecki AC, Goncharov VG, Zhao X, Reece M, Nisbet H, McCloy JS, Dacheux N, Xu H & Migdissov A
(2022) Interfacial, Mineralogical and Microstructural Evolutions in Kerogen-Rich Shale from the Marcellus Formation at Pennsylvania and Shale-Like Rocks from the Negev Desert Under Thermal Treatments
Cockreham C, Zhang X, Strzelecki AC, Lau ML, Long M, Benmore CJ, Guo X, Klein-BenDavid O, Stauffer PH, Bussod GA, Xu H, Boukhalfa H & Wu D
(2021) Role of Water and Hydroxyl Groups in the Structures of Stetindite and Coffinite, MSiO4 (M = Ce, U)
Strzelecki AC, Barral T, Estevenon P, Mesbah A, Goncharov VG, Baker J, Bai J, Clavier N, Szenknect S, Migdisov AA, Xu H, Ewing R, Dacheux N & Guo X
(2021) Energetics of La, Nd-Containing Hydroxylbästnasite (La1-xNdxCO3OH) Solid Solutions
Goncharov VG, Nisbet H, Strzelecki AC, Xu H, Benmore CJ, Migdisov AA & Guo X
(2021) Revisit the Thermodynamics of Orthosilicates for Actinide Waste Form
Guo X, Strzelecki AC, Marcial J, Estevenon P, Mesbah A, Szenknect S, Migdisov AA, Xu H, McCloy J, Ewing R & Dacheux N

Strzepek K. (2013) Deep-Sea Coral Amino Acids Illuminate Ecosystem Processes on South East Australia Seamounts
Strzepek K, Revill A, Thresher R, Smith C & Fallon S

Strzepek Robert (2011) Cadmium Isotopic Composition in Cultured Marine Phytoplankton
Gault-Ringold M, Strzepek R, Stirling C, Frew R & Hunter K

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