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Silva G. (2014) Silver Nanoparticles in Beneficial Reuse Waste Materials
Scheckel K, Impellitteri C, Harmon S, Silva G, Miller B, Luxton T, Gitipour A, El Badawy A, Tolaymat T, Schupp D & Panguluri S

Silva I.C. (2018) Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes in Mussismilia Hispida: A Promising Coral-Based Record for the Tropical Atlantic Ocean
Pereira N, Silva IC, Sial A, Liu S-C, Shen C-C, Ferreira V & Kikuchi R

Silva J. Brandao (2012) Iberian Paleogeography Traced by U-Pb Zircon Ages of Ediacaran-Cambrian Rocks
Sola R, Pereira F, Chichorro M, Lopes L, Gerdes A & Silva JB

Silva Joao (2013) Sr and Nd Isotope Data for Arc-Related (Meta) Volcanics (SW Iberia)
Santos JF, Mata J, Ribeiro S, Fernandes J & Silva J

Silva Jorge (2015) Carbon Isotope in Tooth Enamel of Pleistocenic Megamammals from Alagoas, Brazil
Omena É, Sial A & Silva J

Silva Juan Carlos (2013) Ca, Mo and U Isotopes Suggest Neoproterozoic-Like Ocean Conditions during the Late Permian Mass Extinction
Silva JC, Payne J, Wignall P, Newton R, Neubert N, Brueske A, Eisenhauer A, Weyer S, Fietzke J & Maher K

Silva K. (2009) Grazing and Digestion of Magnetotactic Bacteria by Ciliates
Silveira T, Martins J, Abreu F, Silva K, Aronova M, Silva Neto I, Kachar B & Lins U

Silva Lais (2019) Structure-Property Relationships in Barium Silicate Glasses & Crystals: Preliminary Results
Moulton B, Sampaio D, Rodrigues A, Doerenkamp C, Silva L, Picinin A, Eckert H, Rino JP, Zanotto E & Pizani P

Silva Lara (2022) Heavy Metals in Ria de Aveiro (Portugal) Sediments – Potential Impact on Seabirds
Lopes Candeias CM, Silva L & Rocha F

Silva Leslie P. (2016) Phylogenomic and Physiological Exploration of Novel Clades of the Phylum Chloroflexi from Great Boiling Spring, Nevada, USA
Thomas SC, Dodsworth JA, Zhou E, Murugapiran SK, Woyke T, Shaprio N, Bowen B, Silva LP, Northen TR & Hedlund BP

Silva Lucas (2016) Investigating Past Climate-Biosphere Links: Speleothem-Based Climate Reconstructions to Constrain Controls on Late Holocene Forest Expansion in South America
Wong C, Wortham B, McGee D, Silva L, Cruz F & Montanez I
(2014) Quantifying Water Balance Carbon Storage Relationships Using Oxygen Isotope Ratios of Plant Lipids
Maxwell T, Silva L, Pedroso G, Mukome F & Horwath W
(2014) Beyond the Cellulose: Measuring Shifts in Water Regime Using Oxygen Isotopes of Plant Lipids
Silva L, Pedroso G, Doane T, Mukome F & Horwath W
(2014) Speleothem Reconstruction of Last 1, 500 Years of Brazilian Climate
Wong C, Silva L, Montanez I, Cooper K & Horwath W

Silva Luis (2009) Low-Pressure Fractionation of Undersaturated Alkaline Lavas from Cape Verde Islands
Caldeira R & Silva L
(2008) Intra-Volcanic Layered Intrusions in Sal Island (Cape Verde Archipelago): Insights into an Ocean Island Root Zone
Caldeira R & Silva L
(2007) Isotope Evidences for the Origin of Cape Verde Oceanic Carbonatites
Doucelance R, Mata J, Moreira M & Silva LC

Silva Luís Guilherme (2017) Hydrothermal Dolomite in Southern Brazil: Implication for Porosity Development
Pinto-Coelho C, Silva T, Silva LG, Botelho A, Fregatto M, Lopes A & Bahniuk A

Silva M (2004) Syn to Post Tectonic Magmatism in Ossa Morena Zone: Preliminary Geochemical Data of Redondo and Reguengos de Monsaraz Plutons, Portugal
Silva M

Silva Manuela (2016) An Abandoned Gold Mining Area in Portugal: Environmental Impacts and Human Health Risks
Carvalho P, Neiva A, Silva M & Santos A
(2015) Arsenic Contaminated Streams with Circumneutral Drainage Caused by an Old Au-Ag Mine, Central Portugal
Carvalho P, Neiva A, Silva M & Santos A

Silva Maria Catarina Rosalino (2010) Heavy Metals Contamination in Urban Alluvium Soils – Loures Valley, Lisbon, Portugal
Albuquerque MT, Silva MCR & Anjos OM
(2008) Heavy Metals Mobility in the Loures Alluvial Aquifer (N-Lisbon, Portugal)
Silva MCR & Carvalho MR

Silva Maria Manuela V G (2015) Contaminated Soils, Stream Sediments and Waters Close to an Abandoned Uranium Mine from Central Portugal
Neiva A, Carvalho P, Antunes I, Silva M, Santos A, Pinto M & Cunha P
(2011) Mineralogy of Stream Sediments and Soils of Santiago Island, Cape Verde
Cabral Pinto MMS, Silva MMVG, Hernandez R & Ferreira da Silva EA
(2011) Geochemical Constrains on Lower Ordovician Magmatism at the Central Iberian Zone (Central Portugal)
Antunes M, Neiva A & Silva MMV
(2010) Geochemistry of Waters Close to Abandoned As-Au and Sb-Au Mines from Valongo, Northern Portugal
Carvalho PCS, Neiva AMR & Silva MMVG
(2009) Geochemistry of Soils Close to Abandoned Sb-Au and As-Au Mines from Valongo, Northern Portugal
Carvalho P, Neiva A & Silva MM
(2009) Uranium Minerals from a Portuguese Variscan Granite and its Hydrothermal Alteration
Cabral Pinto MMS, Silva MMVG, Neiva AMR, Guimarães F & Silva PB
(2009) Geochemistry of Stream Sediments from an Abandoned Sn-W Mine Area, Northeast Portugal
Silva MM, Lopes S & Gomes EM
(2009) Geochemistry of the Vila Nova Granitic Pluton (Central Portugal)
Reis AI, Silva MM & Antunes IM
(2009) Geochemistry of Stream Waters from an Abandoned Sn-W Mine Area, Northeast Portugal
Lopes S, Silva MM & Gomes EM
(2008) The Impacts of Sn-W, Ba-Pb-Zn and W-Au-Sb Old Mine Workings on the Environment at Central Portugal
Neiva A, Antunes I, Carvalho P & Silva M
(2008) The Genesis of I- and S-Type Granitoid Rocks of the Early Ordovician Oledo Pluton, Central Iberian Zone (Central Portugal)
Antunes IMHR, Neiva A, Silva M & Corfu F
(2007) Chemical Compositions of Zircon from an U-Mine Area, Portugal
Pinto M, Silva M & Neiva A
(2007) Geochemistry of Microgranular Enclaves and Host Granodiorite from Oledo, Central Portugal
Antunes I, Neiva A & Silva M
(2001) Geochemistry of Tourmaline from Hercynian Granites, Associated Tin, Tungsten and Gold Deposits and Adjacent Metamorphic and Metasomatic Rocks from Northern Portugal
Neiva AMR, Silva MMVG & Gomes MEP
(2001) Magma Mixing/Mingling in the Petrogenesis of Portuguese Granites
Silva MMVG & Neiva AMR

Silva O. (2021) Spent Fuel Alteration 1D Model Integrating Water Radiolysis and Reactive Solute Transport – Simulation of Cr/(Cr+Al)-doped UO2 Fuels Leaching Experiments
Riba Tort O, Coene E, Silva O & Duro L

Silva Paulo B. (2023) Petrogenesis of S-Type Syntectonic Granites from Santa Comba de Rossas, Northern Portugal
Teixeira RJS, Preto Gomes ME, Corfu F, Silva PB & Meireles CAP
(2014) A Combined Zircon LAM-ICPMS-MC U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotopic Study of Variscan S-Type Granites from Sabugal, Central Portugal
Teixeira R, Neiva A, Silva P, Gomes M & Andersen T
(2012) Micas and Columbite-Tantalite from Some Portuguese Granitic Aplite-Pegmatites
Neiva A, Silva P & Ramos J
(2010) Geochemistry of Granites from the Guarda-Sabugal Area, Portugal
Neiva AMR, Silva PB, Corfu F & Ramos JMF
(2010) Weathering and Hydrochemistry Associated with the Old Mine Workings at Fonte Santa (NE of Portugal)
Gomes M, Antunes I, Pacheco F, Neiva A & Silva P
(2009) Uranium Minerals from a Portuguese Variscan Granite and its Hydrothermal Alteration
Cabral Pinto MMS, Silva MMVG, Neiva AMR, Guimarães F & Silva PB

Silva Pedro (2017) The 2014 Fogo Eruption (Cape Verde): Constraints on the Short-Term Geochemical Evolution and Plumbing System
Mata J, Martins S, Mattielli N, Madeira J, Caldeira R, Ramalho R, Silva P & Moreira M
(2011) Isotopic Data from the Pomarinho Enclave Swarm (SW Iberian Chain)
Moita P, Santos JF & Silva P

Silva R. L. (2017) Lower Jurassic Organic Matter Preservation Events, an Oceanic Anoxic Event, and Carbon Cycle Perturbations
Silva RL, Duarte LV, Gómez JJ, Mendonça Filho JG, Wach G, Sadki D, Rodrigues B, Carlisle C & Caniço A

Silva Renzo (2020) Reversing Flow of Carbon Back to the Geosphere. Scaled Organic Carbon Engineering – Feasible or Fantasy?
Radovic J, Silva R & Larter S
(2019) Geoengineering the Carbon Cycles in the Ocean
Larter S, Radovic J, Silva R & De la Fuente J
(2019) Organic Sulfur-Bearing Species as Subsurface Carbon Storage Vectors
Yim C, Silva R & Larter S
(2018) Biogeochemical Characterization of Surface Sediments along the Pearl River Estuary Transect
Xie W, Radović J, Li P, Li X, Silva R, Oldenburg T, Larter S & Zhang C
(2017) The 1979 Ixtoc-I Oil Spill Revisited
Radovic J, Lincoln S, Silva R, Jaggi A, Romero I, Schwing P, Larson R, Brooks G, Freeman K, Hollander D, Larter S & Oldenburg T
(2016) Multiproxy Characterization of Sedimentary Biomarker Archives Using Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Radovic J, Silva R, Larter S & Oldenburg T

Silva Renzo C. (2015) High-Resolution Geochemical Characterization of Ombrotrophic Peat Bogs from Northern Alberta
Gonzalez-Arismendi G, Huang H, Weerawardhena P, Silva RC, Snowdon RW, Radovic J, Larter SR & Oldenburg TBP
(2015) Comprehensive Screening of Geochemical Proxies Using RADAR Mode FTICR-MS
Radovic J, Silva R, Oldenburg T & Larter S
(2015) FTICR-MS – Towards Reaction Systems Models in Petroleum Geochemistry
Oldenburg TBP, Silva RC, Radovic J, Snowdon RW, Gonzalez-Arismendi GP, Brown M & Larter SR

Silva Ricardo (2015) Evidence of Pliensbachian Climatic Hot Snaps and Organic Matter Production and Preservation in the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal)
Silva R & Duarte L
(2015) Pyrite Framboid Analysis from the Sinemurian–Pliensbachian Água de Madeiros Formation (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal)
Silva R, Jorge M, Duarte L, Sedore P & Wach G
(2015) Preliminary Evaluation of the Compositional Sedimentary Variation of the Jurassic Iroquois and Mohican Formations of the Scotian Basin (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Silva R, Sedore P, Plummer N & Wach G

Silva Ricardo L. (2020) Oceanic Organic Carbon as a Possible Driver of Small-Scale (Periodic) Carbon Cycle Shifts in the Mesozoic
Silva RL, Ruhl M, Duarte LV & Hesselbo SP

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