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Saitoh Yuh (2016) Geographical and Temporal Variations of Multiple Geochemical Components in Rainwater, River Water and Groundwater in Saijo City, Southwestern Japan
Nakano T, Tokumasu M, Shin K, Saitoh Y, Yokoo Y & Yamada Y

Saitou T. (2009) Highly Saline Palaeoproterozoic Seawater Inferred from Fluid Inclusions in 2.4 Ga Ongeluk Formation
Saitou T, Shibuya T, Komiya T, Kitajima K, Yamamoto S, Nishizawa M, Ueno Y & Maruyama S

Saitta A. Marco (2014) Gold-Sulfur Complexes in Crustal Fluids: Insights from First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Haigis V, Jonchière R, Ferlat G, Saitta AM, Seitsonen AP & Vuilleumier R
(2012) First-Principle Simulations of Silver in Hydrothermal Fluids
Vuilleumier R, Jonchiere R, Ferlat G, Saitta AM & Seitsonen AP

Saitta Antonino Marco (2016) Prebiotic Chemistry at an Oxide/Water Interface
Laporte S, Pietrucci F, Guyot F & Saitta AM
(2015) Gold-Sulfur Complexes in Geological Fluids Studied by Means of Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Haigis V, Ferlat G, Seitsonen AP, Pokrovski GS, Hazemann J-L, Saitta AM & Vuilleumier R
(2015) Ab Initio Prebiotic Chemistry: Miller-Like Experiments and Beyond
Saitta AM, Saija F, Pietrucci F, Laporte S, Finocchi F & Guyot F
(2015) Sulfur Radical Species Form Gold Deposits on Earth
Pokrovski G, Kokh M, Guillaume D, Borisova A, Gisquet P, Jean-Louis H, Lahera E, Del Net W, Proux O, Testemale D, Haigis V, Jonchière R, Seitsonen A, Ferlat G, Vuilleumier R, Saitta M, Boiron M-C & Dubessy J

Saiz-Jimenez C. (2022) Moonmilk Deposits: A Case of Biomineralization and Greenhouse Gases Regulation in Subterranean Environments
Martin-Pozas T, Cuezva S, Cañaveras JC, Benavente D, Saiz-Jimenez C, Janssens I, Seijas N, Sanchez-Moral S & Fernandez-Cortes A

Saiz-Lopez A. (2023) ISAMO (Iron Salt Atmospheric Methane Oxidation)
van Herpen MMJW, Johnson MS, van de Kraats BA, Li Q, Saiz-Lopez A, Liisberg JB, Pennacchio L & Röckmann T
(2015) Biogeochemistry of Reactive Halogens and the Omnipresence of Iodine
Carpenter L, Andrews S, Hackenberg S, Sherwen T, Evans M, Allan J, McFiggans G, Boxe C & Saiz-Lopez A
(2015) Halogen Chemistry in the Marine Atmosphere
Saiz-Lopez A

Saja I. (2012) X-Ray Microspectroscopic Investigations of Ni(II) Uptake by Argillaceous Rocks of the Boda Claystone Formation in Hungary
Daehn R, Osa¡n J, Breitner D, Saja I, Marques M, Baeyens B & Toeroek S

Sajedian E. (2011) The Origin of Darreh-Zanjir Lead-Zind Deposit, Central Iran
Moore F, Sajedian E & Taghipour B

Sajeev K (2010) One Migmatite, Three Ages: Metamorphic Zircon Growth during and after Partial Melting?
Sajeev K & Dunkley DJ

Sajeev K. (2017) Silicate, Oxide, and Sulfide Trends in Granulite-Facies neo-Archean Rocks from the Nilgiri Block, S India
Harlov D, Samuel V & Sajeev K

Sajeev Krishnan (2020) Role of Melt Injection and Mixing in Formation of Archean Chromitite in Anorthosites: Evidence from the Sittampundi Anorthosite Complex, Southern India
He H-L, George PM, Sajeev K & Zhai M-G
(2020) Peraluminous Minerals from Chromite Layers in the Fiskenæsset Complex, Greenland
Veni S, Sajeev K & Windley BF
(2020) Gabbroic to Granitic Crust Formation at the Archaean-Proterozoic Boundary and its Metamorphic Evolution, Southern India
Durgalakshmi I, Williams IS & Sajeev K
(2020) Layered Chromitite: A Signpost Towards a Hydrated Magma Chamber in the Archean
Sajeev K, Veni S & Windley BF

Sajgó C. (2016) Organic Geochemistry of Algyő, the Largest Oil and Gas Field in the Pannonian Basin
Sajgó C & Fekete J
(2014) Generation of Regular Acyclic Isoprenoid Hydrocarbons in Simulation Experiments
Sajgó C & Fekete J
(2009) Distribution of Trace Metals in Petroleums of Different Maturity Levels
Sajgó C, Olsen SD & Fekete J
(2002) Biogeochemical Processes in Volcanic Crater Lakes and their Effect on the Oil Potential of Sediments Filling in the Craters
Hetényi M, Brukner-Wein A & Sajgó C

Saji Nikitha (2021) Titanium Stable Isotopes and the Crust-Mantle System: What Have We Learned?
Millet M-A, Hoare L, Klaver M & Saji N
(2019) What Controls Titanium Stable Isotope Fractionation during Magma Evolution?
Hoare L, Millet M-A, Lissenberg J, Saji N, Klaver M & Parkinson I
(2019) Upper Continetal Crust Compositional Evolution as Constrained by Ti Isotopes in Diamictites
Saji N, Gashnig R, Rudnick R & Millet M-A

Saji Nikitha Susan (2022) Titanium Isotopes as Proxy for the Composition of the Upper Continental Crust: Promises, Pitfalls and Outlook
Millet M-A, Klaver M, Saji NS & Hoare L
(2017) Hadean Mantle Differentiation and Early Onset of Plate Tectonics: Evidence from ISB, SW Greenland
Saji NS, Wielandt D, Schiller M, Larsen K, Rosing M & Bizzarro M
(2016) Nucleosynthetic Heterogeneity and Bulk Silicate Earth Nd-Isotope Composition
Saji NS, Wielandt D & Bizzarro M
(2015) High-Precision Nd Isotope Analysis by MC-ICPMS: Implications for Early Earth Silicate Differentiation
Saji NS, Wielandt D, Paton C & Bizzarro M

Sajid M. (2023) Geochronological Constraints of the Paleoproterozoic Tectonics of Northern Indian Plate in Northern Pakistan
Sajid M, Wiedenbeck M, Arif M, Glodny J & Ghani H
(2022) Geochemistry of Ultramafic-Mafic Suits of Waziristan Ophiolite Complex (Woc): Implication for Petrogenesis and Tectonic Setting
Jalil R, Alard O, Schaefer B, Ali L & Sajid M

Sajih M. (2012) Radium Interactions with Iron (Oxy)hydroxide Minerals
Sajih M, Bryan N, Vaughan D, Descostes M, Phrommavanh V & Morris K

Sajkowski L. (2022) CO2 as an Effective Silica Scaling Inhibitor during Reinjection of Acid-Dosed Geothermal Brines: An Experimental Study
Mountain B, Sajkowski L & Rendel PM
(2016) Progressive Devolitization of Greywacke from Sub-Critical to Supercritical Conditions
Mountain B, Chambefort I & Sajkowski L

Šajn R. (2021) Investigating the Nature and Fate of Mining-Related Historical Contaminations with Geochemical and Microbiological Tools in the Transboundary Drava River Floodplain
Szabó P, Jordan G, Kocsis T, Kardos L, Šajn R & Alijagić J

Sajna S, Amal Dev J, Nilanjana S, Tomson JK & Nandakumar V

Sajonia-Coburgo T. (2023) Geochemically Fingerprinting the Impacts of Human Land Use on Sediment Provenance
Seal DM, Baxter EF, Snyder NP, Corrado K, Sajonia-Coburgo T, Schirmacher A, Cook TL, Dahl T & Fall K

Sak P. (2021) When Geophyics Meet Geochemical Reactive Transport in a Tropical Volcanic Critical Zone
Pasquet S, Fernandez NM, Hayes JL, Ma L, Sak P & Gaillardet J
(2020) Reconciling Chemical Weathering Rates Across Scales: Insights from U-Series Isotopes in Volcanic Weathering Clasts from Basse-Terre Island (Guadeloupe)
Ma L, Guo J, Pereyra Y, Engel J, Gaillardet J & Sak P
(2019) Enhanced Chemical Weathering by Subsurface Flow Below Knickpoints
Le Traon C, Gaillardet J, Ma L, de Dreuzy J-R, Davy P, Sak P & Le Borgne T
(2018) Quantifying Weathering Rind Formation Rates by in situ Measurements of U-Series Disequilibria with Laser Ablation (LA) MC-ICPMS
Ma L, Dosseto A, Gaillardet J, Sak P & Brantley S
(2017) Changes in Mn Oxidation State and U Immobility in Weathering Rinds
Sak P, Ma L, Gaillardet J, Herndon E & Brantley S
(2016) U-Series and Sr Isotope Ratios in Soils from Basse-Terre Island, French Guadeloupe: Insights for Rapid Soil Formation in a Tropical Volcanic Setting
Pereyra Y, Ma L, Sak P, Gaillardet J, Buss H & Brantley S
(2015) Rates and Trends In in situ Chemical Weathering In a Tropical Soil, Basse Terre Island, Guadeloupe
Murphy M, Sak P, Ma L, Gaillardet J, Daniel C & Brantley S
(2015) Quantifying Weathering Rates along a Precipitation Gradient on Basse-Terre Island, French Guadeloupe: Insights from U-Series Isotopes in Weathering Rinds
Ma L, Engel J, Sak P, Gaillardet J, Ren M & Brantley S
(2014) Quantitative Links between Biota, Mass-Balance Geochemistry and the Soil Atmosphere in the Piedmont Uplands Critical Zone, USA
Stinchcomb G, Sullivan P, Hasenmueller E, Sak P & Brantley S
(2010) How Basalt Weathering Rates Vary with Time and Scale of Measurement
Bhatt M, Liermann L, Sak P & Brantley S
(2008) 238U-234U-230Th Chronometry of Weathering Rinds: Rates of Weathering and Isotopic Record of Soil Waters
Pelt E, Chabaux F, Innocent C, Navarre-Sitchler A, Sak P & Brantley S
(2007) Mineral Weathering Rates Coupled to Bedrock Fracturing and Saprolite Formation
Buss H, Webb S, Sak P & Brantley S
(2007) Basalt Weathering Rates on Earth and the Duration of Water on Mars
Hausrath E, Navarre-Sitchler A, Sak P, Steefel C & Brantley S
(2007) Rates of Weathering Rind Formation from 238U-234U-230Th Chronometry: Application to Basalt Weathering
Pelt E, Chabaux F, Innocent C, Navarre-Sitchler A, Sak P & Brantley S
(2002) Interpretation of Weathering Profiles from the Paleo-Proterozoic and Present Using Reactive Transport Modeling
Steefel CI, Rye RM, Sak PB & Brantley SL
(2001) Diffusion Models for Weathering Rind Genesis
Sak PB, Brantley SL & Fisher DM
(2000) A Diffusion Model for Weathering Rind Genesis in a Tropical Setting
Sak P, Brantley S, Fisher D & Gardner T

Saka S. (2017) Multistage Evolution of the Aladağ Mantle Peridotites (S-Turkey): Implications from Whole Rock and Mineral Chemistry
Saka S & Uysal I
(2015) Re-Os Signature of Mersin Ophiolite (S-Turkey): 187Os Contribution during the SSZ Type Oceanic Crust and Chromitite Generation
Saka S, Uysal I, Akmaz RM, Bağci U & Ersoy EY
(2013) Melting History of the Pozantı-Karsantı Ophiolite, Turkey: Implications from Whole-Rock and Mineral Compositions
Saka S, Uysal I, Akmaz RM & Kaliwoda M
(2013) Trace Element Composition of Clinopyroxenes from the Kızıldağ Ophiolite (S-Turkey): Implication for Multi-Stage Fractionational Melting in a SSZ Setting
Sen AD, Uysal I, Godard M, Saka S, Akmaz RM, Kaliwoda M & Bağci U
(2011) Podiform Chromitites from the Turkish Ophiolites: An Overview to the Mineralogy of Platinum-Group Elements
Uysal I, Zaccarini F, Garuti G, Kaliwoda M, Hochleitner R, Akmaz RM & Saka S

Sakagami N. (2020) The Concentrations of Micro Elements in Sclerotia of Cenococcum Geophilum
Nyamsanjaa K, Sakagami N, Watanabe M & Bolormaa O
(2016) Aluminum Accumulation and Carbon Decomposition in Sclerotia of Cenococcum Geophilum in Low pH Forest Soils
Sakagami N & Watanabe M
(2015) Antimicrobial Activity of 4, 9-Dihydroxyperylene-3, 10-Quinone Contained in Cenococcum Geophilum
Itoh N, Sakagami N & Watanabe M
(2012) Ectomycorrhizal Sclerotia Formation and Status of Organo-Mineral Complex Aluminum in Low pH Fagus Forest
Sakagami N & Watanabe M
(2009) Contribution of Sclerotia of Cenococcum Species to Soil Organic Carbon in Low pH Forest Soils
Sakagami N & Watanabe M

Sakaguchi Aya (2019) Comparison of Radiocesium-Bearing Microparticles of Different Shape and Elemental Distribution by Multiple Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Analyses
Miura H, Kurihara Y, Yamamoto M, Sakaguchi A, Yamaguchi N, Higaki S & Takahashi Y
(2019) Relations between Fractional Solubility and Trace Metals Species in Marine Aerosol
Sakata K, Sakaguchi A, Tanimoto H, Kurisu M & Takahashi Y

Sakaguchi Aya

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