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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Richter-Heitmann T. (2023) Breaking up DNA-Mineral Interactions – Comparing Existing DNA Extraction Approaches for Recovery of Short Fragments
Gande D, Hassenrück C, Richter-Heitmann T, Žure M, Willerslev E & Friedrich MW
(2017) Microbial Interactions with Crystalline Iron Oxides Under Varying Temperature Conditions
Aromokeye DA, Kulkarni A, Oni OE, Yin X, Richter-Heitmann T, Kasten S & Friedrich MW
(2015) Link between Microbial Populations and Iron Reduction in Methanic Sediments of the Helgoland Mud Area, North Sea
Oni O, Miyatake T, Kasten S, Richter-Heitmann T, Fischer D, Wagenknecht L, Kulkarni A & Friedrich M

Riciputi L.R. (2007) O Isotope Exchange during the Breakdown of Dolomite: An Experimental Study
Labotka T, DeAngelis M, Cole D, Fayek M, Riciputi L, Ushikubo T, Kita N & Valley J
(2007) Sub-Micrometer Size High Precision Analysis of δ18O in Zircon by SIMS
Ushikubo T, Page FZ, Kita NT, Riciputi LR & Valley JW
(2005) Experimental Approaches to Predict the Behavior of Liquid Films
Palmer D, Anovitz L, Cole D, Fayek M, Gruszkiewicz M, Riciputi L, Wesolowski D & Wilson L
(2005) „Hydration‰ of Rhyolitic Glasses: Comparison between High- and Low-Temperature Processes
Anovitz L, Riciputi L, Cole D & Fayek M
(2005) Mineral Reaction Interfaces and Associated Porosity Generation
Cole D, Labotka T, Larson P, More K, Kenik E, Fayek M, Stadermann F & Riciputi L
(2002) Development of a Micro-Cavity Ion Source for Enhanced Efficiency in Thermal Ionization Mass Spectromety
Riciputi L, Ingeneri K & Hedberg M
(2002) A New Method for U-Pb Isotopic Analyses of Uranium Oxide Minerals by SIMS
Fayek M, Riciputi LR & Kyser TK
(2002) Coupled Cation and Oxygen Exchange between Alkali Feldspar and Aqueous Chloride Solution
Labotka T, Cole D, Fayek M & Riciputi L
(2001) Water in the Shergotty Magma, and Implications for Outgassing and Magma Fractionation on Mars
McSween Jr. HY, Grove TL, Lentz RCF, Dann JC, Riciputi LR & Ryan JG
(2001) Metal Sources in San Cristobal Mining District Southwest Bolivia: A Lead Isotope Study
Kamenov GD, Macfarlane AW & Riciputi L
(2000) Experimental Determination of Hydrogen Diffusion Rates in Hydrous Minerals Using the Ion Microprobe
De SK, Cole DR, Riciputi LR, Chacko T & Horita J

Rick A. (2010) Silver Nanoparticles: Effects on Microbial Denitrification
Rick A & Arai Y

Rick T. (2014) δ15N in Crassostrea virginica Shells as a Potential Paleoenvironmental Proxy for Nitrogen Loading in Chesapeake Bay
Black H, Andrus F, Rick T & Hines A

Rickaby Rosalind (2021) Organic Carbon Isotopes of Planktic Foraminifera
Hoogakker B, Anderson C, Grant H, Mahaffey C, Blackbird S, McClymont E, Rickaby R, Poulton A & Peck V
(2021) Coccolithophore Response to Seawater Mg/Ca Ratio
Ma X, Bendif EM & Rickaby R
(2019) The Calcification Response of Multiple Species of Coccolithophore to Elevated Ocean Alkalinity
Gill S, Rickaby R & Henderson G
(2019) The Response of Calcifying Cyanobacteria to Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement
Gore S, Gill S, Renforth P, Perkins R & Rickaby R
(2019) Carbon Isotopes and Calcifiers
Rickaby R, McClelland H, Hermoso M & Erez J
(2019) Marine Algal Revolution and Trace Metals: Comparing Metal Acquisition Strategies
Zhang Q, Nevado B, Snow J, Filatov D & Rickaby R
(2018) Carbon Isotopic Vital Effects in Planktonic Foraminifera: A Mechanistic Proxy for DIC Through the Paleogene
Rickaby R & Erez J
(2018) Foraminiferal I/Ca Results from the Benguela Upwelling System
Lu W, Dickson A, Thomas E, Rickaby R & Lu Z
(2018) Reconstructing Seawater Oxygen Concentrations Using Novel Foraminiferal Proxies
Hoogakker B, Lu Z, Umling N, Jones L, Zhou Z, Rickaby R, Thunell R, Cartapanis O & Galbraith E

Rickaby Rosalind E M (2017) Investigating Trace Metal Nutrient Co-limitation of Marine Phytoplankton Growth
Eggins S, Zhang Q, Snow J & Rickaby R
(2017) Coccoliths Coasting Through the Elderfield Curve
Rickaby R, Hermoso M, Lee R & McClelland H
(2017) The Mesozoic Seas Incarnadine: Trace Metal Availability and the Transition from Green to Red Algal Dominance
Rickaby R, Zhang Q, Snow J, Shafiee R, Eggins S & Lu Z
(2015) Towards a Unifying Theory for Carbon Isotopic Partitioning in Coccolithophores: Implications for Paleo-Proxies
McClelland H, Hermoso M, Bruggeman J & Rickaby R
(2015) Everything is not Spinach: A History of Evolving Carbon Affinity and Isotopic Fractionation in Marine Algal Rubisco
Rickaby R, Heureux A, Eason Hubbard M, Chan I, McClelland H, Young J, Lee R & Hermoso M
(2015) Calcification in Coccolithophores: A Biogeochemical Study of Polysaccharides from Past to Present
Lee R, Mavridou D, Papadakos G, McClelland H, Walker J, Nudelman F, Heureux A, Hermoso M, Day C & Rickaby R
(2015) Evidence for 3 Rapid CH4 Release Events during the Last Deglaciation
Omta AW, Lauderdale J, Follows M & Rickaby R
(2015) Coccolith Stable Isotopes in Palaeoceanography: Are Culture Data Transferable to the Natural Environment?
Hermoso M, Candelier Y, Minoletti F, Browning T, McClelland H & Rickaby R
(2014) On the Potential Role of Marine Calcifiers in Glacial-Interglacial Dynamics
Omta AW, van Voorn G, Rickaby R & Follows M
(2014) Inherent Characteristics of Sawtooth Cycles can Explain Shifts in Glacial Periodicity
Omta AW, van Voorn G, Rickaby R, Follows M & Kooi B
(2013) A History of Inhibition: Thresholds and Echinoderm Mg/Ca
Rickaby R, Vickers M, Jenkyns H, Gale A, Bots P & Shaw S
(2013) I/Ca Evidence for Upper Ocean Deoxygenation during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Lu Z, Thomas E, Zhou X, Rickaby R & Winguth A
(2013) Calcification Rate and Carbon-Isotope Fractionation in Coccolithophore Calcite Through Laboratory Culture Experiments
Hermoso M, Minoletti F, Candelier Y, McClelland H, Aloisi G & Rickaby R
(2012) Reconstructing Deep-Ocean Nutrients with Paired Cd/Ca and Cd Isotopes in Deep-Sea Corals
Horner TJ, Henderson GM, Rickaby REM & Adkins JF
(2012) Tight Coupling of Life and Metals throughout Evolution
Rickaby R
(2012) From Tectonic Gateways to Diatoms: The Build-Up to Antarctic Glaciation
Egan K, Rickaby R, Hendry K & Halliday A
(2011) Isotopic Fractionation of Cadmium into Calcite
Horner T, Rickaby R & Henderson G
(2010) I/Ca Ratios in Marine Carbonate as a Palaeo-Redox Proxy during Oceanic Anoxic Events
Lu Z, Jenkyns H & Rickaby R
(2010) δ18O and Mg/Ca Temperature in Brazil Margin Foraminifera Species
Perretti A, Rickaby R & Costa K
(2009) The Role of the Subtropical Front in Long-Term Modulation of the Glacial Mode of the Climate System
Bard E & Rickaby R
(2009) Organic Matter Diagenesis, Methane Oxidation and their Relation to Ikaite Precipitation in Antarctic Sediments
Lu Z, Pancost R, Aquilina A & Rickaby R
(2009) Influence of SO4 and Mg/Ca on Precipitated Calcium Carbonate
Bots P, Benning L, Shaw S & Rickaby R
(2009) Carbonate Burial, Circulation and CO2 Release at Terminations
Rickaby R & Elderfield H
(2009) Sponge Spicules as Recorders of Deep-Water Silicic Acid
Hendry KR, Georg RB, Rickaby REM, Robinson LF & Halliday AN
(2008) Calcite Growth Orientation and Trace Metal Uptake: Implications for Biomineral Proxies
Payne VE, Rickaby REM, Benning LG & Shaw S
(2008) Determination of Differential Vital Effects for Some Neogene Calcareous Nannoplankton Taxa
Hermoso M, Minoletti F, Rickaby REM & Halloran P
(2008) Perturbing Phytoplankton: A Polar View on Anthropogenic Change
Rickaby R, Hendry K, Young J & Halloran P
(2008) (Zn/Si) Opal as a Paleoproxy: Insight into Southern Ocean Processes
Hendry K & Rickaby REM
(2007) Deglacial Rearrangement of Carbon and Nutrients in Surface and Intermediate Depth Waters
Rickaby R, Harding D, Bayon G & Hall I
(2006) Blooming Coccolithophores
Rickaby R, Stoll H, Henderiks J, Shaw S & Elderfield H
(2006) Reconstructing North Atlantic Deglacial Ocean Circulation: A High Resolution Trace Metal and Stable Isotope Record
Harding D & Rickaby R
(2006) Algal Constraints on the Cenozoic History of Atmospheric CO2
Henderiks J, Rickaby R & Elderfield H
(2006) Separating the Coccoliths from the Clays and Unlocking New Trace Metal Proxies
Halloran P & Rickaby R
(2006) How do marine carbonate Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca proxies constrain Cenozoic ocean history
Elderfield H, Rickaby R & Henderiks J
(2004) Submicron-Scale Coccolith Chemistry Revealed by NanoSIMS
Rickaby R, Belshaw N, Kilburn M, Taylor A, Grovenor C & Brownlee C
(2002) Coccolith Chemistry Considered
Rickaby R
(2000) Cultural Perspectives on Sr/Ca in Coccolithophorids
Rickaby REM, Schrag DP, Flugge A, Riebesell U & Zondervan I

Rickaby Rosalind E. M. (2023) Peaking at the Past Controls on the Production of Pelagic Carbonate – N. Shackleton Science Innovation Medal Lecture
Rickaby REM, Dedman C, Ma X, Chauhan N, Gonzalez-Lanchas A & Bendif EM
(2023) Evaluation of the Isotopic Composition of Carbon in the Calcite Produced by Phytoplankton (Coccolith δ13C Vital Effects) in the Modern Ocean
Gonzalez-Lanchas A, Baumann KH & Rickaby REM
(2022) Ni Isotope Fractionation during Marine Phytoplankton Uptake: Implications for a Limited and Fractionated Bioavailable Ni Pool in the Modern Ocean
Wang T-H, Zhang Q, Hsieh Y-T, Rickaby REM & Henderson GM
(2021) Environmental Adaptation of Calcification from Coccolith Associated Polysaccharides
Rickaby REM, Claxton LM & Lee RBY

Rickard A.R. (2013) Light Absorbing Products from Aqueous Processing of α-Dicarbonyls: Matrix Effects and Atmospheric Implications
Finessi E, Hamilton JF, Baeza-Romero MT, Rickard AR, Healy RM, Peppe S, Adams TJ, Daniels MJS, Ball SM, Goodall ICA, Monks PS, Borras E & Munoz A

Rickard D. (2006) Characteristics of mackinawite, tetragonal FeS.
Rickard D
(2006) 65Cu/63Cu fractionation during copper sulphide formation from iron sulphides in aqueous solution
Asael D, Butler I, Matthews A, Rickard D, Bar-Matthews M & Halicz L
(2006) Nanoparticulate nickel sulfides formed in low temperature aqueous solutions.
Huang S, Ohfuji H, Lammie D, Wess T, Bell A, Vaughan D, Oldroyd A & Rickard D
(2004) Metal Sulfide Cluster Complexes and their Environmental Significance
Luther G & Rickard D
(2004) Transition Metal Isotope Fractionation on Metal Sulfide Precipitation
Butler I, Archer C, Ehrlich S, Vance D, Matthews A & Rickard D
(2004) Clusters, Nanoparticles and the Solubility Constant
Rickard D, Morse J & Luther Iii G
(2004) AVS: Myth or Reality?
Morse J & Rickard D
(2003) Aqueous Metal Sulfide Clusters in Marine Sediments: Implications for Transport, Mineral Formation and Ecology
Rickard D & Luther Iii G
(2003) Fe Isotope Fractionation during Fe(II) Monosulfide Precipitation from Aqueous Solutions at pH 8 and Ambient Temperatures
Butler I, Archer C, Rickard D, Vance D & Oldroyd A
(2003) Experimental Study of Synthetic Pyrite Framboids and Ohter Morphologies
Ohfuji H, Butler I & Rickard D
(2003) Experimental Study of Copper Isotope Fractionation between Aqueous Cu(II) and Cu(I) Sulphide
Ehrlich S, Butler I, Halicz L, Rickard D & Matthews A
(2002) Arsenic Association with Iron Sulphides, Adsorption and Incorporation
Wolthers M, van der Weijden CH, Rickard D, Van Cappellen P & Charlet L
(2000) Sorption Mechanisms of Co and Ni with Precipitated FeS
Cottnam C, Butler I & Rickard D
(2000) Arsenic Incorporation into Pyrite at Low Temperature, Experimental Results
Wolthers M, Butler I, Rickard D & van der Weijden C
(2000) Pyrite Formation in an Anoxic Chemostatic Reaction System
Butler I, Grimes S & Rickard D
(2000) Framboidal Pyrite: Self Organisation in the Fe-S System
Butler I, Rickard D & Grimes S
(2000) Sulphur Isotope Discrimination during Experimental Formation of Pyrite
Butler I, Böttcher M & Rickard D
(2000) Pyritisation of Plant Axes from the London Clay: Pyrite Textures and their Importance to Understanding the Mechanism of Fossilisation
Grimes S, Butler I, Davies K, Brock F, Edwards D & Rickard D

Rickard William (2020) The Quest for Primary Magnetisation in Earth’s Oldest Materials
Harrison R, Taylor R, Tang F, Kuppili C, Ball M, Einsle J, Borlina C, Fu R, Weiss B, Rickard W, Saxey D & Reddy S
(2018) Exploring Nanoscale Chemical and Structural Complexities in Minerals with Atom Probe Microscopy
Reddy S, Saxey D, Rickard W & Fougerouse D
(2018) Atomic Scale Resolution of Trace Element Variation in Zircon Reveals Multiple Metamorphic Processes
Peterman E, Reddy S, Saxey D, Snoeyenbos D, Fougerouse D & Rickard W
(2018) Impact Melt Immiscibility and Resulting Element Segregation on the Itokawa Asteroid
Timms N, Rickard W, Jourdan F, Fougerouse D, Reddy S, Saxey D, Daly L, Bland P, Nakamura T, Oike R & Yada T

Rickard William D A (2022) Nano-Clusters in Natural Beryllium-Bearing Sapphires
Jin S, Reddy SM, Saxey DW, Rickard WDA, Fougerouse D & Palke A
(2021) Making the most out of the Minimum: Atom Probe Tomography’s Role in Characterising Returned Extraterrestrial Samples
Daly L, Lee M, Hallis L, Einsle JF, Bland PA, Saxey DW, Reddy SM, Fougerouse D, Rickard WDA, Cairney J, McCarroll I, Yang L, Bagot PAJ & Darling JR

Rickard William D. A. (2023) Authigenic Silica and Primary Productivity in the Mesoproterozoic Oceans: Insights from the Organic Rich Mudstones of the Velkerri Formation (Northern Territory Australia)
Delle Piane C, Millilken KL, Crombez V, Martin LAJ & Rickard WDA
(2023) A New Coordinated NanoSIMS, Transmission Electron Microscopy and Atom Probe Tomography Approach for the Characterization of Primitive Astromaterials
Nevill ND, Rahman Z, Nguyen AN, Saxey DW, Sun X, Keller LP, Rickard WDA & Reddy SM
(2023) Integrated Pb Isotope and Textural Analysis of Impact-Shocked Granite Alkali Feldspar Elucidates Grain-Scale Hydrothermal Alteration
Zametzer A, Kirkland CL, Barham M, Timms NE, Hartnady MIH, Cavosie AJ, Ware B, Rickard WDA & Erickson T
(2023) One-Size-Does-Not-Fit-All: Diversity of Critical Elements Distribution in Sphalerite at the Nanoscale
Fougerouse D, Cugerone A, Luo K, Krause J, Reddy SM, Saxey DW & Rickard WDA
(2019) In Vitro Bone Fossilization – Micro to Nanoscale Alteration Processes
Kral AG, Guagliardo P, Fougerouse D, Saxey D, Reddy S, Rickard W, Tütken T & Geisler T
(2019) Correlations between TEM and APT Analyses of Nanoscale Features within Zircon
Peterman E, Reddy S, Rickard W, Saxey D & Fougerouse D
(2019) Apatite: A Nanoscale Story-Teller of Lunar Geological History
Cernok A, Anand M, White L, Darling J, Whitehouse M, Fougerouse D, Rickard W, Reddy S, Saxey D, Quadir Z, Tait K & Franchi I
(2019) Trace Element Heterogeneities at Twin Boundaries: A Combined Atom Probe Tomography and Transmission Electron Microscopy Study
Verberne R, Reddy S, Saxey D, Fougerouse D, Rickard W, Quadir Z, Evans N & Clark C
(2019) Itokawa, a >4.2 Ga Old Rubble Pile Asteroid
Jourdan F, Timms NE, Nakamura T, Rickard WDA, Eroglu E, Mayers C, Bland PA, Oike R & Yada T
(2019) Composition of Micrometre-Scale Zircon Grains from the Bunburra Meteorite
Montalvo SD, Reddy SM, Benedix GK, Saxey DW, Rickard WDA & Fougerouse D
(2019) Dating Monazite at the Nanoscale with Atom Probe Tomography
Fougerouse D, Kirkland C, Saxey D, Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Rickard W, Rowles M & Reddy S
(2019) Nanoscale Compositional Segregation in Complex In-Bearing Sulfides
Krause J, Reddy SM, Rickard WDA, Saxey DW, Fougerouse D, Bauer ME, Seifert T & Gutzmer J
(2019) Mechanisms of Radiogenic Isotope Redistribution in Minerals: Evidence from the Nanoscale
Reddy S, Saxey D, Rickard W, Fougerouse D, Verberne R, Kirkland C & Peterman E
(2019) Nanoscale Quantification of Isotope Ratios by Atom Probe Tomography
Saxey D, Fougerouse D, Reddy S, Rickard W, Tessalina S & Pearce M
(2017) Atom Probe Analysis of Isotopically-Distinct Nanoscale Pb Reservoirs in Witwatersrand Pyrite
Fougerouse D, Reddy S, Kirkland C, Saxey D, Rickard W & Hough R
(2017) Atom Probe Study of Carbonate-Silicate Melts Immiscibility and Implication to REE Distrubution
Vasilyev P, Fougerouse D, Reddy S, Saxey D, Rickard W, Evans K & Yaxley G
(2017) Application of Atom Probe Microscopy to Nanoscale Os Isotopic Studies
Tessalina S, Daly L, Bland P, Saxey D, Reddy S, Fougerouse D & Rickard W
(2017) Re-Os Geochronology of Sub-Micrometre Meteoritic Alloys Through Atom Probe Microscopy
Daly L, Bland PA, Tessalina S, Saxey DW, Reddy SM, Fougerouse D, Rickard WDA, Forman LV, Trimby PW, Yang L, La Fontaine A, Cairney J, Ringer SP & Schaefer BF
(2017) Characterisation of Nanoscale Pb Mobility and Entrapment in Zircon Using Atom Probe Microscopy
Reddy S, Peterman E, Saxey D, Rickard W, Fougerouse D & Marillo-Sialer E
(2017) Nanoscale Trace Element Analysis of Zircon via High Spatial Resolution SIMS in a FIB-SEM
Rickard W, Reddy S, Saxey D, Fougerouse D, Cavosie A & Peterman E
(2017) Nanoscale Characterization of Shock Twinning in Zircon by EBSD, TKD, TOF-SIMS, TEM, and Atom Probe
Cavosie AJ, Reddy SM, Rickard WDA, Saxey DW, Fougerouse D & Sharp T
(2017) Isotope Geochemistry Applications of Atom Probe Microscopy
Saxey D, Rickard W, Fougerouse D & Reddy S
(2016) Targeting the Timing of Zircon Deformation with Atom Probe and Correlative Microscopy
Reddy SM, Saxey DW, Rickard WDA, Fougerouse D, Taylor RJM & Johnson TE
(2016) Nanoscale Analysis of Zircon Standards by Atom Probe Microscopy
Saxey D, Reddy S, Rickard W, Fougerouse D & Van Riessen A
(2016) Invisible Gold in Arsenopyrite Revealed by Correlated Atom Probe Microscopy, NanoSIMS and Maia Mapping
Fougerouse D, Reddy S, Saxey D, Rickard W, van Riessen A & Micklethwaite S

Ricken B. (2014) Carbon Stable Isotope Fractionation of Sulfamethoxazole during Biodegradation and Photolysis
Birkigt J, Gilevska T, Ricken B, Richnow HH, Corvini PFX, Nijenhuis I & Cichocka D

Ricken W. (2007) High-Resolution Geochemistry and Lithology of Laminated Sediment in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica
Reichelt L, Weber M, Kuhn G & Ricken W
(2007) Seasonal Variation of Oxygen and Organic Carbon Isotopes and Skeletal Aragonite from Unionidae in the Rhine River
Ricken W, Steuber T, Freitag H, Hirschfeld M, Erlenkeuser H, Kasper HU & Weber M
(2007) Geochemical Variability in Deep-Sea Sediments of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific: Foundation for Orbital-Based Chronology Since the Late Miocene
Weber ME, Rolf C & Ricken W

Rickers K. (2008) Partitioning of Rb and Sr between Haplogranitic Melts and Aqueous Fluids
Borchert M, Wilke M, Schmidt C & Rickers K
(2007) Speciation of Cu and Zn in Natural Hydrothermal Boiling Systems: Evidence from Fluid Inclusion Studies by X-Ray Absorption Techniques
Rickers K, Cauzid J, Hazemann J-L, Proux O & Lüders V
(2007) Partitioning of Rb and Sr between Haplogranitic Melts and Aqueous Fluids: Information from in situ Experiments Using SR-Xrf
Borchert M, Wilke M, Schmidt C, Rickers-Appel K & Koepke J
(2006) Elemental partitioning in liquid-vapour fluid inclusion assemblages during sub-critical phase separation
Rickers K, Lüders V & Bleuet P
(2005) Fluid Inclusion Evidence for Extreme Element Partioning during Subcritical Phase Separation
Lüders V, Rickers K, Banks D & Meston L
(2004) The Chemical Evolution of a Magmatic-Hydrothermal System Related to a Sn-W Mineralisation
Rickers K, Thomas R & Heinrich W
(2004) Origin and Evolution of Extremely F-Rich Hydrous Melt Fractions and Hydrothermal Fluids during Differentiation of Highly Evolved Tingranite Magmas
Thomas R, Förster H, Rickers K & Webster J
(2002) In situ Determination of Mineral Solubilities in Fluids Using a Diamond-Anvil Cell and SR-Xrf
Schmidt C & Rickers K

Rickert D. (2000) Sulfur Isotope Biogeochemistry Related to Intense Microbial Sulfate Reduction and Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in Marine Deep-Sea Sediments (Hydrate Ridge)
Böttcher ME, Boetius A & Rickert D

Ricketts J. (2022) Using Dissolved (234U/238U) Ratios as a Watershed Tracer for Climate, Lithology, and Land Use: A Combined Geochemical, Geological, and Geographic Approach in Texas Rivers
Ma L, Andreu N, Moreu L, Goldrich-Middaugh G, Soto-Montero P, Ricketts J & Sullivan PL
(2018) U-Series Isotopes of Travertine Deposits Near the Santa Fe Fault in Laguna, New Mexico: Reconstruction of Paleo Flow Paths and Hydrodynamics
Garcia V, Ma L & Ricketts J

Ricketts M. (2019) Decadal Scale Changes in Permafrost Carbon Accrual Measured By 210-Pb
DeFranco K, Ricketts M, Blanc-Betes E, Welker J, Gonzalez-Meler M & Sturchio N

Ricking M. (2011) Lithium and Its Isotopes in Central European Rivers
Wiechert U, Ullmann C, Uhlig D, Pfahl T, Ricking M & Becker H

Rickli Joerg (2019) Cr Reduction and Associated Isotope Fractionation Restricted to Anoxic Shelf Waters in the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone
Nasemann P, Rickli J, Grasse P, Frank M & Jaccard S
(2019) Chromium Biogeochemistry and Stable Isotope Distribution in the Southern Ocean
Rickli J, Janssen DJ, Hassler C, Ellwood MJ & Jaccard SL
(2019) Biological Control of δ53Cr in the Surface Ocean
Janssen D, Rickli J, Quay P, White A & Jaccard S
(2019) Behavior of Beryllium in the Weathering Environment and its Delivery to the Oceans
Suhrhoff TJ, Rickli J, Crocket K, Bura-Nakic E & Vance D
(2019) Ni and d60Ni Controls by Colloidal Complexation and Secondary Oxide Precipitation: New Insights from the Amazon Basin
Revels B, Rickli J, Moura C & Vance D
(2019) Constraining the Multi-Stage Burial and Tectonic History of Northern Switzerland over the Last 200 Ma with Carbonate Clumped Isotopes and LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Dating
Looser N, Guillong M, Laurent O, Rickli J, Fernandez A & Bernasconi S
(2017) Phase Partitioning of Transition Metals and their Isotopes in the Particulate Load of the Amazon River
Revels B, Rickli J, Moura C & Vance D
(2017) Comparison of Ionization Efficiencies by Cavity Source and Conventional Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Sub-Ng Loads of Uranium
Trinquier A, Maden C, Hubert A, Fauré A-L, Pointurier F, Bourdon B, Rickli J & Andersen M
(2016) Distribution of the Dissolved Load of Transition Metals and their Isotopes in the Amaon River
Revels B, Rickli J, Moura C & Vance D
(2015) Particulate Riverine Inputs of Metals and their Isotopes to the Oceans
Revels B, Rickli J & Vance D
(2015) Water Mass Formation in the Labrador Sea Based on Coupled Hf-Nd Isotope and Rare Earth Element Distributions
Filippova A, Frank M, Rickli J, Hathorne E & Yashayaev I
(2015) Southern Ocean Circulation and Weathering Inputs over the Last 13 Ma: Radiogenic Nd and Hf Isotope Evidence from the Agulhas Ridge
Dausmann V, Frank M & Rickli J
(2015) Coupled Organic & Inorganic Tracers of Particle Flux Processes in the Western Arctic Ocean
Schwab M, Rickli J, Blusztajn J, Manganini S, Harvey R, Vance D, McIntyre C & Eglinton T
(2015) Constraints on the Incongruent Weathering of Hf Isotopes in the Leverett and Russell Catchments, West Greenland
Rickli J, Hindshaw R, Leuthold J, Burton K & Vance D
(2013) Boundary Addition of Hf and Nd in the Southern Ocean
Rickli J, Gutjahr M, Vance D, Hillenbrand C-D, Kuhn G & Fischer-Gödde M
(2013) Rare Earth Elements in the Surface Ocean Under the Saharan Dust Belt
Hathorne E, Frank M, Rutgers van de Loeff M, Roeske T & Rickli J
(2013) Combining Radiogenic and Stable Ca Isotopes to Explore Sub-Glacial Weathering Reactions
Hindshaw R, Bourdon B, Rickli J & Wadham J
(2012) Can Nd Tell us About Mediterranean Outflow Water?
Ivanovic R, Gutjahr M, Flecker R, Valdes P, Kouwenhoven T, Rickli J, Ellam R & Nicodemou A
(2011) U-Series Disequilibria during Soil Weathering
Andersen MB, Vance D, Keech AR, Rickli J & Hudson G
(2011) The Relase of Hf Isotopes during Weathering
Rickli J, Keech A, Archer C & Vance D
(2011) Sources and Input Mechanisms of Hafnium and Neodymium in Surface Waters of the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean
Stichel T, Frank M, Rickli J, Hathorne E, Haley B, Jeandel C & Pradoux C
(2009) Carbonates, Riverine Chemistry and Incongruent Weathering of Hafnium
Rickli J, Frank M, Georg RB & Halliday AN
(2009) δ30Si Constraints on Silicon Cycling in the Low-Latitude Thermocline
de Souza G, Reynolds B, Rickli J, Frank M & Bourdon B
(2009) Hafnium and Neodymium Isotope Composition of Filtered Particles from the Drake Passage
Stichel T, Frank M, Haley B, Rickli J & Venchiarutti C
(2008) The Stable Si Isotope Composition of Eastern Atlantic Ocean Seawater
de Souza G, Reynolds B, Rickli J, Frank M & Bourdon B
(2007) Hafnium and Neodymium Isotopes in Atlantic Ocean Waters
Rickli J, Frank M & Halliday AN

Rickli Jörg (2023) Investigating Paleo-Silicate Weathering at Lake Baikal Using Radiogenic Sr, Nd, Pb, and Meteoric Be Isotopes
Suhrhoff TJ, Rickli J, Christl M, Prokopenko A & Vance D
(2023) Rayleigh? Maybe. What Controls Marine δ53Cr Systematics?
de Souza GF, Rickli J, Janssen DJ & Du J
(2023) Dominance of Benthic Fluxes in the Oceanic Beryllium Budget and Implications for Paleo-Denudation Records
Deng K, Rickli J, Suhrhoff TJ, Du J, Scholz F, Severmann S, Yang S, McManus J & Vance D
(2023) Understanding the Role of Gypsum in the Global Sr Cycle Using stable-Sr Isotopes
Kirichenko Y, Rickli J, Bontognali TRR & Shalev N
(2023) Grain Size Specific Authigenic Nd Isotope Compositions in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean – Ubiquity of Authigenic Phases and Impacts of Boundary Exchange Processes
Rickli J, Tallon M, Bamberg C, Suhrhoff TJ, Bruni ET, Bröder L & Eglinton TI
(2022) Reconstructing Past Weathering Conditions at Lake Baikal Using Radiogenic Sr, Nd, and Pb and Meteoric Be Isotopes
Suhrhoff TJ, Rickli J, Christl M, Prokopenko A & Vance D
(2022) Fluid Mixing and Spatial Mineralogical and Geochemical Variability in the LCHF Chimneys
Aquino KA, Früh-Green GL, Rickli J, Foubert A, Bernasconi SM & Lang S
(2021) Preconcentration and Determination of Beryllium and Rare Earth Elements in Small Volumes of Marine Pore-Water
Deng K, Du J(, Rickli J, Suhrhoff TJ & Vance D
(2021) Controls on Weddell Sea Water Mass Nd Isotope Signatures and their Export to the Subantarctic Southern Ocean
Gutjahr M, Huang H, Rickli J, Kuhn G & Eisenhauer A
(2021) Elucidating Biogenic Components of the δ53Cr Cycle in the Modern Ocean
Janssen D, Rickli J, Abbott A, Ellwood M, Twining B, Ohnemus D, Nasemann P, Gilliard D & Jaccard S
(2021) Weathering and Denudation Fluxes in the Lake Baikal Watershed and their Delivery to the Lake: A Study of Major Ion Fluxes, 10Be/9Be Ratios and Radiogenic Isotopes (Sr, Nd)
Suhrhoff TJ, Rickli J, Christl M, Vologina E, Sklyarov E & Vance D

Rickli Jörg Dominik (2020) Tracing Anthropogenic Aerosol Trace Metal Sources in the North Atlantic Ocean Using Pb, Ni and Zn Isotopes
Zhang X, Lemaitre N, Rickli JD, Suhrhoff TJ, Shelley R, Benhra A, Jeyid MA & Vance D
(2020) Trace Element Budgets in Lake Baikal Question the Dominant Effect of Salinity in Estuarine Removal Processes
Suhrhoff TJ, Rickli J, Vologina EG, Pham V, Belhadj M, Sklyarov EV, Jeandel C & Vance D

Rickman H. (2007) Ice Migration in the Early Solar System: From Jupiter to the Earth
Rickman H, Piskunov N, Lyra W, Regandell S & Valsecchi G

Rickwood C. (2023) Fugitive Mine Dusts in Canada: Their Capture, Characterization, and Impacts
Berryman EJ, Cleaver A, Martineau C, Fenton N, Indorf M-F, Cadieux C, Rickwood C & Huntsman P
(2021) Tailings Dust Characterization and Impacts on Surface Water Chemistry
Cleaver A, Jamieson HE, Rickwood C & Huntsman P
(2020) Mining Environments in a Changing Climate
Huntsman P, Cleaver A, Jamieson H, Volchek K, DiFeo T, Reynier N, Gagne-Turcotte R, Langley S, Clemente J, Asemaninejad A, White HP & Rickwood C
(2020) The Development of a National Water Quality Database to Assess Shifting Baselines in a Changing Climate
Miller C, Huntsman P, Bouwhuis R, Asemaninejad A, Rutledge K & Rickwood C

Rico K. (2023) Combining Trace Metal Geochemistry and Experimental Microbiology to Explore the Role of Dissimilatory Fe(III) Reducing Bacteria in Precursor Banded Iron Formations
Rico K, Schad M, Picard A, Kappler A, Konhauser KO & Mahmoudi N
(2018) Associations between Redox-Sensitive Trace Metals and Microbial Communities in a Proterozoic Ocean Analogue
Rico K & Sheldon N

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