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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Renedo M. (2019) Latitudinal Variations of Hg Stable Isotopes in Seabirds Document MeHg Biogeochemitry in the Southern Ocean
Amouroux D, Renedo M, Chérel Y, Pedrero Z & Bustamante P
(2016) Traceability for Mercury Isotopic Measurements
Cavalhiero J, Berail S, Tessier E, Barre J, Renedo M, Amouroux D & Donard O

Renema W. (2023) Reconstructing the Magnesium Isotopic Composition of Paleogene Seawater Using Larger Benthic Foraminifera
Nambiar R, Coenen D, Henehan MJ, Khanolkar S, Stassen P, Renema W, Leroy A, Moreau F, Cotton L, Müller W & Evans D
(2021) A Palaeogene Record of the Ionic Composition of Seawater and its Relationship to Atmospheric CO2
Evans D, Rosenthal Y, Erez J, Hauzer H, Cotton L, Zhou X, Stassen P, Pearson P, Renema W, Saraswati PK, Todd J, Müller W & Affek HP
(2021) Evaluating the Utility of K/Ca in Marine Carbonates as a Recorder of Seawater Chemistry
Nambiar R, Hauzer H, Erez J, Kniest JF, Raddatz J, Renema W, Gray WR, Henehan MJ, Cotton L, Müller W & Evans D
(2021) Boron Isotope Calibration of Large Benthic Foraminifera Species Using LA-MC-ICP-MS
Coenen DT, Evans D, Hauzer H, Erez J, Cotton L, Renema W & Müller W
(2013) Reconciling Seawater Mg/Ca Reconstruction with Foraminifera Geochemistry
Evans D, Müller W, Erez J, Oron S & Renema W
(2011) An Eocene Analogue for the Future Oceanic Response to Increased CO2 – Existence of a Tropical Thermostat?
Evans D, Müller W, Todd J & Renema W

Renfjäll L. (2017) P Binding and Sorbent Dynamics
Simonsson M, Östlund A, Renfjäll L, Sigtryggsson C, Börjesson G & Kätterer T

Renforth Phil (2023) Quantifying CO2 Removal from Enhanced Weathering Sites: A Multi-Proxy Approach
Knapp WJ, Stevenson EI, Renforth P, Ascough P, Knight ACG, Bridgestock L, Bickle M, Lin Y, Riley AL, Mayes WM & Tipper ET
(2021) Global Carbon Dioxide Removal Potential of Waste Materials from Metal and Diamond Mining
Bullock L, James RH, Matter J, Renforth P, Yang A, Darton R & Teagle D
(2021) Characterising Rates and Chemistry of Basalt Dissolution in Agriculture Soil Cores to Assess Potential of Enhanced Weathering
Buckingham FL, Holdship P, Renforth P & Henderson GM
(2019) Removal of Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere Using Alkaline Mineral Materials: The Hidden Potential of Existing Industries
Renforth P
(2019) The Response of Calcifying Cyanobacteria to Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement
Gore S, Gill S, Renforth P, Perkins R & Rickaby R

Renforth Philip (2014) Neutralisation of Red Mud Leachate: Mineralogical and Trace Metal Effects
Burke I, Peacock C, Lockwood C, Stewart D, Mortimer R, Ward M, Renforth P, Gruiz K & Mayes W
(2012) Saturation State of CaCO3 Precipitation from Seawater at Raised Alkalinity
Renforth P, Henderson G, Kruger T & Darton R
(2011) Quantification of Waste Silicates for Mineral Carbonation
Renforth P, Washbourne C-L & Manning D
(2011) Carbonation of Artificial Silicate Minerals: Passive Removal of Atmospheric CO2
Washbourne C-L, Renforth P & Manning D

Rengarajan R. (2017) Dynamics of Hf Isotopic Compositions in the Indian Ocean Waters
Damodararao K, Singh SK, Bhushan R, Rengarajan R & Rai VK
(2017) 234Th and 210Po-210Pb Based Carbon Export Flux along the Indian GEOTRACES GI02 Section in the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean
Subha Anand S & Rengarajan R
(2017) Spatial Distribution of POC Export Flux Estimated Using 234Th/238U Disequilibrium along the GEOTRACES GI03 Section
Rengarajan R, Subha Anand S, Bhushan R & Singh SK

Rengarajan Ramabadran (2016) Dissolved Iron in the North-Eastern Indian Ocean
Chinni V, Singh SK, Bhushan R & Rengarajan R
(2016) Particulate Organic Carbon Export Flux in the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean Using 234Th-238U and 210Po-210Pb Disequilibria
Rengarajan R & Sivasubramaniam SA
(2016) REEs and eNd in the North-Eastern Indian Ocean
Singh SK, Sawant S, Bhushan R, Rengarajan R & Rai VK

Rengaswami R. (2009) A Modified Rayleigh Model to Study the Evolution of δ13C in a Soil Profile
Laskar A, Rengaswami R & Yadava M

Rengel M. (2012) Ocean-Like Water in Jupiter-Family Comet 103P/Hartley 2
Hartogh P, Lis DC, Bockelee-Morvan D, de Val-Borro M, Biver N, Kuppers M, Emprechtinger M, Bergin EA, Crovisier J, Rengel M, Moreno R, Szutowicz S & Blake GA

Renggli C.J. (2023) Constraining Volatile Element Loss Processes by Germanium Isotopes in Iron Meteorites
Wölfer E, Burkhardt C, Renggli CJ & Kleine T
(2023) Mineralogical and Isotopic Investigations of the 2019 Stromboli Paroxysm
Renggli CJ, Krause J, Genske F, Gilbricht S, Gattuso A, Berndt J & Giuffrida G
(2023) Pyroxene/melt Partition Coefficients and their Impact on Models of Lunar Magma Ocean Evolution
Haupt CP, Klemme S, Renggli CJ, Rohrbach A, Berndt J, Schwinger S, Breuer D & Maurice M
(2022) High Temperature Experimental and Isotopic Investigations of Zn during Sulfur-Bearing Magma Degassing
Yang C, Pangritz P, Renggli CJ, Burkhardt C, Klemme S & Liu S-A
(2022) Influence of S and Cl on the Evaporation of Cu from Silicate Melts
Pangritz P, Renggli CJ, Berndt J, Rohrbach A & Klemme S
(2021) Experimental Investigation of Sulfidation of Silicates, Glasses and Melts Under Reducing Conditions
Renggli CJ, Morlok A, Klemme S, Berndt J, Weber I & Hiesinger H
(2019) Apollo 16 “Rusty Rock” Alteration by Metal Transport and Deposition from an Experimental Fumarolic Gas
Renggli CJ & Klemme S
(2018) A New Pathway for Chemical Fractionation Resulting from SO2 – Basaltic Glass Reactions
Palm A, King P, Renggli C, Eggins S & Guagliardo P
(2018) Simulation of Basaltic Glass Alteration by Hot Magmatic Gas
Renggli CJ & King PL
(2018) Raman and Infrared Studies of Gas-Solid Reactions between SO2 and Basaltic Glasses
Mernagh T, Palm A, Renggli C & King P
(2018) Effect of Reactive Gases on Crust & Ocean Compositions on Earth & Mars
King PL, Renggli CJ & Palm AB
(2015) A New Model for Volcanic Gas Compositions in Lunar Fire Fountain Eruptions
Renggli CJ, King PL & Henley R

Rengifo-Castillo C. (2016) The Ticking Eruptive Clock at Popocatépetl Volcano (Mexico): The 23-14ky Eruptive Sequence
Petrone CM, Pellegrino R, Rengifo-Castillo C & Delgado-Granados H

Renmin H. (2004) A Study on Copper Isotope Compositions of Dexing Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit of Jiangxi, China
Lu J, Renmin H, Shaoyong J, Xiaoming C & Jianfeng G

Renna M.R. (2013) New Insights into the Evolution of the Finero Mafic Complex
Langone A, Renna MR, Tiepolo M, Zanetti A, Mazzucchelli M & Giovanardi T
(2013) High Temperature Alteration of the Gabbroic Oceanic Crust (Ligurian Ophiolites, Italy): Evidence for Hydrothermal-Magmatic Interactions
Tribuzio R, Renna MR, Dallai L & Zanetti A
(2009) Olivine-Rich Troctolites from the Internal Liguride Ophiolites (Northern Apennine, Italy)
Renna MR & Tribuzio R
(2002) Trace Element Behaviour during Magma Mingling: The Case Study of the Gabbro-Granite Association of Ota (Western Corsica)
Renna MR, Tiepolo M, Tribuzio R & Vannucci R

Renne Paul (2021) Don’t Blame it on Fluorine: Low F Concentrations in Deccan Traps Magmas Straddling the Extinction Interval Estimated from in situ Analyses on Clinopyroxene
Baker DR, Callegaro S, Renne P, Melluso L, De Min A, Whitehouse M & Marzoli A
(2021) Synchrotron Light X-Ray Microtomography Reveals a Crystalline Mush within the Deep Plumbing System of Large Igneous Provinces
Capriolo M, Callegaro S, Dal Corso J, Newton RJ, Baker DR, Renne P, Storm M & Marzoli A
(2020) Assessing the Significance of Sulfate Driven Cooling for the Deccan Traps
Fendley I, Mizrahi N, Mittal T, Sprain C, Renne P & Self S
(2020) Spatial-Temporal Evolution of the Deccan Traps Volcanic System
Renne P, Tholt A, Pande K, Sprain C, Vanderkluysen L, Self S, Fendley I & Marzoli A

Renne Paul R. (2018) Mercury Chemostratigraphy as Indicator of Deccan Volcanism in Hell Creek, Montana
Fendley I, Sprain C, Marvin-DiPasquale M, Renne P, Tobin T & Weaver L
(2018) Intercalibration of 40Ar/39Ar Standards: Towards an R-Matrix
Renne P, Deino A, Niespolo E & Rutte D
(2018) Using Deuteron-Deuteron Fusion Generated Neutrons for 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology – Proof of Concept
Rutte D, Becker TA, Bernstein L, Morrell J, Renne PR, Unzuetta MA & van Bibber K
(2017) The Interaction of Impact and Volcanism at the End of Earth’s Cretaceous Period
Renne P, Sprain C, Richards M, Self S, Vandercluysen L, Pande K & Fendley I
(2017) Mediterranean Climate Variability during the Last Interglacial
Mannella G, Zanchetta G, Regattieri E, Wagner B, Giaccio B, Nomade S, Pereira A, Renne P & Niespolo E
(2014) Rapid and Precise Pb Isotope Analysis of K-Feldspar: A New Tool for Tephrochronology
Ickert R, Renne P, Deino A & Sharp W
(2014) Correlating Bentonites Spanning the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary in the Hell Creek Region of Northeastern Montana Using Electron Microprobe Analysis of Tephras
Banaszak J, Mulcahy S, Renne P & Sprain C
(2013) Titanite Geochronology by LA-ICPMS: Advantages and Future Objectives
Kylander-Clark A, Hacker B, Renne P & Stearns M
(2013) Age Calibration of Geomagnetic Polarity Reversals Around the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary
Sprain C, Renne P & Wilson G
(2013) Broader Impacts of Geochronology
Renne P
(2013) Back to the Future: High-Sensitivity, Low Blank Noble Gas Mass Spectrometers with Modern Electronics
Pieronek J, Hames W, Becker T, Renne P, Billor Z & Illies A
(2013) Half Lives of Nuclides for Geological Use: 2012 Evaluation for 87Rb
Villa IM, Bonardi ML, DeBièvre P, Holden NE & Renne PR
(2013) Stepwise Calibration of the Alder Creek Sanidine 40Ar/39Ar Dating Standard to the Historical 79 CE Eruption of Vesuvius
Renne P & Deino A
(2012) Inter-Laboratory Evaluation of 40Ar/39Ar Data for Sanidines from the Fire Clay Tonstein
Hemming S, Heizler MT, Jicha B, Machlus M, Rasbury ET, Renne PR, Singer BS, Swisher CC & Turrin BD
(2011) Continental Flood Basalts and Biotic Crises: Does the Paraná-Etendeka Exception Prove the Rule?
Renne P
(2011) Integration of the Intrusive and Extrusive Cycles of Palaeogene Igneous Activity in N.E. Ireland
McKenna C, Gamble JA, Renne PR, Ellam RM, Fitton JG & Lyle P
(2011) Systematic Variations in Argon Diffusion in Feldspars
Cassata W, Renne P & Shuster D
(2011) Further Progress Towards Synchronizing Geochronometers
Renne P
(2010) Unleashing the Full Potential of the 40Ar/39Ar Geochronometer
Renne P, Mundil R, Balco G, Min K & Ludwig K
(2010) Tectonic Controls on the Timing and Chemistry of Palaeogene Flood Basalt Volcanism in NE Ireland
McKenna C, Gamble J, Renne P, Fitton G, Ellam R & Lyle P
(2010) Hf Isotopes in Zircon: Implications for Magma Evolution at Long Valley
Simon JI, DePaolo DJ, Weis D, Renne P & Mundil R
(2010) Improved Calibration of the 40Ar/39Ar Geochronometer: Consequences for Thermochronology
Renne P
(2010) 37Ar Diffusion in Pyroxene: Implications for Thermochronometry and Mantle Degassing
Cassata W & Renne P
(2010) Challenges and Opportunities in Dating Young Tholeiitic Basalts: Example from New 40Ar/39Ar Ages from the HSDP-2 Core, Hawaii
Jourdan F, Sharp W & Renne P
(2009) The Age and Peterogenesis of Palaeogene Flood Basalt Volcanism in NE Ireland
McKenna C, Gamble J, Renne P, Fitton G, Ellam R, Stuart F & Lyle P
(2009) 40Ar/39Ar Thermochronology Using Plagioclase
Cassata W, Renne P & Shuster D
(2009) 40Ar/39Ar Thermochronology from the Ecstall, Butedale, and Smith Island Plutons: A Thermal Model for Late Cretaceous British Columbia
Brownlee S & Renne P
(2009) Neutron-Induced 37Ar Recoil Ejection in Ca-Rich Minerals and Implications for 40Ar/39Ar Dating
Jourdan F & Renne P
(2009) Argon Isotope Anomalies in Lavas
Renne P, Morgan L & Cassata W
(2008) 40Ar/39Ar Thermochronology of the Ecstall Pluton, British Columbia: Refined Thermal History and Implications for Paleomagnetism
Brownlee S, Renne P, Feinberg J & Scott G
(2008) Thermochronology of the Bushveld Complex: Rapid Cooling Confirmed
Renne P, Mundil R, Cassata W, Feinberg J & Merkle R
(2008) 37Ar and 39Ar Diffusion in Plagioclase
Cassata W, Renne P & Shuster D
(2008) Preliminary Ar-Ar Studies of Lunar Basaltic Meteorite Dhofar 287-A
Fernandes V, Becker T, Renne P & Burgess R
(2007) Considerations in Dating Impact Craters Using the 40Ar/39Ar Method: The Problem of Inherited 40Ar*
Jourdan F, Renne P & Reimold U
(2007) 40Ar/39Ar Ages of CAMP in North America (Hartford, Deerfield and Fundy Basins)
Marzoli A, Jourdan F, Bertrand H, Renne P, Cirilli S, Tanner L, Kontak D & Bellieni G
(2007) 40Ar/39Ar Ages of the Sill Complex of the Karoo Large Igneous Province: Implications for the Pliensbachian-Toarcian Climate Change
Bertrand H, Jourdan F, Féraud G, Watkeys M & Renne P
(2007) Status of the Impact Crater Age Database
Renne P, Jourdan F & Reimold U
(2006) 39Ar and 37Ar recoil ejection during neutron irradiation of sanidine and plagioclase crystals
Jourdan F, Matzel JP & Renne PR
(2006) The Permian-Triassic boundary in Australia: New radio-isotopic ages
Mundil R, Metcalfe I, Chang S & Renne P
(2005) EARTHTIME: A Community-Based Effort Towards High-Precision Calibration of Earth History
Bowring S, Erwin D, Parrish R & Renne P
(2005) Intercalibration of Astronomical and Radioisotopic Time
Kuiper K, Deino A, Hilgen F, Krijgsman W, Renne P & Wijbrans J
(2005) Intercalibration of the U-Pb and <+>40<$>Ar/<+>39<$>Ar Geochronometers: Status, Prognosis, and Proscription
Renne P, Mundil R, Min K & Ludwig K
(2004) Timing and Pyroclastic Activity at the Onset of Flood Volcanism in Central East Greenland
Heister L, Lesher C, Gras M, Kent A & Renne P
(2004) Nanometer-Scale Texture and Magnetic Frustration in Exsolved Magnetite Inclusions in Clinopyroxene
Feinberg J, Scott G, Renne P & Wenk H
(2002) Geochemical Clues on the Origins of Rajahmundry Trap Basalts, India
Knight K, Baker J, Renne P, Halkett A & White N
(2002) Acapulco Recorded an Early Asteroidal Heat Pulse
Marti K, Kim Y, Min K, Renne P & Farley K
(2002) New 40Ar/39Ar Ages for Central Atlantic Magmatic Province in French Guyana: A Younger Volcanism?
Nomade S, Feraud G, Renne P & Chen Y
(2001) Importance of the ‘Transmissive Timescale’ for Ar in the Crust and a Hypothesis for Local Non-K Bearing Mineral Sinks for Ar
Baxter EF, DePaolo DJ & Renne PR
(2000) Sr and Ar Isotopic Variations About a Lithologic Contact Near Simplon Pass, Switzerland: Implications for Diffusional Exchange and Geochronology
Baxter EF, DePaolo DJ & Renne PR

Renner J. (2019) Autoclave Experiments on the Aragonite-Calcite Transformation of Coral, Shell and Single-Crystal Samples
Yu D, Dohmen R & Renner J

Rennert T. (2023) Glyphosate Adsorption on Allophane and Halloysite
Rechberger MV, Remlinger VI, Lenhardt KR, Rennert T, Rennhofer H, Tunega D, Willinger M, Zehetner F & Gerzabek M
(2023) Interactions of Short-Range Ordered Aluminosilicates and Organic Matter: Impact on Mineral Structure and Vice Versa
Lenhardt KRR & Rennert T
(2018) Geogenic CO2 Affects the Composition of Soil Organic Matter
Rennert T
(2017) Silicon Fractionation in Mollic Fluvisols along the Central Elbe River, Germany
Georgiadis A, Rinklebe J, Straubinger M & Rennert T
(2017) Microstructure of Aged Tar-Oil Contaminated Soil
Ivanov P, Eusterhues K, Ritschel T, Eickhorst T, Georgiadis A, Rennert T & Totsche KU
(2013) Preparation of Micrometer Sized Soil Particles for NanoSIMS Analysis
Hoeschen C, Hoeschen T, Mueller CW, Rennert T, Lugmeier J & Kögel-Knabner I
(2012) Synthesis of Mn Minerals at Ambient Temperature and Pressure
Handel M, Rennert T & Totsche KU
(2011) Polysaccharide Fractionation of Soil Organic Matter due to Reaction with Ferrihydrite
Eusterhues K, Neidhardt J, Rennert T, Kögel-Knabner I & Totsche KU
(2011) Molybdate Sorption from Steel Slag Eluates by Soils
Matern K, Mansfeldt T & Rennert T
(2011) Composition, Structure and Shape of in situ Precipitated Fe-Oxide Nanoparticles from a Soil Effluent
Fritzsche A, Wieczorek AK, Rennert T, Händel M & Totsche KU
(2011) Characterization of Pedogenic Mn Concretions and Coatings in Redoximorphic Soils
Händel M, Rennert T & Totsche KU
(2011) Iron Species in Soils on a Mofette Site Studied by Fe K-Edge XANES
Rennert T, Eusterhues K, de Andrade V, Prietzel J & Totsche KU

Renneson M. (2013) Phosphorus Availability in Agricultural Soils of Wallonia (Belgium) – A Modeling Approach
Cobert F, Pourret O, Renneson M & Colinet G

Rennhofer H. (2023) Glyphosate Adsorption on Allophane and Halloysite
Rechberger MV, Remlinger VI, Lenhardt KR, Rennert T, Rennhofer H, Tunega D, Willinger M, Zehetner F & Gerzabek M

Rennick C. (2023) Development of Measurement Strategy to Measure Methane Multiply Substituted Isotopologue Ratios (Δ13CH3D and Δ12CH2D2) of Ambient Air within POLYGRAM Project
Defratyka SM, Rennick C, Chung E & Arnold T

Rennie Victoria (2017) Carbonate Associated Sulfate's Journey along the "Elderfield Curve"
Paris G, Adkins J, Barkan Y, Halevi I, Present T, Rennie V, Sessions A & Turchyn S
(2015) Isoptoic Tracers of Crustal Alteration in Low Temperature Hydrothermal Settings
Rennie V, Misra S, Piotrowski A & Turchyn A
(2015) Atlantic and Pacific Deep Ocean Circulation and Carbon Cycling Changes during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
Piotrowski A, Howe J, Rennie V, Clegg J & Elderfield H
(2014) Insights into Early Cenozoic Climate from Coupled Sulfur and Carbon Isotopes in Foraminiferal Calcite
Rennie V, Paris G, Abramovich S, Sessions A, Adkins J & Turchyn A
(2013) A New Cenozoic Record of Sulfur Isotopes from Foraminiferal Calcite
Rennie V, Paris G, Adkins JF & Turchyn AV
(2013) Sulfate-Oxygen Isotope Insight into Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in Estuarine Sediments
Antler G, Turchyn AV, Davies A, Adler M, Rennie V, Herut B & Sivan O
(2011) Constraining the Fidelity of Sulfate-Oxygen in the Geological Record
Rennie V & Turchyn A
(2011) Mechanics of Bacterial Sulfate Reduction Deduced from Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopes in Pore Fluid Sulfate
Antler G, Turchyn AV, Rennie V, Herut B & Sivan O

Rennie Vincent (2018) Field Exploration and Life Detection Sampling Through Planetary Analogue Research (FELDSPAR)
Stockton A, Amador E, Cable M, Cullen T, Duca Z, Gentry D, Murukesan G, Rennie V, Rader E, Stevens A, Tan G, Cullen D & Geppert W
(2018) From Biodiversity to Biomarker Variability: Sampling Strategy in Planetary Analogue Missions
Gentry D, Amador E, Cable M, Cantrell T, Cullen T, Duca Z, Jacobsen M, Kirby J, McCaig H, Murukesan G, Rader E, Rennie V, Schwieterman E, Stevens A, Sutton S, Tan G, Yin C, Cullen D, Geppert W & Stockton A

Renno Axel (2021) Chemical Form of Palladium and 3D Distribution of Pt-Group Minerals in Norilsk Ore Deposits
Merkulova M, Sittner J, Brovchenko V, Boone M, Renno A, da Assuncao Godinho JR, De Schryver T, Van Loo D, Roine A, Liipo J & Cnudde V
(2013) ‘Freiberg Strategy’ for Obtaining Matrix-Matched Reference Materials for Resource-Related Microanalytical Methods Technology
Michalak PP, Renno A, Merchel S, Munnik F, Gutzmer J, Uecker R, Galazka Z, Heller H-P, Radtke M & Reinholz U

Renno Axel D. (2021) 3-Dimensional Distribution of Ore Minerals from the Au-U Witwatersrand Supergroup Using Spectral X-Ray Computed Micro Tomography
Sittner J, Godinho J, Renno AD, Cnudde V, Merkulova M, Guy BM, Boone M, De Schryver T, Van Loo D, Roine A & Liipo J
(2019) Spectral Tomography for 3D Mineral and Chemical Analysis
Godinho J, Renno A, De Schryver T & Masschaele B
(2019) Halogen Analysis at the Ultratrace Level – First Applications of the Dresden Super-Sims
Renno AD, Akhmadaliev S, Belokonov G, Böttger R, von Borany J, Kaever P, Meyer M, Noga P, Rugel G, Tiessen CJ, Wagner N, Wiedenbeck M, Wu H & Ziegenrücker R

Reno B. (2012) Lower Crustal Archaean Rocks in South-East Greenland
Bagas L, Naeraa T, Reno B & Kolb J
(2012) Mesoarchean TTG Melt Formation and Migration in the Skjoldungen Region of South-East Greenland
Reno B, Naeraa T & Bagas L

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