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Ramasse Quentin M. (2021) The Origins of Diffuse and Globular Organics in Chondrites and IDPs Revealed by Nanobeam Techniques
Vollmer C, Leitner J, Kepaptsoglou D, Ramasse QM, King AJ, Schofield PF & Busemann H

Ramaswamy V. (2011) Anthropogenic Aerosols and the Weakening of the South Asian Summer Monsoon
Ming Y, Bollasina M & Ramaswamy V

Ramazanov R. (2023) Recent Progress in Understanding the Dynamics of Peroxy Radical Interactions and their Impact on Atmospheric New-Particle Formation
Daub CD, Valiev R, Zakai I, Salo V-T, Mandal I, Ramazanov R, Skog R, Gerber B & Kurtén T

Ramazanova E. (2023) Competition and Selectivity during Rare Earth Element Adsorption at Aluminum Oxide-Water Interfaces
Catalano JG, Fang Y, Ledingham GJ, Stagg O, Ramazanova E, Giammar DE, Stubbs JE, Eng PJ & Bylaska EJ
(2023) Citrate-Promoted Dissolution of Yb-Incorporated Goethite
Stagg O, Ramazanova E, Giammar DE, Mergelsberg ST, Ilton ES & Catalano JG
(2020) Stochastic Risk Assessment of Urban Soils Contaminated by Heavy Metals in Kazakhstan
Ramazanova E & Lee W

Rambeau C. (2005) Cadmium Enrichments in Jurassic Carbonates: Causes and Mechanisms
Rambeau C, Föllmi KB, Matera V, Adatte T & Steinmann P
(2002) Cadmium Anomalies in Oolitic Carbonates of Bajocian and Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian Age in the Swiss and French Jura Mountains
Rambeau C, Föllmi K, Adatte T, Matera V, Steinmann P & Veuve P

Rambo I. (2017) Novel Hydrocarbon Utilization Pathways Uncultured Sediment Microbes
Baker B, Dombrowski N, Seitz K, Rambo I & Teske A

Ramboz C. (2018) Metal Mobility and Sources during Hydrothermal Alteration of the Oceanic Crust: LA-ICP-MS Study of Sulfides from the Troodos Ophiolite
Jégo S, Pichavant M, Ramboz C & Sizaret S

Ramdas R. (2009) In situ Conditioning and Stabilisation of Dredging and Mineral Sludge
Van Roy S, Accoe F, Dejonghe W, Daems M, Ryngaert A, Diels L, Cichocka D, Springael D, Barbetti L, Van Impe P, Van Staeyen G, Meesschaert B, Duerinckx L, Vandekeybus J, Pieters A, Ide G, Seffelaar H, Pensaert S, Geeraert M, Ramdas R, Carpels B, Heylen A, Van Goylen E, Berteloot M & Dubois M

Ramdeen S. (2022) Community-Specific Best Practices for FAIR Data and Samples. Examples from the Tephra EarthChem Community
Profeta L, Ramdeen S, Sweets HA & Lehnert KA
(2022) The Role of Unique Identifiers in Tracing the Life Cycle of a Sample and any Data Derived from it
Ramdeen S, Wyborn LAI, Lehnert KA & Klump J
(2022) IEDA2: Evolving EarthChem, LEPR/traceDs, and SESAR into a Next Generation Data Infrastructure for Data-Driven Research Paradigms in Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology
Lehnert KA, Profeta L, Ramdeen S, Ji P, Figueroa JD, Cao S, Shane N, Sweets HA, Ustunisik G, Nielsen R, Block K, Grossberg M & Walker JD
(2021) Improving Discoverability of Tephra Data Through Development of Data Upload Templates and Collection Tools Using Community-Driven Best Practices Recommendations
Wallace KL, Bursik M, Goring S, Kodama S, Kuehn S, Kurbatov A, Lehnert KA, Profeta L, Ramdeen S & Walker JD

Ramdohr R. (2011) Au3(Pb, Sb)4 Mineral Phase from Tetrem Gold Deposits, Ghana, West Africa
Ramdohr R & Evstigneeva T

Rameez M. (2018) Cryptic Methane Cycle in the Upper Sediment Layers of the Arabian Sea Oxygen Minimum Zone
Bhattacharya S, Mapder T, Roy C, Rameez M, Berchmans S, Peketi A, Mazumdar A & Ghosh W

Rameil N. (2009) Tethys-Wide Occurrence of Lower Aptian Lithocodium-Bacinella Facies: Shoalwater Expression of Basinal OAE1a Black Shales
Immenhauser A, Huck S, Rameil N, Heimhofer U, Korbar T, Wieczorek T & Kunkel C

Ramesh R (2003) Variation of New Production with Time and Concentration of the Substrate in the Bay of Bengal
Ramesh R & Kumar S
(2003) New Production Measurements in the Bay of Bengal
Kumar S, Ramesh R, Sheshshayee M & Sardesai S

Ramesh Rengaswamy (2016) Holocene Monsoon Variability Using Stalagmite Record from Dandak Cave, India
Band S, Yadava M, Ramesh R, Gupta S, Polyak V & Asmerom Y
(2015) Trace Elements and Oxygen Isotopes in Caves Across Southern India
Kaushal N, Henderson G, Yadava M & Ramesh R
(2010) Nitrogen Sources for New Production in the NE Arabian Sea during Winter
Gandhi N, Ramesh R, Prakash S & Kumar S
(2007) New Productivity in the Eastern Arabian Sea during Winter Monsoon
Prakash S & Ramesh R

Ramesh S. (2023) River Chemistry Predominantly Controlled by Climate
Li L, Stewart B, Zhi W, Sadayappan K, Ramesh S, Kerins D, Sterle G, Harpold A & Perdrial JN

Ramesh V. (2017) Himalayan Extreme Rainfall Events Using WRF-Chem: Response to Atmospheric Chemistry
Kedia S, Ramesh V, Sahidul I & Akshara K

Ramesht M.H. (2016) Tracing the Douruneh Fault Water Using Stable Isotope
Ramesht MH & Salehpour S

Ramesova L. (2015) The Effect of Exchangeable Cation on Diffusive Behaviour of HTO, I-, Sr2+ in Compacted Bentonite
Hofmanova E, Ramesova L, Vopalka D & Cervinka R

Rameswamiya R.S. (2016) Stable Isotope (C-O-S) and REE Study of BIF Hosted Ganjur Gold Deposit, Neoarchean Dharwar Craton, India: Evidence for Mantle/Magmatic Source of Mineralizing Fluid
Sagar SKS, Shushanata SS, Rameswamiya RS, Anindya AS, Anindya AM & Manavalan MS

Ramette A. (2014) Impact of Biogeochemical Zonation and Depositional Setting on Molecular Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter in Sediment Pore Waters
Schmidt F, Koch B, Goldhammer T, Zabel M, Buttigieg PL, Ramette A, Elvert M, Witt M, Lazar C, Könneke M, Heuer V & Hinrichs K-U
(2014) Factors Controlling the Efficiency of Microbial Methane Oxidation at Cold Seeps
Boetius A, Felden J, Ramette A, Ruff E & Wenzhöfer F
(2011) Changes in Microbial Community Structure Associated with Dynamics in Oxygen Supply at the Crimean Shelf of the Black Sea
Jessen G, Lichtschlag A, Donis D, Wenzhöfer F, Schubert CJ, Ramette A & Boetius A
(2009) Impact of High CO2 Concentrations on the Structure of Microbial Communities in Marine Sediments
Ufkes J, Ramette A, Haeckel M, de Beer D, Inagaki F & Boetius A

Ramezani J. (2018) High-Resolution Correlation and Bentonite Tephrochronology in the Campanian Western Interior Basin
Beveridge T, Roberts E & Ramezani J
(2018) Direct U-Pb Age Constraints on Arctic Speleothem Formation and their Implications for Climate Change in Deep Time
Gambino C, McGee D, Ramezani J, Khadivi S, Shakun J & Wong C
(2018) Insights into the End-Permian Mass Extinction from High-Precision U-Pb Geochronology: Progress and Future Prospects
Ramezani J, Shen S-Z, Chen J, Erwin D, Zhang H, Henderson C & Bowring S
(2018) High-Precision U-Pb CA-ID-TIMS Geochronology of Tonsteins and Constraints on the Origin of Jurassic Coal Succession in Ordos Basin, China
Wang T, Ramezani J, Zhang Z & Wang C
(2018) Questioning the Evidence for the Hadean Dynamo
Borlina CS, Weiss BP, Lima EA, Tang F, Taylor RJM, Einsle JF, Harrison RJ, Fu RR, Bell EA, Alexander EW, Kirkpatrick HM, Wielicki MM, Harrison TM, Ramezani J & Maloof AC
(2016) A Permo-Triassic Ca Isotope Record from Meishan, China
Wang J, Jacobson A, Zhang H, Ramezani J, Sageman B, Hurtgen M, Bowring S & Shen S
(2011) Rapid Assembly of an “S-Type” Batholith in New Zealand: The Plutonic Equivalent of a Supereruption?
Turnbull R, Tulloch A & Ramezani J
(2010) Slow Cooling in the Lowermost Crust of a Continent-Continent Collision: Evidence from Accessory Phase U-Pb Thermochronology of Deep Crustal Xenoliths from the Mozambique Belt, Tanzania
Blondes M, Rudnick R, Ramezani J, Piccoli P & Bowring S
(2008) Rapid Generation of Felsic Magmas at ~ 370 Ma in the New Zealand Sector of the Gondwana Margin
Tulloch A & Ramezani J
(2007) High-Precision U-Pb Zircon Geochronology: Progress and Potential
Bowring S, Crowley J, Ramezani J, McLean N, Condon D & Schoene B
(2006) EARTHTIME U-Pb Tracer For Community Use
Parrish R, Bowring S, Condon D, Schoene B, Crowley J & Ramezani J
(2005) New ID-TIMS U-Pb Zircon Ages for the Carboniferous-Permian Boundary Sections of the Southern Urals˜Russia, Kazaskhstan
Schmitz M, Davydov V, Snyder W, Ramezani J & Bowring S
(2005) The Manicouagan Impact Melt Rock: A Proposed Standard for the Intercalibration of U-Pb and <+>40<$>Ar/<+>39<$>Ar Isotopic Systems
Ramezani J, Bowring S, Pringle M, Winslow F & Rasbury T

Ramezanzadeh M. (2023) Soil Biogeochemistry Under Variable Moisture Content and the Role of Anaerobic Processes
Van Cappellen P, Fairbairn L, Ramezanzadeh M, Ye J, Gharasoo M, Parsons CT, Macrae M, Slowinski S & Rezanezhad F
(2022) Influence of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Methanogenic Hydrocarbon Degradation: Experiment and Numerical Simulation
Ramezanzadeh M, Slowinski S, Rezanezhad F, Murr K, Lam C, Smeaton C, Alibert C, Vandergriendt M & Van Cappellen P

Ramini D. (2020) Asbestos Induced Toxicity: in Vitro Different Effects of Different Fibres
Di Valerio S, Ramini D, Mensà E, Fazioli F, Marzioni D, Gualtieri AF & Pugnaloni A

Ramírez Alejandro (2014) Chemical Composition of Wet Precipitation Long Range Transport of Mercury at Three Sites of Taxco-Alarcon, Guerrero, Mexico
Garcia R, Garnica J, Calderon ME, Campos J, Muñoz C, Ramírez A, Bustos E & Luz J

Ramirez Armando (2010) SEM-EDS Applications in Mineralogical Phases Study of Oil Well Cements Attacked with H2S/CO2 Mixtures
Centeno J, Ramirez A & Blanco A
(2009) SEM-EDS Applications in Mineralogical Phases Study of Oil Well Cements Attacked with H2S/CO2 Mixtures
Centeno J, Ramirez A & Blanco A
(2007) Durability and Degreadtion of Oil Well Cement Exposed to a Source of H2S and CO2 Gases
Centeno J, Ramirez A, Blanco A & Balza A
(2006) Composition and dissolution kinetics of garnierite from Loma de Hierro (Venezuela)
Cama J, Soler JM, Melendez W & Ramirez A
(2005) Dissolution of Oil Well Cement in Presence of CO<->2<$>/H2S Under HTHP
Centeno J, Ramirez A, Colina A & Blanco A
(2000) Geochemical Characteristics of River Fluxes in the Cuyuni Tropical Basin (Southern Venezuela): Importance of the Organo-Colloidal Control on Elements Behavior
Tosiani T, Loubet M, Dupre B, Marrero S, Berger G, Yanes C & Ramirez A
(2000) Quantification of non Crystaline Material in Bauxites
Meléndez WG, Rodríguez LM & Ramírez AJ

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