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Mathieu Olivier (2017) Seasonal Variability of Sedimentary Organic Matter Dynamics and Microbial Communities in a Tropical Intertidal Mud Bank (French Guiana)
Gontharet S, Simon W, Denis L, Mathieu O, Artigas LF, Bouloubassi I, Chevalier N, Courcot L, Duong G, Gommeaux M & Klein V

Mathieu Olivier (2015) Paired Carbon Isotopes Study of the Early Triassic Smithian-Spathian Boundary Event
Thomazo C, Bour I, Vennin E, Brayard A, Mathieu O, Olivier N, Escarguel G, Bylund K, Jenks J, Stephen D & Fara E

Mathieux B. (2023) Significance and Dynamics of Catchment Scale Instabilities from Morphometry and 10Be Denudation Rates: Example of the Strengbach Catchment in the Vosges Mountains
Moreno Martin DS, van der Woerd J, Chabaux F, Meriaux A-S, Rixhon G, Mathieux B, Merchel S, Marchhart O, Wieser A & Bonne P

Mathis M. (2021) Vertical Migration by Bulk Phytoplankton can Sustain High Primary Productivity in the Global Ocean
Wirtz KW, Smith LS, Mathis M & Taucher J

Mathison I. (2009) Uranium Precipitation and Fluid Composition at Maureen U-Mo-F Deposit, Australia
Hurtig NC, Heinrich CA, Driesner T, Wall V, Mathison I & Herrmann W

Mathivha T. (2012) Carbonate Alteration of Dolerite Intruding Coal Seams: A Natural Example of Carbon Sequestration during Fossil Fuel Combustion and Relevance to Industrial Solutions Involving Mineral Carbonation
Reid D, Ngwagwe M, Mathivha T, Meyer N & Vogeli J

Mathon B.R. (2001) Dissipation of Thermal and Chemical Disequilibrium in Hot Springs: Big Boiler, Lassen Volcanic National Park
Mathon BR & Schoonen MAA

Mathon François (2023) Chemical Signature of Magnetite from Magnetotactic Bacteria: Results from Laboratory Cultures
Busigny V, Mathon F, Amor M, Menguy N, Guyot F & Lefevre CT
(2019) Iron Isotope Fractionation by Magnetotactic Bacteria
Mathon F, Lefèvre CT, Menguy N, Guyot F, Amor M & Busigny V

Mathon François P (2022) Lake Pavin is a Microbial Mineralization Oasis
Lefevre CT, Menguy N, Benzerara K, Busigny V, Mangin CC, Mehta N, Travert C, Bolzoni R, Bidaud CC, Mathon FP, Jézéquel D, Viollier E, Skouri-Panet F, Duprat E & Monteil CL

Mathon O. (2023) Early-Diagenesis Carbonation of Biogenic Apatite: The Pathway for the Past-Seawater REE Conservative Uptake
Bonnet C, Munoz M, Mathon O, Parat F & Bodinier J-L
(2022) Crystal Chemistry and Concentration Process of Nickel in New Caledonia Laterite
Munoz M, Ulrich M, Cathelineau M & Mathon O
(2020) Al and Fe Speciation in Natural Chrysotile, Lizardite and Antigorite, from Fe K-Edge XANES-EXAFS and 27Al NMR Spectroscopy
Munoz M, Ulrich M, Farges F, Lee D, Merkulova M, Andréani M & Mathon O
(2019) Rare Earth Elements Partitioning between Sulphides and Melt: Evidence for Yb2+ and Sm2+ in EH Chondrites
Ingrao N, Hammouda T, Boyet M, Vlastelic I, Moine B, Devidal J-L, Testemale D, Hazemann J-L, Proux O & Mathon O
(2017) Melt-Sulfide Rare Earth Elements Distribution Under Reduced Conditions
Ingrao N, Hammouda T, Boyet M, Vlastelic I, Devidal JL, Moine B & Mathon O
(2016) Ni and Fe Bearing Phases and Redox during the Weathering of the New Caledonia Ophiolite
Munoz M, Ulrich M, Cathelineau M & Mathon O
(2015) X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Under Extreme Pressure and Temperature
Kantor I, Mathon O & Pascaralli S
(2015) Structural Properties of Carbonate-Silicate Melts: An EXAFS Study on Y and Sr
Pohlenz J, Pascarelli S, Mathon O, Belin S, Shiryaev A, Safonov O, Veligzhanin A, Murzin V, Irifune T & Wilke M
(2015) Characterisation of Quenched Carbonate-Silicate Melts by Vibrational Spectroscopy, XAFS and HEXRD: Structure and Y, Sr, Zr Speciation
Shiryaev A, Murzin V, Veligzhanin A, Shablinskaya K, Averin A, Safonov O, Zubavichus Y, Pohlenz J, Belin S, Mathon O & Wilke M

Mathouchanh E. (2017) Argon and Krypton Purification Systems for Noble Gas Radioisotopes Measurement with Atom Trap Trace Analysis (ATTA)
Mathouchanh E, Beyersdorfer S, Kersting A, Ritterbusch F, Schmidt M & Aeschbach W

Mathur C. (2005) Microbial Fe Cycling in Deep Regolith
Buss H, Bruns MA, Schultz M, Mathur C, Moore J & Brantley S

Mathur E. (2002) Microbiology: What is Next?
Keller M, Zengler K, Toledo G, Elkins J, Mathur E & Short J

Mathur Rohit (2014) Numerical Simulation of Subgrid-Scale Convective Cloud and Aerosol Interactions Using a Regional Climate Modeling System
Alapaty K, Yu S, Nolte C, Zhang G, Song X, Pleim J, Mathur R, Wong D, Roselle S & Xing J

Mathur Ryan (2023) First U-Pb Apatite Age Constraints on the Oumjrane Sediment-Hosted Cu-Pb-Zn-Ba Deposit (Eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco)
Idbaroud M, Bouabdellah M, Levresse G, Mouguina EM, Mathur R, Yans J, El Guedou A, Syad S & Maacha L
(2023) Origin of the Divriği a-B Kafa Iron Deposits Based on Magnetite Main-Trace Element and Stable Isotope (δ18O, δ56Fe) Geochemistry, Sivas Türkiye
Erman Sarıgöl H, Şahin Demir Ç, Uçurum A-, Mathur R & Gevedon M
(2022) Fe Isotope Fractionation in the Jinchuan Ni-Cu-Pge Deposit, China
Chen L, Ding X, Zhang W, Feng Y & Mathur R
(2022) Application of Ag, Cu and Pb Isotopes in Determining the Origin of the Ore for Metals from Castillo de Huarmey (Peru)
Kałaska M, Mathur R, Kamenov G, Chyla J, Prządka-Giersz P & Giersz M
(2021) An Isotopic Investigation of Supergene Weathering Process in Gossans from the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
Zaronikola N, Debaille V, Decrée S, Mathur R & Hadjigeorgiou C
(2020) Volatilized Extraterrestrial Zn Isotope Signatures in Marine and Terrestrial K-Pg Boundary Sites
Mathur R, Spencer M, Mahan B, Godfrey L, Garb M, E. Oboh-Ikuenobe F & Landman N
(2019) An Isotopic Study of VMS Deposit Systems from the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
Zaronikola N, Debaille V, Decree S, Mathur R, Hadjigeorgiou C & Georgiadou I
(2019) Cu-Isotope Evidence for Subduction Modification of Lithospheric Mantle
Kempton P, Mathur R & Zweifelhofer G
(2018) Cu Isotope Heterogeneity in Lithospheric Mantle Metasomes
Kempton PD, Mathur R & Zweifelhofer G
(2018) Sn-Isotope Fractionation as a Record of Hydrothermal Redox Reactions
Powell W, Mathur R & Junming Y
(2018) Zn Isotopes as a Tracer of Magma-Assisted Ore Mobilization at the Balmat, NY Sedex Zinc Deposit
Matt P, Powell W & Mathur R
(2012) Methods for the Determination of Te Isotope Compositions of Minerals in the System Au-Ag-Te by MC-ICP-MS
Fornadel A, Spry P, Mathur R, Jackson S, Chapman J & Girard I
(2012) Integrated Sr-Pb-S-O-Cu Isotopes of Sulfide and Mn-Oxide Mineralization of the Boleo Cu-Co-zn-mn District, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Conly A & Mathur R
(2012) Origin of Magnetite oeLava Flows at El Laco Volcano, Chile
Naslund HR, Henriquez F, Nystroem J, Naranjo JA & Mathur R
(2011) Cu Isotope Geochemistry in the Unusual Las Cruces Supergene Copper Deposit
Miguélez NG, Mathur R, Tornos F, Velasco F & Videira JC
(2010) Iron Cycling in the Shale Hills Watershed of Central Pennsylvania: Possible Links between Microbiology and Iron Chemistry
Yesavage T, Liermann L, Jin L, Mathur R & Brantley S
(2010) Cu Isotope Systematics of the Butte Mining District, Montana
Wall A, Heaney P, Mathur R, Gammons C & Brantley S
(2009) P and Fe Cycling in Deep Saprolite, Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico
Buss HL, Mathur R, White AF & Brantley SL
(2009) Copper Isotope Fractionation during Leach Layer Development on Cu-Sulfide Minerals
Wall A, Heaney P, Brantley S, Mathur R & Post J
(2008) Copper Isotopic Fractionation in Acid Mine Drainage
Kimball B, Mathur R, Dohnalkova A & Brantley S
(2007) Using Copper Isotopes to Distinguish Biotic and Abiotic Effects on Acid Mine Drainage
Kimball B, Brantley S & Mathur R
(2007) Potential Utility of Cu Isotopes to Recognize Secondary Cu Mineralization and the Degree of Enrichment
Mathur R, Brantley S, Wall A, Kimball B, Barra F, Titley S, Munizaga F & Makseav V
(2007) Insights into Copper Isotope Fractionation during the Oxidative Phase Transition of Chalcocite, Using Time-Resolved Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction
Wall A, Heaney P, Mathur R & Post J
(2006) Toward multi-element isotopic biosignatures: experimental investigation of microbial metal assimilation
Wasylenki L, Mathur R, Liermann L, Anbar A & Brantley S
(2005) Surface Reactivity, Bacteria, and Metal Isotope Fractionation
Brantley S, Jang J, Liermann L, Tien M, Ruebush S & Mathur R
(2002) Controls of Copper Isotope Fractionation
Ruiz J, Mathur R, Young S & Brantley S
(2001) Re-Os Isotopes of Base Metal Porphyry Deposits
Ruiz J, Mathur R & Munizaga F
(2000) Different Crustal Sources for Au-Rich and Au-Poor Ores of the Grasberg Porphyry Copper Deposit, Irian Jaya
Mathur R, Ruiz J, Titley S & Gibbins S

Mathurin F. (2017) Simulation of the Impact of SO2 Co-injected with CO2 on the Reservoir-Rock Reactivity
Mathurin F, André L & Parmentier M
(2013) Cerium Sequestration in Fractures in the Upper Kilometer of Granitoids, SE, Sweden
Yu C, Drake H, Åström M & Mathurin F
(2013) Fluoride in Groundwaters of Regolith and Bedrock (0-900 Meters Depth) in a Granitoidic Setting, SE Sweden
Berger T, Mathurin F, Drake H & Åström M
(2013) Development of in situ Measurements of REE in Deep Groundwater Using Diffusive Gradient in Thin Film
Alakangas L, Åström M, Mathurin F, Faarinen M & Wallin B
(2013) High Cesium Concentrations in Groundwater in a Coastal Granitoidic Fracture Network
Mathurin F, Drake H, Kalinowski B & Åström M
(2012) Classification of Groundwater from a Coastal Granitoidic Fracture Network
Mathurin F, Kalinowski B, Astroem M & Laaksoharju M
(2011) Brackish Marine Water Intrusion in Deep Fractured Granitic Bedrock
Mathurin F, Kalinowski B, Åström M & Laaksoharju M

Mathys D. (2001) Ion Exchange during Alteration of Metamict Microlite
Gieré R, Buck EC, Williams CT, Reusser E, Marques J, Guggenheim R & Mathys D

Matiatos I. (2018) A Multi-Isotope Approach to Trace Salinization in the Lower Valley of Wadi Medjerda, Nothern Tunisia
Ben Hamouda MF, Nouiri I, Tarhouni J, Fernandez D, Solomon K & Matiatos I

Matichenkov V.V. (2001) Adsorption of Soluble Silicon Compounds by Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Matichenkov VV, Korenevsky AA & Beveridge TJ

Matielli N. (2012) Holocene Deposition of Atmospheric REE in Europe
Le Roux G, Fagel N, De Vleeschouwer F, Matielli N & Shotyk W

Matile G. (2012) Zn-Rich Chromite in Ni-Ore of the Thompson Nickel Belt, Canada
Kjarsgaard I, McClenaghan B, Averill S & Matile G

Matin Ahmed K. (2015) A Comparison of As Biogeochemistry in Southeast Asian Aquifers
Datta S, Barua S, Vega M, Kulkarni H, Kibria MG, Mladenov N, Hossain M, Bhattacharya P, Matin Ahmed K, Aziz Hasan M & Johannesson K

Matisoff G. (2010) Solute Transport and Bioturbation Models of the Downward Migration of Radionuclides in Soils
Matisoff G, Ketterer M, Rosen K, Mietelski W, Vitko L, Persson H & Lokas E
(2004) Reactive Transport Modeling of Sediment Oxygen Demand in Lake Erie Sediments
Matisoff G, Aguilera D & Thullner M
(2002) Use of 7Be as a Tracer of Sediment Erosion, Transport and Fate
Matisoff G & Whiting P
(2002) Geochemical Reactions during Geologic Sequestration of CO2 in the Rose Run Formation, Ohio USA
Saylor B, Matisoff G, Morrison P, Janda N & Zerai B

Matiz S. (2023) Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetic Thiol-Functionalized Nanoparticles for Mercury Remediation
Matiz S, Allan N, Pinilla C, Mass J, Lora A, Rivillas G & Olmos SD

Matjuschkin Vladimir (2015) Evolution and Differentiation of Sulphur in Sub Arc Environment
Matjuschkin V, Blundy J, Brooker R & Tattitch B

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