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Masue Yoko (2008) Defining Spatial and Temporal Variations in Biogeochemical Processes Governing Arsenic Mobility
Fendorf S, Kocar B, Tufano K, Masue Y, Polizzotto M, Pallud C & Benner S

Masue-Slowey Y. (2018) Soil Architecture Controls Organic Carbon Turnover in Hawaiian Forest Soil
Masue-Slowey Y, Chadwick O & Fendorf S
(2010) Biogeochemically Induced Mineral Transformations Controlling the Fate of Arsenic
Fendorf S, Masue-Slowey Y, Kocar B & Ying S
(2010) Fate and Transport of Arsenic from Constructed Soil Aggregates
Masue-Slowey Y, Kocar B, Jofré SAB, Mayer K, Pallud C & Fendorf S
(2010) Role of Dissimilatory Metal-Reducing Bacteria in Arsenic Transport within Manganese and Iron Oxide Containing Aggregates
Ying S, Griffis S, Masue-Slowey Y & Fendorf S
(2009) Phosphate Interactions with Iron (Hydr)oxides: Mineralization Pathways and Phosphorus Retention Upon Bioreduction
Borch T, Masue-Slowey Y, Kukkadapu R & Fendorf S
(2009) Developement of Arsenic and Iron Biogeochemical Gradient within Constructed Aggregate Upon Redox Fluctuation
Masue-Slowey Y & Fendorf S
(2009) Mixed Mineralogical and Biogeochemical Controls on Arsenic Fate in Diffusively Controlled and Physically Complex Media
Ying S, Kocar B, Masue-Slowey Y, Francis C & Fendorf S

Masui Nori (2008) Ubiquitous Distribution of Methanogens and Anaerobic Methanotrophs in Subseafloor Sediments and Basalts
Lever M, Inagaki F, Morono Y, Masui N & Teske A

Masui Noriaki (2008) Improved and Automated Cell Count System for Rapid Enumeration of Microbial Cells in Deep Subseafloor Sediments
Morono Y, Terada T, Masui N & Inagaki F
(2008) Microbiological Characteristics of Circulation Mud Fluids during the First Operation of Riser Drilling by the Deep-Sea Drilling Vessel “Chikyu”
Masui N, Morono Y & Inagaki F

Masui Y. (2005) Arsenic Mobilization Influenced by Iron Reduction and Sulfidogenesis
Kocar B, Tufano K, Masui Y, Stewart B, Herbel M & Fendorf S

Masunaga S. (2019) Chemical State of Dissolved Aluminum in Silicic Acid Solution and its Adsorption Behavior to Silica
Masunaga S, Tasaka Y, Yonezu K, Kiyota Y, Watanabe K & Yokoyama T
(2013) A Model Study on the Effects of Polyacrylic Acid Added in Geothermal Water on the Growth of Silica Scale at a Geothermal Power Plant
Masunaga S, Etou M, Okaue Y & Yokoyama T

Masuyama K.M. (2017) Combined FFT and U-Pb-Hf Zircon Geochronology Applied to the Proterozoic Covers of the São Francisco Craton
Dias ANC, Chemale Jr F, Oliveira TPR & Masuyama KM
(2017) U-Pb, Lu-Hf and Fission Track in Zircon of the Basement Orthogneisses of the Araguaia Belt, Brazil
Moura C, Dias A, Milhomem J, Chemale Jr F & Masuyama K

Masuzawa T. (2003) Mg Isotope Ratios of Chlorophylls of Marine Phytoplankton Species
Ra K, Masuzawa T, Shiraiwa Y & Sawada K
(2003) A Long Term Variability of a Bathyal Calyptogena Community in Sagami Bay off Japan Based on Pore Water Geochemsitry
Masuzawa T, Tsunogai U & Nakatsuka T

Masy J. (2013) Continental Lithosphere Removal by Drip and Delamination Processes
Levander A, Bezada M, Humphreys E, Masy J & Schmandt B

Mat N. (2016) A Multi-Isotope Approach to Understand Paleoenvironmental Perturbations of the Late Ordovician Mass Extinction Event
Maruoka T, Agematsu S, Sashida K & Mat N

Mata Jitendra (2022) Chemomechanical Influences during Replacement of Limestones by Siderite
Weber J, Starchenko V, Zhang R, Ilavsky J, Debeer-Schmitt L, Mata J, Littrell K, He L, Chen W-R, Allard LF, Stack AG & Anovitz L
(2015) Oxidative Disintigration of Greigite (Fe3S4): New Insights from SAXS and XAS
Moon E, Bush R & Mata J

Mata Jitendra P. (2020) A USANS/SANS Study of Porosity Creation and Evolution in Copper-Iron Sulphides during Hydrothermal Mineral-Fluid Reactions
Adegoke IA, Xia F, Kartal M & Mata JP
(2020) The Creation and Evolution of Porosity during Mineral-Fluid Interactions: A Combined USANS/SANS, Microscopy, and Synchrotron PXRD Study
Kartal M, Xia F, Adegoke IA, Ralph D, Mata J & Sokolova A

Mata Joao (2016) Petrology and Geochemistry of Granitic Rocks from Macao
Dias Á, Quelhas P, Lou U, Mata J & Ribeiro ML
(2016) Trace Element Contents of Spinels from African Mantle Xenoliths
Lenaz D, Musco ME, Petrelli M, Caldeira R, de Ignacio C, De Min A, Marzoli A, Mata J, Perugini D, Princivalle F, Boumehdi MA & Youbi N

Mata João (2020) Multiple Sulfur Isotopes of Carbonatites, a Window into their Formation Conditions
Bouyon A, Klausen M, Mata J, Tappe S, Farquhar J & Cartigny P
(2020) Hyeres Seamount – A New Insight into the Southern Azores Seamount Chain and the Azores Region
Ribeiro L, Madureira P & Mata J
(2019) U-Pb Ages and Cooling Rates of Variscan Migmatites from the Central Iberian Zone: Geodynamic Implications
Ferreira J, Bento dos Santos T, Pereira I & Mata J
(2019) Rifting Inception of the Variscan Cycle at the Central Iberian Zone
Cotrim B, Bento dos Santos T, Mata J, Benoit M & Jesus A
(2019) Isotopic Disequilibrium between Migmatites and Granites in an Anatectic Complex
Ferreira JA, Mata J & Bento dos Santos T
(2019) Geochronological, Geochemical and Petrographic Constraints on Incremental Pluton Growth: The Case of Macao Granitic Suite, SE China
Quelhas P, Dias ÁA, Mata J & Wayne Davis D
(2019) Multiple LIP Pulses of the Central Iapetus Magmatic Province (CIMP) and Link with Glaciations during the Ediacaran-Cambrian
Youbi N, Ernst RE, Söderlund U, Boumehdi MA, Bensalah MK, Mata J, Madeira J, Ait Lahna A, Gaeta Tassinari CC & El Moume W
(2017) The Link between Diatexites and Syn-Tectonic Granites of an Iberian Variscan Anatectic Complex
Ferreira JA, Bento dos Santos T, Mata J & Pereira I
(2017) New Geochemical Constraints on I-Type Granites of Macao: Petrogenesis and Geodynamic Implications
Quelhas P, Mata J, Lou UT, Borges R, Ribeiro ML & Dias ÁA
(2017) The 2014 Fogo Eruption (Cape Verde): Constraints on the Short-Term Geochemical Evolution and Plumbing System
Mata J, Martins S, Mattielli N, Madeira J, Caldeira R, Ramalho R, Silva P & Moreira M
(2013) Sr and Nd Isotope Data for Arc-Related (Meta) Volcanics (SW Iberia)
Santos JF, Mata J, Ribeiro S, Fernandes J & Silva J
(2011) He and Ne Isotopic Ratios from the Terceira Rift (Azores): Constraints on the Boundary between Eurasia and Nubia Mantle Sources
Madureira P, Moreira M, Nunes J, Lourenço N, Gautheron C, Carvalho R, Mata J & Pinto de Abreu M
(2011) The Mesozoic Evolution of the West Iberian Margin as Witnessed by Magma Geochemistry
Mata J, Alves CF, Miranda R, Martins L, Madeira J, Terrinha P, Youbi N, Bensalah M & Azevedo MDR
(2010) Geochemical Variability of the Mantle beneath São Tomé Island (Cameroon Volcanic Line)
Caldeira R, Munhá J, Mata J & Madeira J
(2009) Isotopic and Trace Element Constraints on the Source of the Late Cretaceous Alkaline Magmatism of the West Iberian Margin
Miranda R, Mata J, Terrinha P & Azevedo MDR
(2008) Terceira Lavas Isotopic Signatures and Multi-Scale Mantle Heterogeneity at the Azores Archipelago
Madureira P, Mata J, Mattielli N & Queiroz G
(2008) On the Origin of the EM-1 Component in Santiago Island (Cape Verde)
Martins S, Mata J, Munhá J & Mattielli N
(2008) Contrasting Isotopic (Sm-Nd) Signatures in an Equivocal Bimodal Igneous Complex (Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia)
Carrilho Lopes J, Munhá J, Pin C & Mata J
(2007) Earth's Mantle Th/U and U/Pb Evolution in the Archean
Mata J, Kerrich R & Gonçalves M
(2007) Age Constraints on the Late Cretaceous Alkaline Magmatism on the West Iberian Margin
Miranda R, Mata J, Valadares V, Terrinha P, Azevedo MDR, Gaspar LM, Kullberg JC & Ribeiro C
(2007) Plume-Lithosphere Interaction at Santiago Island (Cape Verde)
Martins S, Mata J, Munhá J & Mattielli N
(2007) Isotope Evidences for the Origin of Cape Verde Oceanic Carbonatites
Doucelance R, Mata J, Moreira M & Silva LC
(2007) Further Helium Isotopic Evidence for a Lower Mantle Contribution to the Cape Verde Plume
Mourão C, Mata J, Moreira M, Doucelance R & Madeira J
(2007) Temporal Evolution of the Cabo Verde Archipelago: New Constraints from 40Ar-39Ar Data
Bosse V, Doucelance R, Fornari M & Mata J
(2007) Geochemical Evidence for Extensive Carbonate Assimilation by CAMP Tholeiites from Algarve (S Portugal)
Martins L, Munhá J, Madeira J, Youbi N, Mata J & Kerrich R
(2005) The Azores Hotspot: A Lower Mantle Origin for Terceira Magmas as Shown by NE Isotopic Data
Madureira P, Moreira M & Mata J
(2004) Multiple Olivine He Isotopic Signatures from a Single Rock Sample
Madureira P, Moreira M, Mata J & Queiroz G

Mataboge B. (2023) Searching for Signals of Oxygenation in Ediacaran Microbial Reefs
Tostevin R, Taylor WL, Mataboge B, Nke AY, Mtonda MT & Wilton A

Matabos M. (2023) Elemental Fingerprints of Mollusk Larval Shells can Help Estimate Population Connectivity in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Systems
Mouchi V, Pecheyran C, Claverie F, Cathalot C, Matabos M, Rouxel O, Jollivet D, Broquet T & Comtet T

Mataji I. (2007) Mineralogy and Genesis of Lashak Plain Clay Deposit in the North of Alborz Mountain, Iran
Mataji I & Ansari R

Matamoros A. (2008) Low Level Selenium Analysis for Water Monitoring Purposes: A Simple Approach
Matamoros A & Benning LG

Matamoros Veloza A. (2015) Mechanisms and Structure of a Mackinawite FeS Precursor
Matamoros Veloza A, Cespedes O, Johnson BRJ, Stawski T & Benning LG
(2014) CaCO3 Precipitation Confined in Microemulsion Nano-Droplets of Water
Stawski TM, Matamoros Veloza A, Roncal-Herrero T, Kröger R & Benning LG
(2014) Structure and Properties of FeS in the Early Stages of Formation
Matamoros Veloza A, Stawski TM & Benning LG
(2010) Selenium in Shales: Where is it?
Matamoros Veloza A & Benning LG

Matchan Erin (2014) Performance of the Helix-MC Multi-Collector Mass Spectrometer – Resolution of Argon Isobaric Interferences
Honda M, Zhang X, Phillips D, Matchan E, Szczepanski S, Deerberg M, Hamilton D, Krummen M & Schwieters J
(2014) High Precision 40Ar / 39Ar Dating of <100 ka Basalts Using an ARGUSVI Multi-Collector Mass Spectrometer
Matchan E & Phillips D
(2013) New Generation Multi-Collector Mass Spectrometers Require New 40Ar/39Ar Standards
Phillips D & Matchan E

Matchan Erin (2015) Ultra-Precise 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology and 38Ar Exposure Dating on Young Basalts from the Newer Volcanic Province, Australia
Oostingh K, Jourdan F, Phillips D & Matchan E

Matchan Erin (2020) Kimberlite Magmatism in Finland: Distinct Sources and Links to the Breakup of Rodinia
Dalton H, Giuliani A, Phillips D, Hergt J, Maas R, Woodhead J, Matchan E & O'Brien H

Matchan Erin L. (2017) Southwestern Africa on the Burner: Pleistocene Carbonatite Volcanism Linked to Mantle Upwelling in Angola
Giuliani A, Campeny M, Kamenetsky VS, Maas R, Melgarejo JC, Kohn BP, Matchan EL, Mangas J, Goncalves AO & Manuel J

Mateeva T. (2013) Intrusion Mechanisms of Mafic Plutons in the Middle Crust: Insights from the Permian Sondalo Gabbroic Complex (Central Alps)
Petri B, Mateeva T, Mohn G, Manatschal G, Schulmann K & Skrzypek E

Matei E. (2014) The Effect of Some Synthetic Organic Compounds on the Oxidative Dissolution of Iron Monosulfide (FeS)
Badica C, Duinea M, Birsa L, Baibarac M, Matei E & Chirita P
(2013) The Effect of Some New Organic Inhibitors on the Oxidative Dissolution of Iron Monosulfide (FeS)
Constantin C, Chirita P, Badica C, Birsa L, Matei E, Baltog I & Schlegel M

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