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Musashi Masaaki (2017) Cl Isotope Study on Gas Condensates of Island Arc-Volcano Implying 37Cl-Enrichment during Slab Subduction
Musashi M, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Nomura M, Matsuo M & Shozugawa K
(2016) Molecular Simulation of Pressure Dependent Boron Isotope Equilibrium between Boron Hydrates
Ichikawa H, Musashi M, Mikami M, Tsuzuki S & Oi T

Musat Niculina (2015) Studying Exoelectrogen Biofilm Formation, Structure and Composition: An Integrated Approach
Schkolnik G, Harnisch F, Musat N, Schroetter M, Schmidt M, Richnow H-H, Harms H, Herminghaus S & Mazza M

Musat Niculina (2009) New Insights into AOM by Stable Isotope Probing Combined with HISH-Nanosims and Membrane-Derived Lipid Analysis
Wegener G, Holler T, Kellermann M, Musat N, Kuypers M & Boetius A
(2009) Linking Microbial Activity to Cell Identity in the Environment Using NanoSIMS
Musat N, Halm H, Winterholler B, Hoppe P, Peduzzi S, Hillion F, Horreard F, Amann R, Jørgensen BB & Kuypers MMM

Muscente A.D. (2017) Pathways of Barite and Phosphate Formation Following Neoproterozoic Glaciations (Sete Lagoas Formation, Brazil)
Okubo J, Muscente AD, Luvizotto GL, Uhlein GJ & Warren LV

Muscheler R. (2004) Elevated C14 Values Across the Laschamp Geomagnetic Excursion in Lake Lisan, Indicate a Reorganization of the Global Carbon Cycle
Hajdas I, Stein M, Bonani G, Goldstein S & Muscheler R
(2004) Solar Activity Changes Inferred from Radionuclide Records
Muscheler R & Beer J
(2002) 10Be and 14C during the Last Deglaciation
Muscheler R

Muschitiello A. (2013) REE Distribution in Granulite Assemblage from Lower Crust of the Serre Massif (Calabria-Italy)
Fornelli A, Langone A, Micheletti F, Muschitiello A & Piccarreta G
(2013) Chemical and Isotopic Features of Mafic Granulites from Serre Massif (Calabria-Italy)
Micheletti F, Fornelli A, Muschitiello A & Piccarreta G

Muschitiello F. (2022) Land-Ocean Connections during Last Deglaciation: Transport of Biospheric Terrestrial Carbon beneath the Svalbard Barents Ice Sheet
Nogarotto A, Mollenhauer G, Hefter J, Noormets R, Capotondi L, Belt S, Chauhan T, Muschitiello F, Colleoni F, Pellegrini C & Tesi T
(2017) Intricacies of Organic Hydrogen and Carbon Isotope Proxies for Past Hydroclimate
Smittenberg R, Yamoah K, Norström E, Muschitiello F, Chabangborn A, Chawchai S, Björck S & Wohlfarth B

Musco M.E. (2016) Trace Element Contents of Spinels from African Mantle Xenoliths
Lenaz D, Musco ME, Petrelli M, Caldeira R, de Ignacio C, De Min A, Marzoli A, Mata J, Perugini D, Princivalle F, Boumehdi MA & Youbi N

Musetto A. (2011) Geologic and Hydrologic Control of Porewater Chemistry and Submarine Groundwater Discharge into Indian River Bay, Delaware
Michael H, Fernandez C, Russoniello C, Andres AS, Kroeger K, Krantz D, Banaszak J, Musetto A, Myers K, Konikow L & Bratton J

Mushet David (2015) Scaling of Sulfur Geochemical Processes in Prairie Pothole Wetlands
Goldhaber M, Stricker C, Mills C, Guntenspergen G, Rover J & Mushet D

Mushet David (2012) Scaling of Ecological and Critical Zone Processes in the Prairie Pothole Region, USA and Canada
Goldhaber MB, Mills C, Stricker C, Mushet D & Morrison J

Mushkin A. (2002) The Daly Gap: Low-Pressure Fractionation and Heat-Loss from a Cooling Magma Chamber
Mushkin A, Stein M, Halicz L & Navon O

Mushtaq N. (2019) Groundwater and Aquifer Sand Concentrations of Arsenic along the Ravi River in Punjab, Pakistan
Mushtaq N, Farooqi A, Khattak J, Hussain I, Mailloux B, Ellis T & van Geen A
(2017) Hydro-geochemical and Isotopic (δ 18O and δ 2H) Evidences on the Origin of Groundwater Arsenic and Fluoride Contamination along Floodplain Areas of Ravi River, Pakistan
Mushtaq N, Younas A & Farooqi A
(2016) Blanket Testing of Wells for Arsenic and Fluoride and a Response Survey Conducted SW of Lahore, Pakistan
Farooqi A, Mushtaq N, Hussain I, Ali khattak J & van Geen A

Musiani M. (2013) Measurement of δ34S and δ33S Values in Wild Animal Hair Samples by MC-ICP-MS
Alfayfi Y, Wieser M, Dubesky C & Musiani M

Müsing Kim (2021) Insights into the Oceanic Zn Cycle Across the Paleocene-Eocene Transition
Müsing K, Clarkson MO & Vance D
(2018) Reducing the Role of Contaminant Phases for Metal Isotopes in Carbonates
Clarkson M, Müsing K, Andersen M & Vance D

Müsing Kim D. (2017) An Experimental Study of Reductive Cleaning Procedures for Investigating Metal Isotopes in Ancient Carbonates
Müsing KD, He Z, Clarkson MO & Vance D

Musiyachenko K. (2023) Multi-Step Release of Slab-Bound Fluids Caused by Blueschist Metamorphism in the Subducting Slab (Bridge River Blueschist, British Columbia, Canada)
Goumans J, Smit M & Musiyachenko K
(2023) Taking the Pulse on Garnet Through Lu-Hf Domain Chronology in Alpine Metapelites
Tual L, Smit M, Cutts J, Kooijman E, Kielman-Schmitt M, Musiyachenko K, Majka J & Foulds I
(2019) Diamond Inclusions in Schorl-Uvite Tourmaline from the Kumdy-Kol Garnet-Clinopyroxene Rocks (Kokchetav Massif)
Korsakov A, Musiyachenko K, Rezvukhina O, Mikhailenko D, Rezvukhin D & Mikhno A
(2019) Raman Based Study of the K-Tourmaline Zoning
Musiyachenko K, Korsakov A, Zelenovskiy P & Shur V
(2017) The Behaviour of Chalcofile Elements during UHP Metamorphism: Evidence from the Kokchetav Massif by LA-ICP-MS Imaging of Sulfides
Stepanov A, Mikhno A, Musiyachenko K, Korsakov A & Large R

Muskatel H. (2014) Synthesis of 15N Enriched NH3 Through N2 Photolysis: Relevance to N-Enriched Meteoritic Organics
Chakraborty S, Jackson T, Muskatel H, Ahmed M, Rude B, Levine R & Thiemens M

Muslimov R. (2010) Modern Geodynamic Processes in the Earth's Crust and the Problem of a Deep Origin of Oil
Muslimov R, Plotnikova I, Smelkov V & Borisov A
(2009) Concentration of the Trace-Elements in Heavy Oil and Bitumen of Tatarstan
Muslimov R, Smelkov V, Plotnikova I & Borisov A

Musolff A. (2015) Inferring DOC Export Mechanisms from High-Frequency Instream UV-Vis Measurements
Oosterwoud M, Musolff A, Keller T & Fleckenstein J

Musolino A. (2021) Assessing the Analytical Potential of Optical Tweezers for Sample Return Missions
Musolino A, Magazzù A, Bronte Ciriza D, Suttle MD, Rotundi A, Brucato JR, Polimeno P, Saija R, Iatì MA, Foti A, Donato M, Gucciardi PG, Maragò OM & Folco L

Musorrafiti M. (2005) Tracking Interfacial Acidities, Charge Density, Potential, and Energy Density at Carboxylic Acid-Functionalized Silica/Water Interfaces Using Second Harmonic and Sum Frequency Generation
Konek C, Musorrafiti M, Voges A, Al-Abadleh H & Geiger F

Mussarat A. (2020) Citric Acid Assisted Treatment of Chromium Contaminated Wastewater by Constructed Wetland
Farid M, Mussarat A, Ali S & Ishaq HK

Musselwhite D. (2004) Partitioning of Light Lithophyle Elements at High Pressure: Implications for the Degassing of Martian Magmas
Musselwhite D, Treiman A & Herd C
(2002) Mineral/melt Partitioning of Sm, Eu and Gd: Implications for the Redox State of the Martian Mantle
Musselwhite D & Jones J

Musser M. (2020) Phosphorus Sources, Bioavailability, and Cycling in the Murderkill River, Delaware
Musser M & Jaisi D

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