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Minami S. (2003) The Laboratory Simulation of Interaction between Local Inter Stellar Medium and Solar Wind
Rana R, Minami S & Takechi S

Minami Tomoharu (2019) Distribution of Scavenged-Type Trace Metals (Al, Mn, Co, and Pb) and Fe in the North Pacific Ocean
Zheng L, Minami T, Takano S & Sohrin Y

Minami Tomoharu (2016) Distributions of Dissolved Trace Metals (Al, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb) along 160°W in the Pacific Ocean
Zheng L, Minami T, Takano S & Sohrin Y

Minami Tomoharu (2015) The Distribution of Bioactive Trace Elements (Al, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb) over the Juan de Fuca Ridge
Zheng L, Minami T, Takano S & Sohrin Y

Minami Tomoharu (2017) Dissolved and Labile Particulate Trace Metal (Al, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Cd, and Pb) Distributions in Seawater along 160°W in the North Pacific
Zheng L, Minami T, Takano S & Sohrin Y
(2017) Distributions and Atmospheric Imput of Bioactive Trace Metals in the East China Sea
Nakaguchi Y, Ikeda Y, Oku N, Taniura R, Tsujisaka M, Zheng L, Minami T & Sohrin Y

Minami Tomoharu (2023) Basin-Scale Distributions of 9 Trace Metals (Al, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb) in the Entire Pacific Ocean
Zheng L, Minami T, Chan CY, Takano S & Sohrin Y

Minami Tomoharu (2013) Ocean Sections and Stoichiometry of Dissolved Bioactive Trace Metals in the North Pacific Ocean
Konagaya W, Zheng L, Minami T & Sohrin Y
(2008) Multielemental Determination of GEOTRACES Key Trace Metals by Column Concentration and ICP-MS
Norisuye K, Urushihara S, Nakatsuka S, Kono T, Higo E, Minami T & Sohrin Y
(2003) Zr, Nb, Hf, Ta, and W in the Northwest Pacific Ocean
Sohrin Y, Mikata M, Minami T & Norisuye K

Minami Y. (2023) Unspiked K-Ar Dating for Akita-Yakeyama Volcano, Japan
Yamasaki S & Minami Y

Minardi I. (2015) A Study on Well Integrity in a Natural Analogue for the Geological CO2 Storage
Hernandez-Rodriguez A, Montegrossi G, Vaselli O, Virgili G, Minardi I & Marini L
(2013) Recovering and Refurbishing of the SILNUC Code, a Tool to Mitigate and Prevent Amorphous Silica Scaling
Berro F, Virgili G, Minardi I & Marini L

Minarik W. G. (2001) Spinel and Post-Spinel Transitions in the Mg2SiO4-Fe2SiO4 Binary Using in situ Pressure Determinations: Implications for the Earth’s Mantle
Minarik WG, Fei Y, Hirose K, Li J, Van Orman J, Walter M & Funakoshi K

Minarik William (2019) HSE and 187Os/188Os Isotopic Systematics in Mantle Wedge Peridotite Xenoliths from the Canadian Cordillera
Strack R, Luguet A, Minarik W & Nowell G
(2012) Geochemistry of Cryogenian Ironstones – The Link to N-Morb and its Implications
Cox G, Halverson G, Minarik W, Stevenson R, Le Heron D, Macdonald F, Strauss J, Sossi P & Bellefroid E
(2012) Early Diagenesis of Redox-Sensitive Elements in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence
Chen Q, Mucci A, Sundby B & Minarik W
(2012) Evaporite Assimilation 'Window' Triggers Sulfide Immiscibility
Hryciuk M, Minarik W, Wing B & Bedard J
(2010) Tracing Varied Fluid Sources between VMS Deposits by Multiple Sulfur Isotope and Trace Element Analysis
Sharman E, Wing B, Minarik W, Taylor B & Dubé B

Minato D. (2019) Formation of Cementitious Colloids in Pore Solution of Cementitious Materials
Minato D & Yamamoto T
(2019) Characterization of Bentonite Reacted with Cementitious Materials for 10 Years
Yokoyama S, Shimbashi M, Minato D & Watanabe Y
(2018) 2D 29Si{1H} Heteronuclear Correlation NMR Studies of Sorption Site in Magnesium Silicate Hydrate
Minato D & Yamamoto T
(2017) 2D Reactive Transport Modeling of Opalinus Clay-Opc-Bentonite Interaction
Yokoyama S, Minato D, Watanabe Y, Soler J & Cama J
(2017) 2D 29Si{1H} Heteronuclear Correlation NMR Studies of Sorption Site in Calsium Silicate Hydrate
Minato D & Yamamoto T

Minato M. (2004) Dissolved As Uptake by Inorganic Solids at Geothermal Conditions
Minato M, Pascua C, Yokoyama S, Ueda A, Kato K & Sato T
(2004) As Uptake by Precursory Phases: Insights from the Geothermal Environment
Pascua C, Minato M, Yokoyama S, Ueda A, Kato K & Sato T

Minde M.W. (2019) Mineralogical Changes as a Result of Flooding Experiments for Enhanced Oil Recovery in Fractured Chalk
Bredal TV, Zimmermann U, Madland MV & Minde MW
(2019) A Toolbox for Characterization of Chalk
Minde MW, Zimmermann U & Madland MV
(2016) Raman Spectroscopy Applied to Enhanced Oil Recovery Research
Egeland N, Zimmermann U, Borromeo L, Andò S, Madland MV, Minde MW & Korsnes RI
(2016) Studies of Mineralogical Changes for the Understanding of Enhanced Oil Recovery Mechanisms at Porescale
Minde MW, Zimmermann U, Madland MV & Korsnes RI

Mindszenty A. (2016) Growth Dynamics of Geothermal Carbonate Scalings: Petrographic, Trace Element & Stable/Clumped Isotopic Studies
Boch R, Mindszenty A, Szanyi J, Kluge T, Leis A, Deák J, Demeny A & Dietzel M

Mine A. (2015) Phosphorus Regeneration after Death: Lysis and the Microbial Loop
Mine A, Coleman M & Colman A

Mine T. (2009) Phase Diagram and Structure Transition of Fe3O4-Fe2TiO4 Solid Solution Under Pressures up to 60 GPa
Yamanaka T, Mine T & Nakamoto Y

Mineau R. (2008) Do We Really Know Apex Chert? Newly Identified Micro- and Dubiofossils
Mineau R, Pinti DL & Valentin C

Mineev S (2005) Iron and Tin Isotope Equilibrium Fractionation Factors from Mössbauer and Synchrotron Radiation Data
Polyakov V, Mineev S & Clayton R

Mineev Sergey (2007) Equilibrium Iron Isotope Fractionation Factors for Magnetite from Moessbauer Spectroscopy and Inelastic Nuclear Resonant X-Ray Scattering Data
Mineev S, Polyakov V & Permyakov Y

Minegishi H. (2016) Niche Separation of Marine Thaumarchaeotes from the Seasurface to the Hadal Ocean
Nunoura T, Takaki Y, Minegishi H, Hirai M, Shuto A, Stepanauskas R & Takai K

Minelli G. (2007) Numerical Modeling of Continental Plate Retreating and Crustal Recycling
Faccenda M, Gerya T, Chakraborty S & Minelli G

Miner K. (2013) Souring Control by Six Years of Nitrate Injection into a Low Temperature Oil Field
Voordouw G, Agrawal A, Park HS, Jack T, Miner K & Benko A

Miner M. (2017) Controls on Cold-Water Coral Mineralization Through Manipulation of Separate Carbonate Chemistry Parameters in Culture
Gothmann A, Miner M & Gagnon A

Miners J.S. (2002) Geochemical Controls on Metal Accumulation in Thames Estuary Eels
Miners JS & Hudson-Edwards KA

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