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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Michiels Celine (2020) Trace Oxygen Shifts Nitrogen Metabolism and Stimulates Nitrogen Reduction in Low-Oxygen Marine Waters
Huggins J, Michiels C, Simister R & Crowe S
(2019) Framboidal Magnetite Formation in Ferruginous Waters
Bauer K, Byrne J, Kenward P, Michiels C, Simister R, Friese A, Vuillemin A, Henny C, Nomosatyro S, Kallmeyer J, Kappler A, Smit M & Crowe S
(2016) Photosynthetic Oxidation of the Earth Before Cyanobacteria
Crowe S, Thompson K, Kenward P, Bauer K, Michiels C, Gauger T, Kappler A, Reinhard C & Konhauser K

Michiels Céline (2021) Trace Oxygen Shifts Nitrogen Metabolism and Stimulates Nitrogen Reduction in Low-Oxygen Marine Waters
Huggins J, Michiels C, Simister R & Crowe S
(2014) DNRA vs. Denitrification-Energetic Edge Dictates N-Cycle Short-Circuit
Michiels C, Hancisse O & Crowe S
(2014) NO3- Reduction is Fe-Dependent in a Ferruginous Chemocline
Michiels C, Darchambeau F, Roland F, Morana C, Lliros M, Garcia-Armisen T, Thamdrup B, Borges A, Bouillon S, Canfield D, Servais P, Descy J-P & Crowe S

Michiels Celine C (2020) DNRA Dominates NO3-reduction in Persistantly Anoxic Saanich Inlet
Michiels CC, Huggins JA, Simister RL, Thompson K, Hallam SJ & Crowe SA

Michiels Céline C (2017) Primary Magnetite Formation in Ferruginous Waters
Bauer K, Simister R, Michiels C, Henny C & Crowe S
(2017) Seasonal Dynamics Drive Anammox as the Primary N2 Production Pathway in Sulphidic Saanich Inlet
Michiels CC, Hallam SJ & Crowe SA

Michielsen B. (2023) Exploring the Potential of Structured Inorganic Materials to Recover Metals from Aqueous Streams
Michielsen B

Michigami S. (2016) Measurements of Atmospheric Hydroperoxides over a Rural Site in Central Japan Using a Helicopter and Evaluation of Potential Capacity of SO2 Oxidation in Cloud Water at a High Elevation
Watanabe K, Yachi C, Nishibe M, Michigami S, Saito Y, Eda N, Yamazaki N & Hirai T

Michler A. (2011) Retention of Colloids at Rough Rock Surfaces
Fischer C, Darbha G, Michler A & Schäfer T
(2010) Retention of Colloids at Rough Mineral Surfaces: An Analog Study
Darbha G, Michler A, Schafer T, Luttge A & Fischer C

Michon G. (2002) Na-CO2 Rich Metasomatism beneath the Kerguelen Oceanic Plateau (South Indian Ocean)
Delpech G, Grégoire M, Cottin J-Y, O'Reilly SY, Michon G & Moine BN

Michon L. (2023) All Quiet on the Weathering Front: Geochemical Evolution of Soils on Réunion Island
Dosseto A, Hannan-Joyner A, Gayer E & Michon L
(2018) Subsurface Water Flux as an Indicator of Landslide Preparatory Factor
Sy A, Gayer E, Yokochi R, Violette S & Michon L
(2016) Cosmogenic Nuclides, River Geochemistry, and Lanforms Reconstruction Methods Comparison to Study the Coopling between Chemical Weahering and Mechanical Erosion in a Steep Reunion Island Basins
Gayer E, Louvat P, Bouchez J, Michon L, Gaillardet J, Sy A & Havas R
(2016) Adsorption of Nucleotides onto Ferromagnesian Phyllosilicates: Significance for the Origin of Life
Daniel I, Pedreira-Segade U, Feuillie C, Pelletier M & Michot L
(2013) Cosmogenic Nuclides, River Geochemistry, and Lanforms Reconstruction Methods to Estimate Erosion Rates in Reunion Island
Gayer E, Louvat P, Michon L, Etzol C & Kurz M

Michot Laurent (2021) Wettability of Clay Surfaces and its Implication on the Status of Water in Unsaturated Porous Media
Guérin L, Michot L, Ferrage E, Claret F & Marry V
(2019) Surface Hydrophobicity and Energetics at Mica-Water Interfaces
Koishi A, Lee SS, Fenter P, Fernandez-Martinez A, Michot L, Sun EW-H & Bourg I
(2018) From Adsorption to Reaction: A Study of Nucleotide-Mineral Interactions
Pedreira-Segade U, Daniel I, Michot L & Rogers K
(2018) Influence of Trace Elements on the Adsorption of Nucleotides onto Clays: Implications for the Origin of Life
Hao J, Mokhtari M, Pedreira-Segade U, Michot L & Daniel I
(2018) Surface Hydrophobicity and Properties of Interfacial Water
Koishi A, Lee SS, Fenter P, Fernandez-Martinez A, Michot L & Bourg I
(2017) Effects of Salinity on the Adsorption of Nucleotides onto Phyllosilicates
Pedreira-Segade U, Michot L & Daniel I

Michot Laurent Jacques (2011) STXM and XAS Study of Kaolinite Conversion into Berthierine-Like Mineral
Rivard C, Montarges-Pelletier E, Pelletier M, Michot LJ, Vantelon D, Karunakaran C, Villieras F & Michau N
(2010) Water Organization in Na-Saponite. An Experimental Validation of Numerical Data
Ferrage E, Sakharov BA, Michot LJ, Lanson B, Delville A & Cuello GJ
(2010) Sol-Gel and Isotropic/Nematic Transitions in Aqueous Suspensions of Swelling Clay Minerals: A Structural and Rheological Study on Size-Selected Particles
Michot L, Paineau E, Bihannic I, Maddi S, Duval J, Baravian C, Davidson P & Levitz P

Micic V. (2023) Reductive Dechlorination of Chlorinated Ethenes by Iron Nitride Nanoparticles
Brumovský M, Micić V, Oborná J, Filip J, Hofmann T & Tunega D
(2022) Nitriding of nZVI as a Novel Means to Improve its Selectivity for Trichloroethylene Remediation
Brumovsky M, Oborná J, Micić V, Malina O, Kašlík J, Tunega D, Kolos M, Hofmann T, Karlický F & Filip J
(2013) Polyelectrolyte Injection Increases Mobility of Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron in Carbonate Sand
Laumann S, Micic V & Hofmann T
(2013) Reacitivity of Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron Particles Used for in situ Groundwater Remediation
Schmid D, Laumann S, Micic Batka V & Hofmann T
(2012) Mobility of Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron in Quartz and Carbonate Sands
Laumann S, Micic V & Hofmann T
(2007) Native PAHs in Hard Coal Particles as a Possible Source of Increased PAH Concentrations in River Sediments
Micic V, Achten C, Schwarzbauer J & Hofmann T

Mick E. (2022) Monitoring Magmatic-Hydrothermal Eruptive Degassing at Costa Rican Volcanoes
de Moor M, Aiuppa A, Kern C, Kelly PJ, Stix J, Fischer TP, Rodríguez A, Avard G, Mick E & Barry PH
(2017) Magmatic and Meteoric Fluids in the Italian Apennines: Geochemistry of the Epithermal Environments of Vulcano and Campi Flegrei Volcanoes
Nadeau O, Mick E, Robidoux P, Grassa F & Brusca L

Mickiewicz S. (2008) Magmatic Processes and Timescales Revealed by Plagioclase Textural and in situ Chemical Data
Bohrson W, Mickiewicz S, Salisbury M & Spera F

Mickler P. (2016) Methane Sources in Shallow Groundwaters in Parker and Hood Counties, Texas – A Heavy Noble Gas Analysis
Castro MC, Wen T, Nicot J-P, Hall C, Mickler P & Darvari R
(2016) Attribution of Natural Gas in Shallow Groundwater Using Dissolved Nitrogen and Alkane Chemistry in Parker County, Texas
Larson T, Nicot J-P, Mickler P & Darvari R

Micklethwaite S. (2019) Controls on Goethite Recrystallisation with Applications to Metal Mobility in Ni-Laterites
Southall S, Micklethwaite S, Wilson S & Frierdich A
(2018) Fe(II)-Catalyzed Recrystallization of Iron Oxides in Natural Systems
Frierdich A, Southall S, Micklethwaite S & Wilson S
(2016) Invisible Gold in Arsenopyrite Revealed by Correlated Atom Probe Microscopy, NanoSIMS and Maia Mapping
Fougerouse D, Reddy S, Saxey D, Rickard W, van Riessen A & Micklethwaite S

Mickley Loretta (2016) High Sensitivity of Northern Hemisphere Tropospheric Oxidants to Major Climate Transitions
Geng L, Murray L, Mickley L, Lin P, Fu Q, Schauer A & Alexander B

Mickley Loretta J. (2009) Aerosols over the United States: Space Observation, Source Characterization, and Climate Interactions
Jacob DJ, Drury EE, Fu T-M, Leibensperger EM, Mickley LJ & Tai A

Micola N. (2019) A Multi-Isotopic Approach as a Tool for Assessing Nitrate Pollution in the Province of Girona (NE Spain)
Vinyes M, Navarro Ciurana D, Torrentó C, Carrey R, Micola N, Garrido T, Munné A, Solà J, Soler A & Otero N

Micoulaut M. (2011) The Deep Carbon Cycle Confronted to Mantle Electrical Conductivities
Hammouda T, Gaillard F, Guillot B, Tarits P, Sator N, Micoulaut M & Hautot S

Middag Rob (2015) Biogeochemical Cycling of the Uranium, Iron and Cadmium Isotope Systems during Oceanic Anoxia: A Case Study of the Black Sea
Rolison J, Stirling C, George E, Middag R, Gault-Ringold M, Rijkenberg M & de Baar H
(2015) Manganese in an Ocean General Circulation Model
van Hulten M, Dutay J-C, Roy-Barman M, Tagliabue A, Sterl A, Middag R & de Baar H
(2015) Dissolved Aluminium in the West-Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea
Middag R, Rolison JM, Stirling CH, van Hulten MMP, Rijkenberg MJA, Gerringa LJA & de Baar HJW
(2014) Biogeochemical Cycling of Uranium in Redox-Controlled Environments: A 238U/235U Case Study of the Black Sea
Stirling C, Rolison J, Middag R, Rijkenberg M & de Baar H
(2014) Dissolved Trace Metal Distributions in the Mediterranean Sea: Results from the Recent MedBlack GEOTRACES Expedition
Rolison J, Middag R, Rijkenberg M, Stirling C & de Baar H
(2014) Dissolved Trace Metal Distributions in the Black Sea: Results from the MedBlack GEOTRACES Expedition
Rolison J, Middag R, Rijkenberg M, Stirling C & de Baar H
(2012) Contrasting Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron and Aluminium along the GEOTRACES West Atlantic Section
De Baar H, Rijkenberg M, Gerringa L, Middag R, Van Hulten M, Laan P, Schoemann V, De Jong J, Sterl A & Van Aken H
(2012) Dissolved Iron in the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans
De Baar H, Klunder M, Thuroczy C-E, Laan P, Gerringa L, Alderkamp A-C, Middag R & Arrigo K
(2011) Dissolved Fe in the Western Atlantic Ocean: Distribution, Sources, Sinks and Cycling
Rijkenberg M, Gerringa L, Laan P, Schoemann V, Middag R, van Heuven S, Salt L, van Aken H, de Jong J & de Baar H
(2010) Cd Isotope Constraints on Nutrient Cycling in the Southern Ocean
Rehkämper M, Xue Z, van de Flierdt T, Middag R & de Baar H

Middag Rob (2018) Dissolved Iron in the Amundsen Sea
Middag R, Bertrand E, Brussaard C, Eich C, Gerringa L, Jung J, Lee S, Lee Y, van Manen M, McCain S, Pont S, Reichart G-J & Tian H-A

Middag Rob (2019) Hydrothermal Fluxes of Trace Metals (Such as Zn and Fe) into Surface Waters along the Kermadec Intraoceanic Arc
Kleint C, Bach W, Sander SG, Zitoun R, Middag R, Laan P & Koschinsky A
(2019) Links between Iron and Humic Substances Biogeochemistry in the Ocean
Dulaquais G, Crampond K, Waeles M, Gerringa LJA, Middag R, Rijkenberg M, Boye M & Riso R
(2019) Sources and Sinks of Fe during the Early Austral Spring Offshore from the Western Antarctic Peninsula
Seyitmuhammedov K, Stirling C, Reid M, Van Hale R, Arrigo K & Middag R

Middag Rob (2017) Barite Control on the Southern Ocean Barium Isotopic Signature
Galer S, Abouchami W, Middag R & de Baar H
(2017) Metal Isotope Tracers of the Redox and Productivity States of the Past Oceans: Refining Modern Calibrations
Stirling C, Rolison J, George E, Middag R, Clarkson M & Gangl S

Middag Rob (2013) Interactions of Dissolved CO2 with Cadmium Isotopes in the Southern Ocean
de Baar H, van Heuven S, Middag R, Neven I, Klunder M, van Ooijen J, Xue Z, Abouchami W, Rehkamper M & Galer S
(2013) Aluminium in an Ocean General Circulation Model and Observations
van Hulten M, de Baar H, Middag R, Sterl A, Dutay J-C, Gehlen M & Tagliabue A

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