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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Meysman Filip J. R. (2023) Hawaiian Beaches as Natural Analogues for Long-Term Rates and Impacts of Coastal Enhanced Silicate Weathering
Kreuzburg M, Hylén A, Winardhi C, Cole D, VanHeurck B, DeWolf S, Goosens C, Romaniello SJ, Monserrat F, Cnudde V & Meysman FJR
(2021) Craving for Gigatons: Carbon Dioxide Removal in Coastal Environments via Enhanced Silicate Weathering
Meysman FJR, Geerts L & Burdorf LD

Meysman Filip J.R. (2018) The Impact of Bioturbation on the Coupled Cycling of Carbon, Iron and Sulphur in Marine Sediments
van de Velde S, Antler G & Meysman F
(2018) Cable Bacteria Enhance Iron Driven Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction to Ammoium in Estuarine Sediments
Cook P, Kessler A, Glud R & Meysman F
(2018) Impact of Cable Bacteria on the Biogeochemistry of Coastal Sediment
Hermans M, Behrends T, Risgaard-Petersen N, Meysman FJR & Slomp CP
(2017) When the Seafloor Turns Electric: Impact of Microbial Long-Distance Electron Transport on Coastal Biogeochemical Cycling
Meysman F
(2017) Cable Bacteria Create an FeOOH “Firewall” Against Sulphide Release from Sediments
Burdorf L, Hidalgo-Martinez S, van de Velde S & Meysman F
(2017) Cable Bacteria & N Cycling: Direct and Indirect Electrogenic Effects
Kessler A, Cook P, Wawryk M, Glud R, Meysman F, Marzocchi U & Risgaard-Petersen N
(2017) Early Diagenesis of Arsenic in Electro-Active Sediments
van de Velde S, Burdorf LD, Callebaut I, Hidalgo-Martinez S, Gao Y & Meysman FJ
(2017) Microbial Community Composition and Sulfur-Cycling in a Sediment with Electrogenic Sulfur Oxidation
Geelhoed J, van de Velde S, Hidalgo-Martinez S & Meysman F
(2017) Molybdenum Dynamics in Sediments of a Seasonally Hypoxic Coastal Marine Basin
Slomp CP, Sulu-Gambari F, Roepert A, Jilbert T, Meysman FJR & Hagens M
(2017) Mn/Ca Ratios as Proxy for Benthic Ecosystem Oxygenation: Culturing Study and Field Observations of Ammonia Tepida
Petersen J, Barras C, Mouret A, Nardelli MP, Metzger E, Bézos A, La C, Filipsson HL, de Nooijer LJ, Meysman FJR & Jorissen FJ

Meysman Filip JR (2019) Altruistic Electrical Cooperation in Multicellular Cable Bacteria
Geerlings N, Karman C, Polerecky L, Trashin S, As K, Kienhuis M, Hidalgo-Martinez S, Vasquez-Cardenas D, Boschker H, de Wael K, Middelburg J & Meysman F
(2019) Bypassing the Redox Ladder: Cable Bacteria as Electron Sinks for Other Microbes
Vasquez Cardenas D, van de Vossenberg J, Polerecky L, Malkin SY, Hidalgo-Martinez S, Middelburg JJ, Meysman FJ & Boschker HT
(2019) Highly Conductive Fibres Enable Centimetre-Scale Electron Transport in Multicellular Cable Bacteria
Meysman F
(2019) Robert Berner Lecture 2019; Did the Evolution of Microbes and Fauna in the Seabed Impact Atmospheric Oxygen and Climate?
Meysman F
(2019) Quantifying the CO2 Sequestration Potential of Enhanced Silicate Weathering in Coastal Environments
Burdorf LD, De Wolf S, Montserrat F & Meysman FJ
(2019) Electrical Interactions between Cable Bacteria and Other Microbes in Marine Sediments
Geelhoed J, Trashin S, Hidalgo-Martinez S, van de Velde S, de Wael K & Meysman F

Meyzen C (2004) Isotopic Systematics of the Southwest Indian Ridge, 30-69ºE
Meyzen C, Ludden J, Humler E, Luais B, Baker J, Storey M, Toplis M & Mevel C
(2003) Isotopic Variations along the Southwest Indian Ridge, 30.50°E
Meyzen C, Storey M, Baker J, Ludden J & Humler E

Meyzen Christine (2020) Upper-Mantle Provinces at the Rodrigues Triple Junction, Indian Ocean
Meyzen C, Jacques G, Schwarz-Schampera U, Hauff F, Regelous M & Haase K
(2019) Geochemical Anomalies beneath the Rodrigues Triple Junction, Indian Ocean
Jacques G, Meyzen C, Schwarz-Schampera U & Hauff F
(2015) Are Magmatic Processes at Volcanoes from Motionless Plates Analogues to Those of the Giant Shield Volcanoes on Mars?
Meyzen C, Massironi M & Pozzobon R
(2013) Recycling of Subducted Crust in the Source of Within-Plate CAMP Basalts from Southeastern North America
Callegaro S, Bertrand H, Marzoli A, Chiaradia M, Reisberg L, Meyzen C & Bellieni G
(2013) Sr-Nd and Pb Isotopic Portray of the Crozet Plume
Meyzen C, Marzoli A, Bellieni G & Levresse G

Meyzen Christine Marie (2022) Emplacement of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province at the Edges of Cratonic Keels
Boscaini A, Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Chiaradia M, Jourdan F, Faccenda M, Meyzen CM, Callegaro S & Serrano Durán L
(2021) Mantle Flow and Migration at the Rodrigues Triple Junction
Meyzen CM, Jacques G, Hauff F, Regelous M, Romer RHW & Schwarz-Schampera U
(2021) Constraining the Enigmatic Source of Vesteris Seamount Volcanism
Belosa L, Callegaro S, Tronnes RG, Meyzen CM, Polteau S, Gaina C & Mazzini A

Meyzonnat G. (2017) Logging for the Structure of Groundwater Age with Passive Samplers
Meyzonnat G, Barbecot F, Corcho Alvarado JJA, Tognelli A, Mc Cormack R & Lauzon J-M
(2012) Dating Groundwater in Quebec Using Noble Gases, U and Stable Isotopes and Major Elements
Vautour G, Meyzonnat G, Mejean P, Pinti DL, Larocque M, Castro MC, Hall CM & Helie J-F

Meza Figueroa D. (2017) Fractionation and Mobility of Thallium in Areas Impacted by Mining-Metallurgical Activities
Cruz Hernandez Y, Ruiz Garcia M, Villalobos Peñalosa M, Romero F, Meza Figueroa D, Garrido F & Hernandez Alvarez E

Mezger E. (2019) Na Incorporation into Inorganic CaCO3 and Implications for Biogenic Carbonates
Mezger E, Devriendt LS, Olsen E, Watkins J, Kaczmarek K, Nehrke G, de Nooijer L & Reichart G-J
(2018) Planktonic Foraminiferal Na/Ca as a Proxy for Salinity
Mezger E, de Nooijer L, Brummer G-J, Siccha M, Kucera M & Reichart G-J
(2017) A Direct Proxy for Salinity?
Mezger E, de Nooijer L, Siccha M, Brummer G-J, Kucera M & Reichart G-J

Mezger Klaus (2017) Archean Crust-Mantle Evolution: Constraints from the Singhbhum Craton, Eastern India
Pandey OP, Mezger K, Upadhyay D & Villa IM
(2017) Element Depletion and the Accretion of Rocky Planetary Bodies
Mezger K, Vollstaedt H & Maltese A
(2017) Rutile R632 – A New Natural Reference Material for in situ U–Pb and Zr Analyses
Axelsson E, Berndt J, Pape J, Corfu F, Mezger K & Raith MM
(2017) Tin Stable Isotope Analysis: A Comparison between Measurements Corrected Using Different Internal Normalization and External Mass-Bias Method
Pathak D & Mezger K

Mezger Klaus (2018) Origins of Mass-Dependent and Mass-Independent Ca Isotope Variations in Meteoritic Components
Bermingham K, Gussone N & Mezger K
(2018) Evolution of the Acasta Gneiss Complex Constrained by Sr Isotope Analysis of Apatite Inclusions in Zircon
Emo R, Smit M, Schmitt M, Kooijman E, Scherer E, Sprung P, Bleeker W & Mezger K
(2018) Archaean Barite: Strontium Isotopes as a Tracer of Early Crust-Mantle Evolution
Ravindran A, Mezger K, Srinivasan B & Raith M
(2018) Primitive Continents Suppressed Earth’s O2 Cycle during the Archean
Smit M & Mezger K
(2018) Tin Isotopes and the Origin of Planetary Materials- a Novel Methodology with External and Internal Mass-Bias Correction, and Double Spike MC-ICP-MS Analysis
Pathak D & Mezger K

Mezger Klaus (2015) Multiple-System Geochronology on Acasta Layered Gneisses
Maltese A, Sprung P, Scherer EE, Mezger K & Bleeker W
(2015) A Rapid and Efficient Ion-Exchange Chromatography for Lu-Hf Geochronology and the Routine Isotope Analysis of Sub-Ng Amounts of Hf by MC-ICP-MS
Bast R, Scherer EE, Sprung P, Fischer-Gödde M, Stracke A & Mezger K
(2015) Tracing the Origin and Evolution of Volatile Elements in the Inner Solar System by Selenium Isotopes
Vollstaedt H, Mezger K & Leya I
(2015) Geochronology and Geochemistry of Palaeoarchean TTGs from the Singhbhum Craton, India
Chattopadhyay S, Upadhyay D, Scherer E & Mezger K
(2015) Continental Thickening vs. Flat Subduction – The Cause for Cretaceous Magmatism in the Pamir
Malz N, Pfänder JA, Ratschbacher L, Münker C, Mezger K, Jung S, Garbe-Schönberg D & Hauff F

Mezger Klaus (2019) Towards a Model for the Pb-Isotope Evolution of Bulk Silicate Earth
Mezger K & Maltese A
(2019) A Contribution to the Archean Hf Record by Bulk Lu-Hf Single Grain Analysis of Zircon
Maltese A, Mezger K, Upadhyay D & Scherer EE
(2019) Initial Sr- and Hf- Isotopes from Apatite and Zircon from the Western Dharwar Craton Constrain Early Archaean Crust-Mantle Evolution
Ravindran A, Mezger K, Balakrishnan S, Kooijman E, Schmitt M, Upadhyay D & Berndt J

Mezger Klaus (2023) Accretion of the Earth: Constraints from Element Abundances and Isotope Compositions of Bulk Silicate Earth
Mezger K & Maltese A
(2023) Classification and 53Mn‐53Cr Chronology of Enstatite Chondrite Meteorites from a New Strewn Field in Oman
Prasad A, Hofmann B, Mezger K, Anand A, Kruttasch PM & Gnos E
(2023) Hadean Crustal Composition and Evolution Inferred from Coupled 146,147Sm-142,143Nd Systematics of Paleoarchean Acasta Gneisses
Maltese A, Caro G, Scherer EE, Sprung P, Bleeker W & Mezger K
(2023) Archean Mantle Metasomatized by Sediment Melts Recorded in Mafic Dykes of the Singhbhum Craton
Chatterjee S, Ravindran A, Ahmad Q, Pandey OP, Wille M & Mezger K
(2023) Early Solar System Evolution Recorded by Short-Lived Chronometers
Anand A & Mezger K
(2023) Spatial Constraints for Ureilite Precursors from ε54Cr, ε50Ti, and O Isotopes
Kruttasch PM, Anand A, Storck J-C, Greber ND & Mezger K

Mezger Klaus (2021) Early Differentiation and Evolution of Magmatic Iron Meteorite Parent Bodies Inferred from Mn-Cr Chronometry
Anand A, Pape J, Wille M, Mezger K & Hofmann B
(2021) The Effect of Early Irradiation and Volatility on 54Cr and 53Cr Abundances in Components of EH3 Chondrites
Kadlag Y, Hirtz J, Becker H, Leya I & Mezger K
(2021) A Fresh Look at the Sm-Nd Record of Earth’s Oldest Rocks: The Acasta Gneiss Complex (Northwest Canada)
Maltese A, Caro G, Scherer EE, Sprung P, Bleeker W & Mezger K
(2021) Insight into REE Systematics and Age Records of Metamorphosed Garnet from High-Resolution Trace-Element Mapping
Smit M, Guilmette C, Kielman-Schmitt M, Kooijman E, Tual L, Ratschbacher L, Scherer EE & Mezger K
(2021) Evolution of Paleoarchean Singhbhum Craton: Constrains from Sr Isotope Analysis of Apatite Inclusions in Zircon
Chatterjee S, Pandey OP, Mezger K, Kielman-Schmitt M & Kooijman E
(2021) Formation of Archaean Felsic Continental Crust in the Western Dharwar Craton, India: Isotopic and Trace Element Constraints from Detrital Zircons
Ravindran A, Mezger K, Srinivasan B, Ranjan S, Upadhyay D & Berndt J
(2021) Isotopic Evidence for Episodic Mantle Melting in the Hadean
Maltese A, Caro G, Pandey OP, Upadhyay D & Mezger K

Mezger Klaus (2022) Evidence for Hadean Mantle Differentiation and Archean Geodynamics Preserved in Granitoid Rocks from the Western Dharwar Craton, India
Ravindran A, Peters B, de Souza G, Mezger K, Maden C, Srinivasan B & Schönbächler M
(2022) Initial 87Sr/86Sr from Apatite and 176Hf/177Hf from Zircon – Whole Rock Pair Constrain the Origin of Archean Felsic Crust and Presence of Archean Crustal Cycle
Chatterjee S, Pandey OP, Mezger K, Schmitt MK & Kooijman E
(2022) Molybdenum Isotope Evidence for Sediment Recycling in Hotspot-Influenced MORBs: A Window into Ancient Deep-Sea Redox
Ahmad Q, Wille M, Rosca C, Labidi J, Schmid T, Mezger K & König S

Mezger Klaus (2020) Mn-Cr Chronological Constraints on the Thermal Evolution of IIAB Iron Meteorite Parent Body
Anand A, Pape J, Wille M, Mezger K & Hofmann B
(2020) Composition of the Archaean Mantle and Continental Crust in the Western Dharwar Craton, India
Ravindran A, Mezger K & Srinivasan B
(2020) Boron Isotopes: no 'Arc' in Archean?
Smit M, Scherstén A, Næraa T, Emo R, Scherer E, Sprung P, Bleeker W, Mezger K, Maltese A, Cai M, Rasbury T & Whitehouse M

Mezger Klaus (2014) 142Nd/144Nd Variation in Acasta Gneiss Complex (Slave Craton, Canada)
Konc Z, Boyet M, Scherer EE, Sprung P, Mezger K & Bleeker W
(2014) Was There Really 176Lu Burnout in Early Solar System Materials?
Scherer E, Bast R, Sprung P & Mezger K
(2014) Spurious Lu-Hf Ages of Achondrites not Caused by Irradiation
Bast R, Scherer EE, Sprung P, Fischer-Gödde M, Kleine T & Mezger K
(2014) Lithium Isotope Constraints on Surface Processes on Mars
Magna T, Day JMD, Mezger K, Fehr MA, Chennaoui Aoudjehane H & Agee C
(2013) Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Garnet Geochronology: Closure Revisited and New Applications in Lithosphere Studies
Smit M, Scherer E, Mezger K, Ratschbacher L, Kooijman E & Hacker B
(2013) Internal Lu-Hf Isotope Systematics of the Quenched Angrite D’Orbigny and Two Plutonic Angrites
Bast R, Scherer EE, Mezger K, Fischer-Gödde M & Sprung P
(2013) High Precision Determination of the Terrestrial 40K Abundance
Naumenko M, Mezger K, Nägler T & Villa I
(2013) Polyphase Evolution of the Eastern Ghats Belt (India) – A Multi Mineral Approach Using Rb-Sr and U-Pb Ages
Axelsson E, Mezger K & Villa IM
(2012) Combined Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Isotope Systematics of Martian Meteorites
Kurahashi E, Scherer EE, Kleine T & Mezger K
(2012) Geochemical Proxies Linked to Astronomical Climate Forcing in Dynamic Sedimentary Environments: Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
Heredia BD, Gaylor JR, Mezger K, Hilgen F & Kuiper K
(2011) Cadmium Isotopes in Banded Iron Formations and Early Life in the Precambrian Ocean
Abouchami W, Mezger K, Galer S & Frei R
(2011) Origin of Earth’s Volatile Elements: Constraints from Rb Isotopes
Mezger K, Nebel O & vanWestrenen W
(2011) Trace Element Systematics in HT Metamorphic Rutile: The Robustness of the Zr Geothermometer
Kooijman E, Smit M, Mezger K & Berndt J
(2011) Evolution of the Lower Crust from S Mexico: Constraints from Lu-Hf Isotopes and U-Pb Ages in Zircon
Weber B, Scherer E, Mezger K & Ruiz J
(2011) Calcium Isotopes in Lunar Crust
Bermingham K, Magna T, Gussone N & Mezger K
(2011) Calcium Isotopes in Martian Meteorites
Gussone N, Magna T & Mezger K
(2010) Lithium Isotope Composition of Mars – Corollary of Radial Heterogeneity in the Early Solar System?
Magna T, Mezger K & Fehr M
(2010) Multiple Neutron-Rich Stellar Sources to the Solar System – An Isotope Synthesis
Mezger K, Sprung P & Scherer EE
(2009) New Constraints on Pb Diffusion and Closure Temperature in Rutile from in situ U-Pb Dating by LA-ICP-MS
Kooijman E, Mezger K & Berndt J
(2009) Spatial and Temporal Variability of δ13C<sub>carb</sub> And δ18O<sub>carb</sub> of the Voëlwater Subgroup, South Africa
Tripke C, Strauss H, Mezger K, Gutzmer J & Beukes N
(2009) 142Nd Evidence for an Enriched Hadean Reservoir in the Root of the Bastar Craton (India)
Upadhyay D, Scherer E & Mezger K
(2009) LREE-Enriched Plagiogranites from the Oman Ophiolite
Berndt J, Benaouda R, Mezger K & Koepke J
(2009) Is the Solar System Non-Radiogenic Hf Isotope Composition Uniform?
Sprung P, Scherer EE, Upadhyay D, Mezger K & Bischoff A
(2009) The Effects of Ultrahigh Temperature Metamorphism on the U-Pb Systematics in Zircon
Kooijman E, Upadhyay D, Mezger K, Raith M & Berndt J
(2008) Highly Depleted Mantle Sources of ~3.75 Ga Mafic Rocks in the Early Archean from Isua, SW-Greenland
Hoffmann JE, Münker C, Polat A, König S & Mezger K
(2008) Is the Hf Isotope Composition of the Bulk Silicate Earth Chondritic?
Sprung P, Scherer E, Mezger K & Bischoff A
(2007) Neutron Capture-Induced 150Sm Anomalies in IAB Iron Meteorites and Winonaites
Schulz T, Upadhyay D, Mezger K, Münker C & Palme H
(2007) Occurrence and Origin of Igneous Fragments in Chondritic Breccias
Sokol A, Chaussidon M, Bischoff A & Mezger K
(2007) Evidence for Hadean Mantle Depletion in the Sources of ~3.75 Ga Subduction-Related Rocks, Isua, SW Greenland
Hoffmann JE, Münker C, Polat A & Mezger K
(2007) Nd Isotope Records of the Deep South Atlantic and the Intepretation of Neogene δ13C Gradients
Klevenz V, Vance D, Schmidt D & Mezger K
(2007) The Lu-Hf Systematics of Meteorites: Consistent or Not?
Scherer E, Münker C & Mezger K
(2007) Nd Isotope Mixing during Thermal Ionisation Mass Spectrometry: Implications for Accurate 142Nd Measurements
Upadhyay D, Scherer EE & Mezger K
(2007) Tracing Earth's First Crust with Hf Isotopes in Zircons from the Narryer Gneiss Complex, Australia
Nebel-Jacobsen Y, Münker C, Mezger K, Nebel O, Gerdes A & Nelson D
(2007) High-Field Strength Elements (Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf) in Continental Basalts from the CEVP – Implications for the HFSE Budget of the Lithospheric Mantle and the Global Nb Budget
Pfänder J, Jung S, Münker C & Mezger K
(2006) High Field Strength Element Systematics in Iron Meteorites
Munker C, Schulz T & Mezger K
(2004) The 182W Record of Earth’s Accretion and Core Formation
Mezger K, Kleine T, Palme H & Münker C
(2004) The Numerical Age of the Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary Based on U-Pb Ages of Single Zircons
Trapp E, Kaufmann B, Mezger K, Korn D & Weyer D
(2004) 182Hf-182W Dating of the Thermal Metamorphism of Eucrites
Kleine T, Mezger K, Palme H & Münker C
(2004) The 176Lu Decay Constant Revisited
Scherer E, Mezger K & Münker C
(2002) Lu-Hf Ages of High Pressure Metamorphism in the Variscan Fold Belt of Southern Germany
Scherer E, Mezger K & Münker C
(2002) Stable Isotope Compositions of Cadmium in Stony Meteorites
Wombacher F, Rehkämper M, Mezger K, Münker C & Bischoff A
(2002) Lu-Hf Constraints on Early Lunar Differentiation
Mezger K, Münker C & Scherer EE
(2002) Revised Hf-W Ages for Core Formation in Planetary Bodies
Kleine T, Münker C, Mezger K, Palme H & Bischoff A
(2002) Isotopic Tracing of a Mineral Replacement Reaction: The KCl-Kbr-H2O System as a Model Example
Putnis C & Mezger K
(2002) High-Precision Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf Ratios in Global MORB
Büchl A, Münker C, Mezger K & Hofmann AW
(2002) In Search of a Superchondritic Nb/Ta Reservoir: High-Precision Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf Ratios in Ocean Island and Intraplate Basalts
Pf‰nder J, M¸nker C, Mezger K & Hofmann AW
(2000) 92Nb-92Zr in the Early Solar System
Münker C, Weyer S, Mezger K, Rehkämper M, Wombacher F & Bischoff A
(2000) Unusually Low Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta Ratios in the Depleted Mantle: Precise ID Analysis of Ultra Low Concentrations by MC-ICPMS
Weyer S, Muenker C, Rehkaemper M & Mezger K
(2000) Systematics of Saline Hydrothermal Systems: Evidence from the Sub-Aerial Saline Systems on Iceland
Aggarwal J, Palmer M & Mezger K
(2000) High Precision Nb/Ta, Zr/Hf and Lu/Hf Measurements by MC-ICPMS Using a Mixed Zr-Hf-Ta-Lu Tracer
Münker C, Weyer S, Scherer E & Mezger K
(2000) Cadmium Stable Isotope Measurements by MC-ICPMS
Wombacher F, Rehkämper M, Mezger K & Münker C
(2000) Os Isotopic Composition and Abundance of Highly Siderophile Elements in Mantle Peridotites and Dikes from the Ivrea Zone in Italy
Brügmann G, Rehkämper M, Mezger K & Hofmann A
(2000) The Decay Constant of 176Lu Determined by Calibration Against the U-Pb System in the Phalaborwa Carbonatite
Scherer E, Münker C & Mezger K
(2000) Geochronology and Isotope Geochemistry of Lower Crustal Melts from the Pan-African Damara Belt
Jung S, Mezger K & Hoernes S

Mezger Klaus (2016) Laser Ablation Mass Spectrometry for in situ Space Research
Neuland MB, Mezger K, Riedo A, Tulej M & Wurz P
(2016) Evidence for Recent Disturbance of the 176Lu-176Hf System in Meteorites
Bast R, Scherer EE, Sprung P & Mezger K
(2016) 40K-40Ca – 87Rb-87Sr Age Comparison: Constraints on the 40K Decay Constant
Naumenko-Dèzes M, Nägler T, Mezger K & Villa I
(2016) A Model for Volatile Element Condensation and Accretion of Rocky Planetary Bodies
Mezger K & Vollstaedt H
(2016) Probing Earth’s Volatile Past with Sr Isotopes
Henshall T, Cook DL, Mezger K, Mason P & Schönbächler M

Mezina K. (2020) Some Artifical Isotopes in Yenisei River Biogeocynosis: Contents, Speciation, Pollutant Flow
Kropacheva M, Melgunov M, Chuguevsky A, Mezina K & Makarova I
(2019) The Concentrations of Radioisotopes and Trace Elements in the Annual Cedar and Larch Needles in New Urengoy Region (Arctic Part of Western Siberia)
Mezina K, Belyanin D, Melgunov M, Vosel Y, Kropacheva M, Shcherbov B, Rubanov M & Zhurkova I

Meziti A. (2005) Molecular Fingerprinting of Methanogens in Eastern Mediterranean Sea Mud Volcanoes
Kormas K, Meziti A, Daehlmann A & de Lange G

Mezon C. (2016) Multidisciplinary Investigations in the Upper Pisciarelli Area, Campi Flegrei, Italy
Sciarra A, Mezon C, Finizola A, Ricci T, Lucchetti C, Antoine R, Beaucamp B, Gaudin D, Tuccimei P, Poret M, Sansivero F & Vilardo G
(2016) Geochemical Characterization of a High Resolution DC Electrical Resistivity Tomography Crossing the Summit Craters of Mt Etna
Finizola A, Ricci T, Sciarra A, Delcher E, Antoine R, Peltier A, Neri M, Bernard J, Brothelande E, Fargier Y, Fauchard C, Foucart B, Gailler L, Gusset R, Lazarte Zerpa I, Martin E, Mezon C, Poret M, Portal A & Rossi M

Mezouar M (2007) New Exprimental Data on Fe and Fe-S Melting and the Temperature at the Core-Mantle Boundary
Boehler R, Santamaria-Perez D, Errandonea D & Mezouar M

Mezouar Mohamed (2023) Nanoscale Heterogeneous Structure and Vibrational Properties of Hydrous Silica at High Pressure
Jahn S, Herrmann M, Schulze M, Dreschmann J, Morgenroth W, Pakhomova A, Garbarino G, Mezouar M, Andrault D & Wilke M
(2023) Experimental Monitoring of Iodine Degassing from Basaltic Volcanic Systems
Bureau H, Grützner T, Pakhomova A, Munsch P, Vangu D, Guarnelli Y, Siebert J, Garbarino G & Mezouar M
(2019) Carbonate Mineral Solubility in Deep Earth
Farsang S, Louvel M, Mezouar M, Rosa AD & Redfern SAT
(2017) Liquid Properties in the Fe-Fes System in the 0 to 5 GPa Range: A Tool box to Model Small Planetary Cores
Morard G, Bouchet J, Rivoldini A, Antonangeli D, Boulard E, Denoeud A & Mezouar M
(2017) Velocity-Density Systematics of Fe-Si Alloys at Extreme Conditions
Edmund E, Antonangeli D, Decremps F, Ayrinhac S, Gauthier M, Morard G, Mezouar M & Guignot N
(2017) In situ Viscometry of Primitive Lunar Magmas at High Pressure and High Temperature
Rai N, Perrillat J-P, Mezouar M, Colin A, Petitgirard S & van Westrenen W

Mezouar Mohammed (2015) Melting Criterion in Laser Heated Diamond Anvil Cell Experiments: Combined in situ and ex situ Methods
Morard G, Andrault D, Antonangeli D, Amichi L, Siebert J, Guyot F, Auzende A-L, Lord O, Bouchet J, Harmand M, Cochain B, Garbarino G, Kantor I, Torchio R, Boulard E & Mezouar M
(2015) Mineralogical Constraints on the Temperature Profile in the Deep Earth
Andrault D, Morard G & Mezouar M
(2010) Melting Curve of the Lowermost Earth's Mantle
Andrault D, lo Nigro G, Bolfan-Casanova N, Bouhifd M-A, Garbarino G & Mezouar M
(2007) Reactivity of Heavy Rare Gases with Silicates at Deep Earth Conditions
Sanloup C, Schmidt B, Agnès D, Gudfinnsson G & Mezouar M

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