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McKeon Ryan (2014) Ne and He MDD Geochronology of Hematite from a Michigan BIF
McKeon R & Farley K

Mckeon Ryan (2015) Slow and Steady Drop of the Atacama Water Table from ~15 Ma Constrained by (U-Th)/He Dating of Hematite
Cooper F, Blundy J, Farley K, Mckeon R & Ruggiero A

McKeon T. (2020) Microscopic Investigations of Yellow Traffic Paint Particles Subjected to Aqueous Dissolution
O'Shea M, Vigliaturo R, Choi J, McKeon T, Krekeler M & Gieré R

McKeown D. A. (2001) Characterization of Manganese Oxide Mineralogy in Rock Varnish Using X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Post JE & McKeown DA

McKeown David (2019) Raman Spectroscopic Studies of Hydrothermally Altered Borosilicate Nuclear Waste Glasses
McKeown D, Muller I & Pegg I
(2013) Studies of Nuclear Waste Form Glasses with Synchrotron Radiation
Shuh D, Lukens W, Icenhower J, Darab J, Tyliszczak T, Bluhm H, McKeown D, Buechele A, Muller I & Pegg I

McKercher K.B. (2011) Erosion Monitored by Riverine Sediment Ti-in-Quartz, Southern Alps, New Zealand
Martin CE, McKercher KB & Palin JM

McKervey J. (2003) Alteration of Marble and Hyperalkaline Groundwater Evolution at Maqarin (Northern Jordan)
Milodowski A, Khoury H, Hodgkinson E, McKervey J, Trotignon L & Mader U

McKever S. (2023) Respiration Partitioning Across the Yakima River Basin
Kaufman M, Delgado D, Barnes M, Boehnke B, Chen X, Cornwell K, Forbes B, Fulton S, Garayburu-Caruso V, Goldman A, Gonzalez B, Grieger S, Hammond G, Jiang P, Laan M, Li B, Li Z, McKever S, Mudunuru M, Muller K, Myers-Pigg AN, Otenburg O, Pelly A, Peta K, Regier P, Renteria L, Roebuck A, Scheibe T, Son K, Torgeson J, Hall R, Zheng J & Stegen J

McKibben M.A. (2023) Unconventional Lithium Resources and Recovery: Salton Sea Geothermal Brines
McKibben MA, Humphreys J, Brounce M, Dobson P, Planavsky NJ & Kalderon-Asael B
(2015) Kinetics of Sulfide Mineral Oxidation in Seawater: Implications for Acid Generation during in situ Mining of Seafloor Vents
Bilenker LD, Romano GY & McKibben MA
(2012) Kinetics of Pyrrhotite Oxidation in Seawater: Implications for Mining Seafloor Hotsprings
Romano G & McKibben M
(2008) Effect of Host Mineral Species on the Fidelity of Fluid Inclusion Compositions
McKibben M
(2005) Arsenic Mineral Kinetics: Arsenopyrite Oxidation
Tallant B & McKibben M

McKibbin R. (2001) Deep Geothermal Brines: T-P-X Phase-Space Delineation, Fluid Properties and Some Model Results for Vertical Transport of Heat and Brine Components
McKibbin R

McKibbin Seann (2015) Contrasting Styles of Interaction between Core and Mantle Reservoirs in the Main-Group Pallasite Source
McKibbin S, Pittarello L & Claeys P
(2015) Slow Cooling Rate of Silicate in Mesosiderite Inferred from Exsolution Lamellae in Pyroxene
Pittarello L, McKibbin S, Ji G, Schryvers D, Debaille V & Claeys P
(2013) Initiation and 35 Myr Duration of S-Type Granitic Magmatism in an Accretionary Orogen
McKibbin S, Landenberger B, Collins B & Fanning M

McKibbin Seann (2019) Triple Oxygen Isotope Variations in Magnetite from Iron Oxide Deposits, Central Iran, Record Devolatilization of Evaporite and Carbonate Rocks
Peters S, Alibabaie N, Raeisi D, McKibbin S, Pack A & Lehmann B

McKibbin Seann (2016) Chromite: Accessory Mineral Tracing Pallasite Parent Body Differentiation
McKibbin S, Hecht L, Iizuka T & Claeys P

Mckibbin Seann (2017) Measuring Oxygen Isotopes in Micrometeorites Using SHRIMP
Van Ginneken M, Avila J, Holden P, Mckibbin S, Goderis S, Soens B, Claeys P, Debaille V, Ireland T, Folco L & Rochette P
(2017) NanoSIMS Triple-Oxygen Isotope Analyses of Glass-Type Cosmic Spherules from the Sør Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica
Soens B, Franchi I, Goderis S, McKibbin S, Van Ginneken M, Debaille V & Claeys P
(2017) Implications of Fe and Ni Stable Isotope Ratios for the Formation of the Pallasite Parent Body
Chernonozhkin S, Goderis S, Weyrauch M, Costas-Rodrígues M, Oeser M, Horn I, McKibbin S, Weyer S, Claeys P & Vanhaecke F

McKibbin Seann (2011) Complex Al and P Zoning in Pallasite Olivine: Constraints on High-T History
McKibbin S, O'Neill H, Mallmann G & Halfpenny A

McKiernan Breege (2012) Natural Sources of Uranium in Shallow Groundwater in Northeastern Alberta
Welsh B, Moncur M, Paktunc D, Thibault Y, Birks J, Wieser M & McKiernan B

McKiernan Breege (2013) Identifying the Sources of Iron in Reservoir Fluids at a CO2 Injection Pilot in Alberta, Canada
McKiernan B, Wieser M, Nightingale M & Mayer B

McKinley Claire (2020) Fe Speciation and Cycling in Marine Methanogenic Sediments
McKinley C, Solomon E, Bundy R, Whorley T & Hoffman C

McKinley Conor (2012) Mineral and Element Vectoring in the Pilley's Island VMS District, Newfoundland Appalachians, Canada
McKinley C, Piercey S, Winter L & Thurlow JG

McKinley I. (2009) Origin of the Manleluag Hyperalkaline Hot Spring, Philippines
Vargas E, Pascua C, Honrado M, Arcilla C, Alexander WR, Namiki K, Fujii N, Yamakawa M, Sato T & McKinley I
(2009) Smectite and Zeolite Formation from the Pyroclastic Deposits of the Aksitero Formation, Philippines
Honrado M, Pascua C, Vargas E, Arcilla C, Alexander WR, Namiki K, Fujii N, Yamakawa M, Sato T & McKinley I
(2009) Reaction Pathways for Rising Hyperalkaline Groundwater in a Bentonite Mine in the Philippines
Arcilla C, Pascua C, Vargas E, Honrado M, Alexander WR, Namiki K, Fujii N, Yamakawa M, Sato T & McKinley I
(2002) Geochemical Optimisation of EBS Design for HLW
McKinley IG & Neall FB
(2001) Geochemical Research Priorities for Nuclear Waste Disposal: Perspective from International Repository Programs
Apted MJ, McKinley IG & Umeki H

McKinley J.P. (2014) Reactivity of Tc at the Groundwater-Surface Water Interface
Zachara J, Fredrickson J & McKinley J
(2014) Acidovorax Species Reveal Potential for Oxidation of Hydrogen Coupled to Reduction of Oxygen, Nitrate, and Radionuclides Across a Subsurface Redox Gradient
Plymale A, Lee J-H, Fredrickson J, Dohnalkova A, Moran J, Resch C, McKinley J, Shi L, Roden E & Converse B
(2012) Dissolution of Uranyl Precipitates in Contaminated Vadose Zone Sediments
Singh A, Zachara JM, McKinley JP, Liu C, Boyanov MI, Kemner KM & Moore DA
(2011) Biogeochemical Redox Transformations of Pertechnetate (99TcO4-)
Fredrickson J, Lee J-H, Plymale A, Dohnalkova A, Heald S, Peretyazhko T, McKinley J & Zachara J
(2011) Challenges in the Identification of Redox Reactive Fe(II) Mineral Phases in Suboxic Aquifer Sediments
Zachara J, Peretyazhko T, McKinley J, Liu C & Felmy A
(2010) The Deep Vadoze Zone as a Source of Uranium to the Near-Shore Aquifer at the Hanford Site, Washington
McKinley J, Zachara J, Resch C, Girvin D, Kaluzny R, Vermeul V & Christensen J
(2010) Uranium Isotopic Systematics of the 300 Area (Hanford, WA) Groundwater Plume and U-Contaminated Sediments
Christensen JN, McKinley JP, Conrad ME, Stoliker D, Dresel PE, DePaolo DJ & Zachara JM
(2008) Biogeochemical Redox Reactions Controlling Technetium-99 Solubility
Plymale A, Kennedy D, Jaisi D, Dong H, Heald S, Dohnalkova A, Marshall M, Zachara J, McKinley J & Fredrickson J
(2007) Microscale Controls on Contaminants at the Hanford Site
McKinley J, Zachara J & Heald S
(2005) Probing Uranium Speciation in Contaminated Hanford Sediments
Catalano J, Wang Z, McKinley J, Zachara J, Heald S & Brown G
(2005) Molecular Speciation, Mineral Residence, and Geochemical Behavior of U in Contaminated Subsurface Sediments
Zachara J, McKinley J, Liu C, Wang Z, Catalano J & Brown G
(2005) Microscopic Reactive Diffusion of U(VI) in Subsurface Sediments: Characterization and Modeling
Liu C, Majors P, Zachara J & McKinley J
(2003) Geochemical Investigations of the Hyporheic Zone of the Columbia River, Hanford Site, USA
McKinley J, Arntzen E, Geist D & Fredrickson J
(2002) The Reductive Immobilization of Pertechnetate by Bioreduced Sediments
Mckinley JP, Zachara JM, Heald SM & Fredrickson JK

McKinney M. (2022) Controls on the Distribution of Trace Elements in Estuarine Sediments and Bottom Waters of Mobile Bay, Alabama
Donahoe RJ, Young S, Kandow A, McKinney M, Wagner R & Jones S

McKinney S.T. (2014) Evaluating Mechanisms for Rare Earth Element Mineralization in Proterozoic Gneiss, Music Valley, California
McKinney ST, Cottle JM, Lederer GW & Granneman PE

McKinnon W. (2016) New Horizons First Results: Implications for our Understanding of the Solar System’s Early History and Evolution
Buratti B, Stern A, Moore J, Weaver H, Grundy W, Hofgartner J, Ennico K, McKinnon W, Olkin C & Young L

McKirdy D.M. (2006) The Ediacaran Acraman impact event: did it affect the long-term carbon cycle?
Hill A, Webster LJ & McKirdy DM

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