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Matsuura F. (2018) A Recycling of Subducted Crust in Archean Mantle Inferred from S-Mif of Belingwe Komatiite
Kubota Y, Ueno Y, Shimizu K, Matsuura F & Ishikawa A

Matsuura Y. (2016) Tree Response to Climate Change over Circumpolar Forest Ecosystems Deduced from Tree Rings and a DGVM
Tei S, Sugimoto A, Liang M, Matsuura Y, Osawa A, Yonenobu H, Sato H & Maximov T

Matsuya M. (2016) Micro-Distribution of Solar Wind Helium Implanted to Itokawa Particle
Bajo K, Sakaguchi I, Suzuki T, Itose S, Matsuya M, Ishihara M, Uchino K & Yurimoto H
(2013) Development of a Novel TOF-Snms to Analyze Sub-Micron Noble Gas Distribution
Bajo K-I, Itose S, Matsuya M, Ishihara M, Uchino K, Kudo M, Sakaguchi I & Yurimoto H

Matsuyama A. (2007) Distribution of Mercury in Soil Near Idrija Mercury Mine, Slovenia
Tomiyasu T, Matsuyama A, Imura R, Horvat M, Kotnik J, Kocman D & Fajon V

Matsuyama F. (2003) Multiple Micro-Area Analyses of Rhönite in the Opacitized Kaersutites
Monkawa A, Mikouchi T, Matsuyama F, Koizumi E, Miyamoto M & Ohsumi K

Matsuzaki H (2003) Beryllium Isotopes Observed in Hachijo Island
Nagai H, Yamagata T, Saito C & Matsuzaki H
(2003) Cosmogenic Radionuclides in Large Iron Meteorites
Noguchi M, Honda M, Matsuzaki H, Oura Y & Nagai H

Matsuzaki Hiroyuki (2013) Studies on the Concentration of I-129 and I-131/I-129 Ratios in Soil Samples Collected from Fukushima Prefecture
Inagawa N, Muramatsu Y, Ohno T, Toyama C, Satou M & Matsuzaki H
(2013) Reconstruction of the Accident-Derived I-131 Deposition in Fukushima Through the Analysis of I-129 in Soil
Muramatsu Y, Matsuzaki H, Ohno T, Inagawa N & Toyama C
(2013) Determination of 129I by ICP-MS/MS; It’s Application to Fukushima Soil Samples
Ohno T, Muramatsu Y, Toyoda S & Matsuzaki H
(2011) Studies on Annual Variation of 14C/12C Ratios in Plant Samples by AMS
Inoue A, Muramatsu Y, Matsuzaki H & Yoshida S
(2011) Vertical Distribution of Iodine in Pore Water Collected from Japan Sea Sediments: Origin of Iodine-Rich Fluid Associated with Methane Hydrate
Muramatsu Y, Anzai H, Tomaru H, Matsumoto R & Matsuzaki H
(2011) Depth Profile of 129I/127I Ratio in Andisol Collected in Preserved Field of NIAES, Tsukuba, Japan
Matsuzaki H, Maejima Y, Ohkura T, Tsuchiya Y, Abe K, Miyairi Y & Muramatsu Y
(2009) Occurrence of Iodine Rich Brines and Hot Spring Waters in Japan
Muramatsu Y, Kashiiwagi Y, Ohba T, Kazahaya K, Matsuzaki H & Fehn U
(2009) Accumulation of Iodine on Andosol
Ito E, Muramatsu Y & Matsuzaki H
(2007) Radiocarbon Analysis in Tree Rings of Yaku-Cedar by AMS for Investigating Secular Variation of Atmospheric 14C/12C Ratios
Ueno H, Muramatsu Y & Matsuzaki H

Matsuzaki Hiroyuki

Matsuzaki Hiroyuki (2017) 129I/137Cs Ratios for Atmospheric Particular Matters Collected Just after TEPCO FDNPP Accident
Oura Y, Ebihara M, Shirai N, Tsuruta H, Nakajima T, Moriguchi Y, Ohara T, Nagakawa Y, Sakurai N, Haba H & Matsuzaki H
(2017) A New Approach for Reconstructing the 131I-Spreading Triggered by the FDNPS Accident in 2011
Ebihara M, Oura Y, Shiara N, Nagakawa Y, Sakurai N, Haba H, Matsuzaki H, Tsuruta H & Moriguchi Y
(2017) Groundwater Flow System in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, Traced by tritium-3He and 129I Dating Methods
Sakuraba M, Sumino H, Maruoka T, Matsuzaki H, Kusuno H, Kawamoto M, Tokuyama H, Shozugawa K & Hori M

Matsuzaki Hiroyuki (2016) Development of U-236 AMS in MALT – Measuring the Soil Samples in Fukushima
Nakashoji K, Matsuzaki H & Miyake Y
(2016) Iodine Isotope System in Natural Environment
Matsuzaki H
(2016) Tracing the Iodine Source of Marine Biota Using Iodine 129 Isotopic Ratio
Kusuno H, Matsuzaki H, Nagata T, Miyairi Y, Yokoyama Y, Ohkouchi N, Tanaka E, Kawamoto M & Tokuyama H
(2016) Development of a Negative Ion Cooler at MALT
Miyake Y, Matsuzaki H & Hasegawa S
(2016) Decrease of Iodine Isotope Ratio Observed in Crater Lake and Geothermal Area at Zao Volcano, Japan
Matsunaka T, Sasa K, Takahashi T, Matsumura M, Sueki K, Goto A, Watanabe T, Tuchiya N, Hirano N, Kuri M, Takahashi M, Kazahaya K, Miyagi I & Matsuzaki H
(2016) Regional Radiocarbon Marine Reservoir Ages in Hokkaido, Japan Reconstructed from Pre-Bomb Kelp Specimens
Miyairi Y, Yokoyama Y, Abe T & Matsuzaki H
(2016) Compound-Specific 14C Dating of IODP Expedition 318 Core U1357A Obtained off East Antarctica
Yamane M, Yokoyama Y, Miyairi Y, Suga H, Matsuzaki H, Dunbar R & Ohkouchi N
(2016) Differences of Coral 129I and 14C as Nuclear Bomb Indicators
Bautista AV, Matsuzaki H & Siringan F

Matsuzaki Hiroyuki (2018) Climatic Controls on Paleo-Erosion Rates in Mid-Latitude Monsoon Regions
Nakamura A, Yokoyama Y & Matsuzaki H

Matsuzaki Hiroyuki (2019) 10Be/9Be Ratios of Be-Bearing Minerals and Suitability for Use as Be Carrier
Nakamura A, Okai T, Matsuzaki H & Ohta A

Matsuzaki T. (2007) Evidence for Dry Mantle Transition Zone from the Electrical Conductivity of Wadsleyite
Manthilake MAGM, Matsuzaki T, Yoshino T, Yamashita S, Ito E & Katsura T

Matsuzaki Takuya (2016) Estimation of Organic Content in the Quaternary Hemipelagic Sediment from Yamato Ridge Based on Br Intensity by XRF Core Scanner
Seki A, Tada R, Kurokawa S, Murayama M, Matsuzaki T, Murray RW, Alvarez Zarikian CA & Scientists E3

Matsuzawa T. (2016) Fluids in the Subducting Crust: Inferred from Estimation of the Seismic Velocity Structure
Shiina T, Nakajima J, Matsuzawa T, Toyokuni G & Kita S

Matsyuk S. (2009) Carbonate and Halide Inclusions in Diamond and Deep-Seated Carbonatitic Magma
Kaminsky F, Wirth R & Matsyuk S

Matt P. (2018) Zn Isotopes as a Tracer of Magma-Assisted Ore Mobilization at the Balmat, NY Sedex Zinc Deposit
Matt P, Powell W & Mathur R

Mattana S. (2019) Effect of Biochar Addition on the Chemical and Isotopic Evolution of Nitrate Retained and Leached from Soil after Manure Fertilization: Lysimeter Experiments
Otero N, Llovet A, Carrey R, Ribas A, Domene X, Mattana S, Chim-Pampillo J, Alcañiz JM & Soler A

Matte S. (2021) Mineralogical and Geochemical Characterisation of the Kipawa Peralkaline Complex: Implications for Rare-Earth Element Deposits
Matte S, Constantin M & Ross S
(2019) In situ Determination of Nd Isotope Ratios in Apatite
Doucelance R, Bruand E, Matte S, Bosq C, Auclair D & Gannoun A-M

Mattei A. (2021) Dissolved Gases Monitoring to Disclose Regional Hydrogeochemical Interactions Processes Involved in Mineral Water Genesis in Non-Active Zone: The Case of Corsica Island
Dupuy M, Garel E, Labasque T, Chatton E, Vergnaud V, Aquilina L, Santoni S, Mattei A & Huneau F
(2020) Pore Water Isotope Fingerprints to Understand the Spatiotemporal Groundwater Recharge Variability in Ungauged Watersheds
Mattei A, Barbecot F, Goblet P & Guillon S
(2017) Using Soil Water Isotope Signature Obtained from Liquid-Vapor Equilibration and Cryogenic Extraction to Investigate Mobile vs Immobile Soil Water Signatures
Mattei A, Barbecot F, Guillon S & Goblet P

Mattei M. (2007) Metasomatism and Melting in Subduction-Related Volcanics: U-Th-Pa Constraints from Vesuvius
Avanzinelli R, Prytulak J, Elliott T, Mattei M & Conticelli S

Matteini M. (2015) Chronus: A New U-Pb Data Reduction Program
Oliveira FV, Pimentel MM, Giustina MESD, Zacchi EN, Lima BAF, Dantas EL, Rodrigues JB, Bühn BM, Matteini M & Santos RV
(2014) U-Pb Mineral Dating by Laser Ablation MC ICP-MS: State of the art
Buhn B, Pimentel M, Matteini M & Dantas E
(2008) In situ LAM-ICPMS Zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf Analyses of High-Grade Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks in Central Brazil: Implications for the Evolution of the Neoproterozoic Brasilia Belt
Pimentel M, Buhn B, Junges S & Matteini M

Matteo Ed N (2023) Effects of Temperature on Hydrothermal Alteration of Low-Ph Cement
Zandanel A, Rock MJ, McKanna AJ, Caporuscio F & Matteo EN
(2022) Interactions Across Interfaces between Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) Paste and Oil Shale
Gruber C, Taylor AD, Brown KG, Delapp R, Brown L, Mitchell C, Pyrak-Nolte L, Matteo EN, Klein-BenDavid O, Bar-Nes G, Meeussen JCL, Ayers J & Kosson DS
(2022) 1-D Reactive Transport Modeling of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) Leaching Experiments: Preliminary Results
Jove Colon CF, Lopez CM, Kuhlman KL, Gruber C, Matteo EN, Taylor AD, Brown KG, Delapp R, Brown L & Kosson DS

Matteo Edward (2020) Interaction of Wyoming Bentonite and Grimsel Granodiorite in High Temperature EBS Experiments
Sauer K, Rock M, Caporuscio F, Telfeyan K & Matteo E
(2020) Anomalous Stability of U(IV) Species in Sulfate-Bearing Hydrothermal Solutions
Migdisov A, Van Hartesveldt N, Kalintsev A, Nisbet H, Alcorn C, Strzelecki A, Ram R, Boukhalfa H, Xu H, Gabitov R, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Jove-Colon C, Matteo E, Caporuscio F, Roback R & White J

Matter A. (2011) Megadroughts at the Dawn of Islam Recorded in a Stalagmite from Northern Oman
Fleitmann D, Bradley RS, Burns SJ, Mudelsee M, Cheng H, Edwards LR, Mangini A & Matter A
(2000) Evidence for Solar Forcing of the Indian Ocean Monsoon in a High-Resolution Speleothem Record from Oman
Burns S, Neff U, Mudelsee M, Fleitmann D, Mangini A & Matter A

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