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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Läbe S. (2020) Organic Phase (Extracellular Matrix, Osteocyte, Blood Vessel) Preservation in Fossil Tetrapod Bone: Temporal and Environmental Patterns of Preservation
Wiersma-Weyand K, Läbe S & Sander PM

Labelle E. (2010) Characterization of Outer Membrane Proteins Involved in Iron Reduction and Biofilm Formation in Geobacter sulfurreducens
Stephen C, Labelle E, Bond DR, Brantley S & Tien M

Labelle L. (2017) Chlorine (δ37Cl) Stable Isotope Distribution in the Groundwaters of the Oak Ridges Moraine, Southern Ontario, Canada
Labelle L, Frape S, Isaacs N & Gerber R
(2014) Groundwater Recharge and Mixing in the Oak Ridges Moraine Complex, Ontario Canada
Labelle L, Frape S & Gerber R

Laberdesque Y. (2018) Organic Compounds and Trace Metal Elements in the Eure River Watershed: Past and Actual Records of Anthropogenic Impacts
Gardes T, Debret M, Copard Y, Koltalo F, Patault E, Laberdesque Y, Develle A-L, Deloffre J, Marcotte S, Sabatier P, Chaumillon E, Coulombier T, Révillon S & Nizou J

Laberge-Carignan A. (2023) Seasonal Dynamics of Selenium and Vanadium in Subarctic Thermokarst Ponds
Laberge-Carignan A, Pilote M, Larivière D & Couture R-M
(2023) Assessing Mercury Methylation and Methylmercury Demethylation in Thermokarst Lakes in a Sporadic Permafrost Region, Canadian Subarctic
Malcata Martins B, Hintelmann H, Pilote M, Cesário R, Dias R, Costa J, Magalhães C, Laberge-Carignan A, Couture R-M & Canário J

Laberty-Robert C. (2018) Direct and Indirect Biomineralization of Iron in the Ferruginous Lake Pavin
Berg J, Duverger A, Jézéquel D, Duprat E, Poinsot M, Skouri-Panet F, Laberty-Robert C & Miot J

Labeyrie L. (2014) Assessment of Reactivity and Mobility of MTE in Surface Sediments in Morbihan Coast (South Brittany, France)
Jimenez J, Goubert E, Labeyrie L, Coynel A & Menier D
(2009) Opposite Export of North Atlantic Deep and Intermediate Waters during the Last Glacial Inception
Guihou A, Pichat S, Nave S, Govin A, Michel E, Waelbroeck C & Labeyrie L
(2008) Glacial-Interglacial Circulation Changes Inferred from Sediment 231Pa/230Th in the North Atlantic
Gherardi J, Francois R, Labeyrie L, Nave S, McManus J, Cortijo E & Jaccard S
(2000) Ocean Sediment Isotopic Records of the Last Deglaciation Contain Key Information on the Interactions between Climate and Thermohaline Circulation at the Global Scale
Labeyrie L, Cortijo E, Waelbroeck C, Paterne M, Kallel N & Duplessy JC

Labidi Jabrane (2023) Tracing the Origin of Volatile Elements with Core Formation Experiments and Sulfur Isotopes
Calvo LM, Labidi J, Kubik E & Siebert J
(2023) Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Clumped Isotope Signatures Among Microbially-Mediated Methane
Giunta T, Labidi J, Ruffine L, Donval J-P, Brandily C, Sans-Jofre P, Jézéquel D & Young ED
(2023) Experimental Determination of the Clumped Isotope Signatures of Abiotic Methane
Labidi J, McCollom T, Leavitt W & Young ED
(2023) Can Clumped Isotopes Help us Constrain the Origin of H2?
Levy D, Martinez I, Cartigny P, Labidi J, Moretti I, Strapoc D & Le Nir I
(2023) Three-Years Variations of HCl Concentration and Chlorine Isotopic Compositions in Fumarolic Gases of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (FWI) Reveal Key Constraints on the Scrubbing of HCl(g)
Le Glas E, Bonifacie M, Agrinier P, Robert V, Bardoux G, Moretti R, Labidi J, Chilin-Eusebe E, Didier T, Burtin A & Pantobe L
(2023) Geochemical Markers of Magmatic Solicitations to Volcanic-Hydrothermal Systems: The Long-Standing Unrest of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe Dissected via Non-Condensable Gases
Moretti R, Robert V, Moune S, Inostroza Pizarro M, Jessop DE, Tassi F, Vaselli O, Bonifacie M, Fiebig J, Labidi J, Vlastelic I, Chilin-Eusebe E, Grassa F, Metcalfe A & Allard P

Labidi Jabrane (2024) High Precision Sulfur Isotopes in Chondrites
Debruycker M, Labidi J & Moynier F
(2024) Constraining the Terrestrial Nitrogen Cycle: Advances from High-Resolution 15N15N Measurements
Labidi J & Young ED

Labidi Jabrane (2014) Sulfur Isotopic Fractionation during Planetary Differentiation
Labidi J, Shahar A, Hillgren V & Farquhar J
(2013) Experimental Determination of Chlorine Isotope Fractionation in Cl<sub>2</sub>-Cl<sup>-</sup><sub>aq</sub> And ClOH<sub>aq</sub>-Cl<sup>-</sup><sub>aq</sub>
Giunta T, Labidi J & Eggenkamp HGM
(2013) Non-Chondritic Sulfur Isotope Composition of the Earth’s Mantle: Implications on Planetary Differentiation
Labidi J, Cartigny P & Moreira M
(2012) On Overview of the Deep Carbon Cycle and its Isotope Heterogeneity
Cartigny P, Palot M, Clog M, Labidi J, Thomassot E, Aubaud C, Busigny V & Harris J
(2012) A New Way to Look at Mantle Heterogeneities: Multiple Sulfur-Isotope on Pacific Antarctic Ridge
Labidi J, Cartigny P, Hamelin C, Moreira M, Dosso L & Assayag N
(2011) Multiple Sulfur Isotopes in Basalts: Chemical Geodynamics in the South Atlantic Mantle
Labidi J, Cartigny P, Bourrand J-J & Assayag N

Labidi Jabrane (2018) 13CH3D and 12CH2D2 Measurements of Methane from Boreal Lakes
Haghnegahdar M, Schauble E, Kohl I, Labidi J, Walter Anthony K & Young E
(2018) Bulk and Clumped Isotopic Signatures of Aerobically Produced Methane
Taenzer L, Gaube J, Rumble D, Young E, Labidi J & Leavitt W
(2018) Resolved Analyses of 13CDH3 and 12CD2H2 from Taiwan Mud Volcanoes
Rumble D, Wang P-L, Lin L-H, Lin Y-T, Tu T-H, Labidi J & Young ED
(2018) Formation Processe(s) of Methane in Submarine Mud-Volcanoes from the Marianna Trench (IODP Exp. 366)
Labidi J, Sissmann O, Giunta T, Price R, Takai K, Kohl I & Young E
(2018) A Relationship between Sulfur Isotopes, μ182W, and 3He/4He: Evaluating the Possibility of S- Isotope Heterogeneity in a Primitive Mantle Reservoir
Dottin Iii J, Farquhar J, Labidi J & Jackson M
(2018) Selenium Isotope and Se–Te Elemental Systematics of the Pacific–Antarctic Ridge Basalts
Yierpan A, König S, Labidi J, Kurzawa T, Redlinger J & Schoenberg R

Labidi Jabrane (2015) On the Archean vs. Proterozoic Age of the HIMU Mantle Component: New 33S/32S, 34S/32S, 36S/32S-Data from Saint-Helena Glasses
Cartigny P, Labidi J, Devey CW, Jackson MG, Thomassot E & Deloule E

Labidi Jabrane (2022) The Origin of Nitrogen in Earth’s Mantle Constrained by 15N15N Measurements
Labidi J & Young ED
(2022) A Search for Isotopic Evidence of Thermodiffusion at the Core-Mantle Boundary
Sio CKI, Render J, Wimpenny J, Labidi J, Vlastelic I, Rizo H, Archer G, Lesher C, Brenan J & Bennett NR
(2022) Molybdenum Isotope Evidence for Sediment Recycling in Hotspot-Influenced MORBs: A Window into Ancient Deep-Sea Redox
Ahmad Q, Wille M, Rosca C, Labidi J, Schmid T, Mezger K & König S
(2022) Reversibility Controls on Extreme Methane Clumped Isotope Signatures from Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Liu J, Harris RL, Ash JL, Ferry JG, Labidi J, Krause SJE, Prakash D, Sherwood Lollar B, Treude T, Warr O & Young ED

Labidi Jabrane (2019) Selenium Isotopes Trace Crustal Recycling in the Upper Mantle
Yierpan A, König S, Labidi J, Varas-Reus MI, Redlinger J & Schoenberg R
(2019) The Origin of 12CH2D2 Depletions in Microbialgenic Methane Gases
Taenzer L, Leavitt W, Labiti J & Young E

Labidi Jabrane (2021) Is Archean Sulfur Recycled in Plume Sources? New Observations at Pitcairn
Labidi J, Dottin J, Clog M, Hemond C & Cartigny P
(2021) Constraining Geochemistry’s Community Demographics
Little SH, Labidi J, Riches AJV, Bots P, Anand P, Arndt S, Li Z, Maters EC, Marin-Carbonne J, Chi Fru E, Pourret O, Ngwenya B & Samankassou E
(2021) Sulfur Signature of Hydrothermal Systems in Central Nepal
Thapa S, Girault F, Labidi J, Muller E, Deldicque D, Losno R & Perrier F
(2021) Late Accretion of Volatiles to a Dry Proto-Earth: Really?
Labidi J, Dottin J, Yierpan A, Shahar A, Cartigny P, Farquhar J & Young E
(2021) Volatile Characteristics of Central American Geothermal Fluids
Barry PH, Bekaert DV, de Moor M, Labidi J, Gazel E, Nakagawa M, Giovannelli D, Schrenk M & Lloyd K
(2021) Chlorine Isotopes in La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (FWI) Fumaroles Trace HCl Scrubbing at Shallow Depth
Le Glas E, Bonifacie M, Agrinier P, Bardoux G, Moretti R, Labidi J & Robert V

Labidi Jabrane (2016) Inorganic and Organic Sulfur in Murchison and Other Chondrites Carry Isotope Anomalies
Labidi J, Farquhar J, Alexander C & Cody G
(2016) Evaluating the Role of Sulfate as an Oxidant during the Magmatic History of Paired MIL 03346/090030/090032/090136 Meteorites
Dottin Iii J, Piccoli P, Farquhar J & Labidi J

Labille Jérôme (2016) Tracing TiO2 Nanoparticles in a Hard-Rock Aquifer
Cary L, Ollivier P, Picot G, Leroy P, Labille J & Pauwels H
(2016) The Role of Pesticides in Stabilization of TiO2 Nanoparticles in Aquatic Environments
Ilina S, Ollivier P, Baran N, Slomberg D, Devau N, Pariat A, Sani-Kast N, Scheringer M & Labille J
(2016) Assessing the Heteroaggregation of Manufactured Nanoparticles with Natural Colloids in Surface Water
Slomberg D, Labille J, Ollivier P, Praetorius A, Sani-Kast N, Ilina S, Radakovitch O, Scheringer M & Brant J
(2015) Fate of Silver Nanoparticles at the Bacterial Biofilm/Mineral/Water Interface
Gelabert A, Levard C, Ona-Nguema G, Desmau M, Auffan M, Rose J, Labille J, Sivry Y, Eng P, Guyot F & Benedetti MF
(2014) Stability of SiO2-Coated Silver Nanoparticles Under Environmental Conditions – A Safer by Design Perspective
Levard C, Artells E, Auffan M, Thiéry A, Gelabert A, Sivry Y, Issartel J, Rose J, Labille J, Masion A & Bottero J-Y
(2012) Environmental Impacts of Nanomaterials: Physico-Chemical Evolution, Exposure Mechanisms and Mechanisms Disturbing the Biological Activity in Aqueous Environment
Bottero J-Y, Auffan M, Labille J, Masion A & Rose J
(2012) Speciation of Commercial CeO2 Nanocomposites during Aging
Masion A, Scifo L, Chaurand P, Diot MA, Labille J, Auffan M, Bottero JY & Rose J
(2012) Application of Iron Nanoparticles for Subsurface Remediation: Geochemical Interaction and Transfer
Kumar N, Kaifas D, Rose J, Labille J, Masion A, Doumenq P, Kvapil P & Bottero J-Y
(2011) Environmental Impact of Engineered Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials Through their Life Cycle
Rose J, Auffan M, Chaurand P, Labille J, Borschneck D, Masion A, Miche H, Botta C, Geantet C, Puzenat E, Afanasiev P, Leclerc E, Garric J, Manuela F, Vollat B, Noury P, Pielichowskiaze K, Njuguna J, Bottero J-Y & Abbaci K
(2010) Mobility of Natural and Engineered Nanoparticles in Aquatic Media
Masion A, Levard C, Solovitch N, Diot M-A, Auffan M, Botta C, Labille J, Rose J, Chaurand P, Borschneck D, Doelsch E, Ziarelli F, Thill A & Bottero J-Y
(2009) Ecotoxicological Effect of Altered TiO2 Nanocomposite on the Earthworm, Eisenia fetida
Bigorgne E, Foucaud L, Falla J, Labille J, Rose J, Rodius F & Nahmani J
(2009) Interactions between Two Types of Nanoparticles (nC60 and TiO2) and Porous Media
Solovitch-Vella N, Labille J & Rose J
(2009) Implications of Nanoparticle Aggregation State and Reactivity in Toxicity Testing
Wiesner MR, Hotze EM, Jassby D, Bottero J-Y & Labille J
(2009) Physical-Chemical Characterization and Ecotoxicity of Residues from Alteration of Engineered Nanomaterials
Botta C, Labille J, Feng J, Rose J, Chaurand P, Auffan M, Garric J, Vollat B, Abbaci K, Noury P, Masion A & Bottero J-Y
(2006) Interactions between manufactured nanoparticles and individual cells
Rose J, Auffan M, Zeyon O, Decome L, Thill A, Orsiere T, Labille J, Achouak W, Flank A-M, Wiesner M, DeMeo M & Spalla O

Labille Jerome (2022) Fate and Treatment of Pharmaceutical Emerging Pollutants in the Context of Wastewater Reuse for Agricultural Irrigation
Loosli F, Deschamps M, Fatahizadeh M, Delarue G, Roche N & Labille J
(2020) Are UV Filters Polluting our Beaches? A Field Study of French Mediterranean Beach from Consumer Survey to Water Analysis
Labille J, Slomberg D, Catalano R, Robert S, Apers-Tremelo M-L, Boudenne J-L, Manasfi T & Radakovitch O
(2019) Nanotechnologies Risk Assessment: Exposure and Product Life Cycle Driven Methodology
Rose J, Auffan M, Chaurand P, Labille J, Borschneck D, Masion A, Collin B & Levard C
(2018) Evaluation of the Environmental Exposure to Nanoparticulate UV-Filters Used in Sunscreens
Labille J, Slomberg D, Catalano R, Robert S, Boudenne J-L, Apers-Tremelo M-L, Masion A & De Garidel C
(2018) Spectroscopic Monitoring of the Aging of Sunscreens with TiO2 UV Filters
Slomberg D, Masion A, Ziarelli F, Catalano R, Viel S & Labille J
(2017) Eco-Design of Sunscreens Through the Minimization of Risks Associated with Nanomaterials
Labille J, Slomberg D, Bartholomei V, Catalano R, Hubaud J-C, Vidal V, Rose J, de Garidel C & Boutry D
(2017) Investigations into Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticle and Pesticide Interactions in Aqueous Environments
Ilina S, Ollivier P, Slomberg D, Baran N, Pariat A, Devau N, Sani-Kast N, Scheringer M & Labille J
(2017) Heteroaggregation of Manufactured Nanoparticles with Suspended Particulate Matter Analogues as Compared to a Natural River System
Slomberg D, Labille J, Pariat A, Praetorius A, Ollivier P, Radakovitch O, Sani-Kast N & Scheringer M

Labolle F. (2013) Calcium Isotope Fractionations from Roots to Shoots
Schmitt A-D, Stille P, Labolle F, Cobert F, Bourgeade P, Chabaux F & Gangloff S
(2013) Ca Isotope Fractionation in a Permafrost-Dominated Boreal Ecosystem (Kulingdakan Watershed, Central Siberia)
Bagard M-L, Schmitt A-D, Chabaux F, Prokrovsky OS, Viers J, Stille P, Labolle F & Prokushkin A
(2011) Calcium Isotope Fractionation during Plant Growth Under Limiting and non Limiting Nutrient Supply
Cobert F, Schmitt A-D, Bourgeade P, Labolle F, Badot P-M, Chabaux F & Stille P

LaBone E.D. (2024) An R Shiny Graphical User Interface for Analyzing, Visualizing, and Interpreting High-Precision Mass Spectrometric Data
LaBone ED, Samperton KM, Bowden S & Riche AT

Labonté J.M. (2013) Frequent Bacteria-Phage Interactions in Deep Biosphere
Labonté JM, Field EK, Lau M, Van Heerden E, Kieft TL, Onstott TC & Stepanauskas R

Labonte P. (2023) Alteration of Mercury Cycling in Forested Wetland Watersheds by Common Forest Management Prescriptions
Ulus Y, Morales K, Labonte P, Coleman JS, Tsui M, Trettin CC & Chow AT

Laborda F. (2011) Colloidal Arsenic Distribution and Speciation in Mine Soils
Garrido F, Laborda F, Bolea E, Helmhart M, O'Day P & Serrano S

Laborda Lopez C. (2023) Slab Fluid Redox Potential of Subducted Metasomatized Heterogeneous Oceanic Crust: Insights from Sulfur–Selenium Systematics in Metarondingites
Munoz Alfaro J, König S, Lopez Sanchez-Vizcaino V, Marchesi C, Laborda Lopez C & Garrido CJ

Laborde N. (2015) Temporal Variability of Carbon Recycling in Deltaic Sediments at Different Time Scales: An Example from the Rhône River Delta
Rabouille C, Toussaint F, Cathalot C, Rassmann J, Lansard B, Laborde N, Moriarty J & Harris C

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