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(2020) Are UV Filters Polluting our Beaches? A Field Study of French Mediterranean Beach from Consumer Survey to Water Analysis

Labille J, Slomberg D, Catalano R, Robert S, Apers-Tremelo M-L, Boudenne J-L, Manasfi T & Radakovitch O


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13h: Room 4, Thursday 25th June 05:30 - 05:33

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by Philippa Huntsman on Tuesday 23rd June 19:48
Thank you for your presentation. Did you analyse the seawater for Ti and Zn directly on the ICP-MS or were you required to do a pre-treatment to remove the salts prior to injection? Also, were you able to distinguish between the Zn and Ti that was truly dissolved and nano-particles?
Dear Philippa Huntsman, thank you for your question. The Ti and Zn elements were not directly measured by ICP MS in seawater. Because, ZnO and TiO2 are in a particulate form, the samples were first digested with acid and microwave treatment. This also resulted in diluting the salt from seawater, which allowed ICP-MS measurement. On your second question, the dissolved Ti and Zn species were also measured distinctly from the particulate form by using ultrafiltration of the samples. The dissolved background could be quantified and subtracted from the particulate signal. I hope this replies to your question. Best Regards. Jérome

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