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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Kinsman-Costello Lauren E. (2021) Microbial Iron Cycling during Permafrost Thaw
Bryce C, Patzner MS, Mueller CW, Logan M, Eberle A, Straub D, Kleindienst S, Hoeschen C, McKenna A, Barczok MR, Smith CE, Kinsman-Costello LE, Herndon E, Borch T & Kappler A
(2021) Impact of Increasing Permafrost Thaw and Surface Ponding on Iron Speciation and Phosphorus Bioavailability in Abisko, Sweden
Barczok MR, Smith CE, Kinsman-Costello LE, Singer DM, Patzner MS, Kappler A, Bryce C & Herndon E

Kintzel E. (2008) Dynamics of Water in Aqueous Solutions Confined in Silica Matrices Determined from Neutron Scattering
Cole D, Mamontov E, Dai S, Pawel M, Liang C, Jenkins T, Gasparovic G, Kintzel E, Vlcek L & Cummings P

Kioe-A-Sen N. (2012) Petrogenesis of CAMP Dolerites from Suriname and West Africa
Kioe-A-Sen N & van Bergen M

Kiørboe T. (2004) From Dissolved Organic Carbon to Marine Snow in the Prokaryote Dominated Precambrian Oceans
Bjerrum C, Canfield D, Kiørboe T & Jackson G

Kip N. (2019) A Consortium of Anaerobic Microorganisms Protects Metal Sheet Piles Against Corrosion
in 't Zandt M, Kip N, Frank J, Jansen S, van Veen H, Jetten M & Welte C

Kipfer R (2020) Compensation of Mass Spectrometric Interferences with the miniRUEDI Portable Mass Spectrometer
Brennwald MS, Tomonaga Y & Kipfer R

Kipfer Rolf (2023) Quantification of Residual DNAPL within Aquifer System Using Noble Gas and Radon
Kim YJ, Kipfer R, Kaown D, Kim J, Lee S-S, Kim J & Lee K-K
(2023) Noble Gases to Track Groundwater in Marine Sediments
Engelhardt E, Feldens P, Brennwald M & Kipfer R
(2023) Excess Air in Noble Gas Data Sets: Systematics and Paleoclimatic Significance
Negele S, Aeschbach W, Seltzer AM, Ng J, Kulongoski JT, Severinghaus JP, Kipfer R & Stute M
(2023) Exploring the Potential Correlation between Fluid Evolution and Seismicity Through Dissolved Gas Monitoring in Thermal Water
Giroud S, Brennwald M, Tomonaga Y & Kipfer R
(2023) Groundwater Noble Gas Paleothermometry Record of 9℃ LGM Cooling in Eastern France
Bekaert DV, Blard P-H, Raoult Y, Pik R, Kipfer R, Seltzer AM, Legrain E & Marty B
(2023) Real Time on-Site Gas Analysis – A Ballad of (Noble) Gases, Arsenic and Seismicity
Kipfer R, Lightfoot AK, Giroud S & Marion C
(2023) Tracking Fluids in Aquatic Systems by Monitoring Naturally Accumulating or Artificially Injected Gas Tracers with a Portable Mass Spectrometer (miniRUEDI)
Brennwald M, Marion C, Wang C, Newman CP, Humphrey EC, Peel M, Giroud S, Blanc T, Doda T & Kipfer R
(2023) First Application of 39Ar-Atta in Lake Water – Highly Enriched 39Ar Concentrations in Lake Kivu
Robertz J, Schmidt M, Wachs D, Bärenbold F, Arck Y, Ringena L, Schmid M, Kipfer R, Oberthaler M & Aeschbach W
(2023) Quantifying Carbon Cycling Across the Groundwater-Stream-Atmosphere Continuum Using High-Resolution Time Series of Multiple Dissolved Gases
Wang C, Brennwald M, Xie Y, McCallum J & Kipfer R
(2023) Using (Noble) Gases as Tracers to Assess Hydrology and Gas Dynamics in Trees
Marion C, Brennwald M & Kipfer R
(2023) Gases as Artificial Tracers to Study SW-Gw Interactions
Blanc T, Peel M, Brennwald M, Kipfer R & Brunner P
(2022) Monitoring Dissolved Gases in Thermal Water to Assess the Potential Relation between Fluid Evolution and Seismicity
Giroud S, Tomonaga Y, Brennwald M & Kipfer R
(2022) Aquitard Controls on Gaseous CH4 Production in an Arsenic Contaminated Aquifer
Lightfoot AK, Stopelli E, Berg M, Brennwald M & Kipfer R
(2022) Measuring Dissolved Gases in Trees
Marion C, Kipfer R, Brennwald M & Gharun M
(2022) The Ballad of Noble Gases, Paleoclimate and Groundwater in the Sea
Engelhardt E, Brennwald M & Kipfer R
(2022) Explicit Simulation of an Artificial Tracer Experiment: What Insights can be Gained by Assimilating Tracer Measurements in Physically-Based Numerical Models?
Peel M, Delottier H, Schilling OS, Blanc T, Brennwald M, Kipfer R & Brunner P
(2022) Buried Paleo-Channel Identification via Dissolved Atmospheric Noble Gases and Preferred Anisotropy Pilot Point Inversion
Schilling OS, Partington D, Doherty J, Kipfer R, Hunkeler D & Brunner P
(2021) Arsenic Mobilization by Anaerobic Iron-Dependent Methane Oxidation
Kappler A, Glodowska M, Stopelli E, Schneider M, Rathi B, Straub D, Vu D, Pham T, Pham V, Lightfoot AK, Kipfer R, Berg M, Jetten M & Kleindienst S
(2021) Compensation of Mass Spectrometric Interferences with the miniRUEDI Portable Mass Spectrometer
Brennwald M, Tomonaga Y & Kipfer R
(2021) Hydrothermal Activity in the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean – How Noble Gases Can Help to Identify Different Regimes of Hydrothermal Transport in Ocean Sediments
Horstmann E, Tomonaga Y, Brennwald M, Liebetrau V, Schmidt M & Kipfer R
(2021) Detection of a Previously Unknown Deep-Water Source for Mt. Fuji’s Freshwater Springs via Dissolved Noble Gases, Microbial DNA and Vanadium
Schilling OS, Nagaosa K, Brennwald M, Brunner P, Kipfer R & Kato K
(2021) How miniRUEDI Sniffs the World: Towards Real Time on-Site Analysis of (Noble) Gases in the Context of Fracking and Nuclear Waste Disposal
Kipfer R, Brennwald M & Tomonaga Y
(2021) Monitoring Dissolved Gases in Thermal Water to Assess the Potential Relation between Fluid Evolution and Seismicity
Giroud S, Tomonaga Y, Brennwald M & Kipfer R
(2021) Aquitard Constraints on Degassing in an Arsenic Contaminated Aquifer
Lightfoot AK & Kipfer R
(2021) Geochemical Monitoring of a CO2 Injection into a Caprock Analogue
Weber U, Rinaldi AP, Roques C, Zappone A, Bernasconi SM, Jaggi M, Wenning Q, Schefer S, Brennwald M & Kipfer R
(2021) Using Helium as Artificial Tracer to Characterize Surface Water – Groundwater Interactions
Peel M, Blanc T, Brennwald M, Brunner P & Kipfer R
(2021) 4He/U-Th Dating of Pore Waters from Quaternary Sediments of the Swiss Midland
Tomonaga Y, Buechi M, Deplazes G & Kipfer R
(2020) To Towards Real Time Insitu (Noble) Gas Determination (or How mini-Ruedi Ruessel Sniffs the World)
Brennwald M, Tomonaga Y & Kipfer R
(2020) 4He/U-Th Dating of Pore Waters from Quaternary Sediments of the Swiss Midland
Tomonaga Y, Horstmann E, Deplazes G & Kipfer R
(2020) Gas and Groundwater Dynamics in an As Contaminated Aquifer
Lightfoot A, Brennwald M, Stopelli E & Kipfer R
(2020) Experiences from the ICO2P Project Applied to Migration Monitoring of Injected CO2
Weber UW, Sundal A, Hellevang H & Kipfer R
(2019) How mini-Ruedi Ruessel Sniffs the World – Towards Real-Time in situ Gas Determination in the Field
Brennwald M, Tomonaga Y & Kipfer R
(2019) Noble Gas Composition of Sediment Pore Water at a Hydrothermal Vent Site
Horstmann E, Tomonaga Y, Brennwald M, Schmidt M, Liebetrau V & Kipfer R
(2018) Geogenic Arsenic and Manganese in Anoxic Riverbank Groundwater along the Amazon River
de Meyer C, Kipfer R, Wahnfried I, Roeser P, Rodriguez J & Berg M
(2018) Quantifying the Contribution of Snowmelt to Groundwater Recharge with Portable Mass Spectrometry-Based Dissolved Gas Analysis
Schilling OS, Brennwald M, Kipfer R & Therrien R
(2018) Tracing the Spatio-Temporal Variability of Hyporheic Exchange Flow
Popp A & Kipfer R
(2018) Quantifying Air/Water Exchange Using High-Resolution Time Series of Dissolved Atmospheric Ar, Kr, and N2 in Shallow Surface Waters
Brennwald MS, Weber UW, Cook P, Kipfer R & Stieglitz T
(2018) CO2 Capture Processes Monitored with Noble Gas Measurements
Weber UW, Sundal A, Brennwald M, Ringrose P, Aagaard P & Kipfer R
(2018) From Quantum Mechanics to Molecular Diffusion and Climate Reconstruction
Tyroller L, Magalhaes HP, Brennwald MS & Kipfer R
(2018) Interdisciplinary Approach to Understand As Mobilization in the Groundwater of Hanoi, Vietnam
Glodowska M, Stopelli E, Lightfoot A, Schneider M, Patzner M, Kipfer R, Winkel L, Berg M, Cirpka O, Eiche E, Kontny A, Neumann T, Rathi B, Prommer H, Pham Hung V, Vu D, Vi Mai L, Pham T, Kleindienst S & Kappler A
(2018) Microbial Arsenic Mobilization in Groundwater Aquifers of the Red River Delta, Vietnam
Patzner MS, Glodowska M, Stopelli E, Lightfoot A, Schneider M, Kipfler R, Winkel L, Cirpka O, Eiche E, Kontny A, Neumann T, Rhati B, Pommer H, Vu D, Tran M, Thrang P, Viet PH, Berg M, Kleindienst S & Kappler A
(2017) Apparent Heating of Groundwater in the Gardermoen Aquifer, Norway
Sundal A, Kipfer R & Brennwald M
(2017) A Multitracer Approach to Estimate Groundwater Mixing Ratios
Popp A, Brennwald M, Möck C, Radny D & Kipfer R
(2017) On-Line Monitoring of the Gas Composition in the Full-Scale Emplacement Experiment at Mt. Terri (Switzerland)
Tomonaga Y, Giroud N, Brennwald MS, Horstmann E, Kipfer R & Wersin P
(2017) Noble Gas Analysis of Sediment Pore Fluids Near Black Smoker
Horstmann E, Tomonaga Y, Brennwald M, Schmidt M & Kipfer R
(2017) High-Resolution (Noble) Gas Time Series for Environmental Research
Brennwald MS, Cook P, Stieglitz T, Banks E, Popp A, Weber U, Moeck C & Kipfer R
(2017) Paleo-Temperature and Hydrological Signal from Water and Noble Gas Amounts of Swiss Stalagmite
Ghadiri E, Brennwald M & Kipfer R
(2017) Strange Isotopic Fractionation of Noble Gases Diffusing Through Water
Magalhães HP, Brennwald M & Kipfer R
(2017) On-Site Analysis of Gas Concentrations at Lake Kivu, Central Africa
Bärenbold F, Schmid M, Brennwald M & Kipfer R
(2017) Continuous on Site Air-Water Gas Exchange Measurements
Weber U & Kipfer R
(2016) Using Isotopic Data for the Calibration of a Coupled Surface Water-Groundwater Model
Schilling OS, Partington D, Gerber C, Purtschert R, Kipfer R, Hunkeler D & Brunner P
(2016) Advances in the on-Site and Remote-Controlled Analysis of Dissolved (Noble) Gases in Water Bodies
Tomonaga Y, Brennwald MS, Rüssel R & Kipfer R
(2016) The Story of Real-Time Noble Gas Analysis in the Field, Black Smokers and the Paleocene-Eocene-Thermal Maximum
Brennwald MS, Schmidt M & Kipfer R
(2016) Detecting Inter-Aquifer Leakage and Recharge Using Multiple Environmental Tracers
Priestley SC, Love AJ, Wohling D, Post VEA, Shand P, Kipfer R, Payne TE, Stute M & Tyroller L
(2016) Noble-Gas Temperature Reconstructions on Swiss Stalagmite during the Last Glacial – Interglacial Transition
Ghadiri E, Brennwald M & Kipfer R
(2016) Continuous Noble Gas Analysis to Estimate Artificial Groundwater Recharge for Drinking Water Production
Popp A, Brennwald M & Kipfer R
(2015) Noble Gas Isotope Ratios as Tracer for Molecular Diffusion in Lake Sediments
Tyroller L, Tomonaga Y, Brennwald MS & Kipfer R
(2015) The Influence of Groundwater Abstraction on Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in the Emmental
Schilling O, Gerber C, Purtschert R, Kipfer R, Hunkeler D & Brunner P
(2015) Recent Advances in the on-Site Analysis and Process-Based Interpretation of Dissolved (Noble) Gases in Water Bodies
Brennwald MS, Rüssel R & Kipfer R
(2015) Investigation of Transform Type Plate Boundaries within the Project FLOWS: Seep Fluids and Gases in the Guaymas Basin
Geilert S, Hensen C, Schmidt M, Scholz F, Liebetrau V, Kipfer R & Lever M
(2015) Landing (Noble) Gas Analytics in the Field: Towards Real Time Insitu Gas Determination
Brennwald MS, Rüssel R & Kipfer R
(2014) Dating Groundwater in the Western Great Artesain Basin, Australia
Love A, Purtschert R, Shand P, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Tosaki Y, Fulton S, Wohllng D, Aeschbach-Hertig W, Broder L & Kipfer R
(2013) Using Noble Gases for Real-Time Tracing of Oxygen Turnover in Aquatic Systems
Mächler L, Brennwald M & Kipfer R
(2013) Recent Advances of Noble Gas Geochemistry in Aquatic Systems
Brennwald M, Maden C, Vogel N, Tomonaga Y & Kipfer R
(2013) Noble Gases as Physiological Tracers for Gas Dynamics in Human Blood
Brennwald M, Lundby C, Tomonaga Y & Kipfer R
(2013) Noble Gas Temperature Determination in Fluid Inclusions – Method, Tests, Future Applications
Vogel N, Brennwald M, Meckler N, Fleitmann D, Maden C, Wieler R & Kipfer R
(2013) 81Kr Concentrations in Deep Fracture Waters of the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
Purtschert R, Onstott T, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Müller P, van Heerden E, Erasmus M, Borgonie G, Linage B, Kuloyo O, Kipfer R, Brennwald M, Visser B, Maphanga S & Joubert L
(2013) Linking Noble Gas and CH4 Concentrations in the Sediment Porewater of Lake Lungern, Switzerland
Tyroller L, Brennwald M, Ndayisaba C, Tomonaga Y & Kipfer R
(2013) Earthquake-Driven Noble-Gas Geochemistry in Lake Van (Turkey)
Tomonaga Y, Brennwald MS, Maden C, Meydan AF & Kipfer R
(2012) Noble Gases in Geothermal Waters as Tracers for Deep Fluid Circulation
Klump S, Brennwald M, Morrison D & Kipfer R
(2012) Noble Gases in the Sediment Pore Water as Proxies for Physical Transport Processes in Lake Van (Turkey)
Tomonaga Y, Brennwald MS & Kipfer R
(2012) Mechanisms of Subglacial Groundwater Recharge as Derived from Noble Gas, 14C, and Stable Isotopic Data
Grundl T, Magnusson N, Brennwald M & Kipfer R
(2012) Dating Old Groundwater by Multiple Tracers Including Krypton 81
Love A, Purtschert R, Lu Z-T, Fulton S, Shand P, Jiang W, Mueller P, Yang G-M, Wohling D, Aeschbach-Hertig W, Broder L, Kipfer R, Priestley S, Gueutin P & Tosaki Y
(2012) Origin and Evolution of Red Sea Brines – Insights from Noble Gases
Winckler G, Aeschbach-Hertig W, Kipfer R, Botz R, Schmidt M & Bonatti E
(2012) Concentrations and Isotope Ratios of He and Other Noble Gases in the Atmosphere during 1978-2011
Brennwald MS, Vollmer MK, Vogel N, Figura S, North RP, Langenfelds R, Steele LP & Kipfer R
(2011) Noble Gas in Basin Centred Gas: Sampling Techniques and Preliminary Results
Pujol M, Van den Boorn S, Bourdon B, Kipfer R, Wieler R & Brennwald M
(2011) Growth Conditions of Stalagmites Derived from Noble Gas Concentrations in Fluid Inclusions
Scheidegger Y, Vogel N, Figura S, Brennwald M, Wieler R, Fleitmann D & Kipfer R
(2011) On the Fate of 220Rn in Partially Saturated Media
Huxol S, Brennwald MS, Hoehn E & Kipfer R
(2011) Noble Gases in the Sediment Pore Water as Proxies for Physical Transport Processes and Past Environmental Conditions in Lake Van?
Tomonaga Y, Brennwald MS & Kipfer R
(2011) Noble Gases as Tracers to Determine the Effective Diffusivity in the Sediment Porewater of Lake Hallwil
Trösch M, Tomonaga Y, Holzner CP & Kipfer R
(2011) Simultaneous Analysis of Dissolved Noble Gases, SF6 and CFCs in Water
Brennwald MS, Hofer M & Kipfer R
(2011) Are Noble Gases in the Sediment Pore Water of Lake Van Promising Proxies for Paleoclimate Conditions?
Blaettler R, Tomonaga Y, Brennwald MS, Kwiecien O & Kipfer R
(2011) Comparison of 4He and 14C Dating, Noble-Gas Temperatures and Stable Isotope (δ2H, δ18O) Data for Groundwater in Stratified Aquifers (Tomsk-7, SE Siberia)
Tokarev I, Kipfer R, Tomonaga Y, Brennwald M & Vereschagina E
(2011) A Field Method for the in situ Determination of Excess Air and Oxygen Consumption in Groundwater
Mächler L, Brennwald M & Kipfer R
(2010) Noble Gas Composition and Reactive Gas Fluxes: Indicators for Natural Attenuation Processes in Contaminated Aquifers
Mayer KU, Jones K, Kipfer R, Sihota N & Singurindy O
(2009) Vacuum Extraction of Volatile Organic Compounds from Water for Compound-Specific Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis at the sub-µg/L Level
Amaral HIF, Brennwald M, Hofer M, Berg M & Kipfer R
(2009) What do Noble Gases in Surface-Water Sediments Tell us?
Brennwald M, Tomonaga Y & Kipfer R
(2009) A New Analytical Field Method for the in situ Determination of the Oxygen Dynamics in Groundwater
Mächler L, Brennwald M & Kipfer R
(2009) On the Emanation of Thoron (220Rn) from Preciptiates
Huxol S, Höhn E, Surbeck H & Kipfer R
(2009) Dissolved Atmospheric Noble Gases: Just Contamination? Yes, but with Potential...
Kipfer R, Brennwald MS & Ui Group, W+T, Eawag 
(2009) Groundwater Recharge in the North China Plain Determined by Environmental Tracer Methods
von Rohden C, Kreuzer A, Chen Z, Kipfer R & Aeschbach-Hertig W
(2009) He Characterisation Near the Active Methane Seepage Offshore the Eastern Edge of New Zealand
Tomonaga Y, Haeckel M & Kipfer R
(2009) Accurate Analysis of Noble Gas Concentrations in Water Samples of a few Milligrams
Scheidegger Y, Baur H, Trösch M, Wieler R, Fleitmann D & Kipfer R
(2008) Excess Air as a Proxy for Hydrostatic Pressure?
Klump S, Cirpka OA & Kipfer R
(2008) Assessing Natural Attenuation of a PCE-Contaminated Aquifer Using a Combined CSIA and Groundwater Dating Approach
Aeppli C, Amaral H, Berg M, Kipfer R, Hofstetter TB & Schwarzenbach RP
(2007) Spatial Variability in the Release of Terrigenic He from the Sediments of Lake Van (Turkey)
Tomonaga Y, Brennwald MS & Kipfer R
(2007) Noble Gases in Fluid Inclusions in Speleothems
Scheidegger Y, Kipfer R, Wieler R, Leuenberger M, Badertscher S & Fleitmann D
(2007) Bubble Gas-Exchange in an Artificially Aerated Lake Traced Using Noble Gases
Holzner CP, Graser N & Kipfer R
(2007) Unfractionated Excess Air: The Result of Incomplete Dissolution of Entrapped Air?
Klump S, Cirpka OA & Kipfer R
(2007) Tracer Analyses as a Tool to Validate the Effectiveness of Pump-And-Treat Measures in the Field
Amaral H & Kipfer R
(2007) Combining CSIA with Ground Water Dating: A First Step Toward the Determination of in situ PCE Degradation Rates
Aeppli C, Amaral H, Berg M & Kipfer R
(2007) Use of Multiple Tracers for Studying the Inter-Relationships between Climate and Recharge Conditions of Groundwater in a Region of France: The Past Half-Millennium
Corcho Alvarado J, Barbecot F, Purtschert R, Aeschbach-Hertig W & Kipfer R
(2007) Excess Air as a Potential Tracer for Paleohydrological Conditions
Klump S, Grundl T, Purtschert R & Kipfer R
(2006) Noble gases as tracers for gas-exchange processes at bubble-streams in lakes and oceans
Holzner CP, Graser N, Brennwald MS & Kipfer R
(2006) New applications of noble gases as environmental proxies in unusual aquatic environments
Brennwald MS, Scheidegger Y, Tomonaga Y, Holzner CP, Wieler R & Kipfer R
(2004) Using Environmental Tracers to Develop a New Conceptual Groundwater Model in Southern Botswana
Klump S, Sanesi M, Hofer M & Kipfer R
(2004) A New Method for the Measurement of Air/Soil Sorption of CFCs
Hofer M, Klump S, Preuschoff P & Kipfer R
(2004) Assessment of Methane Emission from Bubble Plumes in the Black Sea by Noble Gases
Holzner C, Amaral H, Brennwald M, Klump S & Kipfer R
(2004) Radionuclides (3H, 85Kr) for Evaluation of Flow Dynamics and Temporal Chemical Trends in Groundwater and Surface Water
Hinsby K, Troldborg L, Purtschert R, Corcho Alvarado J, Hofer M & Kipfer R
(2003) Noble Gas Evidence for Gas Fractionation in Firn
Beyerle U, Leuenberger M, Schwander J & Kipfer R
(2003) Reconstruction of Lake Levels and Recharge Altitude by Atmospheric Noble Gases
Kipfer R, Brennwald M, Löw S & Lützenkirchen V
(2003) Paleosalinity Reconstruction of Lake Issyk-Kul Utilizing Dissolved Noble Gases in Sediment Pore Water
Brennwald M, Hofer M, Kipfer R & Imboden D
(2002) Noble Gases Dissolved in Porewater of Lacustrine Sediments
Brennwald MS, Kipfer R, Peeters F, Hofer M, Aeschbach W & Imboden D
(2002) Noble Gas Tracing of Coalbed Methane Generation and Biomodification
Zhou Z, Ballentine C, Kipfer R, Schoell M & Thibodeaux S
(2002) Gas Exchange in Quasi-Saturated Porous Media: Investigations on the Formation of Excess Air Using Noble Gases
Holocher J, Peeters F, Aeschbach-Hertig W, Hofer M & Kipfer R
(2002) Excess Air in Groundwater as a Proxy for Paleo-Humidity
Aeschbach-Hertig W, Beyerle U & Kipfer R
(2002) Excess Air Correction in Groundwater Dating with He Isotopes
Peeters F, Aeschbach-Hertig W, Holocher J & Kipfer R
(2002) Comparison of Residence Time Indicators (3H/3He, SF6, CFC-12 and 85Kr) in Shallow Groundwater: A Case Study in the Odense Aquifer, Denmark
Corcho Alvarado JA, Purtschert R, Hofer M, Aeschbach-Hertig W, Kipfer R & Hinsby K

Kipfstuhl S. (2014) Recrystallization and Micro-Inclusions in Polar Ice
Azuma N, Faria S, Weikusat I & Kipfstuhl S
(2013) First Results from the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream Drilling Site
Vallelonga P, Kjær H, Tibuleac C, Svensson A, Kristensen M, Popp T, Holme C, Weng Y, Vinther B, Dahl-Jensen D, Karlsson N, Kipfstuhl S, Peters L & Christianson K

Kipling Z. (2011) Observationally Constrained Estimates of Carbonaceous Aerosol Transport and Radiative Effects
Stier P, Kipling Z, Schwarz J & Fahey D

Kipp G. (2008) Metal Transport in Sediments Near Abandoned Uranium Mines in Harding County, South Dakota
Stone JJ, Kipp G & Stetler L

Kipp K. (2005) PHAST˜A Program for Simulating Ground-Water Flow, Solute Transport, and Multicomponent Geochemical Reactions
Parkhurst D, Kipp K, Engesgaard P & Charlton S

Kipp Lauren (2019) A Geochemical Characterization of the Transpolar Drift: Linking Shelf and Riverine Inputs to the Central Arctic Ocean
Kipp L, Charette M & Geotraces Transpolar Drift Synthesis Team 
(2018) Thorium Isotopes as Tracers of the Biological Carbon Pump in the Arctic
Black E, Charette M, Lam P, Anderson R, Kipp L, Xiang Y, Vivancos S & Buesseler K
(2017) 227Ac along GEOTRACES Transects in the Deep South Pacific and Preliminary Results for the Arctic
Hammond D, Charette M, Moore W, Henderson P, Sanial V, Kipp L & Anderson R
(2017) Radium in the Arctic Ocean – The 2015 GEOTRACES Missions
Rutgers van der Loeff M, Kipp L, Bauch D & Charkin A
(2015) 227Ac in the Deep South Pacific along the Peru-Tahiti GEOTRACES Transect
Hammond D, Charette M, Moore W, Henderson P, Sanial V, Kipp L & Anderson R
(2015) Revisiting Radionuclide Sources at the Marshall Islands
Buesseler K, Charette M, Breier J, Pike S, Henderson P, Kipp L & Tradd K
(2014) Scavenging of Radionuclides and Elements in a Neutrally Buoyant Mid-Atlantic Ridge Hydrothermal Plume
Kipp L, Charette M, Buesseler K, Lam P, Ohnemus D & Moore W

Kipp Lauren E. (2022) Is Boundary Scavenging the Missing Sink of Arctic Protactinium-231?
Kipp LE, McManus J & Kienast M
(2021) Radium Inputs into the Arctic Ocean from Rivers: A Basin-Wide Estimate
Bullock EJ, Dabrowski JS, Kipp LE, Brown KA, Mann P, Henderson PB, Moore W & Charette MA

Kipp Michael (2020) Phosphorite Deposition and Earth System Oxygenation in the Paleoproterozoic Era
Kipp M, Lepland A & Buick R
(2019) Patterns of Selenium Isotope Variability within and Among Phanerozoic Black Shales
Kipp M, Algeo T & Buick R
(2019) Life after the Sturtian
Van Maldegem L, Kipp M, Krause A, Poulton S, Tosca N, Clayton K, Rooney A, Hope J & Brocks J
(2019) Testing the Value and Limitations of Redox-Sensitive Biomarker Proxies
Kinsley J, Poulton S, Kipp M, van Maldegem L & Brocks J
(2018) The Role of Remineralization in Archean Phosphorus Limitation
Kipp M & Stüeken E
(2018) Nutrient Cycling in the Permian Phosphoria Formation
Meixnerová J, Smith B, Kipp M & Buick R
(2017) Nitrogen in Minerals and Atmospheres – A Sign of Life?
Stueeken E, Kipp M, Koehler M, Schwieterman E, Johnson B & Buick R
(2016) Selenium Isotopes as a Proxy for Deep-Ocean Redox State during the Paleoproterozoic Lomagundi Event
Kipp M, Stüeken E, Bekker A & Buick R

Kipp Michael A. (2023) Environmental Stabilisation and Biological Diversification in the Aftermath of the Sturtian Snowball Glaciation
Bowyer F, Krause AJ, Song Y, Huang K-J, Fu Y, Shen B, Li J, Zhu X, Kipp MA, van Maldegem LM, Brocks JJ, Shields GA, Le Hir G, Mills BJW & Poulton SW
(2023) Reappraising the U Isotope Composition of Seawater and Deep-Sea Corals: Implications for Paleo-Environmental Reconstructions
Tissot FLH, Kipp MA, Li H, Ellwood MJ, John SG, Middag R & Adkins JF
(2022) Iron Isotopes in Mantle and Cumulate Xenoliths from Adak Island, Central Aleutians
Sosa ES, Bucholz CE, Hernández-Montenegro JD, Tissot FLH, Kipp MA, Kay SM & Kay R
(2022) Fractionation of Iron Isotopes between Strongly Peraluminous Granites and their Sedimentary Sources: A Case Study of the Archean Ghost Lake Batholith
Bucholz CE, Hernández-Montenegro JD, Sosa ES, Tissot FLH & Kipp MA
(2022) A Shale-Hosted Selenium Isotope Record of Paleozoic Ocean Oxygenation
Kipp MA, Bubphamanee K, Stüeken EE, Tissot FLH, Algeo TJ, Brocks JJ, Dahl TW, Kinsley J & Buick R
(2022) Shark Teeth: A New U Isotopic Archive for Paleoredox Reconstruction?
Li H, Kipp MA, Kim SL, Kast ER & Tissot FLH
(2021) Robustly Quantifying Seafloor Anoxia Using Uranium Isotope Data from Ancient Marine Sediments
Kipp MA & Tissot FLH

Kiprop A (2009) Experimetal Study of the System U(VI) – Organic Compounds – H2O as a Function of pH at 25℃, 0.1MPa
Sabater C, Nguyen-Trung C, Grivé M, Pourtier E, Kiprop A, Richard L & Duro L

Kiprop Ambrose (2010) A Group Additivity Approach to Describe the Complexation of Radionuclides by Fulvic Acids in Geochemical Modeling Studies
Richard L, Sabater C, Kiprop A, Pourtier E & Nguyen-Trung C
(2009) Experimental Study of the Ternary System Uranyl(VI) – Synthesized Fulvic Acid – H2O as a Function of pH, Using ESI-MS and Optical Spectroscopies (UV-Visible, ATR-FTIR) at 25℃, 0.1 MPa
Pourtier E, Ngunyen-Trung C, Kiprop AK & Richard L
(2009) A New Procedure to Synthesize Fulvic and Humic Acids. Determination of their Physico-Chemical Properties Using XRD, LC-APCI-MS, and Optical Spectroscopy
Kiprop A, Ngunyen-Trung C, Pourtier E & Richard L

Kipry N. (2021) From a Sounding Rocket Towards NanoSIMS Analyses – An Interdisciplinary Student Project Sending Foraminifera on a Rough Voyage
Gfellner SV, Haettig K, Kunst N, Menkens-Siemers K, Blumenkamp J, Kipry N, Ripberger D, Lohmann S, Sondej G, Kulmann C, Cáceres SG, Senger D, Bruhn CS & Hartmann J

Kips R. (2016) Plutonium Sorption and Precipitation on Goethite: A Question of Concentration
Begg J, Zhao P, Zavarin M, Tumey S, Williams R, Dai Z, Kips R & Kersting A
(2010) Subsurface Transport of Pu on Nanominerals: Teasing out Biogeochemical Controls in Field Environments
Kersting A, Zavarin M, Dai Z, Felmy A, Kips R, Moser D, Powell B, Tinnacher R & Zaho P

Király C. (2023) New Insights into Mineral Storage of CO2: Comparison of Flooded and not Flooded Sandstone from the Same Formation
Cseresznyés D, Király C, Szabó-Krausz Z, Gyore D, Szamosfalvi Á, Szabó C, Czuppon G & Falus G
(2022) A Nascent Natural CO2 Reservoir: The Mihályi Field, Pannonian Basin; Opportunities for Geologic Carbon Storage
Gyore D, Cseresznyés D, Király C, Szamosfalvi A, Szabó C, Falus G, Czuppon G & Stuart F
(2021) Does Dawsonite Preserve Mantle CO2 Signature? Implication for CO2 Origin at Covasna, Eastern Transylvania, Romania
Lange TP, Cseresznyés D, Szakács A, Czuppon G, Papucs A, Kővágó Á, Gelencsér O, Gál Á, Király C, Szabó Á, Gyila S, Palcsu L, Demény A, Szabó C, Falus G & Kovács IJ
(2021) In situ Observations and Reactive Transport Modeling of Phase Dissolution and Precipitation Processes at the Granite–concrete Interface in a Radioactive Waste Repository
Szabó-Krausz Z, Aradi LE, Király C, Kónya P, Török P, Szabó C & Falus G
(2020) Stable Isotope Composition of Dawsonite from Different Environments: Implication for Constrain the Origin and Formation Condition
Cseresznyés D, Czuppon G, Király C, Györe D, Gilfillan S, Kesjár D, Demény A, Szabó C & Falus G
(2020) Isotope Fractionation Factors of Dawsonite -Tracing the Formation Environment
Czuppon G, Purgstaller B, Dietzel M, Cseresznyés D, Leis A, Demény A, Kesjár D, Kovács I, Király C, Szabó C & Falus G
(2019) Determination of the Stable Isotope Composition of Dawsonite and its Application to Trace its Origin
Czuppon G, Purgstaller B, Dietzel M, Cseresznyés D, Kesjár D, Kovács I, Demény A, Király C, Mavromatis V, Szabó C & Falus G
(2019) Changing Temporal Patterns of Saharan Dust Events in Central Europe
Varga G, Király C, Szalai Z & Gammoudi N
(2019) Effect of CO2 on the Geochemical Properties of Carbonates
Cseresznyés D, Király C, Király E, Czuppon G, Magyar N, Szabó C & Falus G
(2019) CO2 Mineralization in a Saline Aquifer-Like Environment, Pannonian Basin, Hungary
Gyore D, Kiraly C, Cseresznyes D, Szabo Z, Czuppon G, Szamosfalvi A, Falus G, Szabo C & Stuart F
(2017) Carbonate Geochemistry of the Mihályi-Répcelak Natural CO2 Occurrence
Kiraly C, Berkesi M, Kiraly E, Cseresznyes D, Szamosfalvi A, Szabo C & Falus G
(2015) Experimental Study of the CO2 Saturated Water – Clay System at 70-180 Bars and 80-100℃
Sendula E, Páles M, Kovács I, Udvardi B, Kónya P, Besnyi A, Freiler Á, Péter Szabó B, Király C, Székely E, Szabó C & Falus G
(2015) Results of Caprock and Reservoir Studies in the Mihályi-Répcelak Area, Western Hungary
Király C, Szamosfalvi Á, Sendula E, Kovács I, Kónya P, Szabó C & Falus G
(2013) Inverse Modeling in a CO2 Natural Analogue – Long Term Processes in Carbon Dioxide Storage
Király C, Sendula E, Szamosfalvy Á, Falus G, Szabó C & Forray V

Király E. (2019) Effect of CO2 on the Geochemical Properties of Carbonates
Cseresznyés D, Király C, Király E, Czuppon G, Magyar N, Szabó C & Falus G
(2017) Carbonate Geochemistry of the Mihályi-Répcelak Natural CO2 Occurrence
Kiraly C, Berkesi M, Kiraly E, Cseresznyes D, Szamosfalvi A, Szabo C & Falus G
(2015) 'Water' in Quartz from Various Rhyolitic Pyroclastic Horizons: A New Correlation Tool?
Biró T, Kovács I, Király E, Falus G, Karátson D, Bendő Z, Fancsik T & Sándorné Kovács J

Kiran Yildirim D. (2014) Hydrothermal Alteration Geochemistry of Atud Gold Deposits at the Central Block of the Egyptian Eastern Desert, Egypt: Insights Provided by Mass-Balance Calculations
Abdelnasser A, Kumral M, Zoheir B, Weihed P, Kiran Yildirim D & Karaman M
(2014) Investigation of Geochemistry and Subsurface Modeling of Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposit in Tepeoba-Havran, NW Turkey
Kiran Yildirim D, Akay AK, Bonab T, Abdelnasser A, Kumral M & Budakoglu M
(2014) Distribution of Platinum Group Elements (PGE) in Chromites from Some Selected Areas from Denizli and Mugla Provinces, SW Turkey
Doner Z, Kiran Yildirim D, Kan Bostanci A, Kumral M & Budakoglu M
(2013) Geochemical and Petrographical Investigation of Chromite Occurrences in Burdur-Salda, Turkey
Kiran Yildirim D, Uzasci Sultanyan S, Karabel SB, Kan Bostanci A & Kumral M
(2013) The Platinum Group and Precious Metals Contents of Mugla-Ortaca (Turkey) Area Chromites
Karabel B, Gumus L, Kiran Yildirim D, Uzasci Sultanyan S, Budakoglu M & Kumral M
(2013) Mineralogical, Petrographical and Geochemical Investigation of Tefenni-Burdur Chromite Occurences, Turkey
Kan Bostanci A, Kiran Yildirim D, Karaman M, Sert AS & Budakoglu M
(2013) Production of the Sodium Sulphate from Acıgöl by Solution Mining Method, Denizli, Turkey
Uzasci Sultanyan S, Karabel SB, Kiran Yildirim D, Budakoglu M, Kumral M & Karaman M

Kirat G. (2014) Statical Characteristics of the Soils of Deliktas Au Deposit
Kirat G & Aydin N
(2014) Distribution of As and Cd in Verbascum euphraticum L. Plants on Pb-Zn Mining Area in Akdagmadeni, Yozgat, Turkey
Aydin N & Kirat G
(2013) Distribution of Cu, Pb and Zn in Astragalus Pycnocephalus Fischer and Verbascum euphraticum L. Plants on Pb-Zn Mining Area in Akdagmadeni, Yozgat, Turkey
Aydin N, Kirat G & Bölücek C

Kiratisin A. (2010) The Origin of Coloration in Garnets: An Optical Spectroscopic Study
Galoisy L, Feneyrol J, Juhin A, Kiratisin A, Giuliani G & Calas G

Kirby C. (2008) Structure Refinement and Spectroscopic Analysis of Di-Octahedral Ba-Micas
Hetherington C, Izawa M, Flemming R & Kirby C

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