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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Gill Shannon (2013) Invisible Gold in Arc Volcanic Glasses
Timm C, Reyes A, Gill S, Layton-Matthews D, Leybourne M, de Ronde C & Henley R

Gill Sophie (2019) The Calcification Response of Multiple Species of Coccolithophore to Elevated Ocean Alkalinity
Gill S, Rickaby R & Henderson G
(2019) The Response of Calcifying Cyanobacteria to Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement
Gore S, Gill S, Renforth P, Perkins R & Rickaby R

Gill Thomas (2018) Tracing Gypsiferous White Sands Aerosols in the Shallow Critical Zone at White Mountain, New Mexico Using Sr/Ca and 87Sr/86Sr Ratios
Rea P, Ma L, Gill T, Gardea-Torresdey J, Tamez C & Jin L
(2017) Laboratory Studies of the Cloud Droplet Activation Properties and Corresponding Chemistry of Saline Playa Dust
Gaston C, Pratt K, Suski K, May N, Gill T & Prather K

Gill Thomas E. (2014) Evaluating Global Atmospheric Transport of Plutonium with Dust Aerosols
Velarde R, Arimoto R & Gill TE

Gill Tom (2023) U-Series and Sr Isotope Systematics in Soil Carbonates from Natural and Managed Dryland Critical Zones: Implications for Inorganic Carbon Storage and Transformation in Dryland Soils of the American Southwest
Ma L, Nyachoti S, Garcia V, Monger C, Tweedie C, Gill T & Jin L

Gill Olivas B. (2019) Crushing of Real and Model Subglacial Sediments as a Source of Microbial Nutrients and Energy
Gill Olivas B, Telling J, O'Doherty S, Skidmore M, Christner B, Priscu J & Tranter M

Gill-Olivas B. (2023) Mineralogical Controls on Subglacial Abrasion Products and their Role in Sustaining Subglacial Microbial Ecosystems
Gill-Olivas B, Telling J, Skidmore M & Tranter M

Gillan M.J. (2000) The Application of ab Initio Quantum Mechanical Methods to the Study of the Earth's Core
Price GD, Vocadlo L, Alfe D & Gillan MJ
(2000) Ab Initio Calculations and the Composition of the Earth's Core
Alfè D, Gillan MJ & Price GD

Gillanders B. (2019) Calibration of Stable Strontium Isotopes (δ88/86Sr) with Respect to Salinity and Carbonate Saturation in Lagoon-Estuarine Environments
Shao Y, Farkaš J, Mosley L, Wong H, Samanta M, Tyler J, Holmden C, Gillanders B, Kolevica A & Eisenhauer A
(2018) Assessing Trace Element and Stable Isotopic Ratios as Environmental Recorders in a Short Lived Bivalve
Chamberlayne B, Tyler J & Gillanders B
(2017) Calibration of Marine Ca and Sr Isotope Proxies Against ‘salinity’ in Fresh-To-Hypersaline Coastal Lagoon-Estuarine Settings of South Australia
Shao Y, Farkas J, Holmden C, Mosley L, Kell-Duivestain I, Izzo C, Reis-Santos P, Tyler J, Haynes D, Tibby J & Gillanders B

Gille L. (2017) Radical Generation and Transition Metals on Chrysotile Asbestos Surfaces
Walter M, Schenkeveld WDC, Geroldinger G, Gille L & Kraemer SM

Gilleaudeau Geoffrey (2023) Severe Changes in the Marine Environment Across the Cretaceous—Paleogene Boundary in the Danish Basin: Constraints from the Combined Cd-Cr Isotope System
Frederiksen JA, Thibault N, Gilleaudeau G, Bjerrum CJ & Frei R
(2023) Eustacy, Euxinia and Extinction during the Devonian-Carboniferous Transition
Sahoo SK, Gilleaudeau G & Kaufman AJ
(2022) Determining the Utility of Rhenium as a Novel Redox Tracer in Carbonate-Rich Sediments
Morford JL, Elrick M, Romaniello SJ, Gilleaudeau G, Algeo TJ, Goepfert T, Wilson E, Berry L, Meyers K, Driscoll E & Patzkowsky S
(2021) Is the Uranium Isotope Proxy a Reliable Indicator of Ferruginous Conditions?
Perez JT, Gilleaudeau G, Swanner E & Romaniello SJ
(2019) Redox Gradients in the Early Mississippian Appalachian Basin: Evidence from Iron Speciation and Trace Metal Abundances
Gilleaudeau G, Algeo T, Lyons T, Bates S & Anbar A
(2017) Iron-Rich Conditions and Molybdenum Enrichment in a Mesoproterozoic Shelf Setting: A Snapshot from the VindhyanBasin, India
Sahoo S, Gilleaudeau G, Owens J, Poulton S & Lyons T
(2017) Deciphering the Carbonate Record of Mesoproterozoic Biospheric Oxygenation: Insights from Chromium and Uranium Isotopes
Gilleaudeau G, Frei R, Kaufman A, Luo G, Romaniello S, Zhang F, Klaebe R, Sahoo S, Kah L, Azmy K, Bartley J, Chernyavskiy P, Knoll A & Anbar A
(2016) Oceanographic Change in the Late Cretaceous Chalk Sea (Denmark): Clues from Chromium Isotopes
Gilleaudeau G, Voegelin A, Thibault N, Moreau J, Ullmann C, Korte C & Frei R
(2016) Unraveling the Evolution of Atmosphere Oxygenation from Ediacaran to Early Cambrian, Evidenced from Cr Isotope
Wei W, Ling H, Frei R, Li D, Gilleaudeau G & Wei G
(2015) Chromium Isotopes in Carbonates Constrain Mesoproterozoic Atmospheric pO2 Levels
Gilleaudeau GJ, Frei R, Kaufman AJ, Kah LC, Azmy K, Bartley JK & Knoll AH
(2015) The Chromium Isotopic Composition of an Early to Middle Ordovician Marine Carbonate Platform, Eastern Precordillera, San Juan, Argentina
D'Arcy J, Frei R, Gilleaudeau G, Peralta S, Kah L & Gaucher C

Gilleaudeau Geoffrey J. (2020) Redox Changes Across the Hangenberg Event (Devonian- Carboniferous Boundary), Bakken Formation, North Dakota, USA
Sahoo S, Kaufman A, Gilleaudeau G, Bowman A, Hlava K, Hallam V & Hart B
(2020) U(VI) Reduction in an Oligotrophic Ferruginous Ocean Analog?
Romaniello SJ, Gilleaudeau GJ, Swanner ED, Wittkop CA & Chen X

Gilleland G. (2014) Determination of Metals in Sulfide Ore Matrices via the Agilent Technologies 4200 Microwave Plasma – Atomic Emission Spectrometer (MP-AES)
Blonski W & Gilleland G

Gillen G. (2005) Applications of SIMS Microanalysis at NIST
Fahey A, Mahoney C & Gillen G

Gillerman V.S. (2022) Developments in Scheelite Geochronology: A Case Study of Yellow Pine Pit Scheelite Near Stibnite, Idaho, USA
Wintzer N, Schmitz MD, Gillerman VS & Vervoort JD

Gilles Mary (2016) Complementary Microscopies on Atmospheric Aerosols
Gilles M & Laskin A
(2015) Single Particle Measurements of Atmospheric Aerosol Chemistry: Past, Present and Future
Moffet R, O'Brien R, Pham D, Knopf D, Laskin A & Gilles M
(2015) Towards Quantitative Mixing State Measurements: The Sacramento Case Study
Moffet R, O'Brien R, Wang B, Yu X-Y, Alpert P, Riemer N, West M, Sun Y, Knopf D, Laskin A & Gilles M
(2015) Atmospheric Particles: Viscosity, Phase, and Response to Relative Humidity
Gilles M, Harder T, Farland D, Vezina N, Wang B & Laskin A
(2015) Chemical Imaging of Atmospheric Particles
Laskin A, Wang B, Laskin J, Nizkorodov S, Moffet R, Knopf D & Gilles M
(2014) Spectro-Microscopy of Atmospheric Particles: Viscocity
Gilles M, Laskin A, Moffet R, Wang B, Neu A, Epstein S, MacMillon A, Nizkorodov S & O'Brien R
(2014) Spectro-Microscopy of Ambient Aerosol Particles: Observational Constraints on Mixing State Parameterization
O'Brien R, Wang B, Laskin A, West M, Riemer N, Gilles M & Moffet R
(2014) Chemical Composition and Morphological Characteristics of Ambient and Laboratory Generated Soot Particles
O'Brien R, Sharma N, Pham D, Zaveri R, Shilling J, Mazzoleni C, Laskin A, Gilles M & Moffet R
(2010) Spectro-Microscopy of Carbonaceous Particulates
Gilles M, Moffet R & Laskin A

Gilles Montagnac (2013) Multi-Wavelength Raman Survey of IOM from Primitive Meteorites
Quirico E, François-Regis O-D, Pierre B, Lydie B, Rosario B, Emmanuel D, Thomas P, Gilles M, Jean-Noel R, Cecile E & Jean D

Gilles-Guéry L. (2019) Causes of the Blue Color of Gem-Quality Be-Bearing Minerals from Madagascar and Brazil
Gilles-Guéry L, Galoisy L & Calas G

Gillespie Adam (2014) Development of C K-Edge NEXAFS Techniques for the Study of Organic-Mineral Interfaces
Regier T, Gillespie A, Dynes J, Chevrier D & Peak D
(2012) Determination of Soil Organic C Species Using Soft X-Ray XANES: Tackling Normalization & Matrix Effects
Dynes J, Regier T, Chevrier D, Gillespie A & Peak D

Gillespie Aimee (2010) The Importance of Metabolism for Lipid D/H Ratios
Sessions A, Zhang X & Gillespie A

Gillespie J. (2023) Controls on Compositional Zoning of Zircon from the Catedral Granite, Torres del Paine
Gillespie J, Moore J & Baumgartner LP
(2022) Crustal Growth and Reworking in the Early Archean Narryer Terrane: New Evidence from Strontium Isotopes in Apatite Inclusions
Gillespie J, Kinny P, Cavosie AJ, Kirkland CL, Martin LAJ, Roberts MP, Aleshin M, Fougerouse D, Quadir Z & Nemchin AA
(2022) Going Back in Time: Mineral Pitfalls and Associated SIMS Tricks
Martin LAJ, Gillespie J, Kirkland CL, Kinny P & Aleshin M
(2021) Detrital Apatite Lu-Hf and U-Pb Geochronology
Glorie S, Simpson A, Gillespie J, Hand M, Gilbert S & Kirkland C
(2021) Isotopic Modelling of Archean Crustal Evolution from Comagmatic Zircon--Apatite Pairs
Gillespie J, Kinny P, Kirkland C, Martin L, Nemchin A, Cavosie AJ & Hasterok D
(2021) In situ Lu – Hf Geochronology of Garnet, Apatite, and Xenotime by LA ICP MS/MS
Simpson A, Gilbert S, Tamblyn R, Hand M, Spandler C, Gillespie J, Nixon A & Glorie S
(2020) Use of EBSD to Identify Primary Magmatic Apatite Inclusions in Zircon
Gillespie J, Cavosie A, Nemchin A & Kinny P
(2020) Deciphering Pre-Eruptive Thermal Histories Using Coupled Ar/Ar and (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry and Bayesian Inference: Toba Caldera, Sumatra
Danisik M, Mucek A, de Silva S, Miggins D, Schmitt A, Pratomo I, Koppers A, Phatak A & Gillespie J
(2017) Does Uranium Influence Fission Track Annealing in Apatite?
Glorie S, Gillespie J, Jepson G & Fernie N
(2017) Strategies Towards Interpretation of in situ Detrital Apatite U-Pb Data
Gillespie J, Glorie S & Jepson G
(2017) Formation and Reactivation of the Pamir-Tian Shan Suture: Insights from Apatite Triple Dating
Jepson G, Glorie S, Konopelko D, Gillespie J, Danisik M, Evans N & Collins A

Gillespie M. (2012) Evidence for Distinct Stages of Magma Evolution Recorded in the Composition of Accessory Phases and Whole-Rocks in Silicic Magmas
Miles A, Graham C, Gillespie M, Hawkesworth C & Hinton R
(2010) S-type Granites and Crustal Growth? Low δ18O Source Components Revealed in Scottish Caledonian S-type Granites
Appleby S, Kelly N, Gillespie M, Graham C, Hinton R & Oliver G
(2007) An Integrated in situ O, U-Pb and Hf Isotope Approach to Decipher the Petrogenetic Evolution of Granites
Appleby S, Graham C, Gillespie M, Hinton R, Oliver G & Horstwood M
(2006) New insights into granite genesis from isotopic and REE micro-analyses of zircons: the Scottish Caledonian Granites
Appleby SK, Graham CM, Gillespie MR, Hinton RW & Oliver GJH
(2003) The Palaeohydrogeological Evolution of the Deep Groundwater System from Sellafield (NW England), Recorded by Late-Stage Fracture-Lining Calcite
Gillespie M, Milodowski A, Shepherd T, Bouch J, Chenery C & Chenery S

Gillet P. (2022) Investigating Magma Ocean Solidification on Earth Through Laser-Heated Diamond Anvil Cell Experiments
Badro J, Boukaré C-E, Nabiei F, Gillet P, Hébert C, Wehr N & Borensztajn S
(2016) Shock Deformation of Major and Accessory Minerals in an Unbrecciated Lunar Basalt
Vonlanthen P, Kaczmarek M-A & Gillet P
(2015) Electronic Properties of Iron in Silicate Glasses in the Lower Mantle
Dorfman SM, Potapkin V, Chumakov AI, Rueff J-P, Duffy TS, McCammon CA & Gillet P
(2015) NanoSIMS Analysis of C-Grains from Martian Meteorite NWA 6162
Lin Y, El Goresy A, Zhang J, Miyahara M, Hao J, Zhang M, Ohtani E & Gillet P
(2013) Organic Carbon from the Tissint Martian Meteorite: Hints for Biogenic Origin
Lin Y, El Goresy A, Hu S, Zhang J, Gillet P, Xu Y, Hao J, Miyahara M, Ouyang Z, Ohtani E, Xu L, Yang W, Feng L, Zhao X, Yang J & Ozawa S
(2011) Oxygen and Silicon Partitioning between Molten Iron and Silicate Melts up to 70 GPa and 4000 K
Ricolleau A, Badro J, Siebert J, Antonangeli D, Cantoni M, Hebert C, Alexander D & Gillet P
(2007) Potassium Content in the Earth's Core: A High-Pressure and High Temperature Study of the Fe-K System
Fiquet G, Coltice N, Guyot F & Gillet P
(2007) High-Pressure Mineral Inventory in the Ries Crater, Germany: A Window to Phase Transformation Processes in Planetary Interiors
El Goresy A, Gillet P & Dubrovinsky L
(2004) From Hard to Soft Matter Using SR X-Ray Micro-Imaging
Simionovici A, Lemelle L, Golosio B, Chukalina M, El Goresy A, Daniel I, Oger P & Gillet P
(2004) Olivine Surface Dissolution with Escherichia Coli Cells
Garcia B, Lemelle L, Perriat P, Tillement O & Gillet P
(2004) Li Isotopic Study of Martian Meteorites
Beck P, Barrat J, Chaussidon M, Gillet P & Bohn M
(2002) High-Pressure Silicates in Martian Meteorites
Beck P, Gillet P, Barrat J-A, Jambon A & El Goresy A
(2002) An in situ Experimental Study of the Bacterial Colonization and Weathering of Silicate Surfaces
Lemelle L, Oger P, Simionovici A, Lesourd M & Gillet P
(2000) Evidence for Extinct 92Nb Radioactivity in Chondrites and SNC Meteorites
Sanloup C, Blichert-Toft J, Télouk P, Gillet P & Albarède F
(2000) The Tatahouine Meteorite: A Case Study of Life Under Extreme Conditions
Gillet P, Achouak W, Barrat J, Benzerara K, Guyot F, Heulin T, Lemelle L & Lesourd M
(2000) Experimental Study of Culture Media of a Bacteria from Dry Environment
Benzerara K, Lemelle L, Heulin T, Barakat M, Lesourd M, Guyot F & Gillet P
(2000) Hollandite in Shocked Meteorites: Clues for the Mineralogy of the Earth Mantle and Subducting Lithosphere
Gillet P, Chen M, El Goresy A & Dubrovinsky L
(2000) A New Natural Dense Polymorph of Rutile with the *-PbO2 Structure in Shocked Gneisses from the Ries Meteorite Crater, Germany
El Goresy A, Gillet P, Chen M, Dubrovinsky L & Sharp TG
(2000) Interactions of Bacteria with Silicate Surfaces Control the Evolution of Numerous Natural Processes: Formation of Sediments, Maturation of Soils, Fossilization, Formation of Ecosystems in Extreme-Conditions
Lemelle L, Benzerara K, Lesourd M, Barakat M, Heulin T, Guyot F & Gillet P

Gillett N. (2017) Precipitation Responses in the Southern Hemisphere Subtropics: Reconciling Palaeodata and Climate Model Projections
Woodhead J, Sniderman K, Hellstrom J, Drysdale R, Brown J, Lorbacher K, Gillett N, Tokarska K, Maas R & Meinhausen M

Gilley B. (2019) MAGNET in Hawaii: The Future of Active Teaching and Learning in Geochemistry is in the Field
Scoates J, Bilenker L, King E, Li M, Low K, Hanano D, Weis D, Gilley B, Sherman SB & Jolley A

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