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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Gilfillan Stuart MV (2021) Tracking CO2 Injection at Carbfix2 Using Noble Gases and Stable Isotopes
Holdsworth C, Gilfillan SM, Haszeldine S, Stuart F, Snæbjörnsdóttir SÓ & Sigfússon B

Gilg H. Albert (2023) Microbial Metabolic Potential in a Natural Clay Analogue for Deep Geological Radioactive Waste Repositories
Jakus N, Schneeberger R, Andersson UB, Gilg HA, Leupin OX & Bernier-Latmani R

Gilg Hans Albert (2007) Geothermometry of Oxidized Zn-Pb Ores: Oxygen Isotope Systematics and a New Femtosecond Laser Technique on Monophase Fluid Inclusions
Gilg HA, Krüger Y, Stoller P, Frenz M & Boni M
(2007) Phosphoric Acid Fractionation Factors for Aragonite between 25 and 72℃ with Implications on Aragonite-Calcite Oxygen Isotope Fractionation
Gilg A, Taubald H & Struck U
(2006) Fluid origin and evolution at the Sweet Home Mine, Alma, Colorado
Lüders V, Romer RL, Gilg HA & Pettke T

Gilgen Samuel (2019) Pathways of Hydrothermal Fluids in Fast-Spreading Oceanic Crust: Insights from Remote Sensing of 1000 km2 of Upper-Crust in the Oman Ophiolite
Belgrano T, Diamond L, Novakovic N, Hewson R, Hecker C & Gilgen S
(2015) Timing Mismatch between VMS Deposits and Footwall Epidosite Alteration in the Semail Ophiolite
Diamond L & Gilgen S
(2013) Volcanostratigraphic Controls on the Occurrence of Massive Sulfide (VMS) Deposits in the Oman Ophiolite
Gilgen S, Diamond L & Mercolli I

Gilgen Samuel A. (2019) Rock-Matrix Versus Fracture-Controlled Fluid Pathways in the Extrusive Layer of the Oceanic Crust
Brett AC, Diamond LW, Weber S & Gilgen SA

Gilhooly William (2023) Land Plant Radiation and its Linkages to Global Marine Anoxia during the Devonian
Gilhooly W, Vander Pas B, Smart MS, Filippelli G, Ozaki K, Reinhard CT, Marshall JEA & Whiteside J
(2022) Sulfur and Oxygen Isotope Study of Sulfur Cycling in a Polymictic Eutrophic Saline Lake, Salton Sea, California
Hung C, Diamond C, Gilhooly W, Tino CJ & Lyons TW
(2021) High-Frequency Sulfur Isotope Variability in the Late Ordovician of the Cincinnati Region
Gilhooly W, Vander Pas B, Becerra E, Bosco-Santos A & Dattilo B
(2021) Modeling Global Biosphere Response to Enhanced Riverine Nutrient Delivery during the Late Devonian Kellwasser Event
Smart MS, Ozaki K, Reinhard CT, Marshall JEA, Whiteside J, Gilhooly W & Filippelli G
(2020) Sulfur Structure and Stable Isotopic Analysis of the Blackstone Band of the Jurassic Aged Kimmeridge Clay Formation
O'Beirne M, Werne J, Gilhooly W, Bosco-Santos A, Raven M, Sessions A & van Dongen B
(2020) Production and Preservation of Novel Bacteriohopanepolyols Under Extreme Environmental Euxinia
Sparkes R, O'Beirne M, Werne J, Gilhooly W & van Dongen B
(2019) Ferruginous – Euxinic – Oxic: A Three Step Redox Change in the Neoarchean Record
Bosco-Santos A, Gilhooly W, Fouskas F, Baldim M & Oliveira E
(2018) Pyrite and Organo-Sulfur Formation in Modern Euxinic Lakes
Fouskas F, Gilhooly lll WP, O'Beirne MD, Werne JP, Bosco-Santos A, Kurek M & Druschel GK
(2018) The Chemical and Biological Evolution of a Meromictic Lake, Washington USA
Gilhooly W, Harris J, Bosco-Santos A, Steinman B, Crane E, Shelton M, Picard C, O'Beirne M & Werne J
(2018) Late Archean Euxinia: The Brazilian Craton Example
Bosco-Santos A, Gilhooly Iii W, Fouskas F, Baldim M & Oliveira E

Gilhooly William P. (2017) Rootedness and the Devonian Phosphorus Cycle
Smart M, Filippelli G, Gilhooly W & Whiteside J
(2016) Diagenetic History of Large Enigmatic Carbonate Concretions Woodford Shale Criner Hills Area Oklahoma
Martin D, Pashin J, Riedinger N, Gregg J & Gilhooly W
(2015) Sulfur Mineralogy and Speciation in the Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal Sediments off Milos Island (Greece)
Kotopoulou I, Godelitsas A, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Price R, Fike DA, Amend J, Gilhooly WP, Druschel GK, Mertzimekis TJ, Gamaletsos P & Kafantaris F-CA
(2013) Chemostratigraphy of Pennsylvanian Core Shale Cyclothems, Illinois Basin, Southern Indiana
Smith C, Broach C, Chok H, Elliott Jr. W & Gilhooly Iii W
(2013) Microbial Sulfur Cycling in the Modern Black Sea
Gilhooly W, Johnston D, Farquhar J, Severmann S, Böttcher M, Gill B, Kamyshny A & Lyons T
(2012) Isotopic Analysis of Sulfide Captured on Photographic Film: Laboratory and Field Experiments
Gorjan P, Fike D & Gilhooly W
(2012) Sulfur Cycling in Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal Vents, Milos Greece
Gilhooly W, Fike D, Amend J, Druschel G & Price R
(2010) From Sea to Lake, the Geochemical History of Lake Champlain, North America
Gilhooly W, Robinson A, Lyons T, Manley P, Cronin T, Manley T & Kelley C
(2009) Diverse Pathways of Sulfur Cycling in the Modern Black Sea Captured in Rare Sulfur Isotope Signatures
Gilhooly W, Johnston D, Farquhar J, Severmann S & Lyons T
(2004) Sedimentary Sulfur Cycling and Productivity Near Methane Seeps
Gilhooly W & Macko S

Gilhooly Iii W. (2020) Structural Characteristics and Sulfur Isotope Compositions of Laboratory Sulfurized Carbohydrates and DOM
Werne J, O'Beirne M, Raven M, van Dongen B, Bosco-Santos A & Gilhooly Iii W

Gili S. (2023) Reading Dust Provenance in Epica Dome C Ice Core (East Antarctica): High-Resolution, Quantitative Records from a New Rare Earth Elements (REE) Mixing Model
Boxho SL, Mattielli N, Vanderstraeten A, Laruelle GG, Bory A, Gabrielli P, Gili S & Bonneville S
(2023) Rare Earth Elements and Radiogenic Isotopes from Mineral Dust in East Antarctica: Sensitive Tracers of the Atmospheric Circulation and Climate Variability Through Time
Mattielli N, Gili S, Boxho SL, Vanderstraeten A, Laruelle GG, Bory A, Chaput A, King JS, Gaiero D, Delmonte B, Vallelonga P, Formenti P, Gabrielli P & Bonneville S
(2022) Stable Potassium Isotopes (41K/39K) Track Transcellular and Paracellular Potassium Transport in Biological Systems
Higgins JA, Saniago Ramos D, Gili S, Spetea C, Kanoski S, Ha D, McDonough AA & Youn JH
(2021) High-Resolution Statistical Quantification of Aeolian Dust Provenance in East Antarctica over the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition
Vanderstraeten A, Mattielli ND, Laruelle GG, Bory A, Gili S, Gabrielli P, Boxho S & Bonneville S
(2018) Is the Argentinean Loess a Primary Dust Source in the Southern Hemisphere?
Gili S, Gaiero D, Mattielli N, Torre G, Goldstein S, Chemale F & Koester E

Gilio M. (2023) Zoned Sm-Nd Geochronology Reveals Rapid Garnet Megablast Growth in Dora-Maira Whiteschists
Croft KL, Harvey KM, Alvaro M, Scambelluri M, Walker S, Starr PG, Gilio M, Baxter EF, Williams ML & Jercinovic MJ
(2023) Elastic Thermobarometry: A Novel Approach to Constrain Entrapment P-T Conditions of Subduction Fluid Event
Spránitz T, Szabó C, Gilio M, Alvaro M, Blažeková M, Konečný P, Váczi T & Berkesi M
(2022) Evolution of Fluids from a Subduction Zone: Unraveling P-T and Compositional Evolution Path Based on Complex Inclusion Study
Spránitz T, Padrón-Navarta JA, Szabó C, Gilio M, Alvaro M, Szabó A & Berkesi M
(2021) Anatexis and Fluid Flow Recorded by Kyanite-Garnet Metapelitic Migmatite from Gurskøy, Western Gneiss Region (Norway): A Hot Start for Crustal Subduction
Carvalho BB, Hand M, Tamblyn R, March SN, Clark C & Gilio M
(2019) Elastic Geothermobarometry on Multiple Inclusions in a Single Host
Gilio M, Alvaro M & Scambelluri M
(2015) Coupled Dehydration-Decarbonation in High-Pressure Ophicarbonate. Implications on Carbon Cycling in Subduction Zones
Scambelluri M, Gilio M, Bebout GE, Belmonte D, Campomenosi N, Cannaò E & Crispini L

Gilkes R.j. (2010) In situ Neutralisation of Bauxite Residue ('Red Mud') by Cross Layer Leaching with Carbonated Mud
Santini T, Hinz C, Rate A, Gilkes RJ & Carter C

Gilkes Robert (2015) The Formation of Dolomite at the Fortescue Marsh, Northwest Australia
Mather C, Skrzypek G, Dogramaci S, Grierson P & Gilkes R

Gill A.S. (2007) Organic Geochemical Assessment of the Onset of an Oceanic Anoxic Event
Gill AS, Veld H & Behrends T

Gill Benjamin (2022) The Nickel Isotope Evolution of Seawater Through the Phanerozoic Eon
Sun M, Archer C, Sweere T, Shen Y, Algeo T, Dickson AJ, Gill B, Dahl TW & Vance D
(2022) Balancing the Redox Budgets of Oceanic Anoxic Events
Newby SM, Young SA, Them TR, Gill B & Owens JD
(2020) Organic Matter Sulfurization as a Mechanism of Enhanced Burial of Reduced Carbon and Sulfur Across the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Marroquín S, Pritchard J, Föllmi K, Fantasia A, Ruebsam W, Trabucho Alexandre J & Gill B
(2020) Quantifying Organic Carbon Burial during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Gill B & Owens J
(2019) Evaluating Records of Environmental Change and Mass Extinctions during the Early Paleozoic
McKenzie R, Gill B, Wernette S, Chen J, Park T-Y, Myrow P & Hughes N
(2019) Atmosphere-Ocean Oxygen and Productivity Dynamics during the Cambrian Explosion
Dahl TW, Connelly JN, Da L, Kouchinsky A, Gill BC, Porter S, Maloof AC & Bizzarro M
(2018) Environmental Divers of Decoupled Marine Sulfate Oxygen and Sulfur Isotope Trends during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Gomes M, Waldeck A, Gill B & Johnston D
(2018) Toarcian Mercury Anomalies Record Terrestrial Disturbance Rather Than Volcanic Activity
Them T, Jagoe C, Gill B, Caruthers A, Grasby S, Gröcke D, Yin R & Owens J
(2018) Tracking Marine Deoxygenation during the Cambrian SPICE Event Using Thallium Isotopes
LeRoy M, Owens J, Them T & Gill B
(2018) Investigating the Sulphur Cycle during the End-Triassic Mass Extinction from Panthalassa
Marroquín S, Gill B, Them T, Owens J, Gröcke D & Caruthers A

Gill Benjamin C. (2017) Serpentinization of Ultramafic Rock: Constraints from Calcium Isotope Signatures
Schwarzenbach E, Gussone N, Gill B & John T
(2016) Reorganization of Earth's Biogeochemical Cycles Briefly Oxygenated the Oceans 520 Myr ago
Dahl TW, Connelly JN, Kouchinsky A, Gill BC, Maansson SF & Bizzarro M
(2016) Molybdenum-Isotope Chemostratigraphy of the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Dickson A, Gill B, Al-Suwaidi A, Ruhl M, Jenkyns H, Porcelli D, Lyons T & van den Boorn S
(2016) Redox Variation and Nutrient Controls on Organic Carbon Deposition of the Miocene Monterey Formation
Hancock L, Lyons T, Behl R & Gill B
(2016) Tracking the Rise of Eukaryotes to Ecological Dominance with Zinc Isotopes
Tang T, Love G, Zumberge A, Reinhard C, Dupont C, Asael D, Rooney A, Owens J, Gill B, Rainbird R, McCrow J, Lyons T & Planavsky N
(2016) Evolution of Earth's Phosphorus Cycle
Reinhard CT, Planavsky NJ, Gill BC, Robbins LJ, Lyons TW, Fischer WW, Wang C, Cole DB & Konhauser KO
(2016) Re and Os Evidence of Widespread Anoxia and Increased Continental Weathering during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Them T, Selby D, Gill B & Gröcke D
(2015) Sulfur Cycling in Oceanic and Continental Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems
Schwarzenbach E, Gill B & Johnston D
(2015) Significant Increase in Global Continental Weathering Rates during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Them T, Gill B, Gröcke D & Selby D
(2015) Unraveling Microbial Paleorates and Burial History of Methane-Derived Carbonates Using Novel Approaches
Hancock L, Lyons T, Paris G, Adkins J, Gill B, Frank T & Shapiro R
(2014) Quantifying the Cryptic Marine Sulfur Cycle
Johnston DT, Gill BC, Masterson A, Beirne E, Casciotti KL & Berelson WM
(2014) Numerical Model Linking the Temporal Evolution of the Geohydrologic Cycle and Ocean Chemistry over the Past 150 Ma
Angel A, Bodnar R, Lowell R & Gill B
(2013) U Isotopes Disentangle Atmosphere-Ocean Oxygenation Dynamics
Dahl TW, Connelly JN, Gill BC, Canfield DE & Bizzarro M
(2013) Evaluating the Role of Arc Volcanism on Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic Climate
McKenzie R, Hughes N, Gill B & Myrow P
(2013) The Isotopic Composition and Controls on Modern Seawater Sulfate
Johnston DT, Gill B, Masterson A, Beirne E & Berelson W
(2013) Novel Approaches to Reconstructing Sulfur Cycling in Methane Seeps
Hancock LG, Lyons TW, Gill BC, Shapiro RS & Bates SM
(2013) Microbial Sulfur Cycling in the Modern Black Sea
Gilhooly W, Johnston D, Farquhar J, Severmann S, Böttcher M, Gill B, Kamyshny A & Lyons T
(2012) Interpreting the Trace Metal Records of Ancient Epeiric Seaways: Lessons from the Toarcian (Jurassic) Black Shales of Europe
Gill B, Lyons T, Owens J, Bates S, Brumsack H-J & Jenkyns H
(2012) New Insights from FOAM: Iron and Trace Metal Cycling in Highly Sulfidic Pore Waters beneath an Oxic Water Column
Hardisty D, Riedinger N, Gill B, Johnston D, Reinhard C, Planavsky N, Asael D & Lyons T
(2012) Fluctuations in Precambrian Atmospheric and Oceanic Oxygen Levels: A New Precambrian Paradigm Emerging?
Partin C, Bekker A, Planavsky N, Gill B, Li C, Podkovyrov V, Maslov A, Konhauser K, Love G & Lyons T
(2011) Molybdenum as a Paleoredox Proxy: An Update
Lyons T, Arnold G, Chappaz A, Gill B, Planavsky N, Reinhard C, Riedinger N, Scott C & Anbar A
(2010) Nitrogen Isotope Profile from the Cambrian SPICE Event: Comparison with Mo and Other Redox Proxies
Quan TM, Gill BC & Lyons TW
(2010) Understanding Ediacaran Environmental Change
Johnston DT, Macdonald FA, Poulton SW, Gill BC, Petach T, Halverson GP, Schrag DP & Knoll AH
(2009) Multiple Geochemical Proxies Reveal a Late Cambrian Ocean Anoxic Event
Gill B, Lyons T, Dahl T, Saltzman M, Gordon G & Anbar A
(2007) Carbonate Concretions as a Window to the Evolving Chemistry of the Early Ocean and Atmosphere
Lyons T, Raiswell R, Robinson A, Scott C, Chu X, Li C, Love G, Sessions A & Gill B
(2005) New Insight into the Utility of Carbonate-Associated Sulfate
Lyons T, Hurtgen M & Gill B
(2004) Carbonate-Associated Sulfate as a Paleoceanographic Proxy: An Update
Lyons T, Gill B, Shim M, Frank T, Hurtgen M, Saltzman M, Gellatly A & Kah L
(2003) Covarying Molybdenum and Organic Carbon Distributions in Organic-Rich Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks
Lyons T, Anbar A, Gill B, Meyers S, Sageman B & Cruse A

Gill Fiona (2017) X-Ray Fluorescence as a Tool for Interpreting Fossilized Colours
Alvarez Armada N, McNamara M, Webb S & Gill F
(2010) Biomarkers for Methane Cycling: From Marine to Terrestrial Settings
Pancost R, Aquilina A, Talbot H, Lim K, Evershed R, Gill F, Weijers J, Collinson M & Taylor K

Gill Fiona L. (2015) Identifying Chemosymbiosis Through Geological Time by Stable Isotope Analysis of Shell Organics
Pape E, Gill FL, Newton RJ & Little CTS
(2015) Pan-Arctic Drivers of Glacial Microbial Community Structure and Function
Lutz S, Anesio AM, Edwards A, Newton R, Gill F & Benning LG

Gill Gary (2016) Development of Non-Traditional Radioisotopes to Fill Key Age-Dating Gaps for Interpreting Geologic and Biogeochemical Cycles
Moran J, Aalseth C, Brandenberger J, Gill G, Mace E, Seifert A & White S

Gill Georgina (2018) Chromium Geochemistry in Lake Erie Sediments
Babos HB, Hlohowskyj SR, Gill G, Veresh A & Chappaz A

Gill James (2019) Evolution of the N-Izu Rear Arc Magma Source as Revealed by the Site U1437 of IODP Exp. 350
Miyazaki T, Sato T, Tamura Y, Hamelin C, Gill J, DeBari S, Kimura J-I, Vaglarov B, Chang Q, Senda R & Haraguchi S
(2018) Origin of Geochemical Mantle Components: Role of Spreading Ridge, Subduction Zone, and Thermal Evolution of Mantle
Kimura J-I, Gill J, van Keken P, Skora S & Kawabata H
(2018) Igneous Architecture of Cenozoic Juvenile Oceanic Arc Crust from Start to Finish
Gill J
(2018) Tungsten Isotope Fractionation in Subduction Zones
Mazza S, Stracke A, Gill J & Kleine T
(2017) Stable Tungsten Isotope Fractionation during Magmatic Processes
Mazza S, Stracke A, Gill J & Kleine T
(2017) Tonalites from Fiji: A Probe of Archean Continental Crust Growth?
Marien CS, Drewes EK, Hoffmann JE, Gill JB & Münker C
(2016) Juvenile Magma Source of N-Izu Indicated by the Volcaniclastic Geochemistry in the Deepest Part of Site U1437, IODP Exp. 350
Miyazaki T, Sato T, Tamura Y, Horie K, Gill J, Senda R, Vaglarov B, Haraguchi S, Chang Q & Kimura J-I
(2015) Geochemical Variation of Izu Rear-Arc Volcanic Rocks at Drill Site U1437: Results from IODP Expedition 350
Sato T, Tamura Y, Miyazaki T, Horie K, Gill JB, Hamelin C, Senda R, Vaglarov BS, Haraguchi S, Chang Q, Kimura J-I & Iodp Expedition 350 S
(2013) Timescale and Petrogenesis of 2009 and Older W. Mata Boninite Magmas
Rubin K, Michael P, Gill J, Clague D, Plank T, Escrig S, Glancy S, Todd E, Cooper L, Keller N, Soule A, Hellebrand E, Kelley K, Cottrell L, Jenner F, Arculus R, Ruprecht P, Lupton J, Langmuir C & Embley R
(2013) Geochemical Variations in the Central Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile (38-43°S): The Role of Fluids in Generating Arc Magmas
Jacques G, Hoernle K, Wehrmann H, Gill J & Bindeman I
(2012) What Detrital Zircons Tell us About Growth of the Continental Crust
Campbell I, Gill J, Iizuka T & Allen C
(2011) Predicting the Character of Future Eruptions: Insights from Single Crystal Analyses
Ramos F, Gill J, Wolff J, Dimond C & Tollstrup D
(2011) What Stays in the Slab and What Returns to the Surface? A Geochemical Mass Balance Model Perspective
Kimura J-I, Kawabata H, Hacker B, van Keken P, Gill J & Stern R
(2011) A Variably Enriched Mantle Wedge and Contrasting Melt Types during Arc Stages Following Subduction Initiation in the Southwest Pacific
Todd E, Gill J & Pearce J
(2011) Tracing Mantle Enrichments into Oceanic Crust and Hydrothermal Systems, Juan de Fuca Ridge
Gill J
(2009) Back-Arc Melting: Fluid or Source Induced?
Beier C, Turner S, Bach W, Niedermeier D, Sinton J & Gill J
(2009) Hf Isotopic Evidence for Small-Scale Heterogeneity in the Mode of Mantle Wedge Enrichment: Southern Havre Trough Back-Arc
Todd E, Gill J, Wysoczanski R, Handler M, Wright I & Gamble J
(2009) Creating New Continental Crust in Fiji-Tonga
Gill J, Todd E, Drewes E, Ishizuka O, Tani K & Campbell I
(2009) U-Series Systematics of Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge
Dreyer B, Clague D & Gill J
(2007) Element Transfer Through the Kurile Convergent Margin
Dreyer B, Morris J, Gill J & Tollstrup D
(2006) Mantle melting in the Izu arc and rear arc: insights from melt inclusion studies
Kent AJR, Kimura J-I, Gill JB & Tollstrup D
(2006) Continental growth in oceanic island arcs: Fiji 40 years later
Gill J & Stork A
(2006) Hf mobility and immobility during subduction
Gill J, Tollstrup D & Todd E
(2005) Open-System Processes and Rhyolites: What Isotope Systems can We Trust, and for What?
Ramos F, Wolff J & Gill J
(2005) Degassing and Crystallization Time-Scales Implied by <+>210<$>Po-<+>210<$>Pb-<+>226<$>Ra Activities for Lavas from Anatahan, Arenal, and Mount St. Helens
Reagan M, Tepley F, Gill J, Cooper K & Garrison J
(2005) U-Th-Ra Disequilibria and the Time Scale of Andesite Differentiation at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica (1968-2003)
Tepley F, Lundstrom C, Williams R & Gill J
(2003) U-Series Disequilibria in the Izu and Mariana Island Arcs
Gill J, Holden P & Sigmarsson O
(2002) Behaviour of High Field Strength Elements in Subduction Systems
Pearce JA, Kempton PD & Gill JB

Gill Jim (2020) Coupled Magmatic and Eruption Dynamics of the Puipui and Nearby Submarine Eruptions (Tonga)
Rubin K, Clague D, Michael P, Russo C, Jenner F, Gill J, Todd E, Finlayson V, Escrig S & Embley B
(2015) Composition within and between Tonga Arc/Lau Basin Backarc Eruptions Reveal Wide Variety of Parent Melts Linked to Eruption Styles
Rubin K, Michael P, Jenner F, Clague D, Glancy S, Hellebrand E, Arculus R, Gill J, Todd E, Lupton J & Embley R

Gill L. (2019) Rapid Atmospheric CO2 Drawdown into Basaltic Andisols of Mt. Etna
Kamber B, Xu W, Kinahan P, Gill L, McElwain J & Rocha C
(2017) Probing PM2.5 Sources with Laser Ablation: A Case Study of Traffic Emissions in Dublin City, Ireland
Gallagher M, McNabola A, Kamber B, Gill L, Ghosh B & Alam MS

Gill M.J. (2023) The Study of Electrical Potential, Remote Sensing, and Preservation of Biosignatures at Sites of Serpentinization (SERP)
Morrill PL, Coxon IN, Cook M, Umoh U, Ventura GT, Leitch A, Poduska KM, Gao B, Yulmetova M, Mahdianpari M, English J & Gill M
(2023) Active CO2 Mineralization in the Bay of Islands Ophiolite Complex, Newfoundland, Canada
Gill MJ, Poduska KM & Morrill PL

Gill N. (2023) Iron Corrosion Related Bentonite Alteration
Gill N, Heberling F, Dieste-Blanco O, Finck N, Metz V & Geckeis H

Gill R. (2014) Impacts of Altered Silicon on Soil Biogeochemistry and Plant-Uptake of Arsenic in Flooded Rice Paddy Soil
Seyfferth A, Penido E, Gill R, Paukett M & Li G

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