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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Guillaume D. (2023) Rock Alteration in Cold Climate: Implications from Geochemical Analysis of River and Soil Samples from the Kerguelen Archipelago
Chabaux F, van der Woerd J, Perrone T, Pelt E, Aubert A, Boutin R, Fourtet C, Jeanneau L, Schmitt A-D, de Saint Blanquat M & Guillaume D
(2017) Influence of Fluid-Rock Interactions on The Iron Isotope Composition of The Oceanic Lithosphere
Dessimoulie L, Delacour A, Marin-Carbonne J, Gannoun A-M, Chevet J & Guillaume D
(2017) Low Temperature Alteration of Monazite Phenocrysts in Pegmatite: A General Feature
Bingen B, Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Corfu F, Whitehouse MJ, Bosse V, Müller A & Guillaume D
(2017) Zinc Isotope Fractionation in Upper Mantle: New Insights from Ultra-Refractory Mantle Xenoliths in an Oceanic Intraplate Setting
Beunon H, Mattielli N, Doucet L-S, Moine B, Guillaume D, Debaille V, Wasilewski B, Grégoire M, Delacour A, Cottin J-Y & Delpech G
(2016) TEM/STEM Nanoscale Imaging of Zircon and Monazite Sharpens Geochronological Interpretations
Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Laurent A, Grand'homme A, Bingen B, Janots E, Bosse V, Duchene S & Guillaume D
(2015) The Effect of CO2 on Metal Transport and Fractionation by Geological Fluids
Kokh M, Pokrovski G, Akinfiev N, Guillaume D & Salvi S
(2015) Experimental Pb Incorporation during Hydrothermal Monazite Replacement in Alkali Conditions
Grand'Homme A, Janots E, Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Guillaume D, Magnin V, Hövelmann J, Höschen C & Bosse V
(2015) Sulfur Radical Species Form Gold Deposits on Earth
Pokrovski G, Kokh M, Guillaume D, Borisova A, Gisquet P, Jean-Louis H, Lahera E, Del Net W, Proux O, Testemale D, Haigis V, Jonchière R, Seitsonen A, Ferlat G, Vuilleumier R, Saitta M, Boiron M-C & Dubessy J
(2015) Multidisciplinary Study of a Recent Oceanic Pluton: The Syenitic Complex of Rallier du Baty, Kerguelen(TAAF)
Ponthus L, Guillaume D, SaintBlanquat M, Benoit M, Pearson N, Gregoire M, O'Reilly S & LeRomancer M
(2013) Fluid-Mediated Re-equilibration and Self-Irradiation in Complex U-Th-Rich Assemblages of Pegmatites: A Case from Norway and Implications for U-Th-Pb Dating of Ore Deposits
Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Bingen B, Duran C, Bosse V, Paquette J-L, Guillaume D, de Parseval P & Ingrin J
(2013) The Effect of Carbon Dioxide on Metal Transport by Geological Fluids
Kokh M, Pokrovski G, Guillaume D & Salvi S
(2009) Redox Reactions Induced by Hydrogen in Nuclear Waste Repository: An Experimental Study
Truche L, Berger G, Destrigneville C, Guillaume D & Giffaut E
(2007) Femtosecond Laser Ablation ICP-MS of Fluid Inclusions: Validation and Prospects
Courtieu C, Guillaume D, Salvi S & Freydier R

Guillaumet M. (2013) An Original Microscopic Approach of UV-Visible-Near IR Spectroscopy
Galoisy L, Lelong G, Calas G & Guillaumet M

Guillaumot L. (2021) Using Hillslope-Scale Groundwater Model to Bridge the Gap between Basin Inputs and River Concentrations. The Case of Nitrates in Brittany (France)
Guillaumot L, Aquilina L, Marçais J, Durand P & Dreuzy J-RD
(2021) Coupling Groundwater Age Tracers (CFCs) and In-Stream Solute Time Series (DSi) to Decipher the Reactivity of Crystalline Watersheds
Marçais J, Dreuzy J-RD, Aquilina L, Guillaumot L, Labasque T, Pinay G & Derry LA

Guillemette F. (2018) Inter-Storm Variation in the Quality, Flux and Biolability of tree-Dom
Stubbins A, Wagner S, Howard D, Zhu L, Guillemette F & Van Stan J

Guillén Arruebarrena A. (2019) First Chemical and Isotopic Denudation Rate Estimates for Central Cuban Drainage Basins
Bierman P, Schmidt A, Yvelice Sibello Hernández R, Campbell M, Alejandro Cartas AGUILA4 H, Bolaños Alvarez Y, Guillén Arruebarrena A, Dethier D, Dix M, Massey-Bierman M, García Moya A, Perdrial J, Racela J, Corbett L & Alonso-Hernández C

Guillén Herrera M.T. (2010) Application of the Modified-BCR Sequential Extraction Procedure to the Assessment of the Anthropogenic Pollution in Contaminated Soils from the City of Huelva (SW Spain)
Guillén MT, Delgado J, Nieto Liñán JM & Caraballo MA
(2009) Environmental Geochemical Mapping of Soils in the City of Huelva (SW Spain)
Guillén Herrera MT, Delgado J, Nieto Liñan JM, Albanese S, Lima A & De Vivo B

Guillerm E. (2017) A New Paleo-Thermometer for Evaporitic Halite: Brillouin Spectroscopy
Guillerm E, Caupin F, Gardien V & Ariztegui D

Guillermic M. (2022) First Long Term (~30 Years) Coral Acclimatization to Ocean Acidification Recorded in Geochemical Signatures: A Case Study of New Caledonia
Tanvet C, Guillermic M, Sutton J, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Thouzeau G, Butscher J, Dubosc J & Dissard D
(2021) Interspecific Element Incorporation in Biogenic Carbonates Recapitulates Phylogeny for Diverse Marine Species
Ulrich RN, Guillermic M, Campbell J, Hakim A, Han R, Singh S, Stewart JD, Román-Palacios C, Carroll HM, DeCorte I, Gilmore RE, Doss W, Tripati A, Ries JB & Eagle RA
(2021) Boron Geochemistry in Cultured Corals and Mollusks with Independent Determinations of Internal Calcification Fluid Pool pH
Eagle RA, Guillermic M, Cameron LP, Alvarez Caraveo B, Reymond C, Misra S, Bijma J, de Beer D, Westphal H & Ries JB
(2017) Boron Isotope-Based pCO2 Record for the Eastern Equatorial Pacific over the Last 5 My
Guillermic M, Misra S & Tripati A

Guillet M. (2013) Mafic Lavas Constrain the Chemical Variability of the Society Plume
Cordier C, Chauvel C & Guillet M

Guillevic F. (2023) Multi-Isotope (Pb, Sb) Approach to Trace Metallic Contaminant Sources at an Historical Mining and Metallurgical Site
Rossi M, Guillevic F, Resongles E, Freydier R, Ferrari C, Quantin C, Monvoisin G, Poulenard J & Arnaud F
(2023) The Long-Term Mining Legacy and Remobilization of Anthropogenic Pb in a Mountainous Catchment
Guillevic F, Rossi M, Poulenard J, Develle A-L, Quantin C, Monvoisin G & Arnaud F
(2020) Long-Term Inheritance of Pb in Soils of Former Mining Sites: The Peisey-Nancroix Pb-Ag Mine (1644-1866, French Alps)
Rossi M, Spadini L, Martins J, Foulquier A, Pesce S, Paimbou-Ouenne P, Guillevic F & Poulenard J

Guilliamse J. (2012) Life at the Fringe: Redox Conditions Around a 1.6 Ga Submarine Vent
McGoldrick P, Guilliamse J, Dawborn T & Satterthwait D

Guilliod M. (2023) Transport of Arsenic and Trace Metals in the Orbiel River Downstream the Salsigne Mining District (Aude, France): Sources, Dynamics and Fluxes during Floods
Carrière L, Resongles E, Heydon M, Viers J, Schreck E, Freydier R, Marchand P, Guilliod M, Domeau A, Marie M, Delpoux S, Causserand-Fabbro C, Pages A, Horgue P, Roux H, Behra P & Casiot C

Guillocheau Francois (2020) African Superplume Composition: Insight from the Mozambique Margin
Revillon S, Roche V, Leroy S, Guillocheau F, Ruffet G, Aslanian D, Moulin M, Dall'Asta M & Kluska JM
(2014) Late Cretaceous Changes in Continental Configuration: Toward a Better Ventilated Ocean?
Donnadieu Y, Puceat E, Moiroud M, Guillocheau F & Deconink J-F

Guillocheau François (2023) Clay Mineralogy and Hf-Nd Isotopic Compositions on Clay Fractions: Source-To-Sink Analysis of Signal Propagation in the Cape Basin during the Late Cretaceous
Gaitan CE, Pucéat E, Pellenard P, Adatte T, Robin C, Guillocheau F & Bayon G
(2021) Response of Weathering and Erosion to the Intense Tectonic Uplift of the South African Plateau during the Late Cretaceous: Preliminary Insights
Gaitan E, Pucéat E, Pellenard P, Guillocheau F, Robin C & Bayon G

Guillon E. (2023) Retention of Antibiotics in Soils: Influence of Biosolid Aging
Mortada G, Guillon E & Sayen S
(2022) Ga(III) Behavior at the Soil-Water Interface
Sayen S, Goudiaby D & Guillon E
(2021) Pt-Based Anticancer Drugs: Adsorption Studies onto Isolated Phases and Natural Soils
Celaries N, Sayen S & Guillon E
(2016) How Does the Presence of Metal Influence the Retention and Transfer of Pharmaceuticals in Soils?
Sayen S & Guillon E
(2014) Fate of Heavy Metals in Sludge-Amended Soils: A Multiscale Approach
Mamindy-Pajany Y, Sayen S & Guillon E

Guillon F. (2009) Rare Gases on Off-Axis Seamounts: Constraints on the Marble-Cake Model
Moreira M, Gayer E, Guillon F, Dosso L & Ondreas H
(2008) He, Ne and Ar Systematics in Single Vesicles: Mantle Isotopic Ratios and Origin of the Air Component in Basaltic Glasses
Raquin A, Moreira M & Guillon F
(2006) He, Ne and Ar systematic on the scale of vesicle: implication for noble gases behavior in the mantle.
Raquin A, Guillon F & Moreira M

Guillon S. (2023) Examining Diurnal Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Dynamics at the River-Groundwater Interface
Mathews M, Guillon S, Rivière A, Floury P, Gaillardet J & Derry LA
(2020) Pore Water Isotope Fingerprints to Understand the Spatiotemporal Groundwater Recharge Variability in Ungauged Watersheds
Mattei A, Barbecot F, Goblet P & Guillon S
(2019) Quantification of Aquifer DNAPLs Degradation Pathways Using Reactive Transport Simulation with Isotopic Fractionation
Lincker M, Guillon S & Lagneau V
(2017) Using Soil Water Isotope Signature Obtained from Liquid-Vapor Equilibration and Cryogenic Extraction to Investigate Mobile vs Immobile Soil Water Signatures
Mattei A, Barbecot F, Guillon S & Goblet P
(2015) Biogeochemical Reactions and Transient Pressure Gradients in the Unsaturated Zone
Pili E, Guillon S & Charlet L
(2012) Understanding Gas Dynamics in Unsaturated Fractured Granite Using SF6, CO2, Rn and Other Noble Gases
Guillon S, Pili E, Sabroux J-C & Agrinier P
(2011) A Close Look at the Carbon Cycle from the Roselend Natural Laboratory Using Laser-Based Isotope Ratio Spectrometry
Pili E, Guillon S, Agrinier P & Dellinger M

Guillong M. (2023) In situ Rb-Sr Dating of Mica Without Employing the MicaMG Standard
Giuliani A, Guillong M, Maas R & Howarth GH
(2023) Can We Date Marine Carbonates at High(er) Precision with U-Pb ID-TIMS Method?
Ovtcharova M, Müller IA, Samankassou E, Guillong M, Messori F, Peyrotty G, Linnemann U, Hofmann M, Zieger J, Vennemann T, Kouzmanov K, Merino-Tomé O & Nuriel P
(2023) A New Reference Material Candidate RA138 for U-Pb Carbonate Dating by LA-ICP-MS
Guillong M, Samankassou E, Müller IA, Looser N, Tavazzani L, Szymanowski D, Tomé OM, Nuriel P & Ovtcharova M
(2022) Zircon and Garnet Compositional Constraints on the Nature of Extension-Related Peraluminous Silicic Magmas in the Northern Pannonian Basin
Harangi S, Lukács R, Guillong M, Bachmann O, Portnyagin MV, Müller S & Kovács Z
(2022) Magmatic Evolution Patterns of the Miocene Silicic Explosive Volcanism in the Pannonian Basin, Eastern-Central Europe
Lukács R, Szepesi J, Guillong M, Józsa S, Bachmann O, Portnyagin MV, Schiller D, Kovács Z, Müller S & Harangi S
(2022) Can U-Pb Dating on Carbonates add to Improved Time Constraints on the Ediacaran Metazoan Ecosystem in the Nama Group, Namibia?
Müller IA, Messori F, Guillong M, Peyrotty G, Samankassou E, Linnemann U, Hofmann M, Zieger J, Vennemann T, Kouzmanov K & Ovtcharova M
(2021) Differential Record of Pre- and Syn-Eruptive Degassing of a Large Rhyolitic System Recorded by Li, H, and δ7Li Diffusion between Quartz, Melt Inclusions and Groundmass Glasses
Neukampf J, Laurent O, Tollan PM, Bouvier A-S, Magna T, Ulmer P, France L, Ellis BS, Guillong M & Bachmann O
(2020) Can LA-ICP-MS 238U-230Th Zircon Dates Constrain Eruption Ages?
Oalmann J, Forni F, Guillong M & Bouvet de Maisonneuve C
(2019) Towards Reliable LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Carbonate Dating
Guillong M, Wotzlaw J-F, Looser N, Laurent O & Bachmann O
(2019) Progressively Shorter Magma Storage and Rapid Remobilization Prior to Voluminous Eruptions of Vesuvius
Wotzlaw J-F, Bastian L, Guillong M, Forni F, Laurent O, Sulpizio R & Bachmann O
(2019) Constraining the Multi-Stage Burial and Tectonic History of Northern Switzerland over the Last 200 Ma with Carbonate Clumped Isotopes and LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Dating
Looser N, Guillong M, Laurent O, Rickli J, Fernandez A & Bernasconi S
(2019) U-Pb Dating of Columbite-Bearing Ores with a New Columbite Reference Material
von Quadt A, Guillong M, Laurent O, Peytcheva I, Galliski M & Bermudez A
(2019) Zircon Crystallization Age Distribution Reflecting the Lifetime of the Long-Living Crystal Mush System beneath the Ciomadul Volcanic Dome Field (Eastern-Central Europe)
Lukács R, Schmitt AK, Caricchi L, Bachmann O, Guillong M, Molnár K & Harangi S
(2018) Controls on Lithium Concentration in Zircon
Sliwinski J, Kueter N, Guillong M & Bachmann O
(2017) New U-Pb Age Constraints on Tertiary Magmatism and Pb-Zn Skarn Formation in the Madan District, Central Rhodopes, Bulgaria
Hantsche A, Kouzmanov K, Dini A, Vassileva R, Guillong M & von Quadt A
(2017) A New Approach for Constraining the Magnitude of Initial Disequilibrium in Quaternary Zircons by Coupled U and Th Decay Series Dating
Sakata S, Hirakawa S, Iwano H, Danhara T, Guillong M & Hirata T
(2016) Tracing the “Slab Component” in Arc Lavas Using Ce/Mo
Skora S, Freymuth H, Blundy J, Elliott T & Guillong M
(2015) Constrains on the Timescale of the Silicic Magma Reservoir System during the Miocene Ignimbrite Flare-Up Episode in the Pannonian Basin, Eastern-Central Europe
Lukács R, Harangi S, Bachmann O, Guillong M & Dunkl I
(2014) U/Pb Dating of CA and non-CA Treated Zircons Obtained by LA-ICP-MS and TIMS Techniques: Impact for their Geological Interpretation
von Quadt A, Gallhofer D, Guillong M, Peytcheva I & Waelle M
(2013) Optimization of LA-ICP-MS for U-Pb Dating of Young Zircons
Guillong M, Bachmann O & von Quadt A
(2011) Maximising Precision and Accuracy in Laser Quadrupole ICPMS U-Pb Geochronology
Meffre S, Danyushevsky L, Guillong M & Gilbert S
(2011) Fluid Inclusion Analysis by Laser Ablation ICPMS: How Consistent are Element Ratios?
Guillong M, Pettke T & Danyushevsky L
(2011) The Effect of Cl on the Solubilty of Au and Pd in Andesitic Melts
Botcharnikov R, Linnen R, Guillong M, Holtz F & Kamenetsky V
(2011) Molybdenite Deposition in Bingham Canyon Deposit: Role of Sulfur, Redox and pH Chemistry in Magmatic-Hydrothermal Fluids
Seo JH, Guillong M & Heinrich CA
(2010) Pushing Laser Ablation ICP-MS to the Limit: Speed, Reproducibility and Sensitivity
Guillong M & Danyushevsky L
(2010) Dependence of the Level of Argide Interferences on Light PGEs during Laser Ablation of Sulphides on the Configuration of ICP-MS
Danyushevsky L, Guillong M, Gilbert S, Waelle M & Raveggi M
(2009) REE, HFSE, LILE, and Transition Metal Exchange between Basaltic Melt and Supercritical Cl-Bearing Aqueous Fluid
Bell A, Simon A, Guillong M & Heinrich C
(2009) Accuracy and Application of Sulfur Quantification in Fluid Inclusions by LA-ICPMS
Guillong M, Seo JH, Aerts M, Zajacz Z & Heinrich CA
(2009) Role of Sulfur in Hydrothermal Metal Fractionation and the Formation of Porphyry-Type Ore Deposits
Seo JH, Guillong M & Heinrich CA
(2009) Gold-Rich Sulfide Melt Inclusions in Xenocrysts from a Mid-Crustal Magma Chamber, Mt. Milligan Porphyry Deposit, B.C., Canada
Hanley J & Guillong M
(2009) Diffusive Reequilibration of Quartz Hosted Silicate Melt and Fluid Inclusions: Are all Metal Concentrations Unmodified?
Zajacz Z, Hanley J, Heinrich C, Halter W & Guillong M
(2009) Gold Content of Fluids and Quartz in the Hishikari Epithermal Deposit
Murakami H, Guillong M & Heinrich CA
(2009) Uncertainties of LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Zircon Ages Caused by the Use of Different Data Reduction Software
von Quadt A, Guillong M & Peytcheva I
(2009) Melt Inclusions in Basalts of the Menez Gwen Active Seafloor Hydrothermal System: A LA-ICP-MS Study
Marques F, Scott S & Guillong M
(2009) Fluid Properties in Porphyry-Style to Skarn-Hosted Copper Mineralization at Dongguashan, SE China
Yang X, Xu Z, Seo JH, Lu X & Guillong M
(2007) Mass Transfer during Volatile Exsolution in Magmatic Systems: Insights from the Analyses of Silicate Melt and Magmatic Fluid Inclusions
Zajacz Z, Halter W, Pettke T & Guillong M
(2006) Determination of fluid/melt partition coefficients by LA-ICPMS analysis of co-existing fluid and silicate melt inclusions
Zajacz Z, Halter W, Pettke T & Guillong M
(2005) Characterization of Laser-Induced Aerosol for Quantitative Analysis of Solids Using LA-ICP-MS
Guenther D, Kuhn H & Guillong M

Guillot B. (2023) Solubility of CO2 in Mafic Melts up to 8.5 GPa, Measured by Raman Spectroscopy
Sarda P, Amalberti J, Le Losq C, Sator N, Hammouda T, Chamorro-Pérez E, Guillot B, Le Floch S & Neuville D
(2017) Modeling of Molten Carbonates Based on Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Desmaele E, Sator N & Guillot B
(2017) The Effects of Water on Silicate Melts by Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Dufils T, Sator N & Guillot B
(2017) Grain Boundary Properties of Polycrystalline Olivine by Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Sator N, Mantisi B & Guillot B
(2015) Investigation of Partial Melting by Atomistic Simulation
Mantisi B, Sator N & Guillot B
(2013) CO2 Speciation and Transport Properties of CO2-Bearing Silicate Melts from First-Principle Simulations
Vuilleumier R, Seitsonen A, Sator N & Guillot B
(2013) Physical Properties of CO2-Rich Melts at Mantle Conditions: A Simulation Study
Folliet N, Sator N & Guillot B
(2011) The Deep Carbon Cycle Confronted to Mantle Electrical Conductivities
Hammouda T, Gaillard F, Guillot B, Tarits P, Sator N, Micoulaut M & Hautot S
(2011) Quantification of CO2 Dissolved in Silicate Glasses and Melts Using Raman Spectroscopy: Implications for Geodynamics
Amalberti J, Neuville D, Sarda P, Sator N & Guillot B
(2011) Liquid Carbonates Investigated by First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Vuilleumier R, Seitsonen A, Sator N & Guillot B

Guillot F. (2017) Jadeite and Nepheline in the Gran Paradiso Massif, W. Alps: Stability vs. Metastability in the High-Pressure Evolution of Continental Crust
Chopin C, Guillot F & Lanari P
(2017) Nepheline-Jadeite Field-Trip in the Gran Paradiso Massif: Permian Alkaline and Alpine Problems
Guillot F, Chopin C, Lanari P & Li X-H

Guillot Stéphane (2021) Protracted Crustal and Mantle Melting during the Late Stages of the Variscan Orogeny: A Case Study in the Paleozoic Basement of the External Western Alps
Jacob J-B, Fréville K, Janots E, Poujol M, Guillot S, Trap P, Melleton J & Faure M
(2017) Halogens and Other Volatiles in the UHP Tso Morari Unit, NW Himalaya
Pagé L, Hattori K & Guillot S
(2017) How Subduction Proceeds: Deformation and Fluid Migration Across Nascent, Warm Plate Boundaries
Agard P, Prigent C, Soret M, Guillot S & Dubacq B
(2017) Sulfur Cycle and Geological History of the Carnian Evaporites in the Western French Alps as Recorded by TSR
Barré G, Michels R, Strzerzynski P, Truche L, Thomassot E, Cartigny P, Lorgeoux C, Guillot S & Assayag N
(2016) Deformation Mechanisms of Antigorite Serpentinite at Subduction Zone Conditions
Auzende A-L, Escartin J, Walte N, Guillot S, Hirth G & Frost D
(2011) Weathering Effects on the Mineralogical and Geochemical Composition of the New Caledonia Ophiolite
Ulrich M, Muñoz M, Guillot S, Chauvel C, Cluzel D & Picard C
(2009) The New Caledonia Ophiolite: Multiple Melting Stages and Refertilisation Process as Indicators for Ridge to Subduction Formation
Ulrich M, Picard C, Guillot S, Chauvel C, Cluzel D & Meffre S
(2009) Li Isotope Partitioning between Serpentine Phases and Fluid
Wunder B, Watenphul A, Deschamps F, Guillot S, Meixner A, Romer RL & Wirth R
(2003) Fore-Arc Mantle Serpentinites as a Reservoir of Fluid-Soluble Elements Released from Subducting Slabs
Hattori K, Guillot S & Ishii T

Guillot Stephane (2023) Oxygen Breath of Subduction Zones Revealed by Arsenic in Serpentinite
Pokrovski G, Sanchez-Valle C, Guillot S, Borisova AY, Munoz M, Auzende AL, Proux O, Roux J, Hazemann J-L, Testemale D & Shvarov YV

Guillot T. (2022) Origin of the CC-Nc Isotopic Dichotomy in Early Planetesimals (Iron Meteorite Parent Bodies)
Morbidelli A, Baillié K, Batygin K, Charnoz S, Guillot T, Rubie D & Kleine T
(2013) On the Filtering of Dust by Planetesimals and its Consequences for the Compositions of Planetary Systems
Guillot T & Ida S

Guilloteau S. (2015) Recent Results of the Chemistry In Disks Consortium
Chapillon E, Dutrey A, Henning T, Guilloteau S, Hersant F, Pietu V, Reboussin L, Semenov D, Teague R & Wakelam V

Guillou A. (2017) Advances in Field Noble Gas Measurements Towards Operational Hydrology
Chatton E, Labasque T, Guillou A & Aquilina L

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