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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

González-Díaz E.Y. (2019) Evaluation of the Presence and Spatial Distribution of Critical Raw Materials in Los Buitres and San José Tailing Impoundments, Punta del Cobre District, Atacama, Chile
Caraballo MA, Townley B, Riquelme B, González-Díaz EY, García-Cardenas S, Martínez P & Moraga R
(2018) Evaluation of the Presence and Spatial Distribution of Critical Raw Materials in the Cauquenes Porphyry Copper Tailing
Caraballo MA, Townley B, González-Díaz EY, Riquelme B, García-Cardenas S, Collao R, Martinez P & Noriega F

González-García D. (2023) Evidence of Bubble-Assisted Magma Mixing in the Early Stage of the Cumbre Vieja 2021 Eruption, La Palma, Canary Islands
González-García D, Boulesteix T, Klügel A & Holtz F
(2019) Magma Hybridization Recorded in Banded Pumices from the 0.17 Ma El Abrigo Eruption, Tenerife: Preliminary Results
González-García D, Perugini D, Giordano D, Vasseur J, Martí J & Dingwell DB
(2019) The Nature and Reactivation Time of the Magma Storage beneath the Long-Dormant Late Pleistocene Ciomadul Volcano (Eastern-Central Europe)
Harangi S, González-García D, Petrelli M, Bachmann O & Lukács R
(2017) Trace Element Diffusion during Mixing of Rhyolitic and Shoshonitic Magmas
González-García D, Petrelli M, Behrens H, Vetere F, Morgavi D & Perugini D

González-Gaya B. (2019) Interactions between Anthropogenic Dissolved Organic Carbon and Marine Microorganisms
Vila-Costa M, Cerro-Gálvez E, Martinez-Varela A, González-Gaya B, Lundin D & Dachs J
(2017) The Anthropocene’s Fingerprint as Reflected by the Occurrence and Fluxes of Organic Pollutants in the Global Oceans
Dachs J, González-Gaya B, Castro-Jiménez J, Fernández-Pinos M-C, Casal P, Pizarro C, Morales L, Pizarro M, Vila-Costa M, Abad E, Piña B & Jiménez B

Gonzalez-Gil G. (2005) Modification of Hematite Surfaces during Colonization by a Dissimilatory Fe(III) Reducing Bacterium Under Controlled Hydrodynamic Conditions
Geesey G, Gonzalez-Gil G, Amonette J, Romine M & Gorby Y

González-Guzmán Reneé (2020) Permo-Triassic Metamorphism in the Mérida Andes, Venezuela: New Insights from Geochronology, O-Isotopes, and Geothermobarometry
Tazzo-Rangel MD, Weber B, Schmitt AK, González-Guzmán R & Hecht L
(2014) Petrogenesis of Basement Rocks in the Southern Chiapas Massif: Implications on the Tectonic Evolution of the Maya Block
González-Guzmán R, Weber B, Manjarrez-Juárez R, Hecht L & Solari L

González-Guzmán Renee (2021) Geochemical, Geochronological, and Isotopic Constraints on High-Grade Gneisses from the Mérida Andes, Venezuela: Implications for the Ediacaran–Cambrian Tectonic Setting of Northwestern Gondwana
Tazzo-Rangel MD, Weber B, González-Guzmán R & Frei D
(2021) Calymmian and Tonian Basement in the Chiapas Massif Complex, Southern Mexico: Implications on Oaxaquia-Amazonia-Baltica Connections within Rodinia
Valencia Morales YT, Weber B, Tazzo-Rangel MD, González-Guzmán R & Frei D
(2021) Petrogenesis of Late Paleozoic high-Ba–Sr Intrusions in the Southern Chiapas Massif, Mexico
González-Guzmán R, Weber B, Tazzo-Rangel MD, Cisneros de León A, Valencia VA & Frei D
(2021) The Central Iapetus Magmatic Province in Mexico: Novel Dating Approaches Reveal Early Ediacaran Mafic Magmatism Coeval with Dyke Swarms in Baltica and Laurentia
Weber B, Schmitt A, Cisneros de León A & González-Guzmán R

Gonzalez-Hernandez G. (2005) Transport of Elements by High-Temperature and Highly Oxidized Gases from Colima Volcano
Gonzalez-Hernandez G & Taran Y

Gonzalez-Holguera J. (2017) Control of Mn(III) on Contaminant Sorption by Biogenic Manganese Oxides
Peña J, Dumas N, Dossou-Etui I, Gonzalez-Holguera J & Simanova A

González-Jiménez José María (2020) Carbonation and Silicification of Peridotites in the San Juan de Otates Ultramafic-Mafic Complex (Guanajuato, Central Mexico)
Lázaro-Paz CC, Colás V, Pineda-Rodriguez NA, González-Jiménez JM, Camprubí A, Proenza JA & Marchesi C
(2020) Heterogeneous PGE Signatures in Metasomatic Sulfides from the Tallante Xenoliths
Schettino E, González-Jiménez JM, Marchesi C, Hidas K & Garrido CJ
(2019) Not Deep-Mantle Origin of Unusual Minerals in the Moho Transition Zone of Eastern Cuba Ophiolites
Pujol-Solà N, Proenza JA, Garcia-Casco A, González-Jiménez JM, Melgarejo JC & Gervilla F
(2019) Diamonds in Ophiolitic Chromitites are not in all Cases Formed at UHP Conditions
Farré-de-Pablo J, Proenza JA, González-Jiménez JM, Garcia-Casco A, Colás V, Roqué-Rosell J, Camprubí A & Sánchez-Navas A
(2019) Minor and Trace Elements Fingerprints on Spinels of Mantle Xenoliths from North and South America
Colás V, Dávalos-Elizondo MG, Tassara S, González-Jiménez JM, Aranda-Gómez JJ & Schilling M
(2019) Nanoscale Structure of High-Temperature Ru-Os Sulphides
Jiménez-Franco A, Roqué-Rosell J, González-Jiménez JM, Proenza JA, Gervilla F & Nieto F
(2019) Nanomineralogy of the Highly Siderophile Elements in the SCLM: Implications for Ore Genesis
González-Jiménez JM
(2019) The Role of Dehydration of Subducted Serpentinites in the Genesis of Gold-Rich Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore Deposits
Marchesi C, González-Jiménez JM, Padrón-Navarta JA, López Sánchez-Vizcaíno V & Gómez-Pugnaire MT
(2019) Mobility of Re and Os Isotopes in Platinum-Group Minerals during Laterization?
Aiglsperger T, González-Jiménez JM, Proenza JA, Galí S, Longo F, Griffin WL & O´Reilly SY
(2018) Provenance of Zircons in Ophiolitic Chromitites from North America
Proenza JA, González-Jiménez JM, García-Casco A, Colás V, Farré-de-Pablo J, Pujol-Solà N, Gervilla F, Camprubí A & Rojas-Agramonte Y
(2018) Magmatic and Metamorphic Origin of Noble Metal Nanoparticles in Chromite Ores
González-Jiménez JM, Deditius A, Reich M, Gervilla F, Suvorova A, Roberts M, Roqué J & Proenza J
(2018) Nanoscale Structure of Zoned Laurites
Gervilla F, González-Jiménez JM, Roqué J, Baurier S & Proenza JA
(2017) Ore Systems as Nanoparticle Factories
Deditius A, Reich M, Utsunomiya S, Barra F, Gonzalez-Jimenez J-M, Simon A, Suvorova A, Ewing R & Kesler S
(2017) Gold Particles in Upper Mantle Xenoliths
Tassara CS, González-Jiménez JM, Reich M, Morata D, Schilling M & Barra F
(2017) HFSE-Bearing Phases in Ophiolitic Mantle Chromitite Bodies from Eastern Cuba: Mineralogical Evidence of Fe-Ti Type Metasomatism of Oceanic Upper Mantle
Pujol-Solà N, Proenza JA, García-Casco A, Melgarejo JC, Gervilla F, González-Jiménez J-M, Torró L & Llovet X
(2017) Recycling and Growth of Zircons in Chromitites from the Subcontinental Listhospheric Mantle
Gonzalez-Jimenez JM, Marchesi C, Griffin WL, Gervilla F, Belousova E, Garrido CJ, Romero R, Talavera C, Leisen M, O'REILLY S & Barra F
(2017) Archean to Permian Zircons in Cretaceous Mantle-Hosted Ophiolitic Chromitites from Eastern Cuba
Proenza JA, González-Jiménez JM, Garcia-Casco A, Belousova E, Griffin WL, Talavera C, Rojas-Agramonte Y, Aiglsperger T, Navarro-Ciruana D, Pujol N, Gervilla F, Lazaro C & O'REILLY SY
(2016) Metamorphic Zircons in Ophiolitic Chromitites from Central Chile
Romero R, González-Jiménez JM, Barra F, Talavera C, Salazar E, Garrido L & Reich M
(2016) A Secondary (PGE-Au) ±Ni-S-As-Sb-Pb Mineralization in Serpentinite Shear Zones from Central Chile
González-Jiménez JM, Garrido LNF, Romero R, Salazar E, Barra F, Reich M, Satsukawa T & Colás V
(2015) A Cautionary Tale on Zircon Ages from Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks: A Case Example from Ophiolites, SE Australia
Belousova E, González-Jiménez J-M, Graham I, Griffin W, O'Reilly S & Pearson N
(2015) Monitoring the Formation of Ferrian Chromite by µXANES
Gervilla F, Asta MP, Fanlo I, Grolimund D, Colás V, González-Jiménez JM & Kerestedjian TN
(2015) Thermodynamic Modelling of the Mobility of Minor and Trace Elements in Metamorphosed Chromites
Colás V, González-Jiménez JM, Fanlo I, Griffin WL, Gervilla F, O'Reilly SY, Pearson NJ & Kerestedjian T
(2015) Metal Fluxing in a Large-Scale Intra-Arc Fault: Insights from the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault System in Southern Chile
Tardani D, Reich M, Roulleau E, Sano Y, Takahata N, González-Jiménez JM, Sanchez P, Cembrano J & Arancibia G
(2014) Tibetan Chromitites: Digging in the Slab Graveyard
McGowan N, Griffin W, González-Jiménez J-M, Belousova E, Afonso JC, Shi R, McCammon C, Pearson N & O'Reilly S
(2014) Taking Fingerprints of Metamorphism in Chromite Using Minor and Trace Elements
Colás V, González-Jiménez JM, Fanlo I, Griffin WL, Gervilla F, O’Reilly SY, Pearson NJ & Kerestedjian T
(2014) PGE Remobilisation during Metamorphism of Chromitites in Central Chile
Gonzalez-Jimenez JM, Barra F, Reich M, Hernandez E, Gervilla F, Griffin WL, O'Reilly SY & Pearson NJ
(2013) Ancient Fragments in the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Carpathian-Pannonian Region
Aradi LE, Szabó C, Gonzalez-Jimenez JM, Griffin W, O'Reilly SY & Hattori K
(2013) New Insights into the History of an Ophiolite from Zircons
Belousova E, Gonzalez-Jimenez J, Graham I, Griffin W & O'Reilly S
(2013) Trace-Element Fingerprints of Chromites Link Ultramafic Massifs of the Bulgarian Rhodopes
Colás V, González-Jiménez JM, Fanlo I, Griffin WL, Gervilla F, Pearson NJ & Kerestedjian T
(2013) Neo-Archean Domains in the Mediterranean and their Implications
Gonzalez-Jimenez JM, Villaseca C, Griffin WL, Belousova E, Konc Z, Ancochea E, O'Reilly SY, Pearson NJ, Garrido CJ & Gervilla F
(2013) Trace-Element Fingerprints of Chromites and Sulfides from the Archean Nuggihalli Greenstone Belt, Western Dharwar Craton, India
Mukherjee R, Mondal SK, González-Jiménez JM, Griffin WL, Pearson NJ & O’Reilly SY
(2013) On the Origins of Platinum-Group Minerals in Ophiolitic Chromitites
Gervilla F, Griffin WL, González-Jiménez JM, Proenza JA, O'Reilly SY & Pearson NJ
(2011) Os Isotopes in Sulfides from Xenoliths of the Campos de Calatrava Volcanic Field, Central Spain
Villaseca C, Gonzalez-Jimenez JM, Griffin WL, Ancochea E, Gervilla F, O'Reilly SY, Pearson NJ & Belousova E
(2011) Geodynamic Implications of >1 Ga Re-Os Model Ages in PGM from the Dobromirtsi Ultramafic Massif, Central Rhodope, Bulgaria
Gonzalez-Jimenez JM, Griffin WL, Gervilla F, Kerestedjian T, O'Reilly SY & Pearson NJ

González-Jiménez Jose María (2023) On the Origins of Iron and Glassy Spherules in Ophiolitic Chromitites
González-Jiménez JM, Sergeeva I, Kerestedjian TN & Gervilla F
(2023) Unpacking the Origin of Dolerites from the External Zones of the Betic Cordillera
Blanco-Quintero IF, González-Jiménez JM, Marchesi C, Yesares Ortiz L, Ferreira A & Gervilla F
(2023) Geochemistry of Pyrite in Basic Rocks of the Betic Cordillera
Ferreira A, González-Jiménez JM, Blanco-Quintero IF, Yesares Ortiz L, Piña R & Gervilla F
(2022) Trace Metals Distribution in Pyrite from the Iberian Pyrite Belt
González-Jiménez JM, Yesares Ortiz L, Piña R, Reinaldo SR & Ruiz de Almodovar G
(2021) Footprints of Mantle-Melt Reactions Recorded in Cr-Spinel from the Ronda Peridotite Massif
González-Pérez I, Moreno C, González-Jiménez JM, Gervilla F & Marchesi C
(2021) Metastable Nanodiamond Linked to Serpentinization of Olivine
Pujol-Solà N, Garcia-Casco A, Proenza JA, González-Jiménez JM, del Campo A, Colás V, Canals À, Sánchez-Navas A & Roqué-Rosell J
(2021) Mineral-Scale Mobility of PGE and TABS in Subducted Serpentinites
Gervilla F, González-Jiménez JM, Piña R, Saunders J, Plissart G, Marchesi C & Padrón-Navarta JA
(2021) Metallogenic Fingerprint of a Fertile Mantle Source Underlying an Ore-Productive Volcanic Province
Schettino E, Marchesi C, González-Jiménez JM, Saunders E, Hidas K, Gervilla F & Garrido CJ
(2021) Critical Metal Enrichment in Laterites from Chile
González-Jiménez JM, Villanova-De-Benavent C, Proenza JA, Monasterio-Guillot L & Daniele L
(2021) Hydrothermal Pt Mineralization in Ophiolitic Chromitites
Farré de Pablo J, Proenza JA, González-Jiménez JM, Aiglsperger T, Torró L, Domènech C & Garcia-Casco A
(2021) Golden Pyrites from the Iberian Pyrite Belt
Yesares Ortiz L, Piña R, González-Jiménez JM, Reinaldo SR, Ruiz de Almodovar G, Proenza JA & Pons JM

Gonzalez-Lanchas A. (2023) Peaking at the Past Controls on the Production of Pelagic Carbonate – N. Shackleton Science Innovation Medal Lecture
Rickaby REM, Dedman C, Ma X, Chauhan N, Gonzalez-Lanchas A & Bendif EM
(2023) Evaluation of the Isotopic Composition of Carbon in the Calcite Produced by Phytoplankton (Coccolith δ13C Vital Effects) in the Modern Ocean
Gonzalez-Lanchas A, Baumann KH & Rickaby REM

González-Lemos Saúl (2015) Constraining the Mechanisms Driving δ44/40Ca Variations in Coccolithophores: A Mixed Culture and Fossil Study Approach
Mejía LM, Paytan A, Eisenhauer A, Kolevica A, Abrevaya L, Bolton C, Méndez-Vicente A, Isensee K, González-Lemos S & Stoll H

Gonzalez-Lemos Saul (2016) New Perspectives on the Evolution of CO2 in the Late Cenozoic
Stoll H, Mejia LM, Bolton C, Guitian J, Hernandez Sanchez MT, Abrevaya L, Mendez-Vicente A & Gonzalez-Lemos S

Gonzalez-Lopez G. (2005) Preservation of (Early) Miocence Landscapes in the Atacama Desert, Northern Chile
Dunai T, Gonzalez-Lopez G, Juez-Larre J & Carrizo D

Gonzalez-Lopez J. (2017) Investigation on the Crystal Structure of CO2CO3(OH)2 by DFT and X-Ray Diffraction
Gonzalez-Lopez J, Cockcroft JK, González Á, Jimenez A & Grau-Crespo R
(2015) CaCO3 Precipitation and Aging in Co<sup>2+</sup> Bearing Aqueous Solutions
Fernandez-Gonzalez A, Gonzalez-Lopez J & Jimenez A
(2013) Crystallization of Hydroxide Cobalt Carbonate CO2CO3(OH)<sub>2</sub>, Precursor of Co<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>, at Room Temperature
Gonzalez-Lopez J, Fernandez-Gonzalez MA & Jimenez A

González-Maurel O. (2023) Contrasting Old and Young Volcanism in Irruputuncu Volcano, Central Andean Volcanic Zone, Chile
Guzmán-Marusic G, González-Maurel O, Pineda C, Rodríguez I, le Roux P & Godoy B
(2023) Same Old Same Old... Has the Petrogenetic Influence of the Altiplano-Puna Magma Body beneath the Andean Central Volcanic Zone, Northern Chile, Changed Much Since the Pliocene?
Mashego MR, González-Maurel O, le Roux P & Godoy B
(2023) Scales of Change: Intra-Flow, Intra-Volcano, and Intra-Volcanic Chain B Isotope Variations
le Roux P, Ncetani S, González-Maurel O, Godoy B, Deegan FM, Garbe-Schönberg D, Rodríguez I, Guzmán-Marusic G & Muena N
(2021) Mapping Silica Content of Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex Using ASTER Global Emissivity Dataset
Ito G, Flahaut J, Barthez M, González-Maurel O, Godoy B, Martinot M & Payet V
(2021) Petrogenesis of Shoshonites and Ultrapotassic Rocks Associated with the high-Ti Basaltic Lavas of the Tuli Basin, Karoo Large Igneous Province, Southern Africa
González-Maurel O, Howarth GH, Marsh JS, Duncan AR & le Roux P
(2021) Unravelling the Effects of Crustal Assimilation Versus Mantle Source Heterogeneity in Tuli Basin Picrites, Karoo LIP
Howarth GH, Marsh JS, Duncan AR, Harris C, le Roux P, Heinonen JS & González-Maurel O
(2021) Boron Isotope Systematics in the Magmatic Evolution of San Pedro and La Poruña Volcanoes, Central Andes, Northern Chile
Godoy B, le Roux P, Deegan F, Garbe-Schönberg D, González-Maurel O & Rodríguez I
(2017) Geochemical Character of Less-Differenciated Volcanism in the Andean Central Volcanic Zone (CVZ), Northern Chile
González-Maurel O, le Roux P, Menzies A & Godoy B

Gonzalez-Meler M. (2019) Decadal Scale Changes in Permafrost Carbon Accrual Measured By 210-Pb
DeFranco K, Ricketts M, Blanc-Betes E, Welker J, Gonzalez-Meler M & Sturchio N
(2014) Seasonal Variations in Nitrate Flux and Isotopic Composition in the Upper Illinois River Basin
Lin J, Huang S, Gonzalez-Meler M, Bohlke JK & Sturchio NC
(2012) Stable Isotope and Isotopomeric Constraints on N2O Production in Wastewater Treatment Plants
Bellucci F, Gonzalez-Meler M, Sturchio NC, Bohlke JK, Ostrom N & Kozak J
(2010) Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Large Metropolitan Water Reclamation Plant
Bellucci F, Carbone J, Heraty L, Sturchio N, Gonzalez-Meler M, Kozak J & O'Connor C

González-Menéndez L. (2019) Ore-forming Fluids and Sulphur Sources in Peña do Seo W-Sn Vein Deposit, NW Spain: Fluid Inclusion and δ34S Data
Caldevilla P, Gómez-Fernández F, Martín-Crespo T, Vindel E, González-Menéndez L, Berrezueta E & Menéndez S

Gonzalez-Muñoz M.T. (2021) Factors Controlling Pelagic Barite Distribution Across the Ocean Water Column: New Insights from the Great Calcite Belt
Martinez-Ruiz F, Paytan A, Lam PJ, Gonzalez-Muñoz MT, Jroundi F, Abad-Ortega MDM, Horner TJ & Kastner M
(2020) Role of Exopolymers in Pelagic Barite Precipitation in the Ocean
Martinez-Ruiz F, Paytan A, Gonzalez-Muñoz MT, Jroundi F, Abad MDM, Lam P, Horner T & Kastner M
(2019) Mechanisms of Pelagic Barite Precipitation
Martinez-Ruiz F, Paytan A, Gonzalez-Muñoz MT, Jroundi F, Abad MDM, Lam P, Bishop JKB, Horner TJ, Morton PL & Kastner M
(2017) Barium Cycling in the Ocean: The Role of Bacteria in Marine Barite Precipitaion
Martinez-Ruiz F, Jroundi F, Paytan A & Gonzalez-Muñoz MT
(2011) Bioremediation Strategies to Inhibit Salt-Enhanced Stone Weathering
Schiro M, Ruiz-Agudo E, Jroundi F, Gonzalez-Muñoz MT & Rodriguez-Navarro C
(2009) Incorporation of U(VI) into Biogenic Carbonates: Molecular Scale Studies
Merroun ML, Rodriguez-Navarro C, Arias JM, Bernhard G & González-Munoz MT

González-Nistal S. (2021) Geochemical Characterization of Gold-Bearing Iron Oxides in Soils from the Trevías-San Feliz Area (NW Spain)
González-Nistal S, Alvarez R, Ordóñez A & Loredo JL
(2020) Occurrence of Detrital Monazite within the Esva Watershed (NW Spain): EPMA Dating and REE Geochemistry
González-Nistal S, Álvarez R, Ordóñez A & Loredo J

Gonzalez-Orozco C. (2018) Co-evolution of Plant Biodiversity and Geochemistry in Australia
Bui E, Thornhill A, Gonzalez-Orozco C, Knerr N & Miller J

Gonzalez-Partida E. (2004) Fluorite Source of the El Pilote Deposit, Coahuila, Mexico
Levresse G, González-Partida E, Tritlla J, Pironon J, Camprubí A, Carrillo-Chávez A & Villareal J
(2004) Chemical and Isotopic Signatures of Groundwater in the Guanajuato Mining District, Central Mexico: Natural vs. Anthropogenic Sources of Heavy Metals
Carrillo-Chavez A, Morton O, Morales P, Cienfuegos E, Gonzalez-Partida E, Rivas H & Camprubi A
(2003) Fluid Origin of the Ixtacamaxtitlán Kaolin and Sinter Deposit, Puebla State, Mexico
Tritlla J, Morales-Ramírez J, Camprubí A, Corona-Esquivel R, Gonzalez-Partida E & Levresse G
(2003) Heavy Metal Distribution in Rock, Sediments and Groundwater from Mineral de Pozos Mining Area, Central-North Mexico: First Geochemical Base Line Maps in Mexico
Carrillo-Chavez A, Gonzalez-Partida E, Morton-Bermea O, Lavresse G, Soto P & Tritlla J

González-Pérez I. (2021) Footprints of Mantle-Melt Reactions Recorded in Cr-Spinel from the Ronda Peridotite Massif
González-Pérez I, Moreno C, González-Jiménez JM, Gervilla F & Marchesi C

Gonzalez-Perez J.A. (2016) Bacterial Mutualism as New Strategy of Survive Extreme Acidic and Microaerophilic Conditions
Castillo J, Linage B, Fourie C, Vermeulen M, Cason E, Coetsee-Hugo E, Swart H, Nieto JM, Macias F, Caraballo M, Becerra M, Gomez-Arias A, Corzo A, Papaspyrou S, Jimenez-Arias JL, Gonzalez-Perez JA & van Heerden E

Gonzalez-Roubaud C. (2012) Evidence of Ocean Acidification Viewed by Boron Isotopes and B/Ca in Scleractinian Corals
Douville E, Gonzalez-Roubaud C, Louvat P, Gaillardet J, Cabioch G, Montagna P, Frank N & Gehlen M

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