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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Campbell Ashley (2021) Life in an Uncertain World: How a Characteristically Dynamic Environment Forges a Resilient Microbiome and Differential Fates of Soil Carbon
Pett-Ridge J, Campbell A, Hestrin R, Bhattacharyya A, Kimbrel JA, Trubl G, Brisson VL, Lin Y, Silver W, Weber PK, Blazewicz SJ & Nico PS
(2020) The Impact of Redox Fluctuations on Soil Organic Matter Decomposition in Tropical Forest Soils
Bhattacharyya A, Campbell A, Hestrin R, Lin Y, Tfaily M, Silver W, Weber P, Nico P & Pett-Ridge J
(2019) Length of Oxygen Perturbation Determines Anaerobic Rates of Iron Reduction and Methane Production
Barcellos D, Campbell A, Pett-Ridge J & Thompson A
(2018) The Impact of Redox Fluctuations on Mineral-Organic Matter Associations and Microbial Carbon Transformations in Tropical Forest Soils
Bhattacharyya A, Campbell A, Lin Y, Tfaily M, Silver W, Weber P, Nico P & Pett-Ridge J
(2017) Redox Fluctuation Shapes Microbial Community Structure and Mineral-Organic Relations in a Humid Tropical Soil
Pett-Ridge J, Campbell A, Bhattacharyya A, Gross A, Lin Y, Tfaily M, Nico P & Silver W
(2017) Coupled Iron and Carbon Redox Dynamics in Tropical Forest Soils of Puerto Rico
Bhattacharyya A, Campbell A, Kukkadapu R, Weber P, Nico P & Pett-Ridge J

Campbell C. (2022) Environmental Lipidomics and the Derisking of Deep Ocean Petroleum Exploration
Ventura GT, Ahangarian N, Oueslati G, Peters C, Chowdhury A, Bentley J, Baghalabadi V, Umoh U, MacDonald AWA, Morrison N, Hubert C, Campbell C, Bennett R, Lipp JS, Hin­richs K-U & Desiage P-A
(2021) Exploring the Clumped and Bulk Isotopic Systematic of Carbonates Near Two Deep-Water Cold Seeps Offshore Nova Scotia, Canada
Jautzy JJ, Savard MM, Campbell C & MacDonald AWA
(2020) Dipicolinic Acid as a Tracer for Thermophilic Endospores and Hydrocarbon Seeps in Deep Water Marine Sediments
Rattray JE, Elizondo G, Chakraborty A, Bernhard B, Brooks J, MacDonald A, Campbell C, Normandeau A, Fowler M, Webb J & Hubert CR

Campbell Dana (2020) Geochemistry and Glacial Dispersal Patterns of Kimberlite Indicator Minerals in the South Slave Province, NT
Campbell D, Zurevinski S & Elliott B

Campbell Donald (2009) Biological Cycling of Sulphate in Small Mountain Lakes Determined from Natural 35S
Michel R, Campbell D, Turk J & Mast A

Campbell Donovan (2020) Impact of Erosion on the Nutrient and Chemical Profiles of Agricultural Soil in the Upper Rio Grande Valley, Jamaica
Wallace T, Spence A, Campbell D & Barker D

Campbell G. (2011) The Weathering of Platinum from Nuggets and Platinum Immobilisation by Cupriavidus Metallidurans
Campbell G, Reith F, MacLean L & Southam G

Campbell H.J. (2022) Biotic Extinction at the Norian/Rhaetian Boundary (Upper Triassic): Geochemical and Isotope Evidence of a Previously Unrecognised Global Event
Rigo M, Onoue T, Sato H, Tomimatsu Y, Soda K, Godfrey L, Katz M, Campbell HJ, Tackett L, Golding M, Lei J, Husson J, Maron M, Satolli S, Zaffani M, Concheri G, Bertinelli A, Chiari M & Tanner L
(2013) Preservation Potential of δ7Li Values in Mesozoic Calcite Fossils
Ullmann CV, Campbell HJ, Frei R, Hesselbo SP, Pogge von Strandmann PAE & Korte C
(2011) Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Signatures of High-Latitude Permian to Jurassic Calcitic Fossils from Southern Hemisphere
Ullmann CV, Campbell HJ & Korte C

Campbell Ian (2020) Solubility of Ru, Rh and Ir in Spinel and Olivine: can the Nugget Effect be Avoided?
Zhukova I, O’Neill H, Campbell I & Fiorentini M
(2020) What is Under the Antarctic Ice: A U-Pb, O and Lu-Hf Isotopes Investigation?
Chen B & Campbell I
(2020) PGE Geochemistry Used to Determine Magma Fertility in Lihir and Feni Islands, Papua New Guinea
Huang Z, Campbell I, Arculus R & Tian W
(2020) Platinum Group Element (PGE) Geochemistry as a Tool to Determine Sulfide Saturation and Magma Fertility
Misztela M & Campbell I
(2020) Testing the Role of Chalcophile Element Fertility on VMS Mineralization: PGE Geochemistry of the Volcanic Rocks Associated with the Jaguar and Bentley Cu-Zn VMS Deposits, Western Australia
Park J-W & Campbell I
(2020) Precious Metals in Mid-Ocean Ridge Chambers: Quantifying the Mass Proportions of Recharge, Eruption and Fractionation
Hao H, Campbell I, Arculus R & Perfit M
(2017) Platinum-Group Element Geochemistry Used to Determine Cu and Au Fertility in the Northparkes Igneous Suites, Australia
Hao H, Campbell I, Park J-W & Cooke D
(2017) The Concurrent Emergence and Causes of Double Volcanic Hotspot Tracks on the Pacific Plate
Jones T, Davies R, Campbell I, Iaffaldano G, Yaxley G, Kramer S & Wilson C

Campbell Ian H (2022) Evolution and Growth Rate of the European Continental Crust
Zhu Z, Campbell I, Allen CM & Chen B
(2022) Using Platinum-Group Element Geochemistry to Constrain Mid-Ocean Ridge Magmatic Processes
Hao H, Campbell I, Arculus R & Perfit M
(2022) Magmatic Evolution and Fertility of El Teniente Cu-District: Insights from PGE and Zircon Geochemistry
Cajal Contreras Y, Campbell IH, Ahumada C & Vergara RM
(2022) Kinetic Factors Control Trace Element and Isotope Zoning in Archean Pyrite Corona Nodules
Chen M & Campbell I
(2018) Quadruple Sulfur Isotopes in 2.7 Ga Sedimentary Pyrites from the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, Explained by Simultaneous Dissociation of SO2
Chen M, Campbell I, Ávila J, Huang Z, Sambridge M, Ireland T & Holden P
(2018) Tracking Crustal Evolution Through a Detrital Zircon Database: When/Where did S-Type Granites Form?
Allen CM, Campbell IH, Zhu Z & Burnham A

Campbell Ian H. (2021) Ultra-High Supermountains Linked to the Evolution of Species
Zhu Z, Campbell IH & Allen CM
(2021) Archaean Basalts Record Evidence of Lithospheric Extension Prior to Cratonisation
Klöcking M, Czarnota K, Campbell IH, Smithies H, Champion DC & Davies DR
(2021) Chalcophile Element Fertility of Shoshonitic Arc Magmas: Insights from Platinum-Group Element Geochemistry at Vulcano Island (Italy)
Costa S, Fulignati P, Campbell IH, Gioncada A, Carrasco Godoy CI & Pistolesi M
(2021) Role of Crustal Thickness in the Formation of Au-Rich Porphyry Deposits
Hao H, Park J-W & Campbell IH
(2021) The Effect of Sulfur on the Solubilities of Highly Siderophile Elements (HSEs) in Silicate Melt
Huang Z, Campbell IH & O'Neill H
(2019) Detrital Zircons and the Distribution of S-Type Granites Through Time
Zhu Z, Campbell I, Allen C & Burnham A
(2019) Chalcophile Element Fertility and the Formation of Porphyry Cu ±Au Deposits
Park J-W & Campbell I
(2019) The Growth of the Australian Continent
Chen B, Campbell I & Allen C
(2019) Magmatic Sulphide Saturation as an Indicator of Fertility in the Río Blanco Cu-Porphyry Deposit, Central Chile
Cajal Y & Campbell I
(2019) Copper-Gold Fertility: Insights from PGE Geochemistry of the Penacho Blanco and Polo Sur Deposits, Northern Chile
Carrasco Godoy CI & Campbell IH
(2016) Do Mantle Plumes Preserve the Heterogeneous Structure of their Deep-Mantle Source?
Jones T, Davies R, Campbell I, Wilson C & Kramer S
(2016) Lithospheric Controls on Magma Composition along Earth's Longest Continental Hotspot-Track
Davies R, Rawlinson N, Iaffaldano G & Campbell I
(2016) A Potential Indicator of Eruption Intensity of Archean Greenstone Volcanisms: ∆33S Values of Deep Marine Sediments
Chen M, Campbell IH, Ireland TR, Tian W & Avila J
(2016) Mantle Metasomatism by Sediment-Derived Melts: An Experimental Study
Lowczak J, Rapp R & Campbell I
(2016) Raising the Continental Crust
Campbell I & Davies R
(2015) The Role of Cr-Spinel Crystallization on Platinum Group Elememt Fractionation in Terrestrial Magmas
Park J-W, Kamenetsky V & Campbell I
(2014) Why El Abra is a Cu-Only Porphyry
Cocker H, Park J-W, Campbell I & Valente D
(2013) Evidence Against a Chondritic Earth
Campbell I & O’Neill H
(2012) What Detrital Zircons Tell us About Growth of the Continental Crust
Campbell I, Gill J, Iizuka T & Allen C
(2012) The Matrix Effect as Alpha Dose: Improving LA-ICP-MS Pb/U Ages
Allen CM & Campbell IH
(2011) Al Diffusion in Olivine: An Experimental Study
Zhukova I, O'Neill H & Campbell I
(2011) Continental Growth Periods Deduced from River Sand U-Pb-Dated Zircons with O and Lu-Hf Isotope Analyses
Allen CM, Campbell IH & Iizuka T
(2011) Evolution of the African Continental Crust from Pb-Hf-O Isotope Systematics of Detrital Zircons
Iizuka T, Campbell I & Allen C
(2010) Changes of Detrital Zircon Composition Through Time: Deductions from a Large Database
Allen CM, Campbell IH & Iizuka T
(2010) Analysis of Trace Elements in Glass and Pyroxene by LA-ICP-MS: Results from the Rhyolitic Ashfall and Ashflow Tuffs of the Bruneau-Jarbidge Eruptive Center, Yellowstone Hotspot Track
Nash BP, Cathey HE, Allen CM & Campbell IH
(2009) Rate of Growth of the Preserved North American Continental Crust: Evidence from Hf and O Isotopes in Mississippi Detrital Zircons
Campbell I, Wang C, Allen C, Williams I & Eggins S
(2009) Creating New Continental Crust in Fiji-Tonga
Gill J, Todd E, Drewes E, Ishizuka O, Tani K & Campbell I
(2008) U-Pb Zircon Geochronology and Ti-in-zircon Thermometry of Large-Volume Low δ18O Magmas of the Miocene Yellowstone Hotspot
Cathey HE, Nash BP, Allen CM, Campbell IH, Valley JW & Kita N
(2008) The Solubility of Os and Ir in Sulphide Melts: Implications for Os Heterogeneity in the Earth’s Mantle
Fonseca R, Mallmann G, Campbell I & O'Neill H
(2006) Testing the Mantle Plume Theory
Campbell I
(2006) The use of radiogenic isotopes for identifying the mineralising fluid source at the Wallaby Gold Deposit, Northeastern Goldfields, Western Australia
Stoltze A, Campbell I, Nakamura E & Mcculloch M
(2006) An experimental study of the chalcophile character of Re: the effect of fO2, fS2 and temperature
Fonseca R, Mallmann G, O'Neill H & Campbell I
(2006) Four million years of thermal history - the Bajo de la Alumbrera porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Argentina
Harris A, Cooke D, Dunlap J, Reiners P, Allen C, White N & Campbell I
(2006) The Geology, Geochemistry and Geochronology of the El Abra Mine, Chile and the adjacent El Abra-Pajonal suite.
Valente DL, Campbell IH & Allen CM
(2006) The Transgondwanan Supermountain: a trigger for the Cambrian Explosion
Squire RJ, Campbell IH, Allen CM & Wilson CJL
(2006) Identification of first and multi-cycle zircons through U-Pb and (U+Th)/He dating of river sands
Allen CM, Campbell IH & Reiners PW
(2005) A Comparison of Line Scans and Maps Using EPMA, micro-Xrf, and PIXE
Severin K, Brown R, Babaluk J, Campbell I & Newville M
(2005) Continental-Scale Tectonics: Zircon He-Ft-Pb Triple-Dating of Modern River Sediment
Reiners P, Campbell I, Nicolescu S, Allen C & Garver J
(2005) Dating Mineral Containing a Significant Common Pb Component˜the Benefits of Insitu LA-ICP-MS Analysis
Allen C, Tailby N & Campbell IH
(2004) Geochronology and PGE Geochemistry of the Pajonal-El Abra Complex (Chuquicamata, Chile)
Fonseca R, Campbell I, Allen C & Ballard J
(2003) Zircon He-Pb* Dating: Approaches and Applications
Hourigan J, Reiners P, Mattinson J, Campbell I, Nicolescu S & Allen C

Campbell J. L. (2008) Arsenic-Rich Airborne Particles Associated with Gold Mine Tailings: Particle Size, Mineralogy and Texture
Corriveau M, Jamieson H, Parsons M & Campbell JL

Campbell J. L. (2015) Ge Enrichments in Sedimentary Rocks in Gale Crater, Mars
Berger J, Schmidt M, Gellert R, Campbell JL, Elliott B, King P, Ming D, Perrett G, Thompson L & VanBommel S

Campbell J.l. (2013) Geochemical Diversity and K-Rich Compositions found by the MSL APXS in Gale Crater, Mars
Schmidt M, King P, Gellert R, Elliott B, Thompson L, Berger J, Bridges J, Campbell JL, Ehlmann B, Hurowitz J, Leshin L, Lewis K, McLennan S, Ming D, Perrett G, Pradler I, Stolper E, Squyres S & Treiman A

Campbell Julia (2021) Interspecific Element Incorporation in Biogenic Carbonates Recapitulates Phylogeny for Diverse Marine Species
Ulrich RN, Guillermic M, Campbell J, Hakim A, Han R, Singh S, Stewart JD, Román-Palacios C, Carroll HM, DeCorte I, Gilmore RE, Doss W, Tripati A, Ries JB & Eagle RA
(2021) Coupled Δ47–Δ48 Clumped Isotope Analysis Indicates Origins of Kinetic Isotope Effects in Cultured Biogenic Marine Carbonates
Ulrich RN, Lucarelli JK, Campbell J, Hakim A, Han R, Singh S, Ries JB, Tripati A & Eagle RA

Campbell Kate M (2023) Ensuring a Responsible, Sustainable, and Stable Supply of Critical Minerals: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Identify Data Gaps and Prioritize Research
White SJO, Campbell KM, Croteau M-N, Blake J, Kane T, Kunz BK, Iacchetta M, Alpers CN, Walton-Day K, Cravotta CA & Jenkins JA
(2022) Automated Mineralogy to Characterize Residence of Lead in Fine Grained Sediment along a River Impacted by Historic Lead Mining in Southeast Missouri, USA
Mills C, Stricker C, Buckley C, Pfaff K, Livingston K, Schumacher J, Morrison J, Kane T & Campbell KM
(2021) Geochemical Controls on Schwertmannite Transformation Upon Aging
Campbell KM, Kane T & Skinner S

Campbell Kate M. (2015) Uranium(VI) Binding by Dissolved Organic Matter: Influence of Water Chemistry and Dissolved Organic Matter Properties
Schaper JL, Aiken GR, Walton-Day K, Peiffer S & Campbell KM
(2015) Field and Laboratory Measurements for Modeling Microbial and Abiotic Fe(II) Oxidation at Mine Sites
Campbell KM, Alpers CN, Runkel RL & Nordstrom DK
(2014) Trace Element Accumulation in Schwertmannite-Rich Precipitate in a Pipeline Carying Acid Mine Drainage at Iron Mountain Mine, CA, USA
Campbell K, Alpers C, Blum A, Nordstrom K & Williams A
(2013) Mining, Microbes, and Models: Integrating Microbial Fe(II) Oxidation, Hydrolysis, Precipitation, and Biogeochemical Modeling, with Application to Acid Mine Drainage at Iron Mountain
Campbell K, Alpers C, Nordstrom K, Blum A & Hay M
(2012) Stability and Transformation of Monomeric U(IV) Species at the Rifle, Colorado IFRC Field Site
Alessi DS, Stylo M, Lezama-Pacheco JS, Stubbs JE, Dunham-Cheatham SM, Janot N, Bargar JR, Campbell KM, Long PE & Bernier-Latmani R
(2012) Kinetic Modeling of Microbial Fe(II) Oxidation, Fe(III) Hydrolysis, and As(III) Oxidation in Acid Waters
Campbell K, Hay M & Nordstrom K
(2011) Kinetic Modeling of Microbial Fe(II) Oxidation, Fe(III) Hydrolysis, and Mineral Precipitation in Acid Waters
Campbell K & Nordstrom DK
(2011) Speciation and Dynamics of Biologically Reduced U(IV) in the Old Rifle, CO Aquifer
Bargar J, Stubbs J, Suvorova E, Williams K, Campbell K, Lezama-Pacheco J, Cerrato J, Stylo M, Alessi D, Webb S, Bernier-latmani R, Giammar D, Davis J, Fox P & Long P
(2010) Reactivity of Nano-Biogenic Uraninite in the Subsurface: Dissolution Rates and Mechanisms
Bargar J, Campbell K, Veeramani H, Stubbs J, Lezama-Pacheco J, Suvorova E, Ulrich K-U, Blue L, Bernier-Latmani R, Giammar D, Yabusaki S & Long P
(2008) Characterizing the Extent and Role of Natural Subsurface Bioreduction in a Uranium-Contaminated Aquifer
Campbell KM, Qafoku N, Kukkadapu R, Williams K, Lesher E, Figuera L, Peacock A, Davis J, Icenhower J & Long P
(2008) Predicting Arsenic Behavior in High-Iron Subsurface Environments
Root R, O'Day P, Hering J, Campbell K & Vlassopoulos D
(2005) Effect of Sorbed Arsenic Species on Bacterial Reduction of HFO
Campbell K, Malasarn D, Saltikov C, Newman D & Hering J
(2001) Post Depositional Changes to Silica Residue and Silica Sinter Formed from Thermal Fluids in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
Browne P, Rodgers KA & Campbell KA
(2000) A Survey of Trace Metals and Microbiota in Geothermal Fluids and Sinter from the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
Brown K, McKenzie E, Cady S & Campbell K

Campbell Kathleen A (2023) Between Heaven and Hell: Early Environments for Life in the Palaeoarchaean
Westall F, Bréhéret JG, Hickman-Lewis K, Campbell KA, Guido D, Foucher F & Cavalazzi B
(2022) Compositional Controls on Physical Properties of Digitate Sinter in Hot Springs: Implications for Remote Sampling on Mars
Rowe M, Nersezova E, Campbell KA, Loho T, Matthews S, Adam L & Mascarenhas S
(2022) Keeping the Baby in the Bathwater: Diagnostic Morphological Biosignatures for Ancient to Modern Stromatolites
Van Kranendonk MJ, Baumgartner R, Campbell KA, Dobson M, Murphy RJ & Nutman A
(2022) The Plot Thickens: An Updated View on Stromatolite Biogenicity in the 3.48 Billion-Year-Old Dresser Formation, Australia
Baumgartner R, Van Kranendonk MJ, Campbell KA, Dobson M & Teece B
(2022) Geomolecules in the Late Jurassic Claudia Paleo-Geothermal Field: Evidence of a Complex Geological and Biological Environment
Teece B, Guido D, Campbell KA, Van Kranendonk MJ, Galar A & George S
(2022) Regional to Micron-Scale Controls on Preservation of Biosignatures in Phanerozoic Hot Spring Microbial Sinter
Campbell KA, Guido D, Hamilton A, Rowe M, Lyon B, Teece B, Foucher F, Westall F, Ruff S & Van Kranendonk MJ
(2022) Biogeochemical Feedbacks of Marine Methane Seeps in Aotearoa / New Zealand
Seabrook S, Watson S, Ladroit Y, Law C, Turco F, Rowden A, Campbell KA, Hillman J & Torres ME

Campbell Kathryn (2018) Isotopic Tracking of Viral Protein Synthesis: New Insights into Nutrient Biogeochemistry
Waldbauer J, Campbell K, Rizzo A, Lotus J & Coleman M

Campbell L (2004) Methylmercury Uptake by Natural Zeolites
Campbell L, Chimedtsogzol A & Dyer A

Campbell Linda (2013) Exploring the Preservation of Alkaline-Carbonatitic Extrusive Rocks in Relation to Continent Formation
Campbell L, Dyer A, Williams C & Lythgoe P

Campbell M. (2019) First Chemical and Isotopic Denudation Rate Estimates for Central Cuban Drainage Basins
Bierman P, Schmidt A, Yvelice Sibello Hernández R, Campbell M, Alejandro Cartas AGUILA4 H, Bolaños Alvarez Y, Guillén Arruebarrena A, Dethier D, Dix M, Massey-Bierman M, García Moya A, Perdrial J, Racela J, Corbett L & Alonso-Hernández C

Campbell Pamela (2010) Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide: Potential Environmental Impacts of CO2-organic Interactions
Kharaka YK, Campbell P, Thordsen JJ, Thomas RB, Dole DR & Hovorka SD

Campbell Patrick (2015) Simulating Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation-Climate Interactions Using Online-Coupled WRF-CAM5 over East Asia
Zhang Y, Wang K, Chen Y, He J & Campbell P

Campbell R. (2015) Pyrite Compositions from Contrasting Styles of Syenite-Hosted Au at the Young-Davidson and Thunder Creek Deposits, Abitibi Belt, Canada
Linnen RL, Campbell R, Martin RD, Layne GD, Wing B, Gagnon JE, Lin S & Zhang J

Campbell Rob (2018) Fe Sources and Sinks along The Southern Alaska Margin Inferred from Time-Series Observations
Crusius J, Schroth A, Michael S, Cullen J, Resing J & Campbell R

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