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Buscaglia J. (2005) Applications of Cathodoluminescence in Forensic Geology
Palenik CS & Buscaglia J

Buscail R. (2008) Tracking Soil Organic Matter Export Across the Continent-Ocean Interface: A Case Study of the NW Mediterranean Using the BIT Index
Kim J-H, Buscail R, Bzarzycka B, Kerhervé P, Peterse F, Schouten S, Ludwig W & Sinninghe Damsté JS

Busch A. (2020) Adsorption of Water in Silica Nanopores: Impacts of Surface Hydrophilicity and Pore Size
Rother G, Stack A, Cole D, Liu T, Gautam S & Busch A
(2017) Impact of CO2-Rock-Fluid Interaction in a Carbonate Reservoir in a High CO2 Gas Field
Shah SSMD, Dewhurst DN, Ali MTM, Sazali WML & Busch A
(2014) Molecular Mechanisms of Clay Swelling by CO2 Adsorption
Spiering P, Wentinck R, Busch A, Fraaije JGEM & Tambach TJ
(2013) Long-Term Effects of CO2-Charged Brine on Caprock Integrity and Existing Heterogeneities within the Entrada Sandstone, Green River, Utah
Maskell A, Kampman N, Bickle M, Chapman H, Daniels K, Busch A, Schaller M & Evans J
(2013) Strontium Isotopes Map Fluid Flow in a Natural CO2 Reservoir, Green River, Utah, USA
Chapman H, Kampman N, Bickle M, Busch A & Evans JP
(2013) Downhole Fluid Sampling of a Natural CO2 Reservoir, Green River, Utah: Implications for Fault-Hosted Fluid Flow and Reservoir Caprock Performance
Kampman N, Bickle M, Chapman H, Maskell A, Evans J & Busch A
(2007) Experimental Investigation of the CO2 Sealing Efficiency of Cap Rocks
Wollenweber J, Alles S, Busch A & Krooss B
(2007) The CO2 Sealing Efficiency of Caprocks
Busch A, Alles S, Krooss BM, Dewhurst DN & Stanjek H

Busch James (2019) New Re-Os Ages for the Ediacaran Period: An Update on Constraining Global Environmental Change
Rooney A, Busch J, Cantine M, Bergmann K, Macdonald F, Strauss J & Zhu M

Busch Jan (2013) Transport of Carbon Colloid Supported Nano Zero-Valent Iron
Busch J & Oswald S

Busch T. (2020) Role of Endophytic Fungi on Arsenic Uptake and Tolerance in Schizachyrium Scoparium
DeVore C, ElHayek E, Busch T, Long B, Owen-Smith P, Rudgers J, Ali AM, Ducheneaux C & Cerrato J

Buschaert S. (2011) U/Pb Dating of Geodic Calcites: A Tool for Paleohydrological Reconstructions
Pisapia C, Deschamps P, Hamelin B, Battani A, Buschaert S & David J

Buscher Jamie (2018) Geochemistry and Petrology of Holocene Alkaline Basalts from the Puyuhuapi Volcanic Group, Chilean Southern Andes: A Melt Inclusion Study
Wong M, Cannatelli C, Morata D, Frezzotti ML, Buscher J & Moncada D

Buscher Jamie T (2021) Baseline Mapping and Multivariate Statistics as a Tool to Discriminate the Sources of Contaminants in an Urban Environment: The Commune of Santiago (Chile) Case Study
Albanese S, Aruta A, Daniele L, De Vivo B, Lima A, Cannatelli C & Buscher JT

Buschkuehle M. (2007) Consideration of Formation Buffering Potential and Reactive Mineral Availability Pertaining to Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide
Ellis B, Bowman K, Peters C & Buschkuehle M

Buse B. (2023) Diagenesis in Foraminifera and its Effect on Geochemical Proxies
Yang Z, Lear C, John EH, Slater SM, Nederbragt A, Muir D, Buse B & Edgar KM
(2023) Geochemical Insights into Antarctic Glaciation at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition
Slater SM, John EH, Buse B, Bradshaw C, Nederbragt A, Coxall HK & Lear C
(2021) Magma Speed Dating: Syn-Eruptive Magma Mingling Determined Through Major Element and Volatile Exchange of Silicate Glass
Kilgour G, Lormand C, Zellmer G, Buse B, Sakamoto N & Yurimoto H

Buseck P.R. (2016) Abundance and Formation of Tar Ball Particles from Biomass Burning
Adachi K, Sedlacek A, Kleinman L & Buseck P
(2014) Evolution of Near Field Biomass Burning Aerosols
Lewis E, Sedlacek A, Kleinman L, Arnott P, Adachi K, Buseck P, Onasch T, Pikridas M, Shilling J, Springston S, Wang J & Yokelson B
(2010) Aerosol Particles as Viewed Using Transmission Electron Microscopy
Buseck P
(2009) Individual Particles in Atmospheric Dust from Saudi Arabia
Pósfai M, Axisa D, Bruintjes R & Buseck PR
(2007) Li Isotope Studies of Mantle-Derived Olivine by SIMS
Bell D, Hervig R & Buseck P
(2002) Aerosols ˆ the Colloids of the Atmosphere
Buseck P & Schwartz S
(2001) Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy for Probing Grain Boundaries
Buseck PR & Garvie LAJ

Busemann Henner (2018) Halogens as Key Tracers of Volatile Evolution in the Terrestrial Planets
Clay PL, Burgess R, Busemann H, Ruziè-Hamilton L, Joachim B, Day JMD, Lyon I, King A, Russell SS, Schofield P & Ballentine CJ
(2018) Lunar Halogen Determinations Using a Noble Gas Approach
Burgess R, Clay P, Joy K, McDonald F, Busemann H, Ruzie-Hamilton L, Joachim B, Tartese R, Lyon I & Ballentine C
(2018) Heterogeneous Distribution of Presolar SiC in the Tagish Lake Meteorite
Riebe M, Busemann H, Alexander C, Nittler L, Maden C, Herd C & Wieler R
(2018) Origin of the ~3.5 Ga Bon Accord Ni Deposit, Barberton, South Africa
Clay PL, O'Driscoll B, Day JMD, Burgess R, Bonnand P & Busemann H
(2018) Lifetimes of Interstellar Dust from New Exposure Ages of Large Presolar SiC Grains
Heck P, Greer J, Koeoep L, Trappitsch R, Gyngard F, Davis A, Avila J, Busemann H, Colin M & Wieler R
(2016) The Primordial Noble Gas Content of CR and CI Chondrites
Busemann H, Kuga M, Spring N, Schrader D, Holinger S, Maden C & Fehr M
(2015) Noble Gases and Organic Matter – Correlations and Trends, and the Attempt to Date Phase Q
Busemann H, Holinger S, Riebe M, Kuga M, Spring N, Wieler R, Maden C & Clay P
(2014) Halogen Geochemistry of Planetary Building Blocks
Clay PL, Burgess R, Busemann H, Ruzie L, Joachim B & Ballentine C
(2013) Halogen (Cl, Br and I) Inventory of the Primitive Meteorites
Clay P, Burgess R, Busemann H, Ruzie L, Joachim B & Ballentine C
(2009) Microbial Geomorphology – The Role of a Biota in Coastal Erosion
Cockell C, Pybus D, Olsson-Francis K, Petley D, Howard K, Busemann H & Mosselmans F
(2008) Interplanetary Dust Collected in the Comet Grigg-Skjellerup Dust Stream
Busemann H, Nguyen AN, Nittler LR, Stroud RM, Zega TJ, Cody G, Yabuta H & Kilcoyne ALD
(2008) Finding Needles in the Haystack: Coordinated Analyses on Planetary Materials
Zega T, Alexander C, Busemann H, Cody G, Kilcoyne D, Nguyen A, Nittler L & Stroud R
(2005) Microscale D/H and C/H Imaging of Meteorites and IDPs – Calibration of Ion Microprobe Data with Terrestrial Analogues and Meteoritic Residues
Busemann H, Alexander C & Nittler L
(2003) Primordial Solar Noble Gases in E-Chondrites; A Planetary Connection?
Busemann H, Baur H & Wieler R
(2002) Noble Gas Characteristics of the E Chondrite St. Mark's
Busemann H, Baur H & Wieler R

Busemann Henner (2017) Process of Volatile Addition to Earth Revealed by Halogens in Chondrites
Clay P, Burgess R, Busemann H, Ruziè-Hamilton L, Joachim B, Day J & Ballentine C

Busemann Henner (2021) The Origins of Diffuse and Globular Organics in Chondrites and IDPs Revealed by Nanobeam Techniques
Vollmer C, Leitner J, Kepaptsoglou D, Ramasse QM, King AJ, Schofield PF & Busemann H
(2021) Chromium Isotope Composition of Apollo Samples: Implication for Galactic Cosmic ray Induced Reactions
Morino P, Schönbächler M, Maden C & Busemann H

Busemann Henner (2023) New Consortium Study to Determine the Solar System Composition Using Ryugu Samples
Yokoyama T, Dauphas N, Fukai R, Usui T, Tachibana S, Schönbächler M, Busemann H, Abe M & Yada T

Busemann Henner (2019) Production of Chromium Isotopes by Galactic Cosmic ray in Lunar Samples: Characterisation of Exposure Dependence Using Noble Gases
Morino P, Schönbächler M & Busemann H

Busemann Henner (2020) Noble Gases in an Almahata Sitta Sample Rich in C1 Like Material
Riebe M, Busemann H, Goodrich C & Maden C

Buser A. (2016) Nationwide Screening of Trace Elements and Technology-Critical Elements in Waste Water in Switzerland
Vriens B, Voegelin A, Kaegi R, Winkel L, Hug S, Buser A & Berg M

Busey R. (2016) Supersite for Eco-Hydrological Observations at Boreal Forest in Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska
Suzuki R, Kim Y, Kobayashi H, Nagai S, Saito K, Sugiura K, Iwahana G & Busey R
(2016) Understory CO2, Sensible Heat, and Latent Heat Fluxes in a Black Spruce Forest in Interior Alaska
Ikawa H, Nakai T, Busey R, Kim Y, Kobayashi H, Nagai S, Ueyama M, Saito K, Nagano H, Suzuki R & Hinzman L

Busfield A. (2006) Plutonium-244 in the Early Earth
Crowther SA, Turner G, Busfield A & Gilmour JD
(2002) I-Xe Analyses of Chainpur Chondrules
Busfield A, Holland G, Bridges J, Gilmour J & Turner G

Bush A. (2023) An Isotope Metallomics Characterization of Samples from the Australian Imaging, Biomarker & Lifestyle Flagship Study of Ageing, and ab Initio Calculations of K Isotope Fractionation in Biological Systems
Mahan B, Nestmeyer M, McCoy-West AJ, Moynier F, Lahoud-Heilbronner E, Fowler C, Bush A & Study A

Bush Mark (2008) Vegetation and Climate Variability in the Galapagos Islands over the Last 2000 Years: A High-Resolution Pollen Record
Restrepo A, Bush M, Conroy J & Overpeck J

Bush Mark B. (2024) How to Interpret Differences in Sedimentary Hydrogen Isotope Records from Different Leaf Wax Homologues? A Case Study from Laguna Llaviucu, Ecuador
Zhao B, Russell JM, Blaus A & Bush MB

Bush Michelle (2013) δ34S of Discrete Authigenic Framboidal Pyrite: A Powerful Palaeo-Indicator for Barrier Estuary Closure
Bush R, Sullivan L, Bush M & Ward N

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