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Aldahan A (2004) Magnitude of 129I Variability in Precipitation over Europe
Alfimov V, Aldahan A, Possnert G & Kekli A

Aldahan Ala (2020) 127I and 129I along a Transect in the English Channel
He P, Aldahan A, Hou X & Possnert G

Aldahan Ala A.
(2011) Anthropogenic Contributions of 129I and 85Kr to Global Reservoirs: Current Distribution Patterns and Projected Increases
Snyder GT, Moran JE & Aldahan AA
(2011) Tracer Application of Chemical Speciation of 129I in Arctic Seawater
Hou X, Luo M, Fan Y, Gwynn JP, Karcher M, Aldahan A & Possnert G
(2009) Seven Years Record of 127I and 129I in Precipitation
Aldahan A, Persson S, Possnert G & Hou X
(2009) Speciation of 129I in Environmental Samples and its Application
Hou X, Possnert G & Aldahan A
(2009) 10Be and Climate Variability during 1900-2006 AD Reflected in Varved Lake Sediments
Berggren AM, Aldahan A, Possnert G, Haltia-Hovi E & Saarinen T
(2009) Impact of Mineralogy on Groundwater Chemistry along in the Southeastern Part of the UAE
El Saiy A, Murad A & Aldahan A
(2005) The <+>129<$>I Anthropogenic Budget: Sources and Sinks
Aldahan A, Alfimov V & Possnert G
(2004) Riverine 129I in the Baltic Region
Kekli A, Aldahan A, Possnert G, Meili M & Alfimov V

Aldair Misael W. (2023) Redox Behaviour of Plutonium in the Presence of Al-Doped Iron Oxide Mineral Surfaces: A Solid-Phase Perspective Using HERFD-XANES
Vejar MR, Zengotita FE, Weiss S, Shams Aldin Azzam S, Amidani L, Bazarkina EF, E Silva CL, Aldair Misael W, Otte F, Huittinen N, Kvashnina K & Hixon AE

Aldanmaz E. (2013) Helium Isotope Compositions of Geothermal Fluids and Alkaline Volcanics in Turkey: A Comparative Assessment for Crust-Mantle Dynamics
Mutlu H, Aldanmaz E, Stuart FM, Aral D, Gülec N & Hilton DR

Alday F. (2011) Synchrotron XAS and XRF Study of Microbially Reduced Arsenic and Iron in Iron-Based Remediation Media
Root R, Alday F, Fathordoobadi S, Ela W & Chorover J

Aldebot S. (2020) Assembly of Monotonous Basaltic Andesite Magmas at Momotombo Volcano, Nicaragua, and the 2015–2016 Eruption
Tramontano S, Zayac JM, Aldebot S, Espinoza E & Longpré M-A

Alderkamp A-C. (2012) Dissolved Iron in the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans
De Baar H, Klunder M, Thuroczy C-E, Laan P, Gerringa L, Alderkamp A-C, Middag R & Arrigo K

Alderson M. (2019) Spatially Resolved Micro-Xrf Data for Geochemical Exploration
Alderson M, Murphy T & Schaefer B

Aldieri E. (2019) Fibrous Antigorite from New Caledonia. An Environmental Health Hazard?
Petriglieri JR, Turci F, Tomatis M, Avataneo C, Fubini B, Gazzano E, Aldieri E & Laporte-Magoni C

Aldisi Z. (2019) Composition of Exopolymeric Substances (EPS) Associated with Microbially-Mediated High Mg-Calcite and Protodolomite
Aldisi Z, Zouari N, Jaoua S, Al-Kuwari H, Dittrich M & Bontognali T

Alduina R. (2023) Shallow Hydrothermal Vent System at Panarea Island (Italy): A Multidisciplinary Study Based on Geochemical, Geophysical and Biochemical Aspects in an Extreme Marine Environment
Sposito F, Gallo AM, Longo M, Brusca L, Lazzaro G, Sciré Scappuzzo S, Caruso CG, Alduina R, Arculeo M & Italiano F

Aldushin K. (2006) In-situ AFM study of cation-exchange reactions in phlogopite
Aldushin K, Jordan G, Aldushina E & Schmahl WW
(2005) Dissolution-Precipitation Creep Under Cyclic Stress
Jordan G, Aldushin K, Lohkämper T & Schmahl WW
(2005) In situ AFM Study of Vermiculite and Hydrobiotite Interface Reactions
Aldushin K, Jordan G & Schmahl WW
(2005) Kinematics of Interlayer Reactions
Jordan G, Aldushin K & Schmahl WW
(2004) Alteration of Phyllosilicates Studied in situ by Hydrothermal AFM
Aldushin K, Jordan G, Schmahl W & Rammensee W

Aldushina E. (2006) In-situ AFM study of cation-exchange reactions in phlogopite
Aldushin K, Jordan G, Aldushina E & Schmahl WW

Alegado R. (2020) Bridging Indigenous Knowledge and Present-Day Science
Alegado R

Alegret L. (2021) The Recovery of the Biological Pump Across the K/Pg Boundary in the GSSP of El Kef, Tunisia
Dijk JV, Sepúlveda J, Alegret L, Birch H, Bralower T, Jones H, Henehan MJ, Hull PM, Negra MH, Ridgewell A, Roehl U, Vellekoop J, Westerhold T, Whiteside J, Wilkes EB & Zeebe R
(2020) Environmental Change Across the PETM- New Evidence from Alamedilla (S Spain)
Molero-Monsonís A, Castro JM, Quijano ML, de Gea G, Rodrigo-Gámiz M & Alegret L

Alegria H. (2007) Soil-Air Exchange of Legacy Organochlorine Pesticides
Bidleman T, Kurt-Karakus P, Wong F, Jantunen L, Alegria H & Jones K

Aleinikoff J. (2015) High Spatial Resolution SHRIMP and LA-ICPMS U-Pb Geochronology of Pea Ridge Fe-Ree-Au Deposit, USA
Neymark L, Aleinikoff J, Holm-Denoma C, Pietruszka A, Pillers R & Moscati R
(2012) Multiple Age Components in Individual Molybdenite Grains
Aleinikoff J, Creaser R, Lowers H, Magee C & Grauch R
(2010) U-Pb and Trace Elements in Xenotime from Sediment-Hosted Co-Cu-Au and Cu-Ag Deposits, ID-MT
Aleinikoff J, Slack J, Hayes T, Fanning M, Mazdab F & Wooden J
(2008) Geochemical and Isotopic Evidence for the Origin of the Boulder Batholith, Montana
Wooden J, Mazdab F, Mueller PA, Aleinikoff J, Lund K, Wiegand B, Kita N & Valley J
(2008) Comparative Chemical Versus Isotopic Dating of Monazites
Tracy R, Loehn C, Dahl P, Mazdab F, Wooden J, Miller B, Aleinikoff J & Hamilton M
(2008) Multiple Crustal Thickening Events by Tectonic Wedging in the Assembly of the Northern Appalachians
Wintsch R, Aleinikoff J, Dorais M, Walsh G & Kunk M
(2005) Evolution of the Salmon River Suture and Continental Delamination in the Syringa Embayment
Lund K, Aleinikoff J, Unruh D, Yacob E & Fanning M

Alejandro A-R. (2014) Exploring the Ecology of Continental Deep-Subsurface Communities Through a Multi-Technique Approach
Puente-Sánchez F, Alejandro A-R, Yolanda B, Miriam G-V, Mercedes M-P, Ignacio G-C, Nuria R, Ricardo A, Kenneth T & Víctor P

Alejandro Cartas AGUILA4 H. (2019) First Chemical and Isotopic Denudation Rate Estimates for Central Cuban Drainage Basins
Bierman P, Schmidt A, Yvelice Sibello Hernández R, Campbell M, Alejandro Cartas AGUILA4 H, Bolaños Alvarez Y, Guillén Arruebarrena A, Dethier D, Dix M, Massey-Bierman M, García Moya A, Perdrial J, Racela J, Corbett L & Alonso-Hernández C

Alekhin Y. (2013) The Results of Metal Mercury Solubility in Water Study
Mukhamadiyarova R & Alekhin Y
(2011) Behavior of Mercury in Thermal Sources of Kamchatka
Alekhin Y, Lapitsky S & Mukhamadiyarova R
(2011) Experimental Research of Metal Mercury Solubility in Water
Alekhin Y, Zagrtdenov N & Mukhamadiyarova R

Alekhina I. (2010) Helium Isotope in the Accreted Ice of Subglacial Lake Vostok (Antarctica)
Jean-Baptiste P, Fourré E, Petit J-R, Bulat S, Alekina I & Lipenkov V
(2009) Life Detection Strategy for Subglacial Lake Vostok, Antarctica: Lessons for Jovian Moon Europa
Bulat S, Alekhina I & Petit J-R

Alekseev Alexander (2007) Oxygen Isotope Record of Devonian and Carboniferous Biogenic Apatite
Joachimski M, Breisig S, Buggisch W & Alekseev A

Alekseev Anatoliy (2007) The Impact Craters and Linear Magnetic Anomalies
Mikheeva A & Alekseev A

Alekseev E. (2019) Deep Geological Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel: Studies on Irradiated MOX and Related Model Systems
Bosbach D, Kegler P, Brandt F, Deissmann G, Bukaemskiy A, Alekseev E, Kowalski P, Vinograd V, Verwerft M, Mennecart T & Lemmens K
(2010) 99Tc- and 11B-MAS-NMR Spectra of Oxide Material to Sequester TcO4-
Casey W, Phillips B, Yu P, Wang S, Albrecht-Schmitt T, Alekseev E, Diwa J & Depmeir W
(2007) The Crystal Chemistry of Macfallite
Nagashima M, Rahmoun N-S, Alekseev E, Geiger CA & Akasaka M

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