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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Zanchetta G (2006) The Eemian in southern Europe: high-resolution age constraints from four Italian stalagmites
Drysdale RN, Hellstrom JC, Zanchetta G & Fallick AE
(2006) High-Resolution Speleothem Growth Rate as a Palaeoenvironmental Proxy
Hellstrom J, Drysdale R, Woodhead J, Greig A & Zanchetta G

Zanchetta Giovanni (2021) High Precision 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Distal Tephra Layers from the Fucino Paleolacustrine Sequence Using ATONA Amplifiers Array
Nomade S, Guillou H, Scao V, Pereira A, Tootell D, Leicher N, Monaco L, Giaccio B, Wagner B, Palladino D, Marra F, Sottili G & Zanchetta G
(2021) Proximal to Distal Correlation of Campania Tephra in the Last 200 ka: Insights from Two Successions Drilled in the Campania Plain
Totaro F, Arienzo I, D'Antonio M, Di Vito MA, Giaccio B, Iovine RS, Petrelli M, Petrosino P, Santangelo N, Santo A & Zanchetta G
(2021) Chemical and Isotopic (87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd) Fingerprinting of a Stratigraphic Sequence from the Acerno Lacustrine Basin (Southern Apennines, Italy)
Iovine RS, Totaro F, Petrosino P, Arienzo I, Zanchetta G, Giaccio B, Petrelli M & D'Antonio M
(2017) Mediterranean Climate Variability during the Last Interglacial
Mannella G, Zanchetta G, Regattieri E, Wagner B, Giaccio B, Nomade S, Pereira A, Renne P & Niespolo E
(2015) Microbial Diversity in the Hydromagnesite Mineralization
Bedini F, Boschi C, Ménez B, Di Giuseppe G, Perchiazzi N & Zanchetta G
(2013) Tephrostratigraphy and Tephrochronology of the Last 130 ka in the Mediterranean Basin for Synchronizing Past Climatic Events
Zanchetta G
(2013) Cold Marine Patagonia Waters and Stable Isotopes and Trace Elements from Quaternary Mollusk Shells
Consoloni I, Zanchetta G, Baneschi I, Dallai L, Guidi M, Tiepolo M & D'Orazio M
(2013) Holocene Climate Variability from Rio Martino Cave (Western Alps, Northern Italy)
Regattieri E, Zanchetta G, Isola I, Drysdale RN, Zanella E, Lanza R, Hellstrom J, Dallai L, Perrette Y, Couchoud I, Magny M, Vanniere B & Lanci L
(2013) Mid to Late Holocene Decreasing Precipitation Trends as Reflected in δ18O of Speleothems from Apuan Alps (Central Italy): Implications for Seasonality
Isola I, Regattieri E, Zanchettta G, Zhornyak L, Drysdale R & Hellstrom J
(2013) The Modern Hydrogeochemistry of Small Pools in Corchia Cave, Italy: Implications for Palaeoclimate Reconstruction
Drysdale R, Zanchetta G, Baneschi I, Couchoud I, Daeron M, Hellstrom J, Paul B, Gagan M, Greig A, Isola I, Regattieri E & Guidi M
(2013) Timing and Progression of Mediterranean Climate during MIS5 as Deduced by Speleothem Records from Corchia Cave (Central Italy)
Zanchetta G, Drysdale R, Hellstrom J, Fallick A, Couchoud I, Isola I, Fohlmeister J, Sanchez Goni MF & Regattieri E

Zanda B. (2021) Tardi-Magmatic Precipitation of Cl-Bearing Fe/Mg Clay Minerals on Mars
Viennet J-C, Bernard S, Le Guillou C, Sautter V, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Gregoire B, Jambon A, Pont S, Beyssac O, Zanda B, Hewins R & Remusat L
(2020) Magmatic Degassing of Trace Elements in Martian Meteorites
Yang S, Humayun M, Irving T, Righter K, Peslier A, Zanda B & Hewins R
(2015) Non-Destructive Characterization of Chondrules by CT-Scanning
Bauer K, Chaumard N, Zanda B & Schönbächler M
(2014) The Differentiation of the Martian Highlands from NWA 7533
Humayun M, Nemchin A, Zanda B & Hewins R
(2013) 54Cr Isotope Anomalies and Mn/Cr Chronology in Chondrites
Göpel C, Birck J-L, Zipfel J, Galy A & Zanda B
(2012) 54Cr and 17 in Carbonaceous Chondrites and an Old 53Cr/53Mn Age of the Paris Meteorite
Gopel C, Birck J-L, Cartigny P, Assayag N & Zanda B
(2011) Mn/Cr Systematics in Carbonaceous Chondrites: Mineral Isochrons Versus Stepwise Dissolution
Gopel C, Birck JL & Zanda B
(2010) The Origin of Very Low Eu Anomalies in Diogenites
Barrat J-A, Yamaguchi A, Zanda B, Bollinger C & Bohn M
(2009) Chemical and Isotopic Relationship between Matrix and Chondrules in Ordinary & Carbonaceous Chondrites
Zanda B, Bland PA, Le Guillou C & Hewins RH
(2007) Zn Isotopes in Chondritic Components
Luck J-M, Ben othman D, Zanda B & Albarede F
(2006) Zn-Cu isotopes in chondritic components
Luck JM, Ben Othman D, Zanda B & Albarede F
(2004) Fe Isotopes Fractionation in Experimental Chondrules
Levasseur S, Cohen B, Zanda B, Hewins R & Halliday A
(2003) Fe Isotopes: A Clue to Chondrule Formation?
Levasseur S, Cohen B, Zanda B, Halliday A & Hewins R
(2003) 60Ni Excesses in Allende CAIs and Chondrules
Quitté G, Halliday A, Zanda B & Oberli F
(2002) 182Hf-182W Chronometry for Renazzo and Bencubbinites
Lee D-C, Halliday AN & Zanda B
(2002) Partial Condensation of Volatile Elements in Renazzo Chondrules
Campbell AJ, Humayun M & Zanda B
(2002) The Relationship between Volatile Element Patterns and Chondrule Textures in CRs and OCs
Zanda B, Humayun M, Hewins RH, Bourot-Denise M & Campbell AJ

Zandanel A. (2023) Summary of Experimental Fe- Saponite Growth at the Bentonite / Steel Canister Interface. Nuclear Repository Canister Corrosion Implications
Caporuscio F, Zandanel A, Rock MJ, Cheshire MC, Jove Colon CF & Sauer K
(2023) Effects of Temperature on Hydrothermal Alteration of Low-Ph Cement
Zandanel A, Rock MJ, McKanna AJ, Caporuscio F & Matteo EN
(2023) Hydrothermal Alteration of Zircaloy and Interactions with Engineered Barrier Materials
McKanna AJ, Zandanel A, Rock MJ, Caporuscio F & Sauer K
(2023) High Temperature Laboratory Experiments on Wyoming and Czech Bentonites from the Full-Scale HotBENT Experiment
Rock MJ, Zandanel A, Caporuscio F & Sauer K
(2022) A Review of High Temperature Engineered Barrier Systems Experiments at Los Alamos National Laboratory
Caporuscio F, Sauer K, Rock M & Zandanel A
(2021) Mineral Alteration in Ammonia-Water Solutions
Zandanel A, Hellmann R & Truche L
(2019) Reaction Rates and Products of Olivine Alteration in Ammonia Aqueous Solutions: Application to Icy Worlds
Zandanel A, Truche L, Hellmann R, Tobie G & Marrocchi Y
(2017) Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Interaction with Fracture Surfaces in an Unconventional Reservoir
Zandanel A, Kaszuba J & Dewey J

Zander M. (2023) Circulation Changes in the Abyssal South Pacific during the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition
Struve T, Zander M, Illemann S, Brand G, Lembke-Jene L, Lamy F & Pahnke K

Zander P.D. (2023) Improved Calibration of the GDGT Paleothermometer in Lake Sediments and Reconstruction of Warm Season Temperatures in Europe during the Past 60, 000 Years
Zander PD, Böhl D, Sirocko F, Haug GH & Martinez-Garcia A

Zandomeneghi G. (2008) Boron Isotope Systematic of Marine Hydrothermal Fluids: New Insights from the Lost City Hydrothermal System (MAR 30°N)
Boschi C, Dini A, Früh-Green GL, Zandomeneghi G, Kelley DS & Meier BH

Zandt G. (2009) Cyclicity in Cordilleran Orogenic Systems and the Role of Arc Magmatism
Ducea MN, DeCelles PG, Kapp P & Zandt G

Zandvakili Z. (2024) Hydrogeochemical Anomaly Before 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake
Zandvakili Z, Nishio Y & Sano Y

Zane G. (2014) The Toxicogenomic Response of Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough to Sub- and Inhibiting Concentrations of Hg(II)
Bridou R, Zane G, Elias D & Wall J
(2013) Deconstructing the Dissimilatory Sulfate Reduction Pathway: Isotope Fractionation of a Mutant Unable to Grow on Sulfate
Bertran E, Leavitt W, Pellerin A, Zane G, Wall J, Johnston D & Wing B
(2013) Experimental Evolution of Dissimilatory S Isotope Fractionation
Pellerin A, Mykyczuk N, Austin R, Zane G, Whyte L, Wall J & Wing B
(2012) Evolutionary Response of S Isotope Fractionation by Sulfate Reducing Microorganisms
Pellerin A, Mykytczuk N, Zane GM, Whyte L, Wall J & Wing B
(2010) Can Direct Extracellular Electron Transfer Occur in the Absence of Outer Membrane Cytochromes in Desulfovibrio vulgaris?
Elias D, Zane G, Auer M, Fields M, Wall J & Gorby Y

Zanella E. (2013) Holocene Climate Variability from Rio Martino Cave (Western Alps, Northern Italy)
Regattieri E, Zanchetta G, Isola I, Drysdale RN, Zanella E, Lanza R, Hellstrom J, Dallai L, Perrette Y, Couchoud I, Magny M, Vanniere B & Lanci L

Zanetta P-M. (2023) Development of a Hibonite Barometer to Infer Nebular Oxygen Fugacity
Zanetta P-M, Manga VR, Thakur A, Muralidharan K & Zega TJ
(2023) Mineralogical and Geochronological Study of a Relict Monazite Inclusion in a Muong Nong Tektite from Indochina
Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Rochette P, Zanetta P-M & Glass BP
(2021) Light Elements (C, N, O) Quantification by TEM-Eds
Le Guillou C, Zanetta P-M, Leroux H, de La Pena F & Marinova M

Zanetti A. (2021) Peridotite and Pyroxenites from the Mantle-Wedge Underneath the Northern Andes (Mercaderes Area, Colombia)
Notini L, Rampone E, Scambelluri M, Zanetti A, Ferri F & Rodríguez-Vargas A
(2021) Orogenic to Anorogenic Signatures in Mesozoic Intra-Plate Magmatism: Evidence from Alkali-Rich Dykes in the Finero Phlogopite Peridotite (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Southern Alps)
Ogunyele AC, Giovanardi T, Bonazzi M, Mazzucchelli M & Zanetti A
(2020) Metasomatic History of the Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Styrian Basin (W-Pannonian Basin)
Aradi LE, Bali E, Berkesi M, Zanetti A & Szabó C
(2020) A Hidden Intrusive Complex Below Somma-Vesuvius: Insights from Igneous Xenoliths
Cariddi B, Guarino V, Zanetti A, Morra V & Melluso L
(2019) Isotopic Heterogeneity of Mantle Melts Migrating Through the Lanzo Ophiolites: A Re-Os Perspective
Mosconi A, Sanfilippo A, Liu C-Z, Salters V, Tribuzio R & Zanetti A
(2019) Primary Characteristics and Metamorphic Evolution of Pyroxenite and Gabbro Layers from a Mantle Sequence Enclosed in the Middle Continental Crust (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy)
Tribuzio R, Ferrari E, Bosch D, Bruguier O & Zanetti A
(2019) The T-T Evolution of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone in Val Cannobina
Langone A, Tiepolo M & Zanetti A
(2019) The Role of Melt-Rock Reaction in Creating Enriched-Morb Mantle Sources
Rampone E, Borghini G, Class C, Goldstein SL, Cipriani A, Cai Y, Hofmann AW, Zanetti A, Fumagalli P & Godard M
(2019) Alkaline Melt and Fluid Metasomatism in the Lithospheric Mantle Below the Styrian Basin
Aradi LE, Bali E, Berkesi M, Zanetti A & Szabó C
(2017) Fluid Transfer in the Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Margins of the Pannonian Basin – A Xenolith Study
Aradi LE, Szabó Á, Berkesi M, Zanetti A & Szabó C
(2017) Melt-Rock Interaction at Mantle Conditions: Evidences from Finero Gabbroic Dykes
Giovanardi T, Cipriani A, Lugli F, Morishita T, Dallai L, Zanetti A & Mazzucchelli M
(2014) Trace Element Behavior in Cr-Bearing Spinels from Different Occurrences
Lenaz D, Logvinova A, O'Driscoll B, Princivalle F, Schmitz B, Sobolev N & Zanetti A
(2013) New Insights into the Evolution of the Finero Mafic Complex
Langone A, Renna MR, Tiepolo M, Zanetti A, Mazzucchelli M & Giovanardi T
(2013) Meter-Scale Chemical Interaction between Pyroxenite-Derived Melts and Mantle Peridotites in the Northern Apennine Ophiolites (Italy)
Borghini G, Rampone E, Zanetti A, Class C, Cipriani A, Hofmann A, Goldstein S & Godard M
(2013) U-Pb and Hf Isotopes in Zircons from Mantle Chromitites of the Finero Peridotite (Ivrea Verbano Zone)
Giovanardi T, Zanetti A, Mazzucchelli M, Tiepolo M, Wu F, Langone A & Vannucci R
(2013) High Temperature Alteration of the Gabbroic Oceanic Crust (Ligurian Ophiolites, Italy): Evidence for Hydrothermal-Magmatic Interactions
Tribuzio R, Renna MR, Dallai L & Zanetti A
(2012) The Nearly-Primary Magmas at the Phlegraean Volcanic District (Italy): New Insights by the Isotope and Trace Element Whole-Rock and in situ Melt Inclusion Geochemistry
Piochi M, De Astis G, Mormone A, Moretti R & Zanetti A
(2011) Geochemistry of Xenoliths from the Gibeon Kimberlite Province, Namibia
Longo M, Nimis P, Ziberna L, Marzoli A, Zanetti A & Franz L
(2011) Geochemistry of Mantle Microxenoliths from Zagadochnaya Kimberlite (Yakutia, Russia)
Ziberna L, Nimis P, Zanetti A, Sobolev NV & Marzoli A
(2011) Pyroxenites in Peridotites from External Liguride Ophiolites (Italy): Insights on Small Scale Heterogeneities in MORB Mantle
Borghini G, Rampone E, Zanetti A, Class C, Cipriani A, Hofmann A & Goldstein S
(2009) Extreme Heterogeneity in the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle: Insights from the Lanzo Peridotite
Guarnieri L, Piccardo GB, Nakamura E, Shimizu N, Vannucci R & Zanetti A
(2009) Evidence for Ultra-Depleted Pb Isotopic Component in the Backarc Patagonian Mantle Wedge
Rivalenti G, Mazzucchelli M, Zanetti A, Hémond C & Cipriani A
(2009) Subduction-Related Melts in the Alboran Mantle: The Tallante Xenoliths (B. Cordillera, SE Spain)
Rampone E, Vissers RLM, Poggio M, Scambelluri M & Zanetti A
(2006) Mg- and Fe-rich wehrlites: products of progressive melt/peridotite reaction?
Vannucci R, Raffone N, Chazot G, Pin C & Zanetti A
(2003) Light Lithophile Elements (Li, Be and B) Determination in Amphiboles: A Comparison between LA-ICP-SFMS and SIMS
Vannucci R, Tiepolo M & Zanetti A
(2003) Light Lithophile Elements (Li, Be and B) Determination by Laser Ablation – ICPSFMS
Zanetti A, Tiepolo M & Vannucci R
(2003) The Onset of Hydrothermal Circulation in a Fossil Slow-Spreading Center (Northern Apennine Ophiolites, Italy)
Tribuzio R, Zanetti A & Dallai L
Ciuffi S, Rivalenti G, Vannucci R, Zanetti A, Mazzucchelli M & Cingolani CA
(2002) The Composition of Mid Atlas Lithospheric Mantle
Raffone N, Zanetti A, Chazot G, Pin C & Vannucci R
(2002) Ultramafic Xenoliths from Nosy Be Island (N Madagascar)
Lustrino M, Melluso L, Morra V, Vannucci R & Zanetti A
(2001) Geochemistry of Mantle Xenoliths from Ibalrhatene (Mid Atlas, Morocco): Insights into the Lithospheric Mantle Evolution during Continental Rifting
Raffone N, Zanetti A, Chazot G, Deniel C & Vannucci R
(2000) Melt Migration in the Mantle Wedge: A Case Study from Patagonia Back-Arc
Laurora A, Mazzucchelli M, Rivalenti G, Vannucci R, Zanetti A & Cingolani CA
(2000) Light Lithophile (Li, Be and B), Volatile (H, F and Cl) and Trace Elements Composition of Mantle Amphiboles from Zabargad Peridotite: Insights into the Multistage Subsolidus Evolution of Sub-Continental Mantle during Red Sea Rifting
Zanetti A, Oberti R, Piccardo GB & Vannucci R

Zanetti M. (2016) Zircon Breaking Badd: Fingerprinting Impact Histories from ZrSiO4 and Zirconia Microstructures
Timms N, Cavosie A, Erickson T, Pearce M, Reddy S, Schmieder M, Tohver E, Zanetti M & Wittmann A

Zang W. (2009) Textural and Compositional Evidence for Magma Mixing in Chaoshan Dioritic Porphyry in Tongling Area, Anhui, China
Di Y, Wu G, Zhao H, Zhang D, Yu X & Zang W
(2008) U-Pb SHRIMP-Dating of Zircons and Structures of Granitoid Plutons in the Tongling Area (Anhui, China) and their Tectonic Significance
Zhang D, Wu G, Di Y, Zang W & Liu W

Zang X. (2024) Beyond Formaldehyde: Atmospheric Synthesis from CO2 and CO
Ueno Y, Ito S, Zang X, Isoda K, Yokoyama T, Moori K & Nishiuchi K
(2024) Solar UV Synthesis of Heterocyclic Nitrogen Compounds from N2O and CO
Zang X, Moori K, Udo T, Li Y, Kebukawa Y, Kobayashi K & Ueno Y
(2023) Strong 13C Depletion Induced by Solar UV Photolysis of CO2 and its Implication for Early Mars
Ueno Y, Johnson MS, Schmidt JA, Gilbert A, Kurokawa H, Usui T & Zang X
(2022) Potential Mechanisms to Synthesize Amino Acids from Nitrous Oxide and Carbon Monoxide Through Large Molecular Weight Precursor
Zang X & Ueno Y
(2019) Photochemical Synthesis of Ammonia and Glycine
Zang X & Ueno Y
(2018) Photochemical Synthesis of Ammonia and Amino Acids from Nitrous Oxide
Zang X, Kawade W & Ueno Y
(2017) Experimental Study on Synthesis of Ammonia and Organic Nitrogen Species by Photochemistry on Terrestrial Planets
Zang X, Kawade W & Ueno Y
(2017) Inflence of Redox Environment on UV Organic Synthesis
Kawade W, Ueno Y & Zang X

Zango S. (2016) Characterizing and Indexing Regolith Materials Using Geochemistry Towards Hidden Mineral Anomaly Delineation: A Case Study of Savannah Region of NW Ghana
Arhin E & Zango S

Zangooi A. (2002) Annite: Magmatic Evolution and Subsolidus Alteration in Nepheline Syenites, Mount Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
Zangooi A

Zanhle K.J. (2021) Hydrogen Escape, Earth’s Irreversible Oxidation, and the Great Oxidation Event Revisited
Catling DC, Kadoya S & Zanhle KJ

Zänker H. (2006) Influence of Colloids on Uranium Transport in Nuclear Waste Repositories and Abandoned Uranium Mines – a Critical Comparison
Zänker H, Ulrich K-U, Opel K & Brendler V
(2001) The Effect of Secondary Iron Mineral and Colloid Formation on Uranium Sorption during the Dissolution of Chlorite
Krawczyk-Bärsch EE, Arnold T, ̧ttig GH, Zänker H, Brandt F, Bosbach D & Bernhard G

Zanna S. (2017) Occurrences and Stability of Pb Precipitates in Bacterial Biofilms
Couasnon T, Gélabert A, Ona-Nguema G, Ménez B, Zanna S & Guyot F

Zannoni N. (2016) DART/Orbitrap-Hrms Molecular Characterization of Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols Generated in the SAPHIR Chamber
Bridoux MC, Schramm S, Sarda-Esteve R, Zannoni N, Gros V, Kiendler-Scharr A & Tillmann R

Zanon V. (2023) Volcanic Gas Geochemical Monitoring of the 2021 Tajogaite Eruption (La Palma, Canary Island) Reveals a CO2-rich Source for Alkaline Ocean Island Volcanism
Aiuppa A, Burton MR, Allard P, Asensio-Ramos M, La Spina A, Nicholson EJ, Pardo Cofrades A, Zanon V, Barrancos J, Bitetto M, Hartley ME, Hernandez PA, Lages J, Padrón González E, Wood KT, Hayer C, Cyrzan K, Rose-Koga EF, Schiavi F, D'Auria L & Perez Rodriguez N
(2022) Characterization of the Magma Storage System of Fogo Volcano, Cape Verde Archipelago: Insights from Fluid Inclusions in Olivine and Clinopyroxene Crystals
Lo Forte FMM, Zanon V, Aiuppa A & Rotolo SG
(2013) Magma Storage and Ascent Conditions beneath Pico and Faial Islands (Azores Islands). A Study on Fluid Inclusions
Zanon V & Frezzotti ML
(2011) Melting Condition and Evolution of Fissural Volcanism in the Island of Faial (Azores Archipelago)
Zanon V, Peccerillo A & Pacheco JM

Zanotto E. (2019) Structure-Property Relationships in Barium Silicate Glasses & Crystals: Preliminary Results
Moulton B, Sampaio D, Rodrigues A, Doerenkamp C, Silva L, Picinin A, Eckert H, Rino JP, Zanotto E & Pizani P

Zanti M. (2017) Impact of Heinrich Stadials on North-East Africa Soils during the Late Quaternary
Bastian L, Vigier N, Bayon G, Zanti M, Dufour A, Lamb H & Revel M

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