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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Yin K. (2015) Oligotrophication Results in More Ocean Acidification in a Semi-Enclosed Bay in Hong Kong
Yin K & He J
(2015) Ocean Margins as an Increasing Sink for Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Cai W-J, Laruelle G, Hu X, Yin K & Regnier P

Yin L (2006) Study of the Occurrence of Fe in Sericites of Grea Mica Mine, China
Yin L, Yichun Z & Zhen L
(2005) Ion Microprobe Carbon Isotope Analysis of Archean Microfossils?
Kaufman A, Xiao S & Yin L
(2005) Effects of Brucite on Ozonation Treatment of dye Wastewater
Yin L, Zhao B & Li Z

Yin Lu (2008) Chemical and Isotopic Approach on an Algae Bloom in the Hongfeng Lake, Southwest China
Tao F, Yin L & Piao H

Yin M. (2017) Geochemical Transfer of Thallium in a Sediment Profile from the Pearl River, China and its Source Apportionment by Lead Isotope
Liu J, Wang J, Chen Y, Xiao T, Belshaw NS, Bao Z, Luo X, Yin M, Zhang R & Lin Y

Yin Nang (2016) Experimental Dissolution of Lithogenic Material into Freshwater and Seawater
Estrade N, Fabre S, Quitté G, Zambardi T, Yin N, Cloquet C, Probst A & Jeandel C

Yin Nang Htay (2013) Study of Pb Isotopic Compositions during Metallurgical Slags Leaching Experiments
Yin NH, Sivry Y, Lens P & van Hullebusch E
(2013) δ66Zn Values: An Isotopic Tool for Comprehension of Metallurgical Slags Weathering
Yin NH, Sivry Y, Lens P & van Hullebusch E

Yin Nang-Htay (2017) Tungsten Isotope Fractionation during Co-precipitation (Calcite, Scheelite) and Adsorption (Goethite)
Yin N-H, Quitté G & Fabre S
(2017) Disturbance of the Hf-W Systematics during Alteration Processes
Quitté G, Fabre S, Breton T & Yin NH

Yin P. (2020) Revisit the Provenance and Weathering Intensity Registerted in the Red River Estuarine Sediments
Duan Z, Li C, Guo Y, Ng NCW, Yang S, Duan X, Yin P & Vuong BV
(2017) The Use of Redox Sensitive Elements in Revealing Sedimentary History of Spreading Hypoxia off the Changjiang Estuary: Applicability and Possible Limitations
Wu Y, Fan D, Yin P & Hu Y

Yin Q (2005) Tungsten Self-Diffusion: Constraints on the Core Formation Timescale
Jacobsen B, Yin Q, Tinker D & Lesher C
(2004) From Dust to Planets: Reading the Chemical Code
Yin Q
(2003) Hf-W and I-Xe Ages and the Planetary Formation Timescale
Yin Q & Ozima M
(2000) Supernova Isotopic Signatures in Carbonaceous Chondrites: Implications for CHUR Parameters
Yin Q & Jacobsen S
(2000) Plasma Centrifuge and Isotopic Fractionation in MC-ICP-MS
Yin Q & Lee C
(2000) The Role of Lithospheric Mantle in Continent Stability: Re-Os Isotopic Mapping of the Upper Mantle in Southwestern USA
Lee C, Yin Q, Rudnick R & Jacobsen S

Yin Q-Z (2006) Standard Model and Chronology of the Early Solar System Evolution
Yin Q-Z
(2006) Magnesium Isotopic Fractionation in Chlorophyll-a
Black JR, Yin Q-Z & Casey WH
(2006) Remnant iron oxide/sulfide mattes from a Hadean magma ocean at the core-mantle boundary: insights from a small scale post-Archean analog
Lee C-T, Lenardic A, Thiagarajan N, Agranier A, O'Neill C & Yin Q-Z

Yin Qin (2010) Organic and Elemental Sulfur Impact on the Gases and Carbon Isotopic Composition of Heavy Oil-Cracking
Yin Q & Song Z
(2009) Comparison Study of Sulfur and TSR Impact on the Gases and Carbon Isotopic Composition of Crude Oil Cracking
Song ZG, Yin Q, Liu JZ & Wang SB

Yin Qing-Zhu (2023) Late Neoproterozoic Large-Scale Magmatism in the Northern Margin of South China Craton and its Impact on Marinoan Glaciation
Lan Z, Huyskens M, Le Hir G, Mitchell RN, Yin Q-Z, Zhang G & Li X-H
(2022) Fractionation of Zn Isotopes by Post Accretion Volatile Loss from the Moon
Wimpenny J, Render J, Sio CKI, Borg LE, Sanborn M, Yin Q-Z & Huyskens M
(2022) How do I and Pu Partition during Core Formation? Constraints from First-Principles Molecular Dynamics and Implications
Liu W, Zhang Y, Tissot FLH, Avice G & Yin Q-Z
(2018) Experimental Determination of Zn Isotope Fractionation during Evaporation
Wimpenny J, Marks N, Knight K, Rolison J, Ryerson R, Badro J, Sanborn M, Huyskens M & Yin Q-Z
(2017) Novel Metalorganic Compounds Revealed in Meteorites
Ruf A, Kanawati B, Yin Q-Z, Moritz F, Harir M, Lucio M, Shilobreeva S, Gabelica Z, Gougeon RD, Quirico E, Haack H, Gonsior M, Jenniskens P, Hinman NW & Schmitt-Kopplin P
(2017) Was 26Al Heterogeneously Distributed in the Early Solar System?
Yin Q-Z, Sanborn M, Huyskens M & Amelin Y
(2016) U Isotopic Composition of Allende Chondrules and Implications for Pb-Pb Geochronology
Huyskens MH, Yin Q-Z, Sanborn ME, Amelin Y, Merle R & Yamashita K
(2016) Mn-Cr Chronology of Vesta and Other Vestoids
Sanborn M & Yin Q-Z
(2016) Fractionation of Radiogenic Pb Isotopes Induced by Acid Leaching: A Pervasive Phenomenon in Pb-Isotopic Dating of Meteorites
Amelin Y, Yin Q, Koefoed P, Merle R, Huyskens M & Iizuka T
(2016) Dating the Earth-Like Reservoir Formation in the Solar Nebula with Enstatite Chondrite
Yin Q-Z, Gaidos E, Sanborn M & Li S
(2016) Cr and O Isotope Systematics in Carbonaceous Chondrite Chondrules
Defouilloy C, Sanborn M, Yamakawa A, Kita N, Ebel D & Yin Q
(2016) Ti-Cr-O Isotope Systematics and the Dichotomy of Planetary Materials
Williams C, Sanborn M & Yin Q-Z
(2015) Mg and Cr Isotope Systematics of Allende CAIs
Yamashita K, Wimpenny J, Sanborn M & Yin Q-Z
(2014) Branching Ratios in VUV Induced Dissociation of CO and N2: Implications for Isotopic Compositions of the Sun
Shi X, Yin Q-Z, Gao H, Chang Y-C, Jackson WM, Wiens RC & Ng C-Y
(2014) Elemental Comparison of Sutter's Mill and Murchison
Cahill T, Barberie S & Yin Q-Z
(2014) The Behaviour of Mg Isotopes during the Formation of Clay Minerals
Wimpenny J, Colla C, Yin Q-Z, Rustad J & Casey W
(2014) Understanding Temporal and Spatial Geochemical and Isotopic Variations in a Large Silicic Volcanic Center, Taupo Volcanic Zone, NZ
Rubin A, Cooper K, Wimpenny J & Yin Q-Z
(2014) Al-Mg and Mn-Cr Systematics in CAIs from NWA 4502
Wimpenny J, Sanborn M, Yin Q-Z, Yamakawa A, Sapah M, Ireland T, Stirling C, Cooke I & Krot A
(2014) 53Mn-53Cr Systematics of Unique Achondrite Northwest Africa 6704
Sanborn M, Yamakawa A, Yin Q-Z, Wimpenny J, Amelin Y & Irving AJ
(2014) Δ17O-ε54Cr Systematics as a Forensic Tool for Investigating Isotopic Domains in the Early Solar System
Sanborn M, Yin Q-Z, Yamakawa A, Irving AJ & Amelin Y
(2014) Calcium-Isotope Fractionation between Solution and Solids with Six, Seven, or Eight Oxygens Bound to Ca(II)
Colla C, Wimpenny J, Yin Q-Z, Rustad J & Casey W
(2014) Light Elements in the Core and their Constraints on the Timing of the Moon-Forming Giant Impact
Yin Q-Z & Zhang Y
(2014) Missing Pb, High 3He/4He, Ancient Sulfides and Continental Formation
Huang S, Lee C-T & Yin Q-Z
(2013) Mg Isotope Evidence for Early Dolomite Formation in a Marinoan Cap Carbonate
Shen B, Wimpenny J, Yin Q-Z, Lee C-T, Xiao S & Zhou C
(2013) Magmatic Evolution at Yellowstone: The Role of Isotopically Juvenile Magma Inferred from Zircon Age, Trace-Element, and Hf Isotope Data
Stelten M, Cooper K, Vazquez J, Wimpenny J & Yin Q-Z
(2013) Allende Chondrule Chronology Revisited: Eroding Age Gap between CAIs and Chondrules
Yin Q-Z, Yamakawa A, Sanborn M & Yamashita K
(2013) Can Diffusion Cause Discrepant Lu-Hf Isochrons in Meteorites?
Debaille V, Yin Q-Z & Amelin Y
(2013) Geological History of 4-Vesta: 26Al-26Mg Dating on Eucrites and Diogenites
Hublet G, Debaille V, Wimpenny J & Yin Q-Z
(2012) Light Elements in the Core and Equilibration Degree with Silicate Mantle: Perspective from First-Principles Molecular Dynamics
Zhang Y & Yin Q-Z
(2012) The Last Stages of Terrestrial Planet Formation: Dynamical Friction and the Late Veneer
Schlichting H, Warren P & Yin Q-Z
(2012) Stagnant-Lid Tectonics in Early Earth Revealed by 142Nd Variations in Late Archean Rocks
Debaille V, O'Neill C, Brandon A, Haenecour P, Yin Q-Z, Mattielli N & Treiman A
(2012) Compositional Heterogeneity within the Yellowstone Magma Reservoir: Insight from Zircon Age, Trace-Element, and Hf-Isotopic Analyses
Stelten M, Cooper K, Vazquez J, Wimpenny J, Barfod G & Yin Q-Z
(2011) Emplacement of Passive Margin Sediments into Deep Crustal Hot Zones of Continental Arcs: Interplay of Tectonic and Magmatic Thickening in the Formation of Continental Crust
Chin E, Lee C-T, Tollstrup D, Xie L, Wimpenny J & Yin Q
(2011) Experimental Test of the CO Self-Shielding Model for the Early Solar System's Oxygen Isotope Evolution
Shi X, Yin Q-Z, Luo Z, Huang H & Ng C-Y
(2011) Critical Review of Hf-W and U-Pb Clocks for Terrestrial Core Formation
Yin Q-Z, Lee C-T, Blichert-Toft J & Albarède F
(2011) Tracing Changes in the East Asian Monsoon Using the Mg Isotope Record in a Loess-Paleosol Sequence from Luochuan, China
Wimpenny J, Yin Q-Z, Tollstrup D, Xie L-W & Sun J
(2011) The Great Volatile Delivery to Earth
Albarède F, Ballhaus C, Lee C-T, Yin Q-Z & Blichert-Toft J
(2011) Copper Systematics in Arc Magmas and Implications for the Origin of Continents, the Pb-Paradox, and Copper Porphyry Deposits
Lee C-T, Chin E, Bouchet R, Luffi P, Dasgupta R, Morton D, le Roux V, Yin Q-Z, Albarède F & Blichert-Toft J
(2010) Iron Isotope Fractionation in the Lower Mantle
Rustad J & Yin Q-Z
(2009) NanoSIMS Investigation of 36Cl-36S Systematics in the Early Solar System
Jacobsen B, Matzel J, Hutcheon I, Ramon E, Krot A, Ishii H, Nagashima K & Yin Q-Z
(2009) 53Mn-53Cr Evidence for Allende Chondrule Formation at 4567.6 Ma
Yin Q-Z, Yamashita K, Yamakawa A, Jacobsen B, Ebel D, Hutcheon I & Nakamura E
(2009) Quantifying the Roles of Igneous Differentiation and Chemical Weathering on the Formation of Continental Crust
Lee C-T, Shen B, Jacobsen B, Yin Q-Z, Morton D, Horodyskyj U, Little M & Leeman W
(2008) Toward Understanding Early Earth Evolution: Prescription for Approach from Terrestrial Noble Gases and Light Elements Records in Lunar Soils
Ozima M, Yin Q-Z, Podosek F & Miura Y
(2008) Isotopic and Elemental Constraints on the First 100 Myr of Earth History
Yin Q-Z & Antognini J
(2008) The Age, Duration, and Depth of a Turbulent Magma Ocean in Mars
Debaille V, Brandon AD, Yin Q-Z & Jacobsen B
(2008) Dating the First Stage of Planet Formation via Mn-Cr Chronometry
Moynier F, Yin Q-Z & Jacobsen B
(2008) Ephemeral Evaporation History of the First Solids in the Early Solar System
Jacobsen B, Yin Q-Z, Moynier F, Amelin Y, Krot A, Nagashima K & Hutcheon I
(2008) Testing “Self-Shielding” Model for the Early Solar Nebula with Laboratory Experiment
Chang C, Yin Q-Z & Ng C-Y
(2007) Accretion and Early Differentiation History of the Earth Based on Extinct and Long-Lived Chronometers
Jacobsen S, Ranen M, Petaev M, Remo J & Yin Q
(2007) Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Isotopic Study of Martian Meteorites: Implications for Early Differentiation on Mars
Debaille V, Yin Q-Z, Brandon AD & Jacobsen B
(2002) 182Hf-182W in Meteorites and the Timescale for Planetary Formation
Yin Q-Z, Jacobsen SB, Yamashita K, Blichert-Toft J, Telouk P & Albarede F
(2002) 182Hf-182W, Accretion of the Earth and Origin of the Moon
Jacobsen S & Yin Q

Yin Qiuzhen (2015) Evidence of Pedogenesis in Late Pleistocene Volcanic Ash Deposits in Ecuador
Opfergelt S, Delmelle P, Duhain C, de Potter d'Indoye A, Vera R, Yin Q, Guevara A & de la Torre E

Yin R. (2023) Mercury (Hg) Isotope Evidence for Enhanced Importance of Terrestrial Hg to the Global Ocean during the Early Jurassic Oceanic Anoxic Event (Toarcian OAE)
Zheng X, Percival L, Yin R, Al Suwaidi A, Storm M, Ruhl M, Xu W, Hesselbo SP & Jenkyns HC
(2023) Mercury Isotope Constraints on the Timing of Intrusive-Extrusive Magmatism during the End-Triassic Mass Extinction
Hua X, Yin R, Kemp DB, Huang C & Shen J
(2022) Interpreting Variability in Hg Concentrations and Hg-Isotopes Across Intervals of Large-Scale Volcanism: A Case Study from the End-Triassic
Hua X, Kemp DB, Yin R, Shen J, Jin X, Song Y & Huang C
(2021) Fish Muscle and Liver Mercury Isotope Ratios Reveal Anthropogenically Influenced Estuaries
Jung S, Kwon SY, Lee H & Yin R
(2021) Spatiotemporal Characterization of Mercury Isotope Baselines and Anthropogenic Influences in Lake Sediment Cores
Lee JH, Kwon SY, Yin R, Motta LM, Kurz AY & Nam S-I
(2018) Toarcian Mercury Anomalies Record Terrestrial Disturbance Rather Than Volcanic Activity
Them T, Jagoe C, Gill B, Caruthers A, Grasby S, Gröcke D, Yin R & Owens J
(2017) An Analysis of Variability in the Methylmercury Burden of Marine Mammals Using Stable Mercury Isotopes
Li M, Juang A, Ewald J, Mikkelsen B, Yin R, Krabbenhoft D, Dam M, Dassuncao C & Sunderland E

Yin S. (2017) Textures and High Field Strength Elements in Hydrothermal Magnetite from a Skarn System: Implications for Coupled Dissolution-Reprecipitation Reactions
Yin S & Ma C

Yin W. (2017) Green Rust Synthesis and Reactivity Towards Dehalogenation in Presence of Glycine
Yin W, Huang L, Pedersen EB, Frandsen C, Strobel BW & Hansen HCB

Yin X (2005) Uranium Hydrogeochemistry of the Hanford Caliche Layer
Mayes M, Pace M, Fendorf S, Jardine P & Yin X

Yin Xiangping (2020) Isotope Exchange between Dissolved Elemental Hg(0), Inorganic Hg(II), and Hg(II)-bound to Organic Ligands and Environmental Implications
Gu B, Wang Q, Zhang L, Liang X, Yin X, Lu X, Zheng W & Pierce E
(2018) Characterization of Iron Oxide Biofilms from Arctic Tundra Air-Water Interfaces
Jubb A, Eskelsen J, Yin X, Zheng J, Philben M, Pierce E, Graham D, Wullschleger S & Gu B
(2010) Methylmercury Production by Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ND132: Influences of Natural Organic Matter and Growth Stage
Biswas A, Brooks S, Miller C, Southworth G, Mosher J, Drake M & Yin X

Yin Xiaofei (2015) New Insight into Emiliania huxleyi Coccosphere Formation
Hoffmann R, Yin X, Kirchlechner C, Alexa P, Ziegler A, Kelm K, Wochnik AS, Langer G, Scheu C, Griesshaber E & Schmahl WW

Yin Xin (2020) Determining the Speciation of Reactive Iron Mineral Coatings in Redox Transition Zones with Sequential Extraction
Yin X, Hua H & Axe L
(2018) Determining Reactive Iron Mineral Contributions in Redox Transition Zones with Sequential Extraction
Yin X, Hua H & Axe L
(2018) Reactive Iron Mineral Coatings in Redox Transition Zones
Hua H, Yin X & Axe L

Yin Xinya (2012) Theoretical Calculations of Equilibrium Clumped Isotope Signatures Beyond Harmonic Approximations
Liu Q, Yin X & Liu Y

Yin Xinya (2015) Theoretical Calculation of 13C-D Clumped Isotope Effects in Methyl of Several Organic Compounds
Liu Q, Yin X & Liu Y

Yin Xinya (2016) Theoretical Calculation of Position-Specific Carbon Isotope Fractionation of Several Organic Compounds
Liu Q, Yin X & Liu Y

Yin Xinya (2018) Theoretical Calculation of Position-Specific Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation of Several Organic Compounds
Liu Q, Yin X & Liu Y

Yin Xuiran (2017) Microbial Interactions with Crystalline Iron Oxides Under Varying Temperature Conditions
Aromokeye DA, Kulkarni A, Oni OE, Yin X, Richter-Heitmann T, Kasten S & Friedrich MW

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