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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Yao Xiaomei (2009) Geochemistry of Tertiary Period Basalt from the Middle Tanlu Fault (Eastern China) and Its Relation with Formation of Corundum Megaphenocryst
Yu X, Yao X & Han P

Yao XiZhi (2015) Carbonate Mineralization of Bischofite Under a Mild Condition
Yao X, Zhu C & Zhao L

Yao Xizhi (2020) The Marcasite-Pyrite Transformation: The Roles of Water Vapor, Trace Elements, and Grain Size
Yao X, Xia F, Deditius A, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Pearce M & Pring A
(2016) A Pilot Study on Utilizing Mg-Bearing Minerals from Salt Lakes For CO2 Storage
Wang H, Zhu C, Yao X & Zhao L

Yao Xuying (2014) Distribution and Chemical Speciation of Phosphorus in Surface Sediments of the Central Pacific Ocean
Ni J, Guo L, Lin P, Zhen Y & Yao X

Yao Y (2003) Intrusion-Hosted PGE Mineralization in the Sichuan Province, China
Yao Y & Viljoen M
(2000) U-Th Disequilibrium Studies of Historic Potassic Alkali Basalts in NE China
Zou H, Reid M, Liu Y & Yao Y

Yao Y. P. (2001) Dehydration Melting of Phengite during Early Stage Exhumation of Coesite Eclogites: Taohang, Sulu Ultrahigh-Pressure Terrane, Eastern China
Ye K, Liu JB, Yao YP, Cong BL & Wang QC

Yao Yiming (2023) Identification of Novel Organophosphate Flame Retardants and Plasticizers Released from a Plastic Recycling Industrial Park Using Target and Nontarget Analysis
Yao Y
(2023) Dysregulation of Steroid Metabolome in Follicular Fluid Links Phthalate Exposure to Diminished Ovarian Reserve of Childbearing-Age Women
Li Y, Xiao N, Liu M, Liu Y, He A, Wang L, Luo H, Yao Y & Sun H
(2020) The Contribution of Short Chain PFCAs and Unknown PFASs to Total Organic Fluorine in Environmental Samples
Sun H, Wang B, Chen H & Yao Y

Yao Yongxiang (2023) The Varying Contribution of the Subducted Slab on the Heterogeneous Mantle Source for Boninite, Evidence from Iron Isotope Variations
Xiao Y, Yao Y, Huang Z & Li Y

Yao Yu-Kai (2017) Geology and Zircon U-Pb Ages of the Jiamusi-Khanka and Adjacent Blocks in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt
Ren L-D, Wang Y-B, Yang C-H, Wang J-M, Li M, Li C & Yao Y-K

Yao Yuanzhi (2020) Relative Impacts of Global Changes and Regional Watershed Changes on the Inorganic Carbon Balance of the Chesapeake Bay
St-Laurent P, Friedrichs M, Najjar R, Shadwick E, Tian H, Yao Y & Stets E

Yao Yun (2013) Evidence for the Microbial in situ Conversion of Oil to Methane in the Dagang Oilfield
Jimenez N, Cai M, Straaten N, Morris B, Yao Y, Richnow H-H & Krüger M

Yao Yupeng (2014) The Initiation of EARTHTIME-Cn
He H, Chen W, Chu Z, Yao Y & Wang C

Yao Zhihua (2011) Geochemistry and Metallogenesis of Fluid in Liuju Sandstone-Bound Copper Deposit, Dayao, Yunnan, China
Zou H, Han R, Yao Z & Liu M
(2009) Geochemical Info of Trace Elements for the Ore-Forming Process of Ore-Body 59 in the Shifengshan Copper Deposit, Yimen, Yunnan, China
Zou H, Han R & Yao Z

Yao Zhuosen (2022) Modelling the Origins of Finger-Like Chonoliths in lip Plumbing Systems
Yao Z, Mungall J & Ernst RE

Yapan Bathuan C. (2020) Active Metal-Cycling Microbial Communities of Polymetallic Nodules from the Eastern Pacific Ocean
Otte JM, Yapan BC, Volz J, Jannsen F, Molari M & Wenzhöfer F

Yapan Batuhan Cagri (2021) Baseline Variability of Benthic Activity in the Clarion Clipperton Fracture Zone as the Basis to Assess Environmental Impacts of Deep-Sea Mining
Janssen F, Boetius A, Haeckel M, Molari M, Wenzhöfer F & Yapan BC
(2021) Biomass and Activity of Microbial Assemblages Associated with Polymetallic Nodules and Implications for the Carbon Cycle
Molari M, Yapan BC, Otte JM, Janssen F, Wenzhöfer F, Haeckel M & Boetius A
(2021) Benthic Microbial Diversity and Connectivity in Potential Polymetallic Nodule Mining Areas
Yapan BC, Molari M, Otte JM, Janssen F, Wenzhöfer F, Haeckel M & Boetius A

Yapaskurt Valilii (2011) Decarbonation of Subducting Slab at Subarc Depth: Experimental Modeling
Perchuk A, Korepanova O & Yapaskurt V

Yapaskurt Vasily (2023) Uranium Oxides Structural Transformation in Human Body Liquids
Poliakova T, Krot A, Trigub A, Nevolin I, Averin A, Yapaskurt V, Vlasova IE, Matveev P & Kalmykov S
(2019) Carbonate-Bearing Source of Fluids in Leucocratic Granitoids Associated with Granulites of the Southern Marginal Zone, Limpopo Complex, South Africa: A Case of Study of Carbonate-Silicate Inclusions in Garnet
Mityaev A, Safonov O, Yapaskurt V, Varlamov D, Shcherbakov V, van Reenen D, Belyanin G & Elburg M
(2019) Subisobaric Cooling of Mafic Xenoliths from the Udachnaya Kimberlite Pipe, Siberia
Sapegina A, Perchuk A, Safonov O, Yapaskurt V, Shatsky V & Malkovets V
(2016) Experimental Modeling of Slab-Mantle Interaction Under UHP Conditions
Yapaskurt V, Perchuk A & Shur M
(2014) Boron Isotopes in Tourmaline of the Darasun Gold District, Transbaikal Region, Russia
Baksheev I, Prokofiev V, Trumbull RB, Wiedenbeck M & Yapaskurt V

Yapp C. (2014) 18O/16O and D/H of Miocene Age Pedogenic CID Goethite
Yapp C & Shuster D
(2010) Latest Miocene-Pliocene Arctic Environmental Conditions Recorded in the Stable Isotope Composition of (U-Th)/He-Dated Goethite from Axel Heiberg Island
Yapp C & Shuster D

Yapparova A. (2021) Hydrothermal Alteration as Source for Vein Quartz in a Fossil Geothermal System in SW Iceland
Yapparova A, Kulik DA, Miron GD & Driesner T
(2017) Reactive Transport Modelling of Alteration Assemblages at Butte Magmatic-Hydrothermal System
Yapparova A, Miron G-D, Kosakowski G & Driesner T
(2015) A New CSMP++GEM Reactive Transport Code
Yapparova A, Gabellone T, Whitaker F, Kulik D & Matthai S

Yarar O.S. (2011) New Geochemical and Geochronological Constraints for the Origin of Orhaneli-Dursunbey Volcanic Rocks, NW Anatolia (Turkey)
Yarar OS, Kamaci O & Altunkaynak S

Yarden B. (2020) Major and Trace Element Settling and Burial Fluxes in the Gulf of Aqaba, Northern Red Sea
Torfstein A, Kienast S, Tirosh O & Yarden B

Yardley B. (2019) Preliminary Constraints on the Temperature of Hydrothermal Carbonatite REE Mineralisation Using O Isotope Thermometry
Broom-Fendley S, Yardley B, Cangelosi D & Newton R
(2017) Influence of Hydrothemral Activity on the Final REE Minerlisation at the Okorusu Carbonatite Complex, Namibia
Cangelosi D, Banks D, Yardley B & Smith M
(2017) Uplift Metamorphism and Late Orogenic Fluids in the Upper Crust
Yardley B
(2014) Controls on Fluid Chemistry in Natural Systems
Yardley B & Banks D
(2014) Dissolution of K-Feldspar at CO2-Saturated Conditions
Rosenqvist J, Kilpatrick A, Yardley B & Rochelle C
(2012) Mineral Dissolution Kinetics Under Conditions Relevant to Geological Storage
Kilpatrick A, Rosenqvist J & Yardley B
(2012) Kinetics of Ca-Na Ion Exchange, Induced by CO2-driven Acid Dissolution of Carbonate Minerals
Rosenqvist J & Yardley B
(2012) Segregation Processes in Metamorphism: The Role of Nucleation
Yardley B, Schettler G & Heinrich W
(2011) Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in Aqueous Fluids at Subcritical Pressure: Testing the Models
Rosenqvist J, Kilpatrick A & Yardley B
(2011) Rates and Mechanisms of Hydration in Crystalline Crust
Yardley B, Nabein H-P & Heinrich W
(2010) Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in Rock-Buffered Aqueous Fluids
Rosenqvist J, Rochelle C & Yardley B
(2009) Silicate Dissolution Kinetics Under Acid Conditions: Applications to CO2 Sequestration
Allan M & Yardley B
(2008) Sedimentary Brines in Ore Deposits and Basement Rocks
Yardley B & Banks D
(2008) Seafloor Hydrothermal Fluid Evolution: A Fluid Inclusion Study
Morgan S, McCaig A, Yardley B & Cann J
(2007) Extreme Fractionation of Low Salinity Magmatic Fluids
Yardley B, Banks D & Vry V
(2006) Calcium variation in formation waters from petroleum reservoirs
Houston S & Yardley B
(2006) Origin of Mixed Brine-Sulphide Inclusion Trails from Broken Hill New South Wales Investigated by LA-ICP-MS
Williams P, Fisher L, Yardley B & Forbes L
(2005) Hydrothermal Processes in a Breccia-Hosted Au Deposit
Allan M & Yardley B
(2005) The Solubility of Quartz in Chloride Solutions at 400o-800℃ and 0.1-0.9<!s><$>GPa
Shmulovich K, Yardley B & Graham C
(2004) Microanalysis of Low Salinity Ore Fluids by LA-ICP-MS
Allan M, Yardley B, Forbes L & Banks D
(2004) Geochemical Continuity of Crustal Fluids
Yardley B
(2001) Continuous and Episodic Fluid Flow in Regional Metamorphism
Yardley BWD
(2000) Tracking Brines in Crustal Processes
Banks D & Yardley B

Yardley E. (2014) Detection of of Biological Impacts on Serpentinite Weathering on Earth and Potentially Other Planetary Systems
Olsen A, Taylor A, Hausrath E, Negrich K & Yardley E
(2012) Biogeochemical Weathering of Serpentinite in Field and Laboratory Studies
Negrich K, Baumeister J, Yardley E, MacRae J, Hausrath E & Olsen A
(2012) Using Laboratory-Derived Mineral Dissolution Rates to Test Biogeochemical Weathering in the Field
Olsen A, Hausrath E, Yardley E, Bodkin M, Baumeister J & Negrich K

Yardley S. (2023) Development of Multiple- Ion Counting to Measure Isotope Ratios at the Picogram Level
Palacz ZA, Hockley M, Yardley S & Guilfoyle S
(2020) Bridging the Gap between Faraday Cup and Ion Counting Measurements – A Faraday Detector with the Equivalent Noise Performance of a 1014 Ω Resistor Amplifier
Yardley S, Volkovoy V, Hockley M, Tootell D & Palacz Z
(2018) High Precision Measurement of Isotope Ratios Using Faraday Collectors with ATONA Amplifiers
Hockley M, Palacz Z & Yardley S

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