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(2020) Bridging the Gap between Faraday Cup and Ion Counting Measurements – A Faraday Detector with the Equivalent Noise Performance of a 1014 Ω Resistor Amplifier

Yardley S, Volkovoy V, Hockley M, Tootell D & Palacz Z


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06n: Room 2, Wednesday 24th June 08:27 - 08:30

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by Yuri Amelin on Wednesday 24th June 06:00
Great development. If I understand correctly, your current system includes one Faraday cup behind the focal plane that is connected with Zeptona electrometer. What is the prospect of building a system with several such electrometers? Do you expect that the mechanism of cup movement would be the dominant source of noise for such a system? Would it be advantageous to put it in a mass spectrometer with fixed cups and variable dispersion (zoom lens)?

Submitted by Bryant Ware on Wednesday 24th June 07:20
Very fascinating how technology is advancing. Would this be something where gains are seen most specifically in the U-Pb system or would this be widely obtained when other isotope systems are measured?

Submitted by Hauke Vollstaedt on Wednesday 24th June 08:16
Shaun, could you comment on the temperature and temperature stability of the Atona/Zeptona detector housing? What is the requirement for getting stable baselines, gains and measurement precision?

Submitted by Charles Magee on Wednesday 24th June 14:49
Do you have linearity issues when charged up to high voltages due to changes in ghost capacitance and or electrostatic flexure in components?

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