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Yamashita Katsuyuki (2022) Geochemistry of the Upper Triassic (Carnian) Oceanic Basalts in the Jurassic Accretionary Complex of Japan, and their Relationship with Wrangellia LIP Magmatism
Kandabashi T, Yamashita K, Kawakami K & Onoue T
(2022) Enhanced Continental Weathering in the NW Tethys during the End-Triassic Mass Extinction
Onoue T, Michalík J, Shirozu H, Yamashita M, Yamashita K, Kusaka S & Soda K

Yamashita Koudai (2016) Paleoceanographic Changes Inferred from Organic Matter Sedimentary Record in the Northeastern Arabian Sea over the Past 110, 000 Years
Murayama M, Yamashita K & Harada N

Yamashita Mamiko (2007) Adsorption and Coprecipitation Behaviors of Platinum(II) Complex Ions and with Manganese(IV) Dioxide and Manganese(II) Hydroxide: Model Reactions for the Concentration Mechanism of Platinum into Oceanic Manganese Nodule
Yamashita M, Taniguchi T, Okaue Y, Takahashi Y & Yokoyama T

Yamashita Masahiro (2016) Estimation of Evaporation Rate and Temperature for Water Using Hydrogen and Oxygen Stable Isotopic Ratios
Ii H & Yamashita M

Yamashita Mikiya (2016) Hydration of the Incoming Oceanic Plate Owing to the Bending-Related Faulting and its Regional Variation
Fujie G, Kodaira S, Kaiho Y, Sato T, Takahashi N, Yamashita M, Yamamoto Y & Takahashi T

Yamashita Misa (2022) Enhanced Continental Weathering in the NW Tethys during the End-Triassic Mass Extinction
Onoue T, Michalík J, Shirozu H, Yamashita M, Yamashita K, Kusaka S & Soda K

Yamashita Mitsuo (2017) Bioremediation of Radioactive Strontium Contaminated Sea Water by Biogenic Ca-Carbonate
Horiike T, Dotsuta Y, Nakano Y, Utsunomiya S, Kozai N, Ohnuki T, Hriljac J & Yamashita M

Yamashita N. (2016) Temporal and Spatial Variation of Transboundary Transported Anthropogenic Sulfur Deposition in Japan by Using Sulfur Isotopic Ratio
Inomata Y, Saito T, Yamashita N, Morohashi M, Sase H, Ohizumi T, Katsuyuki T & Nakagomi K
(2016) Accurate Quantification of Atmospheric Nitrate in Stream Water Eluted from a Small Forested Watershed Using Triple Oxygen Isotopic Composition
Obata Y, Ando K, Ohyama T, Nakagawa F, Tsunogai U, Yamashita N, Saito T & Sase H

Yamashita Sayuri (2016) Chondrule Flattening of MET01072 CM Chondrite: Possible Evidence for Long-Duration Slow Impact
Nakamura T, Matsuoka M, Yamashita S, Sato Y, Nakato A, Uesugi M, Miyahara M & Uesugi K

Yamashita Shigeru (2020) Verification and Correction of Matrix Effect on Water Concentration of Volcanic Glasses by SIMS
Shimizu K, Ushikubo T, Kuritani T, Hirano N & Yamashita S
(2010) Structure and Properties of Silicate-Saturated Fluids in the System Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O Determined in situ at High Temperature and Pressure
Yamashita S & Mysen B
(2010) Speciation and Solubility of Reduced C-O-H Fluids in Coexisting Fluids and Silicate Melts Determined in situ to 1.45 GPa and 800˚C
Mysen B, Yamashita S & Fogel M
(2008) From N2 to NHx Groups in Silicate Melts Governed by fH2 at High Pressure and Temperature
Mysen B, Yamashita S & Chertkova N
(2007) Evidence for Dry Mantle Transition Zone from the Electrical Conductivity of Wadsleyite
Manthilake MAGM, Matsuzaki T, Yoshino T, Yamashita S, Ito E & Katsura T
(2003) Water Speciation in Sodium Silicate Melts: Constraints from High Temperature IR Spectroscopy
Yamashita S, Behrens H & Holtz F
(2003) The Effect of Sulfate Sulfur on the Structure of Na2O-SiO2 Glasses: A 29Si MAS NMR, Raman and FT-Ir Study
Tsujimura T, Xue X, Walter M, Yamashita S & Kanzaki M

Yamashita Shuji (2020) Elemental Analysis of Individual Nanograins in Meteorites by ICP-TOF-MS
Nakazato M, Yamashita S & Hirata T

Yamashita T. (2003) Silicate Dust Crystallization Around Low-Mass Young Stars
Honda M, Kataza H, Okamoto K, Miyata T, Yamashita T & Sako S

Yamashita Y (2006) In situ production of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the ocean interior.
Yamashita Y & Tanoue E
(2003) Is Amino Acid-Containing Dissolved Organic Matter Molecularly Different between Surface and Deep Seawaters
Yamashita Y & Tanoue E

Yamashita Yohei (2014) Various Alkylpyridine Homologs in the Murchison Meteorite
Naraoka H & Yamashita Y

Yamashita Yoriko (2019) Diversity of Microbial Arsenic and Antimony Transformation Pathways Associated with Antimony Mine Tailing
Hamamura N, Yamashita Y, Kataoka T & Mitsunobu S

Yamashita Yuji (2011) Effects of pH and Coexisting Ions on Hydrodynamic Size of Various Humic Substances Evaluated by Flow Field Flow Fractionation
Yamashita Y, Tanaka S, Nagasaki S & Saito T

Yamasoe M. (2011) On the Variability of Aerosol Intensive Optical Properties over South America
Rosario N, Yamasoe M & Longo K

Yamatani Y. (2003) Arsenic Behavior in the Modern Sediments and the Controlling Factors of its Release into Groundwater
Masuda H, Mitamura M, Yamatani Y, Sato T & Tane T

Yamato P. (2013) Calculated P-T Paths for the Blueschist-Facies Metapelites from the Ile de Groix (France)
Centrella S, Ballèvre M, Pitra P & Yamato P

Yamauchi N (2003) The Minimum Prerequisite of the Primordial Membrane – The Function of Liposome Made from the C-20 Isoprenoidal Lipids
Yamauchi N, Suzuki T, Kubo Y & Murae T

Yamauchi Noriaki (2016) Possibility of Existence of Unrevealed (New) Halophilic Archaea in Halite or Ancient Hypersaline Environment
Yamauchi N

Yamauchi R. (2011) Seasonal and Temporal Variations of Uranium Isotope Ratio in Atmospheric Deposits in Japan
Kikawada Y, Yamauchi R, Nomura M, Oi T & Hirose K
(2009) Depleted Uranium found in Japanese Reference Fallout Material for Activity Measurements
Kikawada Y, Oda K, Yamauchi R, Nomura M, Honda T, Hirose K & Oi T

Yamauchi T. (2003) Variation in Concentrations of Gases Dissolved in Groundwater at Toyohashi Station in Tokai Area, Japan and Neighboring Seismic Activity
Koizumi N, Takahashi M, Kitagawa Y, Yamauchi T & Igarashi G

Yamazaki A. (2013) A 150-Year Variation of Kuroshio Transport Detected by the Nitrate δ15N Records in Coral Skeletons
Yamazaki A, Watanabe T, Tsunogai U, Iwase F & Yamano H
(2013) Corals at Volcanic Island of Satsuma Iwo-Jima: Implication for a New Proxy of Hydrothermal Events and Biological Adaptation
Watanabe T, Kamimura K, Yamazaki A, Le Guern F & Kiyokawa S

Yamazaki Dai (2022) The Importance of Hydrology in Routing Terrestrial Carbon to the Atmosphere via Global Streams and Rivers
Liu S, Kuhn C, Amatulli G, Aho K, Butman D, Allen G, Lin P, Pan M, Yamazaki D, Brinkerhoff C, Gleason C, Xia X & Raymond P

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